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MAKE<br />

THE MOST<br />

OF IT<br />


If you’re planning a surf trip in the near future now<br />

is a good time to start thinking about getting your<br />

body fit for the trip. Don’t spend all that time and<br />

money, then wind up pulling a muscle or being too<br />

fatigued to make the most of the waves on offer.<br />

So here’s the low down on how to get in shape and<br />

make the most of your surfing expedition.<br />



It’s best to start your training plan at least a couple<br />

of months out from your trip to make sure you have<br />

enough time to get in shape. I would recommend<br />

three months training time, however you could still<br />

benefit from as little as four weeks training time.<br />


You can get results with 2-3 workouts per week,<br />

however if you really want to make the most of it I<br />

would go for three functional strength workouts per<br />

week and three cardio workouts per week. You can<br />

also substitute cardio training for surfing, because<br />

at the end of the day, the best way to improve your<br />

surf specific cardiovascular fitness is to surf more.<br />


The warm-up<br />

Start with a good 5-10 minute warm-up to get<br />

ready for the workout. Instead of the traditional<br />

cardio warm-up, a smarter idea is to do bodyweight<br />

exercises that promote joint mobility, muscle<br />

activation and fundamental movement patterns. This<br />

will help prevent injury and improve your movement<br />

skills in addition to preparing your body to exercise.<br />

Bodyweight exercise like squats, lunges, push-ups,<br />

jumping jacks and so on are a great place to start<br />

for the warm-up.<br />

Functional Strength<br />

The next part of your workout should focus<br />

on functional strength exercises to build total<br />

body, multi-joint strength. Think about training<br />

movements, not muscles. To build a balanced<br />

body you should be doing exercises that include<br />

movements such as squatting, lunging, pushing,<br />

pulling, and lifting as well as exercises that promote<br />

balance, core stability and rotational strength.<br />

The most efficient way to train is to do the exercises<br />

either in a circuit or in supersets (where you do two<br />

or more exercises in succession with minimal rest).<br />

This allows you to work different muscle groups<br />

without having to spend as much time resting<br />

between exercises, which means a faster more<br />

efficient workout.<br />

You don’t need access to a gym, in fact you can do a<br />

great workout at home using only a set of adjustable<br />

dumbbells and a swiss ball. For your lower body<br />

try strength exercises like dumbbell squats, split<br />

squats, lunges and single leg straight leg deadlifts.<br />

For you upper body you can do exercises like<br />

dumbbell rows, swiss ball chest press, pull-ups and<br />

dumbbell shoulder presses.<br />

Finally you need to incorporate some core and<br />

balance training using exercises like planks, swiss<br />

ball rollouts, swiss ball jack-knifes, dumbbell chops<br />

and swiss ball balancing (on your knees or half<br />

kneeling).<br />

Cardio Training<br />

This can be done after the strength component<br />

or on the alternate days. For cardio exercise<br />

there are a number of different options such as<br />

running, riding, skipping, boxing, rowing, etc. If<br />

you have access to a pool or are near the ocean<br />

then swimming can be of great benefit as you can<br />

improve your lung capacity and also build some<br />

endurance in your arms and shoulders which can<br />

transfer into improved paddle fitness.<br />

If you don’t have a pool nearby you can also try band<br />

paddling to increase your paddle fitness. Do this<br />

by lying chest down on a swiss ball and paddling<br />

against the resistance of a light exercise band. This<br />

is a simple exercise you can do at home and can<br />

enhance the endurance in your arms and shoulders<br />

which is critical for a surf trip.<br />

The best cardio workout should be interval based<br />

where you do periods of harder work, mixed with<br />

recovery periods. This has been scientifically proven<br />

to effectively improve both your anaerobic (short<br />

burst) energy system and aerobic (longer duration)<br />

energy system, which is important for surfing. For<br />

example if you were swimming you could do a lap<br />

fast or sprinting followed by a lap slower recovery,<br />

then repeat for 10-20 laps. If you were running you<br />

could do 20 seconds fast, followed by 40 seconds<br />

recovery, repeat for 10-15 minutes.<br />

Stretching / Flexibility<br />

The final part of your workout should consist of<br />

some good old fashioned stretching to help promote<br />

increases in flexibility and aid in muscle recovery.<br />

Try and stretch all of your major muscle groups and<br />

hold stretches only to the point of tension, not pain.<br />

Once you have done this, that is your workout<br />

complete. A good total body workout like the one<br />

above shouldn’t take much more than an hour or so.<br />

Most of us have busy lives, so this is a good amount<br />

of time to spend exercising.<br />


• Include some foam rolling (or self massage)<br />

before your warm-up to help improve muscle<br />

tissue quality and loosen any tight muscles.<br />

• Change up your routine about every 4 weeks<br />

to keep things fresh and challenging.<br />

• Drink plenty of water and eat a healthy diet –<br />

lots of fruits and vegetables, lean protein and<br />

wholegrains.<br />

• Surf as much as possible before the trip!<br />

• Ease back in your training about a week<br />

before you leave to make sure your body is<br />

fully recovered for the trip<br />


So you have arrived at your destination and the lines<br />

are rolling in. What now? First thing is keep eating<br />

healthy to make sure you have plenty of energy. You<br />

can probably eat a few more carbs the day before<br />

a long surf, however don’t try and do anything to<br />

dramatically different to normal - just listen to your<br />

body. Stay well-hydrated before your surf sessions.<br />

Make sure you warm-up before you get in the water.<br />

You can do some stretching on any tight muscle<br />

groups, but make sure you also do more of an active<br />

warm-up, as this is a more effective way to get your<br />

body ready for the waves. Roll your arms around,<br />

do some squats and lunges to warm-up your knees,<br />

legs and hips and do some trunk rotations. This will<br />

help prevent any unwanted muscle strains and get<br />

your body switched on and ready to go.<br />

Finally, do some recovery work after each session.<br />

Stretching and foam rolling are the easiest options<br />

here and will do wonders for keeping your muscles<br />

in working order. Apart from that, catch lots of<br />

waves and get plenty of rest!<br />


That’s my blueprint for getting fit for your next surf<br />

trip. If you want a comprehensive, step-by-step<br />

workout plan that maps out every exercise to get<br />

you in peak physical condition for the surf, visit<br />

www.TotalSurfingFitness.com and download the<br />

<strong>12</strong>-week functional training plan.<br />

LEFT: Clayton puts his<br />

fitness to use<br />

jul/aug 20<strong>12</strong><br />


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