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In the 2009 European Parliament elections,<br />

the FN won a total of 6.3% of<br />

the vote, around 600,000 fewer than in<br />

2004 (9.8%). Jean-Marie Le Pen, Marine<br />

Le Pen and Bruno Gollnisch sit in<br />

Parliament as non-attached members.<br />

Jean-Marie Le Pen has been an MEP,<br />

apart from for a short period, since<br />

1984. He has several criminal convictions,<br />

has called the holocaust “a detail<br />

of history”, believes in the “inequality of<br />

races” and was castigated for his statement<br />

that “once 25 million Muslims<br />

(lived) in the country, they would issue<br />

the orders and “thrash” the French”. 84<br />

He has also been found guilty several<br />

times of assault, incitement to racial hatred,<br />

slander and other offences. This<br />

former member of the Foreign Legion<br />

and combatant in the war in Indochina,<br />

the Suez Crisis and the Algerian war<br />

is suspected of having tortured members<br />

of the Algerian National Liberation<br />

Front. He himself does not dispute the<br />

charge: “I have nothing to hide. I tortured<br />

because we had to”. 85 Jean-Marie<br />

Le Pen has repeatedly attracted attention<br />

in the past for his racist and anti-<br />

Semitic statements. He maintains close<br />

international contact with like-minded<br />

people. Under his leadership, and at<br />

the invitation of the extreme right-wing<br />

and nationalist Issuikai movement, representatives<br />

of the Hungarian Jobbik<br />

party, the Belgian Vlaams Belang, the<br />

British National Party and the Austrian<br />

FPÖ visited the Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo<br />

on 14.08.2010. It is there that the<br />

fallen soldiers of the Japanese military<br />

since 1868 are commemorated. The<br />

wars, occupations and cruel war crimes<br />

that Japan inflicted on its neighbours<br />

are downplayed as “holy wars”, and the<br />

war criminals are honoured. 86<br />

Marine Le Pen has been an MEP since<br />

2004. Although, unlike her father, she<br />

refrains from crude racist and anti-Semitic<br />

statements in order to be electable<br />

by a more middle-class group of voters,<br />

she also makes no secret of her racist<br />

ideology. She has compared Muslim<br />

street prayers with the occupation of<br />

France during the Second World War.<br />

“There may not be any tanks or soldiers,<br />

but occupation there is”. 87<br />

Her subsequent charge of incitement to<br />

racial hatred is the price she paid for the<br />

support of those in the party who feel<br />

that the modernisation and swing towards<br />

being a right-wing populist party<br />

are going too far. The shift from an openly<br />

far-right party to a right-wing populist<br />

party is also apparent as regards its<br />

anti-Semitism. Although unthinkable<br />

to her father, in 2006 Marine wanted<br />

to visit Israel with a delegation of the<br />

European Party, but she was declared<br />

undesirable before the trip took place.<br />

A Jewish radio station in Paris invited<br />

her to an interview in March 2011, but<br />

it was eventually called off after violent<br />

protests. In reaction to the cancellation<br />

of the interview, Marine announced the<br />

reactivation of the “Cercle national des<br />

juifs français” [National circle of French<br />

Jews] in order to provide an “authentic”<br />

voice against the protests of Jewish organisations.<br />

88 Even though her father’s<br />

anti-Semitism has not entirely disappeared,<br />

it is nevertheless concealed<br />

behind an anti-Muslim racism. In contrast<br />

to her father, it is therefore possible<br />

for her to describe the holocaust<br />

as the “worst crime of the past”. 89 Politically<br />

she has been following the FN line<br />

since the mid-1990s. She complains of<br />

the danger of uncontrolled immigration,<br />

advocates the abolition of the euro and<br />

the suspension of the Schengen Agreement,<br />

and rants against globalisation<br />

and American multinationals.<br />

Bruno Gollnisch, who has been in the<br />

European Parliament since 1989, represents<br />

the openly right-wing extremist<br />

wing of the party. He entered the FN in<br />

the 1980s, and as a Professor of Japanese<br />

language and culture he is one<br />

of the few outstanding “intellectuals” in<br />

the party. He was one of the key figures<br />

in and also chairman of the shortlived<br />

“Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty”<br />

(ITS) parliamentary group. Gollnisch<br />

has described anti-racism as “intellectual<br />

AIDS” and fought a legal battle extending<br />

over years for denial of crimes<br />

against humanity. In 2004, at a press<br />

conference concerning the so-called<br />

Rousso Report, which investigated the<br />

political views of academics at the University<br />

of Lyons, he declared that:<br />

“No serious historian completely<br />

endorses the findings of the Nuremberg<br />

trials. I think that the tragedy<br />

of the concentration camps should<br />

continue to be discussed freely. Historians<br />

are entitled to discuss the<br />

number of people killed and how<br />

they died.” 90<br />

In 2005, the University banned him<br />

from university activities for five years.<br />

In 2007, he received a prison sentence<br />

and was ordered to pay a fine. In 2009,<br />

the sentence was lifted by the Court of<br />

Appeal. The aim of making such statements<br />

bordering on the criminal is to attract<br />

attention in order to ensure that he<br />

is constantly in the media. This is also<br />

shown by his statements on the outbursts<br />

of Jean-Marie Le Pen on the “inequality<br />

of the races” and the massive<br />

media response to them:<br />

“Anybody who forces his words on<br />

another also forces his values on<br />

him”. 91<br />

When Pope Benedict XVI indirectly<br />

criticised Sarkozy’s expulsion of Roma,<br />

Gollnisch adopted typical far-right arguments<br />

and publicly attacked the Vatican:<br />

“If the Roma were to settle on Saint<br />

Peter’s Square [...], then we could<br />

continue the discussion.” 92<br />

Bruno Gollnisch also took part in the trip<br />

to the Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo.<br />



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