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"I'll telephone the Johannesburg Municipality right away and arrange for the loan of an<br />

ambulance," he said. His hand strayed towards the telephone to pick up the receiver, but he withdrew it<br />

again as something occurred to him. "Hm... perhaps it wouldn't be advisable to use an ambulance for<br />

our purpose," he reflected. "For one thing, it attracts too much attention: for another, 1 feel that an<br />

ambulance is the one vehicle which should always be above suspicion. If we start using ambulances<br />

for police traps there may be unpleasant repercussions."<br />

"1 see your point, sir. Well..." van Wyk considered. "How about a laundry van? I happen to know a<br />

chap who's the manager of a dry cleaning business in Fordsburg. I could phone him and arrange to<br />

borrow one of the firm's vans."<br />

"The very thing," agreed the chief. Who would look twice at a dry cleaning van?<br />

The manager, when approached by van Wyk, sounded very doubtful. "It's a most unusual request,"<br />

he said dubiously. "I'm afraid I can't... Look, Lieutenant, I think you'd better speak to the proprietor<br />

himself."<br />

The proprietor was emphatic. "Impossible, can't be done," he declared. "I operate a big concern,<br />

you understand. I couldn't possible spare one of my vans. It wouldn't do to disappoint my customers.<br />

What do you want a van for, anyway?"<br />

"Oh... some rather urgent police work," van Wyk replied vaguely. "Look here– we'll be needing it<br />

for a few hours at most. Surely . .."<br />

"I've told you, it's out of the question," interrupted the proprietor impatiently. "I'm sorry, but as I've<br />

already explained to you, I can't . .<br />

"We're prepared to pay you R200 for the use of your van," van Wyk cut short his further<br />

objections. "That's fair enough, isn't it? And I promise you that we'll be using it for a couple of hours<br />

only. You'll have it back the same afternoon."<br />

"Er... what did you say? How much? Well The proprietor sounded rather dazed. "Oh well, it's our<br />

duty to help the police, I suppose. All right, then, you can send for the van whenever you want . .<br />

Van Wyk did not send for the van immediately, however.<br />

First he wanted to pay another visit to Rivonia by daylight to get some idea of the topography of<br />

the place. When he had driven past there on the previous night it had been too dark to make out<br />

anything except trees and bushes.<br />

He and his namesake, Sergeant van Wyk, drove out to Rivonia in the latter's private DKW (a make<br />

of car not used by the police). Keeping their eyes well open, they cruised past the place pointed out to<br />

them the night before as Sisulu's probable hideout. It turned out to be an extensive estate named<br />

Lilliesleaf. The place was very densely wooded and no buildings were visible from the road. Making a<br />

wide detour, they approached the place again from another direction, and now they could just make out<br />

a small section of tiled roof showing among the trees. A little stream cut across the lower end of the<br />

estate.<br />

"Plenty of cover there," observed the detective, gesturing towards the undergrowth. "When we<br />

come to raid the place, it might be as well to bring a police dog along."<br />

Meanwhile they were still little the wiser. Van Wyk decided that it might be worth while to stop at<br />

one of the neighbouring estates and ask a few discreet questions about Lilliesleaf and its occupants.<br />

The neighbours, wealthy English-speaking people, were friendly and communicative. From the<br />

lady of the house the detectives learnt that Lilliesleaf belonged to a certain Mr Goldreich. It was a big<br />


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