Manual on Bivoltine Rearing, Race Maintenance and Multiplication

Manual on Bivoltine Rearing, Race Maintenance and Multiplication

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Sericulture, the aiable agro-based industry aptly matches with the<br />

socio-economicback-drop of rural lndia. Silk, the queen of fibres is the fruitful<br />

culmination of the cumulatiae and concerted et'forts oJ the multi-disciplinary<br />

functionaries like cocoon producus, grainueres and reelers. Though lndia<br />

occupies second position in the ouerall global silk production (73,418 M.tonnes<br />

during 1993) bulk of it is from multi x bi silk" lts quality is nt the loza ebb<br />

compnred to the existing International standards, Therefore, adoptton of<br />

biaaltine sericulture became imperatiue and imminent considering its potentiality<br />

eaen under Indian tropical conditions. Success nnd deaelopment of biaoltine<br />

sericulture largely depends on practicing the specit'ied pnckages, skillt'ul<br />

management in dit't'erent facets coupled zuith rigorous R I D suppart. Although,<br />

considernble int'ormntion is aaailable in this direction, practical ti7:s/ guidelines<br />

helping to achieae the desired objectiues are meagre, In line utith this, considerable<br />

efforts sre chnnnelled in bringtng out this mqnusl proaiding releuant, precise<br />

and updated technologies of practical utility with regard to uarious sericultural<br />

operations for biuoltines aiz., incubation, young and late age rearing, testing of<br />

silkworm hybrids, reeling test, egg production, hibernation schedules,<br />

multiplication of silkworm breeds st P4lP3lPZ leaels and maintenance of<br />

silkworm stocks.<br />

More emphasis is giaen on breed maintennnce nnd multipliwtion systan<br />

required for biaoltines. This book alsa seraes qs necessary tool (hand book) ta<br />

the technical personnel in their day to day operations. This attempt is hoped to<br />

potentiality of biuoltine sericulture under tropicai conditions<br />

achieae the full<br />

and in renlising the set tnrgets thus mnking a signit'icant impnct in the<br />

international silk scenario besides improaing the scio-economic conditions of<br />

natiae sericulturists and as a potential foreign exchange earner.<br />

We express our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Y. Ohtsuki, fiCA kam Leader for<br />

his guidance and suggestions, Our thanks are also due to Dr. Tanaka, Short<br />

Term Expert (IICA) in Silkworm Breeding t'or his aaluable suggestions in<br />

bringing out tltis manuatr. We acknowledge the assistance extended by<br />

Mrs. Kshuma Giridhar, Assistant Director and Dr. M. Ramesh Babu, Senior<br />

Research Assistant. We also acknowledge the help rendered at aarious stnges by<br />

our colleagues of Silkworm Breeding l-nboratory, IICA.<br />

R. K. Datta<br />

H. K. Basavaraja<br />

Yasuhisa Mano

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