YCEOM Issue 1

This is the 1st Edition of Young CEO Monthly, the magazine that aims to bring young known and especially un-known business owners to the attention of the public.

This is the 1st Edition of Young CEO Monthly, the magazine that aims to bring young known and especially un-known business owners to the attention of the public.


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EDITORIALed@youngceomonthly.comProduced by:CEO Monthly PublicationsDesign:GB DesignsWelcome to the very 1st Editionof Young CEO Monthly, themagazine that aims to bringyoung known and especially un-knownbusiness owners from the age of 16-30 tothe attention of the public.Foreword3ADVERTISINGads@youngceomonthly.comFirstly I would like to thank you for taking time outof your busy schedule to read through our simplemagazine.The mission of our publication is to make ou the readeraware of the various young and vibrant businesses thatare currently in operation across the UK and the rest ofthe World started by ambitious young men and women.Young CEO Monthly ispublished by CEO MonthlyPublications.Opinions and views expresseddo not necessarily reflectCEOMP policy. CEOMPaccepts no responsibiltyfor views expressed bycontributors.Advertisements and readeroffers are not endorsed byCEOMP.We hope that through reading the various inspiringstories of these young entrepreneurs we shall feature,you will also be inspired to go on an entrepreneurialjourney and above all share these stories with yourfriends and family.George BoatengEditorQuote of the Month“Success seems to be connected with action.Successful people keep moving.They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.”Conrad HiltonFounder of Hilton HotelsTo be featured in our Magazine© All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or partwithout written permission isstrictly prohobited. Colourtransperecies, manuscriptsor disks submitted to themagazine are sent at owner’srisk; neither CEO MonthlyPublications nor its agentsaccept any responsibilityfor loss or damage.Unsolicited material shoud beaccomapnied by a stampedself-addressed enevelope.Send an email to info@youngceomonthly.com for more infoContentPage 3 – ForewordPage 4 – Cover StoryPage 7 – Business Advice of the MonthPage 9 – CEO/Company ProfilePage 10 – ClassifiedsPage11 – Reflections

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