Consolidated Standards for Inspection Food Distribution Centers

Consolidated Standards for Inspection Food Distribution Centers

Consolidated Standards for Inspection Food Distribution Centers


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YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves. External doors, windows, or other openings are close-fi tting or otherwise pest-proofed to less than ¼ in. or 6 mm.<br /> Windows, doors, and skylights that must be kept open <strong>for</strong> ventilation are screened to prevent pest entry.<br />

2.12 Leaks and Lubrication<br />

Leaks, oil, and lubrication are managed so they do not contaminate food products.<br />

Ө<br />

Critical Requirements<br /> The facility prevents, identifi es, and eliminates leaks (oil and lubricants) and excessive lubrication.<br />

2.14 Cross Contamination Prevention<br />

Different steps in the production of food products can negatively impact processing in other areas. Segregation of<br />

operations minimizes opportunities <strong>for</strong> food hazards to arise.<br />

Critical Requirements<br /> Operations are separated based on process fl ow, material types, equipment, personnel, airfl ow, air quality,<br />

and services needed.<br /> The process fl ow, from receiving to shipping, is arranged to prevent product contamination.<br /> Areas <strong>for</strong> washing and cleaning are located away from production activities, where appropriate.<br /> Toilet rooms are provided with functional exhaust fans that exhaust to the outdoors or do not open directly<br />

into production, packaging, or raw material storage areas.<br />

Ө Water installations and equipment are constructed and maintained to prevent back siphonage and backfl ow.<br /> The sewage disposal system is adequate <strong>for</strong> the process and maintained to prevent direct or indirect product<br />

contamination.<br />

2.15 Equipment and Utensil Construction<br />

Equipment and utensils designed <strong>for</strong> easy maintenance ensure compliance with Prerequisite and <strong>Food</strong> Safety Programs.<br />

Surfaces that deteriorate, or cannot be cleaned or maintained, may present product contamination hazards.<br />

Critical Requirements<br /> All equipment and utensils are designed and made of materials that are easily cleaned and maintained.<br />

Ө<br /> <strong>Food</strong> contact surfaces are corrosion-free, durable, and made of non-toxic materials.<br /> Seams on food contact surfaces are smooth and free of spot or tack welds.<br />

2.16 Temporary Repair Materials<br />

Temporary repairs are sometimes needed or unavoidable. Procedures to ensure that they do not become a contamination<br />

hazard are defi ned.<br />

Critical Requirements<br /> Tape, wire, string, cardboard, plastic, and other temporary materials are not used <strong>for</strong> permanent repairs.<br />

If used <strong>for</strong> emergency repairs, they are dated and replaced with a permanent repair as soon as possible.<br /> Any temporary repairs on food contact surfaces are constructed of food-grade material.<br /> The facility maintains a record of work orders or repair requests.<br /> The facility follows temporary repair procedures.<br />

Minor Requirements<br /> Temporary repair issues are resolved as soon as possible and practical.<br />

10—<strong>Consolidated</strong> <strong>Standards</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Inspection</strong>

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