Catholic Outlook December 2015

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<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong><br />

The official publication of the Diocese of Parramatta | www.catholicoutlook.org<br />

VOLUME 18, DECEMBER <strong>2015</strong><br />

Wishing all our readers a Joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year


Very Rev Peter G Williams<br />



3, 9<br />

Dear Brothers and Sisters,<br />

A Christmas Message<br />


NEWS<br />



4, 8, 18-22<br />

5<br />

6-7<br />

Recently, I was made aware of an<br />

advertisement in Great Britain that<br />

normally ‘kick starts’ the commercial<br />

onslaught that seems to come earlier and<br />

earlier every year. The company involved,<br />

John Lewis, produced this video clip on<br />

YouTube entitled #ManontheMoon with a<br />

concluding caption “show someone they’re<br />

loved this Christmas.”<br />

It seems somewhat ironic that a secular<br />

advertisement, which has no reference to<br />

the birth of Christ, should in its message<br />

convey the ultimate truth of what our<br />

celebration on 25 <strong>December</strong> is really all<br />

about. It is best summarised in one of the<br />

most often quoted verses from St John’s<br />

Gospel.<br />

“For God so loved the world that He<br />

gave His only Son, so that everyone who<br />

believes in Him may not perish but may<br />

have eternal life.” (John 3:16)<br />

God’s love for human beings, with all our<br />

flaws and deficiencies remains the central<br />

theme as we ponder the events around the<br />

birth of Jesus Christ. And we don’t need<br />

to look far to acknowledge how seriously<br />

deficient and flawed the behaviour of some<br />

human beings can be!<br />

Last month the horrific slaughter of<br />

innocent people in Paris in the name<br />

of a disfigured and corrupted religious<br />

ideology not only shocked France but<br />

the entire world. Previous to that we had<br />

a bombing in Beirut, the bringing down<br />

of a Russian commercial aircraft over<br />

Sinai, terrorist acts in Turkey and further<br />

carnage in Baghdad.<br />

For all the progress of the human race in<br />

science and technology, for the capacity<br />

for human beings to excel in all fields of<br />

endeavour, in financial resourcing and<br />

industrial production, in sport and the<br />

arts, in agriculture and environmental<br />

care, in philanthropic acts and lasting<br />

aid programs to countries in need, there<br />

remains a fundamental problem –what<br />

motivates some people to engage in<br />

appalling atrocities against other innocent<br />

human beings?<br />

Those who have embraced salvation in<br />

Christ know that sin is the problem;<br />

alienation from God and from others,<br />

and ultimately from oneself, and such<br />

alienation can lead to the actions we have<br />

recently witnessed.<br />

For those who celebrate the birth of Christ<br />

as the coming of the Saviour, and embrace<br />

the Gospel this annual observance<br />

“For God so loved the world that He gave<br />

His only Son, so that everyone who believes in<br />

Him may not perish but may have eternal life.”<br />

John 3:16<br />

provides the opportunity to be grounded<br />

once again at the very core of our being,<br />

to understand that the purpose of all<br />

humanity is to live in the knowledge of the<br />

love of God and thus to live peaceably with<br />

all men and women.<br />

As the Christmas carol reminds us as<br />

we ponder the Child of Bethlehem, “the<br />

hopes and fears of all our years, are met<br />

in Thee tonight.” It is also important<br />

to acknowledge that Christmas is not<br />

necessarily an easy time for many people.<br />

Those who are alone, those who are<br />

estranged from their families, the poor<br />

and destitute, the homeless – their plight is<br />

often disguised at this time of year.<br />

While generous acts of charity by<br />

Church organisations and others provide<br />

welcome and temporary relief, it is not<br />

a long-term solution to their misery.<br />

Many of society’s problems are systemic<br />

and require structural reform that is not<br />

easily achieved in a world where personal<br />

success at all costs seems the benchmark<br />

for the aspirational man or woman.<br />

During the great Jubilee Year of Mercy<br />

inaugurated by Pope Francis, perhaps a<br />

more merciful attitude in our own lives<br />

might be a good starting point to enter<br />

into the fullness of the Christmas season.<br />

In our desire to compare ourselves to<br />

others, and often in that process falling<br />

into a critical and destructive personal<br />

character assassination, we might do well<br />

to remember the totality of the mercy of<br />

God towards us, which is expressed in the<br />

vulnerability of a tiny newborn child in the<br />

most humble of circumstances devoid of<br />

any security other than being totally loved.<br />

John Lewis challenges its shoppers<br />

to “show someone they’re loved this<br />

Christmas” by spending more. God spends<br />

much more in the gift of His Son, born for<br />

us, and born to die so that we might live.<br />

So in our Christmas celebrations this year<br />

let the Mercy of God be most prevalent in<br />

all that we do.<br />

If we are estranged from family and<br />

friends, let that be healed by a gracious<br />

act of forgiveness and love; let our charity<br />

to those in need not just be a ‘one off ’<br />

to assuage our need to do something at<br />

this time of year, but let our self-sacrifice<br />

invade the whole year. And if we are in<br />

need of experiencing the Mercy of God,<br />

let us have recourse to the sacraments that<br />

provide for us real and lasting encounters<br />

with the Saviour Jesus Christ.<br />

With my Christmas greetings to all in the<br />

Diocese,<br />

Very Rev Peter G Williams<br />

Diocesan Administrator<br />

YEAR OF<br />









<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong><br />

The official publication of the Diocese of Parramatta<br />

Publisher:<br />

Very Rev Peter G Williams<br />

Diocesan Administrator<br />

Tel (02) 8838 3400<br />

Fax (02) 9630 4813<br />

PO Box 3066,<br />

North Parramatta, NSW, 1750<br />

Email: diocese@parra.catholic.org.au<br />

Website: www.parra.catholic.org.au<br />

Editor:<br />

Jane Favotto<br />

Tel (02) 8838 3409<br />

editor@parra.catholic.org.au<br />

PO Box 3066,<br />

North Parramatta, NSW, 1750<br />

Journalists:<br />

Adrian Middeldorp<br />

Elizabeth McFarlane<br />

Designer:<br />

Aphrodite Delaguiado<br />

School news:<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Education Office<br />

Tel (02) 9840 5609<br />

news@parra.catholic.edu.au<br />

Deadlines:<br />

Editorial and advertising<br />

– 10th of the month prior to publication<br />

Advertising:<br />

Tel (02) 8838 3409<br />

Accounts:<br />

Alfie Ramirez<br />

Tel (02) 8838 3437<br />

ARamirez@parra.catholic.org.au<br />

Printing:<br />

Rural Press Printing, North Richmond<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12-14<br />

15<br />

16-17<br />

40,500 copies of <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> are<br />

distributed monthly through 47 parishes and<br />

86 schools. All material in this publication<br />

is copyright and may not be reproduced<br />

without permission of the editor. <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

<strong>Outlook</strong> is a member of the Australasian<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Press Association.<br />

2 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | DECEMBER <strong>2015</strong><br />


www.parrafamlife.org.au @parrafamlife parrafamlife<br />

By Ben Smith, Director of the Family & Life Office<br />


Reimagining Christmas in Modern Australia<br />

When you think of Christmas, what<br />

images do you see in your mind’s<br />

eye? You might see Santa Claus,<br />

reindeers or Christmas trees. It is often hard<br />

to escape from these images that we are<br />

bombarded with from our popular culture.<br />

These snowy images can be hard to relate to at<br />

a time when the possibility of sunburn and the<br />

sting of a mosquito are more concerning than<br />

the prospect of frostbite.<br />

Others might see in their mind's eye, the<br />

Nativity scene with Mary and the baby Jesus.<br />

But camels and kings from the Orient are also<br />

foreign to our everyday experience and we can<br />

become complacent about this familiar image.<br />

Consequently, we can struggle to be amazed by<br />

the first Christmas story as we might have been<br />

when we were children.<br />

Fostering our imagination can be good<br />

for our faith. In fact, the great writer CS Lewis<br />

recognised that imagination played a key role<br />

in his conversion to Christianity. To help us<br />

enter more deeply into the season of Christmas<br />

I would like to give you a new perspective<br />

via a modern painting of the Nativity from<br />

Townsville artist Jan Hynes that is known as<br />

Bonding time: the Nativity in Townsville. This<br />

image contains a lot of messages but I only have<br />

space to deal with a few of them.<br />

The first thing I noticed about the image<br />

was that St Joseph was holding the baby Jesus<br />

instead of Mary. This feature reminded me<br />

of the time when I held my first child over 10<br />

years ago. Men are much more involved in<br />

the birth process today and this helps us bond<br />

more strongly with our children. I wonder how<br />

involved St Joseph was in the birth of Jesus?<br />

I then noticed that Jesus was wrapped in<br />

paper hand towel and that he was probably<br />

born in the Parenting Room depicted in the<br />

background. In my experience, the toilets in a<br />

petrol station are not the most hygienic places<br />

and I would only use them in the case of an<br />

emergency. So for the artist to suggest that Jesus<br />

was born in this location indicates how low<br />

Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity,<br />

stooped to enter our world.<br />

This humility of God helps me understand<br />

God in a different light. It was also very humble<br />

Bonding time: the Nativity in Townsville. Artist: Jan Hynes.<br />

of God to show Himself to mechanics as His<br />

first witnesses. This aspect of God helps me<br />

appreciate Him as a God of Love and Mercy<br />

rather than of judgement.<br />

There is a lot of joy and wonder in this<br />

image. Notice how all the characters are gazing<br />

at Jesus, who is located right in the centre.<br />

Outside of this focus on the newborn Jesus there<br />

are also some clues to His ultimate destiny. The<br />

plant in the background seems to be a symbol<br />

of Palm Sunday. Furthermore, Mary is carrying<br />

a shopping bag with the message 'Blood: Saves<br />

Lives' printed on it. This bag contains a loaf of<br />

bread and a bottle of wine. These symbols are<br />

likely to be connected to Jesus’ future Passion<br />

and the Eucharist.<br />

I hope this image has stimulated your<br />

Christian imagination. What do you see in this<br />

image that takes your interest? How does this<br />

deepen your faith? I would like to encourage<br />

you to send me an email on famlife@parra.<br />

catholic.org.au with your answers to these<br />

questions. The best two responses will win a<br />

copy of a hardcover book: The End and the<br />

Beginning: Pope John Paul II – The Victory of<br />

Freedom, the Last Years, the Legacy by George<br />

Weigel.<br />

For Christmas Mass times across the <strong>Catholic</strong> Diocese of Parramatta, go to www.parra.catholic.org.au<br />

Christmas at St Patrick’s Cathedral<br />

1 Marist Place, Parramatta<br />

Christmas Mass times<br />

Christmas Eve on Thursday 24 <strong>December</strong><br />

6pm Children’s Mass; 8.30pm; 11.30pm Carols prior to Mass at midnight.<br />

Christmas Day on Friday 25 <strong>December</strong><br />

Mass at 8am; 9.30am; 11am; 6pm<br />

Sacrament of Reconciliation<br />

Monday to Friday 11.15am-12.20pm; Saturday 5pm - 5.30pm<br />

www.catholicoutlook.org<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | DECEMBER <strong>2015</strong> 3


Farewell to<br />

Rev Fr David Roy Scott<br />

16 March 1926 – 8 November <strong>2015</strong><br />

A<br />

retired priest of the Diocese of<br />

Parramatta, Rev Fr David Scott, died<br />

on Sunday 8 November at Holy Family<br />

Services Retirement Village.<br />

The Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated<br />

on Thursday 12 November at St Paul the Apostle<br />

Church at Winston Hills.<br />

Fr David was Pastor Emeritus of St Paul the<br />

Apostle Parish. Appointed Parish Priest in 1970,<br />

he retired from active ministry in 2010.<br />

In 2011, Fr David received the Pro Ecclesia<br />

et Pontifice from Bishop Anthony Fisher OP at<br />

the Chrism Mass. Also known as the ‘Cross of<br />

Honour’, the medal was established by Leo XIII<br />

in 1888, and is currently given for distinguished<br />

service to the Church by lay people and clergy.<br />

Fr David was born at Rosebery in 1926 to<br />

Jack and Gladys Scott. The stained glass window<br />

behind the altar in St Paul the Apostle Church is<br />

dedicated to them.<br />

He was the middle of three brothers –<br />

Michael is the youngest and John who died in<br />

2009 was the eldest.<br />

Fr David’s brother, Michael, reflected on<br />

his brother’s life outside of his priestly works,<br />

noting his “love for our mum and dad and his<br />

extended family”.<br />

The homily, given by Very Rev Peter<br />

Williams, recognised Fr David’s great<br />

contribution to the community, “caring for his<br />

community with a gentleness of spirit, teaching<br />

the faith, administering the sacraments,<br />

and at the same time being a very capable<br />

administrator”.<br />

“His legacy in terms of buildings stand<br />

all around us today, but the more important<br />

legacy was the community of men, women<br />

and children whose spiritual home became<br />

and still is this place for 40 years. His prudent<br />

management and financial acumen allowed him<br />

to be very generous in supporting other parts of<br />

the mission of the Church outside the parish,”<br />

Fr Peter said.<br />

The young David grew up in Kingsford in St<br />

Michael’s Parish at Daceyville. He was educated<br />

at the parish primary school and what was then<br />

Marist Randwick (now Marcellin College).<br />

On leaving school, he entered St Columba’s<br />

Seminary at Springwood and completed his<br />

studies at St Patrick’s Seminary at Manly.<br />

He was ordained by Cardinal Gilroy in St<br />

Mary’s Cathedral on 22 July 1950.<br />

Fr David’s priestly appointments included<br />

parishes in Katoomba, Lakemba, Haberfield,<br />

Lithgow, Dulwich Hill, Strathfield, St Paul’s<br />

Seminary at Manly where he was Director of<br />

Students, and St Mary’s Cathedral.<br />

His final appointment in 1970 was Parish<br />

Priest of St Paul the Apostle Parish at Winston<br />

Hills where he spent the next 40 years building<br />

the parish from the ground up.<br />

Fr Roger Wynne at North Parramatta had<br />

procured the land on behalf of the Archdiocese<br />

of Sydney. In 1970, Fr David was appointed<br />

the first parish priest and was instrumental in<br />

the purchase of, or construction of, the church,<br />

presbytery, convent and school buildings.<br />

As well as being their pastor, he was<br />

highly regarded by parishioners as a good<br />

administrator.<br />

“In his sacrifice of priestly service, David<br />

Scott inspired and brought to birth with him<br />

the <strong>Catholic</strong> community of Winston Hills,” Fr<br />

Peter said.<br />

Fr David retired from active ministry<br />

in 2010 and regarded the years he spent at<br />

Winston Hills as the highlight of his priestly<br />

ministry.<br />

His brother, Michael, said David was well<br />

known for his love of sport, in particular golf.<br />

For many years he had played a round every<br />

Monday at St Michael’s Golf Club, often with his<br />

dear friend, Fr Eric Burton, by his side.<br />

If you asked any of the many people whose<br />

lives have connected with Fr David what stands<br />

out most, they would point to his devotion to<br />

the Rabbitohs South Sydney football team.<br />

“God’s graciousness at least enabled him<br />

to see his beloved Rabbitohs win another<br />

premiership last year,” Fr Peter said.<br />

Fr David Roy Scott is buried at Castlebrook<br />

Memorial Park at Rouse Hill.<br />

He is remembered especially by his brother,<br />

Michael, his beloved family and parish, and his<br />

dear friend, Fr Eric Burton.<br />

For more images of the event, please visit:<br />

www.flickr.com/parracatholic/albums<br />


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4 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | DECEMBER <strong>2015</strong><br />



The Diocesan Administrator, Very Rev<br />

Peter G Williams, has confirmed the<br />

following appointments in the <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

Diocese of Parramatta:<br />

Rev Fr Andrew Bass<br />

Parish Priest<br />

Holy Trinity, Granville, and<br />

Holy Family Parish, East Granville<br />

Rev Fr Jolly Chacko MS<br />

Parish Priest<br />

St Finbar’s Parish, Glenbrook<br />

Rev Fr Peter Confeggi<br />

Parish Priest<br />

Mary, Queen of the Family Parish,<br />

Blacktown<br />

Rev Fr Walter Fogarty<br />

Parish Priest<br />

Sacred Heart Parish, Westmead<br />

Rev Fr Zakaria Gayed<br />

Parish Priest<br />

St John the Evangelist Parish, Riverstone<br />

Rev Fr Giovani Presiga Gaviria<br />

Administrator<br />

Sacred Heart Parish,<br />

Luddenham-Warragamba<br />

From 18 <strong>December</strong> <strong>2015</strong><br />

Rev Fr Zvonimir Gavranovic<br />

Assistant Priest<br />

St Michael’s Parish, Baulkham Hills<br />

From 18 <strong>December</strong> <strong>2015</strong><br />

Rev Fr Wim Hoekstra<br />

Parish Priest<br />

St Michael’s Parish, Baulkham Hills<br />

Priest Responsible for Priests<br />

Rev Fr Tovia Lui<br />

Assistant Priest<br />

St Paul the Apostle Parish, Winston Hills<br />

Rev Fr Reginaldo Lavilla MSP<br />

Assistant Priest<br />

St Matthew’s Parish, Windsor<br />

Rev Fr Alejandro Lopez OFM Conv<br />

Parish Priest<br />

Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Kellyville<br />

Rev Fr Michael O’Callaghan<br />

Parish Priest<br />

Our Lady of the Way Parish, Emu Plains<br />

Rev Fr Janusz Pawlicha OSPPE<br />

Parish Priest<br />

St Margaret Mary’s Parish, Merrylands<br />

Rev Fr Joseph Thomas<br />

Assistant Priest<br />

St Patrick’s Parish, Guildford<br />

Rev Fr Piotr Kruk OP<br />

Chaplain<br />

Young Christian Workers (YCW) and Young<br />

Christian Students (YCS)<br />


Our Past in Our Future:<br />

Christ the King Parish, North Rocks<br />

By Elizabeth McFarlane<br />

When visiting Christ the King Parish<br />

in North Rocks, the first thing that<br />

may strike your eye is the unique<br />

architectural design of the church. Designed by<br />

John King, the roof is said to echo the tent that<br />

housed the tabernacle of the Old Testament.<br />

Christ the King Parish was formed on<br />

3 February 1970, with the first Mass being<br />

offered on 8 February 1970 at the North Rocks<br />

Community Centre.<br />

Fr Eric Burton was welcomed as their<br />

first Parish Priest and celebrated Mass in the<br />

Community Centre and what is now the church<br />

hall up until 1996, when the church that stands<br />

now was built.<br />

Fr Burton, very recently retired, was Parish<br />

Priest of Christ the King for some 45 years.<br />

He recently celebrated his 90th birthday on 24<br />

October <strong>2015</strong>.<br />

Deacon Tony Hoban, who has been based<br />

at the parish for six years, attended and assisted<br />

with Fr Burton’s 90th birthday celebration.<br />

“It was a wonderful occasion. You could see<br />

the warmth and the love for Fr Burton. Some of<br />

the people present have known him since the<br />

early days when he established the parish. I was<br />

very proud that I could work with Fr Burton<br />

and assist him in the later years of his priestly<br />

life,” Deacon Tony said.<br />

Over his six years with the parish, Deacon<br />

Tony has been a witness to many changes.<br />

“I think it’s always a fundamental change<br />

when the initial priest of the parish steps down<br />

from his active ministry. Fr Eric Burton retiring<br />

has been a big change in the life of the parish as<br />

he was the founding Pastor,” he said.<br />

“We’ve had a number of other priests come<br />

in since he left. I think in the past four years<br />

we might have had four different pastors at<br />

different times. It’s been a bit of a period of<br />

change and it takes time for the parishioners<br />

to get used to that but that’s just a part of life.<br />

There is always change and people have to<br />

adjust to it.”<br />

Fr Burton has passed the baton to Fr<br />

Ian McGinnity, making the event a great<br />

opportunity for the parish community to come<br />

together and celebrate their past while also<br />

looking towards their future.<br />

“It’s always a little difficult to follow a<br />

legacy. Fr Burton was the founding pastor and<br />

many of the people grew up with him. There’s a<br />

lot of respect, naturally, and a lot of esteem for<br />

Fr Burton. But there’s always the challenge, of<br />

course, to recognise that we have to look to the<br />

future,” Fr Ian said.<br />

Fr Ian wears many hats within the Diocese,<br />

being Chairman of the National Council of<br />

Priests (NCP), Chair of the Confraternity of<br />

Christian Doctrine Advisory Board Committee<br />

and Chair of the Board of Management for the<br />

Clergy Remuneration Retirement Plan of the<br />

Diocese.<br />

Fr Burton has great faith in the future of the<br />

parish and the work of Fr Ian.<br />

“Looking to the future, there will always be<br />

new challenges. There is always the hope that<br />

the work will carry on after the 40-odd years<br />

that have passed. Eyes on the present, people<br />

have met the challenges in all aspects of parish<br />

life,” Fr Burton said.<br />

Fr Burton was thankful for the amount of<br />

time and effort that went into organising his<br />

90th birthday celebration.<br />

“I am thankful for the many people<br />

involved in the preparation and the celebration<br />

of the event. It was great to see a lot of the old<br />

people who had previously been involved in the<br />

community. It was a great night,” he said.<br />

“There are good signs in the various<br />

people who are involved in the activity groups<br />

and apostolic groups in the parish, which is<br />

encouraging. They are inspiring and I could go<br />

on about them for a million years.”<br />

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<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | DECEMBER <strong>2015</strong> 5

CATHOLIC YOUTH <strong>Catholic</strong>YouthParra @cyp_parramatta @<strong>Catholic</strong>YouthParra<br />

Invest in young <strong>Catholic</strong>s attending World Youth Day<br />

By James Camden, Director of <strong>Catholic</strong> Youth Parramatta<br />



Our World Youth Day Group<br />

Leaders and Chaplains have<br />

been announced for our<br />

Diocese of Parramatta pilgrimages<br />

next year.<br />

We have gathered an incredible<br />

team of people to journey with us on<br />

pilgrimage to Kraków, Poland.<br />

It is now only four months till<br />

registration will close and more than<br />

240 young people have expressed<br />

interest in attending. In the coming<br />

weeks they will receive a username<br />

and password to access the<br />

COSMOS pilgrimage website and<br />

start making payments towards the<br />

final price.<br />

There are 47 parishes in our<br />

Diocese and we want to make<br />

sure that every community has an<br />

opportunity to benefit from the<br />

dramatic input of a returned WYD<br />

pilgrim. We are requesting that<br />

each parish nominate someone who<br />

becomes our WYD Champion.<br />

This contact will give us up to<br />

date feedback on who is coming<br />

from their parish and how their<br />

fundraising is going. For the past<br />

month our WYD Group Leaders<br />

and Chaplains have been engaged<br />

in their formation and training<br />

program each Thursday night at the<br />

Institute for Mission in Blacktown.<br />

They have heard from a range<br />

of guest speakers on topics that<br />

will prepare us for the huge task of<br />

accompanying almost 400 young<br />

people to the other side of the globe.<br />

Over this Christmas period<br />

I hope that parishioners, family,<br />

and friends might consider buying<br />

a raffle ticket that goes towards<br />

subsidising each pilgrim. There are<br />

$30,000 worth of prizes to be won<br />

including a Toyota Yaris and $6000<br />

overseas holiday with COSMOS.<br />

Look out for your parish pilgrims<br />

selling tickets at the back of the<br />

church over the coming months.<br />

Tickets are $20 for a booklet of 10.<br />

You've got to be in it to win it!<br />

The raffle will be drawn on Palm<br />

Sunday following our youth Mass.<br />



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Money raised will assist pilgrims to offset cost of pilgrimage and mission trip.<br />

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theLMent.com<br />




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Laura Saric<br />

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6 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | DECEMBER <strong>2015</strong><br />




By James Camden, Director of <strong>Catholic</strong> Youth Parramatta<br />

A<br />

group of 170 young people from<br />

the Diocese of Parramatta travelled<br />

to Adelaide this month for one of<br />

the largest gatherings of <strong>Catholic</strong> youth in<br />

Australia.<br />

The 2nd Australian <strong>Catholic</strong> Youth Festival<br />

held from 3-5 <strong>December</strong> is part of a new<br />

strategy of the Australian <strong>Catholic</strong> Bishops<br />

Conference whereby national youth events will<br />

be held on a three-year cycle involving World<br />

Youth Day, the Festival and the Youth Ministry<br />

Convention.<br />

In our Diocese we have made a significant<br />

commitment to treating this cycle of events as<br />

part of a broad plan for youth evangelisation in<br />

Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains.<br />

The financial support of individual<br />

parishes, schools, <strong>Catholic</strong> Education<br />

Parramatta and <strong>Catholic</strong> Youth Parramatta have<br />

made it possible for a large number of young<br />

people to attend. Some might never receive an<br />

interstate or international <strong>Catholic</strong> experience<br />

of this kind.<br />

Before our youth and young adults started<br />

out on their journey to the Festival, they were<br />

commissioned by the Diocesan Administrator,<br />

Very Rev Peter Williams, at St Patrick's<br />

Cathedral with their family and friends present.<br />

He challenged delegates to overcome fear in<br />

our world with hope for a peaceful future and<br />

to show the other young people of Australia<br />

the vibrancy of our Diocese as they attend the<br />

plenary sessions and multitude of workshops at<br />

the Adelaide Convention Centre.<br />

Photos: Adrian Middeldorp.<br />

The Festival exists to provide young people<br />

with opportunities to deepen their relationship<br />

with Jesus, be empowered to be disciples in the<br />

world today and encounter and celebrate the<br />

vitality of the Church in Australia.<br />

One of the unique opportunities is for<br />

young people to dialogue in small groups with<br />

bishops from across the country on hot topic<br />

issues and questions of faith and culture.<br />

A total of 3500 young people aged from<br />

15-25 are now invigorated, formed and inspired<br />

for ministry with other young people in their<br />

schools and parishes in the hope of continuing<br />

to build the Kingdom of God.<br />

For more images of the event, please visit:<br />

www.flickr.com/parracatholic/albums<br />

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Reflection on Pope Francis’<br />

message for the World Day of<br />

the Sick, 11 February 2016<br />

By Dr Michael Tan<br />

For the diocesan World Day of<br />

the Sick Mass at St Patrick’s<br />

Church in Blacktown on 11<br />

February 2016, Pope Francis has<br />

invited us to meditate on the Marriage<br />

feast of Cana, with the theme:<br />

Entrusting Oneself to the Merciful Jesus<br />

like Mary: “Do whatever he tells you”<br />

(Jn 2:5).<br />

Mary is presented as the<br />

thoughtful and hospitable woman<br />

who swiftly and discreetly responds<br />

to the serious problem of the wedding<br />

feast running out of wine.<br />

Her intercession arises out of<br />

a heart of mercy and compassion,<br />

founded on a lifetime of pondering<br />

many things in her heart, both joyful<br />

and sorrowful. In interceding with her<br />

son, her only request to us is to “do<br />

whatever he tells you.”<br />

In response to Mary’s request,<br />

our care, whether personal, voluntary<br />

or professional, is performed in<br />

obedience to her son, and are acts of<br />

mercy and hospitality towards the<br />

sick.<br />

In responding to his mother’s<br />

intercession by transforming water<br />

into the new wine of the kingdom,<br />

Jesus reveals to us the face of the<br />

Father of mercy and compassion, who<br />

sends His only Son on a mission.<br />

This is a mission of love – a love<br />

that heals our brokenness, illnesses<br />

and sicknesses. This healing is a<br />

means towards an end – that of our<br />

salvation, and the fullness of life to<br />

which all of us are called.<br />

The healing which Jesus brings<br />

about in our lives is most evident at<br />

the foot of the Cross. On the Cross,<br />

Jesus reminds us that healing does<br />

not mean that all illness, suffering and<br />

death are removed from our lives. The<br />

crucified Christ and the risen Christ<br />

are one and the same person.<br />

Like the disciples on the road to<br />

Emmaus, Jesus Himself asks of us:<br />

“what are these matters that you are<br />

discussing?” In sharing our doubts,<br />

struggles, grief and turmoil, we<br />

gradually came to recognise Him at<br />

the breaking of bread. It is noteworthy<br />

that at the end of the story, the<br />

disciples are no longer sad and griefstricken<br />

when Jesus disappears once<br />

again, since they would continue to<br />

enter into communion with Him at<br />

each future breaking of bread.<br />

To conclude, Jesus continues to<br />

invite us to gather around the altar<br />

of suffering, recognise Him at the<br />

breaking of bread, and to entrust our<br />

grief and suffering to the intercession<br />

of His mother.<br />

Social Justice and the Face of Mercy:<br />

Building a network of Mercy in our Diocese<br />

By Sr Louise McKeogh FMA, Diocesan Social Justice Coordinator<br />

From<br />

Pope Francis:<br />

“The relationships<br />

JESUS forms with the<br />

people who approach<br />

him manifest something<br />

entirely unique and<br />

unrepeatable.<br />

The signs he works,<br />

especially in favour of<br />

sinners, the poor, the<br />

marginalised, the sick,<br />

and the suffering, are all<br />

meant to teach mercy.<br />

Everything in him speaks<br />

of mercy. Nothing in him<br />

is devoid of compassion.”<br />

(MV 8)<br />

These words remind me<br />

of the responses and<br />

relationships at the heart<br />

of many of our local agencies,<br />

which respond to and walk with<br />

asylum seekers and refugees in<br />

our community.<br />

These agencies go about<br />

their work day in and day out:<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong>Care Social Services<br />

Parramatta, House of Welcome,<br />

St Vincent de Paul Society, Jesuit<br />

Refugee Services, Josephite<br />

Community Aid and others.<br />

As we have prepared for<br />

the Year of Mercy over the<br />

past few months it has been<br />

a privilege to experience this<br />

first hand, meeting together to<br />

build a practical and effective<br />

network that aims to enable<br />

us to effectively walk with and<br />

empower the expected 7000<br />

Syrian refugees who will arrive in<br />

NSW over the coming year.<br />

These agencies are a living<br />

and concrete sign of mercy. The<br />

agencies would have us focus our<br />

attention on mercy being a sign<br />

of God’s expansive love, focus<br />

our hearts and actions not only<br />

on those who arrive, but also on<br />

those already in our community<br />

seeking hospitality and welcome.<br />

This network is already<br />

a local sign of mercy, being<br />

able to collaborate recently to<br />

respond to the social, material<br />

and employment support needs<br />

of a group from the Tamil<br />

community.<br />

Local parish communities<br />

are planning to support these<br />

agencies, host welcome dinners,<br />

volunteer at English classes and<br />

build community, listening to<br />

and sharing the stories of asylum<br />

seekers and refugees at table<br />

talks and community events – a<br />

concrete call to all of us during<br />

this Year of Mercy.<br />

May we all reflect on Pope<br />

Francis’ words: “What moved<br />

Jesus in all of these situations was<br />

nothing other than mercy, with<br />

which he read the hearts of those<br />

he encountered and responded to<br />

their deepest need.” (MV 8)<br />


Mass for World Day of the Sick<br />


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Pathology on premises<br />

Thursday 11 February 2016 at 10.30am<br />

Including the Sacramental Rite of Anointing of<br />

the Sick and Prayers for Healing<br />

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of Mass<br />

St Patrick’s Church, 51 Allawah Street, Blacktown<br />

All welcome<br />

in acknowledgment of carers<br />

and those for whom they care<br />




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8 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | DECEMBER <strong>2015</strong><br />


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Discovering the Feminine Genius<br />

By Annabelle Bhandoo, Family & Life Office<br />

Guest speaker Anna Krohn at The Feminine Genius Talk. Photos: Annabelle Bhandoo.<br />

The Family and Life Office, along with<br />

a small team of women organised a<br />

Women’s event on 24 October <strong>2015</strong>.<br />

Approximately 60 women gathered to hear<br />

about ‘The Feminine Genius’, a term which<br />

St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith<br />

Stein) wrote abundantly about, as did St.<br />

John Paul II.<br />

The guest speaker was Anna Krohn<br />

who is an educator, speaker and writer in<br />

the areas of ethics, <strong>Catholic</strong> theology and<br />

spirituality. She is currently the Academic<br />

Skills Advisor at the John Paul II Institute<br />

for Marriage and Family in Melbourne and<br />

Convenor of the Anima Women’s Network.<br />

Anna’s talk on the feminine genius<br />

began by focussing on St. Teresa Benedicta.<br />

St. Teresa Benedicta wrote extensively<br />

about the dignity of women from a unique<br />

philosophical perspective known as<br />

phenomenology. She saw that a special unity<br />

exists in women between their physical and<br />

spiritual nature, combined with their natural<br />

desire to give and receive love. She taught<br />

that a woman’s soul is inwardly affected by<br />

that which happens to the body and her<br />

soul shapes her outer being and that women<br />

have a very important role in society. She<br />

recognised the importance of forming the<br />

whole person - mind, body and soul, and<br />

learnt from reflecting on the events that were<br />

taking place in her life.<br />

St. Teresa Benedicta’s work was<br />

developed by St John Paul II in his letter to<br />

Women (1995) and in Mulieris Dignitatem<br />

(1998). Anna summarised the four central<br />

features that St. John Paul II saw as the<br />

women’s ‘genius’.<br />

1. A woman is called to be true to the<br />

deep mystery of her created reality. She<br />

must first rediscover the wonder of her own<br />

“creation” including God’s call to her. The<br />

full depth of her talents and dignity, the<br />

integrated and redeemed development of<br />

her spiritual, bodily, sexual and intellectual<br />

powers should be recognised and strongly<br />

defended by all.<br />

2. Women have an enormous<br />

capacity to see a person as a “who” not a<br />

“what.” When women use their talent for<br />

emotional sensitivity in gossip-mongering,<br />

manipulation of others and, most tragically<br />

of all, when they are made to believe they<br />

cannot care for the unborn, the needy or<br />

themselves, they are being tempted away<br />

from this “genius”.<br />

3. Thirdly, women seem also to be drawn<br />

to the creation and protection of special<br />

and receptive “spaces”. They seem to know<br />

in what places they and others can flourish.<br />

They have a maternal instinct.<br />

4. The fourth and essential aspect of<br />

feminine genius is women’s unique and<br />

vital complementary contributions and<br />

relationships with men. God “intended”<br />

humanity to be a collaboration and<br />

communion of “the two” male and female.<br />

Men and women, though they complement<br />

each other, are different.<br />

Morning tea was served, then in small<br />

groups the women discussed how their own<br />

feminine genius can contribute to society.<br />

Anna launched Anima in the Diocese<br />

of Parramatta. Anima is a women’s network<br />

aimed at encouraging each woman to be the<br />

best she can be while recognising her own<br />

dignity as a woman. It is for women of all<br />

ages, vocations and organisations within the<br />

Church. For more information tel (02) 8838<br />

3440.<br />

From the positive feedback on the<br />

Feminine Genius event, it shows that<br />

there is a real need for women to have the<br />

opportunity to come together socially and to<br />

be formed spiritually.<br />

Next event: Karen Doyle will speak about<br />

‘The Genius Project’ on Saturday 12 March.<br />

Visit the Family and Life Office website: www.<br />

parrafamlife.org.au for upcoming details.<br />

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<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | DECEMBER <strong>2015</strong> 9<br />

16/09/<strong>2015</strong> 12:48 pm


Dominican’s Dogged Determination<br />

By Elizabeth McFarlane<br />

“I discovered the<br />

presence of the<br />

Holy Spirit and<br />

the old memory of<br />

being in love with<br />

Jesus came back<br />

refreshed.”<br />

Dominicans<br />

celebrate<br />

800 years<br />

By Adrian Middeldorp<br />

Fr Piotr Kruk OP. Photo: Elizabeth McFarlane.<br />

At just 22 years of age and in his<br />

third year of a Marketing and<br />

Management Degree, Fr Piotr Kruk<br />

OP decided he wanted to become a monk.<br />

After knocking on the door of the<br />

Dominicans, affectionately known as<br />

the ‘Hounds of Heaven’, Fr Piotr spent a<br />

month in their seminary, but was told he<br />

wasn’t ready.<br />

It wouldn’t be until more than a decade<br />

later that his determination to become a<br />

priest would be realised.<br />

“I was ordained a priest five years ago.<br />

I’m quite a young priest, but not young in<br />

age. I’m almost 40,” Fr Piotr said.<br />

A Polish Dominican, Fr Piotr serves<br />

at St Joseph’s Parish in Kingswood. He is<br />

supporting <strong>Catholic</strong> Campus Ministry at<br />

Western Sydney University in addition<br />

to supporting the sisters at Mount<br />

Schoenstatt in Mulgoa.<br />

Recently, Fr Piotr was appointed<br />

chaplain to the Young Christian Workers<br />

(YCW) and Young Christian Students<br />

(YCS).<br />

Simply attired in white Dominican<br />

robes, a staple of the 800-year-old order,<br />

Fr Piotr’s clothing is in stark contrast to his<br />

high school days of adorning himself in all<br />

black to frontline his metal band.<br />

“I was part of a sub-culture in high<br />

school. It was a very dangerous sub-culture<br />

as well. I was really scary, dressed in black<br />

all the time like a Goth,” Fr Piotr said.<br />

Fr Piotr’s call to the priesthood has<br />

been a tumultuous journey. In his early<br />

20s, he lost his best friend and then, not<br />

long afterwards, he lost his astronomy<br />

teacher. Fr Piotr began to question the<br />

purpose of life, reflecting on the words of<br />

his astronomy teacher to “look higher”.<br />

“Those two moments were telling me<br />

to wake up,” Fr Piotr said.<br />

Fr Piotr visited the Dominicans with<br />

high hopes of becoming a priest to realise<br />

this higher purpose in life, but he was left<br />

feeling disappointed and dejected when he<br />

was turned away for not being ready.<br />

He felt unsatisfied and unfulfilled<br />

with simply returning to his studies, so<br />

he decided to take a year off to work in<br />

England.<br />

“After England, I came back to Poland<br />

with a lot of savings. I started spending it<br />

and being led back into the party lifestyle.<br />

“But there was something still inside<br />

that I could not push away; an unanswered<br />

question about my vocation. I remember I<br />

bought a telescope and one night I sat on<br />

the roof, watching the stars and thinking<br />

of my astronomy teacher. I started to pray<br />

for the first time in a long time.<br />

“I said, ‘God, you have one year to<br />

convince me to be a priest and I have three<br />

years to find a wife,’” Fr Piotr said.<br />

Despite meeting a girl at church and<br />

forming a deep relationship with her, Fr<br />

Piotr still had a love for Christ and a desire<br />

for the priesthood.<br />

“I discovered the presence of the Holy<br />

Spirit and the old memory of being in love<br />

with Jesus came back refreshed. It was like<br />

a new wave of memories and feelings that I<br />

had had before,” Fr Piotr said.<br />

There was no choice but for Fr Piotr<br />

to knock on the door of the Dominicans<br />

again, some four years after his first visit.<br />

But this time he was ready.<br />

From November <strong>2015</strong> to January 2017,<br />

the Dominican Order is celebrating its 800<br />

year jubilee. To find out more, please visit:<br />

www.stjoseph800.org<br />

To read more about Fr Piotr, please<br />

visit: www.catholicoutlook.org<br />

The Order of Preachers,<br />

commonly known as the<br />

Dominicans, will celebrate<br />

their 800 years with a “Sent to preach<br />

the Gospel” themed Jubilee Year.<br />

The Jubilee Year will begin on 7<br />

November, <strong>2015</strong> (Feast of All Saints<br />

of the Order) and end on 21 January,<br />

2017 (the date of the Bull Gratiarum<br />

omnium largitori of Pope Honorius<br />

III).<br />

Founded by St Dominic de<br />

Guzmán, the Order “is known to<br />

have been established, from the<br />

beginning, for preaching and the<br />

salvation of souls”. Membership in<br />

the Order includes friars (priests),<br />

nuns, active sisters, and lay or secular<br />

Dominicans.<br />

Brothers from the Polish Province<br />

of the Dominicans, who serve at St<br />

Joseph’s Parish in Kingswood, would<br />

like to invite all to participate in the<br />

Jubilee celebrations. Pope Francis has<br />

granted a special Jubilee indulgence<br />

for the faithful who pray in a<br />

Dominican church. Every morning<br />

adoration will finish with prayers to<br />

gain a plenary indulgence.<br />

To find out more, please visit:<br />

www.stjoseph800.org<br />


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By Sr Louise McKeogh FMA,<br />

Diocesan Social Justice Coordinator<br />

Inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical<br />

Laudato Si’, the <strong>Catholic</strong> community was<br />

well represented at the Sydney climate march<br />

on 29 November as world leaders gathered<br />

for climate change talks in Paris.<br />

A young woman from Parramatta Parish<br />

said she was overjoyed by the large turnout<br />

of people and was especially proud of her<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> faith.<br />

Prior to the march, participants gathered<br />

with other <strong>Catholic</strong> and faith groups on the<br />

steps of St Mary’s Cathedral. The Archbishop<br />

of Sydney, Most Rev Anthony Fisher OP,<br />

gave the marchers his blessing.<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Earthcare, Caritas, diocesan<br />

and parish groups joined with other faith<br />

communities to walk to The Domain where<br />

they joined an estimated 40,000 people to<br />

march to the Opera House.<br />

This diverse gathering highlighted the<br />

essential message of Pope Francis to listen to<br />

the cry of the poor and the cry of the earth.<br />

Can You Spot Yourself at the Manger?<br />

By Richard McMahon, Director of Pastoral Planning & Implementation<br />

Somewhere behind the decorations box<br />

and the special presents bought early<br />

and stored carefully away for Christmas<br />

(which we will no doubt be unable to locate in<br />

time), lurk the figures from the Nativity scene.<br />

There they perch, maybe appearing a little<br />

chipped and worn, maybe a little dusty, but<br />

waiting for their time in the sun…or at least<br />

under the star!<br />

Which of the characters depicts us as we<br />

plan for Christmas?<br />

Are you Joseph, struggling with the<br />

weight of responsibility? Perhaps you are<br />

bewildered by the way events have changed<br />

so dramatically during the year. Do you seek<br />

security for those you care for, experiencing<br />

knock backs and closed doors? Must you settle<br />

for something less than you planned for, but<br />

are hopeful nonetheless of the promise hidden<br />

within those you support?<br />

Are you the humble donkey? Have you<br />

patiently carried the precious gift of someone<br />

special on a long journey this year? Have you<br />

finally arrived, exhausted yet fulfilled, believing<br />

that soon your efforts will be rewarded?<br />

Maybe you are a bit like the ox, with<br />

circumstances forced upon you. Suddenly you<br />

have encountered something holy at a time and<br />

in a way you could never have anticipated.<br />

Has it been a year of asking searching<br />

questions of yourself and others? Like the<br />

wise ones, have you undertaken a journey of<br />

discovery, seeking enlightenment? Perhaps, at<br />

times, you have listened to the wrong advice, as<br />

when the wise ones turned to King Herod. Are<br />

you ready to share your gifts with Jesus?<br />

Not all of the colourful characters of our<br />

nativity stories earn a spot in the nativity scene.<br />

The innkeeper and Herod are both notably<br />

absent. Perhaps you can identify a little with<br />

the innkeeper this year. Have you shut the<br />

door, overwhelmed by the amount of need out<br />

there? Or have you shunted new initiatives into<br />

some back room, only to have them blossom<br />

without any real effort from yourself? Have<br />

you locked Jesus away, fearful of what He is<br />

calling to birth in your own heart?<br />

With King Herod, are you threatened<br />

by something new? Are you guilty of stifling<br />

a fledgling dream because you perceive it<br />

may undermine your own agenda? Have you<br />

confused the truth seekers, the wise ones,<br />

giving them mixed messages out of your own<br />

insecurity?<br />

Are you a shepherd, transfixed with the<br />

wonder of what is happening in your midst?<br />

Do you regard yourself unworthy of all the<br />

attention or feel clumsy in your efforts to<br />

serve? Or perhaps you are an angel, confidently<br />

announcing the Good News to all whom you<br />

meet.<br />

And we are all Mary, patiently awaiting<br />

the birth of Christ who has already found<br />

a home in our heart. Are we eager to bring<br />

forth the Word to our needy world, despite<br />

the darkness of our surrounds, the perceived<br />

inappropriateness of the setting? Do we live in<br />

joyful expectation, quietly confident that God’s<br />

promise will be fulfilled?<br />

Perhaps we are a little of all these<br />

characters. How do we plan to grow in our<br />

faith and share our faith in 2016? Planning for<br />

our lives, our families and our communities<br />

will almost certainly fail, if conceived in the<br />

sterilised laboratories of meetings and text<br />

books, detached from the joys and hopes,<br />

the griefs and anxieties of our everyday<br />

experiences. Let us embrace the journey of the<br />

Holy Family as our own story, where our plans<br />

and expectations shifted to accommodate Jesus<br />

Christ in the messiness and beauty at the heart<br />

of our life.<br />

The star beckons, what or whom will we<br />

find on our arrival? And who does Jesus see<br />

in us?<br />

Richard McMahon<br />

Director of Pastoral Planning & Implementation<br />

Tel (02) 9831 4911<br />

rmcmahon@parra.catholic.org.au<br />

The Annual Mass of<br />


will be celebrated by<br />

Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen<br />

OFM Conv<br />

Auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne<br />

at Our Lady of the Rosary<br />

Church, 8 Diana Avenue,<br />

Kellyville<br />

at 11am on Monday<br />

28 <strong>December</strong> <strong>2015</strong><br />

Diocesan Development Fund<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Diocese of Parramatta<br />

Supporting the<br />

growing needs of the<br />

institutions and agencies within<br />

the <strong>Catholic</strong> Diocese of Parramatta<br />

www.parra.catholic.org.au/ddf<br />

followed by a Rosary procession<br />

to the Franciscan Shrine of the<br />

Holy Innocents, 8 Greyfriar Place,<br />

Kellyville.<br />

Lunch available. Please bring a plate to share.<br />

Everyone welcome to pray for the protection of all<br />

human life from conception to natural death.<br />

Enquiries please phone<br />

(02) 9629-2595<br />

Disclosure Statement<br />

The Diocesan Development Fund <strong>Catholic</strong> Diocese of Parramatta (DDF) is not subject to the provisions of the Corporation Act 2001 nor has it been examined or approved<br />

by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.<br />

Deposits with the DDF are guaranteed by CDPF Limited, a company established by the Australian <strong>Catholic</strong> Bishops Conference for this purpose.<br />

We welcome your investment with the DDF rather than with a profit oriented commercial organisation as a conscious commitment by you to support the Charitable,<br />

Religious and Educational works of the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church.<br />

Neither the DDF nor the Trustees of the Roman <strong>Catholic</strong> Church for the Diocese of Parramatta are prudentially supervised by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority;<br />

contributions to the DDF do not obtain the benefit of the depositor protection provisions of the Banking Act 1959; the DDF is designed for investors who wish to promote<br />

the charitable purposes of the DDF.<br />

www.catholicoutlook.org<br />

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The<br />

Pilgrim’s<br />

Progress<br />

In November, I was<br />

blessed to join some of<br />

our <strong>Catholic</strong> leaders on<br />

pilgrimage in the Holy<br />

Land. Surrounded by the displaced people of the wartorn<br />

Middle East, it’s impossible not to be moved by<br />

plight of those on a journey of uncertain destination.<br />

That’s why in Bethlehem, together with a small group of<br />

Principals from Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains,<br />

I joined the Jump Up&Down 4Kids campaign (see page<br />

12) to end the immigration detention of children.<br />

There are over 200 children being held in immigration<br />

detention by the Australian government. The evidence<br />

about the impact of detention on children is damning<br />

and the damage is lasting. You can join the Jump<br />

Up&Down 4Kids campaign, started by the Sydney<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Education Office, on Facebook or Twitter (see<br />

#jumping4kids). I am so proud of the many schools,<br />

students and staff across the <strong>Catholic</strong> Diocese of<br />

Parramatta who have participated in this campaign to<br />

support young people in detention.<br />

In fact, a number of <strong>Catholic</strong> school students are<br />

refugees and we can learn much from their resilience,<br />

determination and generosity. We look forward to<br />

meeting the new Syrian refugees who will arrive in<br />

Australia in coming months with warmth, compassion,<br />

care and friendship. As Pope Francis recently reflected,<br />

“To give a child a seat at school is the finest gift you can<br />

give”.<br />

The Holy Father reminds us: “As you persevere in this<br />

work of providing education for refugees, think of the<br />

Holy Family, Our Lady, Saint Joseph, and the Child<br />

Jesus, who fled to Egypt to escape violence and to find<br />

refuge among strangers”. These powerful sentiments are<br />

echoed in the Australian <strong>Catholic</strong> Bishops Conference<br />

<strong>2015</strong> Social Justice Statement, ‘For Those Who’ve Come<br />

Across the Seas’.<br />

We will be sending home some information for<br />

families about the Social Justice Statement and the<br />

#jumping4kids campaign and I would encourage you to<br />

learn more about this significant issue and how we might<br />

support our brothers and sisters facing persecution and<br />

displacement.<br />

Our pilgrimage finished in Rome where I was privileged<br />

to address the Congregation for <strong>Catholic</strong> Education<br />

World Congress. My conference paper (see page 13)<br />

addressed the need to transform <strong>Catholic</strong> schooling and<br />

to be countercultural - opening our hearts and minds to<br />

the <strong>Catholic</strong> imagination.<br />

As we approach Christmas, I was reminded of TS Eliot’s<br />

poem, The Journey of the Magi, about the three Wise<br />

Men’s homecoming from Bethlehem: “we returned<br />

to our places...no longer at ease here”. Pope Francis’<br />

challenge to us to go where the poor and marginalised<br />

are, where Jesus was, should push us beyond the<br />

comfort zone. I want to thank each and every member<br />

of our community of faith and learning for rising to this<br />

challenge daily.<br />

I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate<br />

Year 12 students on completing their 13 years of<br />

schooling and their Higher School Certificate exams.<br />

Our prayers are with you as you build on your <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

education and commence further study or work.<br />

As we await the coming of the Christ child together, I<br />

wish you all a happy and holy Christmas!<br />

Jump Up&Down 4Kids<br />

At midday on Friday 13 November <strong>2015</strong>, primary<br />

and secondary schools from across the Diocese of<br />

Parramatta, as well as staff from the education office<br />

participated in the Jump Up&Down 4Kids campaign against the<br />

detention of children.<br />

Throughout the year, <strong>Catholic</strong> Education Diocese of Parramatta<br />

schools have been raising awareness about the plight of refugees<br />

and asylum seekers in Australia. The Jump Up&Down 4Kids<br />

campaign was organised by the <strong>Catholic</strong> Education Office<br />

Sydney.<br />

St Agnes <strong>Catholic</strong> High School, Rooty Hill students jumped up and down<br />

for children in detention.<br />

Students from Loyola Senior High School, Mount Druitt.<br />

Selfie for World Teachers’ Day<br />

In the lead up to World Teachers’<br />

Day on 30 October <strong>2015</strong>, students<br />

thanked their teachers by sending in<br />

selfies with their teachers accompanied<br />

by 25 words or less on what inspired<br />

them about their teacher.<br />

The winning entry came from Xavier<br />

College, Llandilo student Tiffany<br />

Anderson who nominated her teacher,<br />

Justine Phillips. Justine won an iPad<br />

mini and Tiffany won $200 worth of<br />

iTunes vouchers.<br />

Teachers from across the Diocese attending a Leading Mathematics and<br />

Teaching course at St Joseph's Centre for Reflective Living, Baulkham Hills<br />

took time to Jump 4 Kids.<br />

Students from St Francis of Assisi Primary, Glendenning.<br />

“Miss Phillips is a dedicated teacher who’s committed to her students, always<br />

prepared in class and at shows, but never accepts the recognition she deserves,”<br />

says Tiffany Anderson.<br />

Greg Whitby<br />

Executive Director of Schools<br />

@gregwhitby<br />

blog: bluyonder.wordpress.com<br />

“An amazing teacher. Always helpful and always learning<br />

from her. Constantly making an effort to relate to us.<br />

Makes learning fun,” is what St Columba's <strong>Catholic</strong> College,<br />

Springwood student Annabella Noussis-Stanisic had to say<br />

about her teacher Megan Weaver.<br />

"Miss Devine inspires me because she is so smart about the<br />

body and bones. She comes up with interesting ideas. She is<br />

kind and compassionate,” says Jacob Camilleri, St John’s Primary,<br />

Riverstone.<br />

12 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | DECEMBER <strong>2015</strong><br />


www.parra.catholic.edu.au @<strong>Catholic</strong>EdParra <strong>Catholic</strong>EdParra<br />


Principals’ Pilgrimage to the Holy Land<br />

Pilgrims’ view of Vatican City.<br />

During November, <strong>Catholic</strong> School principals from the<br />

Diocese of Parramatta participated in a pilgrimage<br />

to places of spiritual significance in Jordan, Israel,<br />

Assisi and Rome. The pilgrimage, led by by Delegate of the<br />

Diocesan Administrator Rev Christopher de Souza PP, also<br />

included the Executive Director of Schools Greg Whitby,<br />

Chancery representatives and <strong>Catholic</strong> Education senior<br />

leaders.<br />

Since 2012, all principals in the Diocese have been offered<br />

the opportunity to participate in the pilgrimage formation<br />

experience including pilgrimages in the footsteps of St Paul<br />

and an Australian pilgrimage focused on St Mary of the<br />

Cross MacKillop.<br />

St Canice’s Primary, Katoomba Principal Mark Geerligs<br />

praying at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem.<br />

“Each pilgrimage has provided a powerful formation<br />

experience, strengthening the faith lives of our <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

leaders to support the faith formation of their school<br />

communities,” Greg said.<br />

“In addition to supporting principals in their work<br />

of evangelisation, the pilgrimages have also forged<br />

and strengthened collaboration and community between<br />

principals across the system,” he said.<br />

Pilgrims outside Bethlehem University.<br />

Rev Christopher de Souza celebrating mass in St Peter’s<br />

Basilica.<br />

Photos: Thanks to Principal Mark Geerligs.<br />

Executive Director of Schools challenges Vatican<br />

Congress to make schools more relevant<br />

On Friday 20 November <strong>2015</strong>,<br />

Executive Director of Schools<br />

Greg Whitby delivered a keynote<br />

address at the Congregation for <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

Education Congress of <strong>Catholic</strong> Schools of<br />

the World in Rome.<br />

Greg spoke passionately about the need<br />

and urgency to transform <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

Education in Australia in his address<br />

titled, ‘How do we sing the Lord’s song<br />

in a strange land? A challenge to our<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> imagination’.<br />

“Mrs Khattar inspires me to live a life like<br />

Jesus. She warms my heart, stretches my<br />

imagination and encourages me to achieve.<br />

She is dazzling,” says Makayla Dalmati from<br />

Our Lady of Lourdes Primary, Seven Hills.<br />

For more school news, visit:<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong>EdParra<br />

@<strong>Catholic</strong>EdParra<br />

www.parra.catholic.edu.au<br />

“Great <strong>Catholic</strong> schools have to be first<br />

and foremost, excellent schools (The<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> School, 1977). We can no longer<br />

make incremental changes if <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

schools want to be excellent schools.<br />

They cannot be imitators of current<br />

popular practice, they have to be uniquely<br />

different,” Greg said.<br />

“This challenges our very understanding<br />

of what is taught, how it is taught, how<br />

it is provided, who is involved and<br />

increasingly how it is resourced and to<br />

whom we are accountable. This requires<br />

Executive Director of Schools Greg Whitby delivering his address ‘How do we sing the Lord’s song in a<br />

strange land? A challenge to our <strong>Catholic</strong> imagination’.<br />

a new and shared narrative - a narrative<br />

that builds on our story but is relevant<br />

to the context of today’s world and<br />

continually enriched by the experience of<br />

the generations we serve,” he said.<br />

<strong>2015</strong> is the 50th anniversary of the<br />

Second Vatican Council’s Declaration<br />

Gravissimum Educationis (Declaration<br />

on Christian Education) and the 25th<br />

anniversary of the Apostolic Constitution<br />

Ex Corde Ecclesiae (From the Heart of the<br />

Church). As part of these celebrations,<br />

the Congregation aims to re-energise the<br />

Church’s commitment to education.<br />

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ICT trainee ranked top 30<br />

in the world<br />

Delany Connective<br />

recognised for outstanding<br />

contribution to education<br />

Former McAuley student<br />

Dr Chow inspires next<br />

generation Scientists and<br />

Mathematicians<br />

Teacher Brenton<br />

Gurney becomes Highly<br />

Accomplished<br />

ICT trainee Dylan Pedavoli who came fourth in the<br />

International Cisco NetRiders competition for the Asia<br />

Pacific and Japan region.<br />

On 15 October <strong>2015</strong>, one of <strong>Catholic</strong> Education’s<br />

ICT trainees, Dylan Pedavoli, came fourth in<br />

the International Cisco NetRiders competition<br />

for the Asia Pacific and Japan region. This puts<br />

him in the top 30 in the world.<br />

Dylan and fellow ICT trainees, Daniel Atalla<br />

and Matthew Xerri, joined more than 10,000<br />

individuals from 85 countries across seven<br />

regions in the competition this year. ICT<br />

trainee Daniel Atalla was also a finalist in the<br />

competition.<br />

Chief Innovation Officer Paul Meldrum said<br />

the ICT traineeship demonstrates the Diocese’s<br />

commitment to pre-post educational outcomes.<br />

"The traineeships demonstrate the Diocese’s<br />

commitment to the continued learning of<br />

young adults in western Sydney,” Paul said.<br />

“Dylan’s achievements, while extraordinary,<br />

set the bar for us as a learning organisation in<br />

developing strong enterprising partnerships,”<br />

he said.<br />

Dylan said the Cisco NetRiders competition<br />

has assisted him in developing essential<br />

technical, analytical and interpersonal skills<br />

that have strengthened his future.<br />

“The biggest factor that has contributed to my<br />

success throughout the competition would<br />

be the immense support and appreciation I<br />

received from my family, friends and work<br />

colleagues,” Dylan said.<br />

Holy Spirit students get<br />

behind Mission Week<br />

Principal Peter Wade with students at the Delany<br />

Connective.<br />

On 6 October <strong>2015</strong>, Delany College, Granville<br />

Principal Peter Wade received an Award for<br />

Outstanding Contribution to Education,<br />

presented by the Asian Education Leadership<br />

Awards recognising the Delany Connective -<br />

an innovative partnership with Telstra.<br />

Peter said he was pleased to be able to accept<br />

this award on behalf of the extraordinary team<br />

he works with and who make the Delany<br />

Connective so successful.<br />

“This award is a reflection of the unique<br />

partnerships that have come together, the<br />

extraordinary work of the staff at the College,<br />

and the immense support we have received<br />

from Telstra and the <strong>Catholic</strong> Education Office,<br />

Parramatta," Peter said.<br />

Peter and Delany’s Leader of Connective<br />

Learning Ivanka Rancic recently presented<br />

their work at the Digital Education Show <strong>2015</strong><br />

in Dubai.<br />

Marian teacher awarded<br />

NSW Teachers' Guild Award<br />

Dr Edith Chow, Susan O'Connell and students of<br />

Catherine McAuley Westmead.<br />

On Tuesday 11 August <strong>2015</strong>, Catherine<br />

McAuley Westmead hosted former student<br />

and Senior Research Scientist at the<br />

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial<br />

Research Organisation (CSIRO), Dr Edith<br />

Chow, as part of the Scientists and<br />

Mathematicians in Schools (SMIS) national<br />

education program managed by the CSIRO.<br />

Dr Chow spoke with Year 10 Science students<br />

about her career with the CSIRO where she is<br />

involved in research in nanotechnology and the<br />

development of chemical sensors.<br />

Year 10 student Hannah Fabros said Dr Chow's<br />

work highlights the importance of investment<br />

in nanotechnology as her invention has the<br />

potential to contribute greatly to the health<br />

field.<br />

First group of Year 12<br />

students to receive nursing<br />

qualifications<br />

On 2 September <strong>2015</strong>, 13 Year 12 students<br />

from nine schools across the Diocese were the<br />

first group to graduate with a Certificate III in<br />

Health Services Assistance (Acute Care). The<br />

Nursing VET course was developed through<br />

the cooperation of Western Sydney Health, the<br />

University of Notre Dame, AusSIP and <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

Education in collaboration with Auburn<br />

District Hospital.<br />

Brenton Gurney with Greg Whitby after becoming<br />

accredited as a Highly Accomplished teacher.<br />

On Thursday 29 October <strong>2015</strong>, St Patrick’s<br />

Marist College, Dundas’ Brenton Gurney<br />

became accredited as Highly Accomplished<br />

through the Board of Studies, Teaching and<br />

Educational Standards (BOSTES).<br />

Brenton, who is a Leader of Learning PDHPE,<br />

is the second teacher in the Diocese to become<br />

accredited at the Highly Accomplished level.<br />

Brenton said he felt becoming accredited as<br />

either Highly Accomplished or Lead was paving<br />

the way for the future.<br />

The course ran over two years at Auburn<br />

District Hospital and enabled students to gain<br />

two units towards their HSC and also counted<br />

towards their ATAR. Successful students also<br />

received early entry to the University of Notre<br />

Dame’s nursing program.<br />

Nursing VET students Jacques Khoury and Robert<br />

Vallido from Parramatta Marist High with their<br />

certificates.<br />

Students held activities during recess and lunch to<br />

raise money for people living in poverty.<br />

From 20-21 October <strong>2015</strong>, students from Holy<br />

Spirit Primary, St Clair held activities during<br />

recess and lunch to raise money for people<br />

living in poverty.<br />

Principal Anne Hines said the Mission Week<br />

activities at Holy Spirit are planned and run by<br />

the students.<br />

“This year, like previous years, we are expecting<br />

to raise about $3,000 for those in need,” Anne<br />

said.<br />

Religious Education Coordinator Lorraine<br />

Alexander said that these initiatives empower<br />

the students to know that they are not helpless<br />

in today’s world and that they, young as they<br />

are, can make a difference in the lives of others.<br />

From left: Dianne Lowery (Leader of Learning -<br />

Curriculum and Emma's Mentor Teacher), Emma<br />

Morrow, Malcolm Hegarty (Leader of Learning -<br />

Mathematics) and Renata Dragovic (Maths Teacher<br />

and Leader of Learning - Pastoral Care).<br />

On Saturday 5 September <strong>2015</strong>, second year<br />

Mathematics teacher at Marian <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

College, Kenthurst Emma Morrow received the<br />

NSW Teachers' Guild Award for ‘<strong>2015</strong> Senior<br />

School winner of the Award for Excellence for a<br />

teacher in their early years of teaching’.<br />

Marian’s Assistant Principal Tammy Prestage<br />

said Emma has been integral to the delivery<br />

of Extended Mathematical Understandings<br />

(EMU) strategies at Marian.<br />

Expand your imagination by reading this<br />

summer and you could win an iPad mini<br />

Read as many books as you can, tell us why you love them,<br />

and you could win one of four iPad minis. The more books<br />

you read, the more chances you have to win*.<br />

Enter online at www.parra.catholic.edu.au<br />

Entries close 5 February 2016.<br />

*Terms and Conditions apply<br />

@<strong>Catholic</strong>EdParra<br />

catholicedparra<br />

14 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | DECEMBER <strong>2015</strong><br />


www.ccss.org.au<br />

CCSSParramatta<br />


Providing compassionate, professional and relevant support to the people in our diverse community<br />

Offices at Blacktown, Emerton, Parramatta, Penrith, Springwood, call (02) 8822 2222<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong>Care Social Services would like to wish everyone<br />

a happy and safe Christmas<br />

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our dedicated team of volunteers who give up their time and<br />

effort to brighten the life of another. Thank you, for helping us to make a difference.<br />


& EVENTS<br />

Our Head Office at 38 Prince Street will be closed from Friday, 24 <strong>December</strong> and<br />

reopen on Monday, 4 January. For any further information including services and<br />

programs being offered during 2016, please contact us on (02) 8822 2222.<br />

CATHOLICCARE Social Services <strong>2015</strong><br />

500 FAMILIES<br />

accessed our Baulkham Hills<br />

Family Daycare service<br />

160 PREGNANT<br />

WOMEN<br />

who required support related<br />

to the wellbeing of they or their<br />

children accessed support from<br />

Project Elizabeth at Penrith<br />

100 *<br />




and 43 children (including 45<br />

Aboriginal families) accessed<br />

support from our Houses to<br />

Homes service at Quakers Hill<br />

130<br />



PEOPLE<br />

with a disability in the Blacktown<br />

LGA received social support<br />

and related services through<br />

Blacktown Neighbour Aid<br />

265<br />


As of Monday 23 November <strong>2015</strong> our new head office<br />

address will be:<br />

38 Prince Street Blacktown<br />

(corner of First Avenue)<br />

Please confirm the address of your next appointment<br />

when you call to book (02) 8822 2222.<br />


sought financial counselling.<br />

366 existing clients returned for<br />

individual sessions<br />

86<br />

NEW<br />


NEW<br />


sought problem gambling<br />

counselling. 428 existing clients<br />

returned for individual sessions.<br />

500 PEOPLE<br />

who were grieving the loss of a<br />

spouse or adjusting to life after<br />

separation accessed our Solo<br />

Parent Services<br />

656 CLIENTS<br />

accessed our Family Relationship<br />

Counselling service<br />

530 FAMILIES<br />

from Western Sydney accessed<br />

our Family Support services<br />

located at Blacktown, Penrith<br />

and Springwood<br />

300 +<br />


gained support from Recover<br />

Wellbeing, our new program for<br />

individuals experiencing mental<br />

distress.<br />

2,327<br />



including fire affected people<br />

accessed counselling and support<br />

services provided by Springwood<br />

80 * PRESCHOOL<br />

AGE<br />


from Mount Druitt participated<br />

in HIPPY our Home Interaction<br />

Program for Parents and<br />

Youngsters preparing children<br />

for school, hundreds accessed<br />

counselling and around 50<br />

children accessed our after<br />

school homework program<br />

2,500 *<br />



accessed services provided by<br />

our centre at Blacktown which<br />

included supported playgroup; a<br />

homework program; counselling;<br />

parenting education; English<br />

classes; community garden<br />

program<br />

1,444 * PEOPLE<br />

attended Pre- marriage Education<br />

or Marriage Enrichment courses<br />

and seminars.<br />

504 * PEOPLE<br />

accessed our Natural Fertility<br />

Service<br />

accessed our Healing and<br />

Support Service<br />

67 * PEOPLE<br />

* approximately<br />

Responsible Gambling Support Group is free and on<br />

every Saturday, 9.30am-11am at CCSS Centre, 38<br />

Prince St, Blacktown. Tel (02) 8822 2222 for more<br />

information.<br />

Blacktown Neighbour Aid – can you volunteer one<br />

hour a fortnight to brighten the life of an elderly<br />

person in Blacktown? Contact Blacktown Neighbour<br />

Aid to find out more on tel (02) 8822 2222, email<br />

bna@ccss.org.au<br />

Living Skills Program is offered to young parents<br />

and young people, 25 years and younger, who are<br />

homeless or at risk of homelessness. Topics covered<br />

include money, housing, education & training,<br />

employment, health and wellbeing, daily living skills,<br />

personal and social development, and legal rights<br />

and responsibilities. Locations include Highfield<br />

Rd, Quakers Hill, commencing second week of<br />

February 2016, and Prince St, Blacktown, dates to<br />

be confirmed. For further information, tel Youth<br />

Rezolutions on (02) 9680 1201.<br />

Post Separation Recovery Program – seven sessions<br />

weekly from Wednesday 17 February 2016, 7.30pm-<br />

9.45pm. CCSS Centre, 38 Prince St, Blacktown.<br />

Fee $80. Bookings essential, tel (02) 8822 2222,<br />

soloparentservices@ccss.org.au<br />

Bereavement Support Program – fortnightly on<br />

Tuesdays for eight sessions from Tuesday 9 February<br />

2016, 10.30am-12.30pm. CCSS Centre, 38 Prince St,<br />

Blacktown. Fee $5 per session. Bookings essential,<br />

tel (02) 8822 2222, soloparentservices@ccss.org.au<br />

Healing and Support Service – a therapeutic<br />

case management service for people affected<br />

by childhood sexual abuse or any other abuse,<br />

perpetrated by a person or persons working for<br />

the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church in the Diocese of Parramatta.<br />

The service involves providing information, an<br />

assessment of need, appropriate referrals for<br />

counselling or other services, crisis intervention and<br />

assisting the affected person determine what would<br />

constitute an appropriate healing response from the<br />

Diocese. Tel (02) 9933 0233.<br />

Recover Wellbeing – recovery oriented program and<br />

support groups for people living with depression and<br />

bipolar and their families.<br />

Cool Kids – The Cool Kids Program has been running<br />

at Macquarie University since 1993. We are now<br />

trained to deliver this program, which can support<br />

families when children are experiencing high levels of<br />

anxiety. For further information, tel (02) 9933 0222.<br />

Houses to Homes (previously known as Catherine<br />

Villa) provides transition housing and support for<br />

pregnant girls and young mothers aged 25 years and<br />

younger. For more information call (02) 9837 2095.<br />

Keeping Kids in Mind program supports parents and<br />

families after separation (group, counselling and case<br />

management). Tel 1800 55 46 46.<br />

CreateAbility Day Options provides a service for<br />

people with disabilities. Offers opportunities and<br />

programs tailored to fulfil individual needs and<br />

aspirations. For further information send an email to<br />

createabilityenquiries@ccss.org.au<br />

www.catholicoutlook.org<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | DECEMBER <strong>2015</strong> 15


www.mercyhasaface.org.au<br />

#meryhasaface<br />


By Rev Paul Roberts, Director of the Institute for Mission<br />

The Diocese of Parramatta has its own Mercy logo to<br />

link in with the resources that will be used across<br />

the Jubilee Year.<br />

In order to have a symbol that could be applied to a lot of uses and printed in different<br />

ways, it was decided to design a simple logo, but one that contained plenty of meaning.<br />

And so, it picks up on key lines, shapes and concepts from both the Diocesan crest and<br />

the Jubilee logo from the Vatican.<br />

did you know...<br />

The triangles on the Diocesan crest<br />

represent the ancient mountains bounding<br />

the diocese and the squiggles represent<br />

our local rivers? And so on the Mercy<br />

logo you’ll see the mountains with<br />

the three rivers (Parramatta, Nepean<br />

and Hawkesbury) cutting through the<br />

foreground of the Cumberland Plain.<br />

There are a number of design features to<br />

highlight from the Diocesan Mercy logo:<br />

It is presented within an almond shape called a mandorla (Italian for<br />

almond). If you Google mandorla religious pictures you’ll immediately<br />

see things such as Christ depicted within an almond shape. It’s<br />

an ancient concept representing the union of two circles, or more<br />

specifically, the place of intersection of seeming opposites. In<br />

Christian art, Christ has often been shown in the mandorla as this<br />

place of reconciliation and the union of heaven and earth. In the Year<br />

of Mercy, in our place of the Diocese of Parramatta, we are called to<br />

live this union as receivers and sharers of Christ’s mercy.<br />

We are called to be agents of reconciling, enriching mercy for the<br />

world around us. The opening words of Pope Francis’ background<br />

document about the Jubilee are: Christ is the face of the Father’s<br />

mercy. And we are the face of Christ, hence the caption on the logo;<br />

mercy has a face!<br />

Also notice the heart shape, formed by the<br />

outline of faces. These mirror the faces<br />

in the universal logo. In this place, the<br />

Diocese of Parramatta, the heart of grace<br />

of the cross forms us as a people, receivers<br />

of mercy, to be mercy’s face! And so the<br />

faces forming the heart are ours and they<br />

are the faces of those with whom we share<br />

God’s mercy. With our faces placed over<br />

the landforms, we are reminded that God<br />

has asked us to be stewards also of the<br />

wider creation of which we are part. In<br />

this wider creation, Pope Francis spoke of<br />

the earth in his recent encyclical as itself<br />

being amongst the most abandoned and<br />

maltreated of our poor.<br />

Various initiatives of our Diocese for the<br />

Year of Mercy will include mercy towards<br />

the earth as an important priority. In fact,<br />

a series of prayers displayed in St. Patrick’s<br />

Cathedral, Parramatta take up St Francis of<br />

Assisi’s words in referring to our planet as<br />

our sister, Mother Earth.<br />

The highlighting of the first two letters in<br />

the caption is intentional. As together in<br />

the Year of Mercy we each give witness<br />

to our dependence on God’s mercy and<br />

grow as channels of mercy to the world,<br />

may each of us be the ME in MERCY HAS A<br />

FACE.<br />

16 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | DECEMBER <strong>2015</strong><br />


www.mercyhasaface.org.au<br />

#meryhasaface<br />



What is it? How can I receive it?<br />

Why is there a boat in the Cathedral?<br />

A centrepiece of the Jubilee Year of Mercy symbolism in St Patrick’s Cathedral is a<br />

boat! It’s a 1910 clinker built hull in restoration that has been generously loaned to<br />

us. The scripture passage displayed in it links us to the frightened disciples in the boat<br />

on the Sea of Galilee. And this further links us to ponder the threatening and stormy<br />

realities of life for ourselves, for others and for each part of God’s creation. The Jubilee<br />

Year of Mercy announces anew God’s desire to be with us in every struggle, challenge<br />

and next step. Mercy is God’s uncompromising nature. Mercy is the shape of God’s<br />

unconditional love as it embraces suffering, shame, indignity and marginalisation.<br />

Mercy is God’s sea of love; inexhaustive; personal; cosmic; victorious; tender; ultimate!<br />

When you enter St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta during the Year of Mercy, you will<br />

find screens with themes running that will help you enter into various expressions of<br />

the mercy story. Then, once further into the Cathedral chapel, you can begin a prayer<br />

journey by reading the scripture story displayed in the boat. As you read it, you might<br />

share from your heart with Jesus of your own story, or a story of situations or people<br />

you care about.<br />

One of the many focuses for the Year of Mercy that some have<br />

asked about is the idea of the indulgence. The Church is a key<br />

channel through which God’s grace and favour is communicated<br />

and for this Jubilee Year, Pope Francis has encouraged us to<br />

receive indulgences. In the Church’s tradition, an indulgence is a<br />

gift of God to free us. It is given to us for the parts of our lives<br />

where sin, even though forgiven, might leave us still needing to<br />

make amends after our earthly lives.<br />

There is the chance to write a prayer if you wish and place it in a prayer chest in the<br />

boat. You can indicate if you’d like your prayer then to be displayed, kept private or<br />

taken for a priest of the Diocese to offer it at Mass. And then you can walk around<br />

the chapel, following a sequence of canvasses and special intentions that invite your<br />

kind participation in various special prayer intentions for mercy. The themes displayed<br />

encourage our share in God’s mission; our call to be the face of God’s mercy in the<br />

world.<br />

Themes, images, prayers and activities will be offered through all of our Diocese’s<br />

parishes and schools as the Year of Mercy unfolds. Our Diocese’s key electronic<br />

channels will be:<br />

www.mercyhasaface.org.au and #merCyhasaface<br />

A way of receiving the gift of the indulgence through spiritual<br />

actions is to commit to:<br />

• Visiting the place of pilgrimage and entering through the<br />

Door of Mercy<br />

• Celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation<br />

• Receiving the Holy Eucharist<br />

• Praying for the Pope and being in union with his<br />

intentions as we commit to living active mercy<br />

• Making the Profession of Faith and praying the Lord’s<br />

Prayer<br />

There’s a fuller outline of this in the Cathedral’s special prayer<br />

displays for the Year of Mercy. But in brief, to welcome the<br />

indulgence, the <strong>Catholic</strong> tradition is that you can do these<br />

actions in a one-day timeframe or spread the actions across<br />

several days. Pope Francis has commented that he wants<br />

those who are shut-in, sick or in prison to also receive gifts of<br />

God’s Jubilee indulgences via adjusted means and our diocesan<br />

chaplains and pastoral visitors will be assisting many people to<br />

do so.<br />

More will be shared with parishes and schools about the ways<br />

Pope Francis also wants us to receive God’s loving indulgences<br />

through many actions of mercy in the world to which we are<br />

called and for which God’s grace enables us.<br />

The Year of Mercy is certainly intended for us people of the<br />

Church to receive mercy anew, but we would be a self-serving<br />

people if that was the end of the story. From our receiving,<br />

we are called to be missionaries of mercy! As Pope Francis<br />

expressed in his message for WYD Krakow 2016:<br />

In particular, this Holy Year of Mercy is a time for the Church to<br />

rediscover the meaning of the mission entrusted to her by the Lord<br />

on the day of Easter; to be a sign and an instrument of the Father’s<br />

mercy.<br />

www.catholicoutlook.org<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | DECEMBER <strong>2015</strong> 17


Interfaith Dialogue:<br />

Nostra Aetate<br />

By Fr Walter Fogarty<br />

Faith in Marriage<br />

Conference - <strong>Catholic</strong>Care<br />

By Allison McNally<br />

As the Church commemorates the 50th<br />

anniversary of the Second Vatican<br />

Council’s ending, one of its final<br />

documents, Nostra Aetate, Declaration on<br />

the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian<br />

Religions has come in for renewed attention.<br />

Despite its brevity, only five short sections<br />

totalling less than 2000 words, the declaration’s<br />

impact is significant, continuing to shape<br />

the Church’s evangelising mission within the<br />

context of a multifaith world.<br />

Born of St John XXIII’s desire for the<br />

Council to make a statement on the Church’s<br />

relation with Jews, Nostra Aetate in its final<br />

version encompassed relations with the major<br />

non-Christian religions. A meeting between<br />

St John XXIII and Jules Isaac, a Jewish French<br />

historian, in 1960 inspired the pope to direct<br />

the Council to consider relations with Jews, it<br />

had not been part of its original agenda. Not all<br />

bishops were in favour, some arguing the issue<br />

be removed from council proceedings.<br />

Meeting in the aftermath of the Shoah, the<br />

Holocaust, European bishops were particularly<br />

conscious of the often negative history of<br />

Christian-Jewish relations. Reflecting on this<br />

history, Cardinal Edward Cassidy, former<br />

President of both the Pontifical Council<br />

for Promoting Christian Unity and the<br />

Commission for Religious Relations with the<br />

Jews, wrote ‘the history of these relations is<br />

not one of which the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church can be<br />

proud, since all too often it is a story of official<br />

oppression and discrimination.’ Behind this<br />

position was the Church’s belief that the Jewish<br />

people were guilty of ‘deicide’ and had lost their<br />

status as ‘God’s chosen people’. Aspects of this<br />

negative attitude could be found within the<br />

Church’s liturgy, particularly for Good Friday,<br />

with the use of terms like ‘perfidious Jews’.<br />

Bishops from Asia and Africa wanted any<br />

declaration to go beyond Christian-Jewish<br />

relations fearing it may be seen in the Arab<br />

world as the Church favouring the state of<br />

Israel. Responding to such concerns the<br />

draft declaration included other religions,<br />

specifically Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam.<br />

It dismissed claims of deicide declaring ‘the<br />

Music and Readings<br />

for christmas<br />

Sunday 20 Dec <strong>2015</strong><br />

at 7.30 pm<br />

St Finbar’s Church<br />

46 Levy Street, Glenbrook<br />

Each year the special Christmas<br />

service at St Finbar’s Church,<br />

Glenbrook – Music and Readings<br />

for Christmas – fills the beautiful<br />

church to overflowing.<br />

The massed choir, Penrith<br />

Symphony Brass, harp, handbells<br />

and solo artists will be conducted<br />

by Robert Ampt with Amy<br />

Johansen playing the beautiful<br />

heritage organ.<br />

Join in congregational carols,<br />

and experience the thrill of the<br />

Hallelujah Chorus and For Unto<br />

Church, mindful of the patrimony she shares<br />

with the Jews and moved not by political<br />

reasons but by the Gospel’s spiritual love,<br />

decries hatred, persecutions, displays of anti-<br />

Semitism, directed against Jews at any time and<br />

by anyone.’<br />

Nostra Aetate has become a cornerstone<br />

for the Church’s relations with other<br />

religions. Embracing St John XXIII’s call for<br />

‘aggiornamento’ (bringing up to date) through<br />

its declaration the Church ‘exhorts her sons,<br />

that through dialogue and collaboration with<br />

the followers of other religions, carried out<br />

with prudence and love and in witness to the<br />

Christian faith and life, they recognize, preserve<br />

and promote the good things, spiritual and<br />

moral, as well as the socio-cultural values found<br />

among these men.’ Recognising God operative<br />

in all cultures the Council acknowledged<br />

‘there is found among various peoples a<br />

certain perception of that hidden power which<br />

hovers over the course of things and over the<br />

events of human history… This perception<br />

and recognition penetrates their lives with a<br />

profound religious sense.’ Human beings, ‘one<br />

[in] their origin’, regardless of culture, ‘struggle<br />

to answer the same questions’ and ‘expect from<br />

the various religions answers to the unsolved<br />

riddles of the human condition, which… deeply<br />

stir [their] hearts’. Shared human nature led the<br />

Council to consider its ‘task of promoting unity<br />

and love among men, indeed among nations’,<br />

considering ‘above all… what men have in<br />

common.’<br />

Australian <strong>Catholic</strong> University academic,<br />

Edmund Chia, argued at a recent conference on<br />

Nostra Aetate that most <strong>Catholic</strong>s are ‘ignorant’<br />

of the Church’s teachings in this declaration<br />

and display an ‘arrogance’ in relation to other<br />

religions. Challenging such positions Nostra<br />

Aetate concludes by teaching, ‘We cannot<br />

truly call on God, the Father of all, if we refuse<br />

to treat in a brotherly way any man, created<br />

as he is in the image of God… The Church<br />

reproves… any discrimination against men<br />

or harassment of them because of their race,<br />

colour, condition of life, or religion.’<br />

Photo: Geoff Shalala<br />

Us a Child is Born from Handel’s<br />

immortal Messiah on this night of<br />

Christmas joy.<br />

There will also be special quiet<br />

moments, including the singing<br />

by all of the beautiful carol Silent<br />

Night with the darkened church<br />

illuminated only by candles.<br />

As usual there will be a retiring<br />

collection. Suggested minimum<br />

donations – families $25,<br />

individuals $10. Early arrival<br />

is recommended. For more<br />

information tel (02) 4754 1780.<br />

18 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | DECEMBER <strong>2015</strong><br />

www.catholicoutlook.org<br />

Very Rev Fr Peter Williams addresses delegates.<br />

The 3rd Annual Faith in Marriage<br />

Conference was held on 23 August in<br />

Parramatta. The theme of the conference,<br />

‘Marriage – A Culture of Love & Life’, was<br />

reflected in the addresses by the guest speakers<br />

Jonathan Doyle and Tim and Lara Kirk as well<br />

as the introductory comments by the Diocesan<br />

Administrator, Very Rev Peter Williams.<br />

Father Peter reminded us that the<br />

Church offered a rich theology to inform<br />

our understanding of marriage and this<br />

understanding is founded on our knowledge of<br />

God and Jesus Christ. Marriage is a vocation; a<br />

calling from God to love.<br />

Jonathan Doyle addressed the topic,<br />

‘The world will be Saved by Beauty – How<br />

Great Marriages can save the 21st Century’.<br />

He encouraged attendees to be proactive in<br />

communicating the truth, beauty and goodness<br />

of marriage.<br />

Jonathan gave a picture of the pressures<br />

that exist to redefine marriage. He turned our<br />

attention to Imperial Rome and the Christians<br />

who lived out their faith. Their witness of faithfilled<br />

marriages and their charity in caring for<br />

divorced women and abandoned children had a<br />

transformative effect on their culture.<br />

He challenged us to work for such a<br />

transformation in our society. He reminded<br />

us that all people experiencing brokenness or<br />

woundedness can be assisted and brought back<br />

into the heart of the Church. The challenges<br />

Jonathan Doyle from Choicez Media.<br />

faced by young men and women in our society<br />

were expanded, together with the necessity to<br />

help them develop a new narrative.<br />

In conclusion, Jonathon reminded the<br />

audience that the Church was a mission and<br />

encouraged all to develop a sense of mission,<br />

find a place where you can serve, decide what<br />

you can do to contribute and always ‘fix your<br />

eyes’ on Christ.<br />

The afternoon session was conducted by<br />

Tim and Lara Kirk. Their address on ‘Marriage,<br />

Faith and Family’ was a personal presentation<br />

of what worked practically in their marriage<br />

and with their children.<br />

Tim stated that the Church existed to<br />

evangelise and challenged the audience to think<br />

about how we live out the call to evangelise.<br />

He quoted Pope Francis who said that families<br />

need to be witnesses. They need to show fidelity,<br />

patience, openness to life, respect for the elderly<br />

and presence of Jesus in the family.<br />

Society needs functional families who are<br />

illuminated by the good news of Jesus to be<br />

credible witnesses. They are families who model<br />

in their lives what they believe in their hearts,<br />

they have Jesus in the centre.<br />

A functional family is one that is hopeful,<br />

where faith and love are integral, and they have<br />

the capacity to repent and forgive. Lara spoke<br />

engagingly about marriage as a sacrament, and<br />

the need to be proactive in raising the next<br />

generation of <strong>Catholic</strong>s.<br />

Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy<br />

Penrose Park<br />

Fatima Day: Sunday <strong>December</strong> 13<br />

Main Celebrant: Father Hugh Thomas C.Ss.R<br />

Divine Mercy Devotions - First Sunday of the Month<br />

Fatima Family Sunday: <strong>December</strong> 20<br />

Upcoming celebrations in Our Shrine:<br />

<strong>December</strong> 20: 10.50am Opening of the Holy Doors commemorating the Year of<br />

Mercy, instituted by Pope Francis, followed by Solemn Mass at 11am.<br />


Christmas Eve (<strong>December</strong> 24): 11.30pm Carol Service in English; Midnight Mass<br />

in English (Shrine Church) and Polish (Bethlehem Chapel)<br />

Christmas Day (<strong>December</strong> 25): 11am Solemn Mass in English (Shrine Church)<br />

and Polish (Bethlehem Chapel)<br />

New Year’s Eve (<strong>December</strong> 31): 11pm Exposition and devotions in the Shrine<br />

Church followed by Mass at Midnight<br />

Pauline Father’s Monastery<br />

Address: 120 Hanging Rock Road, Berrima, NSW, 2577 Phone: 02 4878 9192<br />

Email: paulinefathers@yahoo.com.au<br />

Website: www.penrosepark.com.au

The Holy Spirit alive in Mount Druitt:<br />

Former Loyola Students receive Diocesan Youth Award<br />

By Elizabeth McFarlane<br />


Michael Constantine Setefano and Walker Falemaota Aloiai. Photo: Elizabeth McFarlane.<br />

annual re-enactment of the Stations<br />

of the Cross on Good Friday. He<br />

attended St Clare’s <strong>Catholic</strong> High<br />

School from 2004-2007, where he<br />

served on the Student Leadership<br />

Council as President.<br />

Walker and Michael were heavily<br />

involved in two <strong>Catholic</strong> youth<br />

movements of the Diocese, the<br />

Parramatta Young Christian Students<br />

(YCS) and Young Christian Workers<br />

(YCW), and have been consecutively<br />

employed as Coordinator of the YCS<br />

in Parramatta.<br />

The YCS and YCW are<br />

international sister movements,<br />

founded by Cardinal Joseph Cardijn.<br />

The movements coordinate <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

action based on the ‘Cardijn’ method<br />

of SEE, JUDGE, ACT and aim to<br />

form leaders in the Review of Life,<br />

a spiritual review of the everyday<br />

that inspires double transformation<br />

(transformation of self and situation).<br />

The movements believe in peerto-peer<br />

evangelisation; workers<br />

evangelising workers and students<br />

evangelising students.<br />

“Walker and I bounced off each<br />

other and we learnt a lot about each<br />

other’s faith by sharing that journey<br />

together. Getting to share my faith<br />

was a big part of me wanting to be<br />

a part of the YCS and I got exactly<br />

what I wanted and more out of the<br />

movement,” Michael said.<br />

During their time in the YCS,<br />

they assisted school-based and<br />

parish YCS groups throughout the<br />

Diocese. Walker also took on the<br />

responsibility from 2013-2014 in<br />

developing the Never Underestimate<br />

the Students (NUTS) program: the<br />

guidebook used by YCS to establish<br />

groups across Australia.<br />

Michael and Walker also<br />

established a Leadership Camp for<br />

the Parramatta YCS movement in<br />

2014. The camp program trains<br />

student leaders in the YCS movement<br />

to lead from a servant leadership<br />

model, based on the teachings of<br />

Christ.<br />

Two former students of Loyola<br />

Senior High School, Mount<br />

Druitt have received the<br />

inaugural <strong>2015</strong> Diocesan Citation<br />

of Merit for Youth Award from the<br />

Diocese of Parramatta.<br />

This award encourages and<br />

recognises the outstanding<br />

contribution and service to the<br />

Diocese of Walker Falemaota Aloiai<br />

and Michael Constantine Setefano.<br />

Walker and Michael have taken<br />

on many faith leadership roles within<br />

their own places of study and have<br />

volunteered a great deal of time to<br />

social justice initiatives within their<br />

communities.<br />

Walker is currently completing a<br />

Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of<br />

Arts with a double major in History<br />

and Social Justice at the University<br />

of Notre Dame, Sydney and Michael<br />

is currently a teacher at St Clare’s<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> High School in Hassall<br />

Grove.<br />

Walker was President of the<br />

Student Representative Council<br />

and Representative for Liturgy at<br />

Loyola Senior High School, Mount<br />

Druitt during his final year in 2009,<br />

where he established a new branch<br />

of leadership called Dei Gratia (by<br />

the grace of God); the vision for<br />

which was to enable more students<br />

to develop skills in leadership and to<br />

contribute to the school and to the<br />

Mount Druitt community. Dei Gratia<br />

is still in place today.<br />

“We wanted to expand the<br />

mantle of leadership and include<br />

the student population in running<br />

events, advertising events, reflecting<br />

and debriefing on events. It was<br />

probably one of the best initiatives in<br />

bringing our cohort together,” Walker<br />

said.<br />

Walker was also elected President<br />

of the Student Association at the<br />

University of Notre Dame, Australia<br />

(SAUNDA) from 2011-2012. He has<br />

also acted as an ambassador for the<br />

university to promote its values and<br />

courses to schools.<br />

Michael has been an active<br />

member of the Good Shepherd<br />

Parish at Plumpton. He is also a<br />

prominent member of the Antioch<br />

group at Plumpton, where he has<br />

led recruitment camps, served at<br />

liturgies, and participated in the<br />

Put those you love in the hands<br />

of those who care<br />


1 Marist Place, Parramatta<br />


Weekend Masses<br />

Saturday 8am, 9:30am<br />

(Mass in the Extraordinary Form – Latin),<br />

6pm (Vigil) Sunday 8am, 9.30am (Family Mass),<br />

11am (Solemn Mass), 6pm<br />

Weekday Masses<br />

Monday to Friday 6.45am,12.30pm<br />

Public Holidays 8am<br />

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament<br />

Monday to Friday 11.15am-12.20pm<br />

First Friday of the month 6pm-7pm<br />

Sacrament of Penance<br />

Weekdays 11.15am-12.20pm<br />

Saturdays 8.30am-9am, 5pm-5.30pm<br />

Devotions<br />

Morning Prayer of the Church<br />

Monday to Friday 6.30am<br />

Saturday and Sunday 7.30am<br />

Angelus<br />

Monday to Friday noon<br />

Rosary<br />

Monday to Friday after Angelus at noon<br />

Canticle of Our Lady’s<br />

Marian Movement<br />

Friday 1pm<br />

Christian meditation<br />

Tuesday 9.30am-10.15am<br />

Baptism - Sunday 12.45pm<br />

by appointment<br />

Marriages - By appointment<br />

Contact the Parish Secretary<br />

tel (02) 8839 8400 or email<br />

secretary@stpatscathedral.com.au<br />

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<strong>Catholic</strong> OUT_Nov <strong>2015</strong>.indd 1<br />

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18/11/<strong>2015</strong> 3:03 pm<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | DECEMBER <strong>2015</strong> 19


Diocesan Gala Dinner<br />

to raise funds for<br />

earthquake rebuilding<br />

By Adrian Middeldorp<br />

On the morning of 15 October<br />

2013, when many residents were<br />

on their way to work and school<br />

on the Bohol Island in central Visayas,<br />

Philippines, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake<br />

shook the entire region.<br />

The earthquake, energy equivalent to<br />

32 Hiroshima bombs, killed 222 people,<br />

with eight declared missing and over 900<br />

injured. As well as the human toll, 73,000<br />

buildings were damaged – 14,500 totally<br />

destroyed. Many parishes and schools in<br />

the region were completely devastated.<br />

Two years later at 8:12am on<br />

Thursday 15 October <strong>2015</strong>, on the second<br />

anniversary of the earthquake, Church<br />

bells were rung within the Diocese of<br />

Tagbilaran for 33 seconds – the length of<br />

the earthquake. The Most Rev Leonardo<br />

Y Medroso D.D, Bishop of Tagbilaran,<br />

reminded the faithful at a memorial Mass<br />

at St Joseph’s Cathedral, Tagbilaran of a<br />

small miracle in the Parish of Our Lady of<br />

Loon, a centuries old church completely<br />

destroyed by the earthquake.<br />

“The people discovered their<br />

patroness, the Blessed Virgin Mary of<br />

Liturgical Ministry<br />

Formation Courses<br />

Institute For Mission Hall<br />

1-5 Marion Street Blacktown 2148<br />

Mondays 7pm - 9pm<br />

Commencing 22nd February 2016<br />

St Nicholas of Myra Parish<br />

Meeting Room 1<br />

326 High Street Penrith 2750<br />

Wednesdays: 7pm - 9pm<br />

Commencing 24th February 2016<br />

Light, in the debris of their century old<br />

Church. The statue was buried deep<br />

down in the crumbling stones and coral<br />

reefs. Having seen the hand of the statue<br />

protruding from the ground, the people<br />

started digging to recover it from the<br />

rubble.”<br />

“They found the statue, unscathed,<br />

beautiful and dignified as ever. They made<br />

a makeshift altar and placed the icon on<br />

it for people to see and reflect. Then the<br />

people remembered what Isaiah had said<br />

while consoling the people who were<br />

in exile. He said: “Can a mother forget<br />

her own child? Even if a mother forgets<br />

her own child, I will never forget you. I<br />

have written your names in the palm of<br />

my hands.” (Isaiah 49:15 – 16) Yes, their<br />

existential questions of whether God is<br />

for them or against them in the time of<br />

calamity were answered by this mysterious<br />

discovery of their patroness. The people’s<br />

faith started to return. They have a God<br />

who never forgets them; a mother, their<br />

patroness, who always shelters them.”<br />

As part of the first leg of the Diocesan<br />

World Youth Day 2016 pilgrimage to<br />

2016<br />

The Office for Worship is taking<br />

enrolments for the next round of<br />

Liturgical Ministry Formation Courses<br />

beginning in February 2016.<br />

This course is for all those interested<br />

in becoming Readers of the Word,<br />

Ministers of Holy Communion, Ministers<br />

of Communion to the Sick and Dying,<br />

Senior Servers and/or Acolytes.<br />

There is no cost for these formation<br />

courses and it is offered in two locations<br />

on Mondays and Wednesdays at Blacktown<br />

and Penrith.<br />

To obtain the enrolment form<br />

email the OFW ofw@ifm.org.au<br />

or visit: www.parra.catholic.org.au and follow the links.<br />

Kraków, pilgrims from the Diocese<br />

of Parramatta will assist seven of the<br />

parishes in most need and will be working<br />

alongside Filipino youth; teaching,<br />

mentoring, painting, preparing vegetable<br />

gardens, feeding malnourished children<br />

and completing minor repairs.<br />

They will also be involved in a major<br />

project of building a Learning Centre for<br />

Sacred Heart Academy (756 students) in<br />

Our Lady of Light Parish, Loon. Students<br />

in schools in the area are, to this day,<br />

receiving lessons in makeshift classrooms.<br />

The projects undertaken at WYD will<br />

be funded by proceeds from a Gala Dinner<br />

on Friday, 19 February 2016. The Dinner,<br />

to be held at the Westella Renaissance,<br />

Lidcombe, will include a three course meal<br />

including wine, beer and soft drinks.<br />

Keynote speakers will include Greg<br />

Whitby, Executive Director of Schools,<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Education Diocese of Parramatta;<br />

Fr Joel Ruyeras, Parish Priest of Our Lady<br />

of the Light Parish, Diocese of Tagbilaran;<br />

and entertainer, Mr Adam Scicluna. Funds<br />

raised from the evening will go entirely to<br />

the rebuilding projects.<br />

Details:<br />

WYD Gala Fundraiser<br />

Venue: Westella Renaissance, Lidcombe<br />

Date: Friday 19 February 2016<br />

Cost: Tickets from $100<br />

For more details:<br />

www.parrawyd.org/rsvp<br />

WYD16<br />

FUNDRAISING Dinner<br />



FRIDAY 19 FEBRUARY 2016<br />

6.30PM FOR 7PM<br />

Grand Ball Room<br />



RSVP: events@parra.catholic.edu.au<br />

Sue Atkinson - 9840 5656<br />

20 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | DECEMBER <strong>2015</strong><br />


Parish Secretaries ‛have to<br />

be the face of Christ’<br />

By Elizabeth McFarlane<br />

Being a Parish Secretary is<br />

a lot like being the knife<br />

and fork of a community,<br />

according to Malia Lolesio, Parish<br />

Secretary for Holy Family Parish<br />

in Mount Druitt.<br />

“The food is fulfilment and<br />

the Parish Secretary helps you<br />

receive it,” she said.<br />

Malia was appointed Parish<br />

Secretary in February 2013, but<br />

being a parish secretary isn’t just<br />

work to her.<br />

“It’s using my gifts to give<br />

back for the work of God. I was<br />

looking for something where I<br />

could serve Him best and to me<br />

this was it,” she said. But that<br />

doesn’t mean Malia doesn’t find<br />

the role challenging at times.<br />

“I thought working for a<br />

parish would be easy but it is<br />

probably the most challenging. It<br />

really challenges me personally,<br />

as I am the first person that<br />

everybody encounters when they<br />

come into the parish. I have to be<br />

the face of Christ. I have failed<br />

many times but working for the<br />

parish is a great test for being<br />

truly Christian,” she said.<br />

The Mount Druitt community<br />

is Malia’s community, having<br />

been a member of the parish<br />

choir with her father who is Holy<br />

Family’s Music Director, and<br />

graduating from Loyola Senior<br />

High School.<br />

“Mount Druitt is community<br />

centred and that is because of its<br />

humility. You have people from<br />

all walks of life here. You see the<br />

struggles and you see people’s<br />

achievements, and that helps<br />

you to see the world in just one<br />

suburb.<br />

“But it can be challenging<br />

working here because there are<br />

so many people in need, and<br />

(sometimes) you can’t help them<br />

or offer them what they want.<br />

But I always try to look through<br />

Malia Lolesio. Photo: Elizabeth McFarlane.<br />

their lens to understand them. I<br />

need to try and find ways to help<br />

them,” she said.<br />

But the benefits far outweigh<br />

the challenges for Malia.<br />

“I would recommend being a<br />

parish secretary. I have learnt so<br />

much working in the parish and I<br />

think it has helped me grow. But<br />

expect the unexpected always.<br />

People just come in at random<br />

times needing things done and<br />

you just need to drop everything<br />

and help them first. What I’m<br />

actually supposed to do starts<br />

from 4pm onwards,” Malia joked.<br />

Being a parish secretary<br />

has provided Malia with many<br />

opportunities and experiences.<br />

She was sponsored by the parish<br />

to attend WYD in Spain in 2011<br />

with the mission to learn how to<br />

engage youth in the parish. She<br />

has since started a youth choir,<br />

which has now grown to become<br />

a youth group, meeting not just<br />

to practise songs but to learn<br />

about the faith. They ran their<br />

first youth retreat this year.<br />

“I think being a reasonably<br />

young parish secretary has<br />

allowed me to get young people<br />

to realise that they are a part<br />

of the parish. They don’t have<br />

to wait until they’re 60 to get<br />

involved; they can start now,” she<br />

said.<br />

Time of reflection and celebration<br />

for parish secretaries<br />

By Elizabeth McFarlane<br />

Photos: Elizabeth McFarlane.<br />

All year round, a faithful<br />

legion of women and men<br />

serve many requests and<br />

demands to keep our parishes<br />

running.<br />

In gratitude for their<br />

professional expertise and service,<br />

the Parish Secretaries Day was held<br />

at the Chancery in Parramatta on 2<br />

<strong>December</strong>.<br />

Parish secretaries and office<br />

staff came together to celebrate<br />

the achievements and milestones<br />

for <strong>2015</strong>, while hearing about<br />

developments and changes within<br />

the Diocese planned for the New<br />

Year.<br />

The day included tours by<br />

Chancery staff, a reflection from<br />

Rev Paul Roberts and official<br />

updates and news in the form of<br />

presentations from the Diocesan<br />

Administrator, Very Rev Peter<br />

Williams, and the Chief of<br />

Operations & Finance, Geoff Officer.<br />

Fr Peter was the principal<br />

celebrant for Mass in St Patrick’s<br />

Cathedral, which was followed by a<br />

celebratory lunch at El-Phoenician<br />

Restaurant for some delicious<br />

Middle Eastern and Mediterranean<br />

cuisine. A few lucky secretaries won<br />

raffle prizes.<br />

A great day was had by all,<br />

with many new faces getting the<br />

opportunity to meet those who had<br />

served their parishes for many years.<br />

For more images of the event,<br />

please visit: www.flickr.com/<br />

parracatholic/albums<br />


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<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | DECEMBER <strong>2015</strong> 21


New team to renew focus on service delivery to parishes<br />

By Adrian Middeldorp<br />

The Diocese of Parramatta Parish Support Team (from left): Yun Sun, Joe Cashman, Cheryl Lim, Lee Netana, Desiree Rashada, Alfie<br />

Ramirez, Lorabel Ingco, Richard McMahon, Allan Ouma, Amy Donohue, Lienntje Cornelissen, Adrian Middeldorp. Absent: Maureen<br />

Sewell. Photo: Elizabeth McFarlane.<br />

Cameroon<br />

The Chancery of the Diocese<br />

of Parramatta is renewing<br />

its focus on service<br />

delivery to parishes through the<br />

establishment of a dedicated<br />

Parish Support Team. The team<br />

comprises staff from various<br />

departments across the Chancery:<br />

Finance, Administration<br />

(including Human Resources),<br />

Safeguarding and Professional<br />

Standards, Property and<br />

Communications, and aims<br />

to offer specialised services to<br />

parishes.<br />

The establishment of the<br />

team came out of the Pastoral<br />

Initiatives of Faith in Our Future,<br />

2014-2018 Diocesan Pastoral Plan,<br />

whereby actions to be undertaken<br />

included:<br />

“A comprehensive review<br />

and restructure of the Chancery<br />

will be undertaken to achieve<br />

a renewed focus on ‘service<br />

delivery’ to stakeholders and best<br />

practice in administration and<br />

communication”. (150)<br />

Geoff Officer, Chief of<br />

Operations and Finance for the<br />

Diocese of Parramatta, believes<br />

that the Chancery has an<br />

imperative to serve its parishes,<br />

and that this team will renew this<br />

focus.<br />

“Service delivery to our<br />

parishes is a vital role for all<br />

Chancery staff and this team<br />

has been given the mandate to<br />

provide solutions for the parishes<br />

in an efficient manner,” he said.<br />

“By helping the parishes, we<br />

are enabling them to better serve<br />

the people of God in Western<br />

Sydney and the Blue Mountains.<br />

Other dioceses have support<br />

teams, but they are often separate<br />

units – the members of this unit<br />

belong in different departments<br />

but come together to meet, so they<br />

can provide timely responses.”<br />

A key part of the initiative<br />

will be the roll-out of an online<br />

ticketing system that will monitor<br />

and track queries within the<br />

Chancery as they arise to ensure<br />

that matters are dealt with<br />

comprehensively. However, it is<br />

the human interaction that is the<br />

priority for Geoff.<br />

“Our online systems and<br />

methods are just tools for the<br />

team, what matters is that the<br />

Parish Support Team sees the<br />

work of Christ within the human<br />

interactions and practical support<br />

and advice they provide to the<br />

parishes,” he said.<br />

“When clergy and staff from<br />

the parishes call the Chancery,<br />

the Parish Support Team now<br />

has clear timeframes to respond<br />

to their queries. The team is also<br />

working with service providers to<br />

offer different business solutions<br />

to parishes and to leverage greater<br />

buying power to help decrease<br />

costs.”<br />

A priest in the Andes<br />

annointing the sick<br />

Monaghan<br />

& Gleeson<br />


<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong><br />

22 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | DECEMBER <strong>2015</strong><br />


Safeguarding Support for Ministry<br />

By Paul Davis, Director of the Office for Safeguarding and Professional Standards<br />

The Diocese of Parramatta<br />

gives the highest priority<br />

to ensuring that ministry<br />

in the Diocese is safe for all of<br />

those who lead or engage in it. I<br />

wish to acknowledge the vision<br />

and commitment of our Diocesan<br />

Administrator, Very Rev Peter G<br />

Williams, who ensures that resources<br />

and services are available through<br />

the Office for Safeguarding and<br />

Professional Standards to achieve this<br />

goal.<br />

Safeguarding Presentations<br />

and Training<br />

During the course of <strong>2015</strong>,<br />

the Office for Safeguarding and<br />

Professional Standards has delivered<br />

presentations to many groups<br />

including leaders of diocesan agencies<br />

and clergy, parish groups, youth<br />

teams, Chancery staff, <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

Education Office school principals<br />

and members of their leadership<br />

teams. On each occasion we learn<br />

more about the unique contexts<br />

within which these ministries<br />

operate, and as a result we hope that<br />

our office is able to effectively target<br />

our services so that we meet your<br />

safeguarding needs.<br />

Our Training and Compliance<br />

Officer, Ms Asante Viswasam, is<br />

currently preparing our training<br />

calendar for 2016. Our approach to<br />

training next year will be significantly<br />

different as we will soon be in a<br />

position to offer a broad range of<br />

safeguarding training opportunities<br />

on a diverse range of subjects for<br />

those leading ministry in the Diocese.<br />

Safeguarding Officers<br />

We recognise that closer<br />

engagement with parishes and local<br />

clusters would facilitate a better<br />

understanding of the issues arising<br />

and services required in order<br />

to proactively address the safety<br />

of children and other vulnerable<br />

groups. For this reason, we will look<br />

forward to establishing the role of<br />

Safeguarding Officer in local parishes<br />

or clusters of parishes; this will ensure<br />

Office for Safeguarding staff (from left) Corrina Serrano, Asante Viswasam and Paul Davis<br />

(Director). Photo: Adrian Middeldorp.<br />

that there are many local points of<br />

contact throughout the Diocese in<br />

2016. More information about this<br />

initiative will be circulated in early<br />

2016.<br />

Safeguarding Manual<br />

In previous years the Diocese<br />

has published numerous editions of<br />

the Youth Safety Manual. This is an<br />

important resource that provides<br />

practical guidance related to the<br />

effective management of risk when<br />

planning activities and events for<br />

children and young people.<br />

Next year we will produce a new<br />

edition of this manual, however its<br />

focus will be significantly broader<br />

so that it includes resources and<br />

guidance on safeguarding generally.<br />

Safeguarding Response Campaign<br />

Earlier in <strong>2015</strong>, we launched an<br />

extensive media campaign that was<br />

designed to encourage people who<br />

had been affected by child sexual<br />

abuse at the hands of Church workers<br />

in the Diocese of Parramatta to<br />

make contact with our office. As a<br />

result of this initiative more than 60<br />

courageous people made contact with<br />

our response line, many of whom<br />

continue to receive support services.<br />

We are grateful to those people<br />

who made contact with us and<br />

we welcome others who have<br />

experienced harm in the past to<br />

contact our office so that we may<br />

offer support and assistance if it is<br />

appropriate to do so.<br />

New staff<br />

On 7 <strong>December</strong>, Ms Claire Pirola<br />

will commence in the role of Manager<br />

of the Office for Safeguarding and<br />

Professional Standards. Claire has<br />

qualifications in Law and Social<br />

Work and brings great expertise and<br />

many years’ experience to this role.<br />

Claire’s duties will include the general<br />

oversight of the operations of the<br />

Office as well as engagement with key<br />

external stakeholders including NSW<br />

Police, the NSW Ombudsman and<br />

the Office of the Children’s Guardian.<br />

I know that Claire is keen to get to<br />

know more about the Diocese of<br />

Parramatta and to commence her<br />

work in our office.<br />

Thank you<br />

At times the work of the Office<br />

for Safeguarding and Professional<br />

Standards can be quite challenging<br />

but it is always rewarding, especially<br />

when we have had the opportunity<br />

to work with those leading ministry<br />

in the Diocese. We are particularly<br />

grateful for the wonderful support<br />

that we receive from our parish<br />

priests and clergy of the Diocese;<br />

their commitment to making<br />

ministry safe provides great hope for<br />

the future of our Church.<br />


18<br />

19<br />

20<br />

28<br />



Join the Holy Hour for Vocations with adoration, prayer,<br />

music and quiet time from 7pm-8pm in St Patrick’s<br />

Cathedral, 1 Marist Plc, Parramatta.<br />



An evening of carol singing at the Shrine. Bring<br />

a blanket or chairs and snacks. Children dress as<br />

angels and shepherds. From 7pm-8.30pm outside Mt<br />

Schoenstatt Shrine, 230 Fairlight Rd, Mulgoa.<br />



Features massed choir, Penrith Symphony Brass, harp,<br />

handbells and solo artists. Join in congregational carols<br />

and experience the thrill of the Hallelujah Chorus from<br />

Handel’s Messiah. Starts 7.30pm in St Finbar’s Church,<br />

46 Levy St, Glenbrook.<br />



Mass celebrant Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM<br />

Conv. At 11am at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, 8<br />

Diana Ave, Kellyville. Followed by rosary procession to<br />

the Shrine of the Holy Innocents. Everyone is welcome<br />

to pray for the protection of all human life from<br />

conception to natural death.<br />

JANUARY 2016<br />

8-10<br />

20<br />



Camp for girls aged 10-14 to explore how our faith<br />

connects with our everyday lives. With prayer, craft and<br />

fun activities. From 4pm on Friday 8 January to 4pm<br />

on Sunday 10 January. Home of Light, Mt Schoenstatt,<br />

230 Fairlight Rd., Mulgoa. Cost: $90. RSVP Monday<br />

21 <strong>December</strong> to Sr M Luka 0439 537 843, sr.m.luka@<br />

bigpond.com<br />



Australian <strong>Catholic</strong> Superannuation presents this FREE<br />

seminar on how to optimise your savings for retirement<br />

and potentially save tax with an account-based pension.<br />

From 10am-1.30pm at Parramatta Leagues Club, 13-15<br />

O’Çonnell St, Parramatta. Bookings tel 1300 658 776,<br />

www.catholicsuper.com.au/seminars<br />

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..................................................................<br />

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..................................................................<br />

www.catholicoutlook.org<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | DECEMBER <strong>2015</strong> 23

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