Once Upon a Time

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eal tips from real moms…<br />

“You are not selfish for wanting to brush your teeth and take a hot shower alone.”<br />

“Take all the pictures you can! Even if you're in your pj's, your hair is a mess, no make-up,<br />

whatever. Take pictures when they're happy, when they're mad (it's actually pretty fun), when<br />

“Ask for help.”<br />

they're sleeping, when they're playing, with every family member, every holiday. It goes so<br />

fast and there's so many little things it's easy to forget.“<br />

“Make sure u make mommy and daddy time!!”<br />

“Find a really good support system<br />

with other mommies, where you can<br />

share your struggles and ask for help.”<br />

“You are going to make mistakes and yes, that sweet baby will<br />

make mistakes as he or she grows up. Be forgiving to both of<br />

you. Let them know you still love them no matter what.”<br />

“You wont break your baby! Don't make your house super quiet so they get used<br />

to noise and are good sleepers. Other parents who look perfect are faking it.”<br />

“Trust your own instincts.”<br />

“You can not spoil a baby.<br />

You can't hold them too much<br />

Don't think you have to follow<br />

"the norm", every baby is<br />

different. Follow their cues.”<br />

“If it's a boy child, point it DOWN<br />

when changing the diaper.”<br />

“Do what's best for your child not what other people tell you what works for one<br />

parent or child may not work for the other, sleep when you can, use nap time to<br />

either you nap or get things done around the house, and most of all make sure<br />

you and your husband are still there for each other and loving each other<br />

because you get so busy with your little one that you also need you and hubby<br />

time! And take lots of picture of that kid you'll capture cute, funny, sad moment.”<br />

“You and your significant other will do things differently… One way<br />

isn't better, just different! It's okay to do things a little differently!!!”<br />

“Do what's best for your child not what other people tell you what works for one parent or child may not work for the<br />

other, sleep when you can, use nap time to either you nap or get things done around the house, and most of all make<br />

sure you and your husband are still there for each other and loving each other because you get so busy with your little<br />

one that you also need you and hubby time! And take lots of picture of that kid you'll capture cute, funny, sad moment.”<br />

“Routine and consistency are HUGE!!<br />

Even from the very beginning.”<br />

“You are going to make mistakes and yes, that<br />

sweet baby will make mistakes as he or she<br />

grows up. Be forgiving to both of you. Let them<br />

know you still love them no matter what.”<br />

“All the feelings of being over whelmed and second guessing every<br />

decision you make are normal. Don't let what others say bring you<br />

down, you know what's best for you and baby!!!!! Enjoy every<br />

second, one day you'll miss being up all night and all the crying!!”<br />

“ALWAYS carry extra clothes for you and baby. ALWAYS. lol”<br />

“When people offer help, take it. It's okay to feel overwhelmed the first<br />

couple weeks because they are the hardest but it gets better. You don't<br />

have to listen to everyone, Do what you think is best because your the<br />

parents. <strong>Once</strong> you have done everything in your power to get the baby<br />

to stop crying but They haven't stopped, it's 2am, you have had no<br />

sleep and are just at the breaking point where you are crying along with<br />

your baby (personal experience lol) it's okay to put them in safe place<br />

and let them calm themselves or for you to take a minute to breathe.<br />

You will be fine, it's hard but well worth it.”<br />

“Our Snuza and 360 cups spared my sanity (and our carpet)!”<br />

If you feel like something is wrong, don't be afraid to<br />

actively seek a second opinion. Our first pediatrician<br />

told me my 3 month old just had reflux. That diagnosis<br />

did not settle well with me....I knew something wasn't<br />

right. Went for second opinion and found a new<br />

pediatrician. She was diagnosed with whooping cough!<br />

Trust your gut. 85% of the time....you are right!!!

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