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Testimony TimeFor some years now, my fiancé Phil and I havebeen able to visit the CCHC regularly. Phil tooksome persuading at first but now he cannotkeep away! It has become our second home, afamily, a place of the transforming work of theHoly Spirit, and somewhere that is very hard toleave.At times the Lord has done a very obviouswork of healing. At other times it seems nothinghas happened and change feels impossible.However, in the weeks and months that follow,I notice I have grown and changed. It is as if Ihave put my child hand into the strong hold ofJesus’ hand. We turn a corner on the journey,and unexpectedly I find myself in a new placewith Him; the Lord has been working in theunseen along the way.Our last visit was in June this year, where wefound the sense of peace even more tangible.It was my first time in the new art room andwhat struck me on walking through the doorwas the peace. Through Maggie’s prayerfulnessand encouragement, I was inspired to draw andpaint once again.One day Phil and I sat in the large chapel soakingin the peace that was more a body than anatmosphere, and I had the impression of ‘God’swings’ covering the chapel.Whether in a conversation in the lounge,laughter at meal times, the words of a sermon,the peace of the chapels, the inspirationof the art room, walks across the fields orthe gentleness of ministry, this place is thetrue fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Phil oncecommented on Facebook: “Special place; specialpeople; nowhere better to be this side of Paradise.”What more can I say? We’ll be back!SuzieA guest recently wrote to theoffice about her stay, saying she felt‘enfolded in God’s love.’ She alsowrote about the cross in the mainchapel: “The light behind the crossspoke to me of God’s glory that liesbehind Christ’s cross, knowing thatmy husband is safe there (and withGod’s help) I can get on with life.”During our week, the corridor between thedining room and chapels’ corridor was beingrefurbished, so there were fewer guests thanusual. By our last day, we were the only onesleft, and Steve G kindly did a short communionservice for us. At the end we all sat silently in atime of wonderful peace.She mentioned too how much sheenjoyed the prayer walk and howit had encouraged her to do morein her own garden.15

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