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STORYLINESAnother area often underutilized in esports broadcasting (althoughthis has been getting better over the last couple of years) is storylines.Storylines are ultra-important to an esports broadcaster - theyadd more intrigue and interest to matches and tournaments, andare often easy to find if you know where to look.Many of your storylines come from good preparation. You mightfind an interview with a player that reveals something interestingabout them or that they are in a particular frame of mind headinginto a tournament that could influence the way they play.It could be a new player was recently added to the team - this canbe used to come up with questions to build stories. Has the playerinfluenced the team in a positive way? Did they replace a big-namefamous player? How will they fill those shoes?Many storylines also comefrom statistics. Stats on theirown are often pretty boring,but achievement markers canbe very interesting parts of thestoryline. Is a team about toreach a landmark statistic? Arethey about to win their 50th consecutive match? If they win thistournament, would it make them the most successful team of alltime? Is the prize money for first place enough to make a player thehighest earner in the history of the game? These are all questionsyou should be asking during your preparation and then turning intostorylines.48

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