FKCCI - Mysore Commerce Magazine September 2017

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MYSORE C MMERCE F K C C I J o u r n a l Issue 09<br />

MYSORE C MMERCE F K C C I J o u r n a l Issue 09<br />

Contributor’s Column<br />

Lessons from the Infosys Fiasco - I<br />

D. Muralidhar, Past President, <strong>FKCCI</strong><br />

The dust is settling down on the rumblings at India’s most well known<br />

IT behemoth, Infosys. This is clear from the fact that it is moving away<br />

from the glare of the print media and the TV media. Within the<br />

organization, it seems to be mercifully business as usual. But for all of<br />

us Bengaloreans who have grown up hearing the hoary success story<br />

of Infosys and how it captured the imagination of the country, the very<br />

public squabble was quite disappointing and embarrassing.<br />

The story of Infosys is the story of new and liberalised India. The<br />

humble beginnings of the company, its founder’s middle class<br />

background and the humongous success they achieved which also<br />

created wealth to the employees and investors is a part of the much<br />

celebrated folklore of the Indian IT industry. The other notable<br />

players like TCS and Wipro of the day grew from a different stock and<br />

never received such attention, recognition and acclaim. Somehow<br />

the story of Infosys became a preferred topic for discussion and<br />

inspired many technocrats and wannabe entrepreneurs to look at<br />

India as a possible choice for setting up enterprises, especially in the<br />

field of information technology.<br />

Infosys was undoubtedly one of the anchor industries for the fast<br />

growth of IT and related business in Bengaluru. The spin-off from<br />

Infosys’ success rubbed off on other businesses and the world<br />

started to take Indian businesses seriously. It's difficult to quantify<br />

the feel-good factor associated with this phenomenon, own<br />

experience being just a testimony. The other businesses like<br />

manufacturing which suffered from a inherent "made in India"<br />

disadvantage, suddenly saw a change in the perception of<br />

international trading community, about the capabilities of Indian<br />

products and services. The impact got amplified with other various<br />

changes in the Indian milieu, but the benefit of initial torque belongs<br />

to these pioneering IT businesses<br />

Infosys today is a 10 billion dollar company with more than two lac<br />

employees located in many parts of the world. The founders led by<br />

Narayana Murthy managed the business till 2014 and handed over<br />

the reins to a professional board of management. During their time,<br />

the promoters ran the company with impeccable quality of corporate<br />

governance and transparency. Normally, it's a huge challenge for<br />

any fast growing organisation to ramp up internal systems without<br />

sacrificing the effective founding principles and governance, but<br />

Infosys with its promoters-driven management never lost sight<br />

of these needs and kept raising the bar of corporate governance.<br />

(To be continued)<br />

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