18th century Wills - Langham Village History Group

18th century Wills - Langham Village History Group

18th century Wills - Langham Village History Group


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Richard Fracy – 1710Northampton Record Office : V264Transcribed by Caroline & Nigel Webb - <strong>Langham</strong> <strong>Village</strong> <strong>History</strong> <strong>Group</strong>In the name of God amen the Ninth day of August September and according to the computationof the Church of England 1710: I Richard Fracy of <strong>Langham</strong> in the County of Rutland Husbandmanbeing sicke and weake in Body but of Sound minde and perfect Rememebrance Praise thereforebee given to God for the Same doo make and ordaine this my Last Will and Testamt: in mannerand forme following (That is to say) First and Principally I commend my Soul into the hands ofGod my maker hoping through the precious Merits of my Saviour and Redemer to receive Pardonof all my Sinnes and to inherit Everlasting Life after death and my Body I commit to the Earth tobee decently Interred at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter named and as touching All SuchTemporall Estate as it hath pleased God to bestow uppon mee I give and Bequeath as followeth:Imprs: I give to my Nephew James Fracy Twenty Pound and also my Lease of the Living which Ihold of the Right Hon:ble the Earle of Gainsbourough after my Wife’s DeceaseItemItemItemItemItemItemItemI give to Elizabeth Seachell tenne Pound and to her Daughter Mary tenne Pound,I give to Thomas Arnoll five Pound and to his Son John Arnoll five Pound and the House andhomestead which now I live in after my Wife’s DeceaseI give Anne Glenne Widdow five PoundI give to Alice Flaxman Twenty shillings, to Ellen Smyth Twenty shillings, to Mary DalbyTwenty shillings, to Alice Gandy Tenne shillings, to her Sister Anne Gandy tenne shillingsI give to John Sharpe ten shillings and to William Sharpe ten shillingsI give to Thomas Fracy five pounds and to his Son Edward Fracy five poundsI give to Five poore Widdows in <strong>Langham</strong> five Pound five shillings whereof to bee paid toEach of them every Yeare att the ffeast of the Nativity of our Blessed Saviour Vulgarlycalled His day and this to bee done att the Discretion of the Minister of the Parish andChurch WardensAll the Rest of my Reall and Temporall Estate whatsoever I give and Bequeath to my Loving WifeGrace Fracy full and Sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament In Witnesse whereof I havehereunto Set my hand and Seale the day and yeare first above writtenSealed, Signed, and Published - the marke of Richard Fracyin presence ofFrancis JephsonWilliam Bayly his markememorandum that these words which are interlined were interlind before the Sealing of the WillFfrancis Jephson 1710[beginning of words lost in the binding of the book]… die Januarij…cimo octave die Octobris Jurata fuit Gratia…acy Vidua Relicta et Executrix unica bo=…ru Richdi Fracy de <strong>Langham</strong> Defunctim…ujodi Testto noiat: coram me S. Saunders Surrog:<strong>18th</strong> c <strong>Langham</strong> <strong>Wills</strong> - LVHG - 20

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