SACOME Annual Report 2013-14

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20<strong>14</strong><br />

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Strengthening South Australia’s Resources Industry<br />

South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy



ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong><br />


President’s report 4<br />

Chief Executive’s report 5<br />

Leading change 6<br />

Governance 6<br />

Committees & boards 7<br />

Shaping policy 9<br />

Exploration Development Incentive 9<br />

Environment 10<br />

Land access 11<br />

Energy & climate change 12<br />

Election priorities 13<br />

Submissions 16<br />

Infrastructure 17<br />

Increasing industry awareness 18<br />

Developing skills 20<br />

Promoting our members 22<br />


<strong>SACOME</strong> staff as at September 20<strong>14</strong>, from left to right: Victoria Webster, Membership & Sponsorship Officer; Stephen<br />

Batten, Communications Officer; Paula La Forgia, Executive Assistant; Dayne Eckermann, Policy Analyst & Researcher;<br />

Lisa Jeffery, Manager Professional Development; John Cocks, Director Strategy & Governance; Nigel Long, Director<br />

Corporate Social Responsibility; Jason Kuchel, Chief Executive; Jonathon Forbes, Director Industry Development; Megan<br />

Andrews, Director Membership & Communications; Layla Mignone, Manager Member Relations; Margaret Donaldson,<br />

Finance Officer; Lewis Stoll, HSE&C Officer; Melissa Becirevic, Events Officer; Ewa Buscumb, Receptionist.<br />

Sharing information 24<br />

Connecting people 26<br />

Improving relationships 28<br />

Community engagement 28<br />

Indigenous relations 30<br />

Our resources community 31<br />

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<strong>SACOME</strong> thanks the State Library for providing our photo location - the Treasures Wall - which showcases South Australia’s natural industries,<br />

displaying panels of copper, gold, iron ore and other commodities together with cattle hide, wool, wheat, grapevine prunings and more.<br />

South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy<br />

Image: James Knowler<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 20<strong>14</strong> 3


In last year’s <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> I attempted to impart some<br />

appreciation of the multi-faceted activities undertaken in a year<br />

by <strong>SACOME</strong>. I suspected that the true extent of our activities was<br />

not all that well understood.<br />

The year under review (<strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong>) saw the<br />

furthest spreading of our activities and I will<br />

summarise some of the key initiatives here.<br />

The Federal and State elections provided<br />

the platform for <strong>SACOME</strong> to establish 20 key<br />

priority polices to present to each political<br />

party and to the public.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>’s priorities for the Federal election<br />

focussed on establishment of a Flow Through<br />

Shares model for exploration companies,<br />

infrastructure development, amendments<br />

to the Petroleum Resource Rent Tax (PRRT)<br />

and repeal of the Minerals Resource Rent<br />

Tax (MRRT), bilateral agreements under the<br />

Environment Protection and Biodiversty<br />

Conservation (EPBC) Act, Native Title funding,<br />

taxation rules, and the Diesel Fuel Credit.<br />

Each of the parties’ active in South Australia<br />

had an opportunity to respond to <strong>SACOME</strong><br />

on where they stood on each of these<br />

policies. The successful lobbying activities,<br />

consistent media attention and public<br />

awareness sought the introduction of the<br />

flow through shares model as the Exploration<br />

Development Incentive (EDI), the repeal of<br />

the MRRT legislation, and the retention of the<br />

rules for the Diesel Fuel Excise.<br />

In March this year <strong>SACOME</strong> presented its ten<br />

State election priorities to the major parties,<br />

media and the public. It was pleasing to see<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> continuing to push and discuss<br />

publically the issues that were important to<br />

the industry during the election, even if it<br />

drew the ire from some.<br />

As a result, our industry is recognised as<br />

the number one economic priority by the<br />

State Government. Centres of excellence<br />

are presently being built to assist South<br />

Australians access the skilled jobs in the<br />

resources industry, and the establishment of<br />

a Regional Mining Infrastructure Taskforce to<br />

facilitate infrastructure for resources projects.<br />

The twenty policies that formed our election<br />

priorities relied on the continued input of the<br />

many committees we develop and facilitate.<br />

The successful outcomes of many of these<br />

policies highlight that with a continued and<br />

united message, the industry can continue<br />

to develop and provide prosperity to South<br />

Australia.<br />

On behalf of the Council and myself I thank<br />

each and every member of our <strong>SACOME</strong><br />

team for another year of hard work and<br />

commitment under the excellent leadership<br />

of our Chief Executive Jason Kuchel.<br />

The industry in South Australia certainly<br />

has challenges ahead, but with continued<br />

collaboration and engagement with the<br />

government and the public, I think there<br />

remains a very bright future on the horizon.<br />

John Roberts<br />

President<br />

There is never a dull moment working at <strong>SACOME</strong> and<br />

accordingly there is never a dull year. Each and every year seems<br />

to grow in terms of our activities and influence.<br />

This particular financial year has seen us with<br />

both Federal and State elections, and Local<br />

Government elections nearing, a change of<br />

Federal Government, all this means changes<br />

to Ministers and policies, legislation and<br />

regulation.<br />

Pre and post elections bring much work,<br />

however they have also brought significant<br />

success. At a State level, many of our top ten<br />

priorities have been supported by the State<br />

Government including a commitment to<br />

look at the business case for government<br />

involvement in infrastructure to advance the<br />

resources sector, and budgeted funding for a<br />

new core library.<br />

At Federal level, we have commitments<br />

to introduce an Exploration Development<br />

Incentive (known to many in the industry<br />

as a minerals exploration Tax Credit or Flow<br />

Through Shares Scheme); repealing of the<br />

Mineral Resources Rent Tax and also the<br />

Carbon Tax.<br />

Our bi-partisan approach to working with<br />

both sides of politics at all levels, rather than<br />

picking winners has also put us in good stead<br />

with both major parties and has helped<br />

elevate us to being one of the most influential<br />

industry lobby bodies in South Australia.<br />

We have introduced exciting new initiatives<br />

like Dirt TV. We’ve had record attendances at<br />

our two key conferences and annual dinner<br />

and we have attracted grant funding for<br />

training in excess of $330,000.<br />

The year has not been without its challenges<br />

to many of the members we represent and<br />

hence also to us as their industry body. The<br />

exploration sector has continued to find<br />

capital raising amongst the most difficult<br />

historically and we have seen several mine<br />

closures, albeit offset with increased activity<br />

from some in the minerals industry. Our<br />

oil & gas membership on the other hand<br />

has seen some incredible growth, but with<br />

this success a greater target is created for<br />

anti-fossil fuel campaigners leading to the<br />

State Opposition promising a parliamentary<br />

inquiry into fracture stimulation in the South<br />

East just before the recent State election.<br />

Increasing land access issues, stricter<br />

environmental conditions, variable<br />

commodity prices and a tough share market<br />

means even greater vigilance for <strong>SACOME</strong>.<br />

I would like to thank our Councillors for the<br />

direction they provide and for the tireless<br />

work of our committee chairs and members,<br />

including our newly integrated Women in<br />

Resources SA Committee.<br />

I also thank our staff for their tireless efforts<br />

and constant ability to rise to any new<br />

challenge thrown at us. We are better today<br />

than we were a year ago and I have full<br />

confidence in my team that we will be even<br />

better again next year.<br />

Jason Kuchel<br />

Chief Executive<br />

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<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 20<strong>14</strong> 5




The South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy (<strong>SACOME</strong>) is the peak industry<br />

body representing all companies with interests in the minerals, petroleum, energy<br />

and extractive sectors in South Australia, including those who provide services to<br />

these companies.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> administers a number of committees and thanks all committee participants for their<br />

valuable role.<br />

As at 30 June 20<strong>14</strong>, <strong>SACOME</strong>’s current committees are:<br />

Petroleum Committee<br />

Established in 1979, <strong>SACOME</strong> has grown hand-in-hand with industry over thirty<br />

five years, supporting and promoting its growth. A not for profit, non-government<br />

organisation, <strong>SACOME</strong> seeks to identify industry challenges and opportunities and<br />

action change.<br />

Under the direction of its Council, <strong>SACOME</strong> has the representation and influence<br />

to provide a powerful and united industry voice. <strong>SACOME</strong> acknowledges the<br />

Councillors who have volunteered their expertise and time over the <strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong> year,<br />

including resigned Councillors Jim White (sadly deceased, Centrex Metals) and Steven<br />

Olsen (Rex Minerals).<br />

Councillors as at 30 June 20<strong>14</strong>:<br />

John Roberts<br />

Mithril Resources<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> President<br />

Alice McCleary<br />

Archer Exploration<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> Vice President<br />

Terry Burgess<br />

OZ Minerals<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> Vice President<br />

Darryl Cuzzubbo<br />

BHP Billiton<br />

Editorial - SA Mines & Energy Journal Committee<br />

Chaired by: Megan Andrews<br />

Contact: Megan Andrews<br />

The SA Mines & Energy Journal committee includes key members of<br />

our resources industry who are experienced and knowledgeable on<br />

various facets of the sector, ensuring the journal remains relevant,<br />

balanced and accurate.<br />

Executive Committee<br />

President: John Roberts, Mithril Resources<br />

Contact: Jason Kuchel<br />

The Executive Committee is a sub-committee of the <strong>SACOME</strong> council<br />

and meets to discuss and sign off on high level constitutional and<br />

administrative issues. The Executive Committee also performs the<br />

functions of the Finance and Audit Committee.<br />

Chaired by: Michael Forrest, inFORRM<br />

Contact: Nigel Long<br />

As the only South Australian association representing the oil & gas<br />

sector, <strong>SACOME</strong> plays a vital role in policy development. The Petroleum<br />

Committee was established during the year to further the interest of<br />

this key sector by identifying and addressing priority issues, maintaining<br />

awareness amongst decision makers of industry actions and concerns,<br />

and identifying projects and regulatory change to assist the industry.<br />

Its key tasks are identifying and addressing priority issues across<br />

exploration, approvals processes, land access, public awareness, Native<br />

Title, and energy and climate change; both at state and national levels.<br />

The committee will also provide a forum for the exchange of relevant<br />

information and resources, and recognise and promote leading<br />

practice strategies.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>’s membership comprises<br />

Andrew Stocks<br />

Iron Road<br />

David Cruickshanks-Boyd<br />

Parsons Brinckerhoff<br />

Mike Flynn<br />

Santos<br />

John McRae<br />

Senex Energy<br />

Joe Ranford<br />

Terramin<br />

Terry Kallis<br />

Petratherm<br />

Yvonne Green<br />

Iluka Resources<br />

Guy Roberts<br />

Penrice Soda<br />

George McKenzie<br />

Finlaysons<br />

Simon Parsons<br />

IMX Resources<br />

Exploration Committee<br />

Chaired by: Nicole Galloway Warland, Phoenix Copper<br />

Contact: Jonathon Forbes<br />

The Exploration Committee is a valuable forum to bring out the issues<br />

affecting explorers in South Australia. Discussion highlights changes<br />

needed to policy or processes and helps guide <strong>SACOME</strong>’s policy and<br />

advocacy work and input to submissions. Issues worked on over the<br />

year included:<br />

• land access<br />

• Native Title – part 9b<br />

• exploration PEPR • Mining Act review<br />

• PACE scheme review • workplace safety<br />

63 minerals & petroleum companies,<br />

including all minerals & petroleum<br />

producers in SA.<br />

Occupational Health & Safety Committee<br />

Contact: Nigel Long<br />

The Occupational Health and Safety Committee seeks to improve<br />

the safety and health of all employees in South Australia’s resources<br />

industry with the objective of an industry free of fatalities, injuries and<br />

occupational disease.<br />

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<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 20<strong>14</strong> 7

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Project Development Working Group<br />

Contact: Jonathon Forbes<br />

The Project Development Working Group was formed in <strong>2013</strong> to<br />

discuss common issues amongst companies going through the<br />

approvals process towards gaining a Mineral Lease in South Australia.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>’s internal committees<br />

and representation on external<br />

boards provide formal structures for<br />

consultation, information gathering,<br />

advice & recommendations to<br />

government.<br />

Women in Resources SA<br />

Chaired by: Julia Dnistrianski, Finlaysons Lawyers<br />

Contact: Nigel Long<br />

The Women in Resources South Australia committee (WinRSA) was<br />

established in 2010 to provide opportunities for women in the State’s<br />

resources sector to network, discuss common issues, and promote<br />

the participation of women in the industry. In November <strong>2013</strong> this<br />

committee integrated with <strong>SACOME</strong> to enable greater administrative<br />

and project support and increased collaboration with industry and<br />

other industry groups.<br />

WinRSA held two events following integration with <strong>SACOME</strong>, themed<br />

“Resources, Resilience and the Rhetoric” and “Getting a Seat at the<br />

Table”. The committee also finalised its strategic plan with a focus on:<br />

• continuing its highly successful networking events<br />

• increasing mentoring opportunities within the sector<br />

• encouraging and supporting women into senior leadership roles<br />

through education and awareness<br />

• identifying key stakeholders to support and collaborate with the<br />

committee<br />


Sustainable Development Committee<br />

Chaired by: Angie Smyth, Arrium<br />

Contact: Lewis Stoll<br />

The Sustainable Development Committee assists in developing policy<br />

and facilitating improvement in environmental management and<br />

legislation, community and stakeholder engagement, and industry<br />

promotion. Over the year the committee remained informed on policy<br />

and legislative issues affecting the resources sectors. The committee<br />

was involved in <strong>SACOME</strong>’s discussions with the South Australian<br />

Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR)<br />

surrounding proposed changes to Native Vegetation policy; assisted<br />

in facilitating <strong>SACOME</strong>’s Environmental Open Day; drove <strong>SACOME</strong>’s<br />

involvement in Science Alive (held in August 20<strong>14</strong>); and assisted<br />

with production of complementary tools to the Code of Practice<br />

for Community and Stakeholder Engagement and the <strong>SACOME</strong> Air<br />

Quality Project.<br />

Eyre Peninsula Mining Alliance Committee<br />

Chaired by: Anya Hart, Eyre Iron<br />

Contact: Jonathon Forbes<br />

In November <strong>2013</strong>, the Eyre Peninsula Mining Alliance (EPMA) joined<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> as a designated Committee. After working for almost three<br />

years as an independent body, the EPMA approached <strong>SACOME</strong><br />

to discuss the benefits of operating as a <strong>SACOME</strong> Committee. The<br />

committee’s key objectives are to secure commitment from the State<br />

Government for a mining industry on the Eyre Peninsula and advocate<br />

for policies that consider the needs of exploration and mining<br />

companies, including social and economic infrastructure expansion.<br />

External boards and committees<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> participates on a large range of influential external boards,<br />

committees and working groups to ensure the industry’s voice is<br />

heard on each and every issue that impacts on the sector. These<br />

include the State Government’s Mining Industry Participation Office<br />

and the Resources & Energy Sector Infrastructure Council as well as<br />

the State’s unconventional gas working groups.<br />

SA Unconventional Gas Working Groups<br />

With the release of the State Government’s Roadmap for<br />

Unconventional Gas Projects in South Australia, <strong>SACOME</strong> was asked to<br />

provide representation on five Working Groups.<br />


<strong>SACOME</strong>’s aim to promote a safe, enduring,<br />

valued and profitable resources sector is<br />

underpinned by our most important activity<br />

– influencing policy. A range of priorities were<br />

focussed on throughout <strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong>, highlighted<br />

by several wins.<br />

Exploration<br />

Development<br />

Incentive<br />

Since 2008, <strong>SACOME</strong> has been in direct consultation with Government<br />

to develop a minerals exploration tax credit, otherwise known as a<br />

Flow Through Shares scheme. As part of their <strong>2013</strong> election policy<br />

platform, the Coalition announced that should they win office, they<br />

would introduce an Exploration Development Incentive (EDI) scheme<br />

to allow investors to deduct the expense of mining exploration<br />

against their taxable income.<br />

Targeted at small exploration companies by limiting eligibility to<br />

companies with no taxable income, the scheme applied to investments<br />

made from 1 July 20<strong>14</strong> and capped at $100 million over forward<br />

estimates. That promise was kept and in February 20<strong>14</strong>, after years of<br />

persistent lobbying by <strong>SACOME</strong> - including developing an Australian tax<br />

system compatible model - <strong>SACOME</strong> contributed to a direct stakeholder<br />

submission which assisted Treasury in producing its public policy<br />

document. The policy paper was released in March for consultation<br />

and <strong>SACOME</strong> made a further submission in April 20<strong>14</strong>.<br />

On 2 July 20<strong>14</strong>, the Federal Government released a paper outlining<br />

the operation of the EDI. This paper has been released ahead of<br />

draft legislation and explanatory materials to finally give effect to<br />

the Incentive. <strong>SACOME</strong> will continue to be at the forefront of design<br />

on this important initiative and acknowledges <strong>SACOME</strong> Councillor,<br />

Ms Alice McCleary for developing our model and subsequently<br />

assisting <strong>SACOME</strong> with Federal consultation throughout the year.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> initiated EDI lobbying in<br />

2008. After years of persistence<br />

including gathering support from<br />

other bodies & developing a suggested<br />

model, the incentive was approved.<br />

South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 20<strong>14</strong> 9




<strong>SACOME</strong>’s policy work included pro active and<br />

reactive environmental activities.<br />

Native Vegetation Policy Changes<br />

In June <strong>2013</strong>, the Department for Environment, Water & Natural<br />

Resources (DEWNR) proposed a number of changes to the Significant<br />

Environmental Benefit (SEB) native vegetation offsets policy linked<br />

to the Native Vegetation Act 1991. Among the changes were a revised<br />

methodology for SEB payments and changes to clearance offset ratios.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> had a number of concerns with the initial proposal and,<br />

through its Sustainable Development Committee, was closely<br />

engaged with DEWNR in the form of stakeholder forums and the<br />

production of policy submissions, one outlining an industry preferred<br />

approach. The final policy is due to be released by DEWNR late in 20<strong>14</strong>.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> also produced a high level policy position in light of the<br />

proposed policy changes from DEWNR.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>’s underlying principle is that physical native vegetation<br />

offsets should be encouraged and facilitated by a policy that will not<br />

discourage project development, and has the flexibility to accredit a<br />

variety of means for achieving SEB as a result of vegetation clearance.<br />

Air Quality Project<br />

In November <strong>2013</strong> <strong>SACOME</strong> undertook a review into the application<br />

of air quality standards and monitoring frameworks for particulates<br />

currently applied to operating mines within South Australia. All<br />

relevant operational mines participated in the review, which looked<br />

at the applicability and efficiency of the standards and monitoring<br />

systems employed at each site, with specific focus on particulates<br />

less than 10 microns in size (PM10). The review is expected to be<br />

completed and published in late 20<strong>14</strong>.<br />

Land access is a priority policy area for <strong>SACOME</strong>’s industry members.<br />

Woomera Prohibited Area<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> has been intimately involved with the issue of access to the<br />

Woomera Prohibited Area (WPA) for many years.<br />

From high level meetings with Defence staff to submissions to the<br />

2011 Hawke Review and Federal consultations on legislation, <strong>SACOME</strong><br />

has been at the forefront to ensure explorers get the best possible<br />

access to the highly prospective WPA. Most recently, <strong>SACOME</strong> was<br />

involved in the shaping of the Defence Legislation Amendment<br />

(Woomera Prohibited Area) Bill <strong>2013</strong>, which came into law in July<br />

20<strong>14</strong>. The WPA Rules (which set the rules for operational matters) are<br />

expected to be released in August 20<strong>14</strong> for consultation, to which<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> will make a submission.<br />

Native Title – Part 9B<br />

Over the last 12 months, <strong>SACOME</strong> has continued to lobby<br />

Government regarding the regulation of Part 9B and the new<br />

‘unofficial’ policy on ‘trigger points’ when an agreement or<br />

determination becomes necessary. Part 9B of the Mining Act 1971<br />

(Mining Act) sets out what procedures must be undertaken prior<br />

to the conduct of mining operations (which includes exploration<br />

activities) on ‘native title land’.<br />

The only circumstances under which exploration is permitted<br />

on native title land without having to obtain an agreement or<br />

determination, is if the proposed activities will not affect native title;<br />

ie. they will not be wholly or partly inconsistent with the continued<br />

existence, enjoyment or exercise of rights deriving from Native Title<br />

(section 63F of the Mining Act). In practice, this has meant exploration<br />

companies could carry out broad scale regional exploration without<br />

the time and expense of negotiating a Part 9B Agreement until such<br />

time as requires significant ground disturbing activity.<br />

which use of ‘declared equipment’ is required to be authorised under<br />

the Mining Act. <strong>SACOME</strong> feels this is too restrictive and will adversely<br />

affect regional exploration.<br />

Accordingly, <strong>SACOME</strong> has been lobbying for a definition of what<br />

would not affect native title. This should be the definition of early<br />

exploration activities as defined in various Indigenous Land Use<br />

Agreements (ILUAs).<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> participated in a DMITRE (now DSD, the Department of<br />

State Development) run workshop in April 20<strong>14</strong> to explore the<br />

issues of industry relating to Part 9B of the Mining Act and how it is<br />

being regulated. Following this consultation, a similar forum was<br />

convened with the Native Title parties’ lawyers in June 20<strong>14</strong>. <strong>SACOME</strong><br />

is anticipating a report on these forums and a “next steps” outline to be<br />

available by the end of August 20<strong>14</strong>.<br />

Opening up the WPA has been a slow<br />

process, beginning with a review by<br />

Federal Government announced in<br />

2010. Since then, <strong>SACOME</strong> has achieved<br />

66% of our recommendations to the<br />

deed of access and has consulted and<br />

provided submissions to legislation<br />

and the Defence Legislation<br />

Amendment (WPA) Bill.<br />

The State Government has implemented an ‘unofficial’ policy by<br />

defining exploration activities that affect native title to be the point at<br />

10 South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 20<strong>14</strong> 11




<strong>SACOME</strong>’s lobbying and submission work in regards to climate change policy was actioned on our<br />

own and collaboratively.<br />

Renewable Energy Target Review<br />

In May 20<strong>14</strong>, <strong>SACOME</strong> produced a submission to the Federal<br />

Government regarding the statutory review of the Renewable Energy<br />

Target (RET). The submission highlighted <strong>SACOME</strong>’s support for<br />

mechanisms that cultivate government and industry partnerships and<br />

the commercialisation of new technologies, but also raised a number<br />

of key issues and recommendations;<br />

• That the RET, if continued, should be reflective of current and<br />

forecasted electricity demand patterns.<br />

• That exemption arrangements for self-generation should allow<br />

for resource developments in remote areas to supply electricity<br />

beyond the legislated 1km limit.<br />

• That any policy framework should adequately account for cost<br />

competitiveness.<br />

• That solar uptake schemes such as feed-in tariffs have distorted the<br />

energy market and increased electricity prices.<br />

• That the RET has facilitated the decommissioning of coal fired<br />

power stations without replacing this output in equal measure due<br />

to the intermittency issues associated with renewable technology.<br />

• That climate change and energy policy should be integrated with<br />

and driven by the key objectives of the Energy White Paper.<br />

Energy White Paper<br />

The Coalition-commissioned Energy White Paper is due for<br />

completion late in 20<strong>14</strong>. <strong>SACOME</strong> joined the MCA in co-badging<br />

a submission to a draft released in December <strong>2013</strong>. While the RET<br />

review fits into the policy agenda articulated in the draft, among the<br />

key differences to the previous Government’s White Paper was the<br />

reference to nuclear energy as an emerging alternative energy source,<br />

which the industry’s submission supported.<br />

In February 20<strong>14</strong> <strong>SACOME</strong> joined<br />

wth other industry bodies in a<br />

nationally coordinated submission to<br />

the Emissions Reduction Fund – the<br />

key pillar of the Coalition’s climate<br />

change policy.<br />

‘Carbon Tax’ repeal and the Emissions Reduction Fund<br />

As part of its election priorities, <strong>SACOME</strong> lobbied for the removal<br />

of Labor’s fixed price Carbon Pricing Mechanism (i.e. ‘Carbon Tax’)<br />

to a floating, market price on emissions units with more adequate<br />

assistance for trade exposed sectors.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> also produced an overview of both the Coalition and<br />

Labor’s policies entering the <strong>2013</strong> election along with the likely policy<br />

scenario for each respective election result.<br />

In February 20<strong>14</strong>, <strong>SACOME</strong> was involved in a nationally coordinated<br />

submission on the Emissions Reduction Fund, the key pillar of the<br />

Coalition’s climate change policy. The submission focussed primarily<br />

on the design of the fund and the baselines for which emissions<br />

reductions or exceedances would be measured. With the Carbon Tax<br />

set to be repealed with the change in Senate composition later in<br />

20<strong>14</strong>, <strong>SACOME</strong> will continue to engage the Federal Government on its<br />

Direct Action policy and monitor developments in this space.<br />

Leading up to the Federal Election in <strong>2013</strong>,<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> lobbied for key resources industry<br />

policies. Over the <strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong> year, the State<br />

election dominated our lobbying work.<br />

State Election 20<strong>14</strong><br />

Over the <strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong> year, the March State election comprised a large<br />

proportion of <strong>SACOME</strong>’s lobbying efforts. <strong>SACOME</strong> determined 10<br />

priorities with a focus on the following:<br />

Innovative funding arrangements to stimulate resource<br />

infrastructure<br />

In South Australia there is a need for both logistical and utility<br />

infrastructure. A lack of capital capacity amongst junior mining<br />

companies means there is a market failure with key infrastructure<br />

projects. These include a cape-size port for bulk commodity export<br />

and reinforcement of existing electricity transmission to allow<br />

higher loads to be placed on the network. <strong>SACOME</strong> asked the South<br />

Australian Government, in conjunction with Federal finance bodies,<br />

to develop innovative funding arrangements to stimulate these<br />

essential projects.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> recommended the first projects assisted by government<br />

should be a cape size vessel port in the Spencer Gulf on the Eyre<br />

Peninsula, upgrade to a 275kV transmission line along the eastern<br />

flank of the Eyre Peninsula, and the sealing of the Strzelecki track in the<br />

Cooper Basin.<br />

Maximising access to land for the mineral & petroleum sectors<br />

Government planning decisions that impact land access and land use<br />

arrangements should be transparent, evidence based, and consider<br />

the social, economic, environmental and cultural implications of<br />

developing or sterilising mineral and petroleum resources.<br />

Mining, conservation, agriculture and other land uses can be<br />

complementary as sequential or neighbouring activities.<br />

12<br />

South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 20<strong>14</strong> 13




Maximising access to land for the mineral & petroleum sectors<br />

continued<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> endorses the application of leading practice which can<br />

enhance the integration and co-existence of these activities. With 32%<br />

of the State under some sort of restrictions to the mineral and energy<br />

sector, there is a growing perception that the State Government is<br />

slowly restricting land access to these vital sectors.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> asked for assurance that the State Government has policies<br />

in place to maximise access to land for exploration and mining and<br />

petroleum projects.<br />

Streamline environmental approvals for the minerals and<br />

petroleum sectors<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> recommended that the State Government, through COAG,<br />

work to establish a framework to enable bilateral agreements for<br />

assessment and approvals under the EPBC Act.<br />

The establishment of standards accrediting state-based environmental<br />

assessment and approvals has been on the COAG agenda since 2012,<br />

though discussions stalled under the previous Gillard Government. A<br />

number of industry-commissioned studies and reviews such as those<br />

by the Productivity Commission and the Hawke Review into the EPBC<br />

Act have identified streamlining as a necessary reform to eliminate<br />

process duplication, reduce timeframes, improve regulatory efficiency<br />

and reduce costs.<br />

Consistent with <strong>SACOME</strong>’s policy priorities at the <strong>2013</strong> Federal<br />

Election, the newly reinstated Weatherill Government signed a<br />

Memorandum of Understanding with the recently elected Coalition<br />

government, whom released a draft bilateral agreement in late<br />

<strong>2013</strong>. This put the wheels in motion to accredit state environmental<br />

assessment processes for mining and petroleum developments under<br />

the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999<br />

(EPBC Act) where a development triggers Commonwealth law.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> produced a submission to the Federal Department for<br />

Environment in support of the draft assessment bilateral agreement.<br />

It is likely that by late 20<strong>14</strong>, a framework for an approvals bilateral<br />

agreement will be released.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> also recommended the State Government conduct a review<br />

of environmental regulation to streamline environmental assessment,<br />

as a seamless part of the whole of government approach to minerals<br />

and petroleum development approvals.<br />

Despite the well-established framework in SA and clarity of the<br />

approvals process, an industry-commissioned National Audit by URS<br />

implies a divergence in governance arrangements between the lead<br />

agency (Dept. of State Development) and competent authorities<br />

(other agencies involved in the approval process).<br />

Competent authorities returned low scores in areas such as clearly<br />

articulated objectives, clearly established roles and responsibilities,<br />

competency and capacity, and discipline to follow due process. The<br />

process for resolving disputes within the assessment process also<br />

seems to be uncertain.<br />

Some of these issues are being resolved through better defining<br />

relationships and decision making parameters between agencies<br />

within the approvals system (for example inter-agency agreements,<br />

delegated authority). However, the resources industry feels some<br />

agencies are not aligned to the State Government’s risk-based<br />

approach to decision making.<br />

In addition to identifying efficiency opportunities in environmental<br />

compliance within the whole of government approach to minerals<br />

and petroleum development approvals, <strong>SACOME</strong> sought greater<br />

assurance that all delegated authorities will work consistently within<br />

the government’s own risk-based policy approach to assessing and<br />

approving resource developments in South Australia.<br />

Continuation of the PACE program<br />

The current Plan for Accelerating Exploration and its expansion (PACE<br />

2020) have provided a pool of funds and information to assist explorers<br />

drill and identify the future mines of South Australia.<br />

The current program is divided into four key areas; PACE Exploration,<br />

PACE Mining, PACE Energy, and PACE Global. Each of these areas has<br />

between three and four initiatives that also contain a list of programs<br />

designed stimulate exploration and mining investment in South<br />

Australia.<br />

The level of pre-competitive data the SAEI, TEiSA, and PACE programs<br />

have provided explorers wishing to invest in South Australia has<br />

consistently been ranked world’s best by the Fraser Institutes Survey<br />

of Mining Companies. This data reduces the risk of exploration and<br />

allows investors to identify the areas of interest through the recent up<br />

to date, electronic data on the SARIG database.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> was involved in a comprehensive review of these programs<br />

to ensure they were meeting expectations and providing value to<br />

the industry. <strong>SACOME</strong> asked that the PACE program continues to<br />

be funded, crucially in times where there is reduced demand and<br />

depressed commodity prices, to keep South Australia at the forefront<br />

of mining and energy investment.<br />

The funding of a new Drill Core Reference Library<br />

The 2012/13 State Budget announced $960,000 of funding over the<br />

following two years for initial design and scoping work to enable the<br />

development of new drill core library facilities to promote exploration<br />

for minerals, petroleum, gas and geothermal energy in South Australia.<br />

The critical issue is that the current facilities will reach capacity in<br />

20<strong>14</strong> with the need for a new storage solution, exacerbated by the<br />

anticipated increase in oil & gas exploration activity over the next three<br />

years. There is an urgent requirement to deliver a sustainable storage<br />

solution that allows for continuation of services to the resources sector<br />

and the South Australian community generally. Tonsley has been<br />

identified for the preferred new site.<br />

Setting up of a National Resources Skills Centre<br />

South Australia is well placed to become a national (if not world)<br />

leader in the provision of skills training and development to the<br />

minerals and energy sector.<br />

There are a number of initiatives and discussions regarding<br />

the provision of skills training including the development of<br />

an onshore petroleum training facility at Tonsley, the potential<br />

for the former Brukunga Mine site to become a ‘hands-on’<br />

mining industry skills centre, the building of the Mining and<br />

Engineering Centre at Regency Park and the development of<br />

the Mining and Petroleum Services Centre of Excellence.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> recommended that a National Resources Skills Centre<br />

of Excellence be set up in South Australia with an official<br />

launch no later than February 2015.<br />

<strong>14</strong> South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 20<strong>14</strong> 15





<strong>SACOME</strong> made numerous recommendations and<br />

submissions over the year.<br />

Amongst <strong>SACOME</strong>’s many collaborative and individual submissions to<br />

Federal and State Government, our major submissions included:<br />

• Policy design for the Exploration Development Incentive<br />

• Australian Government Draft Assessment Bilateral Agreement<br />

• Environment Protection Authority Draft Radiation Protection and<br />

Control Bill <strong>2013</strong><br />

• Significant Environmental Benefit (SEB) Principles and Offsets<br />

• Renewable Energy Target Review<br />

• Co-badged submission with the Minerals Council of Australia on<br />

the 20<strong>14</strong> Draft Energy White Paper<br />

• Co-badged submission with the Minerals Council of Australia on<br />

the Emissions Reduction Fund Green Paper<br />

• Woomera Prohibited Area Rules <strong>2013</strong>, 12th July <strong>2013</strong><br />

• Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee on the<br />

Defence Legislation Amendment (Woomera Prohibited Area) Bill<br />

<strong>2013</strong>, 19th July <strong>2013</strong><br />

• Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee on the<br />

Defence Legislation Amendment (Woomera Prohibited Area) Bill<br />

<strong>2013</strong>, 11th February 20<strong>14</strong><br />

• Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee on the<br />

Defence Legislation Amendment (Woomera Prohibited Area) Bill<br />

20<strong>14</strong>, 17th April 20<strong>14</strong><br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> is represented formally on RESIC by our<br />

President, Chief Executive and by two industry<br />

representatives recommended by our Council.<br />

Resources & Energy Sector Infrastructure Council<br />

The Resources & Energy Sector Infrastructure Council (RESIC) was<br />

formally established by State Cabinet in July 2007 following a<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> recommendation to provide an advisory and coordination<br />

role to the South Australian Government and private sector on<br />

complex resources and energy infrastructure. RESIC is known for its<br />

receptiveness to new ideas and projects that support stakeholder<br />

involvement and align with its strategic plan. In 2009, RESIC’s<br />

commissioning of its first infrastructure demand study highlighted<br />

for the first time the aggregated demand on the State’s infrastructure<br />

from the growing mining sector. Data from this and subsequent<br />

studies in 2011 provide evidence for a clear picture of future demand.<br />

These findings played a key element in South Australia’s successful bid<br />

for $1.5 million in Commonwealth funding to undertake the South<br />

Australian Regional Mining and Infrastructure Plan project. <strong>SACOME</strong><br />

will continue our role with RESIC, representing member needs with<br />

strategic advice to provide integrated, cost-competitive infrastructure<br />

that meets the future requirements of the resources sector and<br />

ultimately benefits the government, industry and communities.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> has successfully lobbied for the government to prepare a<br />

business case for government financial input to a cape size vessel<br />

capable port solution.<br />

SA Regional Mining and Infrastructure Plan & Taskforce<br />

At a <strong>SACOME</strong> lunch in June 20<strong>14</strong>, the Hon. Stephen Mullighan MP,<br />

Minister for Transport and Infrastructure released the South Australian<br />

Regional Mining and Infrastructure Plan (RMIP) which included the<br />

establishment of a Resources Infrastructure Taskforce announcement.<br />

The RMIP predicts a medium growth forecast with mining sector<br />

production likely to rise from an average of 15 million tonnes from<br />

<strong>2013</strong> – 2017 to average 95 million tonnes between 2023 – 2032.<br />

The report found that existing infrastructure is not adequate<br />

to accommodate the growth of production and infrastructure<br />

challenges are likely to be particularly acute for high volume<br />

commodities such as iron ore. The Resources Infrastructure<br />

Taskforce will work with industry and proponents to facilitate<br />

investment in, and development of, infrastructure to enable<br />

mining companies to export the product volumes forecast.<br />

The report committed to the preparation of a business case<br />

within twelve months for facilitation of a port solution within<br />

three years. The Taskforce will work through a Steering Committee<br />

comprising industry representatives including one from RESIC.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> will monitor and lobby government to ensure there<br />

is adequate representation and progress as planned against<br />

the RMIP.<br />

16 South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 20<strong>14</strong> 17


<strong>SACOME</strong> employs a range of strategies to improve awareness and appreciation of the South<br />

Australian resources industry. While promoting the industry’s value and needs to key government<br />

representatives forms a major element of <strong>SACOME</strong>’s policy activities, many organisational activities<br />

are underpinned by a goal to expand industry awareness among the general community. Over the<br />

<strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong> financial year these activities included:<br />

Dirt TV<br />

In May <strong>2013</strong>, the <strong>SACOME</strong> Council approved an exciting new video<br />

competition for school children – Dirt TV. Targeting students in years<br />

7-12, applicants needed to create a compelling 2-3 minute video clip<br />

profiling the benefits that mining & energy bring to society, under the<br />

topics Dirt TV – What Mining Means to Me or Dirt TV – What Oil & Gas<br />

Means to Me.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> created a separate website and a Facebook page for the<br />

initiative. These provide ideas for content; noting benefits such as<br />

economic growth, employment opportunities, beneficial end-uses of<br />

mining products, community support and social responsibility, while<br />

engaging students through fun pictures, interesting industry facts and<br />

topical information.<br />

A judging panel comprising esteemed media, arts and industry<br />

leaders was assembled to focus on creativity, accuracy and<br />

effectiveness in delivering a message, with substantial prizes on offer.<br />

For the 20<strong>14</strong> competition, $10,000 will be shared by the winners over<br />

five categories; it is expected that Dirt TV will be an annual event and<br />

expand its reach year on year.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> created an exciting new<br />

video competition for school children<br />

to tell us what mining and petroleum<br />

mean to them.<br />

An ‘Oscars-like’ Awards Ceremony will be held to announce the<br />

winners; at the time of writing, <strong>14</strong> entries had been received.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> thanks all judges, together with sponsors supporting the<br />

20<strong>14</strong> Dirt TV competition: BHP Billiton, IMX Resources, Iron Road, Linc<br />

Energy, OZ Minerals and Santos.<br />

External Media<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> has expanded its media engagement year on year. With<br />

Chief Executive Jason Kuchel always available for media comment,<br />

excellent relationships have been fostered over the past seven years<br />

with local and regional media.<br />

These opportunities are maximised through regular pro-active and<br />

re-active media releases. Over the past financial year this output was<br />

increased to 26 releases in total, with every one of these picked up by<br />

a variety of regional, state and national media.<br />

Articles and columns on a variety of topics were provided and<br />

published by several external magazines and newspapers including<br />

national publications the AusIMM Bulletin and Resource Stocks, together<br />

with local regional newspapers the Stock Journal and the Advertiser.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> takes care to correspond regularly with the media and<br />

ensure a positive industry message can be put forward at every<br />

opportunity. In many cases information provided can correct<br />

inaccurate reports before publication.<br />

Social Media<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>’s twitter and Facebook accounts enable a broad audience to<br />

be reached and, with many media representatives following us, social<br />

media engagement assists <strong>SACOME</strong> in disbursing important industry<br />

messages.<br />

SA Mines and Energy Journal<br />

The SA Mines and Energy Journal is <strong>SACOME</strong>’s official membership<br />

publication (see page 24), and also distributed to media, government,<br />

key business leaders and provided to other outlets including the<br />

Qantas Club at Adelaide and Perth. It provides a means to circulate<br />

information on the resources industry including issues and concerns<br />

together with good news stories and commendable industry activities<br />

such as community benefits, engagement and environmental<br />

initiatives.<br />

Environmental Open Day<br />

In August <strong>2013</strong>, <strong>SACOME</strong> held an Environmental Open Day at the<br />

Adelaide Convention Centre sponsored by Beach Energy and Arrium<br />

Mining. Around 200 students, <strong>SACOME</strong> members and interested<br />

public attended the interactive National Science Week event which<br />

was opened by the Hon. Ian Hunter, Minister for Environment and<br />

Conservation.<br />

Attendees were engaged through presentations running concurrently<br />

with interactive careers-focussed activities and eye-catching exhibits<br />

- such as a large Murray-Darling Carpet Python. Valuable insights into<br />

the resources industry, including how local companies’ environmental<br />

and social practices are integrated into their operations, was provided<br />

over a broad range of presentations:<br />

• native vegetation and wildlife management (Arid Recovery, Beach<br />

Energy and the Nature Foundation)<br />

• dust management (Arrium)<br />

• marine monitoring (COOE)<br />

• radiation education (EPA)<br />

• hydraulic fracturing (Santos)<br />

• geothermal energy (Petratherm)<br />

• surveying techniques (Fyfe)<br />

• mine rehabilitation (Murray Zircon)<br />

• groundwater management (OZ Minerals)<br />

Careers promotion program:<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> continued its extremely popular careers promotion program,<br />

visiting schools with interactive lessons to broaden industry awareness<br />

and encourage students towards a career in minerals or petroleum,<br />

and hosting <strong>SACOME</strong>’s free community event, the April holidays<br />

Treasure Hunt (see page 21).<br />

Field days:<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> coordinated a booth at the Yorke Peninsula Field Days for the<br />

purpose of meeting with local landholders and residents, answering<br />

their questions and providing information (see page 29). These events<br />

have proven to be a valuable opportunity for <strong>SACOME</strong> and the<br />

industry, and we will be engaging in additional regional Field Days<br />

over the following year.<br />

18 South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 20<strong>14</strong> 19


<strong>SACOME</strong> supports skills development through initiatives such as our professional development<br />

program and careers program.<br />

Professional Development<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>’s Professional Development Program has been<br />

successfully running for two years. Over that time <strong>SACOME</strong><br />

developed and provided training programs, consultancy, and<br />

support for members through the use of internal and external<br />

specialists.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> facilitated courses in areas such as MBA’s, Diplomas in<br />

Project Management and Management, Mining Fundamentals,<br />

Oil & Gas Fundamentals, Understanding Chinese Markets, Cultural<br />

Awareness, Commercial Acumen, Workforce Development, People<br />

and Culture and many others.<br />

In January 20<strong>14</strong>, <strong>SACOME</strong> was awarded funding through the<br />

State Governments Skills in the Workplace initiative. Skills in the<br />

Workplace was designed to target co-investment in skills most<br />

urgently needed, with a focus on enterprises and industries in highvalue<br />

sectors that underpin economic growth in South Australia.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> was successful in acquiring $335,600 grant funding as part<br />

of a proposed training package of 185 students, at a total training<br />

cost of $450,750. Participant contributions range from 20-25% of<br />

course cost.<br />

Skills in the Workplace approved courses range from Certificates<br />

in Work Health & Safety, to Skill Sets in Leadership of Indigenous,<br />

Procurement, Management, and Workforce Planning and<br />

Development.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> was successful in<br />

acquiring $335,600 in training<br />

grant funding for industry.<br />

Careers Program<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> provides students across South Australia with information<br />

relating to careers in the resources industry through a designated<br />

Careers Promotion Manager.<br />

Interactive presentations are delivered to schools, encouraging<br />

students to consider the impact of the resources industry in everyday<br />

life and careers opportunities in the sector. The importance of<br />

retaining mathematics and science subjects is stressed through the<br />

program (also a key priority area for the South Australian Government<br />

through the Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics<br />

(STEM) Skills Strategy initiative) which also addresses misconceptions<br />

of jobs in the industry that reinforce negative stereotypes, particularly<br />

regarding females.<br />

The program delivered four different topics for junior primary and twelve<br />

for middle/upper primary across a broad range of specialised sessions<br />

including; minerals use, environmental management, oil & gas use<br />

and activities in South Australia, technology used in mining and more.<br />

The majority of schools visited are located in the Adelaide<br />

metropolitan area, with the Far West Coast (supported by Iluka), Upper<br />

Spencer Gulf (supported by OZ Minerals), and the Yorke and Eyre<br />

Peninsulas also visited over the year.<br />

Feedback surveys indicated 100% of teachers felt students’ knowledge<br />

and understanding of the resources industry increased as a result<br />

of the presentations and 100% of teachers would book again and<br />

recommend a <strong>SACOME</strong> presentation to their colleagues.<br />

Other initiatives of the program included supporting the Royal<br />

Institute of Australia (RiAus) with their STEM Careers initiative,<br />

presenting to first year mining engineering students and organising<br />

the annual <strong>SACOME</strong> “Treasure Hunt’ - a free holiday activity for primary<br />

school students to raise awareness of mining and energy.<br />

Careers DVD Project<br />

In <strong>2013</strong>, <strong>SACOME</strong> identified a need to update the careers promotional<br />

material for the resources sector in South Australia. With support from<br />

the State government, RESA and industry, filming was completed in<br />

<strong>2013</strong> and a video launched in March 20<strong>14</strong>.<br />

Aimed at younger high school students, footage features young<br />

people explaining how they obtained work in the industry and what<br />

it’s like to be part of a growing and exciting industry. The video was<br />

used at a variety of opportunities over the year including careers<br />

information days, Field Days, and school talks.<br />

Dirt TV<br />

100% of teachers would book again &<br />

recommend a <strong>SACOME</strong> presentation.<br />

In May <strong>2013</strong>, the <strong>SACOME</strong> Council approved an exciting new video<br />

competition for school children – Dirt TV. Targeting students in years<br />

7-12, applicants needed to create a compelling 2-3 minute video clip<br />

profiling the benefits that mining & energy bring to society, under the<br />

topics Dirt TV – What mining means to me or Dirt TV – What oil & gas<br />

means to me. See page 18 for more on this ongoing initiative.<br />

SA Mines Emergency Response Competition<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> continues to host the South Australian Emergency Response<br />

Competition in collaboration with a team of dedicated volunteers.<br />

The goal of the competition, now in its fifth year, is to promote and<br />

continuously improve resource sector workplace safety skills, with<br />

an added benefit of providing a venue for relationship building -and<br />

friendly rivalry- between sites.<br />

The competition returned to the Adelaide Hills with events contested<br />

at the CFS Training Centre at Brukunga and the historic Brukunga mine.<br />

Teams from Prominent Hill, Challenger, Olympic Dam, Perilya Resources,<br />

and first time entrants CBH Resources (Broken Hill), pitted their skills<br />

against each other through a range of accident scenarios. In addition<br />

to the practical scenarios, each team completed a problem-solving<br />

exercise which required innovative thinking, leadership and teamwork.<br />

In a closely fought contest OZ Minerals’ Prominent Hill team took out<br />

top honours claiming Overall Winning Team.<br />

20 South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 20<strong>14</strong> 21


<strong>SACOME</strong> members value opportunities to promote their services and activities to the broad range of<br />

resources industry stakeholders who engage with us. All <strong>SACOME</strong> members understand the value<br />

of affiliating and engaging with the State’s key industry body for mining and energy.<br />

SA Mines and Energy Journal<br />

All members have the opportunity to write editorial for the SA Mines &<br />

Energy Journal (see page 24) or supply member news items. Members<br />

receive a 15% discount off journal advertising. Members provided<br />

approximately a quarter of editorial content over <strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong>.<br />

New member introductions<br />

All new members for <strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong> were welcomed in the SA Mines & Energy<br />

Journal including a description of their services; at <strong>SACOME</strong> lunches<br />

including on-screen logo recognition; and announced via twitter.<br />

Service Providers Directory<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>’s Service Providers Directory was reprinted in the first half of<br />

20<strong>14</strong> in a new, coil bound format for improved practicality, featuring<br />

member advertisements opposite their listings for better promotion.<br />

All service members were invited to contribute to the revised edition,<br />

with one full page dedicated to each member. The online Service<br />

Directory, accessible via the <strong>SACOME</strong> website, was upgraded for better<br />

functionality. Members are encouraged to advise amendments to<br />

their listing at any time to keep it current.<br />

Seminars<br />

Many <strong>SACOME</strong> members collaborated with us on presenting well<br />

attended member only seminars over the year, educating and<br />

informing members, while showcasing their capabilities and expertise<br />

(see page 24).<br />

Sponsorship<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> members have the opportunity to partner with us,<br />

supporting our activities and the resources community, by becoming<br />

an <strong>Annual</strong> Sponsor or sponsoring individual events or a range of<br />

exclusive opportunities.<br />

With a solid reputation for promoting and connecting the resources<br />

industry, <strong>SACOME</strong> provides companies with targeted industry<br />

exposure.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> gratefully acknowledges our 20<strong>14</strong> annual sponsors:<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> thanks all other<br />

members who have<br />

sponsored events over the<br />

<strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong> financial year:<br />

Arabian Adventures<br />

Arrium<br />

Auspace<br />

Ashurst<br />

Babcock<br />

BHP Billiton<br />

Beach Energy<br />

Definitely Dubai<br />

D J Coughlan Drilling<br />

DMITRE<br />

Emac Systembuilt Group<br />

Emirates<br />

FMG Engineering<br />

Fyfe<br />

Hitachi Construction<br />

Machinery Australia<br />

IMX Resources<br />

Iron Road<br />

Liebherr<br />

Linc Energy<br />

Maloney Field Services<br />

Minotaur Exploration<br />

OZ Minerals<br />

Santos<br />

Serafino<br />

Statewide Super<br />

Waldorf Astoria<br />

Wattyl Industrial Coatings<br />

22 South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 20<strong>14</strong> 23


<strong>SACOME</strong> employs a range of vehicles to keep members and stakeholders updated with industry<br />

information and our activities. These include a comprehensive suite of events – see page 26 – and a<br />

variety of media.<br />

SA Mines and Energy Journal<br />

The SA Mines and Energy Journal, <strong>SACOME</strong>’s official publication, is now<br />

in its sixth year. The publication is distributed to all members and read<br />

by a diverse range of influential people - including <strong>SACOME</strong> members,<br />

those within the public sector and government, and interested<br />

members of the community.<br />

An Editorial Committee guides content and ensures its accuracy. This<br />

committee comprises <strong>SACOME</strong> members from the mining, exploration<br />

and petroleum sectors together with our longest standing committee<br />

member, <strong>SACOME</strong>’s President John Roberts. Stories are researched and<br />

written by <strong>SACOME</strong> staff, members and various valued contributors<br />

including Solstice Media who publish the journal. <strong>SACOME</strong> retains<br />

strong control over the publication through the magazine’s Editor,<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>’s Director of Membership & Communications.<br />

Each issue features a lead story on important industry issues or<br />

updates together with articles on many current topics. Content<br />

relating to the State’s petroleum industry and community<br />

engagement and perceptions increased over the year, reflecting<br />

current hot topics within the industry. A new double page spread on<br />

innovation was introduced as a result of feedback from readers.<br />

E-news<br />

Mining and Energy SA, <strong>SACOME</strong>’s fortnightly newsletter, provides<br />

members with current information on local issues and events<br />

within the mining and energy industry. New legislation updates,<br />

policy changes and industry input to submissions are valued by our<br />

members. The newsletter also provides a vehicle to communicate<br />

coming industry events and update members on our media<br />

engagement.<br />

Social Media<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> is well established on twitter and engages almost daily with<br />

our 2,290 followers (up over 40% on the previous year). Twitter is a<br />

valuable tool to communicate with members, politicians and the<br />

media.<br />

Over the year a new website and a dedicated Facebook page<br />

were launched to support our Dirt TV competition (see page 18).<br />

Maintained by <strong>SACOME</strong>, these provide members and the community<br />

with competition information and support, while promoting the<br />

benefits and opportunities of our mining and energy sector to a<br />

targeted teenage audience.<br />

SacomeTV<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> expanded our You Tube engagement to cover more events<br />

and information, with eight videos uploaded over the year to our<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>TV channel. These include industry presentations, interviews<br />

with the Chief Executive and promotional and testimonial videos on<br />

the industry and our organisation.<br />

Seminars<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> co-hosted two conferences<br />

in <strong>2013</strong> - The SA Exploration &<br />

Mining Conference (600 delegates)<br />

and the regional <strong>SACOME</strong>/GMUSG<br />

Resource Industry Conference<br />

& Trade Expo (300 delegates),<br />

both achieving record numbers of<br />

delegates.<br />

Conferences<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> collaborated to provide two valuable local conferences<br />

over the year, each now a highlight of the resources industry<br />

calendar and ongoing joint initiatives with other bodies. Both<br />

of these events provide delegates with excellent value, superb<br />

catering and a fantastic program of speakers –all at a fraction of the<br />

cost of externally facilitated conferences.<br />

These conferences are highly regarded by industry and<br />

government in South Australia and continue to be well attended by<br />

industry and service providers alike.<br />

Find us:<br />

@mining_energySA<br />

facebook.com/dirttv<br />

dirttv.com.au<br />

sacome.org.au<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>’s seminars and workshops, usually free member-only events,<br />

are focussed on sharing information and knowledge on specific<br />

topics. Over the <strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong> year <strong>SACOME</strong> presented seminars on a<br />

variety of topics including mine rehabilitation, understanding farming,<br />

financing resource contracts and retaining staff through tailored<br />

employee benefits initiatives.<br />

24 South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 20<strong>14</strong> 25


<strong>SACOME</strong> hosts an enormous range of events, enabling members to network and connect with<br />

operators and stakeholders in South Australia’s petroleum and minerals community, and keep up to<br />

date on valuable industry knowledge and activities.<br />

Breakfast Briefings<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>’s Breakfast Briefings are popular events, allowing members<br />

to network with other <strong>SACOME</strong> members in a relaxed setting with<br />

unassigned seating. Two or three minerals or petroleum companies<br />

feature at each event, providing an update on their South Australian<br />

projects over a sumptuous breakfast at the Adelaide Convention<br />

Centre.<br />

20<strong>14</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> Resources Industry Dinner<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>’s annual resources industry dinner celebrated how far<br />

we’ve come, with a record attendance of 600 guests at the Adelaide<br />

Convention Centre. The Premier’s Awards for Community Excellence in<br />

Mining and Energy were presented (see page 29) and guests enjoyed<br />

celebrating with colleagues and peers while enjoying quality food,<br />

wine and entertainment.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> lunches attracted average<br />

attendances of 300 minerals,<br />

petroleum, government & service<br />

industry guests.<br />

Procurement opportunities and anticipated project development<br />

timeframes are included with each presentation together with the<br />

opportunity to ask questions.<br />

The <strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong> breakfast program<br />

featured exciting projects from:<br />

Hillgrove Resources; Rex Minerals;<br />

Senex Energy; Beach Energy;<br />

Iron Road; Valence Industries<br />

& more.<br />

Lunch series<br />

Six <strong>SACOME</strong> lunches were held over the year, attracting an average<br />

attendance of 300 guests at each event. Lunches offer guests the<br />

opportunity to hear from key industry and government leaders on<br />

important issues affecting the resources industry whilst networking<br />

over pre-event drinks and at the table with like-minded peers. The<br />

<strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong> program featured industry heavyweights and State and<br />

Federal political leaders.<br />

Seminars and conferences<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> hosts and co-hosts a variety of seminars, workshops and<br />

conferences for the purpose of sharing information, but also providing<br />

valuable networking opportunities. Read about our <strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong> seminars<br />

and conferences on page 24.<br />

26 South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 20<strong>14</strong> 27



<strong>SACOME</strong> plays an ongoing role in supporting the resources sectors’ community engagement efforts<br />

through providing tools, professional development, and participating in engagement activities<br />

together with building relationships with other stakeholders such as Primary Producers SA.<br />

Community Engagement Strategy<br />

The focus of <strong>SACOME</strong>’s community engagement strategy in <strong>2013</strong>-<strong>14</strong><br />

was again on the challenges associated with multiple land use and<br />

the importance of the mineral and petroleum sectors to the South<br />

Australian economy.<br />

Throughout the year, <strong>SACOME</strong> published a number of articles around<br />

themes such as social media in community relations, community<br />

engagement and multiple land use case studies, dealing with NGOs<br />

and community development initiatives. <strong>SACOME</strong> communicated<br />

with numerous politicians and government representatives regarding<br />

community concerns and constantly spoke to the media on a range<br />

of related topics.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> continued to promote its Code of Practice for Community<br />

& Stakeholder Engagement to industry members, with the aim of<br />

obtaining 100% take-up, and obtained a number of new signatories<br />

over the year.<br />

Gas exploration in the South East<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> held meetings with Robe Council, Wattle Range Council, Troy<br />

Bell MP (new State member for Mt. Gambier) and representatives of<br />

Coonawarra wine makers and grape growers immediately following<br />

the 20<strong>14</strong> State election.<br />

The purpose was to better understand the depth and level of<br />

community concern regarding gas exploration in the region, the<br />

potential for development of shale gas and fracture stimulation. The<br />

meetings also followed calls for a House of Assembly Inquiry in to<br />

‘unconventional gas’ development in the South East.<br />

Primary concerns for landholders are perceived effects on the water<br />

table, risks to water quality from fracture stimulation, loss of water<br />

allocation from gas development, and uncertainty around longterm<br />

well integrity. Wine makers also believe that simply having<br />

an exploration drill rig in the region damages the perception of the<br />

Coonawarra being ‘clean & green’.<br />

Oil & gas drilling has occurred in the region for a century with<br />

production since the 1980’s. Any future development of conventional<br />

or shale reservoirs does not pose additional risks. <strong>SACOME</strong> will<br />

maintain regular contact with key stakeholders in the region to<br />

continue dialogue on the issues and expand media relationships in<br />

the region to ensure more accuracy of information through the media.<br />

York Peninsula Field Days<br />

In September <strong>2013</strong>, <strong>SACOME</strong> attended the Yorke Peninsula Field Days.<br />

The event provided an opportunity to meet with local residents,<br />

farmers and attendees curious to learn more about the resources<br />

industry, Yorke Peninsula projects and have their queries addressed.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong>’s attendance provided a valuable opportunity to canvass<br />

a variety of perspectives from residents and landowners within the<br />

region, to help guide organisational activities and communications. It<br />

also enabled <strong>SACOME</strong> to witness the interactions of the community<br />

with Yorke Peninsula member companies, including their hopes and<br />

concerns, facilitating an improved understanding of some of the<br />

issues members need to deal with.<br />

Premiers Community Excellence Awards in Mining and Energy<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> continues to be involved with the Premier’s Community<br />

Excellence Awards in Mining and Energy through hosting the awards,<br />

now in its fourth year, at the <strong>SACOME</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> Resources Industry<br />

Dinner as well as participating on the judging panel.<br />

Presented by the Treasurer & Minister for Mineral Resources and<br />

Energy, the Hon. Tom Kousantonis MP, the winning companies were<br />

recognised across four categories: Excellence in Social Inclusion,<br />

Excellence in Supporting Communities, Excellence in Leadership –<br />

Women in Resources, and Environmental Excellence.<br />

Excellence in Social Inclusion was won by BHP Billiton Olympic Dam<br />

for its Prisoner Re-integration Employment Opportunities program.<br />

Excellence in Supporting Communities was won by IMX Resources for<br />

its contribution to the economic and community life of Coober Pedy.<br />

Central to this was the financial incentives provided to fly-in, fly-out<br />

workers to settle in the town.<br />

Thiess was awarded Excellence in Leadership – Women in Resources for<br />

a broad range of initiatives that create and maintain a culture that<br />

supports the potential of women at all levels in its workforce.<br />

The award for Environmental Excellence was awarded to Iluka Resources<br />

Ltd recognising the company’s collaboration with the Adelaide<br />

Botanic Gardens and local universities on its rehabilitation activities.<br />

In addition to the category winners, OZ Minerals and Murray Zircon<br />

received high commendation certificates. Santos was acknowledged<br />

for celebrating its 60th year of operations, and for its consistent<br />

leadership and commitment to corporate social responsibility in South<br />

Australia<br />

Understanding farming<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> ran a pilot course on Understanding the business of farming<br />

in partnership with Rural Solutions SA. The purpose of the course is to<br />

provide the industry with a general understanding of farm practices<br />

and critical periods in the year of a typical mixed farm enterprise.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> will refine the course with the intention to roll it out as part<br />

of the Professional Development Program.<br />

28 South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 20<strong>14</strong> 29


ILUA’s<br />


<strong>SACOME</strong> successfully secured grants from the Federal Attorney<br />

Generals Department to contribute to the legal costs of negotiating<br />

whole of claim Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUAs) with the<br />

Kokatha Uwankara and the Ngadjuri Nation #2 Claimant Groups.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> presented a plain English version of the current ILUA<br />

framework agreement to the Kokatha Uwankara and a high level<br />

proposal of how a negotiation program may proceed including<br />

possible amendments to the current framework agreement. <strong>SACOME</strong><br />

is still seeking a response from the Ngadjuri Nation`s legal counsel<br />

regarding recommencing negotiations.<br />

In relation to Ngadjuri Nation #2, <strong>SACOME</strong> awaits a response from the<br />

Claimant Group as to interest in commencing negotiations.<br />

Native Title Act Review<br />

The Australian Law Reform Commission is undertaking a review of the<br />

Native Title Act 1993 and released an Issues Paper in March 20<strong>14</strong>.<br />

The review focusses on connection requirements relating to the<br />

recognition and scope of native title rights and interests, and any<br />

barriers imposed by the Act’s authorisation and joinder provisions to<br />

claimants’, potential claimants’ and respondents’ access to justice.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> participated in a response to this paper and further<br />

consultation is expected prior to the Commission submitting its final<br />

report in March 2015.<br />

The draft bill remains with Cabinet for consideration pending a<br />

decision on the next steps. This could include a broader public<br />

consultation process.<br />

Aboriginal Lands Trust Review<br />

The Aboriginal Lands Trust Bill <strong>2013</strong> was introduced into Parliament<br />

in September <strong>2013</strong> unamended by the consultation. <strong>SACOME</strong><br />

continued to make representations to the Legislative Council ALT Bill<br />

committee and the Opposition regarding the unaddressed concerns<br />

of the industry detailed in the original submission. The new legislation<br />

passed both Houses of Parliament as introduced and given assent on<br />

5 December <strong>2013</strong>.<br />

The Aboriginal Lands Trust Act <strong>2013</strong> commenced operation in mid-<br />

20<strong>14</strong>.<br />

Forrest Review<br />

In October <strong>2013</strong> the Prime Minister announced that Andrew Forrest<br />

would Chair a review of Indigenous training and employment as part<br />

of the new Government’s commitment to boosting job opportunities<br />

for Indigenous Australians.<br />

The Review will provide recommendations to the Prime Minister to<br />

ensure Indigenous training and employment services are properly<br />

targeted and administered to connect unemployed Indigenous<br />

people with real and sustainable jobs, especially those that have been<br />

pledged to Indigenous people by Australian business.<br />


<strong>SACOME</strong>’s stakeholders are diverse, including government, media, other industry bodies,<br />

educational institutions and the broader community. <strong>SACOME</strong>’s key stakeholders are our members,<br />

who fund our activities and assist the resources industry to grow, prosper and strengthen the<br />

South Australian economy.<br />

As at 30 June 20<strong>14</strong>, <strong>SACOME</strong> had 335 financial members, comprising<br />

63 industry members and 255 service providers, with associate<br />

members totalling 17.<br />

Service companies are essential in supporting South Australia’s<br />

resources industry and are equally valued <strong>SACOME</strong> members, with<br />

voting rights and representation on the <strong>SACOME</strong> council.<br />

Aboriginal Heritage Act Review<br />

A draft bill was released for limited consultation in September <strong>2013</strong>.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> established a subcommittee to respond to the call for<br />

industry feedback to the draft bill. A submission was drafted and<br />

agreed on by the subcommittee and submitted to the Department of<br />

Premier and Cabinet.<br />

The review will also consider the ways training and employment<br />

services can better link to employers’ commitment to provide<br />

additional sustainable employment opportunities for Indigenous<br />

people and end the cycle of Indigenous disadvantage.<br />

<strong>SACOME</strong> is participating in a response to the review, which will be<br />

released in the early part of the 20<strong>14</strong>/15 financial year.<br />

30<br />

South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 20<strong>14</strong> 31

Industry Members<br />

Members for over 30 years<br />

Adelaide Brighton Ltd<br />

Arrium Mining<br />

BHP Billiton Ltd<br />

Santos Ltd<br />

Members for over 15 years<br />

Adelaide Resources<br />

Alinta Energy<br />

Beach Energy Ltd<br />

Epic Energy Pty Ltd<br />

Heathgate Resources<br />

Minotaur Exploration Ltd<br />

Senex Energy Ltd<br />

Members for over 10 years<br />

Areva Resources Australia<br />

Havilah Resources NL<br />

Hillgrove Resources Ltd<br />

Iluka Resources Ltd<br />

Kingsgate Consolidated Ltd<br />

Mithril Resources Ltd<br />

Nyrstar Port Pirie<br />

OZ Minerals<br />

PepinNini Minerals Ltd<br />

Petratherm Ltd<br />

Tasman Resources Ltd<br />

Terramin Australia Ltd<br />

Members for over 5 years<br />

Ahava Energy Pty Ltd<br />

Alliance Resources Ltd<br />

Archer Exploration Ltd<br />

Arckaringa Energy Pty Ltd<br />

Argonaut Resources NL<br />

Cartwheel Minerals Pty Ltd<br />

Centrex Metals<br />

Drillsearch Energy Ltd<br />

Exco Resources Ltd<br />

IMX Resources Ltd<br />

Investigator Resources Ltd<br />

Iron Road Ltd<br />

IronClad Mining Ltd<br />

Linc Energy Ltd<br />

Lincoln Minerals Ltd<br />

Marathon Resources Ltd<br />

Marmota Energy Ltd<br />

Maximus Resources Ltd<br />

Phoenix Copper Ltd<br />

Rex Minerals Ltd<br />

Royal Resources Ltd<br />

Sinosteel PepinNini Curnamona<br />

Management Pty Ltd<br />

Strike Energy Ltd<br />

Sundance Energy Australia Ltd<br />

Teck Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Trafford Resources Ltd<br />

UraniumSA Ltd<br />

WPG Resources<br />

Members<br />

BP Developments Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Carpentaria Exploration Ltd<br />

Chevron Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Cooper Energy<br />

Eyre Iron Pty Ltd<br />

Gypsum Resources Pty Ltd<br />

Metals X Ltd<br />

Monax Mining Ltd<br />

Mungana Goldmines Ltd<br />

Murray Zircon Pty Ltd<br />

Musgrave Minerals Ltd<br />

Service Members<br />

Members for over 20 years<br />

Finlaysons<br />

Piper Alderman<br />

Members for over 15 years<br />

Alexander & Symonds<br />

Cavill Power Products<br />

HWL Ebsworth<br />

McDonald Steed McGrath Lawyers<br />

Worley Parsons Services Pty Ltd<br />

Members for over 10 years<br />

Bureau Veritas Minerals Pty Ltd<br />

Hunt & Hunt<br />

KJM Contractors<br />

McConnell Dowell<br />

Parsons Brinckerhoff<br />

PwC Services<br />

Members for over 5 years<br />

Aggreko<br />

AMC Consultants Pty Ltd<br />

Ashurst<br />

Asiaworld Shipping Services<br />

Atlas Copco Mining and Rock Excavation<br />

Australia<br />

Ausenco Services<br />

AusIndustry<br />

Australian Camp Services<br />

Australian Civil & Mining Training<br />

Australian Training Alliance<br />

B.L. Shipway & Co<br />

Bianco Construction Supplies Pty Ltd<br />

Coffey Environments Pty Ltd<br />

Community Engagement Group Australia<br />

Pty Ltd<br />

Complete Personnel Group<br />

D.J. Coughlan Drilling<br />

DMAW Lawyers<br />

E & A Ltd<br />


EBS Group<br />

Electranet<br />

Exact Mining Services Pty Ltd<br />

Flinders Port Holdings Pty Ltd<br />

Genesee and Wyoming Australia<br />

Golder Associates Pty Ltd<br />

Health Safety Environemnt Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Hughes Public Relations & Communication<br />

Counsel<br />

Jacobs SKM<br />

Jardine Lloyd Thompson<br />

Lawson Risk Management Services Pty Ltd<br />

Liebherr Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Lucas Total Contract Solutions Pty Ltd<br />

Macmahon Contractors Pty Ltd<br />

Maloney Field Services<br />

Marlow Communications Pty Ltd<br />

Max Crane & Equipment Hire<br />

Migration Solutions<br />

Mining One<br />

Minter Ellison Lawyers<br />

ODT Australis Pty Ltd<br />

Paydirt Media Pty Ltd<br />

Peter Kittle Toyota<br />

Phoenix Logging Services<br />

Port Adelaide Football Club<br />

Port of Melbourne<br />

Powranna Consulting Pty Ltd<br />

Red Earth Training Solutions<br />

SA Power Networks<br />

SCF Group Pty Ltd<br />

Sharp Airlines<br />

Skills DMC<br />

Telstra<br />

The University of Adelaide - School of Civil,<br />

Environmental & Mining Engineering<br />

The University of South Australia<br />

Thiess Pty Ltd<br />

Tonkin Consulting<br />

UCL School of Energy and Resources,<br />

Australia<br />

Watsons Lawyers<br />

Wave Rider Energy Pty Ltd<br />

Westpac Banking Corporation<br />

Whitham Media Australia<br />

Yaran Business Services<br />

Members<br />

Adelaide Airport Ltd<br />

Adventure 4WD<br />

AECOM Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Ahrens Group<br />

Aldam Geoscience<br />

Alliance Airlines<br />

Andrew Minns Consulting<br />

32 South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 20<strong>14</strong> 33

ANZ<br />

APC Technology<br />

Aquamate<br />

Aquenta Consulting<br />

ARUP Pty Ltd<br />

ASC Training & Development Pty Ltd<br />

ATSys Pty Ltd<br />

Ausco Modular<br />

Auspace Pty Ltd<br />

Australian Cultural Heritage Management<br />

Pty Ltd<br />

Australian Groundwater Technologies<br />

Australian Industrial Rental<br />

Australian Mines & Metals Association<br />

Australian Saltworks<br />

Australian Water Environments<br />

Australian Welding Solutions Pty Ltd<br />

Austwide Mining Title Management Pty Ltd<br />

Aztec Analysis<br />

Babcock Pty Ltd<br />

Barker Wentworth<br />

Basetec Services<br />

BDO<br />

BGC Contracting<br />

Big Sky Building Society<br />

Bonacci Group Pty Ltd<br />

Buschutz Engineering Pty Ltd<br />

Caledonia Scaffolding Services<br />

CAPS Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Career Employment Group Training<br />

Partnerships<br />

Carey Training Pty Ltd<br />

Chandler MacLeod<br />

Chinese Language and Cultural Advice<br />

Chubb Fire & Security<br />

CIGWELD P/L - Victor Technologies<br />

Color On Demand<br />

Connexion Australia Pty Ltd<br />

COOE Pty Ltd<br />

Cor Cooling<br />

Corporate Conversation<br />

Corporate Protection Australia Group<br />

Crane Services Pty Ltd<br />

CRC Care Pty Ltd<br />

Datanet Asia Pacific Pty Ltd<br />

David Moss Corporation<br />

Dialight ILS Australia<br />

Downer EDI Mining<br />

Draeger Safety Pacific Pty Ltd<br />

DynCorp (Aust.) Pty Ltd<br />

Easternwell<br />

Ecology and Heritage Partners<br />

EMAC Systems<br />

Emeco International Pty Ltd<br />

Energy Power Systems Australia-Cat<br />

Rental Power<br />

EQAS Business Development<br />

ESCO Corporation<br />

Evans & Peck<br />

ExoDrill Pty Ltd<br />

EY<br />

Farley Riggs Pty Ltd<br />

Fire Safe Services Pty Ltd<br />

FirecorpSA Pty Ltd<br />

Flight Safety Foundation - Basic Aviation<br />

Risk Standards<br />

Fluid Transfer Management<br />

FMG Engineering<br />

Frazer-Nash Consultancy Ltd<br />

Fugro Spatial Systems<br />

Fyfe Pty Ltd<br />

Geofabrics Australiasia<br />

Georg Fischer Piping Systems<br />

Government Relations Solutions Pty Ltd<br />

(GR Solutions)<br />

Greencap<br />

Hallet Concrete Pty Ltd<br />

Harris Byrne Advisors<br />

Harsco Metals and Minerals<br />

Henderson International Australia<br />

Hitachi Construction Machinery Australia<br />

Pty Ltd<br />

Inforrm Pty Ltd<br />

Integrity Sampling Drug & Alcohol Testing<br />

Intract Indigenous Contractors<br />

Ironbark Heritage & Environment Pty Ltd<br />

ISS International Pty Ltd<br />

JM Gilligan Consulting<br />

Kadego Pty Ltd<br />

Kempe Engineering<br />

Kerry Logistics<br />

Kings Transport<br />

KSB Australia Pty Ltd<br />

LBW Environmental Projects<br />

Leadership Management Australia - Bettcher<br />

Lend Lease<br />

Leske Transport Pty Ltd<br />

LHD Group Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Logic Films Pty Ltd<br />

LogiCamms<br />

LR & M Constructions Pty Ltd<br />

MAV Media Pty Ltd<br />

McMahon Services<br />

Mental Illness Fellowship of SA (MIFSA)<br />

Milwaukee Tool Company<br />

Mine Bus Services<br />

Minecorp<br />

Morton Philips<br />

Nanny SA<br />

Navitas Careers & Internships - Adelaide<br />

Nextgen Networks<br />

OAQ 4X4 Hire<br />

OSD<br />

Osmoflo<br />

Pason Systems<br />

Petro-King<br />

Position Partners<br />

Power Water Air Pty Ltd<br />

Precipice Training Pty Ltd<br />

Qube Pty Ltd (Ports & Bulk Division)<br />

Qube Logistics Pty Ltd<br />

R.A English & Co.<br />

Red Dirt Personnel Group<br />

Red Mulga Pty Ltd<br />

Renfrey Plant Hire Services<br />

Resourceco Pty Ltd<br />

Resources & Engineering Skills Alliance<br />

(RESA)<br />

Resources Camp Hire<br />

Robin Johnson Engineering Pty Ltd<br />

Rockwell Automation Pty Ltd<br />

Rossair Charter<br />

RPS Aquaterra<br />

Rural Solutions SA<br />

SA Capital Pty Ltd<br />

Sanida Communications<br />

Sargent Rental and Maintenance<br />

Sims Metal Management SA<br />

Sitemed (O.T. Private Pty Ltd)<br />

SJ Cheesman<br />

Slade Industries Pty Ltd<br />

SME Gateway<br />

SMEC Australia Pty Ltd<br />

South Australian Museum<br />

SpeedCast<br />

SRA Information Technology<br />

St. John Ambulance Australia SA Inc.<br />

Statewide Financial Management<br />

Services Ltd<br />

Street Fleet Pty Ltd<br />

Subzero Dry Ice Blasting<br />

Tenement Administration Services Pty Ltd<br />

Terra Consulting Pty Ltd<br />

Thrifty<br />

Tingira Pty Ltd<br />

Training Prospects<br />

Trainway<br />

TRILITY Pty Ltd<br />

Turbo Track<br />

Turner & Townsend Pty Ltd<br />

Tyco Fire & Security<br />

UNE Partnerships Pty Ltd<br />

Value Adviser Associates<br />

Vative<br />

Vipac Engineers & Scientists Pty Ltd<br />

Wallis Heritage Consulting<br />

Watpac Civil and Mining Pty Ltd<br />

Wattyl Industrial Coatings<br />

Wealth on Track<br />

Whittens Pty Ltd<br />

Willis Australia Ltd<br />

Win Attachments Pty Ltd<br />

Work Visa Lawyers<br />

Workpac Industrial<br />

Yokogawa Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Zinfra Pty Ltd<br />

Associate Members<br />

Andrew Andrjewkskis<br />

Colin Cedric Lake<br />

Dave Thomas<br />

Egon Pederson<br />

Hon Roger Goldsworthy<br />

Ian Miller<br />

Ivan Steed<br />

Kevin Wills<br />

Lindsay Curtis<br />

Mike Penfold<br />

Peter Bradshaw<br />

Rob Gibb<br />

Roger Higgins<br />

Teena Coppin<br />

Tim Zwierson<br />

34 South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 20<strong>14</strong> 35

South Australian Chamber of Mines & Energy<br />

Mines And Energy House<br />

290 Glen Osmond Road<br />

Fullarton, SA 5063<br />

Telephone +61 8 8202 9999<br />

Fax +61 8 8202 9900<br />

Email sacome@sacome.org.au<br />

www.sacome.org.au<br />


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