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GRAPHICS AND STORYLINESUp to this point and if you have already been a commentator, you’llbe familiar with storylines and how important they are in the flowof a match or a cast. It’s not too different as a desk host, but part ofyour job will be to bring the human side of the match to life. To dothis, you’ll need to pick out those human interest stories that popup throughout a tournament, but also have some pre made as partof your preparation. It could be a milestone, a player about to completein his 100 th match for example or where a player has thechance to break a record, someone about to win his third major titlethat has never been done before. You’ll need to feed this in to thepanel discussion and things like this are an easy way to open thepanel up to something high level and get their thoughts on it.Be careful though, as opening it up to the entire panel can sometimeslead to loss of time and suddenly you’ll have the producer inyour ear asking you to hurry things along! Get a feel for the answersand interject when you need to or once you feel like the panel have56

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