ISBN 978-0-8412-2817-7

Creating Safety Cultures in Academic Institutions - Department of ...

Creating Safety Cultures in Academic Institutions - Department of ...


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Table 1. Suggested Laboratory Safety Topics for Undergraduate Chemistry Programs 8,23First- and Second-Year TopicsPrinciples of Safety: Recognizing/identifyinghazards; assessing/evaluating the risks ofhazards; minimizing/preventing exposure tohazards; preparing for emergencies; and safetyethics and responsibilitiesPreparing for Emergencies: Respondingto emergencies; evacuation actions; fireemergencies; classes of fires; fire triangle/fire tetrahedron; types of fire extinguishers;using fire extinguishers; actions for variouschemical spills; using emergency eye washesand emergency showers; elementary first-aid;emergencies with gas cylindersRecognizing/Identifying Hazards: Language ofsafety (terms, signs, labels, symbols); MaterialSafety Data Sheets (MSDSs); current andGlobal Harmonization System (GHS) hazardrecognition systems; information resourcesabout hazards; introductory toxicology; acuteand chronic toxicities; corrosives; flammables,fires, explosions; and incompatiblesAssessing/Evaluating Risks of Hazards: Routesof exposure; risk assessment; evaluating risksof toxic hazards; and occupational exposurelimitsMinimizing/Preventing Exposure to Hazards:Managing risk; eye protection, skin protection;laboratory hoods and ventilation; safetystandards for safety equipment; handlingchemical wastes; and storing flammables andcorrosivesAdvanced Safety (3rd and 4th years) TopicsPreparing for Emergencies: Planning foremergencies; working with outside emergencyresponders; and drills and exercises foremergenciesRecognizing/Identifying Hazards: Chemicalhygiene plans; carcinogens; how the bodyhandles toxic chemicals; sensitizers; irritants;reproductive toxicants; biological hazards;compressed gases; peroxides; reactive/unstablechemicals (explosives, pyrophoric materials;oxidizers; peroxides and peroxide formers;water reactives); pressurized systems; electricalhazards; housekeeping; nonionizing radiation;ionizing radiation; cryogenics; runawayreactions; catalysts; nanomaterials; andlaboratory shop hazardsAssessing/Evaluating Risks of Hazards:Assessing chemical exposure; working in anew laboratory; developing a laboratory safetyplan for an experimentMinimizing/Preventing Exposure to Hazards:Safety for common lab procedures; radiationsafety; laser safety; biosafety and biologicalsafety cabinets; protective clothing; respirators;safety in research laboratories; process safety;conducting a safety inspection; managingchemicals; chemical inventories and storage;and handling chemical wastes21

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