2016-17 Southern Adirondacks Guide to the First Wilderness Heritage Corridor

A Guide to the First Wilderness Heritage Corridor featuring Restaurants, Shops, Galleries, In and Outdoor Activities, Brew Crafters, Theatre, Lodging & More! Since 1982

A Guide to the First Wilderness Heritage Corridor featuring Restaurants, Shops, Galleries, In and Outdoor Activities, Brew Crafters, Theatre, Lodging & More! Since 1982


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4<br />


Can you imagine <strong>the</strong> <strong>Adirondacks</strong> in <strong>the</strong> gilded age era when just<br />

one man owned literally hundreds of thousands of acres including all<br />

of Raquette Lake and its entire <strong>to</strong>wnship? He was Thomas C. Durant,<br />

general manager of <strong>the</strong> Union Pacific Railroad. His fame derived<br />

from his success at pushing <strong>the</strong> Transcontinental Railroad from <strong>the</strong><br />

East <strong>to</strong> Promon<strong>to</strong>ry Point. Too busy with his own work, he turned<br />

Raquette Lake development over <strong>to</strong> his son, William West Durant.<br />

Having spent his privileged youth in Europe, William visited <strong>the</strong><br />

hunting and fishing camps of <strong>the</strong> European aris<strong>to</strong>cracy and decided<br />

that <strong>the</strong> <strong>Adirondacks</strong> lent its woods, lakes, and mountains <strong>to</strong> similar<br />

grand estates. He arrived on Raquette Lake where he concentrated<br />

his efforts on Pine Knot, a camp that would eventually be owned<br />

by Collis P. Hunting<strong>to</strong>n, ano<strong>the</strong>r Transcontinental RR man. William<br />

West Durant’s building legacy eventually included Camp Uncas<br />

(1895) owned by J.P. Morgan and Sagamore Lodge(1897) purchased<br />

in 1901 by Alfred G. Vanderbilt, <strong>the</strong> wealthiest young man in America.<br />

Al<strong>to</strong>ge<strong>the</strong>r he built well over 100 buildings at <strong>the</strong> three camps<br />

and supported 200 workers year ‘round <strong>to</strong> construct roads, telegraph<br />

lines, <strong>the</strong> shortest standard gauge RR in <strong>the</strong> world, and two churches<br />

<strong>to</strong> serve <strong>the</strong> well-heeled guests who visited <strong>the</strong> three luxurious wilderness<br />

estates.<br />

William West Durant’s rampant spending on development of estates<br />

we now call Great Camps led <strong>to</strong> his bankruptcy; but his three<br />

camps remain and all boast National His<strong>to</strong>ric Landmark status shining<br />

a spotlight on <strong>the</strong> tiny village of Raquette Lake.<br />

Honoring William West Durant’s name is <strong>the</strong> dine and cruise boat<br />

on Raquette Lake, <strong>the</strong> W.W. Durant. Cruising on Raquette Lake’s 99<br />

miles of shoreline where you will still see Durant’s original camp,<br />

it captures <strong>the</strong> ambience of an opulent, by-gone era by surrounding<br />

guests with wainscoting, stained and etched glass, gleaming brass,<br />

rich carpeting and polished oak, while, at <strong>the</strong> same time, offering<br />

<strong>the</strong> convenience and comfort of modern amenities. Raquette Lake<br />

Navigation Co. offers a variety of cruises from June through Oc<strong>to</strong>ber.<br />

Cruise and dine experiences- including luncheon, dinner, Sunday<br />

Champagne Brunch cruises- all offer delectable menus planned<br />

and executed by CIA graduate Chef Jim Pohl and our trained kitchen<br />

staff. Scenic excursions allow <strong>the</strong> visi<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> enjoy <strong>the</strong> scenery and<br />

his<strong>to</strong>ry without dining (though snacks and beverages are available).<br />

Read what satisfied guests have written about <strong>the</strong>ir experience on <strong>the</strong><br />

W.W. Durant at www.raquettelakenavigation.com.<br />

The Vanderbilts, Morgans, and o<strong>the</strong>r Captains of Industry “vacated”<br />

<strong>the</strong> stifling heat of New York City <strong>to</strong> vacation in <strong>the</strong>ir sumptuous<br />

Adirondack<br />

Camps. Great<br />

Camp Sagamore,<br />

a National His<strong>to</strong>ric<br />

Landmark, offers<br />

2-hour guided<br />

<strong>to</strong>urs daily from<br />

late June through<br />

Columbus Day.<br />

You will see <strong>the</strong><br />

Main Lodge where guests still stay, <strong>the</strong> Dining Hall, <strong>the</strong> Bowling<br />

Alley, <strong>the</strong> Blacksmith’s Shop, <strong>the</strong> Barn and Carriage House. You’ll<br />

marvel at <strong>the</strong> rustic luxury enjoyed by <strong>the</strong> Vanderbilt family and be<br />

invited <strong>to</strong> ask why <strong>the</strong>y thought <strong>the</strong>ir annual trips in<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> woods for<br />

over 50 years were so important. www.greatcampsagamore.org will<br />

give you a tantalizing taste of his<strong>to</strong>ry.<br />

Visit both <strong>the</strong> W.W. Durant and Great Camp Sagamore for SAG-<br />

AMORE & SAIL.<br />

ADKDining<strong>Guide</strong>.com • ADKS<strong>to</strong>resandGalleries.com • ADKEntertainment.com • ADKAccommodations.com

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