Generic Structures First-Order Negative Feedback

Generic Structures: First order negative feedback loops

Generic Structures: First order negative feedback loops


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D-4475-2 153.3 Model BehaviorThe characteristic feature of exponential decay is its constant halving time which isthe time for the gap to be cut in half. Because the draining fraction is constant at 0.2, thehalving time remains constant for the entire simulation of the model. In Figure 6, forexample, the initial stock is 100 and the goal is 50, making the gap equal to 50. It takesabout 3.5 years for the gap to be cut in half to 25 (stock = 75) and another 3.5 years forthe gap to be cut in half again to 12.5 (stock = 62.5)!1: STOCK 2: GOAL FOR STOCK100.001150.0012 2 2120.000.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00TimeFigure 6. Results of Simulation4. Behaviors produced by the generic structureThe behavior produced by this structure will vary, depending on the values of threeparameters: the initial value of the stock, the goal, and the draining fraction.4.1 Changing the initial value of the stockThis section explores the effect of varying the initial stock value. In our genericmodel, the stock has initial values of -8000, -4000, 0, 4000, and 8000 for runs 1 through 5respectively. The goal is constant and zero, the draining fraction at 0.2.

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