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the Isle of Werewolves. He is, or will be, Sauron. Tevildo and his realm of cats have<br />

disappeared.<br />

But in the background another significant element in the legend had emerged after The<br />

Tale of Tinúviel was written: this concerns the father of Beren. Egnor the forester, the<br />

Gnome ‘who hunted in the darker places of Hisilómë’ (p. 41) has gone. Now, in the passage<br />

from the Sketch just given, his father is Barahir, ‘a famous chieftain of Men’: driven into<br />

hiding by the growing hostile power of Morgoth, his hiding was betrayed, and he was slain.<br />

‘His son Beren after a life outlawed flees south, crosses the Shadowy Mountains, and after<br />

grievous hardships comes to Doriath. Of this and his other adventures is told in The Lay of<br />


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