18th century Wills - Langham Village History Group

18th century Wills - Langham Village History Group

18th century Wills - Langham Village History Group


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Mathew Beavor - 28th December 1723NRO Peterborough will 1723In the name of God Amen I Mathew Beavor of <strong>Langham</strong> in the County / of Rutland Gent being ofsound and Perfect Mind and Memory do make and Ordaine This My last / Will and Testament inManner & forme following Imprs I give unto my Sonn George Beavor / the summe of fifty PoundsItemItemItemI give and bequeath unto My Two Sonns Mathew and Thomas / Beavor fforty five Poundsa peice eachI give Unto My Two Daughters Ann and Mary / Beavor Thirty pounds a peice each whichsaid Legacyes shall be paid Unto my said Children / att their severall and RespectiveAges of One and Twenty Years by My Executrix hereafter Named / if they so long livebut if it shod happen that any of my said Children shod Dye before they Attain / tothe severall and Respective Age and Ages of One and Twenty Years Then such Legacyor Legacies / of him or her soe Dyeing to be Equally Divided amongst the Survivor andSurvivors of them Share or / shair alike And Whereas I have Two Notes the one fromunder the hand of John Edgson of / <strong>Langham</strong> aforesd yeoman and the other from Underthe hand of Joh ffoux of Witsondine in the said / County of Rutland yeoman Amountingtogether to the summe of Fifteen pounds which said summe of / Fifteen pounds I give toMy Two sonnes Mathew and Thomas Beavor over and above what I have / before giventhem to put Each of them out to an apprentice the same Equally to be DevidedI give and bequeath Unto My Loveing Wife Alice all That Messuage Tenement or Dwellinghouse / with the Yard Garden Toft Stables Barnes & all other outhouses Unto the samebelonging or apperteyning / situate standing and being in <strong>Langham</strong> aforsd and Now inthe Tenure or Occupation of the said Mathew Beavor for and During the Terme of herNaturall Life and from and after her DeceaseI give Devise and bequeath the same Unto My Daughter Sarah Beavor and to her heirs& Assignes / for Ever but My further Mind and Meaning is that if My said Daughter Sarahshold happen to Dye before / she attaines to the Age of One and Twenty yeares thenthe said Messuage Tenement Dwelling house & / other the premises before Mentioned tobe sold and the Moneys ariseinge by such Sale to be Equally / Divided Amongst My saidsonns and Daughters that shall be then Liveing shair and shair alikeItemI give and bequeath Unto my said Wife ffour of my best Cows and also all other myhousehold / Goods of What sort or Nature so ever they be for and During the terme ofher Naturall Life and after / her DeceaseI give the same Unto My said Two Daughters Ann and Mary Beavor they Equally / Dividingthe same but in Case the s d Ann and Mary shod happen to be dead before the sdhousehold Goods / be Divided then I give the same Unto My sonns and Daughters thatshall be then Liveing Equally / Dividing the same but in case any of my Money out attInterest shod be in Badd hands and shod come / to Miscarry in paymt My Will and Mind isthat my Children shall Not Charge My Executrix with / Payment of the same but shall beborne Proportionably amongst them AlikeItemall the Rest and / Residue of my Real and Personall Estate I give and bequeath Unto mysaid Wife Alice Whom I Make full and sole Executrix of this my last Will she paying myDebts and Discharging My funerall / Expenses In witness whereof the sd Mathew Beavorhath to his last Will and Testament sett his / hand and Seale this Twenty Eigth Day ofDecember Annog Dm 1723Signed sealed Published and Declard - Mathew Beaver<strong>18th</strong> c <strong>Langham</strong> <strong>Wills</strong> - LVHG - 6

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