Maroondah Integrated Transport Strategy - Maroondah City Council

Maroondah Integrated Transport Strategy - Maroondah City Council


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3.6 Car Ownership & UsageData related to car ownership and usage has been extracted from the 2001 Census. Thecensus data shows that car ownership is relatively high in Maroondah withapproximately 88.6% of households having access to one or more private motorvehicles. This value is higher than the metropolitan average of 83.7%.The proportion of households in Maroondah, which do not own a motor vehicle, is6.7%. This is lower than the 9.5% average for Metropolitan Melbourne. The proportionof households owning one motor vehicle is 33.8% (compared to the metropolitanaverage of 34.7%) and owning two or more is 54.8% (compared to the metropolitanaverage of 49.0%).Dependence upon the private motor vehicle as the dominant form of transportation isfurther reflected in the modes of travel to work. The 2001 census revealed that anestimated 70.4% of the population travel by motor vehicle to work which is higher thanthe Metropolitan Melbourne average of 66.8%.A relatively low proportion (8.9%) of employed persons within the municipality travelfor at least part of their journey to and from their place of employment by publictransport which is lower than the Metropolitan Melbourne average of 9.1%.According to census data, from 1996 through to 2001 there has been a gradual declinein the use of public transport as a mode of travel to work. In 1996 some 9.4% of tripsto work were undertaken using public transport, by 2001 this proportion had fallen to8.9%. During the same period car travel has remained relatively constant.The figures also indicate that, associated with the high level of car dependence, thereare low levels of ride sharing. The proportion of employed people travelling by car as apassenger is 4.8%. This statistic highlights the common feature on many of our roadsof lines of single person vehicles and low private vehicle occupancy rates.The census data clearly illustrates that residents of Maroondah are very dependantupon private motor vehicles as the primary form of transportation.3.7 EmploymentMaroondah enjoys relatively low levels of unemployment. In 2001 the unemploymentlevel in Maroondah was around 5.0%. The corresponding Metropolitan Melbourneaverage was 6.6% unemployment.In 2001 approximately 75.0% of males and 57.9% of females residing in Maroondahwere either employed or are seeking employment. These employment percentages arehigher than Metropolitan Melbourne averages of 69.6% and 54.3%, respectively.The major industry sectors in which Maroondah residents are employed are:• Retail Trade 16.5%• Manufacturing 15.5%• Property or business services 11.5%, and• Health and Community Services 10.0%The main employment occupations of Maroondah residents are:• Intermediate clerical, sales and service workers (18.3%)• Professionals (18.2%)• Trades persons and related workers (14.0%)18

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