24 August 2016

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Wednesday, <strong>August</strong> <strong>24</strong>, <strong>2016</strong><br />

National<br />

Frontier Corps seizes huge cache<br />

of explosives in Baluchistan<br />

KARACHI: Head office: 509, Land Mark Plaza, I.I Chundrigar Road, Karachi, Pakistan.<br />

Ph: +9221-32214988- 32214990, Fax: +9221-32214989<br />

messengerdaily@yahoo.com, editor@dailymessenger.com.pk<br />

Chief Editor: Muhammad Taqi Alvi<br />

Associate Editor: Ali Razavi - Hyderabad Bureau Chief: Abbas Kassar<br />


In a good guy and bad guy fights in Islamabad and<br />

provincial capitals, there is a need to end the politics<br />

of self worship and promote national interests,<br />

to end politics of personal vengeance, base it on selfless<br />

statesmanship and rise above personal and party interests<br />

for collective good of the nation.<br />

Change is needed from a half a century of bad politics<br />

and to usher in an era of good governance: Only a<br />

nation can rise and do that. 'Each person' in the nation<br />

is waiting for 'the nation' to rise and do it! Governments<br />

have made short work of reformer leaders and their proreform<br />

followers!<br />

Neither music was heard nor alarm bells by many<br />

big and small Pakistani rulers or governments, leaders<br />

of institutions in order to end politics of personal<br />

vengeance and to base their policies and actions on<br />

national interests and statesmanship for progress and<br />

prosperity of Pakistan.<br />

Such a hope or expectation maybe imagined to be<br />

from someone who lives in paradise of fools, but just to<br />

fill in the blanks, it’s a human duty to raise a voice, even<br />

if it is not the only one, or even if it happens to be<br />

among fewer voices, when the power that conquers all<br />

and sundry continues to rule supreme everywhere.<br />

The bad guys have almost always beaten the good<br />

guys in countries like Pakistan. It’s an unbelievably<br />

tragic story from Pakistan’s founder Mohammad Ali<br />

Jinnah who made a country which sacrificed him and<br />

his ideals up to his follower leaders of current times.<br />

They boast of their loyalty to the Quaid but without taking<br />

any significant action on his concept of state and<br />

statesmanship. Pakistan’s former prime ministers<br />

Liaqat Ali Khan and Ms Benazir Bhutto was also shot<br />

dead and another prime minister and PPP founder<br />

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was hanged, without anyone finding<br />

or punishing their killers and plotters. Has revenge<br />

even against these elected leaders become a norm, a<br />

routine, an unwritten law? Even international probe<br />

such as by Scotland Yard and United Nations avoid<br />

ignoble setups and prefer not to waste time on corrupt<br />

leaderships and their inhumane ways. That's how low<br />

national politics has become.<br />

To be realistic, an appeal to fulfill national interests<br />

above personal whims and pleasures, may make a little<br />

ripple that expands in ever enlarging circles on waters<br />

of an otherwise silent surface of an ocean.<br />

Those high-talking lip service leaders with tall but<br />

hollow claims failed in each of their ruling tenure when<br />

tested against best practices or beneficial results. Good<br />

politics was sacrificed at the altar of bad revenge, more<br />

often than not.<br />

On world political era, the masters in domestic politics<br />

are slaves of international politicians abroad!<br />

These leaders now need to practically prove their<br />

mettle in merciless international politics that slave drive<br />

By Ramzy Baroud<br />

The story of Libya is merely another chapter in the<br />

book of American military interventions in the<br />

Middle East, with the very same themes: Vicious,<br />

chaotic, self-serving and lacking in vision. Such highly militarised<br />

foreign policy is yet to bring a single conflict in that<br />

region to an end.<br />

What it does however, is habitually instigate new conflicts.<br />

Thus it takes no particular virtuosity to arrive at the<br />

initial conclusion that America’s recently-launched war on<br />

Daesh (the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and the<br />

Levant), dubbed ‘Operation Odyssey Lightning’, is unlikely<br />

to end well. Not only because Libya’s convoluted fight is<br />

very difficult to navigate, but because the intentions of the<br />

United States are not as innocuous as they may seem.<br />

Of the many analyses regarding the recent strikes<br />

against Daesh that of Libya’s political analyst Al Hussain<br />

Al Mesuri is particularly interesting. Al Mesuri encourages<br />

us to look for answers, not in Tripoli or Tobruk, but in<br />

Washington itself. “The significance of the US air strikes<br />

against (Daesh) in Sirte is crystal clear: To give (presidential<br />

candidate) Hillary Clinton a push against her<br />

Republican rival Donald Trump, who has accused the former<br />

secretary of state of (mishandling the response to the)<br />

attack on the US consulate in Benghazi in 2012,”Al Mesuri<br />

told Egypt’s Ahram Online. He further described the operation<br />

as “election-flavoured political strikes”.<br />

After reading this, one cannot help but recall what some<br />

labelled as the “Monica War” — when former US president<br />

Bill Clinton launched deadly air strikes against Iraq in<br />

December 1998. It was then that Clinton deliberately chose<br />

war to distract from an embarrassing affair with a White<br />

House intern, Monica Lewinsky, that could have resulted in<br />

his impeachment.<br />

Libya is another American and another Clinton affair,<br />

but the punishment and consequences this time are even<br />

more severe. The US is clearly instigating war with little<br />

regard for the horrendous outcomes. In fact, the term ‘instigate’<br />

was used by top US economist, Jeffrey Sachs, in a<br />

recent interview with Al Jazeera. While Sachs acknowledges<br />

the culpability of the Muammar Gaddafi and Bashar<br />

Al Assad regimes, in Libya and Syria, respectively, he<br />

insists that the US “instigated war” in these countries, as it<br />

has for decades to severe shortsighted interests.<br />


Self worship of leaders against<br />

collective interests: Only<br />

responsible people can change it!<br />

and install vested interest leaders to misule their nations<br />

with socio-economic domination and outright ground<br />

or aerial invasions into Pakistan, Muslim world including<br />

the filthy rich petro-dollared Middle East, and diamond<br />

and gold mined Africa.<br />

It’s a situation here in a developing country where<br />

neither the best kind of leaders nor the worst kind of<br />

rulers could make any significant, desired or ideal<br />

change for the better! Ruling class and their families<br />

have made their countries a playground of their whims<br />

and pleasures with their nation as disposable pawns on<br />

their power chessboard.<br />

What are politics and politicians of Pakistan up<br />

against, in national scenarios?<br />

Firstly, the average politicians were first class liars,<br />

slave to their own selfish nature and earthly qualities<br />

when tested on time and tide for better actions. They were<br />

worst actors who delivered a speech like they gave their<br />

best screen performance and closed up with that day's<br />

cameras and shooting on public locations. Acting on their<br />

speeches is simply not included in their next shots, script,<br />

story or screenplay. They could change neither themselves<br />

nor their inferior anti-people political system.<br />

Unlike super rich film directors making a cause for<br />

poor people against the rich elite, Islamabad's super rich<br />

politicians feel there is no need to hold even such kind<br />

of shows for namesake or even as publicity stunts to<br />

show the nation, at least once a year, how angelic their<br />

leaders are!<br />

Secondly, even above average politicians could not<br />

distance themselves from, change or reform the deceit<br />

of a setup that misinformed and reveled in self glory<br />

without any significant benefits to their nation, or the<br />

corruption of a highly deceptive system that fooled<br />

almost everyone.<br />

Therefore, among most tragic facts is that even the<br />

world’s best education could not be a cure for mostly<br />

illiterate and tribal minded ancient thinking and modern<br />

looting of prejudiced leaders chained in their own personal<br />

greed, beyond change or reform, within 200-million<br />

nation in Pakistan. Most savage of Muslims<br />

became the best after embracing Islam, 14 centuries<br />

earlier, but Muslims now are considered as worst followers<br />

of Islam, 14 centuries later. From materialism, a<br />

nation can move towards spiritualism for best of both<br />

the worlds.<br />

When each of the people, who makes a 200-million<br />

nation, instead of expecting "the nation" to change anything,<br />

rise up and gradually become a nation of selfreform<br />

and social reformers, then only a change can<br />

take place. Leaders and parties seem to be beyond it:<br />

Not lagging behind in words, but in taking timely, proper<br />

and significant actions that could change the fate and<br />

destiny of nations. That has not happened up to now,<br />

and it ought to.<br />


A state of war is now the status quo<br />

“War is different from repression,” he said, and US wars<br />

have wrought “disaster”.<br />

The conflict in Libya is not a clear-cut political choice,<br />

considering that the country is still embroiled in a protracted<br />

political conflict, overshadowed by multiple war fronts.<br />

This has been the case since the Nato intervention in 2011,<br />

which turned a regional uprising into an all-out war. What<br />

was once a relatively stable country has now become a<br />

failed state.<br />

It is quite convenient for some to forget the above context<br />

and to position the discussion entirely as a war against<br />

Daesh. Instead, “can air strikes alone win a war without<br />

‘boots on the ground’?” has, somehow become the crux of<br />

the matter, which has engaged a large number of intellectuals<br />

on both sides of the debate.<br />

Alas, a state of war has become the status quo, where<br />

any distinction is blurred between the foreign policies of<br />

US President Barack Obama and his predecessor, George<br />

W. Bush. Obama has simply continued with the legacy of<br />

Bush, unhindered. The primary change that has occurred is<br />

tactical: Instead of resorting to massive troop build-ups on<br />

the ground with an assignment to topple governments,<br />

Obama has used air strikes to target whoever is perceived<br />

to be the enemy, while investing in whoever he deems<br />

‘moderate’ enough to finish the job.<br />

Being almost entirely conducted from the air, Obama’s<br />

wars were designed to produce little or no American casualties.<br />

This approach proved less taxing politically.<br />

However, it worsened the situation on the ground, and<br />

instead of ending war, it expanded it. While Bush’s invasion<br />

of Iraq revived Al Qaida and brought it to the heart of<br />

the region, Obama’s aerial wars have forced Al Qaida to<br />

regroup, employing a different strategy. It rebranded itself,<br />

from militant cells to a ‘state’, sought swift territorial<br />

expansion, used guerrilla warfare when facing an organised<br />

army or when bombed from the sky and carried out suicide<br />

bombings throughout the world to crush the morale of its<br />

enemies and to serve its propaganda efforts aimed at keeping<br />

the recruits coming. The truth is that Daesh thrives on<br />

military intervention because it was born from previous<br />

military interventions. It is expanding because its enemies<br />

are not in unison, as each is serving agendas that are rarely<br />

concerned with ending war, but rather with seeing war as an<br />

opportunity to realise political gains.<br />

QUETTA, Aug 23: The<br />

Frontier Corps Balochistan<br />

Sawan Khaskheli<br />

BADIN, Aug 23: The election<br />

for chairman are being<br />

held in throughout the Sindh<br />

and preparation are mostly<br />

completed for the contest in<br />

the district Badin. The tough<br />

contest between PPP’s nominated<br />

candidate, Mohammad<br />

Asghar Halepoto and Hassam<br />

Mirza, candidate of PPP<br />

workers and son of former<br />

home minister Sindh, Dr.<br />

Zulfiqar Mirza.<br />

Other hand, the contest for<br />

on Tuesday foiled a terror bid<br />

in Barkhan by recovering a<br />

the chairman of Taluka<br />

Council Matli will also be<br />

held between Tanzeela<br />

Qambrani with another candidate<br />

of PPP, Abdul Rauf<br />

Nizamani.<br />

When contest for chairman<br />

of taluka council of<br />

Golarchi, Talhar and Tando<br />

Bago will be happened<br />

among PPP and candidates of<br />

Mirza Group.<br />

It is pertinent to mention<br />

that PPP has claimed for support<br />

of 55 members of district<br />

huge cache of weapons and<br />

explosives in Chappar area.<br />

Preparation of LG election for<br />

chairman complete in Badin<br />

Staff Reporter<br />

SHIKARPUR, Aug 23: The<br />

Jamiat-e-Ulma-e-Islam<br />

Fazal [JUI-F] Chief<br />

Maulana Fazlur-Rehman<br />

reached at New Amrote the<br />

suburbs of Shikarpur and<br />

condoled to Syed Aziz<br />

Ahmed Shah Amroti, the<br />

Gadinashen of Dargah<br />

Amrote Sharif, over the sad<br />

demise of his mother on<br />

Tuesday.<br />

On the occasion,<br />

council members when Mirza<br />

group have 44 supporters for<br />

voting in election. It showed<br />

that PPP has majority of 9<br />

votes than Mirza group but<br />

Hassam Mirza can avail the<br />

benefit of internal differences<br />

among PPP local leadership.<br />

Meanwhile former home<br />

minister, Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza<br />

has announced to contest the<br />

LG election, adding he<br />

alleged for full support of district<br />

administration Badin to<br />

opposition.<br />

JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur-Rehman condoles<br />

US Consul General<br />

inaugurates usaid<br />

school in Khairpur<br />

KHAIRPUR, Aug 23: U.S.<br />

Consul General Brian Heath<br />

and Sindh Education Minister<br />

Jam Mahtab Hussain Dahar on<br />

Tuesday inaugurated a stateof-the-art<br />

school in Kolab Jial,<br />

Khairpur.<br />

The U.S. Agency for<br />

International Development<br />

(USAID) provided funding for<br />

the school’s construction as<br />

part of the Sindh Basic<br />

Education Program (SBEP).<br />

USAID Deputy Mission<br />

Director Denise Herbol,<br />

USAID Senior Policy Advisor<br />

Randy Hatfield and Sindh<br />

Education Secretary Fazlullah<br />

Pechuho also attended.<br />

“The United States strongly<br />

supports education in Pakistan,<br />

and this is just one of the 106<br />

state-of-the-art schools that<br />

USAID is constructing in partnership<br />

with the Sindh government,”<br />

said Consul General<br />

Heath. “Here, more than 500<br />

boys and girls will be able to<br />

learn and grow in an environment<br />

designed to helps them<br />

realize all of their natural talents<br />

and abilities. This will<br />

enable them to live better<br />

lives and strengthen Pakistan<br />

as a nation.”<br />

Sindh University Goes<br />

For Final Ph. D Seminar<br />

On 26th <strong>August</strong><br />

JAMSHORO, Aug 23: Dean<br />

Faculty of Social Sciences,<br />

University of Sindh has<br />

announced that the final Ph.D<br />

seminar of the scholar Mitho<br />

Khan, Department of Public<br />

Administration will be held on<br />

Friday 26th <strong>August</strong>, <strong>2016</strong> at<br />

11:00 am at Video Conference<br />

Room, office of the Dean,<br />

Faculty of Natural Sciences.<br />

The scholar is carrying out his<br />

studies under the supervision<br />

of Prof. Dr. Naimatullah Shah<br />

and Co-supervisor Prof. Dr.<br />

Zareen Abbasi respectively.<br />

These supervisors will also be<br />

present on this occasion.<br />

Dean, Faculty of Social<br />

Sciences has invited all<br />

research scholars and teachers<br />

to attend this seminar.<br />

Waheed Phulpoto<br />

Maulana Fazlur-Rehman<br />

expressed his deep sorrow,<br />

grief and sympathies with<br />

Syed Aziz Ahmed Shah<br />

Amroti.<br />

A large number activists<br />

were also present there.<br />

Shikarpur school management<br />

announced two days holiday for kids<br />

SHIKARPUR, Aug 23: The<br />

private school management<br />

of Shikarpur has announced<br />

two days holiday for kids<br />

due to scorching heat, prolonged<br />

power outages during<br />

school timing and tripping<br />

after every 10 minutes<br />

for five minutes here on<br />

Tuesday.<br />

According to the principal<br />

Orison Public School,<br />

due to scorching heat it has<br />

been increased for five days<br />

in Shikarpur, prolonged<br />

power outages and tripping<br />

which was being continued<br />

after every 10 minutes for 05<br />

minutes during school timing<br />

which caused, the kids<br />

were being faced hardships<br />

therefore private school<br />

management have decided<br />

for two days holiday while<br />

school will be opened on<br />

Thursday.<br />

It should be remembered<br />

that, scorching heat has<br />

increased in Shikarpur for<br />

five days whereas Sukkur<br />

Electric Power Supply<br />

Company [SEPCO] has<br />

also been increased load<br />

shedding time and tripping<br />

in Shikarpur city due to<br />

which school administration<br />

announced two days<br />

holiday for larger interests<br />

of the kids.<br />

A spokesman for FC said<br />

here that following intelligence<br />

information, FC personnel<br />

conducted raid in<br />

Chappar area of Barkhan district<br />

and seized weapons,<br />

explosives.<br />

“The recovered weapons<br />

and ammunition include<br />

three missile launchers, 60<br />

rocket mortars, 46 other mortars,<br />

eight landmines, 150<br />

detonators, fuzes and pressure<br />

button,” he said.<br />

He further said that the<br />

militants had planned to use<br />

explosives to carryout acts of<br />

terrorism by targeting security<br />

forces and other people.<br />

Woman among three<br />

injured in separate<br />

hit-and-run incidents<br />

RAWALPINDI, Aug 23: At<br />

least three persons including<br />

a woman have been injured<br />

in separate hit-and-run incidents<br />

within the Airport and<br />

Saddar Wah police jurisdictions.<br />

Imtaiz Hussain, handcart<br />

owner, lodged a complaint<br />

with the local police that he<br />

was doing his daily work to<br />

earn his living when a car<br />

LHM-7865 driven recklessly<br />

by unidentified person hit<br />

him from behind, leaving<br />

him fatally injured.<br />

Shahab Ali, a resident of<br />

Saddar Wah, lodged a complaint<br />

with the local police<br />

that he was going with Hina<br />

Bibi in rickshaw when<br />

unidentified driver driving<br />

tractor trolley recklessly<br />

smashed the rickshaw from<br />

behind, leaving them<br />

injured.<br />

The injured were rushed<br />

to local hospitals for medical<br />

treatment.<br />

The police have registered<br />

cases and started<br />

investigations.<br />

AIOU’ launches<br />

E-learning series to<br />

facilitate students<br />

ISLAMABAD, Aug 23:<br />

Allama Iqbal Open University<br />

(AIOU) has launched E-learning<br />

to provide education to its<br />

students and World renowned<br />

academicians also joined the<br />

lectures’ series<br />

Initially, the process of E-<br />

Learning has been started<br />

for the students of higher<br />

education, M.Phil and PhDlevel.<br />

It is the part of<br />

University’s ongoing efforts<br />

for shifting traditional Open<br />

Distance Learning (ODL)<br />

system to E-learning<br />

through a gradual process to<br />

facilitate thousands of students,<br />

particularly those living<br />

abroad in their educational<br />

pursuits.<br />

Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr.<br />

Shahid Siddiqui said on the<br />

occasion that they will push<br />

forward the government’s<br />

policy of promoting online<br />

learning at higher educational<br />

level. He hoped that the<br />

University’s week-long lecture<br />

series, undertaken by<br />

the University’s Faculty of<br />

Education will be a useful<br />

exercise to meet the educational<br />

needs of the students.<br />

HYDERABAD: Policemen stand alert outside MQM zonal office which was sealed by authorities<br />

after attacking media houses in Karachi.

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