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AFHU<strong>news</strong><br />

Volume 16 | Number 16 | Fall <strong>2014</strong><br />



<strong>2014</strong><br />



BoARd oF dIREcToRS oFFIcERS<br />

daniel I. Schlessinger<br />

President<br />

Michael S. Kurtz<br />

chairman of the Board<br />

Lawrence E. Glick<br />

Mark R. Gordon<br />

Frances R. Katz<br />

Richard S. Ziman<br />

Vice chairmen of the Board<br />

Michael J. Freed<br />

Executive committee chair<br />

Ernest Bogen<br />

Rita Bogen<br />

charles H. Goodman<br />

Kenneth L. Stein<br />

Ronald M. Zimmerman<br />

Vice Presidents<br />

Pamela N. Emmerich<br />

National campaign chair<br />

Joshua M. olshin<br />

Treasurer<br />

Frances R. Katz<br />

Assistant Treasurer<br />

Pamela N. Emmerich<br />

Secretary<br />

Richard d. Weinberg<br />

Assistant Secretary<br />

BoARd oF dIREcToRS<br />


Stanley M. Bogen<br />

Martin E. Karlinsky<br />

Harvey M. Krueger<br />

Barbara A. Mandel<br />

Keith L. Sachs<br />

George A. Schieren<br />

Ira Lee Sorkin<br />

Honorary Presidents<br />

Stanley M. Bogen<br />

Harvey M. Krueger<br />

Keith L. Sachs<br />

George A. Schieren<br />

Ira Lee Sorkin<br />

Honorary chairmen of the Board<br />


Daniel i. SchleSSinger<br />

The current issue of AFHU News is themed<br />

“Milestones” and heralds three anniversaries in<br />

2015: the 90th anniversary of The Hebrew<br />

University of Jerusalem, the 50th anniversary<br />

of the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for<br />

the Advancement of Peace and the 100th anniversary<br />

of Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Each of these<br />

anniversaries deserves a celebration in its own right, and the confluence of all<br />

three makes 2015 a wonderful moment in history for The Hebrew University<br />

and its proud American Friends.<br />

The Hebrew University’s growth—from 140 students in 1925 to a current<br />

student body of 23,000—is a remarkable achievement. And when we consider<br />

other benchmarks such as seven Nobel Prizes for alumni and faculty in just<br />

one decade, or registering 8,300 patents for more than 2,300 HU inventions,<br />

we become even more impressed by the productivity and imagination<br />

of our university’s faculty and students.<br />

In addition to the university’s outstanding reputation in the fields of<br />

humanities and Jewish Studies, a status enhanced by the creation of the Mandel<br />

School for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, HU is Israel’s top-ranked<br />

university in large part due to its prowess in basic and applied sciences.<br />

AFHU News offers just a sampling of these myriad innovations.<br />

The 50th anniversary of the Truman Research Institute reflects another<br />

vital dimension of Hebrew University and highlights its commitment to<br />

multiculturalism and pluralism. In “Expanding Horizons of Hope,” Professor<br />

Menahem Blondheim, director of the Truman Institute, reminds us that<br />

pursuing peaceful coexistence in the Middle East and other parts of the world<br />

is integral to the university’s sense of mission.<br />

Albert Einstein, a founder of The Hebrew University, advocated vigorously<br />

and raised funds in support of the university’s establishment. A Zionist, Einstein<br />

wanted to provide an academic haven for scientists and scholars fleeing<br />

anti-Semitism in Europe. In these pages, we learn about Einstein’s legacy from<br />

Professor Hanoch Gutfreund, whose podcast about the 100th anniversary of<br />

the Theory of Relativity is available on AFHU’s website (www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org).<br />

In multiple ways, Einstein embodies the spirit of the university and its pursuit<br />

of miracles, whether in the realm of physics, cancer research or peaceful<br />

coexistence among peoples and nations.<br />

Please enjoy AFHU News, and I hope you will consider joining me and my wife<br />

Marcy for AFHU’s President’s Mission to Greece, Bulgaria and Israel this coming<br />

spring. We have major anniversaries to celebrate in Jerusalem. I promise you<br />

won’t want to miss our “miraculous year” when Hebrew University’s achievements<br />

and AFHU’s contributions to this world-class institution will be on full display.<br />

AFHU National President<br />

2 | AFHU NEWS www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org


Beth aSnien Mccoy<br />

This is my first column in AFHU News as national<br />

executive director of our organization. I would<br />

like to take this opportunity to express my<br />

deep appreciation to our entire AFHU–Hebrew<br />

University family from coast to coast. your<br />

commitment continues to inspire my desire to make<br />

AFHU the best organization it can be in the service<br />

of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.<br />

I have been with AFHU for 12 years, during which time I have developed<br />

a broad perspective on the needs of the university and the goals AFHU must<br />

achieve in order to fulfill crucial fundraising priorities and foster new<br />

generations of leaders and philanthropists.<br />

This past summer tested our organization’s need to be resilient and<br />

resourceful in light of the conflict in Gaza and the enormous challenges facing<br />

Israel. Partnering with our friends in Jerusalem, AFHU organized HU operation<br />

Protective Edge in support of the students, especially the 1,000 young<br />

women and men called to active duty in the Israel defense Forces. We are<br />

continuing to raise scholarship funds to propel their educations.<br />

When the sirens sounded due to Hamas-fired missiles, we raised funds<br />

for protective shelters for our Rehovot campus, home to the Robert H.<br />

Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment. Simultaneously,<br />

our dedicated staff and lay leaders pursued our goal of obtaining funding<br />

to assist Hebrew University’s recruitment of outstanding young faculty. We<br />

received vital forms of support for exciting medical research projects.<br />

We developed an alumni program that will enable us to reach out to<br />

thousands of Hebrew University and Rothberg International School graduates<br />

throughout the United States.<br />

Having spoken with our board members and supporters, I know that we all<br />

want AFHU to contribute to Jewish continuity and Israel’s strength. Together,<br />

we represent the values and ideals so many of us associate with our Jewish<br />

heritage and upbringing. We are determined to help Hebrew University<br />

expand its record of cutting-edge research, work that will turn the world’s eyes<br />

to Israel with admiration.<br />

AFHU News offers a glimpse of the regional events, educational programs<br />

and missions that we organized this year to keep American Friends informed,<br />

entertained and connected to The Hebrew University. We constitute a vibrant<br />

community of leaders and supporters.<br />

Please accept my thanks for your participation in AFHU’s mission and for the<br />

philanthropic engagement that makes American Friends so very special.<br />

Contents<br />

EXECUTIVE COLUMNS. . . . . . . . 2<br />


77TH BOARD OF GOVERNORS . . . 4<br />

PLANNED GIVING . . . . . . . . . 10<br />


IN 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12<br />



RESEARCH INSTITUTE. . . . . . . 16<br />



RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS . . . . . 20<br />

ACCOLADES AND HONORS . . . . 22<br />


HONORING OUR OWN . . . . 24-30<br />

EDUCATIONAL FORUMS . . . . . 31<br />

ALUMNI NEWS . . . . . . . . . . . 32<br />

IN REMEMBRANCE. . . . . . . . . 33<br />


UPCOMING EVENTS . . . . . . . . 35<br />

AFHU National Executive director<br />

www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org AFHU NEWS | 3

The 77 th Annual<br />


International Board of Governors Meeting<br />

honorary Doctorate anD Benefactor<br />

Patricia l. glaSer<br />

Patricia L. Glaser, a national Scopus Award recipient,<br />

has been a champion of The Hebrew University of<br />

Jerusalem for more than three decades. She is a<br />

governor of the university’s International Board<br />

of Governors and received an Honorary Fellowship<br />

from Hebrew University in 2008. dedicated to AFHU’s<br />

mission, Patricia Glaser provides exemplary leadership,<br />

currently serving on AFHU’s national board and as<br />

vice chairman of the Western Region board.<br />

chair of the litigation department of Glaser Weil Fink<br />

Howard Avchen & Shapiro LLP, Patricia Glaser is among<br />

the short list of preeminent business trial attorneys in<br />

the United States. She also provides general legal counsel<br />

to publicly and privately held companies in a variety<br />

of areas, including real estate, contracts, antitrust,<br />

entertainment, banking and securities.<br />

Born in charleston, West Virginia, she earned her<br />

Bachelor of Arts degree from The American University<br />

Patricia l. glaSer accepts her honorary Doctorate from hU PreSiDent, ProfeSSor MenaheM Ben-SaSSon and rector, ProfeSSor aSher cohen<br />

4 | AFHU NEWS www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org

and her Juris doctorate from Rutgers University.<br />

Esteemed within the legal community, Patricia Glaser has<br />

earned numerous accolades. chambers and Partners<br />

describes her as a “trial icon” and gives her top<br />

california rankings in both General commercial Litigation<br />

and Media & Entertainment Litigation.<br />

Widely honored by the Jewish community, she is<br />

the recipient of AFHU’s Harvey L. Silbert Torch of<br />

Learning Award and the Bruce I. Hochman Maimonides<br />

Torch of Justice Award from The Jewish Federation of<br />

Greater Los Angeles’ Legal division.<br />

devoted to many causes, Patricia Glaser serves on<br />

the UcLA Israel Studies Program Advisory Board, the<br />

Board of Trustees for The National Judicial college and<br />

the Board of directors of the Jewish Federation of<br />

Greater Los Angeles’ Legal division. She produces local<br />

plays in the california community where she resides<br />

with her husband Sam Mudie, an entrepreneur,<br />

and serves on the Board of directors of the Los Angeles<br />

Music center Theatre Group and the Geffen Theater.<br />

Patricia l. glaSer and SaM MUDie at the Benefactors Wall<br />

www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org<br />


The 77th Annual Hebrew University International Board of Governors<br />

Morton l. ManDel<br />

The <strong>2014</strong> Samuel Rothberg Prize for Jewish Education<br />

Leading businessman and philanthropist<br />

Morton L. Mandel received the <strong>2014</strong> Samuel Rothberg<br />

Prize for Jewish Education during The Hebrew<br />

University of Jerusalem’s 77th International Board<br />

of Governors. The Samuel Rothberg Prize was awarded<br />

in recognition of Morton Mandel’s unparalleled<br />

contributions to education as exemplified by the<br />

recent establishment of the Jack, Joseph and<br />

Morton Mandel School for Advanced Studies in<br />

the Humanities at The Hebrew University.<br />

The Mandel School will spearhead a revival<br />

of the humanities across Israel and at The Hebrew<br />

University in particular, where it will anchor the Faculty<br />

of Humanities’ efforts to strengthen its five new<br />

disciplinary schools of History, Philosophy<br />

and Religion, Literature, Arts and Language Sciences.<br />

The Mandel School will be located on the northern<br />

edge of the Mount Scopus campus, proximate<br />

to the yitzhak Rabin Building, which houses the<br />

Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies.<br />

A transformative gift from the Mandel Foundation<br />

made the Mandel School possible, and is among the<br />

largest gifts in support of the humanities worldwide.<br />

afhU honorary PreSiDent, BarBara<br />

ManDel, became an honorary chairMan<br />

of the hebrew University Board of<br />

governors at its 77th annual Meeting.<br />

6 | AFHU NEWS www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org

honorary felloWShiPS<br />

lUcille aMSter<br />

arthUr gUtterMan<br />

lUcille J. aMSter and PreSiDent, ProfeSSor MenaheM Ben-SaSSon<br />

arthUr gUtterMan and PreSiDent, ProfeSSor MenaheM Ben-SaSSon<br />

Lucille Amster of Fort Lee, New Jersey, has been a<br />

lifelong champion of Israel and Jewish concerns<br />

worldwide. An active member of AFHU’s national Board<br />

of Regents, she serves as an associate governor of<br />

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.<br />

Lucille, along with her beloved husband of 56 years,<br />

daniel (z”l), a successful attorney and real estate<br />

developer, participated in AFHU missions to Israel. The<br />

philanthropic couple fostered medical research and<br />

quality healthcare at Hebrew University and have<br />

provided unwavering support for university students.<br />

HU Benefactors, the Amsters have generously provided<br />

support for animal welfare at the Koret School of<br />

Veterinary Medicine at the Robert H. Smith Faculty<br />

of Agriculture, Food and Environment. This year, Lucille<br />

graciously chaired the AFHU New Jersey Region’s<br />

scholarship luncheon to benefit students at the Koret<br />

School of Veterinary Medicine.<br />

A graduate of the New york University School of<br />

Education, Lucille Amster is an enthusiastic community<br />

leader and supports many causes in New Jersey and<br />

Florida.<br />

Arthur Gutterman was awarded an Honorary<br />

Fellowship at the 77th Annual Board of Governors.<br />

To read more, visit page 10.<br />

www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org<br />


The 77th Annual Hebrew University International Board of Governors<br />

honorary felloWShiPS<br />

Mark S. ViDergaUz<br />

Wall of life<br />

Bari anD SteVen gooD<br />

Mark S. ViDergaUz and PreSiDent, ProfeSSor MenaheM Ben-SaSSon<br />

Mark S. Vidergauz, a prominent investment banker<br />

and private equity investor, is an avid supporter of<br />

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and an engaged<br />

AFHU leader whose efforts have advanced AFHU’s<br />

mission on the West coast. Mark has provided<br />

distinguished leadership to AFHU, previously serving as<br />

president of the Western Region and currently<br />

serving as a member of the national Board of directors<br />

and the campaign committee.<br />

A governor of The Hebrew University International<br />

Board of Governors, Mark is a university Guardian<br />

and national AFHU Scopus Award recipient along with his<br />

wife, dr. Sharon Hirschowitz, a professor of pathology at<br />

the david Geffen School of Medicine at UcLA. Mark and<br />

Sharon have long shared a commitment to philanthropy,<br />

the State of Israel and to Jewish communities worldwide.<br />

The founder and chief Executive officer of The Sage<br />

Group, a Los Angeles-based investment bank, Mark<br />

Vidergauz advises private and public companies<br />

on merger and acquisition and corporate finance<br />

transactions in branded consumer industries. A member<br />

of the State Bar of california and the American Bar<br />

Association, he received B.A. and L.L.B. degrees, as well<br />

as degrees in tax and business administration, from the<br />

University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South<br />

Africa, and an L.L.M. degree from the London School of<br />

Economics.<br />

SteVe and Bari gooD at the Wall of life<br />

Bari and Steve Good are dear friends of The Hebrew<br />

University of Jerusalem and driving forces in AFHU’s<br />

Western Region. In tribute to their philanthropic<br />

leadership and support for Hebrew University scholarship<br />

students, Steve and Bari received AFHU’s Humanitarian<br />

Torch of Learning Award during the Western Region’s<br />

Bel Air Affaire.<br />

Steve Good is a member of AFHU’s national Board of<br />

directors and helped develop the Western Region’s<br />

planned giving campaign. A certified public accountant<br />

and financial professional, he is a consultant to, and<br />

retired senior partner of, cohn-Reznick LLc.<br />

Steve Good is the founding president of the Santa<br />

Monica Synagogue. He is a director and past president<br />

of The Guardians of the Los Angeles Jewish Home for<br />

the Aging, the founding director of the ALS Association<br />

and a member of the chancellor's circle of UcLA, where<br />

he received his Bachelor of Science degree and attended<br />

graduate school.<br />

Bari Good is the former president of the National<br />

council of Jewish Women (NcJW), Los Angeles section,<br />

and previously served as an NcJW volunteer, counseling<br />

women and working with children to overcome learning<br />

disabilities. Bari’s dedication to the Jewish community<br />

was instilled in her by her parents, Minnie and Julian<br />

crystal (z”l). Bari Good has shared her passion for painting<br />

with elementary school children, volunteering as an art<br />

teacher at schools without an art program.<br />

8 | AFHU NEWS www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org

Wall of life<br />

foUnDer<br />

rUth reSnikoff<br />

Dr. allen h. Bezner<br />

in MeMory of hiS granDfather<br />

rUBin greenSPan (z”l)<br />

rUth reSnikoff at the Wall of life<br />

Ruth Resnikoff of Princeton, New Jersey, has lived<br />

in England, South Africa and in the United States during<br />

the past five decades, throughout which time her<br />

commitment to the Jewish community and to Israel has<br />

been steadfast. An enthusiastic Hebrew University<br />

supporter, Ruth received the Guardian Award from<br />

AFHU in November 2013.<br />

Ruth was born in London to a South African mother<br />

and British father. In 1941, during the German Blitz on<br />

London, Ruth and her mother sailed for South Africa<br />

and Ruth completed her schooling in Johannesburg and<br />

cape Town. Upon returning to London, Ruth studied<br />

at the Royal Academy of dramatic Art (RAdA) and<br />

became a professional actor and drama teacher.<br />

Upon returning to South Africa as a RAdA graduate,<br />

Ruth met and married Edward Feit. Edward’s father,<br />

Leo Feit (z”l), was a major philanthropist who helped<br />

to shape Ruth’s perspectives on Jewish communal<br />

leadership and social responsibility. Ruth subsequently<br />

married Sam Resnikoff (z”l), with whom she lived<br />

in coconut creek and Boca Raton, Florida for 30 years,<br />

until Sam’s passing.<br />

Ruth has visited Israel on many occasions and feels a<br />

deep connection to the Jewish community worldwide.<br />

Dr. allen h. Bezner at the founders Wall<br />

dr. Allen H. Bezner, a prominent Palm Beach, Florida<br />

neurologist, is a member of AFHU’s Southeast Region<br />

Board and has supported numerous Palm Beach Scopus<br />

Award galas. dedicated to Israel, he participated in<br />

AFHU’s 2012 national President’s Mission and attended<br />

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 75th International<br />

Board of Governors.<br />

dr. Bezner dedicated his Founders recognition in loving<br />

memory of his grandfather, Rubin Greenspan (z”l), who<br />

greatly influenced his grandson’s life. In further tribute to<br />

Rubin Greenspan, dr. Bezner has provided generous<br />

scholarship support for Hebrew University students.<br />

dr. Bezner has maintained his private practice in Palm<br />

Beach since 1984. He earned his medical degree at the<br />

University of Miami School of Medicine and completed<br />

his residency at Jackson Memorial Hospital. He received<br />

his undergraduate degree from New york University.<br />

In addition to being active within the medical community,<br />

dr. Bezner is involved in Boca Raton’s Jewish communal<br />

sphere as a member of chabad.<br />

www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org AFHU NEWS | 9

PLANNED Charitable GIVING Giving<br />

Arthur Gutterman<br />

Making a Difference<br />

Some philanthropists<br />

develop longstanding<br />

relationships with a<br />

particular organization<br />

or institution over a span<br />

of decades. others fall in love with<br />

a charitable cause virtually “at first<br />

sight,” and become supporters<br />

and leaders almost immediately.<br />

Such is the case with Arthur<br />

Gutterman, who received an Honorary<br />

Fellowship during June <strong>2014</strong> and is a<br />

Benefactor of The Hebrew University<br />

of Jerusalem and an associate governor<br />

of the International Board of<br />

Governors.<br />

Arthur, a chicagoan who recently<br />

relocated to Florida, was introduced<br />

to AFHU through a mailing in 2003. After meeting<br />

professional staff and lay leaders, he became involved<br />

in AFHU’s mission. Arthur joined the national board<br />

and traveled on AFHU missions to Israel. Firsthand<br />

exposure to the university’s brain trust led Arthur<br />

to fund pioneering medical research and scholarships<br />

for medical students.<br />

“Leadership is rewarding. It feels good to be involved<br />

and go beyond just writing a check,” said Arthur,<br />

who is the chairman of Jelmar, LLc, a household cleaning<br />

supplies company that was founded by his father<br />

Manny and is headed by his daughter Alison. In 2012,<br />

AFHU’s Midwest Region celebrated Alison as a Leader<br />

of distinction. Arthur’s other daughter, Jamie Gutterman<br />

dann, established a meaningful career in the field of<br />

social work.<br />

Arthur credits his desire to “give back and do more for<br />

others” to Emalie Gutterman (z”l), his beloved late wife<br />

and mother of Jamie and Alison. Guided by Emalie’s<br />

wisdom, Arthur created scholarships at his alma mater,<br />

Roosevelt University. In 2010, Arthur established the<br />

Emalie Gutterman Memorial Endowed Fund for Medical<br />

Research in chronic Pulmonary disease at Hebrew<br />

University. Several generations of the Gutterman<br />

arthUr gUtterMan and Jeannie kohen at the Benefactors Wall in 2013<br />

family, along with Arthur’s dear friend Jeannie Kohen,<br />

attended the Wall of Life ceremony commemorating<br />

this benevolent gift. Arthur has provided support<br />

for HU Professor Eran Meshorer’s laboratory. Professor<br />

Meshorer is an outstanding young member of the<br />

Edmond and Lily Safra center for Brain Sciences and is<br />

conducting pioneering kidney research.<br />

Beth Asnien Mccoy, AFHU National Executive director,<br />

stated: “Arthur brings business acumen to his role<br />

on our board. At the same time, he cares so much about<br />

our cause. He believes in investment philanthropy that<br />

is directed toward achieving a positive outcome.”<br />

AFHU has a robust planned giving program, including<br />

AFHU Hebrew University Gift Annuities, which offer<br />

multiple benefits. The donor or a designee receives<br />

high fixed-rate income for the duration of his or her life.<br />

The residual of the gift annuity fosters AFHU’s mission<br />

and benefits The Hebrew University in future years.<br />

Arthur Gutterman recently established an AFHU Hebrew<br />

University Gift Annuity, and as he explains, “A gift annuity<br />

is a nice way of taking care of someone, and you can<br />

accomplish several goals with one gift: you can provide<br />

support for the university eventually while obtaining<br />

income for life and a tax deduction.”<br />

10 | AFHU NEWS www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org

What sets the AFHU Hebrew University<br />

What sets the AFHU Hebrew University<br />

Gift Annuity apart from all others?<br />

Gift Annuity apart from all others?<br />

Photo: Patricia Alvarado Núñez<br />


FOR YOU.<br />



Sowing the Seeds for a Better Future<br />

Learn more about pioneering research from The Hebrew University’s<br />

Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment: <strong>afhu</strong>.org/cga4<br />

Earn High Lifetime Income and<br />

AFHU Hebrew University Gift HIGH Annuity FIXED-RATE Returns<br />

Outstanding new Hebrew University faculty member Dr.<br />

Zvi Peleg is investigating the ways in which environmental<br />


Strengthen Israel’s Future Age 65 70 75<br />

stresses such as heat and drought impact wheat growth.<br />

HUGE 80 RETURNS 85 90<br />


Many By reintroducing American the Friends chromosomes of The of Hebrew DNA from University wild wheat have established Rate 6.0% 6.5% 7.1% 8.0% 9.5% 11.3%<br />

THE WORLD.<br />

into AFHU modern Hebrew cultivars, University Dr. Peleg is Gift creating Annuities. hardier, Here’s higher-whyyield<br />

wheat with more nutritional benefits. His work is<br />


helping<br />

• An<br />

Israel<br />

AFHU<br />

and<br />

Hebrew<br />

people<br />

University<br />

throughout<br />

Gift<br />

the world.<br />

Annuity provides secure The lifetime returns are generous. The University cause is Gift priceless. Rates<br />

income at fixed rates well above what is now being paid on investments<br />

AGE RATE<br />

When in you cash create or fixed a secure income AFHU instruments. Hebrew University Gift<br />

For information on AFHU Hebrew University Gift<br />

Annuity—with its high lifetime return, tax deduction<br />

Annuities, please call AFHU Midwest 65 Region 6.0%<br />

• It offers fixed rates ranging from 6.0% for people age 65 to 11.3%<br />

and annuity payments that are substantially tax-free—<br />

Executive Director, Judith Shenkman 70 at 6.5%<br />

for age 90 and older.<br />

you gain more income. You also help propel the<br />

(312) 329-0332 or email: jshenkman@<strong>afhu</strong>.org<br />

75 7.1%<br />

life-sustaining • It provides research an income of Israel’s tax charitable top young deduction scientists. that may reduce Rates are based on a single life. Cash contributions<br />

income taxes.<br />

produce annuity payments that are substantially 80 tax-free. 8.0%<br />

• A substantial portion of the annual annuity may be paid to the<br />

annuitant tax-free.<br />

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem<br />

Equally important, an AFHU Hebrew University Gift Annuity<br />

Rates are calculated<br />

based on a single life.<br />

helps to provide RESEARCH future ENGINE support FOR for The THE Hebrew WORLD. University ENGINE of OF GROWTH FOR A NATION.<br />

Jerusalem, Israel’s intellectual and research beacon, and fosters<br />

AFHU’s enduring mission.<br />

To learn more about AFHU Hebrew University<br />

580 N.<br />

Gift<br />

Michigan<br />

Annuities<br />

Avenue, Suite<br />

and<br />

1530<br />

other forms of<br />

Chicago, IL 60611 877-642-AFHU (2348)<br />

AFHU planned giving, please contact our national<br />

<strong>afhu</strong>.org/cga4<br />

office or an AFHU office in your region.<br />

Visit us online at www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org/CGA<br />

85 9.5%<br />

90 11.3%<br />

Cash contributions<br />

produce substantially<br />

tax-free annuity income.<br />

www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org AFHU NEWS | 11


Celebrating 90 Years in 2015<br />

The past informs our future<br />

The Mount of olives is the ancient name for the ridge of three towering<br />

peaks flanking the eastern edge of Jerusalem; the highest, renamed<br />

Mount Scopus in modern times, became the site of The Hebrew University<br />

of Jerusalem. This area has long claimed an important place in Jewish<br />

consciousness. It was from here that the universal symbol of peace, a dove<br />

holding an olive branch, spread its wings and returned to Noah’s ark, announcing<br />

the receding flood. Jewish scripture also associates these hills with the advent<br />

of a Messianic era. However, the choice of this location for the “University of the<br />

Jewish people,” explains President, Professor Menahem Ben-Sasson, was inspired<br />

by “a concept of a secular messianism that envisioned this university as a temple<br />

to education – grounded in Jewish precepts and Jewish teaching methods,<br />

and acting as a beacon of learning and achievement for the benefit of mankind.”<br />

It has been 90 years since Hebrew University opened. on April l, 1925, the<br />

occasion was marked by a ceremony on Mount Scopus, where some ten thousand<br />

visitors sat perched on the rocky outcrops of a natural amphitheater looking out<br />

across the Judean desert. dignitaries from all over the world attended, as did the<br />

local Jewish, Arab and christian leadership.<br />

BeloW: entrance to the<br />

hebrew University rehovot<br />

campus, home to the<br />

robert h. Smith faculty of<br />

agriculture, food and<br />

environment<br />

12 | AFHU NEWS www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org

aBoVe: the hebrew<br />

University – hadassah<br />

School of Dental Medicine<br />

founded by the alpha<br />

omega fraternity; etz<br />

Shalom, the tree of Peace<br />

sculpture<br />

right: the cornerstsone<br />

laying of hebrew University<br />

on Mount Scopus in 1918<br />

The nascent university had three fledgling institutes: microbiology, chemistry, and<br />

Jewish Studies. By the end of its first decade, Hebrew University established two<br />

faculties in the humanities and science. However, the world was beset by economic<br />

crises throughout the 1930s and the university struggled to survive financially.<br />

As World War lI drew to a close, Hebrew University made plans for large-scale<br />

expansion that would begin to address the devastation created by the Holocaust, and<br />

rebuild the legacy of the Jewish people. Those plans were curtailed when in 1948,<br />

the newly declared State of Israel found itself in an existential war with its Arab<br />

neighbors. The Mount Scopus campus, including Hadassah Hospital, was highly<br />

vulnerable to attack. on April 15, 1948, a convoy bringing supplies, doctors, nurses<br />

and patients to the hospital was ambushed. In the aftermath of the deadly assault,<br />

the campus was virtually abandoned, with only a small garrison remaining.<br />

Undaunted, the university, now with more than 7,000 students, relocated to<br />

buildings throughout Jerusalem. classes were held in teachers’ homes; monasteries<br />

continues on next page<br />

www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org<br />



Celebrating 90 Years in 2015<br />

continued from previous page<br />

were rented for teaching and administrative purposes; scientific research continued<br />

in huts that lined the Mamilla Road. The university’s medical school and Hadassah<br />

Hospital were re-established in a forested area known as Ein Kerem. In 1954,<br />

a 70-acre site in the undeveloped neighborhood of Givat Ram was allocated to<br />

the university. It immediately became a hive of construction activity, with the first<br />

campus buildings opening in 1965.<br />

Sadly, peace was short-lived. on June 5, 1967, war again erupted with neighboring<br />

Arab states. This time, triumph was swift and within four days the road to Mount<br />

Scopus was reopened. The campus was restored to the reunited city of Jerusalem<br />

and an extensive program of rebuilding was initiated. In 1981 the Faculties of Social<br />

Sciences and Humanities returned to Mount Scopus after an absence of more<br />

than 30 years. The expansion of the university has continued with dedication and<br />

determination, making it one of the great universities of the world.<br />

Hebrew University’s scholarly and scientific contributions have made a positive<br />

impact on every field of human endeavor. The university’s global reputation is<br />

resulting in a “brain gain,” explains Professor Ronnie Friedman, Vice President of<br />

Advancement and External Relations and former dean of the Robert H. Smith<br />

Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment. outstanding Israeli academics who<br />

were working in prestigious institutes abroad are returning home to take up newly<br />

established positions at Hebrew University. This reversal of the “brain drain,” and<br />

its accompanying research achievements, depends on the university maintaining<br />

world-class research facilities, states Professor Friedman.<br />

BeloW: research at the<br />

faculty of Medicine<br />

toP right: early agricultural<br />

research<br />

BottoM right: Students<br />

between classes on the<br />

rehovot campus<br />

14 | AFHU NEWS www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org

Welcoming Outstanding<br />

Young Faculty<br />

He identifies three essential elements that make Hebrew University an<br />

exceptional academic community: highly motivated students exposed<br />

to a teaching system rooted in the Jewish tradition of asking questions; a<br />

commitment to maintaining advanced research facilities; and an atmosphere<br />

of community which supports and nurtures academics and students. Today,<br />

the university welcomes as part of its extended family hundreds of students<br />

from places such as Africa and china.<br />

“through education we invest in a future committed<br />

to excellence, for the benefit of humanity.”<br />

–ProfeSSor MenaheM Ben-SaSSon<br />

For President Professor Ben-Sasson the concept of family also encompasses<br />

generations of diaspora Jews who have shared and supported the university’s<br />

commitment to serving mankind. “As Jews, we look to our past to inform<br />

our future,” says Professor Ben-Sasson. “Through education we invest in a<br />

future committed to excellence for the benefit of humanity.”<br />

“It’s such a lively, open intellectual<br />

community,” says Dr. Inbal Arnon<br />

when asked about why she<br />

joined The Hebrew University’s<br />

Department of Psychology. A<br />

senior lecturer in the department<br />

and an affiliate member of the<br />

Language, Logic and Cognition<br />

Group in the Faculty of<br />

Humanities, Dr. Arnon is pursuing<br />

interdisciplinary studies on<br />

language acquisition. She is<br />

addressing the question of why<br />

children are better language<br />

learners than adults, a topic that<br />

was the subject of her doctoral<br />

thesis at Stanford University.<br />

Dr. Arnon explains, “My research<br />

is undermining traditional<br />

assumptions as to why children<br />

are better learners, and suggests<br />

practical ways to enhance<br />

language learning in adults.”<br />

Part of this work is being done in<br />

the new Living Lab: a collaborative,<br />

community-oriented initiative<br />

with the Bloomfield Children’s<br />

Science Museum in Jerusalem.<br />

Born and educated in Israel,<br />

Dr. Arnon yearned to build her<br />

career in Jerusalem. “I was<br />

fueled by a desire to be part of<br />

a community to which I feel a<br />

responsibility. This holds true<br />

for both Israel’s academic<br />

community and Israeli society<br />

as a whole.”<br />

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50th Anniversary of<br />

The Harry S. Truman<br />

Research Institute for the<br />

Advancement of Peace<br />

From the perspective of today’s headlines, conflict is<br />

growing, and militarism is on the rise. However,<br />

from the panoramic rooftop of The Harry S. Truman<br />

Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace on<br />

Mount Scopus, a new perspective – one that begins in<br />

Jerusalem and extends far beyond the horizon – is providing hope<br />

for a better future. combining top-level scholarship with real-world<br />

initiatives, the Truman Institute is a unique environment where coalitions<br />

of academics, policy makers and community leaders come together to alter<br />

the strategic calculus and to promote the trust that is necessary for peace.<br />

celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2015, the Truman Institute was<br />

the first peace research institute in Israel and remains its largest,<br />

with more than a hundred research fellows. It sponsors an equal<br />

number of events, most open to the public, each year. According<br />

to Academic director, Professor Menahem Blondheim, the scope<br />

of institute activities has created a rich intellectual environment<br />

in which new ideas can take root.<br />

“the truman institute offers a powerful model<br />

for promoting dialogue and for working<br />

toward the resolution of regional conflicts.”<br />

– ProfeSSor MenaheM BlonDheiM<br />

“Truman scholars come from universities and colleges in<br />

Israel and from leading institutes around the world to pursue<br />

research related to the Middle East, as well as Asia, Africa,<br />

Latin America and Europe,” says Professor Blondheim, an<br />

expert in history, communication and media who studied at<br />

Hebrew University and Harvard. “We train young diplomats,<br />

and through our Abba Eban centre for Israeli diplomacy<br />

we host ambassadors, foreign ministers and policy makers<br />

for briefings. The Truman Peace Prize has been awarded<br />

to leaders who have made significant contributions to the<br />

pursuit of peace in troubled areas. Balancing academic<br />

research with a wide range of practical projects that require<br />

‘brainstorming’ among experts who would not otherwise<br />

16 | AFHU NEWS www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org

meet, the Truman Institute offers a powerful model for promoting dialogue and<br />

working toward the resolution of regional conflicts.”<br />

at left, aBoVe: PreSiDent<br />

harry S. trUMan<br />

at left, BeloW: hU PreSiDent<br />

eliahU elath at a ceremony<br />

inaugurating the truman<br />

institute<br />

aBoVe: Media coverage<br />

of war and terrorist<br />

activity was the focus of<br />

a conference held to<br />

mark the publication<br />

of Transforming Media<br />

Coverage of Violent<br />

Conflicts: The New Face<br />

of War. the book was<br />

authored by truman<br />

scholars Dr. zohar kampf<br />

and Professor tamar<br />

liebes.<br />

Promoting local dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians has long been a focus<br />

while some of the institute’s initiatives cast a wider net. “This past September we<br />

sponsored an international conference in crete in which Israelis and their colleagues<br />

from abroad discussed how the Mediterranean Basin’s natural gas reserves could<br />

be leveraged as a basis for economic partnership and regional stability,” says Naama<br />

Shpeter, Truman Institute’s administrative director. “Even in a time when tensions<br />

were high due to the Gaza war, this working group included experts from Lebanon,<br />

Jordan, Algeria and, for the first time, even Saudi Arabia. This shows the value of the<br />

bridge we create.”<br />

According to dr. Micha’el Tanchum, a Truman researcher who is an expert on Islam<br />

and politics in Turkey, Iran and central Asia, and who was a delegate to the energy<br />

conference, the idea of “peace economics” can promote stability. “The proposed Israeli<br />

sale of natural gas to Egypt has added to Egypt’s support for Israel,” he says, “and<br />

economic cooperation may eventually encourage countries like Turkey to restore full<br />

and friendly relations. This practical engagement incentivizes regional cooperation.”<br />

Ambassador William A. Brown, longtime chair and current Acting chair of the Board<br />

of Trustees, is proud to note that despite massive changes that have taken place in<br />

the geo-political realm, the respect given to the Truman Institute has remained<br />

constant. “Truman is highly influential because it is the only research institute for the<br />

advancement of peace in the entire Middle East,” he says. Ambassador Brown adds<br />

that while other organizations do important work, they tend to be based on advocacy<br />

rather than analysis. “By supporting the work of outstanding Ph.d.s and post-doctoral<br />

researchers and by bringing in important speakers, we make a unique contribution.”<br />

continues on next page<br />

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50th Anniversary of the<br />

Harry S. Truman<br />

Research Institute for the<br />

Advancement of Peace<br />

continued from previous page<br />

Hebrew University Rector, Professor Asher cohen, points out that another<br />

factor in the institute’s success is its independence. “Rather than operating<br />

under the rubric of one of our academic faculties, Truman is administered<br />

jointly by the university and an independent board of trustees,” he says.<br />

“The Hebrew University is proud of its dual role as a leading research<br />

institution and as an active player in the promotion of the public good.”<br />

celebrating this double legacy will be at the heart of the upcoming<br />

50th anniversary festivities. While preparations for the Jubilee celebrations<br />

are under way, the Truman Institute community will continue with what<br />

Academic director Blondheim describes as “a humbling exercise in failure<br />

and fortitude.”<br />

“Every day, before I start work, I climb up to the roof of the institute,<br />

look out over Jerusalem, and say to myself: we have to bring all our energy<br />

and goodwill to bear, to find a peaceful solution for this amazing<br />

environment,” he says. “Just because we haven’t succeeded yet, doesn’t<br />

mean it’s not possible.”<br />

aBoVe: henry kiSSinger speaks with<br />

ProfeSSor ShloMo aVineri<br />

BeloW: the truman researchers of <strong>2014</strong><br />

are exploring vital topics, among these:<br />

speech acts of threats and condemnation<br />

in different conflicts; the role of popular<br />

narratives of homeland and identity in<br />

the resolution of international territorial<br />

conflict; the arab christian population<br />

of Jaffa, whose language is shifting<br />

from arabic to hebrew; the role of<br />

private peace entrepreneurs in conflict<br />

resolution; and ways in which women<br />

cross “borders” outside their personal<br />

and cultural territory.<br />

18 | AFHU NEWS www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org


The 100th Anniversary of Einstein’s Discovery<br />

of General Relativity<br />

In 2015, the world will celebrate<br />

the anniversary of Albert<br />

Einstein’s greatest intellectual<br />

achievement: the 100th<br />

anniversary of Einstein’s<br />

discovery of general relativity.<br />

Professor Hanoch Gutfreund,<br />

director of the Einstein<br />

Archives and an eminent<br />

theoretical physicist, spoke<br />

with AFHU about Einstein. Visit<br />

AFHU’s discoveries podcast<br />

series and listen to Professor<br />

Gutfreund’s interview at<br />

<strong>afhu</strong>.org/discoveries/.<br />

Einstein’s theories<br />

apply to everyday<br />

life. For example,<br />

technologies such as<br />

the Global Positioning<br />

System (GPS) are<br />

only possible with<br />

the knowledge of<br />

relativity. The GPS<br />

satellites orbiting<br />

the Earth must be<br />

precisely synced<br />

with GPS receivers<br />

on the ground in<br />

order to function<br />

properly; their<br />

synchronization is<br />

achieved through<br />

a constant stream<br />

of radio signals<br />

hebrew University founders alBert<br />

transmitted back<br />

einStein and chaiM WeizMann<br />

and forth through<br />

space. With these<br />

transmissions, however, the earth’s gravitational field will<br />

distort the perception of time on a satellite compared<br />

with a GPS receiver on earth, causing GPS locators to<br />

significantly miscalculate positions. If scientists could not<br />

alBert einStein, who raised funds on behalf of the hebrew<br />

University, visited new york<br />

correct for gravity’s effect on time, the GPS would not<br />

be possible.<br />

Einstein’s contributions to humanity extend beyond<br />

revolutionary theorems of physics. Einstein was active<br />

in founding The Hebrew University of Jerusalem<br />

and authored Hebrew University’s mission statement,<br />

expressing his vision for the university as an<br />

international center of learning, “a place where the<br />

universality of the human spirit manifests itself.”<br />

(The Mission of our University, 1925)<br />

Albert Einstein remained committed to The Hebrew<br />

University throughout his life, bequeathing his intellectual<br />

legacy to the institution. Thousands of scientific papers,<br />

letters and personal journals have been compiled<br />

into the Albert Einstein Archives and can be accessed at<br />

alberteinstein.info/.<br />

www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org<br />



Mobileye is the Biggest-Ever Israeli IPO in the U.S.<br />

Mobileye technology, with its patented EyeQ ® chip, prevents automobile<br />

collisions before they happen. The Israeli startup founded by Amnon<br />

Shashua, the Sachs Family Professor of computer Sciences at The Hebrew<br />

University of Jerusalem, raised a record-breaking $890 million in its initial<br />

public offering on NASdAQ on August 1, <strong>2014</strong>. Mobileye software is<br />

being installed in cars and trucks from BMW, Mercedes, Ford and other<br />

manufacturers, keeping drivers safe by alerting them to unintended<br />

lane departures or collisions. By 2016, Mobileye expects to produce a<br />

hands-free highway driving system.<br />

Crowdfunding Levels the Financial<br />

Playing Field for Women Entrepreneurs<br />

Crowdfunding is a recent form of fundraising that involves funding projects or<br />

ventures by raising small amounts of money from many people, usually via the<br />

Internet. Researchers from The Jerusalem School of Business Administration at The<br />

Hebrew University, dr. dan Marom and Professor orly Sade, along with colleagues<br />

from Uc Berkeley, studied a major Internet crowdfunding platform, Kickstarter,<br />

and compared the ability of men and women, respectively, to get their projects<br />

funded. Researchers found that although on average, men on Kickstarter asked for and received more business seed<br />

money than women, women enjoyed a 69.5% success rate in getting their projects funded versus 61.4% for men. The<br />

study results are encouraging for women entrepreneurs who have traditionally struggled to obtain business investment<br />

compared with their male colleagues. The project was cited in The New york Times (August 18, <strong>2014</strong>).<br />

Novel System Prevents Microbial Contamination of Food Packaging<br />

Water alone may not be enough to wash away the<br />

harmful germs clinging to the surfaces of the fruits<br />

and vegetables that we eat every day. Even after we<br />

wash produce, resilient germs called bacterial biofilm<br />

can survive and multiply on the surface of produce<br />

as well as on the packages growers use to ship their<br />

products. Kaye Prize Winner, Michael Brandwein, a<br />

graduate student mentored by Professor doron<br />

Steinberg at The Hebrew University’s Biofilm Research<br />

Laboratory at the dental faculty, discovered a new<br />

molecule that prevents bacteria biofilm from reproducing.<br />

Mr. Brandwein’s synthesized polymer called TZd<br />

l–r: Michael BranDWein and ProfeSSor Doron SteinBerg<br />

interferes with bacterial and fungal reproduction. yissum,<br />

Hebrew University’s technology transfer company, patented the design for the TZd anti-biofilm polymer and has<br />

partnered with B.G. Tech of Kibbutz Beit Guvrin for further development.<br />

20 | AFHU NEWS<br />


Technology to Help the Visually Impaired “Hear” Colors and Shapes<br />

New technology developed by Professor Amir Amedi<br />

from the Edmond and Lily Safra center for Brain<br />

Sciences allows the visually impaired to “see” the visual<br />

world with their ears. Using Sensory Substitution devices<br />

(SSds)—a special camera mounted to a headset—and a<br />

new app for the IPhone called EyeMusic, the visual world<br />

is scanned and translated into auditory representations.<br />

The EyeMusic app takes colors and shapes captured by<br />

the SSd camera and converts them into “Soundscapes,”<br />

with different instruments corresponding to colors<br />

and pitch corresponding to the height of the objects.<br />

Atox Bio Treats a Rare Disease with New Success<br />

Necrotizing soft tissue infection (NSTI)—commonly known as “flesh-eating” bacteria—is a frightening condition<br />

with few effective treatment options. doctors typically treat NSTI with powerful antibiotics and emergency surgery,<br />

but such methods are not always effective.<br />

Studies conducted by Hebrew University’s Raymond Kaempfer, the dr. Philip M. Marcus Professor of Molecular<br />

Biology and cancer Research, and dr. Gila Arad, have produced a promising new treatment to combat NSTI. Their<br />

new therapy, AB103, is an immunomodulator that does not directly attack the bacterial infection, as an antibiotic<br />

would, but which helps bolster the patient’s own immune system to fight the NSTI. AB103’s initial success in clinical<br />

trials has led to the establishment of a new startup, Atox Bio. Investors recently raised $23 million for further<br />

development of AB103.<br />

Yissum and Lockheed Martin to Fly High<br />

in Joint Research Agreement<br />

Lockheed Martin, a global security and aerospace company, strengthened its relationship with Israel when it agreed<br />

to a long-term research deal with yissum, the technology transfer company of Hebrew University. While being known<br />

for its defense and weapons work, Lockheed Martin also has a large IT division and is the largest IT solutions provider<br />

to the U.S. federal government.<br />

Questioning the Jewish Identity of the Khazars<br />

It turns out that the ninth-century Khazars, whose kingdom spanned the caucus Mountains<br />

between the caspian and Black Seas, were not Jewish after all. Shaul Stampfer, the Rabbi<br />

Edward Sandrow Professor of Soviet and East European Jewry at The Hebrew University,<br />

argues in the Jewish Social Studies Journal: Volume 19, Number 3, that the Khazars never<br />

converted to Judaism despite popular myths suggesting otherwise. Professor Stampfer’s<br />

paper critiques various popular and academic literature supporting the Jewish Khazar<br />

conversion theory.<br />

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The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is ranked first in Israel, third in Asia, and 70th worldwide in the <strong>2014</strong> academic<br />

ranking of top universities. The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), is conducted annually by the center for<br />

World-class Universities at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and is considered the most objective and important ranking<br />

system in the academic sphere.<br />


dr. yaakov Nahmias, director of Hebrew University's Alexander Grass center for<br />

Bioengineering, received the <strong>2014</strong> Rappaport Prize for Excellence in Biomedical<br />

Research. dr. Nahmias was recognized for his innovations and scientific leadership,<br />

including his discovery that naringenin, a grapefruit flavonoid, is capable of blocking<br />

virus production. dr. Nahmias also established Biodesign-Israel, a joint effort of the<br />

Hadassah Medical center, the HU School of Business Administration and the<br />

Alexander Grass center for Bioengineering, to spearhead innovative medical devices.<br />


THE ISRAEL PRIZE, <strong>2014</strong><br />

Qlight Nanotech, developer of products based on semiconductor nanocrystals for use<br />

in flat panel displays and efficient LEd lighting, won the Best Nanotechnology company<br />

of the year Award at the NanoIsrael <strong>2014</strong> conference. Qlight Nanotech was founded<br />

by Professor Uri Banin, the incumbent of the Alfred & Erica Larisch Memorial chair<br />

at the Institute of chemistry. Professor Banin was the founding director of the Harvey<br />

M. Krueger Family center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.<br />


Professor Jaacov Katan, the Buck Family Professor Emeritus of Plant Pathology and a Hebrew<br />

University alumnus, was awarded the Israel Prize for his work in developing an environmentally safe,<br />

solar energy-based method to manage soil-borne pests.<br />


The Israel Prize for Political and Managerial Science was conferred upon<br />

Professor Haim Levy, the Myles S. Robinson Professor Emeritus,<br />

Jerusalem School of Business Administration.<br />


Professor Marta Weinstock-Rosin, the Leon and Minna deutsch chair of<br />

Psycho-pharmacology and Professor Emeritus of the School of Pharmacy –<br />

Institute for drug Research, received the Israel Prize for developing the blockbuster<br />

drug Exelon and other pharmaceutical treatments for diseases such as<br />

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.<br />

THE EMET PRIZE, <strong>2014</strong><br />

Professor Itzchak Zamir, an alumnus of The Hebrew University Faculty of Law, former faculty<br />

member and the faculty’s 12th dean, is the co-recipient of the <strong>2014</strong> EMET Prize in Law.<br />

The EMET prize is awarded by the AMN Foundation, under the sponsorship of Israel’s Prime Minister,<br />

to individuals whose academic and professional achievements have contributed to society.<br />

22 | AFHU NEWS www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org


Professor Amnon Shashua<br />



ssor Amnon Shashua<br />

Mobileye, invented by Amnon Shashua, The Sachs Family Professor of Computer Science and<br />

Engineering at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, raised $890 million in its U.S. IPO—the largest<br />

in Israel’s history.<br />


ed by Amnon Shashua, By The the Sachs end Family of this Professor year, 160 of Computer car models Science from and eighteen manufacturers will be equipped with this<br />

e Hebrew University of revolutionary Jerusalem, raised life-saving $890 million collision-avoidance in its U.S. IPO—the largest system. EyeQ ® , Mobileye’s System-on-Chip, provides<br />

y.<br />

real-time visual recognition and scene interpretation for cars and trucks, preventing accidents and<br />

s year, 160 car models saving from eighteen countless manufacturers lives every will day. be equipped with this<br />

-saving collision-avoidance system. EyeQ ® , Mobileye’s System-on-Chip, provides<br />

recognition and scene American<br />

interpretation Friends<br />

for cars of<br />

and The<br />

trucks, Hebrew<br />

preventing University<br />

accidents salutes<br />

and<br />

Professor Shashua and and all The all The Hebrew Hebrew University<br />

lives every day. innovators University innovators who are making who are our making world a our better, world safer a better, place. safer For more place. information For more about information The Hebrew<br />

University about the Hebrew innovation, University please innovation, call AFHU National please contact Executive AFHU’s Director, national Beth Asnien office in McCoy your region. at<br />

of The Hebrew University salutes Professor Shashua and all The Hebrew University<br />

re making our world a (212) better, 607-8555 safer place. or For email: more information bmccoy@<strong>afhu</strong>.org<br />

about The Hebrew<br />

ation, please call AFHU National Executive Director, Beth Asnien McCoy at<br />

or email: bmccoy@<strong>afhu</strong>.org<br />

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem<br />

Hebrew University of Jerusalem<br />



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Scopus Awards<br />


Ambassador Stuart Bernstein and Wilma<br />

Bernstein received the national Scopus Award on<br />

January 18, <strong>2014</strong>, at a gala held at the Breakers<br />

Hotel in Palm Beach, Florida. The Bernsteins,<br />

prior Scopus honorees, were lauded for their<br />

dedication to Israel, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,<br />

and AFHU’s mission.<br />

For more than five decades, Ambassador Stuart<br />

Bernstein has been a leader in real estate development<br />

in the Mid-Atlantic Region. He has served as ambassador<br />

to the Kingdom of denmark and as a commissioner of<br />

the International cultural and Trade center. Ambassador<br />

Bernstein is also a member of the National Finance<br />

committee for the George W. Bush Presidential center.<br />

Wilma Bernstein has maintained a lifelong commitment<br />

to cultural, philanthropic and political pursuits. A trustee<br />

of the Kennedy center for the Performing Arts, she serves<br />

on the Board of Foundation for Art and Preservation<br />

in Embassies. She has chaired and co-chaired events for<br />

the Hebrew Home of Greater Washington, the Ambassador’s Ball<br />

for Israel Bonds, the 50th Anniversary of the State of Israel and the<br />

125th Anniversary of Adas Israel congregation.<br />

co-chairs of the gala were Roberta and Stanley Bogen, Suellen and<br />

Melvyn (z”l) Estrin, Barbara and Richard Rothschild, Judy and Robert<br />

Snyder, and Robbi and Bruce Toll. The elegant event supported Hebrew<br />

University’s Edmond and Lily Safra center for Brain Sciences.<br />

aBoVe: WilMa and aMBaSSaDor WilliaM<br />

BernStein<br />

BeloW l-r: Dinner chairs: SUellen eStrin,<br />

richarD and BarBara rothSchilD, roBBi<br />

and BrUce toll, roBerta and Stanley<br />

Bogen and JUDy and roBert SnyDer<br />

24 | AFHU NEWS www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org


l-r: honoree Sir Martin Sorrell, charlie roSe and ronalD o. PerelMan, Scopus gala chairman<br />

Sir Martin Sorrell, founder and cEo of WPP, the discovery communications, Irwin Gotlieb of GroupM,<br />

world’s leading communications services group, christopher Graves of oglivy Public Relations, James R.<br />

received AFHU’s national Scopus Award on Heekin of Grey Group, donna Imperato of cohn & Wolfe,<br />

November 6, <strong>2014</strong> in New york. The successful Lois Jacobs of Landor Associates, Bob Jeffrey of JWT,<br />

gala was chaired by Ronald o. Perelman. Among Robert K. Kraft, Jack Martin of Hill+Knowlton Strategies,<br />

the evening’s highlights was a spirited conversation Avner Mendelson of Bank Leumi USA, daniel Morel<br />

between charlie Rose, the renowned journalist and of Wunderman, curt Myers of davis & Gilbert LLP, News<br />

broadcast anchor, and Sir Martin. Guests included many corporation, david Sable of y&R, Eric Salama of Kantar,<br />

leaders in the global media and communications industries. Jon Steinberg of daily Mail, Miles young of oglivy &<br />

Sir Martin Sorrell, who was recognized as “one of<br />

Mather, Time Inc. and condé Nast.<br />

the world’s most influential figures in<br />

business,” by TIME Magazine, is a dedicated<br />

philanthropist and humanitarian. “I am<br />

honored and extremely flattered to receive<br />

the Scopus Award,” said Sir Martin. “Through<br />

its Nobel Prize-winning research and history<br />

of academic success, The Hebrew University<br />

is one of the finest institutions of higher<br />

learning in the world.”<br />

The congenial event raised more than<br />

$1 million in support of The Hebrew<br />

University of Jerusalem.<br />

Vice chairmen of the Scopus gala were:<br />

donald A. Baer of Burson-Marsteller, Bank l-r: hebrew University Vice PreSiDent, ProfeSSor ronnie frieDMan, aMBaSSaDor ron<br />

of America, Phillippe dauman of Viacom, ProSor, roBert kraft and Sir Martin Sorrell<br />

www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org<br />



Humanitarian Torch of Learning Awards<br />


The Bel Air Affaire<br />

l–r: honorees Barry and rhonDa liPPMan and Bari and SteVen gooD<br />

On September 13, <strong>2014</strong>, Bari and Steven Good<br />

and Ronda and Barry Lippman received the<br />

Humanitarian Torch of Learning Award at<br />

the glamourous Bel Air Affaire fundraising<br />

evening held in Los Angeles. The Goods<br />

and the Lippmans were recognized for their dynamic<br />

leadership and Jewish communal service. Both couples<br />

have strong connections to the LA Jewish community<br />

and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.<br />

Earlier this year, Bari and Steve Good were recognized<br />

as Guardians during The Hebrew University’s Board of<br />

Governors meeting. Steve Good is a consultant, a certified<br />

public accountant and a retired senior partner of<br />

cohnReznick LLc. Active in numerous local charities, he<br />

serves on AFHU’s national board of directors. devoted<br />

to many types of community service, Bari Good is<br />

the former president of the National council of Jewish<br />

Women (NcJW), Los Angeles section. She has worked<br />

with NcJW to counsel women and help children to<br />

overcome learning disabilities.<br />

Fellow Humanitarian Torch of Learning recipients,<br />

Ronda and Barry Lippman, have helped propel AFHU’s<br />

mission and fostered diverse philanthropic causes. Barry<br />

Lippman, president and founder of West coast Roofing,<br />

co., is a governor of Hebrew University’s Board of<br />

Governors and serves on AFHU’s national board. He is a<br />

past president of the Western regional board. Ronda<br />

Lippman, a professional travel agent with Plaza<br />

Travel/calig, serves as a board member of the Los<br />

Angeles chapter on the crohn’s and colitis Foundation of<br />

26 | AFHU NEWS www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org

l–r: event chairs Dr. DaViD anSon and renae JacoBS-anSon, Bel air affaire founder and sponsor BrinDell gottlieB, event chairs helen<br />

JacoBS-lePor and Dr. norMan lePor<br />

America and is a Lion of Judah with the Jewish Federation<br />

of Greater Los Angeles.<br />

This year’s Bel Air Affaire, the seventh such event, was<br />

themed “Architecture in Motion.” The evening raised a<br />

record-breaking $900,000 for student<br />

scholarships and was generously supported by<br />

Brindell Gottlieb. A national board member, Hebrew<br />

University Benefactor and recipient of an<br />

Honorary Fellowship, Brindell Gottlieb<br />

hosted the Bel Air Affaire for six years<br />

at her own lovely home, The Milton,<br />

named in memory of her beloved<br />

husband.<br />

The <strong>2014</strong> Bel Air Affaire provided a<br />

unique architectural experience for<br />

260 guests, who were welcomed to the<br />

beautiful and scenic hilltop home of<br />

Anthony and Jeanne Pritzker.<br />

Hebrew University special guest<br />

speakers were Professor Shy Arkin,<br />

Vice President for Research and<br />

development, and dr. daniel-Robert chebat, a<br />

post-doctoral fellow at the Edmond and Lily Safra center<br />

for Brain Sciences.<br />

co-chairs of the unique event were Renae Jacobs-Anson<br />

and dr. david Anson and Helen Jacobs-Lepor and<br />

dr. Norman Lepor. Honorary chairs were Western Region<br />

chair, Patricia L. Glaser and Sam Mudie, and May and<br />

Richard Ziman, former chair of the Western Region.<br />

RIGHT: Diavolo, a celebrated<br />

dance troupe, performed<br />

www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org<br />



Torch of Learning Awards<br />


On May 20, <strong>2014</strong>, Susan E.<br />

Brune and Edward G.<br />

Turan accepted the 44th<br />

George A. Katz Torch of<br />

Learning Award before an<br />

audience filled with friends, colleagues<br />

and family. The prominent attorneys<br />

were recognized for their career<br />

achievements and civic involvement.<br />

Proceeds from the luncheon provided<br />

funding for the clinical Legal Education<br />

center at Hebrew University’s<br />

Faculty of Law.<br />

Susan E. Brune, a partner at Brune<br />

& Richard LLP, has been recognized<br />

for excellence in the practice of law by<br />

chambers USA and is the recipient of<br />

the Thurgood Marshall Award for<br />

outstanding Practitioner. In addition<br />

to representing clients in criminal<br />

and regulatory proceedings, and in<br />

commercial litigation, Susan Brune<br />

provides counsel for entities in<br />

the financial services and energy<br />

industries. She has served as an<br />

honorees SUSan e. BrUne and eDWarD g. tUran<br />

Assistant United States Attorney for<br />

the Southern district of New york.<br />

Susan is a member of the Board of Trustees of the criminal Justice<br />

Foundation and is active in the Mccarton Foundation, which seeks<br />

to empower autistic individuals through educational means.<br />

Edward G. Turan is among the most respected in-house attorneys<br />

on Wall Street, serving as Special counsel and a Managing director<br />

of citigroup. He previously served as Head of Litigation for<br />

citi’s Investment Bank. A member of the Securities Industry and<br />

Financial Markets Association (SIFMA), Edward Turan serves on<br />

the clearinghouse Litigation committee and on the Board of<br />

directors of the Urban Justice center, from which he received the<br />

community Justice Award.<br />

Guest speakers for the George A. Katz Torch of Learning Award<br />

luncheon were Bret Stephens, deputy Editorial Page Editor of<br />

The Wall Street Journal and Professor yuval Shany, dean of HU’s<br />

Faculty of Law. Event co-chairs were Barry H. Berke, Brad S. Karp,<br />

Andrew J. Levander, George A. Schieren, Jane c. Sherburne,<br />

Rohan S. Weerasinghe and Richard d. Weinberg.<br />

keynote speaker Bret StePhenS<br />

28 | AFHU NEWS www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org


Prominent<br />

attorney Alan<br />

B. cohn was<br />

presented with<br />

the Torch of<br />

Learning Award on<br />

September 18, <strong>2014</strong>,<br />

at the Marriott Harbor<br />

Beach Resort & Spa in<br />

Fort Lauderdale, Florida.<br />

The notable event<br />

benefited The Hebrew<br />

University’s pediatric<br />

cancer research efforts.<br />

Mr. cohn is a<br />

shareholder at<br />

Greenspoon Marder<br />

Law in Fort Lauderdale<br />

and has extensive<br />

experience in tax, estate<br />

and probate law. He<br />

l-r: afhU SoUtheaSt region PreSiDent, Mitchell l. ShaDoWitz, torch of learning honoree alan B.<br />

has been named on cohn, esq. and afhU SoUtheaSt region PaSt PreSiDent, ShelDon hechtMan<br />

annual lists of Super<br />

Lawyers and selected as a “Top Rated<br />

Lawyer” by ALM and Martindale-Hubbell<br />

in Taxation since 2012.<br />

Highly regarded as a civic and Jewish<br />

communal leader, Alan cohn serves on<br />

the boards of the Broward Performing<br />

Arts Foundation, Nova Southeastern<br />

University, Rotary club of Fort<br />

Lauderdale/cypress creek, I care I cure<br />

childhood cancer Foundation, Jewish<br />

Federation of Broward county,<br />

Jewish community Foundation of<br />

Broward, Israel Bonds, Jewish Family<br />

Service, Inc. of Broward county, the<br />

Rose and Jack orloff central Agency<br />

for Jewish Education, Israel Elwyn,<br />

University of Florida Hillel and Temple<br />

Kol Ami Emanu-El.<br />

The award dinner was chaired by<br />

Gerald Greenspoon, Alan P. Fiske, and<br />

Sheri Fiske Schultz.<br />

l–r:Dinner chairs Sheri fiSke SchUltz, alan P. fiSke and aDrienne fiSke<br />

www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org<br />



Torch of Learning Awards<br />


American Friends of<br />

The Hebrew University<br />

honored William J. Kilberg<br />

with the Torch of<br />

Learning Award on<br />

September 17, <strong>2014</strong>. The event<br />

supported the Aharon Barak<br />

center for Interdisciplinary Legal<br />

Research at HU’s Faculty of Law.<br />

Keynote remarks were provided by<br />

U.S. congressman Paul Ryan<br />

of Wisconsin’s First district.<br />

Mr. Kilberg is the most senior<br />

partner in the Labor and<br />

Employment Law Practice Group at<br />

Gibson, dunn & crutcher LLP,<br />

arguing significant matters before<br />

eight United States courts of<br />

Appeals and the United States Supreme court. In 1973, President Richard<br />

Nixon appointed him as the Solicitor for the U.S. department of Labor.<br />

He served as Associate Solicitor of Labor, General counsel of the Federal<br />

Mediation and conciliation Service and as a White House Fellow and<br />

Special Assistant to Secretary of Labor George P. Shultz. In 1982, President<br />

Ronald Reagan appointed Mr. Kilberg to the commission on White House<br />

Fellowships.<br />

Recently, Mr. Kilberg served as a co-chair of the National Finance<br />

committees for the John Mccain and Mitt Romney presidential campaigns<br />

and as chair of the Policy committee on Labor for the Romney campaign.<br />

A dedicated American Friend, William Kilberg serves on the AFHU<br />

Mid-Atlantic Region Board. He is on<br />

the board of The Potomac School,<br />

the Virginia Israel Advisory Board<br />

and serves on the United States<br />

Holocaust Memorial Museum<br />

Lawyers committee.<br />

The lively dinner was chaired by<br />

Fred and Marlene Malek. Serving as<br />

honorary chairs were The Honorable<br />

dick cheney and The Honorable<br />

Lynne cheney, the Honorable<br />

George P. Shultz, Senator John<br />

Mccain, Senator Tim Kaine,<br />

The Honorable Mitt Romney, The<br />

Honorable Eric cantor, and<br />

The Honorable Joseph Lieberman.<br />

aBoVe: WilliaM J. kilBerg (c) accepts<br />

the torch of learning award<br />

presented by teD olSon (l) and<br />

freD Malek (r)<br />

BeloW l–r: congreSSMan PaUl ryan,<br />

BoBBie kilBerg, the honoraBle rUth<br />

BaDer ginSBUrg and WilliaM kilBerg<br />

30 | AFHU NEWS www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org


l–r: Dr. gillian Dank, raMBo aMSter and lUcille<br />

Supporting Our Students<br />

ANew Jersey scholarship luncheon drew guests<br />

to Le Jardin Restaurant in Edgewater, New Jersey<br />

on June 18, <strong>2014</strong>. Hosted and chaired by<br />

Lucille Amster, Hebrew University Benefactor<br />

and AFHU Board of Regents member, the event<br />

provided scholarships for students at The Hebrew<br />

University’s Koret School of Veterinary Medicine.<br />

Dr. Gillian Dank, a Koret School alumna and<br />

Israel’s foremost veterinary oncologist, spoke about<br />

animal welfare. The luncheon was co-chaired by<br />

Yvette Tekel and Martha Zilbert.<br />

Annual Leadership Education Forum<br />


On January 19, <strong>2014</strong>, more than 250 American<br />

Friends participated in AFHU's Annual<br />

Leadership Education Forum (ALEF) in Palm<br />

Beach, FL. Entitled “Advancing Israel’s Future,”<br />

the event featured Hebrew University faculty<br />

and speakers from other leading institutions. Topics<br />

ranged from Middle East affairs to interdisciplinary brain<br />

sciences.<br />

Hebrew University presenters included: Professor Shy<br />

Arkin, Vice President for Research and development;<br />

Professor Elie Podeh, former chair of the department of<br />

Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies; Professor Hermona<br />

Soreq, the charlotte Slesinger Professor of Molecular<br />

Neuroscience; and dr. Zvi Granot, an outstanding young<br />

specialist in cancer research and biology. congressman<br />

Ted deutch of Florida’s 21st district offered opening<br />

l–r: Middle east affairs panel featuring Dr. Michael Doran, the<br />

roger hertog fellow at the Brookings institute’s Saban center,<br />

ProfeSSor elie PoDeh, aMBaSSaDor WilliaM BernStein (moderator),<br />

Stanley Bogen, afhU honorary PreSiDent and honorary<br />

chairMan, and aMBaSSaDor carMi gillon (at podium)<br />

remarks and William Kristol, founder and editor of The<br />

Weekly Standard, was the keynote speaker.<br />

A Weekend of Learning<br />


ProfeSSor reUVen hazan<br />

www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org<br />

Nearly 500 guests attended a “Weekend of Learning” in and around cleveland<br />

from June 27-29, <strong>2014</strong>. Incisive discussions on Israeli politics and democracy<br />

were led by Professor Reuven Hazan, chair of the Faculty of Political Science<br />

at The Hebrew University. Event co-chairs Ellen cohn and Victor cohn, an<br />

AFHU Board of Regents member, hosted a cordial reception in their home.<br />

co-chairs for the Weekend of Learning were: carol and Scott Burg, Rina and Samuel<br />

Frankel, Elaine and Beno Michel, and Barbara and Norman Wain.<br />




Dr. Daniel-roBert cheBat shares how the “voice” technology<br />

aids the visually impaired.<br />

Dr. cheBat and alumni of hebrew University from the new york area<br />

This year AFHU launched a dynamic alumni<br />

outreach initiative. created to reconnect<br />

classmates, the alumni initiative helps keep<br />

alumni engaged and provides <strong>news</strong> and<br />

updates from our favorite alma mater, Hebrew<br />

University. To sign up and receive information about<br />

<strong>news</strong> and programs, visit alumni.<strong>afhu</strong>.org or email<br />

Alana cooper at acooper@<strong>afhu</strong>.org.<br />


cliVe kaBatznik, chair, afhU alUMni relationS speaks with fellow<br />

alumni at the october event.<br />

ProfeSSor Shy arkin meets alumni before his presentation,<br />

“from research to application.”<br />

New york Governor Andrew cuomo<br />

visited Israel as part of a solidarity<br />

delegation that included several<br />

New york state legislative leaders.<br />

on Wednesday, August 13, <strong>2014</strong>, the<br />

governor met with overseas students<br />

from New york studying at The<br />

Rothberg International School of<br />

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.<br />

32 | AFHU NEWS www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org

In Remembrance<br />

We mourn the passing of<br />

Sylvia Amada<br />

Morton Amsterdam<br />

Yigal Arnon<br />

Harold Berry<br />

Sanfurd Bluestein<br />

Patte Bogen Roberts<br />

Leah Eisemann Conn<br />

Jennie “Jay” Coral<br />

Gisela Kohn Dollinger<br />

Daniel Drench<br />

Melvyn Estrin<br />

Leah Bornstein Franklin<br />

Herman Gelman<br />

Ralph I. Goldman<br />

Abner Golieb<br />

Sylvia K. Hassenfeld<br />

Anne Heyman<br />

Jacqueline Jubas<br />

Sara Hirsch Kaplan<br />

Richard M. Karp<br />

Eleanor Meyerhoff Katz<br />

Dr. Herbert J. Kayden<br />

Marjorie Kohrman<br />

David Btech Levy<br />

Ambassador Samuel W. Lewis<br />

Margit Lowenstein<br />

Robert L. Marcalus<br />

Irene Newman<br />

Jean Richek<br />

Helen C. Rowen<br />

Sara Sandler<br />

Dr. Wilbur Schwartz<br />

Esther Seiden<br />

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon<br />

Letty Stein<br />

Harriet Turan<br />

Gerhard J.Weir<br />

Helen Ziman<br />

www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org<br />




MAY 23– JUNE 3, 2015<br />

4 N I G H T S I N T H E S S A L O N I K I + 2 N I G H T S I N S O F I A + 5 N I G H T S I N J E R U S A L E M<br />

In Thessaloniki, Greece<br />

l Receive private tours of ancient and Jewish Thessaloniki;<br />

visit the central Synagogue, the Jewish Museum, the<br />

Holocaust Memorial<br />

l Journey through history at the Museum of Byzantine culture,<br />

the historic Rotunda and the ornate Arch of Galerius<br />

In Sofia, Bulgaria<br />

l discover the unique architecture of the Rila Monastery and<br />

explore Sofia’s magnificent Great Synagogue<br />

l Enjoy a VIP reception with the Israeli ambassador to Bulgaria<br />

at the National Archaeological Museum<br />

Jerusalem, Israel<br />

l Experience the festivities surrounding the 90th anniversary<br />

of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the 50th<br />

anniversary of the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for<br />

the Advancement of Peace<br />

l Learn from Israeli political dignitaries and international leaders<br />

during the 78th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors<br />

of The Hebrew University<br />

For more information, contact Judith Shenkman at<br />

(312) 329-0332 or jshenkman@<strong>afhu</strong>.org<br />

34 | AFHU NEWS www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org



Southeast Region JANUARY 18 Palm Beach Annual Leadership Education forum (ALEF)<br />

Making a Global Impact<br />

The Four Seasons Palm Beach – Palm Beach, Florida<br />

Southeast Region JANUARY 18 Palm Beach Gala 10th Anniversary celebration, A Night in the Garden of Eden<br />

Honoring: diane Belfer, Wilma Bernstein, Roberta Bogen,<br />

Barbara Eichner, Sherry Endelson, Ellen Levy, Barbara Rothschild,<br />

Louise Stein (z”l), Joy Weinberger, Lois Zelman<br />

Mar-a-Lago – Palm Beach, Florida<br />

National JANUARY 19 National Board of directors Meeting<br />

The Four Seasons Palm Beach - Palm Beach, Florida<br />

Greater New York MARCH 12 45th George A. Katz Torch of Learning Award Luncheon<br />

Region<br />

Honoring Meredith E. Kotler, Partner, cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, LLP<br />

cipriani, New york<br />

Western Region APRIL 20 Harvey L. Silbert Torch of Learning Award 2015 Law Society dinner<br />

Honoring Jonathan Anschell, Exec VP and General counsel, cBS Television,<br />

& dick Volpert, Sr. Partner, Glaser Weil LLP<br />

co-chairs: Patricia Glaser, chuck Hershson, Leslie Moonves,<br />

Lynne Silbert, Peter Weil<br />

The Beverly Hilton - Beverly Hills, california<br />

National MAY 3 AFHU Annual Board of directors Meeting<br />

New york<br />

Midwest Region MAY 23–JUNE 3 President’s Mission 2015<br />

Thessaloniki, Greece, Sofia, Bulgaria and Israel<br />

National MAY 29–JUNE 3 78th Hebrew University International Board of Governors Meeting<br />

Jerusalem<br />

Learn more about these and other events at www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org/events<br />

AFHU<strong>news</strong><br />

Published by American Friends of The Hebrew University<br />

One Battery Park Plaza, 25th Fl., New York, NY 10004-1405<br />

Tel: (212) 607-8500 1-800-567-AFHU (2348) Fax: (212) 809-4430<br />

E-mail: info@<strong>afhu</strong>.org website: www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org<br />

Daniel I. Schlessinger<br />

President<br />

Michael S. Kurtz<br />

Chairman of the Board<br />

Beth Asnien McCoy<br />

National Executive Director<br />

Linda Zisk<br />

National Director of Development<br />

James L. Rothkopf<br />

Chief Financial Officer<br />

Daniel Rutberg<br />

Chief Information Officer<br />

Joyce Grossman<br />

National Executive Director,<br />

Marketing Communications<br />


(212) 607-8500<br />


(212) 607-8510<br />


(202) 363-4600<br />


(561) 750-8585<br />


(312) 329-0332<br />


(310) 843-3100<br />


REGION<br />

(415) 231-6720<br />

www.<strong>afhu</strong>.org AFHU NEWS | 35


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THE HEB<br />

OF JERU<br />

MAK<br />

A GL<br />

IMP<br />


2<br />

9:00 A.M. – 2:30 P.M.<br />



Formal invitation tion to follow<br />

For more information, contact Laura Abrams at (561) 750-8585 or labrams@<strong>afhu</strong>.org

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