18th century Wills - Langham Village History Group

18th century Wills - Langham Village History Group

18th century Wills - Langham Village History Group


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Thomas Pocklinton – 5th December 1714Northampton Record Office : X254Transcribed by Freda Smithson - <strong>Langham</strong> <strong>Village</strong> <strong>History</strong> <strong>Group</strong>In the name of God Amen I Thomas Pocklinton of <strong>Langham</strong> In the County of Rutland Taylor beingaged [68] Considering the uncertainety of life being desierous to setel my wordly affairs and leavepeace behind me after my decease do make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manerand form ffollowing that is to say ffirst I Commend my Soule into the hand of my Creator hopeingthrough his mercy and the merits of my only Saviour Jesus Christ to have a Joyfull resurrectionto Life Eternal and my body I Commit to the earth to be decently buried at the Discretion of myExecutor hearin afternamed and such worldly estate as God has bestowed on mee I Give anddispose as ffolloweth;Imprimus I Give and bequeath and devize all those my two Closes of pasture Ground situateLieing being within the ffields and bounds of Pickwell in the County of Leicester in aCertaine place their called the North brook ffield Containing by Estimation ten acre bethe same more or less now in the occupation or tenure of Michall Stacy together withand singular the benefits Commodityes or apurtinaces and advantage belonging or inanywise appetaining whatsoever to the aforesaid Closs or Closing belonging to theuse and behoof of my kinswoman Elizabeth Peck of Knoston in the aforesaid County ofLices: widdow and to her heirs and assigns for ever upon Condition nevertheless thatthe said Elizabeth Peck her heirs and assigns do and shall well and truly Satisfie andpay or cause to be paid the sev[rest of word lost in binding] Legacies Sum and Sums ofmoney hearin after nominated and perticulerly Expressd Given and bequeathed to theperson and persons Respectively hearin also after nominated and Appointed viz:I Give and bequeath unto my Kinsman John Husey one shilling:ItemI Give and bequeath unto Henry Husey Ann now Cole Husey and William Hussey three ofthe Children of my Late Sister Elizabeth Hussey the Sum of Twenty pounds apeece to bepaid to them Six months after my deathI Give unto my kinswoman Mary the Wife of Robert Cumbry Tallow Chandler the Sum offfourteen poundsItemI Give unto Ann the Wife of William Sharrat Gent the Sum of five pounds:And to my loving friend Thomas Adcok of Sumerby [Hi?]llsite the Sum of twelve pounds;and to Elizabeth the wife of John Geeson Junir of Greatham the Sum of five poundsalso to John Gibbing of Bronston five pounds;and to the ffive Children of my Kinsman Henry Hussey aforesaid by his ffirst wife theSum of Twenty Shillings apieceand to Mary the wife of Thomas Cox of <strong>Langham</strong> twenty Shillings:and to Elizabeth Heard of Oakham widdow two Shilling and six penceAnd to my Cozen ffrancis Beeby of Oakham Twenty Shillings;all which Sums to be paid six months after my decease as aforesaidItemthe poorest Widdows and other poor of <strong>Langham</strong> Twenty Shillings to be distributed bythe proper officers then being of the said Parrish at thire discretion;<strong>18th</strong> c <strong>Langham</strong> <strong>Wills</strong> - LVHG - 34

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