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gave rise to the following tweet by Griffin:<br />

“Sakharov Prize this year going to<br />

“Arab Spring”. Sick joke as it neo-con<br />

scam that opens door to Islamist extremists.”<br />

73<br />

Andrew Henry William Brons began<br />

his political career in 1964 as a member<br />

of the National Socialist Movement<br />

(NSM), an organisation founded in 1962<br />

by the well-known right-wing extremists<br />

Colin Jordan and John Tyndall. He was<br />

also quick to reveal his anti-Semitic ideology.<br />

In 1965 in a letter to Françoise<br />

Dior, Colin Jordan’s wife, he wrote:<br />

“Also, however, he mentioned such<br />

activities as bombing synagogues.<br />

On this subject I have a dual view,<br />

in that although I realise he is wellintentioned,<br />

I feel that our public image<br />

may suffer considerable damage<br />

as a result of these activities. I<br />

am however open to correction on<br />

this point.” 74<br />

teristics, potential and abilities […]<br />

We believe the gradual dismantlement<br />

of the Apartheid system over<br />

the last 17 years to be retrograde ...<br />

The alternative to Apartheid, multiracialism,<br />

envisages an extinction<br />

of the White man.” 75<br />

In 2009, when asked about his life and,<br />

above all, his thoughts concerning attacks<br />

on synagogues, Brons replied:<br />

“People do silly things when they are<br />

17.” However, in a letter to President<br />

Jerzy Buzek of September 2011, it becomes<br />

clear that Brons by no means<br />

distances himself, at the age of more<br />

than 60, from his racist, anti-Semitic<br />

and xenophobic attitudes of the past.<br />

Some MEPs from other parties made<br />

it clear during a memorial ceremony in<br />

plenary following the right-wing extremist<br />

attacks in Oslo in July 2011 that the<br />

far-right views of the perpetrator Anders<br />

Behring Breivik were the real motivation<br />

for his hate crimes. Brons commented:<br />

at the same time denies that Breivik was<br />

a “true” nationalist, claiming that he had<br />

only acted out of opposition to Muslim<br />

immigration, and the attacks had been<br />

planned for Zionist motives. In this way,<br />

Brons is seeking to detract from the delegitimisation<br />

of racist and xenophobic<br />

views, distance himself from Breivik<br />

and, moreover, implicitly brand him the<br />

actual enemy of all true nationalists.<br />

Breivik did indeed turn out to be a Zionist.<br />

Brons and the BNP were supported<br />

in his complaint about the conduct during<br />

the memorial ceremony in plenary<br />

by the Austrian FPÖ, the FN and the<br />

Greater Romania Party. BNP members<br />

are also happy to mix with other<br />

right-wing populists and extremists on<br />

other occasions. BNP representatives<br />

also took part in the trip to the Yasukuni<br />

Shrine in Tokyo (see the Country Report<br />

on France).<br />

Shortly afterwards, Brons moved to the<br />

British National Party and eventually to<br />

the National Front. He was elected NF<br />

Chairman in 1979. In 1983, as head<br />

of the policy department, he published<br />

the National Front’s election manifesto,<br />

which called for a worldwide system of<br />

apartheid. Later in the same document<br />

came the following statement:<br />

“The National Front rejects the<br />

whole concept of multiracialism.<br />

We recognise inherent racial differences<br />

in Man. The races of Man are<br />

profoundly unequal in their charac-<br />

“Martin Schulz, Guy Verhofstadt,<br />

Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Diana<br />

Dodds spoke as though Breivik’s<br />

real crime was being a racist, a<br />

xenophobe or a person on the ‘far<br />

right’ and not the appalling murder<br />

of seventy-six young persons […]<br />

[Breivik] was not a Nationalist and<br />

his opposition to immigration would<br />

seem to be restricted to opposition<br />

to Muslim immigration. Breivik is a<br />

Zionist […]. “ 76<br />

Brons thus regards his explicitly racist<br />

and xenophobic views as “normal” and<br />



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