Summer 2016

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THE TSOP TIMES SUMMER <strong>2016</strong><br />

True and Living Word Search<br />

1. How to Pray: Adoration, Confession, Thankfulness, Supplication<br />

2. Children studying and learning the word<br />

3. The foundation of our church is first twenty-eight<br />

4. A process of growing by living The Word and encouraging others to do the same<br />

5. He walked faithfully with God and then God took Him<br />

6. Not mediocre or poor quality but we serve and glorify Him in greatness<br />

7. The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.<br />

8. TSOP has committed to growing our personal relationship with the Father<br />

9. TSOP will celebrate how many years as a body of Christ<br />

10. June <strong>2016</strong> was the first for the TSOP Academy<br />

11. The Lord is the Provider of all things<br />

12. What book in the Bible includes the verse “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!<br />

13. What book of the Bible did Jesus say, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do<br />

14. Because of His forgiveness and grace we are set free through His blood<br />

15. He desires to know you personally<br />

16. A small proportion of God’s people<br />

17. Daniel was a subordinate leader<br />

18. God has given each of us this to glorify Him<br />

19. The bible is called this type of weapon<br />

20. After passing the test we say Amen<br />

21. True Sanctuary of Praise<br />

P P S E I G O J R I S P S P T<br />

A S I F X F N E I E Q P E I E<br />

R W B H I C D I L R I C P H S<br />

T O I V S E E C T R E O K S T<br />

A R E U E E I L I S S H H N A<br />

S D E M V N L T L T A T E O M<br />

Y E E B O D U P L E I F K I E<br />

U D I R H A I M I A N L U T N<br />

V L H D L Q S O F C R C L A T<br />

M C E G E N O C H N S Z E L G<br />

B I I T N A N M E R K I X E K<br />

N F G R A D U A T I O N D R L<br />

T D B C O O T H S T C A H I M<br />

M U W Q V J L H X H K N G O N<br />

E G E L L O C E L B I B G V J<br />


SATRAP<br />

JOHN<br />





FIVE<br />

TSOP<br />

JIREH<br />

ENOCH<br />





SWORD<br />

ACTS<br />



FAITH<br />

LUKE<br />


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