Organic News 3

Organic News magazine issue 3

Organic News magazine issue 3


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On the other side of the globe, such a price<br />

change can mean the difference between life<br />

and death. The following is from the CNN article mentioned<br />

above.... But step outside the developed world, and the<br />

price of food suddenly becomes the single most important fact of<br />

human economic life. In poor countries, people typically spend<br />

half their incomes on food -- and by ‘ food,’ they mean first and<br />

foremost bread.<br />

When grain prices spiked in 2007-2008, bread<br />

riots shook 30 countries across the developing<br />

world, from Haiti to Bangladesh, according to the Financial<br />

Times. A drought in Russia in 2010 forced suspension<br />

of Russian grain exports that year and set in motion the<br />

so-called Arab spring.<br />

Already, 18 million people in Niger, Mali, Chad,<br />

Mauritania and Senegal are dealing with very<br />

serious food shortages.<br />

In Yemen, things are even worse.... Yemen has a<br />

catastrophic food crisis. Nearly half the population,<br />

10 million people, does not have enough to eat. While<br />

300,000 children are facing life threatening levels of malnutrition.<br />

The United Nations says Yemen is already in the<br />

throes of a disaster. ‘The levels are truly terrible.<br />

Whatever we do thousands upon thousands of children will die<br />

this year from malnutrition,’ Unicef’s man in Yemen, Geert<br />

Cappelaere, said. ‘In some areas child malnutrition is at 30%,<br />

to put it in context, an emergency is 15%. It is double that<br />

already.’<br />

But this is just the beginning. These food shortages<br />

are going to spread and we will eventually see<br />

food riots that will absolutely dwarf the food riots of 2008.<br />

Many scientists fear the worst. Some are even<br />

now warning that food shortages will become<br />

so severe that they will eventually force much of the globe on<br />

to a vegetarian diet....<br />

Leading water scientists have issued one of the<br />

sternest warnings yet about global food supplies,<br />

saying that the world’s population may have to switch almost<br />

completely to a vegetarian diet over the next 40 years<br />

to avoid catastrophic shortages.<br />

Humans derive about 20% of their protein from<br />

animal-based products now, but this may<br />

need to drop to just 5% to feed the extra 2 billion people expected<br />

to be alive by 2050, according to research by some of<br />

the world’s leading water scientists. ‘There will not be enough<br />

water available on current croplands to produce food for the expected<br />

9 billion population in 2050 if we follow current trends<br />

20<br />


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