MUCKRAKER - John F. Kennedy School

MUCKRAKER - John F. Kennedy School

MUCKRAKER - John F. Kennedy School


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Th e<br />

Muc k r a k e r<br />

Speaks!<br />

Th e<br />

the students‘<br />

voice since 1997<br />

Muc k r a k e r<br />

T h e In d e p e n d e n T Jo h n F. ke n n e d y Sc h o o l ST u d e n T S ‘ ne w S p a p e r<br />

Volume XII, Issue VIII Friday, April 3, 2009 Circulation: 600 PAGE 1<br />

Leisure! The word sounds as soothing as<br />

its meaning. With the prospect of twoweek<br />

leisure in our minds, we swing<br />

light-heartedly through the school.<br />

Today is optimistic and sans soucis. The<br />

only bitterness: We know all too well<br />

that our sweet fancies (Ah, the time!<br />

Oh, the possibilities!) will implode and<br />

crash down on our heads as gloating<br />

carcasses before the fortnight is up.<br />

In other words: Spending free time<br />

well is hard. Leisure is labor for those<br />

unpracticed in the art.<br />

Excessive do-nothingism is one<br />

syndrome students come down with<br />

during their vacation. And what else<br />

might one expect? If school weeks mean<br />

excessive work and exhaustion, the<br />

pendulum is bound to swing toward the<br />

other extreme when given a chance.<br />

Compulsive “procrastination” is another<br />

possibility. A work-ethic has been<br />

carved into our minds. Throughout<br />

history, people have been kept at work<br />

through a creed of “hard” work, the<br />

more strain the more virtue, and being<br />

“productive”. If we aren’t making some<br />

“investment” into “future profit”, we are<br />

“wasting” the “resource” of time, we<br />

are taught. How imprisoning. Guilt is<br />

always at our heels. “Well, what I really<br />

should be doing” …is enjoying ourselves<br />

thoroughly whenever possible! Instead,<br />

we play invisibility cloak: Just a little bit<br />

of procrastination before I get to work,<br />

no one’s watching! That hardly sounds<br />

like leisure.<br />

Even if we escape sluggishness and<br />

decide to do something pleasurable<br />

for pleasure’s sake, there is another<br />

obstacle: We are pretty much foreigners<br />

to the concept of delegating our own<br />

time. <strong>School</strong> and activities dictate much<br />

of what we do and think about. Vacation<br />

is an interesting exercise: What would I<br />

do if I were free to choose? Difficult.<br />

But no need for unnecessary scepticism<br />

today! Plunge into your breaks, seize<br />

the leisure!<br />

Cheers,<br />

Your editors.<br />

Die Ruhe nach dem Sturm?<br />

Seit diesem Schuljahr wirkt die Library<br />

wie verändert: Wenn man sie betritt,<br />

springt einem nicht mehr das Geschrei<br />

jüngerer Mitschüler entgegen. Zudem<br />

findet man keinen Müll und sogar<br />

keine Essensreste mehr herumliegen.<br />

Es gibt keine Librarians, die an der<br />

Tür stehen, uns eine “Library-Card” in<br />

die Hand drücken oder uns abzählen.<br />

Schüler, die absichtlich versuchen,<br />

Librarians zu provozieren, gehören der<br />

Vergangenheit an. Es finden sich auch<br />

keine herumliegenden Stühle oder<br />

Bücher mehr und man kann sich an den<br />

angebotenen Magazinen und Zeitungen<br />

erfreuen, ohne durch Lärm gestört zu<br />

werden. Im Großen und Ganzen also<br />

ein voller Erfolg, es geht ruhig zu in der<br />

Library und es gibt endlich wieder eine<br />

Arbeitsatmosphäre. Diese doch sehr<br />

erfreuliche Veränderung muss man<br />

lobend anerkennen. Doch trotz dieser<br />

positiven Anmerkungen gibt es auch<br />

wieder etwas zu bemängeln: Es hat sich<br />

mittlerweile etabliert, dass die Librarians<br />

die verschiedensten Ecken der Library<br />

bewachen und die Gänge zwischen<br />

den Bücherregalen patrouillieren.<br />

All dies geschieht um eine gewisse<br />

Psychopathy<br />

What is a psychopath? What are their<br />

behavioural patterns? How is their portrayal<br />

in film and literature different from reality?<br />

Sarah Lee gives us an extensive analysis of<br />

psychopathy and its misconceptions in society.<br />

Did you know that extremely ruthless and<br />

amoral politicians and businesspersons are<br />

considered psychopaths, too? Find out how to<br />

identify psychopaths and whether or not you<br />

have psychopathic tendencies....<br />

on page 8<br />

Dr. Reale’s Resignation<br />

Without a doubt, Dr. Reale’s resignation is<br />

currently the topic of discussion amongst<br />

all parties of the JFKS community. Adding<br />

to last issue’s Muckraker coverage, we are<br />

featuring two more pieces on the issue.<br />

One is a factual chronology outlining<br />

the events, written by Moritz Zeidler.<br />

Alexander Schaper and Leonie Schulte<br />

take a more opinionated stance with their<br />

article “Reality Check”.<br />

on pages 4-5<br />

Arbeitsatmosphäre zu sichern. Da fragt<br />

man sich, wie weit die Librarians dabei<br />

eigentlich gehen sollen, bzw. dürfen? Es<br />

kommt nicht selten vor, dass Schüler,<br />

die ruhig etwas besprechen, gebeten<br />

werden, die Library zu verlassen.<br />

Oftmals stören diese Schüler weder<br />

Arbeitsatmosphäre, noch sind sie<br />

wirklich laut. Doch für die Librarians<br />

ist ganz klar, diese Schüler haben sich<br />

nicht mit Schulaufgaben beschäftigt,<br />

also müssen sie die Library verlassen.<br />

Dieses Prinzip wird mittlerweile sehr<br />

hartnäckig verfolgt. Nicht nur wird den<br />

Schülern vorgeschrieben, dass sie sich<br />

nur mit Schulaufgaben zu beschäftigen<br />

haben, jegliche Gespräche, seien diese<br />

noch so leise, ist ebenfalls untersagt.<br />

Interessanterweise gibt es kaum mehr<br />

Schüler, die wirklich ein Problem mit<br />

der Atmosphäre in der Library haben,<br />

sondern die Librarians selbst haben<br />

scheinbar dieses Problem. Sind sie<br />

es also, die Ruhe brauchen, um ihre<br />

Schularbeiten zu machen? Nein, es geht<br />

den Librarians hierbei scheinbar nur um<br />

das Prinzip. Schüler werden gebeten die<br />

Library zu verlassen, sobald sie dabei<br />

erwischt werden, nicht gerade in einem<br />

Library, continued on page 3<br />

U-18 Wahlen<br />

Während die Bundestags- und<br />

Europaparlamentswahlen kurz bevorstehen,<br />

gibt es auch für – normalerweise in dieser<br />

Hinsicht benachteiligte – Minderjährigen<br />

die Möglichkeit, ihre politische Meinung<br />

zum Ausdruck zu bringen. Im Rahmen der<br />

U-18 Wahlen wird sich auch unsere Schule<br />

im Herbst für kurze Zeit in ein Wahllokal<br />

verwandeln. Mehr Informationen hierzu<br />

finden sich...<br />

on page 7<br />

Amoklauf<br />

Die schrecklichen Geschehnisse von Winnenden<br />

sind kaum 3 Wochen her und<br />

immer noch bleiben viele Fragen unbeantwortet.<br />

Wie kann es immer wieder zu<br />

solchen Gewaltausschreitungen kommen?<br />

Gibt es überhaupt ein gängiges ‚Täterprofil’?<br />

In ihrem Artikel befasst sich Kirstin<br />

Lazarus mit diesem aktuellen Beispiel und<br />

dem Thema Amoklauf generell.<br />

on page 7

Volume XII, Issue VIII Friday, April 3, 2009 Circulation: 600 PAGE 2<br />

JFKS Life<br />

Herr Thiel, Sie sind nun seit Februar<br />

Mathelehrer an unserer Schule.<br />

Ja, Englisch ist mein zweites Fach. Hier<br />

dürfen aber nur „native speakers“ das<br />

Fach Englisch unterrichten, deshalb bin<br />

ich nur Mathelehrer.<br />

Erzählen Sie uns nun Ihre Geschichte:<br />

Wie sind Sie Lehrer geworden?<br />

Ich habe ursprünglich das Fach<br />

Mathematik mit Diplom studiert und<br />

auch abgeschlossen. Ich bin also<br />

Diplom-Mathematiker. Die englische<br />

Sprache kam dann als Hobby dazu, und<br />

dadurch kam die Fächerkombination<br />

zustande. Ich bin immer gern zur<br />

Schule gegangen, daraus entstand<br />

dann der Lehramtswunsch. Mathe war<br />

mein Lieblingsfach, und nach einer<br />

USA-Reise kurz nach dem Fall der<br />

Mauer wollte ich richtig Englisch lernen,<br />

also habe ich es studiert. Also Mathe ist<br />

mein Beruf und Englisch mein Hobby.<br />

Jetzt habe ich sie zusammengeführt.<br />

Dann gefällt Ihnen bestimmt die<br />

amerikanische Atmosphäre?<br />

Mein englischer Hintergrund kommt<br />

natürlich zum Tragen, weil ich mit<br />

englischsprachigen Schülern zu tun<br />

habe.<br />

Was ist Ihr erster Eindruck von JFKS?<br />

Mir gefällt es hier sehr gut. Alles ist sehr<br />

entspannt. Die Schüler sind nett und<br />

sagen „Hallo Herr Thiel!“ im Flur; die<br />

Kollegen sind freundlich und hilfreich,<br />

wir kooperieren... Das sind alles sehr<br />

positive Merkmale der Schule!<br />

Die Frage, die sich natürlich jeder<br />

Schüler erstmal stellt, ist: Wie groß<br />

sind Sie wirklich?<br />

Aha, jetzt muss man berichten…<br />

2,07m.<br />

… Da wird Herr Hoedt aber neidisch!<br />

Aber Sie nutzen sicherlich nicht<br />

Ihre Körpergröße, um Schüler zu<br />

schikanieren?<br />

Ich bin doch viel zu lieb als Lehrer! Da<br />

müssen Sie die Schüler fragen!<br />

Haben Sie eine Philosophie als Lehrer?<br />

Mein Motto ist: Die Schüler sollen<br />

Teacher Feature: Herr Thiel<br />

etwas lernen! Und das Allerwichtigste.<br />

Die Schüler machen wirklich viel im<br />

Unterricht.<br />

Haben Sie schon Unterschiede zwischen<br />

dem deutschen und amerikanischen<br />

Matheunterricht bemerkt?<br />

Für das Aufspüren von Unterschieden<br />

fehlt mir der Einblick in den<br />

amerikanischen Zugang, aber ich kann<br />

sagen, dass es mir persönlich sehr auf<br />

das Verständnis von Zusammenhängen<br />

ankommt, nicht so sehr auf das<br />

Anwenden von fertigen Formeln.<br />

Was tun Sie außerhalb der Schule?<br />

Was sind Ihre Hobbys?<br />

Ein bisschen Sport, also Schwimmen<br />

und Radfahren. Ich gehe auch gerne ins<br />

Kino und gucke die Filme auf Englisch.<br />

Auch ein bisschen Computerzeug, also<br />

programmieren und so.<br />

Wie groß ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit,<br />

sechs Richtige im Lotto zu haben?<br />

Dazu gibt es eine herrliche Geschichte.<br />

Man setzt sich ins Auto und fährt von<br />

Berlin nach Hamburg. Vorher hat<br />

jemand eine Zaunlatte irgendwo an der<br />

Autobahnstrecke positioniert. Und jetzt<br />

fährt man nach Hamburg und schießt<br />

zufällig aus dem Fenster. Wenn man die<br />

Zaunlatte trifft, dann hat man im Lotto<br />

gewonnen. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist<br />

ungefähr 1 zu 14 Millionen.<br />

Was würden Sie tun, wenn Sie nun doch<br />

35 Millionen Euro gewonnen hätten?<br />

Ich würde weiter eine halbe Stelle als<br />

Lehrer und dazu sehr teure Hobbys<br />

haben. So was wie eine Segelyacht,<br />

oder Tauchen mit teurem Equipment<br />

und solche Sachen.<br />

Was ist Ihr Lieblingsgebiet in der<br />

Mathematik?<br />

An sich die Analysis, an der<br />

Schule also die Differential- und<br />

Integralrechnung. Aber ich hatte<br />

auch mal eine sehr gute Vorlesung<br />

in Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und<br />

seitdem finde ich dieses Gebiet sehr<br />

nützlich.<br />

Warum ist Grundausbildung in<br />

Mathematik für jeden wichtig?<br />

Hier fällt mir das Problemlösen im<br />

Mathematikunterricht ein. Wenn man<br />

weiß, wie man mathematisch Probleme<br />

löst, dann kann man auch im Alltag<br />

Probleme lösen.<br />

Haben Sie schon mal eine Freudsche<br />

freie Assoziation gemacht? Einfaches<br />

Prinzip: Ich sage ein Wort, und Sie<br />

sagen mir, welches Wort Ihnen dazu<br />

zuerst einfällt. Beispiel: Apollo 13 –<br />

Mond<br />

Isaac Newton – Schwerkraft<br />

Kaninchenzucht – Ich mag Katzen sehr<br />

gern. Kaninchen gibt es traditionell in<br />

meiner Familie zu Weihnachten.<br />

Schokopudding – mit Vanillesoße!<br />

Weibliche Flächen – Das ist mathematisch<br />

hoch komplex! Systeme nichtlinearer,<br />

partieller Differentialgleichungen… und<br />

so weiter.<br />

Lehrerbenotung – Ja, gibt’s das hier?<br />

Teacher evaluation? An meiner alten<br />

Schule gab’s so was, fand ich immer<br />

gut.<br />

Unendlichkeit – Ein faszinierendes<br />

Konstrukt der Mathematik, bei dem<br />

der Mensch an die Grenzen seiner<br />

Vorstellungskraft stößt.<br />

Möchten Sie den Schülern noch eine<br />

Lebensweisheit mitgeben?<br />

Mathematik hat nichts mit rechnen<br />

zu tun, sondern handelt davon, den<br />

Verstand zu benutzen. „Benutze deinen<br />

Verstand!“ wäre also mein Motto.<br />

Das war glaub ich Kants Postulat der<br />

Aufklärung. Und das nicht nur in der<br />

Mathematik, sondern auch im Leben.<br />

Wir danken Ihnen sehr für das<br />

Gespräch!<br />

Comments, Replies?<br />

send your opinions and articles to:<br />

themuckraker@gmail.com<br />

Eileen Wagner

Volume XII, Issue VIII Friday, April 3, 2009 Circulation: 600 PAGE 3<br />

JFKS Life / Column<br />

Library, continued from page 1<br />

Buch vertieft zu sein oder sich nicht die Haare beim Lösen<br />

einer Matheaufgabe zu raufen. Auch bei den Computern<br />

macht sich diese Vorgehensweise bemerkbar: Spiele sind<br />

strengstens untersagt, ebenso Youtube, was z.B. gesperrt ist.<br />

Klar, in einer Stunde, in der sich in der Library verschiedenste<br />

Schüler tummeln und vergeblich nach unbesetzten Computern<br />

suchen, ist diese Maßnahme verständlich. Doch wenn es<br />

mehrere unbenutzte Computer gibt, die Lautstärke an dem<br />

Gerät ausgeschaltet ist und sich niemand beschwert, wieso<br />

darf ein Schüler in seiner Freistunde nicht einmal im Internet<br />

herumsurfen? Abgesehen davon macht sich in letzter Zeit<br />

die sehr harte Linie der Librarians bemerkbar. Computer<br />

werden einfach ausgeschaltet, während Schüler noch daran<br />

sitzen und vielleicht ungespeicherte Programme offen haben.<br />

Es wird wieder diskutiert und Librarians lassen sich auf<br />

Diskussionen über die Student Lounge ein. Diese Ereignisse<br />

erinnern teilweise an die Zustände der letzten Jahre.<br />

Bei weiterem undifferenziertem Vorgehen der Librarians<br />

könnte sich bald wieder ein Konflikt zwischen ihnen und<br />

Twist and Shout!<br />

(And Shout Some More!)<br />

It was 6:20 on the 13th of March, and<br />

inside the House of Youth, the lights in<br />

the small stage-room dimmed. It was<br />

the beginning of the Battle of the Bands,<br />

and the audience cheered as the first<br />

group takes the stage. The first note was<br />

played, and then 2 ½ hours of screaming,<br />

whistling, clapping, foot-stomping, and<br />

jumping up and down followed as the<br />

five bands (Overdrive, Joika, Imprint,<br />

Fenner Reed, and Red Ass Monkeys)<br />

competed for musical superiority. Every<br />

song was played with enthusiasm and<br />

vigor, despite unforseeable trifles such<br />

as tech-problems, broken strings, and<br />

partial nervousness. With a total of 23<br />

(mostly self-created) songs, the bands<br />

made the crowd go wild with their<br />

music, and I myself was acting like an<br />

insane monkey with a firecracker up<br />

my you-know-what. The battle got to a<br />

point when I wondered if the building<br />

would crumble from the sound waves.<br />

Luckily, it didn’t, which meant that the<br />

final election of the winner could take<br />

place. The battle turned into a duel<br />

between Imprint and Fenner Reed, and<br />

the situation in this small, dark, stiflingly<br />

hot room was intense. The system of<br />

voting (whichever band receives the<br />

largest amount of screaming, clapping,<br />

and jumping around wins) led to a<br />

shoutoff that was “epic”, as some people<br />

thought. In the end, Fenner Reed,<br />

with the band members Max Fenner,<br />

Moritz Zeidler, Tom Zylbersztein, Oliver<br />

Groeling, and Nick Schulteeee (he<br />

requested that I write it like that), were<br />

declared the winning band. Even so, I’d<br />

like to tell all the bands that they did a<br />

superb job and that their determination<br />

and enthusiasm made it a great event.<br />

Jakob Marsh<br />

Gibberish. Gibberish doesn’t make<br />

sense. Do these columns ever? They<br />

take time (yours and mine). What<br />

shall I spend time on today? Random.<br />

Random has six letters. Six Facts:<br />

(1) Charles Darwin married his first<br />

cousin, which makes his mother his<br />

wife’s aunt and his father-in-law his<br />

father’s brother-in-law. His sister<br />

also married his wife’s brother, so<br />

his natural sister was also his sisterin-law<br />

and their respective children<br />

were first cousins twice over. The<br />

complications of the matter befuddle<br />

me. (2) Bob Dylan’s real name was<br />

Robert Allen Zimmerman. Or, in<br />

Hebrew, Shabtai Zisel ben Avraham.<br />

He changed it in 1962. I guess Dylan<br />

just looks better on a LP cover. (3)<br />

Fungus is genetically more related<br />

to humans than to plants. Who<br />

knew? (4) Oh, and also: A clove can<br />

cure a toothache. Seriously. Try it.<br />

(5) Marlene Dietrich died May 6th,<br />

1992. Doesn’t that seem very recent<br />

for a star who was an emblem of<br />

another era? I was surprised. (6) If<br />

California were a country, it would<br />

be the 59th largest by area in the<br />

world. There: Six facts. Now, Six of<br />

my favorite words. (1) Flagellum.<br />

(2) Synecdoche. (3) Umbra. (4)<br />

Tenebrific. (5) Fabulator. (6) Smite.<br />

Now I shall name six things to<br />

think about. (1) Legacy. Must it be<br />

accepted or rejected, or can one let<br />

it lie? Can African Americans escape<br />

slavery? Can Jews escape the<br />

Holocaust? (2) Stress. The economy<br />

stressed everyone out. How can that<br />

be, given that it is a product of man?<br />

It’s not like a hurricane; inevitable.<br />

der Schülerschaft entfachen. Schlimmer noch, Schüler und<br />

Librarians könnten sich wieder gegenseitig provozieren und<br />

unnötige Konfrontation suchen. Um vorbeugend zu wirken,<br />

müsste man weniger nach dem Prinzip vorgehen, jeden<br />

Schüler, der nicht offensichtlich mit Schularbeiten beschäftigt<br />

ist, zu ermahnen und/oder zu bitten, die Library zu verlassen.<br />

Die Arbeitsatmosphäre beizubehalten und Störenfriede zu<br />

ermahnen ist natürlich weiterhin wünschenswert und bitter<br />

nötig, doch dies darf nicht als Deckmantel gelten um Schüler,<br />

die nicht stören, hinauszuschicken, nur weil sie keine<br />

Schularbeiten machen. Sicherlich will niemand die bisher<br />

erreichten Zustände verwerfen, und wie sagt man doch so<br />

schön? Einsicht ist der erste Schritt zur Besserung. Nun,<br />

dass die Schüler diese Einsicht mittlerweile gezeigt haben,<br />

ist eindeutig geworden. Auf die Einsicht der Librarians warten<br />

wir noch.<br />

Tenzin Sekhon<br />

Thirteenth of the Nothings<br />

It’s ours. We made it. Why can’t<br />

we control it? And Fashion. There’s<br />

another thing we made that seems<br />

to cause too much stress in too<br />

many people’s lives. (3) Sunshine.<br />

The days are getting longer. That’s<br />

nice. (4) Love and Duty. Which takes<br />

priority? Hollywood says we should<br />

do everything for the one we love,<br />

but what if “everything” goes against<br />

our conscience? This is one of those<br />

hypotheticals you need to figure<br />

out but will hopefully never need.<br />

(5) Free Will. Always can mull over<br />

that one for a while. (6) Chicken.<br />

Or Egg. Or Chicken. Okay now six<br />

important words that start with the<br />

sixth letter of the alphabet. Really<br />

Important Words. (1) Facebook.<br />

(2) Freedom. (3) Friendship. (4)<br />

Fortune. (5) Family. (6) Faith. Hm,<br />

six things with Six? (1) 666 – Devils<br />

Number (2) 6 Degrees of Separation<br />

– some strange theory (3) Page 6 –<br />

where the gossip is (4) 6 Pack – beer<br />

(5) 6 Days of Creation – how long<br />

it took God to make the Universe<br />

(6) 6 Flags – an amusement park.<br />

And finally, the grand finale, six<br />

things you could do after reading<br />

this article: (1) Roll your eyes, (2)<br />

think long and hard about free will,<br />

(3) google if tenebrific is really<br />

a word, (4) move on to the next<br />

article, (5) start paying attention<br />

to your morning class, (6) Sudoku.<br />

Or maybe, just maybe, dismiss this<br />

as a waste of time, and then notice<br />

“waste” has five letters. Five facts…<br />

Anna Zychlinsky

Volume XII, Issue VIII Friday, April 3, 2009 Circulation: 600 PAGE 4<br />

JFKS Life<br />

Muckraking at home II:<br />

All the Principals’ Men<br />

2008, 10th of September – Dr. Reale<br />

orally requests a three-year contract<br />

extension.<br />

5th of November – Mr. Schürmann,<br />

speaking for the Administration, asks<br />

Dr. Reale to withdraw his contract<br />

extension, “in light of the current<br />

situation at the school”.<br />

18th of December – Dr. Reale gives<br />

Mr. Schürmann permission to advertise<br />

his job as a tentative vacancy and to be<br />

replaced as one of the recruiters for the<br />

job fare. Mr. Schürmann accepts and<br />

decides to fly himself.<br />

2009, 7th of January – Dr. Reale tells<br />

the superintendent Mr. Harnos that<br />

he is withdrawing his application for a<br />

contract extension at the beginning of<br />

a meeting where he was to receive his<br />

evaluation.<br />

9th of January – The teachers are<br />

informed by Dr. Reale.<br />

27th of January – The parents are<br />

informed by Dr. Reale.<br />

28th of January – The SC presidents<br />

are informed by a member of the ED.<br />

27th of February – The student body is<br />

informed by The Muckraker.<br />

5th of March – Dr. Reale speaks<br />

at a meeting of the PC attended by<br />

parents, teachers and students in the<br />

elementary school film room. There<br />

were attempts prior to the meeting<br />

to stop him from speaking, but these<br />

were dropped. Looking around the<br />

room, it becomes obvious which group<br />

of people decided to come: Dr. Reale’s<br />

supporters. Loud applause is given to<br />

vigorous statements by Victor Boadum<br />

and Justin Reddig in support of the High<br />

<strong>School</strong> principal, loud murmur arises<br />

when critical questions are asked. “Why<br />

are you so heavily criticized?” someone<br />

dares to ask him. Even though the<br />

audience groans, Dr. Reale replies and<br />

lists several issues: Him coming two<br />

days late to school once after missing<br />

his flight, the controversial concerning<br />

the seating at last year’s graduation,<br />

his unfriendly relationship with the<br />

English department after getting<br />

involved in the discussion around the<br />

English Zentralabitur, his wearing a<br />

police uniform on the anniversary of<br />

9/11. “Making concrete decisions is not<br />

something we do well,” he says about<br />

the school. Few deny that the fact that<br />

he chose to make decisions was one of<br />

the reasons for him being unpopular<br />

amongst his colleagues. Many teachers<br />

see him as being undemocratic and<br />

see his way of making decisions<br />

unprofessional, without consulting the<br />

necessary school organs and find him<br />

difficult to work with in general. It<br />

seems that a majority of the school is<br />

divided on this issue: Everyone is either<br />

pro- or anti-Reale, the school seems<br />

divided by which principal its members<br />

support. Mr. Blount, Director of<br />

Guidance at our school, even speaks of<br />

a “fractured faculty and student body at<br />

JFKS.” There have been accusations of<br />

Dr. Reale being mobbed out of office by<br />

his colleagues, and in turn, accusations<br />

against Dr. Reale that he, in fact, mobbed<br />

teachers. On the 12th of February, Mr.<br />

Blount wrote an E-Mail to the members<br />

of the Parent Council, in which he stated<br />

that “he [Dr. Reale] does not have my<br />

confidence to continue as principal and<br />

I have voiced that to Herr Harnos.”<br />

Many students, however, do not share<br />

the opinion held by many teachers..<br />

Several students voiced their support<br />

for him, praising his help in giving the<br />

students the student lounge, propping<br />

up the IT-department and fighting for<br />

the English Zentralabitur, and a petition<br />

for his staying at the <strong>Kennedy</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

was passed around amongst students.<br />

10th of March – Mr. Schürmann is<br />

scheduled to speak in front of the PC.<br />

Mr. Harnos adviseds him not to do so,<br />

and that point of order is taken off the<br />

agenda.<br />

13th of March – Mr. Harnos of the<br />

Berlin senate writes an open letter<br />

to the student body, writing that the<br />

decision, whether Dr. Reale is allowed<br />

to stay or has to leave lies with him,<br />

neither with the administration nor with<br />

the student body.<br />

27th-29th of April – Several school<br />

organs are to decide who is to become<br />

the next American High <strong>School</strong> Principal.<br />

Dr. Hepner is one of the candidates.<br />

Ignoring the question of Dr. Reale’s<br />

suitability for his post, there are several<br />

questions we as the members of the<br />

<strong>John</strong> F. <strong>Kennedy</strong> <strong>School</strong> community now<br />

have to ask ourselves. Why does the<br />

fourth principal in a row leave after only<br />

two years in office? Is there something<br />

wrong with the way we choose or treat<br />

our principals? Why are so many people<br />

afraid of publicly voicing their opinion?<br />

Is there something wrong with the way<br />

we approach biculturism?<br />

Moritz Zeidler<br />

-Staff-<br />

Box<br />

Founding Fathers:<br />

Mikolaj Bekasiak<br />

Seth Hepner<br />

Adam Nagorski<br />

Editors:<br />

Ina Fischer<br />

Eileen Wagner<br />

Lena Walther<br />

Layout Editor:<br />

Farsane Tabataba-Vakili<br />

Journalists:<br />

Jung-Hyun An<br />

Natascha Bergh<br />

Aletta Bühler<br />

Lauritz Bühler<br />

Tatiana Bühler<br />

Randolf Carr<br />

Lisa Feklistova<br />

Marissa Fuchs<br />

Mira Godiwala<br />

Joanna He<br />

Nikolas Jaeger<br />

Rebecca Jetter<br />

Max Jürgens<br />

Annette Lazarus<br />

Kirstin Lazarus<br />

Sarah Lee<br />

Stefanie Lehmann<br />

Kim C. v. Schönfeld<br />

Leonie Schulte<br />

Denise Ünal<br />

Katarina von Witzke<br />

Moritz Zeidler<br />

Anna Zychlinsky<br />

Cartoonist:<br />

Jakob Marsh<br />

Guest Journalist:<br />

Alexander Schaper<br />

Tenzin Sekhon<br />

Charlotte von Streit<br />

Th e Mu c k r a k e r is an independent newspaper.<br />

The opinions expressed here in no<br />

way reflect those of the administration of<br />

the <strong>John</strong> F. <strong>Kennedy</strong> <strong>School</strong>.<br />

How to join<br />

the Muckraker Staff<br />

1. Come to our weekly<br />

meetings in the 20-minutebreak<br />

on Tuesdays in B214<br />

2. Send in your articles to<br />

themuckraker@gmail.com<br />

3. Drop a note in our<br />

mailbox or approach us<br />

randomly in the hallways

Volume XII, Issue VIII Friday, April 3, 2009 Circulation: 600 PAGE 5<br />

JFKS Life / Entertainment<br />

No drumbeat has sounded louder in the halls of JFKS than the<br />

news of Dr. Reale’s resignation. Chitchat? Was he bullied out of<br />

his position? Bewilderment? Why did he resign?<br />

Quickly the news fed rumors, and opposing sides began to form;<br />

the circumstances behind Dr. Reale’s decision to quit ran like<br />

wildfire up and down the halls, in multiple variations. What is<br />

the REAL deal, Reale?<br />

In pursuit of clarification, we decided to attend a Parent Council<br />

meeting on the 5th of March, 2009, in which Dr. Reale would<br />

offer perspectives on the “future of the school”. This turned out<br />

to be, however, a noble disguise for more manipulation and<br />

justification of his “mishaps”.<br />

First things first. Starting at 19:20, Dr. Reale presented a series<br />

of points that would help “you” (meaning future administrators<br />

and teachers) get to the “next level” and make JFK a great<br />

organization. The source of his inspiration came from the book:<br />

“From Good to Great-”. In his thirty-five minute presentation, Dr.<br />

Reale outlined six key corporate strategies, which, in his opinion,<br />

are also applicable to schools.<br />

Point one: “A good institution needs good leadership and a strong<br />

desire to produce results”. Undoubtedly, Dr. Reale had a strong<br />

desire to execute his ideas of change. But does a proposition to<br />

cut “additional expenses” (field trips etc.) for embassy students<br />

bring about positive change? Would this innovative idea prove<br />

to do much more than divide our school between German and<br />

American, Abitur and Diploma students?<br />

Point two: “Finding the right people to fit the job.” Dr. Reale went<br />

on to quote his source, “When in doubt, keep looking, don’t<br />

hire.” Only very few of those present understood the true irony<br />

of this remark.<br />

Point three: “Confront the brutal facts.” A brutal fact is that 36<br />

is more than 11 or 14 or 20. There were 36 votes in favour of<br />

changing the seating order for last year’s graduation ceremony.<br />

According to Dr. Reale’s understanding of a democratic vote,<br />

it was an illegitimate majority, because it did not exceed 50<br />

percent. At no point in time did the class agree that it needed to<br />

be more than half. That, too, is a fact.<br />

Dr. Reale’s point four: “Stick to the core mission.” Aha. The JFKS<br />

mission statement reads: “to develop academic excellence.”<br />

Can a school really aspire to such a goal by cutting one hour of<br />

English instruction per week?<br />

His list of points, once again, mirrored a dangerous and typical<br />

Ever heard of this? Well for those of you<br />

who don’t know it, it is a medium sized,<br />

luminous board with a YES and a NO on<br />

the top corners, a letter and a number<br />

span from A to Z and 0 to 9 on the<br />

bottom of the board. It is a pretty simple<br />

game, for all you need is more than two<br />

people. First you ask a question and<br />

then you lay your fingers on a glowin-the-dark,<br />

plastic pointer, which will<br />

after a few seconds of thought, point<br />

out your answer. Not only is it scarily<br />

accurate, but also an entertaining party<br />

game! Certain curious people started<br />

wondering how this game made by<br />

the Parker brothers actually works,<br />

for the Ouija Board NEVER LIES. Many<br />

people tried coming up with different<br />

explanations like magnets attracting<br />

the pointer, or body heat influencing<br />

the pointer to move to the right<br />

answer. However, doubts came along<br />

Ouija Board<br />

Reality Check<br />

when people thought again. How can a<br />

magnet show your weight correctly? (It<br />

is no lie! I tried it!) In the end, a simple<br />

but freaky explanation came about,<br />

blaming the “spirits” for the movement<br />

of the plastic pointer. After all, that is<br />

what the Chinese people in 1200 B.C.<br />

believed (even though they were very<br />

gullible, but that’s besides the point).<br />

Because of that, many religion-obsessed<br />

people don’t allow their children to play<br />

with this paper and plastic board, for<br />

the fear of “spiritual obsession”, and the<br />

fear of the child becoming a “Satanist”.<br />

I personally LOVE the ouija board. It is<br />

the coolest thing on earth, and I wont<br />

stop playing it! Call me Satanist if you<br />

want, but after all, a board can’t harm<br />

anyone ... or can it?<br />

behaviour pattern that revealed a dichotomy between his<br />

thoughts and actions. With every point Dr. Reale mentioned,<br />

more frustration and confusion arose amongst those who have<br />

had to deal with the ultimate consequences of his leadership –<br />

namely, teachers, administrators and students.<br />

Nevertheless, during this meeting on March 5th, his comments<br />

were echoed and highlighted by both the moderator and his<br />

supporters. What happened to his stated objective “not to<br />

mention any names” when he referred to an English teacher<br />

who “has been at our school for 30 years”?<br />

The evening ended with enthusiastic applause. A real Reale rally<br />

...<br />

At the beginning of the session, Dr. Reale expressed his wish<br />

to look into the future of the school. But just look at Dr. Reale’s<br />

source for his “view” of our school in the future. When presenting<br />

the book “From Good to Great-”, he forgot to mention the other<br />

half of the title: “Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and<br />

Others Don’t”. If you had followed the book’s example, according<br />

to the The New York Times, and bought Fannie Mae stocks (one<br />

case study of the book) around the time its publication, you<br />

would have lost over 80 percent of your investment.<br />

But the question is much deeper: Since when is our school a<br />

company? Business and leadership books are mostly backward<br />

looking; they analyse factors contributing to success and<br />

failure from past examples. Dr. Reale recapitulated and rewrote<br />

prior events with a dangerous simplification and apparent<br />

pragmatism: he implied his decision was forced by “sub-culture”<br />

of “bullies”. And unknowingly, or in complete oblivion, more than<br />

sixty people became witnesses to Dr Reale’s ability to alter facts<br />

in order to evoke empathy.<br />

Fact is, when Dr. Reale first came to JFKS, he was welcomed with<br />

open arms. One by one, he alienated teachers, students, many<br />

parents and even some JFKS supporters… all by himself. Was he<br />

bullied? It takes two to tango.<br />

Let us hope that our school has learned from its mistakes and<br />

will invest all time and energy to reunite... and rethink its high<br />

school principal recruitment process. We wish Dr. Reale all the<br />

best in the future and hope that somewhere he will be “the right<br />

person for the right job”. Fannie Mae is hiring.<br />

Mira Godiwala<br />


Alexander Schaper<br />

Leonie Schulte<br />

The Cynic’s<br />

Dictionary<br />

“Attribute of Chinese people in<br />

1200 B.C.”<br />

Eileen Wagner<br />

Feeling cynical, too?<br />

Then submit your own definitions to<br />

themuckraker@gmail.com by May<br />

4th.<br />

Eileen Wagner

Volume XII, Issue VIII Friday, April 3, 2009 Circulation: 600 PAGE 6<br />

Thoughts Aside:<br />

Gum Paradox<br />

The question whether someone<br />

chews gum is in a sense comparable<br />

to Schrödinger’s cat. In 1935, Erwin<br />

Schrödinger proposed a quantum<br />

mechanical thought experiment in<br />

which a cat and a breakable vial of<br />

poison, controlled by the probability<br />

of a decaying radioactive particle,<br />

would be put in a sealed box. Since<br />

the observer cannot tell when the<br />

vial breaks or if it does at all, the cat<br />

can be presumed as both dead and<br />

alive until the box is opened. This is<br />

considered to be a paradox.<br />

Similarly paradoxical are the goingson<br />

of our local high school library.<br />

Contrary to empirical evidence, it<br />

is stated and believed that chewing<br />

gum, Mentos, or other forms of candy<br />

will inevitably and unconditionally<br />

result in the presence of mice.<br />

These little rodents do not only love<br />

candy but also strongly prefer the<br />

cozy literary locale to other far more<br />

food-oriented places. A notion not<br />

shared by a growing portion of the<br />

student population. Considering that<br />

numerous “wild” animals including<br />

foxes, mice, rats, children, and the<br />

occasional stray cat or dog roam<br />

the JFKS campus continuously,<br />

and find their ways into all places,<br />

presumably according to the same<br />

seemingly random, probabilitybased<br />

scheme that determines the<br />

location of an electron within an<br />

atom (note: Schrödinger equation!),<br />

one can conclude that the relation<br />

between the presence of food and<br />

the presence of mice is negligibly<br />

small.<br />

It is further stated that bodily functions<br />

relatable to food (i.e. chewing<br />

the last morsel of a sandwich) are<br />

absolutely prohibited within library<br />

parameters. One may consequently<br />

wonder to what extent the progress<br />

of one’s digestion needs to be taken<br />

into account. If the food cannot be<br />

chewed, may it be swallowed? May<br />

it pass through the esophagus and<br />

into the stomach? Might the next<br />

step towards totalitarianism be a<br />

method to determine your stomach’s<br />

hydrochloric acid production rate?<br />

In any case, the gum paradox results<br />

in countless hilarious incidents, for<br />

unless one is forced to open one’s<br />

mouth, the existence of gum cannot<br />

be proved.<br />

Farsane Tabataba-Vakili<br />

Column / JFKS Life<br />

16 Teams, 32 Games, 1 Cup<br />

Germany has an incredible tradition of<br />

soccer: victories, failures, scandals, and<br />

historic games plaster the successful road<br />

of German Fußball. Likewise, the United<br />

States have experienced a considerable<br />

soccer-boom in the past years. Soccer<br />

clubs across America register more and<br />

more interested, dynamic and young<br />

soccer fanatics. David Beckham’s<br />

transfer to LA Galaxy marked a new era<br />

in American sports (besides the fact the<br />

Beckham transferred back to Europe<br />

only a year later…).<br />

In this new German-American tradition,<br />

the <strong>John</strong> F. <strong>Kennedy</strong> <strong>School</strong> hopes to<br />

contribute its part to the teambuilding<br />

spirit of international soccer. The<br />

traditional <strong>Kennedy</strong> Cup, JFKS’ very<br />

own soccer tournament, took place<br />

from March 16th to 27th. 16 teams<br />

from nearly all grade levels competed<br />

for the glorious trophy.<br />

Spread over three afternoons, the<br />

group phase yielded some impressive<br />

results. The seventh grade team “No<br />

Name” managed to beat a tenth grade<br />

team in a difficult and very close match.<br />

12th graders of the “Chak de” team<br />

scored 21 goals against a young team<br />

composed solely of girls. Although these<br />

young ladies experienced quite a few<br />

set-backs this year, their huge fan-club<br />

definitely supported them vehemently<br />

through all games.<br />

The quarterfinals were almost as<br />

spectacular. With one minute left to<br />

play, the referee called a penalty shot for<br />

“The Umpa Lumpas” (9th grade) against<br />

“SV Andulo Umutspor” (11th grade). Up<br />

to this point the game was tied three<br />

to three, but a successfully executed<br />

penalty shot awarded the tenth grade<br />

team with a win. “Team Bundesrepublik”<br />

(12th grade) scored one goal against<br />

“Fleischfresser” (13th grade) in a very<br />

tense, exciting, and close game. “Oh<br />

Yeah…Maybe We Should” (13th grade)<br />

and “Black4White” (10th grade) both<br />

also reached the semi-finals.<br />

In the semi-finals, the 13th graders<br />

clearly beat “The Umpa Lumpas”,<br />

For all those of you who feel our teachers<br />

are lame and/or boring, prepare to be<br />

contradicted, for it was clear that this<br />

is not the case once you’ve visited the<br />

Teacher Talent Show.<br />

Although only a handful of teachers<br />

braved the stage on the 27th of<br />

February, the 3rd TTS was still a success.<br />

Musical pieces (partially teachercreated<br />

songs) were performed with<br />

numerous instruments. Tricks, theatrical<br />

performances, and impersonations<br />

were also on the show’s agenda. You<br />

certainly got your money’s worth, and<br />

who showed unique enthusiasm and<br />

a determination to win that clearly<br />

conquered the audience’s sympathy.<br />

“Team Bundesrepublik” had to admit that<br />

“Black4White” played more effective and<br />

consequently, they accepted defeat.<br />

While the “Subman” distributed SUBWAY<br />

cookies and vouchers, the final teams<br />

prepared for their last match. Before,<br />

however, “The Umpa Lumpas” competed<br />

against “Team Bundesrepublik” for third<br />

place, and therefore for a SUBWAY<br />

sandwich platter. Unfortunately this<br />

game turned out less spectacular than<br />

most had hoped, with a clear 3-0 win for<br />

the 12th grade “Team Bundesrepublik”.<br />

Then the moment all had waited for<br />

finally arrived: “Black4White” versus<br />

“Oh Yeah…Maybe We Should”, the final.<br />

Although the 13th graders had a clear<br />

physical advantage, “Black4White”<br />

was able to counter with smart and<br />

effective play. To this point, no one<br />

could predict a clear winner. Eventually,<br />

the 13th graders did make use of their<br />

advantage and scored several goals.<br />

Although “Black4White” came back into<br />

the game several times, “Oh Yeah…<br />

Maybe We Should” won the final with<br />

a 4-3 win.<br />

The trophy was handed over by the<br />

“Subman” and the winning team<br />

received a voucher for a 1m SUBWAY<br />

sandwich. Thanks to our generous<br />

sponsor, the second and third placed<br />

teams will also receive a SUBWAY<br />

sandwich platter each.<br />

The <strong>Kennedy</strong> Cup 2009 winners are,<br />

as in the previous year, 13th graders.<br />

Congratulations to “Oh Yeah…Maybe<br />

We Should” and all other teams that<br />

participated in this year’s tournament:<br />

Kattle Natchu, Spitzenreiter, EFCB, Chak<br />

de, Puffys, Girlsclub, Fleischfresser, SV<br />

Andulo Umutspor, Black4White, Angry<br />

Pirates, Hot Ballz, No Name, I Love<br />

Stahnsdorf, The Umpa Lumpas, and<br />

Team Bundesrepublik.<br />

Paul Opitz<br />

Max Jürgens<br />

Revelations of the Rulemakers<br />

to think that one had to pay only one<br />

Euro in order to see one’s teachers<br />

goof off and/or act in ways you’d never<br />

expect them to act!<br />

Mr. Felt ended the evening nicely by<br />

thanking everyone, especially the<br />

students, for “we [the teachers] enjoy<br />

making you guys laugh.” Even if he may<br />

have phrased it differently, I think you<br />

get the message: Your teachers aren’t<br />

actually as phlegmatic as it may seem<br />

in the classroom.<br />

Jakob Marsh

Volume XII, Issue VIII Friday, April 3, 2009 Circulation: 600 PAGE 7<br />

Culture<br />

Eine Bilanz: Amoklauf in Winnenden<br />

Schon wieder eine Horrornachricht aus<br />

einer deutschen Schule: Am 11. März<br />

2009 stürmt ein bewaffneter 17-Jähriger<br />

die Albertville-Realschule in Winnenden.<br />

Wahllos schießt er in Klassenräume,<br />

dabei werden neun Schüler und drei<br />

Lehrer getötet. Danach flieht Tim K.<br />

aus dem Gebäude und erschießt auf der<br />

Flucht drei weitere Passanten. Als die<br />

Polizei ihn vor einem Autohaus stellt,<br />

richtet er die Waffe gegen sich selbst.<br />

Dieses Szenario gab es schon<br />

mehrmals, in Deutschland zuletzt vor<br />

sieben Jahren an einem Gymnasium<br />

in Erfurt. Am meisten Opfer forderte<br />

bislang der Amoklauf an der Virginia<br />

Tech, welcher damals 32 Menschen das<br />

Leben kostete. Die Beweggründe aller<br />

drei Täter sind bis heute noch unklar,<br />

man kann jedoch ein grundsätzliches<br />

Muster erkennen: Alle waren eher<br />

unauffällig, einzelgängerisch und litten<br />

unter Depressionen.<br />

Immer wieder entbrennt nun die<br />

Diskussion über die Sicherheit an<br />

Schulen. Wie kann man verhindern,<br />

dass so etwas noch mal passiert?<br />

Bundesinnenminister Schäuble schlägt<br />

vor, wie an amerikanischen Schulen<br />

Wahlen, auch in Deutschland! Einen<br />

Obama können wir nicht aus dem<br />

Ärmel schütteln, trotzdem wird es<br />

spannend. Die Erwachsenen reden<br />

von DEM Wahljahr schlechthin,<br />

es stehen Europaparlaments-<br />

und Bundestagswahlen an. Es ist<br />

auch unsere Zukunft, über die da<br />

entschieden wird! Kennt Ihr das<br />

Gefühl, nicht dazuzugehören? Nur<br />

weil man nicht 18 ist. Verdammt,<br />

das ist nicht fair! Die Mehrheit der<br />

Schüler unserer Highschool darf an<br />

den Wahlen nicht teilnehmen. Aber<br />

dieses Mal drehen wir den Spieß um,<br />

dieses Mal werden alle Volljährigen<br />

ausgeschlossen, dieses Mal dürfen<br />

nur die Minderjährigen wählen,<br />

dieses Mal gibt es die U18.<br />

Die U18 ist eine extra für Kinder<br />

und Jugendliche organisierte,<br />

deutschlandweite Bundestagswahl, mit echtem<br />

Stimmzettel für unseren Wahlkreis, mit Wahlkabine,<br />

Erst- und Zweitstimme und natürlich auch einer<br />

richtigen Wahlurne. Die Wahllokale schließen analog<br />

zu den Bundestagswahlen um 18 Uhr, allerdings 9 Tage<br />

früher. Die Auszählung der Stimmzettel erfolgt öffentlich<br />

Sicherheitskräfte und Metalldetektoren<br />

einzuführen. Die Idee hört sich vielleicht<br />

plausibel an, doch in der Realität ist sie<br />

eher unpraktisch. Ein Mensch, der fest<br />

entschlossen ist eine Schule zu stürmen,<br />

wird sich nicht von einem piepsenden<br />

Metalldetektor aufhalten lassen. Das<br />

lehren uns die Fälle aus den USA.<br />

Ebenso kommen auch<br />

gewaltverherrlichende Computerspiele<br />

wieder ins Gespräch. Sie sollen<br />

Mitauslöser für den Winnendener<br />

Amoklauf gewesen sein, doch eine<br />

Verkaufsbeschränkung ab 18 Jahren<br />

würde das Problem wohl auch nicht<br />

lösen. Mittlerweile kann man über das<br />

Internet genug gewaltverherrlichende<br />

Videos ansehen oder Online-Spiele<br />

spielen.<br />

Das eigentliche Problem ist ein<br />

ganz grundsätzliches: unsere<br />

konkurrenzgesteuerte Gesellschaft.<br />

Immer schneller, immer besser sollen<br />

die Menschen werden, vor allem an<br />

Schulen wird der Leistungsdruck<br />

immer höher. Die Zeiten, in denen es<br />

viele Arbeitsplätze für Menschen ohne<br />

Ausbildung gab, sind vorbei. Maschinen<br />

ersetzen immer mehr die menschliche<br />

U18 Wahlen<br />

Arbeitskraft. Das führt dazu, dass<br />

leistungsschwache Schüler einfach<br />

“abgeschrieben” werden. Zwar wird<br />

das nicht direkt gesagt, aber solche<br />

Teenager merken schnell, dass sie<br />

die Erwartungen der Eltern, Lehrer<br />

und Freunde nicht erfüllen können. Es<br />

folgen Depression und Abkapselung.<br />

Im Extremfall kommt es dann aus<br />

Verzweiflung zu solchen Taten wie<br />

Selbstmord oder Amokläufen.<br />

Es wäre daher erforderlich, dass<br />

Mitschüler ihre Augen nicht vor<br />

solchen “Losern” verschließen, sondern<br />

schnellstens einer Vertrauensperson<br />

Bescheid sagen. Kleinere Klassen<br />

und mehr Schulpsychologen würden<br />

sicherlich deutlich dazu beitragen, diese<br />

Fälle frühzeitig zu erkennen, denn wenn<br />

sich erst einmal jemand die Sorgen<br />

eines solchen Kindes anhört, kann man<br />

auch dessen Lage durch aktive Mithilfe<br />

verbessern. Es muss ja schließlich nicht<br />

jeder ein Einstein werden um seinen<br />

Platz im Leben zu finden.<br />

Kirstin Lazarus<br />

und die Ergebnisse werden an<br />

die Wahlzentrale übermittelt. Ab<br />

18 Uhr findet ihr im Internet die<br />

ersten Hochrechnungen und gegen<br />

22 Uhr wird das Endergebnis<br />

veröffentlicht.<br />

Gut, also dieses Mal dürfen alle<br />

wählen. Aber vorher muss ich mich<br />

also selbst irgendwie über Parteien<br />

und ihre Programme informieren? So<br />

ganz alleine? Nein, wir haben Glück<br />

gehabt! Es gibt ein paar Schüler,<br />

die eine Wahlveranstaltung auf die<br />

Beine stellen wollen. Es werden<br />

Politiker eingeladen, die uns Politik<br />

und Wahlversprechen verständlich<br />

machen werden.<br />

So etwas funktioniert nicht einfach<br />

so durch Fingerschnipsen – ich hab’s<br />

versucht – sondern es steckt viel<br />

Planung dahinter. Deswegen freuen<br />

wir uns über jeden, der Lust hat, uns zu unterstützen.<br />

Schreibt uns einfach eine Email an jfks.u18@googlemail.<br />

de.<br />

visit our website at:<br />

www.muckraker.webs.com<br />

Charlotte von Streit

Volume XII, Issue VIII Friday, April 3, 2009 Circulation: 600 PAGE 8<br />

Culture / JFKS Life<br />

American Psycho, The Silence of the Lambs, The Shining –<br />

these are all classic thrillers which deal with an important<br />

societal issue, psychopathy. We come across psychopaths in<br />

movies and in novels almost on a daily basis, and regard<br />

them with aversion or perhaps admiration. Unfortunately, lots<br />

of movies tend to depict psychopaths merely as crazy serial<br />

killers, without a profound insight into their mentality. Who<br />

are psychopaths really? Are they just psychotic murderers<br />

who continuously kill others? What is psychopathy?<br />

According to Dr. Robert Hare, an eminent Canadian criminal<br />

psychologist, psychopathy has been defined as a “diminished<br />

capacity for remorse and poor behavioral controls”.<br />

Psychopaths lack in conscience and morality, especially in<br />

remorse and guilt. They are also incapable of controlling<br />

their impulses, which can be either sexual or criminal.<br />

Nevertheless, the unusual thing about psychopaths is that<br />

they make a good and absolutely normal first impression with<br />

their superficial charm, despite the inhuman qualities they<br />

possess within. Psychopaths are ingenious when it comes to<br />

disguising themselves, due to the absence of empathy. They<br />

are absolutely brilliant in feigning their emotions and are<br />

described as “snakes in suits” or “masks of sanity”.<br />

By now, you must wonder where these atrocious people, who<br />

compose a single percent of the world’s population, are. A<br />

significant characteristic of a psychopath is that they are very<br />

goal-directed towards achieving wealth, sexual opportunities,<br />

and an increased status. In order to fulfill their desire for<br />

power and wealth, they do not hesitate to sacrifice others for<br />

their own success. Ruthlessly sacrificing others also provide<br />

them with pleasure. Using such desire, psychopaths can be<br />

successful and prestigious, if they do not channel to antisocial<br />

actions, but to politics and business. In both fields, sacrifice<br />

of the weaker and less powerful is required for the promotion<br />

and development of oneself. Consequently, an unexpected<br />

number of politicians tend to be psychopaths, only that they<br />

are usually not quite as cruel as psychopathic criminals.<br />

Apart from politicians, persistent wife-beaters, intentional illminded<br />

spreaders of HIV, or even your most-normal looking<br />

neighbor may be psychopaths.<br />

Until today, nobody has been able to precisely figure out how<br />

such ruthless personality traits can form in a human being.<br />

However, according to a medical research, a psychopath<br />

is born with an inclination to develop in the psychopathic<br />

way. A possible reason for this might be the dysfunction in<br />

a part of a brain. In a medical institute, an MRI (medical<br />

technique which enables visualization of internal structure) of<br />

a psychopath was taken. Astonishingly, a psychopath’s brain<br />

processed and interpreted emotional words such as cancer or<br />

rape just like other neutral words such as tree or chair. In a<br />

normal person’s brain, such words would arouse substantial<br />

Have you ever had anybody take control over<br />

your life without asking for your consent?<br />

Exactly this is happening to us at JFKS.<br />

New laws have been passed, forcing us to<br />

complete our high school education in only<br />

12 years when it was previously mappedout<br />

for 13. Although the 12-year program is<br />

globally accepted, one might argue that it<br />

results in increasing pressure and dropping<br />

grades. The review year, which was based in<br />

11th grade, has been deemed unnecessary<br />

and been removed from the curriculum.<br />

In order to fulfill the requirements needed<br />

The Truth about Psychopaths<br />

areas in the brain, affecting one personally.<br />

Because there is no exact diagnosis of psychopathy so far,<br />

a treatment is also very difficult. A better environment and<br />

parenting could affect and reform the future of a psychopath,<br />

but still would not eliminate the psychopathy from within.<br />

Existing treatments have made psychopathy worse,<br />

awakening their desires to recommit the crimes. Besides,<br />

psychopaths are completely satisfied with themselves. They<br />

do not seek for alteration of their personality. Psychopaths<br />

seem to be unalterable and society has to bear them as a<br />

part of its member.<br />

-------------------------------<br />

Now after being overloaded with information about<br />

psychopaths, wouldn’t you like to see it you’re a psychopath<br />

yourself??<br />

The test goes like this:<br />

For each of the phrase that applies to you fully, write down<br />

2 points.<br />

If it applies somewhat, write down 1 point.<br />

If it doesn’t apply at all, write down 0 points.<br />

At the end, calculate add up the sum of points. Now, be<br />

honest about yourself and check out if you are wearing the<br />

mask of sanity as well!<br />

1. glib and superficial charm<br />

2. grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self-worth<br />

3. need for stimulation/proneness to boredom<br />

4. pathological lying<br />

5. cunning and manipulativeness<br />

6. lack of remorse or guilt<br />

7. shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)<br />

8. callousness and lack of empathy<br />

9. parasitic lifestyle<br />

10. poor behavioral controls<br />

11. sexual promiscuity<br />

12. early behavioral problems<br />

13. lack of realistic long-term goals<br />

14. impulsivity<br />

15. irresponsibility<br />

16. failure to accept responsibility for own actions<br />

17. many short-term marital relationships<br />

18. juvenile delinquency<br />

19. revocation of conditional release<br />

20. criminal versatility<br />

A prototypical psychopath scores 40 points and a criminal<br />

offender usually scores 22 points. A normal person would<br />

score around 5 points. What are you?<br />

12 vs. 13 Years<br />

to acquire a scholarship, the students<br />

must disregard their non-scholastic<br />

activities. Furthermore, the longawaited<br />

Abistreich, prom, graduation<br />

ceremony etc. have to be shared<br />

with upperclassmen. The officials in<br />

charge may see the bigger picture but<br />

fail to put themselves in the shoes of<br />

the individuals affected. Getting into<br />

college may already seem impossible<br />

without this extra hurdle. Students in<br />

the “Doppeljahrgang” may have trouble<br />

being accepted into college and finding<br />

Sarah Lee<br />

a job. Starting the 12-year program at<br />

an early age so that the pressure of<br />

having to squeeze in a year does not<br />

build up could be a solution. Listening to<br />

teachers lecture about how there is no<br />

time for slacking off or less homework,<br />

however, is getting a little old. Although<br />

the idea of finishing a year early would<br />

seem pleasant, it does not make school<br />

any more bearable.<br />

Aletta Bühler<br />

Marissa Fuchs

Volume XII, Issue VIII Friday, April 3, 2009 Circulation: 600 PAGE 9<br />

Entertainment / Culture<br />

In the world of graphic<br />

novels, few authors are<br />

more widely respected than<br />

the fiercely independent<br />

and shockingly hirsute Alan<br />

Moore, and Watchmen,<br />

written in the late 1980s,<br />

is perhaps his best-known<br />

work. It is a dark and complex<br />

story of superheroes in an<br />

alternate-history United<br />

States and was one of the<br />

first works of its kind to<br />

receive widespread attention<br />

from mainstream literary<br />

circles. Though it has often<br />

been deemed unfilmable, an<br />

adaptation of Watchmen has<br />

finally been released, under the helm<br />

of director Zack Snyder (300). The<br />

differences between films and comics<br />

as storytelling media are inevitable,<br />

and it is precisely for this reason that<br />

Moore himself has expressly distanced<br />

himself from cinematic adaptations of<br />

his work. Nonetheless, Snyder brings<br />

much of the fragmented and detailed<br />

nature of the graphic novel to the big<br />

screen. He revels in cramming the film<br />

with as many allusions and minutiae<br />

as possible, so that, like a comic, the<br />

film will demand repeated viewings<br />

to be fully understood. It is certainly<br />

an unorthodox approach, but rapidly<br />

scouring every frame for obscure<br />

references and characters turns out to be<br />

one of the most satisfying things about<br />

viewing Watchmen. In one vignette,<br />

Andy Warhol presents a pop-art portrait<br />

of one of the film’s characters, who all,<br />

Movie Review: Watchmen<br />

“My boyfriend’s sister’s second grade teacher’s step mother’s<br />

late brother’s ex-wife’s hairdresser’s son.”<br />

Gossip is inevitable. People have leaned over the neighbor’s<br />

fence since the beginning of time to chat about other<br />

neighbors. For our generation, this has become blaringly<br />

apparent since the hit TV show “Gossip Girl” first aired.<br />

Even at our school, an anonymous student attempted to be<br />

“gossip girl”, spreading rumors on the internet. Admittedly,<br />

gossip is usually not spread by fashionable sidekicks while<br />

wearing brightly colored outfits straight off the runway, it is,<br />

nevertheless, spread.<br />

Avoiding gossip is impossible; most of us even indulge in<br />

it. How far is taking gossip too far? Getting involved in a<br />

politician’s personal life could destroy his or her professional<br />

career.<br />

Michelle Obama’s outfits are scrutinized while Barack runs<br />

arguably one of the most powerful countries in the world.<br />

Scrutinizing an outfit, however, and getting involved in<br />

the personal life of a politician are two different subjects.<br />

Discussing Michelle’s outfit she wore to the inauguration is<br />

entertaining, while exaggerating and analyzing an important<br />

political figure’s personal life is cruel. When Obama made<br />

as vigilantes, have naturally attained<br />

celebrity status. A further scene<br />

shows an utterly convincing cover of<br />

the “New Yorker” with a caricature of<br />

another superhero, lying on a table,<br />

while a 1980s Annie Leibovitz stands<br />

there taking pictures of a third. Snyder<br />

shows skill in other areas as well; two<br />

montages in particular are without a<br />

doubt some of the most impressive<br />

sections of the film. The opening credits<br />

are accompanied by Bob Dylan’s “The<br />

Times, They Are-Changing” and lead<br />

the audience into Watchmen’s timeline,<br />

one where Richard Nixon is serving a<br />

third term, the Cold War is still in full<br />

swing, and costumed vigilantes have<br />

been a part of American society since<br />

the 1940s. Unlike many other examples<br />

of its genre, only one character truly<br />

has superhuman abilities: the towering<br />

electric-blue Dr. Manhattan, a nuclear<br />

Destroying Public Office<br />

physicist accidentally<br />

transformed into a being<br />

with absolute power<br />

over time and space.<br />

The film’s second great<br />

montage is one where he<br />

reflects on his past life,<br />

set to Philip Glass’s score<br />

of Koyaanisqatsi. The<br />

music lends the scene a<br />

mood of overwhelming,<br />

monumental sadness.<br />

Dr. Manhattan sees<br />

the universe in ways<br />

that no one else can<br />

comprehend, and even<br />

as he tries to maintain a<br />

somewhat normal life, he<br />

is irrevocably cut off from the rest of<br />

humanity; their problems seem less and<br />

less important to him on a grand scale.<br />

Even as Watchmen is elevated by scenes<br />

and concepts such as this, it is brought<br />

down by Snyder’s almost fetishist<br />

appetite for gore. People are attacked<br />

with fists, cleavers, power saws, boiling<br />

lard, or flamethrowers, and all with<br />

a sickening realism and attention to<br />

detail. The arguably important role of<br />

violence in the story is undermined by<br />

its gratuitous presentation.<br />

On the whole, Watchmen is complex<br />

to evaluate as a film. It’s cluttered and<br />

grimy, mixing together many different<br />

types of scenes just as it does genres. It<br />

manages to be entertaining throughout<br />

its length, despite a somewhat murky<br />

plot, and is satisfying as it is imperfect.<br />

Nikolas Jaeger<br />

a politically incorrect remark on Jay Leno’s show, it was<br />

instantly turned into a scandal and made the front page in<br />

some cases. Not only are these matters unimportant, they<br />

take away from truly pressing issues in public office.<br />

Through yellow press journalism, many potentially great<br />

politicians are intimidated or simply do not want to deal<br />

or expose their families and loved ones to this kind of<br />

unprofessional publicity and don’t run at all. When Julian<br />

Graham stepped down from being SC president, a very<br />

questionable article was written. Was pulling Graham’s<br />

girlfriend into the debacle necessary or professional?<br />

Although it may seem these journalists are “muckraking”,<br />

making assumptions about a leader’s or an elected official’s<br />

personal life in a newspaper written by his peers is out of<br />

line. Getting the facts is a journalist’s job. Creating rumors<br />

on assumptions which have nothing to do with his public<br />

position is clearly unprofessional. This may intimidate the<br />

next hardworking student considering to become SC president<br />

may reconsider the decision due to unsubstantiated rumors<br />

which may ruin her or his reputation.<br />

Katarina von Witzke

Volume XII, Issue VIII Friday, April 3, 2009 Circulation: 600 PAGE 10<br />


Volume XII, Issue VIII Friday, April 3, 2009 Circulation: 600 PAGE 11<br />

Cartoon Corner

Volume XII, Issue VIII Friday, April 3, 2009 Circulation: 600 PAGE 12<br />

Culture / Entertainment<br />

Unsere Kultour: Der gute Deutsche von Nanjing<br />

13. Dezember 1937: Japanische<br />

Truppen stürmen die damalige<br />

Hauptstadt Chinas, Nanjing. In den<br />

darauf folgenden sieben Wochen töten<br />

sie mehr als 300 000 Zivilisten und<br />

Kriegsgefangene, vergewaltigen 20<br />

000 Frauen und fügen den Chinesen<br />

ein nationales Trauma zu. Auf<br />

grausamste Weise wurde die Mehrheit<br />

der Einwohner gefoltert, verstümmelt,<br />

erstochen, erschossen oder verbrannt.<br />

Das Massaker von Nanjing ist bis<br />

heute eine der tiefsten Wunden in der<br />

chinesischen Geschichte und immer<br />

noch ein emotionales Diskussionsthema,<br />

wenn es um die Beziehung zu Japan<br />

geht. Aufgrund der nach Jahrzehnten<br />

noch verharmlosenden Darstellung<br />

in japanischen Schulbüchern<br />

boykottierten Chinesen im Jahre<br />

2005 sogar japanische Produkte. Bis<br />

zum heutigen Tage weigert sich die<br />

japanische Regierung, sich offiziell<br />

zu diesem Kriegsverbrechen zu<br />

bekennen. Nun hat sich der deutsche<br />

Regisseur und Oscar-Preisträger Florian<br />

Gallenberger gewagt, dieses schwierige<br />

Thema in einem Film aufzugreifen, indem er die Geschichte<br />

des unfreiwilligen und schon beinah vergessenen Helden<br />

<strong>John</strong> Rabe – man nennt ihn den „Oskar Schindler Chinas“ –<br />

erzählt, der heute noch in China verehrt wird.<br />

<strong>John</strong> Rabe arbeitet in der damaligen Zeit als Kaufmann<br />

Sudokus!!<br />

Eileen Wagner<br />

Fill in the grid so that every row, every<br />

column, and every 3x3 box contains<br />

the digits 1 through 9.<br />

Easy Sudoku Hard Sudoku<br />

für Siemens und genießt Privilegien<br />

wegen seiner NSDAP-Mitgliedschaft.<br />

In seinem überdimensionierten Garten<br />

in Nanjing beherbergt er während<br />

der japanischen Besatzung mehr als<br />

250 000 Chinesen und rettet deren<br />

Leben, indem er u.a. eine 3 x 6 Meter<br />

große Hakenkreuzfahne aufspannt und<br />

auf das deutsch-japanische Bündnis<br />

hinweist. Dass ausgerechnet das<br />

Symbol für Hass und Zerstörung über<br />

dem sichersten Ort in Nanjing weht,<br />

verleiht dem Film eine Ironie, die nur<br />

schwer zu thematisieren ist, zumal<br />

Rabe selbst eher ignorant gegenüber<br />

den Geschehnissen in Deutschland war.<br />

Die bewegte und paradoxe Geschichte<br />

eines einfachen Siemens-Vertreters und<br />

Hitler-Verehrers, der zum humanitären<br />

Retter von Hunderttausenden wird,<br />

wäre an sich reif für Hollywood –<br />

doch zunächst bekommen wir die<br />

neuste deutsche Produktion zu sehen,<br />

aufwendig und nicht ohne Hindernisse<br />

in Shanghai gedreht.<br />

„<strong>John</strong> Rabe“ von Florian Gallenberger<br />

mit Ulrich Tukur, Daniel Brühl und Steve Buscemi in den<br />

Hauptrollen ist seit gestern in den Kinos.<br />

Eileen Wagner

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