City Directory 1868 - Akron-Summit County Public Library

City Directory 1868 - Akron-Summit County Public Library

City Directory 1868 - Akron-Summit County Public Library


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grouncl on nvhich wo stand mas decidcd by tho nrbitrnfion of<br />

tllc sword anct tomahawl; ; and fifty gcnrs hnve not yct pnssoil<br />

since the gronnrl on which the pi~blic nru localctl,<br />

wore in tho nnilispnt.ec1 posscs~ion of tlie red lllcu of thc:<br />

iorest.<br />

"In July, 17'30, ono yoar nftor thc formation of thc C03necticut<br />

La~ld Company, tlle first snrvcying party nrrivcd at<br />

Cleveland ; and,in tho fall of that Scar the jirst pcrnisnei~t<br />

settlement was nlfiite whero that city now st~ndj. In Scptonlbor<br />

and Octobcr ol th ~t ycnr the city m lr 1:~id oat, a1111<br />

1v.t~ a15merl in honor of Gau. Mo;os Clev~li~~ld, of Co~luoztioil t,<br />

\oh0 W:LS ono of tllc csploring party. Cleveland was tllcrl on<br />

the \veatern rergo of tilo Un~te,l St.~tc~, tho river only Goparntiug<br />

il irom the Indian Isnd. But two families rcmaiuecl<br />

tl~eru through tho wintcr of '90-97, and thcir noarcst ~i(liglibors<br />

wcre at River Rnisin, the month of Big IJer~ver, n11il C~IIaeant.<br />

Sickness :~nd other causes consp~rcd to retnrcl it.;<br />

growth, nnd from Jannnry '99 to April 1800, n prsiotl of l(i<br />

luontlrs, Lorewzo Carber, from IZntlancl, T'cruo~lt, w,ls tt~s<br />

only inllabitant of that city.<br />

" Tho spring of '99 was a notcd cm in tllc history of t!~!<br />

Rcserrc. A grist mill mas orectcd at tho Falls in NL'\V~II.L-R!I.<br />

in which the inhabitalits conld gct their corn gronutl, in5tcsc.l<br />

of pounding it. This was tho first ~liill on the Iloxrvo.<br />

"In lfay '99, Lewis Day, nnd others, nr1.i~c.d :it Dcs~field;<br />

Portago <strong>County</strong>, in awitgon, nrllich, 80 f:~r A!; I G:111 !C:L~II<br />

mns the iirst wagon evcr so far \vast ; and on tho 7th of Xovo~iibcr<br />

of that year, Gen. John C:m1)b~?li msrrictl n tlnnqhtcr<br />

of Mr. ICly, which I believe, mila tho f rest we\lding iu tllc<br />

bounds of l'ortage <strong>County</strong>, mhich thn incloclc~i tili;. They I<br />

wcrc rnarricd by Cdvin Austin Esq., of IYnrrcn, \vlio in co1t1.-<br />

1mny with Calvin l'easc, t~fkrward Judge of our Suprsrnc<br />

Court, camo tu tho weclcling on foot, there being no raails.<br />

"Tho first perrnancnt scttlcmcnt nindo in this C:)unty,<br />

~vns in 1800, by Dnvid I3uclson, at what is now caLloc1 linrlsor~<br />

in honor of him. This, ycnr had ~~etirr)y proved fstnl to tllo<br />

whites, tbrongh the inlprudcnco of two ucn, 3IcUnl1on and<br />

Story, who lulled Capt. George and Spotted John, two Inclinlls<br />

nt tlle salt works dn Tn~rnbul~ Coumty. lic?tIahon \vas tricd<br />

nnd uccluittcd. Story fled. Ononrhgn G corge xsns present,<br />

and insisted upon taking i~nmerliate rellgcsnce by a11 indiscriminate<br />

slaughter of the n~hites before they had time to

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