Emissions Trading Worldwide




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California Cap-and-Trade Program<br />

Phases and Allocation<br />

<strong>Trading</strong> periods California’s trading period is referred to as a “compliance<br />

period” (see “compliance period” below).<br />

Allowances are allocated and auctioned with calendar year vintages. Some<br />

allowances from future vintages are offered for sale at each auction and may<br />

be traded but not used for compliance until the compliance date for the vintage<br />

year.<br />

allocation Allowances are allocated by benchmarks in each sector. Provisions<br />

for new entrants follow established methodologies for vulnerability to leakage.<br />

The vast majority of industrial allocation is based on production benchmarks<br />

and is updated annually based on verified production data. There is no cap<br />

on the total amount of industrial allocation. Publicly-owned and regulated<br />

investor-owned electric utilities: Receive allowances on behalf<br />

of their ratepayers. Investor-owned utilities must consign the allowances they<br />

receive to state-run auctions. Allowances are also provided to natural gas utilities<br />

on behalf of their ratepayers. All natural gas and electrical utilities must<br />

use the allowance value for ratepayer benefit and for emissions reductions.<br />

Industrial facilities: Receive free allowances for transition assistance and<br />

to prevent leakage. Leakage risk is determined by emissions intensity and trade<br />

exposure. Transition assistance declines with each compliance period. Other<br />

categories of transition assistance are provided for public wholesale water<br />

entities, legacy contract generators, universities, and public service facilities.<br />

The remainder of allowances is auctioned. This will be about 10% of allowances<br />

in the first compliance period, and will increase in subsequent compliance<br />

periods.<br />

compliance period Three calendar years (after first compliance period of two<br />

years). Allowances for emissions of the whole compliance period must be surrendered<br />

by 1 November (or the first business day thereafter) of the year following<br />

the last year of a compliance period.<br />

NB: California’s trading period is referred to as ‘compliance period’ though a portion<br />

of allowances must be submitted for each year’s emissions depending on<br />

the year of the trading/compliance period. First compliance period: 2013–2014<br />

Second compliance period: 2015–2017 Third compliance period: 2018–2020<br />

If the allowances in the reserve are all sold, allowances from future years are<br />

transferred to the reserve and made available for sale.<br />

compliance<br />

MRV Reporting frequency: One year Verification: Emission data reports<br />

and their underlying data require independent third-party verification annually<br />

for all reporters that equal or exceed 25,000 tCO 2e (metric). Other: Reporting<br />

is required for most operators at or above 10,000 tCO 2e (metric). Operators<br />

must implement internal audits, quality assurance and control systems for the<br />

reporting program and the data reported.<br />

Enforcement Penalties may be assessed pursuant to Health and Safety Code<br />

section 38580 (misdemeanor, fines, and possibly imprisonment).<br />

There are separate and substantial penalties for mis- or non-reporting under<br />

the Mandatory GHG Reporting Regulation.<br />

Under the Cap-and-Trade Regulation, if an entity fails to surrender a sufficient<br />

number of compliance instruments to meet its compliance obligation, there<br />

is a separate violation of this article for each required compliance instrument<br />

that has not been surrendered, or otherwise obtained by the Executive Officer.<br />

A separate violation accrues every 45 days after the end of the Untimely<br />

Surrender Period for each required compliance instrument that has not been<br />

surrendered.<br />

Adjustment to Compliance Obligation: Outside of enforcement, there is also an<br />

automatic adjustment to the compliance obligation due equal to the number<br />

of allowances short for that compliance surrender deadline multiplied by four.<br />

A quarter of that amount is retired and the remaining amount is auctioned by<br />

the state.<br />

other information<br />

Institutions involved California Air Resources Board (CARB)<br />

Links with other systems California linked with Québec’s ETS on 1 January<br />

2014.<br />

Flexibility<br />

Banking and borrowing Banking is allowed but the emitter is subject to<br />

a general holding limit. Borrowing across compliance periods is not allowed.<br />

Offsets and Credits Quantitative limit: Up to 8% of each entity’s compliance<br />

obligation. Qualitative Limit: Currently six domestic offset types are<br />

accepted as compliance units originating from projects carried out according<br />

to six ‘protocols’: 1. U.S. forest projects, 2. Urban forest projects, 3. Livestock<br />

projects (methane management), 4. Ozone depleting substances projects, 5.<br />

Mine methane capture (MMC) projects, 6. Rice cultivation projects<br />

PRICE MANAGEMENT PROVISIONS Auction Reserve Floor Price: USD 12.73 in<br />

2016 (EUR 11.60) per allowance. The auction reserve price increases annually<br />

by 5% plus inflation, as measured by the Consumer Price Index. Allowance<br />

Price Containment Reserve: Will be allocated allowances from various<br />

budgets (1% from budget years 2013–2014; 4% from budget years 2015–2017;<br />

and 7% from budget years 2018–2020).<br />

In 2016, the reserve sale administrator can sell accumulated allowances on<br />

a regular basis in three equal price tiers at USD 47.54, 53.49, and 59.43 (EUR<br />

43.36, 48.79 and 52.20). Tier prices increase by 5% plus inflation (as measured<br />

by the Consumer Price Index).<br />


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