18th century Wills - Langham Village History Group

18th century Wills - Langham Village History Group

18th century Wills - Langham Village History Group


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John Hack – 30th March 1708Northampton Record Office : X153Transcribed by Freda Smithson - <strong>Langham</strong> <strong>Village</strong> <strong>History</strong> <strong>Group</strong>In the Name of God Amen I John Hack of <strong>Langham</strong> in the County of Rutland Gent being weakof body but of sound and perfect memory praised be God for the same And calling to mind theuncertainety of this life doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner andforme following/that is to sayffirst I commend my soul into the hands of Allmighty God hopeing through his mercy Andthe merits of my onely Saviour Jesus Christ to have full pardon of All my Sins And mybody I commit to the Earth to be decently interred att the discrecton of my Executrixeshereinafter named And as touching such worldly estate as God of his mercy hath bestowedupon me I give and dispose thereof as followethImprs I give bequeath and devise All that my Lease of One Messuage or Tenemt: with all theAppurtenances Situate and being in <strong>Langham</strong> aforesaid wherein I now dwell And of severallcloses of pasture ground lying and being in <strong>Langham</strong> aforesaid to the said Messuage orTenemt: belonging together with their and every of their profits rights members andAppurtenances to the Severall uses intents and purposes and under the trusts which arementouned and expressed in a certaine Indenture of Assignemt: bearing date on or aboutthe Second day of March which was in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundredand One made between me the said John Hack of the first part Bartholomew Wimberley mySon in Law of the second part William Wimberley John Vincent and Thomas Smith Butchermy son in Law of the third partItem I give bequeath and devise All that my Lease of Wiggintons Closes in <strong>Langham</strong> aforesaid calledor known by the Name or names of the Howe close and Ouldeybanks with their profits rightsmembers and Appurtenences to the severall uses intents and purposes hereinafter mentionedexpresses and declared/that is to say/ To the use and behoofe of my loveing Wife Jane andmy Daughter Ann Hack to have share and share alike of and in the rents issues and profitsof the same for and during the term of their naturall lives And to the use of the Survivor ofthem And from and after their two deaths then to the use and behoofe of my Son in LawThomas Smith of Ashwell in the said County of Rutland Butcher his Exrs Admrs & Assignesfor and during All the rest and residue of the term therein mentioned which shall be then tocome and unexpired And in case either of both of my said Leases shall happen to be renewedduring the naturall life or lives of my said Wife & Daughter or either of them then my will anddesire is And I do hereby order and Appoint that my said Leases or either of them shall berenewed att the costs and charges of my said two Sons Bartholomew Wimberley and ThomasSmith their Executors Admrs and Assignes/namely/my said Lease of the said Messuage ortenemt and Severall closes thereunto belonging shall be renewed at the costs and chargesof my said Son in Law Bartholomew Wimberley his Executrs Admrs or Assignes And my saidLease of Wiggintons closes shall be renewed att the costs and charges of my said Son in LawThomas Smith his Executors Admrs or AssignesAnd after such renewing of my said Leases or either of them as aforesaid then my willand desire further is that the same with the rents and profits thereof shall be for the useof my said Wife and Daughter and of the Survivor of them as aforesaid/in case they Oreither of them shall be then living/And afterwards to the use and under the trusts =nzaforementioned and expressedItem I give bequeath and devise All my Lease of five Closes of pasture in <strong>Langham</strong> aforesaidcalled or known by the names of Mickloe and Cooperholme containeing by estimaciontwenty five Acres/more or less/together with their rights profits members and Appurtencesunto my loveing Wife Jane for and during the term of her naturall life and from and afterher decease unto my Daughter Ann Hack and her Assignes for the term of two yeares for<strong>18th</strong> c <strong>Langham</strong> <strong>Wills</strong> - LVHG - 22

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