Manual on Bivoltine Rearing, Race Maintenance and Multiplication

Manual on Bivoltine Rearing, Race Maintenance and Multiplication

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The standard practice is to give 3-4 feedings per day at equal intervals. Under conditioned<br />

temperature (27"C) and humidity (85%),2 feeds per day are adequate during the first and<br />

second instars. When larvae are preparing for moult at each stage, the mulberry leaves are to<br />

be cut more finely than usual so that the unconsumed leaves dry quickiy.<br />

The appetite of the silkworm is low at the beginning of each instar, gradually increases<br />

with growth and again decreases towards the end of each stage. Therefore, the amount of feed<br />

should be regulated according to the growth of the larvae.<br />

4.13. Cleaning<br />

Cleaning of silkworm bed is not recommended during the first instar and cleaning is given<br />

soon after resumption from 1st moult. A net with mesh size 0.5 cm x 0.5 cm is spread over the<br />

rearing bed before feeding.<br />


Ensure the availability of required quantity of rearing appliances, quality and quantity of<br />

leaf to complete the late age rearing. The minimum requirement of late age reafing equipment<br />

for 100 dfls (40,000 larvae) is given in Table 4.<br />

Table 4. Requirement of rearing equipment/lO0 dfls (40,000 larvae) for late age<br />

Si. No. Item Quantity (No.)<br />

1. Round bamboo trays (1.2 m dia)<br />

or<br />

Wooden trays (0.75m x 1.05m)<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

6.<br />

Rearing standp (@tO trays/stand)<br />

Ant wells<br />

Cleaning Nets<br />

Feeding Stands<br />

Bamboo spiral mountages (1.8m x 1.2m)<br />

or<br />

Plastic collapsible mountages (19 folds)<br />

Room Heater (Thermostatic control)<br />

Gator Sprayer<br />

4A<br />

60<br />

4-6<br />

In addition to above, sufficient quantity of formalin, lime, uzicide, bleaching powder, RKO<br />

etc., should be kept in ready stock during rearing.<br />

The 5th age larvae cannot tolerate high temperature and high relative humidity as well<br />

as poor ventilation. During this stage, larvae eat voraciously and their body water is released.<br />

Therefore, good ventilation should be given to bring down their body temperature, removal<br />

of vapours, harmful gases etc., arise from the large quantities of excreta generated due to high<br />

amount of feed consumed.<br />

Bed spacing for the optimum larval growth has to be ensured sufficiently as indicated in<br />

Table 5 by gradually increasing the bed area everyday at the time of 9 a.m. feeding.<br />

2A<br />

100<br />

J<br />

40<br />

100<br />

1,<br />

1<br />


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