edward manfredonia wrote - White Collar Fraud

edward manfredonia wrote - White Collar Fraud

edward manfredonia wrote - White Collar Fraud


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<strong>edward</strong> <strong>manfredonia</strong> <strong>wrote</strong>:<br />

Gary Weiss has defamed me- as usual. In court documents I<br />

stated that Gary Weiss could have been a Kapo<br />

in Auschwitz.<br />

Weiss took ubrage at this true description of his mentality and<br />

anonymously labeled me, a Jew baiter and<br />

an anti-Semite.<br />

Weiss violated all principles of the Torah and Talmud by lying<br />

about the murders of Al Chalem and Maier<br />

Lehmann. Weiss attributed the murders of Chalem and<br />

Lehmann to the Italian Mafia when Weiss knew<br />

that the Russian Mob had murdered Chalem and Lehmann.<br />

Weiss defamed me in the article, Offering Credence to the<br />

Crank, and was forced to resign from<br />

BusinessWeek in May 2004. Why? Weiss had lied and stated<br />

that I was not the source of information<br />

concerning illegal trading by specialists and price fixing in<br />

options. Weiss also defamed me, referring to me<br />

as a Crank.<br />

When I sued Weiss in court, Justice Stallman accepted the<br />

perjured testimony of Weiss even though I<br />

vociferously stated that Weiss had committed perjury. When I<br />

proved that Weiss had committed perjury,<br />

Stallman, in violation of all judicial principles, quoted the<br />

perjured testimony of Weiss and stated that I had<br />

not objected.<br />

I have stated that Justice Stallman accepted the perjured<br />

testimony of Weiss, whom I had proved had

stolen money from BusinessWeek via false expenditures.<br />

Stallman even lied and stated that I had not<br />

objected to Weiss’s perjured testimony.<br />

I stated that Stallman’s many lies were due to the fact that<br />

Weiss and Stallman were Jewish.<br />

The Babylonian Talmud, authored during the Babylonian Exile,<br />

stated that Jews cannot testify against each<br />

other in court. An Orthodox Jew attempted this in the court of<br />

Judge Jack Weinstein, a true tzaddik. The<br />

Honorable Jack Weinstein threatened this miscreant with jailand<br />

quoted the rabbis of New York City,<br />

who stated that this Talmudic injunction is not followed in the<br />

United States.<br />

So, Weiss called me an anti-Semite, a Jew baiter- and thus,<br />

ignored the words of Maimonides, who stated<br />

that Jews must lead an exemplary life because they had been<br />

chosen by God to be a light unto the world.<br />

Instead we have a racist scoundrel like Weiss, who lies about the<br />

murders of Chalem and Lehmann; who<br />

smeared my name and by doing so covered up narcotics<br />

smuggling and money laundering on Wall Street as<br />

well as the theft of billions of dollars by Ferdinand mrcos from<br />

the Philippines; in addition to a plethora of<br />

financial crimes.<br />

Weiss is a liar and a cheat.<br />

Furthermore, Weiss did not pay taxes on the thousands of<br />

dollars that Weiss misappropriated from<br />

BusinessWeek. And Weiss boasted to me that Stephen Shepard<br />

permitted this theft of funds because Weiss

and Shepard attended Bronx High School of Science (different<br />

decades) and were Jewish.<br />

Weiss also told me that Stephen Shepard permitted Seymour<br />

Zucker to trade during business hours from<br />

his desk. Seymour Zucker was a friend of Feivel Gottlieb, who<br />

was an investor in the stock frauds of Maier<br />

Lehmann. (Note the stock frauds were manipulated by<br />

members of Lehmann’s synagogue- including<br />

Gottlieb.)<br />

But even worse, Zucker traded on the advice of Gottlieb and it<br />

has been rumored that Gottlieb traded for<br />

Zucker’s account- a rumor I must state.<br />

So, Weiss truly would have been a Kapo in Auschwitz.<br />

Weiss is a racist, who will lie to advance his career- even<br />

providing false information about the murders of<br />

two Jews, Al Chalem and Maier Lehmann in order to advance<br />

himself.<br />

Thank you.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Edward Manfredonia<br />

Posted 24 Jan 2007 at 1:08 pm <br />

1. <strong>edward</strong> <strong>manfredonia</strong> <strong>wrote</strong>:<br />

Gary Weiss is quoting Sam Antar, who on the surface appears to<br />

have chaned his life.<br />

But this is supreficial.<br />

In September 2005 I was in Supreme Court, Manhattan County.<br />

I met an interesting fellow in the courthouse. He was a cousin of

“Crazy” Eddie Antar. And he provided me with an intersting<br />

story.<br />

It appears that “Crazy” Eddie’s niece, not Sam Antar’s daughter,<br />

was going to have a bat mitzvah. So “Crazy” Eddie sent an<br />

approximate amount of “20,000 for his niece’s bat mitzvah.<br />

“Crazy” Eddie wired the money from a bank in Israel.<br />

So, if Sam Antar is such an honest individual, I am certain that<br />

he has provide this information to the United States<br />

government- and the government is collecting the money.<br />

People trust me. No one trust Weiss except for some short<br />

sellers. And if Weiss were such a genius, why was he not aware<br />

of the scam that Eddie Antar was accomplishing.<br />

The reason: Weiss relies upon crooks and people, who violate<br />

federal securities laws by illegal short selling.<br />

Thank you, Gary and Sam.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Ed Manfredonia<br />

Posted 29 Jan 2007 at 11:20 PM<br />

1. <strong>edward</strong> <strong>manfredonia</strong> <strong>wrote</strong>:<br />

Several years ago I began to write that Gary Weiss had lied about the<br />

murders of Al Chalem and Maier Lehmann. Weiss attributed these<br />

murders to the Italian Mafia. Weiss knew that Chalem and Lehmann<br />

had been murdered by the Russian Mob.<br />

What is important to note that after I had posted that Weiss had lied<br />

about the murders of Chalem and Lehmann, Floyd Schneider, under<br />

the psuedonym The Truthseeker, posted on a message board, I<br />

believe that it was Silicaon Investor, a long article. This article<br />

delineated Chalem’s Mafia contacts.<br />

But Floyd Schneider did not write the article. This article was written in<br />

the turgid, constipated style of Gary Weiss.<br />

This is important for several reasons.

The first is that it is painfully obvious that Floyd Schneider does not<br />

author his own scribblings- except for short moronic messages that he<br />

posts on message boards.<br />

The second is that Floyd Schneider is obviously fronting for<br />

individuals, who have a specific agenda. In this instance it was Gary<br />

Weiss, who lied about the murders of Chalem and Lehmann. In other<br />

instances Schneider is fronting for short sellers.<br />

While Al Chalem had previously had connections with the Italian<br />

Mafia, Lehmann refused to have anything to do wth the Italian Mafia.<br />

Lehmann’s partners in his stock frauds were Orthodox Jews, many of<br />

whom, such as Feivel Gottlieb, were members of his synagogue.<br />

This was known to Gary Weiss, a great defender of Israel, and to<br />

Weiss’ editor, Seymour Zucker.<br />

Seymour Zucker and Feivel Gottlieb belonged to the same Talmud<br />

study group.<br />

Seymour Zucker knew that Feivel Gottlieb was involved in the stock<br />

frauds of Maier Lehmann. Zucker knew that Gottlieb had earned<br />

millions in the stock frauds of Maier Lehmann, who was descended<br />

from a long line of Rabbis.<br />

Weiss knew of the involvement of Orthodox Jews in the stock frauds<br />

of Maier Lehmann, but Weiss refused to expose the stock frauds of<br />

Maier Lehmann because Weiss would have been compelled to<br />

expose the involvment of an entire Orthodox synagogue in the stock<br />

frauds of Maier Lehmann.<br />

Better to attribute the murders of Chalem and Lehmann to the Italian<br />

Mafia- and obtain a book contract. (Even though the book bombed.)<br />

60 Minutes would never have Weiss appear if Weiss were to attribute<br />

the murders of Chalem and Lehmann to the Russian Mob, which was<br />

created by the Jackson-Vanick Act. Every parent, whose child uses<br />

ecstasy, can thank the Russian and Israeli Mobs for their child’s drug<br />

abuse. And this was stated by the State Department several weeks<br />

ago.<br />

Respectfully submitted,<br />

Edward Manfredonia

Posted 06 Mar 2007 at 9:20 am <br />

1. <strong>edward</strong> <strong>manfredonia</strong> <strong>wrote</strong>:<br />

Yolanda Holtzee must be kidding. Yolanda desires to become<br />

Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission.<br />

Yolanda’s credentials militate against any position with the<br />

Securities and Exchange Commission.<br />

Yolanda boasts that she works for Bear Sterns. In the 1980’s and<br />

1990’s Bear Sterns cleared for the worst chop shops, brokerage<br />

firms that participated in stock frauds.<br />

Bear Sterns also was involved in a “joint book” with the<br />

American Stock Exchange specialist firm of Miceli-<br />

VanCaneghan. Louis Miceli, who died under unusual<br />

circumstances in January 2006, was a fervent anti-Semite, who<br />

believed in Hitler’s extermination of the Jews.<br />

Bear Sterns cleared for A R Baron, a firm whose principals were<br />

convicted of stock fraud, etc. Under federal securities laws an<br />

introducing broker can only mark up securities by a specific<br />

amount. A R Baron exceeded these mark ups and Bear Sterns<br />

was aware of this. The trading sheets, which were produced by<br />

Bear Sterns Clearing, proved this. Thus, Bear Sterns knew that<br />

A R Baron was stealing from its customers.<br />

Bear Sterns was saved by an indictment only by the friendship<br />

that existed between Arthur Levitt, then Chairman of the<br />

Securities and Exchange Commission; Robert “Tzaddik”<br />

Morgenthau, Manhattan District Attorney, who according to<br />

Sidney Schanberg, does not indict his friends; and, Alan “Ace”<br />

Greenberg, Chairman of Bear Sterns.<br />

Note: The refusal of Robert Morgenthau to indict his friends is<br />

known to “Honest” Sam Antar, convicted felon and at heart still<br />

a scam artist, and Gary Weiss, a liar thief, perjurer, and racist<br />

and a disgraced former reporter for BusinessWeek. “Honest”

Sam Antar observes 611 mitzvoths, neglecting to observe two of<br />

the Ten Commandments: Thou shall not bear false witness<br />

against thy neighbor and Thous shall not steal. (More of Bear<br />

Sterns and the five Tzaddiks in a later installment.)<br />

Even more distressing is Yolanda’s boast of a business<br />

relationship with Marc Rich. Marc Rich sold Iranian oil while<br />

Iran held Americans hostage. Marc Rich, an American citizen,<br />

was prosecuted and convicted by Rudolph Giuliani- a conviction<br />

for which Giuliani was smeared.<br />

Marc Rich continues to trade Iranian Oil even as American<br />

soldiers, young men and women, are being murdered by Iranian<br />

supplied explosives and weapons in Iraq.<br />

Marc Rich places money before his country, America, and<br />

before the lives of young Americans.<br />

What is more surprising is that Yolanda Holtzee served in the<br />

American military for seven years and yet, she defends and<br />

supports Marc Rich- and the scum, who assist him in trading.<br />

Yet, Yolanda boasts of her military background and denigrates<br />

the fact that neither Judd Bagley nor Patrick Byrne served in the<br />

military.<br />

Yolanda willfully overlooks the lack of a military background of<br />

both Sam “The felon” Antar and Gary “The Perjurer” Weiss. I<br />

know Weiss and Weiss has never expressed any allegiance to the<br />

United States. Weiss has never praised the United States.<br />

Furthermore, Weiss has lied about his father’s participation in<br />

World War II.<br />

Weiss likes to state that he was a Navy brat to provide the<br />

impression that his father served in the United States Navy<br />

during World War II. Yet, Weiss’s father never served in the<br />

Navy. Weiss’s father was a civilian employee of the Brooklyn<br />

Navy Yard. And while my father and his relatives were being

wounded and killed by Nazis, Weiss’s father was safely<br />

ensconced in New York City, dancing the night away.<br />

Yolanda, you should never make fun of another individual’s<br />

religion. That is one of the fundamental precepts of America.<br />

Even though Sam Antar and Gary Weiss smear people’s names<br />

because Antar and Weiss are basically evil and cowards. (More<br />

of that later.)<br />

Furthermore, Yolanda you have been lies than forthright about<br />

your ties to any hedge funds. Nor have you stated if you are<br />

personally short Overstock or if your hedge fund connections<br />

are short Overstock.<br />

Remember this about Gary Weiss: Weiss was provided<br />

information by several individuals about money laundering and<br />

narcotics smuggling on Wall Street. Gary Weiss and Sam Antar<br />

are such low-life scummers that they are willing to cover up<br />

narcotics smuggling and money laundering on Wall Street by<br />

smearing my name in order to cover up their own lies.<br />

Weiss also mentions in the article, Scandal On Wall Street, that<br />

I, Ed Manfredonia, had reported that a prominent exchange<br />

member had sexually assaulted women. But Antar and Weiss<br />

approve of rape and sexual assault as long as their family and<br />

friends are not involved.<br />

And Sam Antar never told anyone about Eddie Antar illegally<br />

sending money to the United States.<br />

And above all remember this:<br />

When you sleep with vile pigs like Sam Antar, a thief and a liar,<br />

and Gary Weiss, a liar, thief, perjurer and racist, you wake up<br />

covered in pig manure and suffering from trichinosis, a vile<br />

disease.<br />

Respectfully submitted,<br />

Ed Manfredonia<br />

Posted 08 Apr 2007 at 7:22 am

1. <strong>edward</strong> <strong>manfredonia</strong> <strong>wrote</strong>:<br />




Before I commence this commentary I wish everyone, who<br />

reads this message, to know that I was the individual, who<br />

provided Gary Weiss with the information for the sections of the<br />

article, Scandal On Wall Street, which sections exposed option<br />

price-fixing and illegal trading by specialists. Weiss was forced<br />

to resign from BusinessWeek for lying about this matter in his<br />

defamatory article, Offering Credence to the Crank.<br />

Also it does not matter to Sam Antar and Gary Weiss that when<br />

the late Louis Miceli praised Hitler’s extermination of the Jews,<br />

I told Miceli, a member of the Board of the American Stock<br />

Exchange and a director of Bear Sterns, that he was nuts. No<br />

Jew would stand up to Miceli- only a goy, Ed Manfredonia.<br />

Sam Antar, aka Sam the Ant, and Gary Weiss, aka The Perjurer,<br />

have learned the message of hate as exemplified by Julius<br />

Streicher, publisher of Der Sturmer. Weiss and Antar have<br />

learned an important message from their twisted role model.<br />

When one is caught perpetrating either a crime or<br />

disseminating lies, scream “anti-Semite” in order to rally<br />

support around you.<br />

Sam “The Ant” Antar is an Orthodox Jew, who observes 611 if<br />

the 613 mitzvoth found in the Talmud. Sam “the Ant” has<br />

consistently refused to follow two of the most important. These<br />

two are the two Commandments: Thou shall not covet thy<br />

neighbors’ goods (Thous shall not steal) and Thou shall not bear<br />

false witness against thy neighbor. Gary “The Perjurer,”<br />

although not an observant Jew (remember the pig’s blood<br />

episode), also violates with impunity the two same<br />

Commandments: Thou shall not covet thy neighbors’ goods and<br />

Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

Both Antar and Weiss are vile, odious creatures, who defile the<br />

memory of 6 million Jews, murdered by the Nazis, to cover up<br />

their own criminal activities.<br />

Thus, when Patrick Byrne, Chairman of Overstock, stated that<br />

the Israeli Mob was responsible for smuggling ecstasy into the<br />

United States, Weiss termed Byrne an anti-Semite. Recently the<br />

American government has stated that most of the ecstasy, which<br />

is found in America, has originated in Israel. Of course, Weiss<br />

has refused to apologize to Patrick Byrne for Weiss’s character<br />

assassination, but then again Weiss despises individuals, who<br />

are of Irish descent.<br />

Gary Weiss and his buddy, Sam Antar, who stole hundreds of<br />

millions of dollars from the American public but nothing from<br />

members of his synagogue in the Crazy Eddie stock fraud,<br />

believe that it is permissible for members of the Board of the<br />

American Stock Exchange to launder drug money and to<br />

smuggle cocaine into the United States if Arthur Levitt wishes to<br />

cover up these crimes.<br />

Note: In preparing the article, Scandal On Wall Street, Gary<br />

Weiss interviewed several members of the American Stock<br />

Exchange, who told Weiss about the money laundering and<br />

drug smuggling at the American Stock Exchange. Furthermore,<br />

one member described in detail to Weiss that he had a meeting<br />

with FBI Special Agent Joseph Yastremski, who threatened him<br />

with prison if this AMEX member did not reveal all that he<br />

knew about narcotics smuggling and money laundering at the<br />

American Stock Exchange. Assistant United States Attorney<br />

Frances Fragos also knew of this money laundering and<br />

narcotics smuggling. (Please read a third party affidavit, which<br />

appears in Part I of my website, WallStreetScandals.com.)<br />

Gary Weiss does not care if your children abuse drugs because,<br />

Praise the Lord, Weiss has no children.

Sam Antar does not care if your children use drugs because<br />

member of his wealthy synagogue have hired a private security<br />

force to patrol their neighborhood so that drugs cannot be sold<br />

in the environs and so that the members of the synagogue can<br />

not be assaulted. But you must know this: You cannot purchase<br />

a house in Sam Antar’s neighborhood because Sephardic Jews<br />

only sell to Sephardic Jews. Sorry Sam “The Amt” but that is<br />

racism.<br />

While American soldiers, young men and women, are killed in<br />

Iraq, neither Sam Antar nor Gary Weiss has condemned Marc<br />

Rich, who was convicted of tax fraud and trading Iranian oil<br />

when Americans were held in captivity by Iranians. And Marc<br />

Rich has continued to trade Iranian oil even as young<br />

Americans are murdered with weapons and explosives provided<br />

by Iran. But then again, Weiss and Antar appear to owe no<br />

loyalty to America and its young soldiers.<br />

It appears that the lives of young Americans do not matter to<br />

Sam Antar and Gary Weiss.<br />

Sam Antar and Gary Weiss are a disgrace to the human race.<br />

Respectfully submitted,<br />

Edward Manfredonia<br />

Posted 08 Apr 2007 at 9:48 pm <br />

1. <strong>edward</strong> <strong>manfredonia</strong> <strong>wrote</strong>:<br />



Sam Antar is a liar, thief, and convicted felon. Sam “the Ant’ smears my<br />

name because I have proved that Sam “the Ant” is a hypocrite.<br />

Sam’s beloved cousin, Crazy Eddie Antar, continues to launder money into<br />

the United States sending part of his vast, illegal fortune to his relatives.<br />

Crazy Eddie does this by means of Israeli Banks. How would I know this?<br />

Because one of Eddie Antar’s cousins told me about the money laundering. If

I know about the money laundering, why has Sam “the Ant,” a selfproclaimed<br />

reformed thief not sent a letter to either the Securities and<br />

Exchange Commission or the Department of Justice?<br />

Probably because he would have to obtain permission to inform on his<br />

cousin. And nobody in his small circle of friends wishes to expose the tip of<br />

the money laundering iceberg.<br />

Several questions for Sam Antar.<br />

Did Sam keep millions of dollars that were stolen from American citizens?<br />

Did Sam short the stock of Crazy Eddie in offshore accounts?<br />

Is Sam “the Ant” the consigliere of Gary Weiss, who has covered up murders<br />

that were perpetrated by the Russian Mob?<br />

Does Sam “the Ant” have any connection to the Russian Mob in Brighton<br />

Beach?<br />

Does Sam “the Ant” possess knowledge of the murders of Al Chalem and<br />

Maier Lehmann?<br />

These are valid questions, which have not been answered.<br />

But permit me to shed some light upon the nature of Sam “the Ant.” Sam was<br />

an almost universal thief– almost. Sam stole hundreds of millions of dollars<br />

from Muslims, Christians and Jews– and Mormons. But Sam Antar was not a<br />

sociopath. Sam Antar and his cousin Crazy Eddie did not steal from members<br />

of his Orthodox Sephardic synagogue. How do I know? Members of the<br />

synagogue told me this important fact.<br />

So, it is readily apparent that perhaps 100 people, members of the synagogue,<br />

knew that the stock of Crazy Eddie was a fraud, yet not even one individual<br />

from the synagogue informed either the Securities and Exchange<br />

Commission or the Department of Justice. That is a fact– and facts can have<br />

no value judgment and express no opinion.<br />

You must understand that to Sam Antar, you are not a human. But there is a<br />

difference. The Kappos in Auschwitz stole the lives of people. Sam Antar<br />

only wanted to steal your money.<br />

And Sam the Ant will smear the name of any decent person, who exposes the<br />

lies and hypocrisy of anyone that dares to expose the basic indecency and<br />

inhumanity shared by both Sam Antar– and his spiritual mentor, Gary Weiss.

Sam “the Ant” is perhaps the biggest anti-Semite in New York City, because<br />

he smears the names of decent people to cover up his financial crimes. And<br />

by so doing gives rise to scandal.<br />

Respectfully submitted,<br />

Edward Manfredonia<br />

Posted 06 Jun 2007 at 5:25 am

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