Mettavalokanaya Buddhist Magazine - May_10_2017

Sri Lankan most popular & leading Buddhist Magazine “Mettavalokanaya” Buddhist Magazine - May 10, 2017

Sri Lankan most popular & leading Buddhist Magazine “Mettavalokanaya” Buddhist Magazine - May 10, 2017


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wisßu;a fjila mqka fmdaod<br />

Tng jákd ioyï odhdohla''''<br />

f,dalfha mru mQckSh fn!oaO<br />

isoaOia:dkhkays f;dr;=re iu`.ska<br />

ioyï is;sú,s 156 la''''<br />

—fu;a;djf,dalkfhka˜<br />

fï Wod jQfha Y%S nqoaO j¾I 2561 fjks wisßu;a fjila<br />

mqr mif hk<br />

;%súOr;akfha irK .shd jQ NsCIq" NsCIqKS" Wmdil" Wmdisld<br />

hk isõjkla msßif.a fukau il, f,daljdiS fndÿkqjkaf.a<br />

o jákd u fn!oaOd.ñl Èkh hs'<br />

f,dalfha fjfik iqjyila fndÿ ne;su;=ka yo<br />

ne;sfhka fï w;s W;a;u fjila mqka fmdaod iurkd wjia:dfõ<br />

§ b;du;a jákd jQ ioyï is;sú,s 156 la iy f,dalfha mru<br />

mQckSh;u isoaOia:dkhkays f;dr;=re we;=

—OïfudaiO iux k;aÓ˜<br />

iqjdiQ oyila W;=ï Y%S ioaO¾uialkaOh yd iudk<br />

fjk;a Tiqjla fjk fldfyj;a u keye'''<br />

01<br />

02<br />

—ud;d fm;a;s yrx cka;= l=f, fcÜGdmpdhskx<br />

;x fj fojd ;dj;sxid wdyq imamqßfid b;s˜<br />

;u foudmshkaj fmdaIKh lrñka fyd`Èka /l n,d .kakd<br />

¥ mq;=kag i;amqreIfhda hehs lsh;s'''<br />

—mqífíj odkd iqufkd oox Ñ;a;x midofh<br />

o;ajd w;a; ufkd fyd;s tid h[a[iai iïmod˜<br />

;=ka is; myojdf.k oka fokak' túg ta odkh<br />

uy;a M,hs" uydksixihs'''<br />

04<br />

03<br />

—m[a[djka;iaidhx Oïfud˜<br />

W;=ï nqÿ oyu wjfndaO lr.kak mq`Mjka fjkafka<br />

m%{djka;hkaguhs'''<br />

—Nf;d jd fkd Nßiai;s˜<br />

mqxÑ ldf,a wfma wïu,d ;d;a;,d wmsj fmdaIKh lrkjd''' wms;a f,dl=<br />

uy;a jqkyu wfma foudmshkaj fmdaIKh lr,d fyd`Èka<br />

/l n,d .kak ´fk'''<br />

08<br />

07<br />

—fojN+;iaims Wmldrdks mq[a[d;s<br />

ukqiaiN+;iaims Wmldrdks mq[a[d;s˜<br />

ljodlyß foúhkag;a" ñksiaiqkag;a msysg fjkafka msk u ;uhs'''<br />

—fya;=x máÉp iïN+;x fya;= Nx.d ksreÊ®;s˜<br />

fï f,dal Od;=fõ yeufohla u wks;Hhs'''<br />

ks;Hhs lsh,d lsisu fohla keye'''<br />

05<br />

—ud;d ñ;a;x ifl >f¾˜<br />

orejkag wdY%h lrkak bkak fyd`o u l,HdK ñ;%hd ;uhs ;ukaf.a wïud'''<br />

09<br />

06<br />

;ud .ek u is; is;d wd;aud¾:ldó fkdù wka wh .ek;a is;kak mqreÿ mqyqKq fjkak'<br />

túg Tn wka whf.a meiiqug ksrka;rfhka ,lafõ"<br />

The charitable are blessed. The virtuous are happy…<br />

<strong>10</strong><br />

—ud fï nd, iud.fud˜<br />

wfka ug krl hd`Mfjda kï fï wd;auNdjfha § yïn fjkak tmd'''<br />

—tflk fNdf. N=[afchH oaùys lïux mfhdcfh<br />

p;=;a:[ap ksOdfmhH wdmodiq Núiai;s˜<br />

Tn Wmhk uqo,ska y;frka tlla lEug iy tÈfkod úhoug ;shd.kak'<br />

;j;a fldgia folla Tnf.a wdfhdackh fjkqfjka ;shd.kak' b;sß fldgi<br />

w. ys`.lula jqkyu .kak mfriaifuka ;shd.kak'''<br />

11<br />

isky msreKq uqúka hq;=j Tfí ñ;=relu f.dvk`.d .kak' Tfí<br />

iskyfõ msú;=re núka ta ñ;=relu /l.kak'''<br />

12 Always keep your mind relaxed and meet everyone with a<br />

smile. Relaxation makes your mind and a smile gathers<br />

friendship…<br />

4 I fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong><br />

www.meththawalokanaya.com<br />

www.meththawalokanaya.com<br />

fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong> I 5

—n%yaud;s ud;d ms;frd˜<br />

wïuhs ;d;a;hs lsh,d lshkafka orejkaf.a n%yaufhda jf.hs'<br />

ta ;rï u W;=ï'''<br />

13<br />

14<br />

—úßfhk ÿlaLx wÉfp;s˜<br />

ys;g ÿlla ±kqkyu tal uld.kak mq`Mjka fjkafk wfma u<br />

W;aidyfhka ú;rhs' talg fjk irKla keye'''<br />

—ÿlafL f,dfld m;sÜÀf;d˜<br />

fï wms yefudau Ôj;a fjkafk uyd ÿla f.dvl'<br />

ta ÿflka ljodl yß ñfokak yels kï'''<br />

15<br />

16<br />

—mNiair ñox NslaLfj Ñ;a;x ;[ap fLd wd.ka;=flys<br />

Wmlalsf,fiys Wmlals,sÜGx˜<br />

wfma ys; Wm;ska u yßu msßisÿhs' ta;a fï neyeßka tk tl tl foaj,a yskaod<br />

wfma ys; f.dvdla wmsßisÿ fjkjd'<br />

—Wmam;a;shd ifyfjox urKx wd.;x iod˜<br />

wms WmÈkfldgu urKh;a wrx wdjd lsh,d ys;kak mqreÿ fjkak'<br />

t;fldg fï cSúf;a yßu ir,j olskak mq`Mjka'''<br />

17<br />

Tfí úfõpkhka wju lr f.k m%Yxidjka jeä ÈhqKq<br />

lr.kak W;aidyj;a fjkak'''<br />

18 More praise and less criticism Cut down the karma<br />

that comes from what you say…<br />

6 I fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong><br />

www.meththawalokanaya.com<br />

www.meththawalokanaya.com<br />

fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong> I 7

—fhd ud;rx jd ms;rx jd Nd;rx N.sksx iiqx ykaÓ<br />

frdi;s jdpdh ;x c[a[d jif,d b;s˜<br />

ljqreyß flfkla ;ukaf. wïudg ;d;a;dg" ifydaor ifydaoßhkag"<br />

ìß`og .ykjd kï" nKskjd kï" fkd i,ld yßkjd kï"<br />

ta flkd uyd ji,fhla'''<br />

25<br />

26<br />

—kdk;a; ldhd kdk;a; i[a[d˜<br />

f,fyisfhka w`ÿkd .kak neß fyd`o ñksiaiq;a wm w;f¾ bkakjd'<br />

yenehs ta msßi fndfydu w,amhs'''<br />

—wÊfÊj lsÉpx wd;mamx˜<br />

wo lrkak ;sfhk fohla wo u lrkak' wdfha tal fygg<br />

l,a odkak tmd'''<br />

20<br />

19<br />

—Wmldrld p hd kdÍ iudkd p iqfL ÿfL˜<br />

fyd`o ìß`ola fjkak kï ;u ieñhd iu`. ÿl iem iuj ú`o.kak Wmldr<br />

lrkak' talghs wdo¾Yj;a mjq,a cSú;hla lsh,d lshkafka'''<br />

—mr ÿlafL i;s idOQkx yoh lïmkx lfrd;s lreKd˜<br />

flfkla ÿlg m;a jqkyu lreKdfjka" ohdfjka thdg msysg fjkak'<br />

tal W;=ï ioald¾hhla'''<br />

28<br />

27<br />

—wmamsfhys iïmfhdaf.da ÿlafLd˜<br />

wmsg .e,fmkafka ke;s wh yïn jqkyu uq`M cSú; ldf,§ u ÿla ú`Èkak<br />

isoaO fjkjd' ta yskaod biair fj,d u jeo.;a<br />

fjkafka f;dard .ekSuhs'''<br />

—udkix mdmika ;skakx˜<br />

wfma ys; yeu;siafiau mjg nrfj,hs ;sfhkafk'<br />

talhs mõlï isoaO fjkafka'''<br />

22<br />

21<br />

—ksíndK mÉphfhd fyd;=˜<br />

i;a;lska u Tng ksjka mila fõjd æ<br />

—hïmsÉPx k ,N;s ;ïms ÿlaLx˜<br />

wms n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjk fohla fkd ,enqkyu;a wmsg<br />

f.dvdla ÿl ±fkkjd'''<br />

29<br />

ieneúkau ñksia wjYH;d we;af;a b;du;a iaj,am m%udKhls' kuq;a"<br />

ñksidf.a wdYdjka yd ´kElï kï wkka;hs" wm%udKhs'''<br />

30 Human’s needs are very few. But, human’s<br />

wants are many…<br />

—mq[a[x fp mqßfid lhsrd lhsrdf:;x mqkmamqkx˜<br />

wms mskalï jeämqr lrk ;rug u wmg iifr iem ,efnkjd'<br />

tal taldka;hs'''<br />

23<br />

Tfí cSúf;a fyd`o ld, fukau krl ld, o ;sfhkak mq`Mjka' tal u Tfí<br />

ÈhqKqjg fyd`o u wdo¾Yh lr.kak'''<br />

24 Life’s ups & downs are the stuff of growth and<br />

development…<br />

8 I fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong><br />

www.meththawalokanaya.com<br />

www.meththawalokanaya.com<br />

fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong> I 9

—fhd w.a. odhS jrodhS fiÜG odhS p fhd kfrd<br />

§>dhq hijd fyd;s h;a: h;a:Qm mÊc;s˜<br />

ldgyß wms fyd`o fohla oka fokjd kï ta mskalfï kdufhka wms WmÈk<br />

WmÈk wd;auhla mdid §¾>dhqI;a" Okh;a" lS¾;sh;a"<br />

m%Yxidj;a ksrka;rfhka u ,efnkjd'''<br />

31<br />

32<br />

—W!fKd f,daflda w;s;af;da ;Kayd odfida˜<br />

iuyrekag fldÉpr ÿkak;a uÈ' we;sùula keye'''<br />

—msfhys úmamfhdaf.da ÿlafLd˜<br />

wms wdi lrk whf.ka fjka fjkjd lsh,d lshkafka<br />

uyd ÿlla" fõokdjla'''<br />

33<br />

—kd Ñka;hkaf;d mqßfid úfii uê.ÉP;s˜<br />

ys;,d n,,d jev lrkafka ke;s flkd ljodj;a<br />

wjfndaOhla ,nd .kafka keye'''<br />

37<br />

34<br />

—Oïuldfuda Njx fyda;s˜<br />

ieuod O¾uhg we¨ï lrkakd ÈhqKqfjka ÈhqKqjg u m;a fjkjd'''<br />

38<br />

—w,fid .syS ldufNd.S k idOq—<br />

lïue,s flkd ljodj;a ;ukag hym;la i,id .kafka keye'''<br />

—mq[a[dks mrf,dliañx m;sÜGd fydka;s mdKSkx˜<br />

mskalï l< úg ta msk wmg mrf,dj §;a<br />

taldka;fhka u msysg fjkjd'''<br />

35<br />


—bO NslaLfj NslaLq k ilalÉpx Oïux iqKka;s˜<br />

O¾udkql+, m%;sm;a;shl msysgkafka ke;s flkdf.a Ôú;h ysia'''<br />

43<br />

44<br />

—rd. úrd.d fÉf;da úuqla;s˜<br />

rd.h ÿßka u ÿrelr,d is; ksoyia lr.kak'''<br />

—ix;=ÜGiaid hdx Ofuud˜<br />

fï wisßu;a nqÿ oyu i;=fgka bkak whg uhs'''<br />

45<br />

46<br />

—k;aÓ f,dafla wkkaÈf;d˜<br />

fï f,dafla kskaod fkd ,nmq flfkla keye' yefudau mqxÑ yß<br />

kskaodjlg m;a fj,d ;sfhkjd'''<br />

—l;[û l;fõ§ mq.a.f,da ÿ,a,fNda f,daliañx˜<br />


—ud;d ms;= WmÜGdkx mq;a; odriai ix.fyd˜<br />

;u foudmshkag ie,lSu ¥ orejkaf.a mru hq;=lula<br />

yd j.lSula fjkjd'''<br />

55<br />

56<br />

—k mfrda mrx ksl=ífí:˜<br />

ljodj;au lsisu flfkla fndrefjka yd<br />

pdgqfjka kï rjÜgkak tmd'''<br />

—kúiaifi b;a;r oiaifkk˜<br />

l:d lrmq muKska u" yskd jqk muKska u wo ldf,a<br />

ljqrej;a úYajdi lrkak hkak tmd'''<br />

50<br />

—wjHdmdo ixlmam˜<br />

yefudagu hym;la fõjd æ lsh,d ys;kak'''<br />

52<br />

49<br />

—l=oafOda w;a:x k ckd;s˜<br />

;ryd .kak tl yeufoalgu ndOdjla'''<br />

51<br />

—wÉpd NslaLK ixi.a.d˜<br />

lsishï u lsis flfkla muK blaujd weiqre lrkak hkak tmd'''<br />

—kf;a nj w;s mKaäf;d˜<br />

w;s mKaä;lu kï fldfy;au fyd`o ke;s fohla'''<br />

58<br />

—ldhslx jdpislxpiai rlaÅ;x fyd;s˜<br />

lfhkq;a" jpkfhkq;a lrk jerÈ kj;ajkak'<br />

t;fldg Tn f.dvdla ieye,a¨hs'''<br />

60<br />

57<br />

—lxLx Wcqx úyr;s˜<br />

yeufohla .ek u ksjerÈ ±laula we;s lr.kak W;aidy .kak'''<br />

59<br />

ld¾hnyq,;ajfhka hq;= ;eke;a;ka ld,fha w.h ukdj okS' tfyhska" ta<br />

wh ld,fhka Wmßu m%fhdack o .kS'''<br />

The busiest have the most time. The diligent use the<br />

time more than more…<br />

—Ñka;s;iai M,x miai˜<br />

Tfí ys;Sfï Yla;sh jeä ÈhqKq lr.kak'''<br />

53<br />

54<br />

ldreKsl;ajfhka hq;a wkqlïmd iy.; whg ljrodlj;a<br />

i;=rka we;s fkdfõ' tksid u ta flkdf.a m%{djg o<br />

mSvdjla we;s fkdfõ'''<br />

Compassion has no enemies. The wisdom no vexations…<br />

14 I fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong><br />

www.meththawalokanaya.com<br />

www.meththawalokanaya.com<br />

fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong> I 15

wdYap¾fhka imsreKq<br />

bkaÿkSishdfõ fndafrdanqÿ¾''''<br />

Impressive<br />

Borobudur<br />

in Indonesia….<br />

Borobudur, is a 9th century Mahayana <strong>Buddhist</strong> temple<br />

in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia, as well as the world's<br />

largest <strong>Buddhist</strong> temple, and also one of the greatest <strong>Buddhist</strong><br />

monuments in the world. The temple consists of nine stacked<br />

platforms, six square and three circular, topped by a central<br />

dome. The temple is decorated with 2,672 relief panels and<br />

504 Buddha statues. The central dome is surrounded by 72<br />

Buddha statues, each seated inside a perforated stupa.<br />

Built in the 9th century during the reign of the Sailendra<br />

Dynasty, the temple was designed in Javanese <strong>Buddhist</strong><br />

architecture, which blends the Indonesian indigenous cult<br />

of ancestor worship and the <strong>Buddhist</strong> concept of attaining<br />

Nirvana.<br />

The monument is both a shrine to the Lord Buddha<br />

and a place for <strong>Buddhist</strong> pilgrimage. The journey for pilgrims<br />

begins at the base of the monument and follows a path<br />

around the monument and ascends to the top through three<br />

levels symbolic of <strong>Buddhist</strong> cosmology Kāmadhātu (the world<br />

of desire), Rupadhatu (the world of forms) and Arupadhatu<br />

(the world of formlessness).<br />

The monument guides pilgrims through an extensive<br />

system of stairways and corridors with 1,460 narrative relief<br />

panels on the walls and the balustrades. Borobudur has the<br />

largest and most complete ensemble of <strong>Buddhist</strong> reliefs in the<br />

world.<br />

Borobudur has since been preserved through several<br />

restorations. The largest restoration project was undertaken<br />

between 1975 and 1982 by the Indonesian government and<br />

UNESCO, following which the monument was listed as a<br />

UNESCO World Heritage Site.<br />

Borobudur is still used for pilgrimage; once a year,<br />

<strong>Buddhist</strong>s in Indonesia celebrates Vesak at the monument,<br />

and Borobudur is Indonesia's single most visited tourist<br />

attraction.<br />

Wijaya Wagaarachchi<br />

f,dalfha ms

—lsÉpx jd fkd lßiai;s˜<br />

wms wfma jev lghq;= lrk .uka u fmdÿ uyckhdf.a<br />

hym; fjkqfjkq;a lem fjkak ´fk'''<br />

61<br />

62<br />

—wd,iHdkqfhdf.d fNd.dkx wmdh uqLx˜<br />

lïue,s fjk flkd ;ukaf. iïm;a ;uka u úkdY lr,d<br />

od .kakjd''' tal uyd wmrdOhla'''<br />

—i[a[;iai p OïuÔúfkd˜<br />

yslafukak' ±yefuka fifuka Ôj;a fjkak' talhs yß'''<br />

63<br />

64<br />

—kdÑka;hkaf;d mqßfid úfiaiuê .ÉP;s˜<br />

ÿla lror wdjyu taflka ñfokak n,kak'''<br />

—nqoaOx irKx" Oïux irKx"<br />

ix>x irKx .f;d fyd;s˜<br />

yeufj,djl u Tn nqÿka" oyï" i`.=ka irK<br />

.sh flfkl= fjkak'''<br />

65<br />

Tng ,efnk ´kE u fohla ksial,xlj w;ayeßh yels kï Wodfjk iEu<br />

jirla u fnfyúka iqnodhlh' tfukau" Tnf.a nqoaêu;a wdYs¾jdohka Tn<br />

oi; úisr m;=rejd,kafka kï Wodfjk yeuojila u Tng iqnh'''<br />

66<br />

Able to pick it up and let it go, every year good fortune will surely follow.<br />

Sow a field of blessing with wisdom. Then every day is a good day…<br />

18 I fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong><br />

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www.meththawalokanaya.com<br />

fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong> I 19

Bodhisattva<br />

Samantabhadra Bestows<br />

Blessings Widely. CYBA<br />

Aspires Endeavors<br />

Tirelessly.<br />

- Chinese Young <strong>Buddhist</strong> Association (CYBA) -<br />

Background<br />

Chinese Young <strong>Buddhist</strong> Association (CYBA) was formed<br />

by a group of outstanding young monks and laypeople in<br />

1989. In this new century, CYBA aims to be the springboard of<br />

learning and sharing for young <strong>Buddhist</strong>s.<br />

The Purpose of CYBA<br />

Through channeling younger generation into learning<br />

and practicing Buddhism as well as unity and cooperation of<br />

four-folds <strong>Buddhist</strong> (<strong>Buddhist</strong> monks, <strong>Buddhist</strong> nuns, laymen<br />

and laywomen), CYBA hopes to ensure the continuum of<br />

Buddhism on Earth.<br />

Through the training of <strong>Buddhist</strong> Dharma preachers<br />

and wisely utilizing new media and latest technologies CYBA<br />

hopes to spread the teachings of Buddha around the globe.<br />

Through purifying the minds and providing support<br />

services to people, CYBA hopes to promote social harmony<br />

and bring abundance of love and satisfaction to oneself and<br />

the society.<br />

Through the promotion of moral education and provide<br />

guidance to people who have deviant behaviors, CYBA hopes<br />

to install the values of virtue in the modern society.<br />

Through channeling younger generation into community<br />

services, CYBA hopes our youths will step forward and serve<br />

the community.<br />

The Consensus of CYBA<br />

Concept - Guiding young generation to learn Buddha<br />

dharma. Enhancing the quality of religious life.<br />

Spirits - Manifesting the compassion and concern for<br />

life. Improving public welfare with great kindness.<br />

Guide Principle - The belief of pure-land on earth.<br />

Unifying fourfold assembly.<br />

Method - Coordinating efforts and resources of different<br />

monasteries and organizations to work together.<br />

School Outreach Program<br />

Since the year 1996, CYBA has been actively involved<br />

in giving public talks at the schools and tertiary institutions<br />

across the island. CYBA reaches out to students studying in<br />

Taiwan. Through lively and humorous talks, we were able to<br />

reach out to our schooling youths.<br />

In this so-called e-generation, the youth are busy with<br />

technology to pursue entertainment, lifestyle and fashion.<br />

The goals of these talks are to establish morality, good<br />

interpersonal interaction skills, concern for others, altruism<br />

and voluntarism in our youths. Our efforts have received<br />

acknowledgements from various schools around the island.<br />

Prison Counseling<br />

From 1991, CYBA has been organizing prison outreach<br />

and counseling on a monthly basis. Monks and nuns living in<br />

the vicinity such institutions are invited to provide care and<br />

counseling for the detainees and inmates. Our efforts have<br />

been warmly received and were given encouraging reviews<br />

from both the prison superintendents and inmates alike.<br />

In the dark confines of the prison, under the gloom of<br />

the overcast hearts, CYBA brings to them the light of Buddha’s<br />

compassion and loving-kindness, radiating and brightening<br />

their lives.<br />

Social Services<br />

Employing ethics, encouraging good cultural and<br />

traditional values as a tool to uplift the mentality of our<br />

youth, CYBA organizes the Chinese Calligraphy and Literature<br />

Competition, Tang Dynasty Poetry & Songs Contest. These<br />

activities are intended as a way to learn while enjoying and<br />

entertaining oneself. They have helped youths with behavioral<br />

problems to progress.<br />

We have organizes blood donation drives & to relief<br />

those under emotional distress, CYBA conducts ceremonies<br />

such as sutra chanting for the victims of the earthquake either<br />

in domestic and foreign. CYBA had also set up the fund raising<br />

for Si-Chuan (China), Haiti and Japan for helping recovering<br />

from earthquake damage.<br />

Concern for the Youths<br />

CYBA has organized more than 50 summer & winter<br />

holiday camps for those studying in tertiary institutions.<br />

Within these camps, the participants were given instructions<br />

in living and leadership skills as well as to inculcate Buddha’s<br />

compassion within their hearts.<br />

International Relations<br />

CYBA is a member of World Fellowship of <strong>Buddhist</strong> Youth<br />

(WFBY). We try to leaping across international boundaries,<br />

connecting us with the world; we are establishing the bridge<br />

of friendship and goodwill to all. Let loving-kindness and<br />

compassionate spirit extends freely all living in this global<br />

village.<br />

Prospection<br />

In the spirit of Buddha’s Compassion to serve the world;<br />

CYBA has for a long time worked with the youths focusing<br />

on “education” & “re-education” of our society & to correct<br />

social ills. Through the application of Buddha’s wisdom &<br />

compassion in one’s heart & using that to transform the<br />

society into an orderly & peaceful environment.<br />

The future of CYBA is in providing social reform, education<br />

& counseling for all. CYBA is always ready to collaborate with<br />

other organizations to spread peace & harmony in the society<br />

and to transform our world into a Pure land.<br />

Achievements to Date<br />

From 1991 to 20<strong>10</strong>, CYBA has thirteen consecutive years<br />

received the Interior Ministry’s special award for excellence in<br />

providing social services.<br />

In 1996, we received the China Youth Peace Corp’s<br />

“Service to Peace” award. Same year, the Legislative Council<br />

awarded CYBA for active participation in the prison’s<br />

reformative education and parole guidance services.<br />

In the March of 1997, the Executive Legislative Council’s<br />

Youth Guidance Bureau lauded CYBA with its award for<br />

“Excellent Young Volunteers”.<br />

In year of 1998, 2003 and 2006, the Ministry of Education<br />

presented CYBA with the award for “Great Contribution to<br />

Education”.<br />

In 2005, CYBA has won the “National Public Welfare”<br />

Award.<br />

In 2011, CYBA has won “the 3rd Outstanding Buddhism<br />

Contribution Award” from Thailand Government.<br />

In 2012, WFBY presented CYBA with the award for “<br />

Achievement Award”.<br />

In 2014, WFBY presented CYBA with the award for “<br />

World <strong>Buddhist</strong> Outstanding Leadership Award”.<br />

In 2016, CYBA was awarded with the Global Peace<br />

Ambassador Award by International Buddha Education<br />

Institute and Younker Scientific and Social Science Research,<br />

India.<br />

CYBA was awarded with ‘Journalist Bimalendu Barua<br />

Peace Award’ by Nirvana Peace Foundation (NPF) in<br />

Bangladesh In 2016.<br />

In 2016, CYBA was awarded with ‘Enviro Care<br />

Responsible Organization Award’ presented at Enviro Care<br />

Summit, Dehradun-India.<br />

These awards are evidence of the time, effort and<br />

resources invested by CYBA. These awards have further<br />

inspired CYBA to continue to serve the society and strive to<br />

better humanity..!<br />

“<strong>Mettavalokanaya</strong>”, as the Sri Lankan leading monthly<br />

<strong>Buddhist</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>, wish to Most Venerable Dr. Bhiksuni<br />

Ming Yu, the President - Chinese Young <strong>Buddhist</strong> Association<br />

in Taiwan & the Honorary Adviser of the World Fellowship<br />

of <strong>Buddhist</strong> Youth (WFBY) and Chinese Young <strong>Buddhist</strong><br />

Association (CYBA) for more than more great service to the<br />

Buddhism in near future. Best Wishers !!<br />

Buddhika Sanjeewa<br />

20 I fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong><br />

www.meththawalokanaya.com<br />

www.meththawalokanaya.com<br />

fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong> I 21

—w: ksínkao;s ÿlafĘ<br />

ÿfla§ l, lsfrkak tmd' Tn ÿl ;=kS lr.kak<br />

ù¾hjka; fjkak'''<br />

67<br />

68<br />

—iq;x mßfhdaofm;s—<br />

fohla wy,d tal fyd`Èka wjfndaO lr.kak uykais .kak'''<br />

—bOfïj iÉpx fuda.p[a[x˜<br />

yeufj,djl u i;H foa jgyd .kak' yß úÈyg cSj;a fjkak'''<br />

69<br />

—nqoafOda úh ud;d˜<br />

udj jodmq uf.a r;a;rka wïud ug nqÿ flfkla jf.hs'''<br />

73<br />

70<br />

—;Kayd cd,sks úi;a;sld˜<br />

;Kaydj lsh,d lshkafka uyd úkdYhla' ;Kayd<br />

fjkak" fjkak wfma we,Sï jeä fjkjd'''<br />

72<br />

—wÉpd NslaLK ixi.a.d˜<br />

lsishï u lsis flfkla muK blaujd weiqre lrkak hkak tmd'''<br />

71<br />

ohdj;a" lreKdj;a oi; úisr m;=rejd,kak' fu;a is;a ÈhqKq lr<br />

.ksñka uu;ajh flfuka flfuka wvq lr.kak W;aidyj;a fjkak'''<br />

Let the measure of your heart be great. The size<br />

of your ego small…<br />

74<br />

—ixjdfiak fpda iS,x fõÈ;ínx˜<br />

flfkla weiqrg .kak l,ska ta flkd hym;a flfkla o<br />

lsh,d fydh,d n,kak'''<br />

76<br />

—ukdm mßhka;x mxpiq ldu.=fKaiq w.a.x˜<br />

wfma leue;a;" wdYdj u; ;uhs wms fï<br />

yeufoalgu f.dÿre fjkafka'''<br />

75<br />

—Oïux irKx .f;da fyda;s˜<br />

iqjdiqoyila jQ W;=ï Y%S ioaO¾uialkaOfha<br />

irK .sh flfkls uu'''<br />

—wúysxid ixlmam˜<br />

lsisod lsisfjl=g;a ysxid fkd lrkak<br />

Tn j. n,d .kak'''<br />

77<br />

78<br />

uu uhs" uf.a uhs lshk udkisl;ajfhka Tn ñfokak' ish,a,<br />

w;ayeßh yels ksoyia wfhl= fuka iudcfha cSj;a fjkak'''<br />

When you can let it go. Then you can pick up. At ease<br />

letting it go or picking it up. Then you are truly free…<br />

22 I fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong><br />

www.meththawalokanaya.com<br />

www.meththawalokanaya.com<br />

fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong> I 23

—;dÈix mKaä;x Nfc˜<br />

W.;a" nqoaêu;a whj weiqre lrkak Tn ieuod<br />

ieuúg W;aidy .kak'''<br />

79<br />

80<br />

—Ôú;fya;=ïms k w[a[x i;a:drx WoaÈi;s˜<br />

;uka fldÉpr wirK jqk;a ;ukaf.a wd.u oyu<br />

kï w;ayßkak tmd'''<br />

—wid;x id; rEfmak˜<br />

wñysß foa ñysßhs lsh,d kï ys;kak tmd'''<br />

81<br />

82<br />

—w;aÓ whx w;aÓ mfrd f,dfld˜<br />

fuf,djla" mrf,djla ;sfhkjd lsh,d ys;kak'''<br />

—nqoaOx irKx .f;da fyda;s˜<br />

ud" w;sW;a;u nqoaOr;akfha irK .sh flfkls'''<br />

83<br />

f,dalh .ek iy Tn .ek ksjerÈ jegySula we;s lr.kak' túg ksoyia<br />

ukila iy is;sú,s oyrdjla Tng f.dvk`.d .; yels jkq we;'''<br />

84 Know yourself, know others and know when to advance. When to<br />

retreat at all times maintains peace and equanimity<br />

in body and mind…<br />

24 I fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong><br />

www.meththawalokanaya.com<br />

www.meththawalokanaya.com<br />

fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong> I 25

iïnqÿ f;u`.=, yd ne`ÿKq<br />

wisßu;a oUÈõ ;,h'''<br />

=<br />

s<br />

q<br />

f,daljdiS fndÿkqjka wo Èkfha oS ;=kaf,dald.% jQ<br />

Nd.Hjka; jQ wßy;a jQ wm wuduEKS iïud iïnqÿrcdKka<br />

jykafiaf.a wisßu;a iïnqÿ f;u`.=, uy;a yone;shlska<br />

iurkq ,n;s' wiQ jirla jev jdih l

—ÈÜÀx p wkqm.ïu iS,jd˜<br />

Tn yeu fj,djlu is,aj;a flfkla<br />

fjkak W;aidy lrkak'''<br />

85<br />

86<br />

—úmdfld lïu iïNfjd˜<br />

wms ú`Èk úmdl ish,a,la u fï l¾uh;a tlal<br />

iïnkaO fj,hs ;sfhkafka'''<br />

—k Ñka;hkaf;d mqßfida úfiai uê.ÉP;s˜<br />

fkd ys;d" fkd úuid lghq;= lrk flkdg<br />

ljodj;a u ÈhqKqjla ,nkak neye'''<br />

87<br />

88<br />

—Oïudkq j;a;Sp˜<br />

O¾udkql+, m%;sm;a;sfha msysgd Ôj;a fjkak uykais .kak'''<br />

—iu.a.drdfud fyd;s iu.a.drf;d˜<br />

yefudau;a tlal iu`.sfhka" iudodkfhka<br />

jevlghq;= lrk flfkla fjkak'''<br />

89<br />

Tnf.a hym;a wdYs¾jdohka uOHfha wka whg fiajh<br />

lrkak mqreÿ mqyqKq fjkak'''<br />

90 Know your blessings and use them wisely. Strive to<br />

increase them everywhere you go develop deep<br />

virtuous affinity with others…<br />

28 I fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong><br />

www.meththawalokanaya.com<br />

www.meththawalokanaya.com<br />

fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong> I 29

—rEfmiq Pkao rd. úkfhd - Pkaord.mamydkx˜<br />

rEmh .ek ;sfhk uyd ;Kaydj ÿre lrjd .kak'''<br />

91<br />

92<br />

—lsÉPx uÉpdkx Ôú;x˜<br />

Tn foi n,d ;j;a flfkl=g yefokak mq`Mjka wdldrfha W;=ï<br />

ñksfil= f,i fï iudcfha Ôj;a fjkak'''<br />

—wmodk fidaNkS m[a[d˜<br />

Tnf.a hym;a pß;h ksidfjka yeufj,djl u<br />

Tfí m%{dj nn

—wkqiQhfld fyd;s k p l=yk jfiak idifk pr;s˜<br />

B¾IHdj;a" l=yl;ajh;a ke;s lr.kak fjfyi .kak'''<br />

<strong>10</strong>3<br />

<strong>10</strong>4<br />

—nqoafOda úh ms;d˜<br />

udj we;s ±ä lrdmq uf.a fifkfynr ;d;a;d<br />

ug nqÿ yduqÿrefjda jf.hs'''<br />

—Oïudêmf;fhHd fyd;s˜<br />

O¾uh fmruqfKa ;ndf.k u lghq;= lrkak'<br />

Tng ljrodlj;a jrÈkafka keye'''<br />

<strong>10</strong>5<br />

<strong>10</strong>6<br />

—msh rEfmak wmamshx˜<br />

wm%sh foaj,a m%shhs lsh,d kï ys;kak hkak tmd'<br />

wm%sh foa wm%sh uhs'''<br />

—p;=iq iÉfpiq w[a[dKx wúÊfcdaf>d kdu˜<br />

ljqreyß flfkla fï p;=rd¾h i;Hh .ek fkd ±k<br />

bkakjd kï tal n,j;a wvqmdvqjla'''<br />

<strong>10</strong>7<br />

wNsfhda. ch.kak kï" wNsfhda.hg Tn tä;rj uqyqK fokak"<br />

ìh fkd jkak" ch.kak wjeis lghq;= fhdokak"<br />

wjidkfha § th o w;ayßkak'''<br />

<strong>10</strong>8 The four steps in dealing with any problems, firstly face<br />

it, accept it, deal with it, end let it go…<br />

32 I fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong><br />

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fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong> I 33

“Propagation of<br />

Dharma is essential<br />

to a Bhikkhu”…<br />

- Most Venerable Sung Jin Thero -<br />

“<strong>Mettavalokanaya</strong>”, the Sri Lankan leading monthly<br />

<strong>Buddhist</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>, newly & first time presented in Sri<br />

Lankan <strong>Buddhist</strong> magazine style that introducing overseas<br />

Most Venerable <strong>Buddhist</strong> High Monk or Most Venerable High<br />

Bhiksuni who famous in the worldwide.<br />

Today, <strong>Mettavalokanaya</strong> introducing for you, Most<br />

Venerable Sung Jin Thero, the Executive Director of<br />

“Paramita” Youth Association of Korea and Vice President of<br />

World Fellowship of <strong>Buddhist</strong> Youth (WFBY). This article is full<br />

filled with Most Venerable Most Venerable Sung Jin Thero’s<br />

biography & Dhamma service by birth up to date.<br />

Most Venerable Sung Jin Thero was born in summer of<br />

1970, from an ordinary <strong>Buddhist</strong> family in Busan, Korea. Most<br />

Venerable Sung Jin Thero’s mother believed her prayer to<br />

Buddha granted her a son, so she started to go to monasteries<br />

more often after Sung Jin Thero’s birth. Venerable Sung Jin<br />

Thero grew up in the religious environment, waking up to<br />

the sound of reciting sutra, visiting temples holding mother’s<br />

hand.<br />

In 1991, Most Venerable Sung Jin Thero was admitted to<br />

Dongguk University, founded by the Jogye Order, to major in<br />

Buddhism. On the second year of college, Sung Jin Thero was<br />

elected as the student representative of College of <strong>Buddhist</strong><br />

Studies. At that time, the political situation in Korea was very<br />

unstable facing democratization.<br />

Venerable Sung Jin Thero also participated in<br />

demonstrations, but the Thero grew tired of judging and<br />

discriminating people according to their political beliefs.<br />

During on those times, Most Venerable Sung Jin Thero met<br />

Venerable Wolsung, who later became his master, in the early<br />

spring of 1993.<br />

When Most Venerable Sung Jin Thero bowed to him<br />

three times and sat, tears started rolling down the Thero’s<br />

face. Venerable Sung Jin Thero suddenly had realized how<br />

selfishly he had lived his whole life. Then he asked from<br />

Venerable Sung Jin Thero’s a question.<br />

“What is this thing that asks questions and gives answers<br />

to me?<br />

Most Venerable Sung Jin Thero didn’t have any answer<br />

to the question. A few days later he became a <strong>Buddhist</strong> monk,<br />

desiring to find the answer to the question, under Venerable<br />

Wolsung. Most Venerable Sung Jin Thero devoted in his self to<br />

Buddhism at Sungkwansa, with his master till the summer of<br />

1997 and he became a military <strong>Buddhist</strong> chaplain in Republic<br />

of Korea Air Force, an officer that serves a spiritual need<br />

within a military area of operations.<br />

The year’s Most Venerable Sung Jin Thero spent as a<br />

military chaplain was an important time for me as he became<br />

more interested in the propagation of Dharma towards the<br />

younger generation. After 3 years, Venerable Sung Jin Thero<br />

was discharged as a captain and went back to Sungkwansa as<br />

an abbot.<br />

The first thing Most Venerable Sung Jin Thero did as an<br />

abbot was finding a small place in the town and building a<br />

student union to teach Dharma to students. Then Venerable<br />

Sung Jin Thero worked with a local high school to create a<br />

scholarship named with his mentor’s nom de plume and<br />

started the first <strong>Buddhist</strong> club at the school.<br />

Later, Most Venerable Sung Jin Thero decided to study<br />

English because he felt the need to learn the language to be<br />

able to communicate with the younger generations of the<br />

world and spent a few years in New Zealand and the United<br />

Kingdom.<br />

Afterward, Most Venerable Sung Jin Thero practiced<br />

Seon in Baekyangsa Unmoon Seonwon which is one of very<br />

famous meditation monastery for 3 years and later took a<br />

position as a director in Jogyesa, the head temple of the Jogye<br />

Order in Korea.<br />

During Venerable Sung Jin Thero time in Jogyesa, He also<br />

took up a role as a manager for the college student club and the<br />

young adult club and pondered upon how they should reach<br />

out to the younger generations. With the college student club,<br />

they ran a fundraiser and created an international volunteer<br />

group within Jogyesa.<br />

Most Venerable Sung Jin Thero stayed with the young<br />

adults in Jogyesa for seven years and learned the hardships<br />

that today’s younger generations face in everyday life and also<br />

realized that it is monks’ duty to help them find wisdom and<br />

energy within themselves to overcome the hardships.<br />

Most Venerable Sung Jin Thero have been using various<br />

mass media to communicate with more people and to<br />

propagate Dharma. For the past 3 years, Most Venerable Sung<br />

Jin Thero had hosted the faith counselling radio program on<br />

BBS (Buddhism Broadcasting System).<br />

Since March.2016, Most Venerable Sung Jin Thero has<br />

lectured easily how to practice and apply Dharma in our daily<br />

life on BBS TV program. The program name is “Happiness<br />

Gongyanggan”. It is a name of a kitchen of a <strong>Buddhist</strong><br />

monastery.<br />

Most Venerable Sung Jin Thero believe getting to work<br />

with “Paramita” Youth Association, which was created by<br />

the Jogye Order for the sole purpose of serving the younger<br />

generations was Buddha’s blessing.<br />

Also, Most Venerable Sung Jin Thero gained a tremendous<br />

hope and courage for the future of our younger generations of<br />

the world that the members of Sangha and lay people around<br />

the world could come together during 2016 WFBY Convention<br />

under Buddha’s mercy.<br />

Most Venerable Sung Jin Thero currently preparing for<br />

the “Paramita” International Youth Camp in Ulsan Korea for<br />

the first time as an executive director. Most Venerable Sung Jin<br />

Thero determined to devote by himself to the congregation so<br />

that the youth of the world gather around and communicate<br />

with each other regardless of ethnicity and nationality and<br />

coordinate towards a better future through the peaceful mind.<br />

Also, Most Venerable Sung Jin Thero wish that the<br />

members of World Fellowship of <strong>Buddhist</strong> Youth (WFBY) could<br />

collaborate to create an annual international youth volunteer<br />

gathering to help other <strong>Buddhist</strong> nations in need.<br />

Lastly, Most Venerable Sung Jin Thero would like to<br />

emphasize that propagation of Dharma is essential for monks<br />

through a quote in Samyutta Nikaya that he give to newly<br />

ordained monks.<br />

According to the Samyutta Nikaya, “Teach, O bhikkhus,<br />

the Dhamma that is good in the beginning, good in the middle,<br />

good in the end, with the right meaning and phrasing. Reveal<br />

the perfectly complete and purified holy life. There are beings<br />

with little dust in their eyes that are falling away because<br />

they do not hear the Dhamma. There will be those who will<br />

understand the Dhamma.”<br />

The Buddha said:<br />

“Pamojjabahulo Bhikku - Pasanno Buddhasasane<br />

Adhigacche Padam Santam -Sankharupasamam Sukham”<br />

(Bhikku Vaggo - Dhammapadaya)<br />

The Bhikkhu who is full of delight and is pleased in the<br />

Dhamma will realize that blissful State - the happiness that is<br />

born of the cessation of conditioned things.<br />

“<strong>Mettavalokanaya</strong>”, as the Sri Lankan leading monthly<br />

<strong>Buddhist</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>, wish to Most Venerable Sung Jin Thero<br />

for his brighter future success as a <strong>Buddhist</strong> High Monk in<br />

the Buddhism. “Sukai Deegauko Bawa” - Live long life full of<br />

health, happiness & success..!!<br />

Buddhika Sanjeewa<br />

34 I fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong><br />

www.meththawalokanaya.com<br />

www.meththawalokanaya.com<br />

fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong> I 35

—;iaid fhaj ;Kaydh wfiai úrd. ksfrdafOda˜<br />

;Kaydj iïmQ¾Kfhka u ÿre lr Tn iqjm;a fjkak'''<br />

<strong>10</strong>9<br />

1<strong>10</strong><br />

—ilaflda WcQ p iQcQ p˜<br />

j.lSï orK wjxl flfkla fjkak<br />

yeufj,djl u lem fjkak'''<br />

—ika;skaøsfhda p ksmflda p˜<br />

ikaiqka b`ÿrka we;s kqjKe;af;l= fjkak'<br />

túg Tn m%NdYajrhs'''<br />

111<br />

112<br />

—jÖmru ñ;a;˜<br />

wfma ÿfla § wms

The Vortex<br />

(Diya Suliya)<br />

A vortex or a whirlpool is formed in a river or in the sea<br />

when a current flowing at high velocity comes against fluid<br />

that is stationary. One can see these in the sea or in any river<br />

that is flowing down. There is visible rotation in the whirlpool<br />

or the vortex. Increase in speed of the current results in<br />

the increasing of centrifugal force and thus suction and the<br />

downward spiral motion of the whirlpool.<br />

In the dependent arising (Patichcha Samupppada) which<br />

is the very foundation of cause & effect explanation, the<br />

consciousness and the name & form (nama & rupa) are said to<br />

lean against each other akin to two bundles of bamboo, each<br />

supporting the other. In the NALA KALAPA Sutta this is well<br />

explained by Arahath Saripuththa. If one bundle is removed<br />

the other one will fall and vice versa. If a person works to find<br />

the path to take off the illustration of the name & form from<br />

the consciousness then that itself is the ultimate liberation or<br />

Nirvana.<br />

What makes the whirlpool? The two, Nama & rupa<br />

with consciousness co-dependent on each other forms the<br />

whirlpool. This is well explained in the last stanza of Jata Sutta.<br />

A god came to see Buddha and asked the following, “Knotted<br />

inside & outside, the worldly are tied in knots. I ask you Buddha<br />

a question, how can the knots be untied?” The Enlightened<br />

One replied,” Steeped in total virtue, of concentration and<br />

mind of wisdom, striving and skilled the Bhikku will unravel<br />

the knot.”<br />

Where the craving, anger and ignorance are no more,<br />

the Arahath cleansed of defiling has untied the knot.” Where<br />

nama & rupa, contact and form-perception are eradicated,<br />

there the knot is totally untied.” It may be noted that in<br />

explaining what non-illustrated consciousness is, it is stated<br />

that where the name & form does not exist even a trace of<br />

it, the consciousness is non-illustrated (the consciousness of<br />

Arahath).<br />

The name (nama) is explained as feeling, perception,<br />

intention, contact and attention. Rupa is that formed of the<br />

four maha bhutha and is the form-perception. Due to worldly<br />

beings lacking in wisdom, perceives in the four bhuthas and<br />

arising from those four bhuthas perceives form. Thus the form<br />

itself is form-perception (rupa sanna).<br />

To a question by one god as to where the current will<br />

cease, and where will the whirlpool stop rotating and where<br />

will the nama & rupa be not illustrated without a trace the<br />

Enlightened One replied that when the four bhuthas are not<br />

registered there the current will cease to flow and the nama<br />

& rupa no more illustrated.<br />

Thus this samsara itself is this continuum of this cycle of<br />

consciousness and name & form leaning against each other<br />

and going round. In the whirlpool the centrifugal force will<br />

suck in all the debris around it in the water and one will see<br />

churning debris. The whirlpool will not be in the same place<br />

all the time but in motion and may well be seen in a different<br />

place sans the debris originally taken in but with new debris.<br />

It is not the same whirlpool nor is it a different one and the<br />

earlier collected debris will now be just floating while the new<br />

debris is now in the vortex.<br />

In a similar way, the vortex of name & form and<br />

consciousness moves from place to place (neither same<br />

nor different), the time frame of having the debris between<br />

birth & death the lifespan and the continuous going around<br />

the sansara of cycles of birth & death. In each existence the<br />

force of the two will collect the debris of four bhuthas and in<br />

humans & other animals it is this somatic body.<br />

In the dwyathanupassana sutta this is further explained.<br />

The time span between birth & death is this life. Rotating<br />

between birth and death is the samsara. Being as this and as<br />

that is the nature of ignorance. Having overcome this great<br />

delusion of ignorance and with arising of wisdom they will not<br />

come to birth again (nibbana).<br />

The worldly beings are not aware of this and believe in<br />

the somatic body as the self. Thus the whole life is often spent<br />

on caring for the somatic body. We wash it, paint, decorate,<br />

put in all kinds of dresses and apply all the perfumes and look<br />

after it with great care. Thus we are embedded in this somatic<br />

body and that itself leads to personality view (Sakkaya Ditti).<br />

With passage of time we relentlessly build the personality<br />

view.<br />

A person is neither a lowly nor an exalted being (Wasala<br />

& Brahmin) by birth. At birth our defilements are dormant<br />

and we do not assimilate new until we grow up. However the<br />

unskilled beings with passage of time assimilate defilements<br />

and soil the mind and thus are the Wasalas. However those<br />

who achieve the sublime liberation from all kilesas will neither<br />

have any left and will not assimilate new kilesas. Such are the<br />

liberated Arahaths and Buddha termed them as Brahmins.<br />

We may illustrate our consciousness with good actions<br />

or bad actions. Yet as the Enlightened One said, a mind that<br />

is not leaky or perplexed and where both Punaya and Papa<br />

Karma are eradicated then such person will no longer have the<br />

fear of this continuum of sansara.<br />

However what do the worldly people do all their life? A<br />

drive from Colombo to Kandy will reveal it all. On both sides<br />

of the road are shops full of clothing of all types for men and<br />

women, bakeries and restaurants with all types of food and<br />

drinks, places where the hair is done, dyed or straightened,<br />

places where the skin will be made beautiful and shiny, places<br />

where you will be dressed up by professionals, places where<br />

your body will be shaped to look great, signage and hoardings<br />

telling folks about products that can make one handsome &<br />

beautiful.<br />

But one will not be able to find a place on either side<br />

of the road which says that they will cleanse the defiled<br />

mind of mundane people. We never place any emphasis on<br />

cleansing our defilements barring a very small percentage<br />

of the population. Yet we spend large sums of money and<br />

much of our time cleaning and brightening this collection of<br />

debris, our body. For the slightest body illness we rush to the<br />

nearest doctor or the hospital but will not think of cleansing<br />

our defilements as and when they arise and instead will churn<br />

those in our mindset.<br />

As one Venerable Bhikku in a recent Dhamma discourse<br />

said, that the textile trade will put up the fashions for April<br />

New Year from the beginning of the year and soon after the<br />

April New Year festivities will put up the fashion wear for the<br />

Vesak Month. This was an indication of how much we adorn<br />

this collection of debris which in any case we will leave behind.<br />

How do we put an end to this whirlpool? The aforesaid<br />

does not mean that one must give up caring for this somatic<br />

body. On the contrary should live well, dress well, use the<br />

cosmetics and perfumes, have good home, eat good food<br />

and have other possessions such as motor car and even aero<br />

planes or a yacht. But deep inside the person must realize that<br />

all these are temporary and with that strive all the time to<br />

cleanse our mindset. This can be done while working or doing<br />

business or driving a car or walking along the road etc & how?<br />

Firstly one must start on Mindfulness Meditation to<br />

bring the ability to have presence of mind. For this the best<br />

meditation technique as I note is breathing meditation. One<br />

need not go to a retreat for this meditation but can practice<br />

while being at home. All one needs is to wake up at least one<br />

hour before the usual time. We must all remember that in<br />

this sansara each one of us would have slept trillions of years<br />

with no positive result. Keeping that in mind (please refer to<br />

Achchara Sanghatha Sutta in Samyuththa Nikaya) we should<br />

attempt to place emphasis on mindfulness meditation to<br />

develop mindfulness.<br />

Mindfulness is the precursor to insight. Possessed<br />

with mindfulness one can progress forward towards insight<br />

(Vipassana). It is all about being in the now and being aware of<br />

what one is doing. It may be working in office or at home, may<br />

be eating food or drinking water, getting dressed up, driving to<br />

work in a motor vehicle or travelling in public transport, taking<br />

a bath or brushing teeth etc. At each moment one must be<br />

mindful and aware of the actions and also of the mind.<br />

Be aware when a thought of hate arise and mindfully be<br />

aware of it ceasing. It can also be thought of craving, delusion,<br />

enmity, anger, desire etc. one must be aware of these arising<br />

and ceasing and not give any value to these thoughts. It<br />

is only when you start giving value these that the thought<br />

process moves forward with ultimate negative results. These<br />

in turn illustrate our consciousness and the name & form and<br />

consciousness continues to lean on each other and keep on<br />

each other as in a whirlpool.<br />

So how does the name & form is together? When there<br />

is a Nama of a nature, of a characteristic, of a sign and of a<br />

topic then that gives to host of words describing the Rupa.<br />

When there is a Rupa of a nature, of a characteristic, of a sign<br />

and of a topic then it gives rise to friction in the Nama. When<br />

of a nature, of a characteristic, of a sign and of a topic there<br />

is Nama & Rupa then there is host of words of description<br />

and ensuing friction. When there is no Nama/Rupa there is no<br />

contact (Passa).<br />

In the stanza on the six touch agencies, the Enlightened<br />

One said the world is formed of the six touch-agencies, the six<br />

are the ones that associate everything, having grasped it all<br />

with the six touch-agencies, the worldly beings lament on the<br />

six touch-agencies. Thus this world is not that the one outside<br />

but of our six touch-agencies.<br />

Meditation and introspection of Dhamma and its<br />

application to one’s life enables that person to slowly and<br />

surely overcome the burden of nama/rupa. In the Maha<br />

Nidhana Sutta Enlightened One has shown how the beings<br />

go in this sansara due to their inability to comprehend this<br />

dependent arising, of nama/rupa and that of nama/rupa and<br />

consciousness. So the path is vividly clear. Go fort and strive to<br />

end this inglorious sansara.<br />

One has broken the cycle, attained freedom from desire.<br />

The dried-up stream no longer flows. The whirlpool broken no<br />

longer turns. This is the end of Dhukka. (Udana 7.62)<br />

Sugath Rajapakse<br />

Formerly Senior Commercial Manager at Sri Lankan<br />

Airlines and presently Consultant to<br />

Air India GSA in Sri Lanka.<br />

38 I fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong><br />

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fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong> I 39

fï Tn olskafka;a" lshjkafka;a''''<br />

ñhekaudrfha fndÿ wisßh hs''''<br />

Amazing <strong>Buddhist</strong> Heritage<br />

in Myanmar….<br />

tod wm —nqreuh˜ f,iska y`ÿkajkq ,enQ fï w;s iqkaor<br />

foaYh j¾;udkfha § y`ÿkajkq ,nkafka" —ñhekaudrh˜ hk<br />

kñks' f:arjdo nqÿ oyu jvd;a fY%aIaGj mj;sk ñhekaudrh"<br />

ishjia .Kkdjla wE;g ish b;sydih /f.k hkq ,nkafka"<br />

uy;a wNsudkhlsks'<br />

w;sYh jákd" ñ, l< fkd yels f,dal fn!oaO Wreuhka<br />

/ilg u ñhekaudrh ysñlï lshhs' hex.+ka w.kqjr yd<br />

uekavf,a fukau ;j;a k.r /ila wdY%s;j msysgd we;s fuu<br />

fn!oaO Wreuhka" ksrka;rfhka u f,dal fndÿkqjkaf.a ksn`o<br />

jkaokdjg md;% fõ'<br />

f,dajeishkaf.a úi,a wdl¾IKhla Èkd .;a<br />

ñhekaudr W;=ï foaYfha —Yafõof.dka mef.davd˜ rka<br />

fld;a ffp;HhrdchdKka jykafia bka m%Odk ;ekla .kS'<br />

yiskaìhqIska rc;=ukaf.a ks¾udKhla jYfhka yhjk<br />

ishjfia § lkaoõhs jeõ;djq,af,a bÈl< fuu wisßu;a<br />

ffp;HrchdKka jykafiaf.a Wi wä ;=kaish úis ;=kla jk<br />

w;r" rka ;yvq wdjrKhka iys; .fvd,ska fuh ;kd we;'<br />

iSkqjl yevfhka Èiajk Yafõof.dka ffp;HrdchdKka<br />

jykafia" ksixi, rd;%S ld,fha § ujk iqkaor;ajh ieneúka<br />

u whialdka;h'<br />

tfukau" —f.da,avka frdla˜ ke;fyd;a" —f.da,avka mef.<br />

davd˜ kñka y`ÿkajkq ,nk" rka wdf,ams; .,a m¾j;hl msysá<br />

óg¾ y; yudrla muK Wie;s ffp;HrdchdKka jykafia<br />

kula o ñhekaudrfha msysgd ;sfí' nqÿrcdKka jykafiaf.a<br />

flaY Od;+ka jykafia,d ksoka fldg b`Èlr we;s fuu<br />

ffp;HrdchdKka jykafia o uyd ydialï j,ska msreKq tlls'<br />

l`ÿ j

Y%S iq.; iïud iïnqÿrcdKka<br />

jykafiaf.a W;am;a;sh;a"<br />

Y%S iïud iïnqoaO;ajh;a" uyd<br />

mßks¾jdKh;a isÿ jQ fï<br />

W;=ï fjila mqr mif

—;;a: ;;af: j mQðf;d˜<br />

yeu flfkla u .re lrk flfkla fjkak'''<br />

127<br />

128<br />

—talka;x jd mixisf;da˜<br />

fï f,dafla ;kslr u m%Yxidj ú;rla ,nmq wh keye'''<br />

—w:jd mk fm;dkx ld,l;dkx olaÅKx wkqmoiai;s˜<br />

wfma wïu,d ;d;a;,d ñh mrf,dj .shdg miafi ta wh<br />

fjkqfjka wms mskalï lr,d mska fm;a wkqfudaoka lruq'''<br />

122<br />

—mdm Ñ;a;x ksjdrfh˜<br />

Tfí ys; ish¨ mdmhkaf.ka j,lajd .kak'<br />

t;fldg Tfí is; yßu msßisÿhs'''<br />

124<br />

121<br />

—wNs;a:fr: l,HdfK˜<br />

fyd`o fohla lrkak lsisu fj,djl miqng fjkak tmd''' Tn<br />

ksjerÈ kï Tnj jÜgjkak ldgj;a u neye'''<br />

123<br />

—wdfrda.H ñÉfÊ mrukx p ,dNx˜<br />

Tfí ksfrda.Slu .ek ks;r is;kak' is;;a" lh;a<br />

iqjm;a kï tal fudk;rï fohla o@'''<br />

—Lka;S n,x n,dKslx˜<br />

bjiSu lsh,d lshkafka uyd n,hla" cjhla'''<br />

130<br />

—wdijd úyd: mß,dyd˜<br />

ys;g wdidj,a tkak tkak wms ±fjkjd'<br />

talhs h:d iajNdjh'''<br />

132<br />

129<br />

—wÑka;s;ïms Nj;s˜<br />

wms ys;k m;k foaj,a yeu fj,djl u isoaO fjkafka keye'<br />

fkd ys;kd foaj,a mjd isÿ fjhs'''<br />

131<br />

Tn ;nkd id¾:l mshjrla" ksr¾:l jpk ishhla lshjkjdg;a<br />

jvd fnfyúka w.fkah'''<br />

A true step on the path merits more than a hundred<br />

shallow words adorned with tinsel…<br />

—iql; lïuldrld˜<br />

;ukaf.a jev fldgi yßhg u lrkak lem fjkak'''<br />

125<br />

126<br />

Tfí is; ksrka;rfhka ksoyiaj" ksjy,aj ;nkd l, bka Tng<br />

ksula ke;s i;=gla ,efnkq ksh;h'''<br />

An ordinary mind is a mind of utmost<br />

freedom, utmost joy…<br />

44 I fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong><br />

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—ðkidik mßydksx Èiajd wNsjâäx jdhu;s˜<br />

Y%S iïnqoaOYdifka msßfykak fokak tmd' th /l .ekSu NsCIq"<br />

NsCIqKS" Wmdil" Wmdisld Tn wm ieuf.a u<br />

hq;=lula yd j.lSula'''<br />

139<br />

140<br />

—h:dn,xixúNd.rf;dfyd;s˜<br />

;sfhk fohla fnod yodf.k lkak fndkak mqreÿ fjkak'<br />

talhs úh hq;af;a'''<br />

—ÿ,a,fNd w`ä. iïmkafkd—<br />

yeufoalskau wx.iïmQ¾K jqk wh fï f,dafl yß u wvqhs'''<br />

133<br />

—fij: jqoafO ksmqfK nyqiaiqf;˜<br />

kqjKe;af;da u weiqre lrkak' túg Tn<br />

whdf,a hkafka keye'''<br />

141<br />

134<br />

—lïud úmdld j;a;ka;s˜<br />

lrk ,o l¾u wkqj wmg úmdl ,efnkjd' tal iaÓrhs'''<br />

142<br />

—l,HdfKk ukid wkqlïmka;s˜<br />

fu;a is;ska yefudag u wdYs¾jdo lrkak' Tnf.a wdYs¾jdoh<br />

wka whg uyd msájy,la fõú'''<br />

—ioafOd iSf,k iïmkafkda˜<br />

Y%oaOdfjka msreKq" is,aj;alñka msreKq .=Kj;a<br />

flfkla fjkak'''<br />

136<br />

135<br />

—iífí mD:.ackd Wkauka;ld˜<br />

yefudau fï flf,ia rd.fhka u;a fj,hs bkafka'''<br />

—iqixúys; lïuka;d˜<br />

f.or lghq;= Tn fyd`Èka ixúOdkh lr.kak'''<br />

144<br />

143<br />

;rd;srñka j;a" j;afmdfydi;alï j,ska j;a ljodlj;a id¾:lNdjh ueksh<br />

fkd yel' wm id¾:l úh hq;af;a wka whg;a wdo¾Yhla jk mßoafoka h'''<br />

Don’t measure success and failure by wealth or poverty work<br />

only to benefit yourself and others with<br />

all your heart and strength…<br />

—iïud ÈÜÀfld fyd;s wm.; fld;=y, ux.,sfld˜<br />

hym;a ±laula ;sfhk flfkla fjkak'''<br />

137<br />

mq`M,a uki;a" ÿr olakd kqjK;a i;a;lska u Tfí ÈhqKqjg<br />

fya;= mdol fjkjd uhs'''<br />

138 Be solid and forthright have a great open heart be sure and<br />

steady in accomplishment with vision<br />

penetrating and far reaching…<br />

46 I fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong><br />

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fu;a;djf,dalkh I úfYaI fjila l,dmh I <strong>2017</strong> I 47

—lïukd fyda;s n%dyaufKda˜<br />

fyd`o jev lrk flkd Wiia flfkla úÈyghs<br />

yefudau ms

—l=oafOda Oïux k miai;s˜<br />

lsfmk whg lju ljrodlj;a oyu fkd fmfka' foweia<br />

;snqK;a lsfmk ksid u Tjqka wkaOhs'''<br />

151<br />

152<br />

—Oïux wkq úÑka;shx˜<br />

O¾uh h

fu;a;djf,dalkfha ks¾ud;D" iNdm;s fukau m%Odk l¾;D nqoaêl ixÔj jk ud úiska fu;a;djf,dalk fn!oaO m%ldYk uOHia:dkfha m%ldYkhla jYfhka fuh j¾I <strong>2017</strong> uehs<br />

ui 02 fjksod fld

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