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"As the indictment alleges," he began, "the accused deliberately and maliciously plotted and<br />

engineered the commission of acts of violence and destruction throughout the country<br />

"The planned purpose thereof was to bring about in the Republic of South Africa chaos, disorder<br />

and turmoil, which would be aggravated, according to their plan, by the operation of thousands of<br />

trained guerrilla warfare units deployed throughout the country at various vantage points. These would<br />

be joined in the various areas by local inhabitants as well as specially selected men posted to such<br />

areas. Their combined operations were planned to lead to confusion, violent insurrection and rebellion,<br />

followed, at the appropriate juncture, by an armed invasion of the country by military units of foreign<br />

powers.<br />

"In the midst of the resulting chaos, turmoil and disorder, it was planned by the accused to set up a<br />

provisional revolutionary government to take over the administration and control of this country…<br />

"In the main,'' Dr Yutar continued, "the accused are charged with two counts of sabotage:<br />

"Firstly, the State alleges that the accused, together with the other persons and associations named<br />

in the indictment, actually committed wrongful and willful acts, namely:<br />

The recruitment of persons, for instruction and training, both within and outside the Republic of<br />

South Africa, in<br />

a. the preparation, manufacture and use of explosives– for the purpose of committing acts of<br />

violence and destruction in the aforesaid Republic, and<br />

b. the art of warfare, including guerrilla warfare, and military training generally– for the purpose of<br />

causing a violent revolution in the aforesaid Republic.<br />

"The State further alleges that the accused are guilty of 153 acts of violence and destruction<br />

(sabotage) as particularised in the annexure attached to the indictment."<br />

The second count concerned acts of violence. This count mentioned conspiracy to commit acts of<br />

guerrilla warfare, to render aid to foreign powers invading the country, and participation in insurrection<br />

and i-evolution within the Republic.<br />

The indictment further named certain co-conspirators, who were not among the accused in the<br />

dock; notably Arthur Goldreich and Harold Wolpe, who, the State alleged, were members, as were the<br />

ten men on trial there, of Umkhonto We Sizwe's 'National High Command'.<br />

Other co-conspirators mentioned in the indictment were: Vivian Ezra, Julius First, Michael<br />

Harmel, Jack Hodgson, Ronnie Kasrils, Joe Slovo, Harold Strachan, Ben Turok and Cecil George<br />

Williams, (Whites); Arthur Letele, Looksmart Saulwandle Ngudle * , P. Duma Nokwe, and Oliver<br />

Tambo (Bantus): and George Naicker and Billy Nair (Indians).<br />

Organizations mentioned as having co-operated with the conspirators were the South African<br />

Communist Party, the African National Congress (both banned organizations) and the underground<br />

Umkhonto We Sizwe.<br />

In respect of James Kantor, the State alleged that he was involved in this conspiracy, either directly<br />

and in his personal capacity, or indirectly in his capacity as Harold Wolpe's senior partner.<br />

* Since deceased.<br />


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