1993-1994 Rothberg Yearbook

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The Rorhbeng School<br />

Fo k Oveuseas<br />

Hebnew Univensny, Scopus<br />

Goldscvirh Budding<br />

JemsaLea0, IsmeL


Editor -in-Chief:<br />

Assistant Editor:<br />

Graphics & Layout:<br />

Layout:<br />

Naomi F. Zuckerman<br />

Judah J. Gould<br />

Deborah Zuckerman<br />

Stacie Sulak<br />

Rebecca Weidner<br />

Gabrielle Nathanson<br />

Nicole Perlman<br />

Daliah Bar-Dayan<br />

Special thanks to those who contributed articles an d pictures!<br />

This yearbook is a product of the<br />

students of the Roth berg School<br />

For Overseas Students<br />

Produced By Gefen Publishing House Ltd.

Editor's Note<br />

2 can honestly say that 2<br />

have (earned more in this<br />

one year aBroad than any<br />

single year at home.<br />

Through tu/ufim, classes,<br />

volunteering, seminars, and<br />

travel to fa r away<br />

countries, 2 have<br />

accomplished more in one<br />

year than most people do in<br />

a lifetime. A nd so have<br />

we a ll<br />

2 have developed a very<br />

strong attachment to this<br />

country, stronger than any<br />

teen tour or trip zvith the<br />

fam ily. A fter 2 decided to<br />

spend my year in Israel,<br />

many people asked me why<br />

2 wasn’t going to 'England<br />

instead "Israel is hot and<br />

it’s so dangerous. Qo to<br />

England, it’s Europe!<br />

\you’ve Been to Israel Before."<br />

So what’s so special<br />

aBout Israeli I ’m sure<br />

that 2 don’t have to ted<br />

you. 1The people, the culture,<br />

the history, and the<br />

language a ll make (Enetz<br />

yisraefdistinctive.<br />

So now it’s time to leave<br />

and I ’ve Been thinking<br />

aBout this a lot. 1Workmg<br />

on the yearBook has forced<br />

me to consider this earlier<br />

than most. Unfortunately,<br />

contemplating this issue for<br />

such a long time has not<br />

helped me to come up zvith<br />

any more answers than<br />

you. (Returning to the<br />

States is going to Be a Big<br />

deal, proBaBly a Bigger deal<br />

than 2 can imagine right<br />

now.<br />

'Whether we (ike it or<br />

not, we have all changed,<br />

most fo r the Better. I ’m<br />

not talking aBout little<br />

things (ike teaming to cook^<br />

spaghetti or how to sew a<br />

Button on a pair o f<br />

shorts. *We thinfjG ffereitt-<br />

(y; we are pr06a6Cy slightly<br />

more aggresive; and we reaCize<br />

that it's not what<br />

you tqww, But who you<br />

know. In spite o f a tt o f<br />

our complaining aBout Israe<br />

l and it’s society, we have<br />

assimilated A t (east to the<br />

point where we are differertt<br />

from those we (eft at<br />

home.<br />

(However, the friends that<br />

were made during this year<br />

are some o f the Best I ’ve<br />

ever had and 2 plan on<br />

peeping it that way. *1he<br />

time that we spent together<br />

was Both remarkaBle and<br />

tmique. 2 w ill treasure<br />

that time forever.<br />

Haomi J. Zuckerman<br />


A Letter From Jerusalem<br />

Zachary Thacher<br />

This is it, our one year of study<br />

in Israel is over, bringing to us new<br />

paths to choose from as we are<br />

deposited back onto American soil,<br />

ready or not. What the first<br />

moment of Israel meant to our<br />

group of eight hundred students<br />

from North America (and<br />

elsewhere) is varied and diverse.<br />

As we travelled from Beh-Gurlon<br />

airport to Jerusalem on our first<br />

day, some of us awaited the<br />

seasonal roar of Jerusalem tourism<br />

and Ben Yehuda nights with<br />

anticipation. Others of us had no<br />

conception or vision of what was to<br />

follow, of what this new world of<br />

ancient history and dynamic<br />

idealism would tell us. The<br />

confusion and disorientation of our<br />

summer in Givat Ram prefaced the<br />

often difficult experience of Israeli<br />

bureaucracy, street attitudes, and<br />

the foreignness of Hebrew - even if<br />

we had studied it in our respective<br />

homelands.<br />

Israeli society was not laid down<br />

at our feet for us to carefully<br />

and gently pick and choose from.<br />

Rather, we had to push our<br />

borders of savlanut and learn<br />

how to dance with words, create<br />

spontaneous sign language and<br />

resort to our native tongue in order<br />

to Integrate in Israel. Hopefully, we<br />

have grown individually to at least<br />

become familiar with Israel and her<br />

geography of culture, shared<br />

religion and language.<br />

I was thrust into a strange new<br />

world at once immediately familiar<br />

and foreign this past July. Now,<br />

nine months later, I have an<br />

inspiring, albeit fundamental, grasp<br />

of Hebrew, an honest and beautiful<br />

collection of new friends and a<br />

passion for Israel that will last for<br />

the rest of my life. This has not<br />

only been a year of study, friendmaking<br />

and night-clubbing, but a<br />

fantastic opening of the soul and<br />

mind to the modern era of Judaism<br />

in our homeland.<br />

Israel is not easy, nor is it<br />

antagonizing. She feels like a<br />

warm welcome to a home of close<br />

friends of the family - all very<br />

friendly and accepting but in<br />

slightly unfamiliar surroundings.<br />

The map of this land has<br />

written itself into our collective<br />

e x p e rien c e, m em ory and<br />

travelogues: Tel Aviv, Jerusalem,<br />

Eilat, Haifa, the Golan, the Negev -<br />

they will be our secret artifacts as<br />

we roam America.<br />

There are those of us who will<br />

return for A liyah while others will<br />

live as Americans and Jews,<br />

choosing a different path but a no<br />

less noble one. Yet this year, our<br />

Holy City has been made relevant,<br />

real, and immediate; its chaotic,<br />

bloody and holy aura will stay with<br />

us and teach us for many years to<br />

come. We have acted out the return<br />

from the Diaspora, we have gone<br />

through the motion of A liya and<br />

adjustment, and now we must<br />

learn to keep the dusty winds of<br />

the Negev, the prayer calls and<br />

black hats of Jerusalem, and the<br />

modern pace of high-rise Tel Aviv in<br />

our hearts, minds, and eyes for the<br />

future.<br />

This year had been tremendous,<br />

both frustrating and fun, and I<br />

cherish it as I cherish my new<br />

friendships and cultural education.<br />

Shalom and todah to everyone, I<br />

am changed.

The Nation<br />

5<br />

Helen Han<br />

Losing<br />

I am two continents and three<br />

countries.<br />

Not always by free will<br />

have I moved from place to place.<br />

First I was dropped<br />

as a baby from the maternal<br />

month<br />

in the middle of North America.<br />

And for nineteen years<br />

I stayed.<br />

I stayed in a place<br />

where everybody tries to speak the<br />

same language.<br />

Adolescent tongue<br />

learned to form words<br />

about the common pool<br />

where people drop their pebbles<br />

and feel the weight of rocks,<br />

breakthrough.<br />

Korean was my first language<br />

and that country my first land.<br />

Before possession had a chance,<br />

the distance between there<br />

and here<br />

became like stone.<br />

Second language came easynow<br />

words,<br />

millions of letters in tandem<br />

pedal about me;<br />

my mind is a pole for these<br />

particles<br />

that tug with fervent energy.<br />

English has become a tool<br />

for navigation.<br />

In Jerusalem,<br />

English is my possesion.<br />

They walk the university pathsmy<br />

others.<br />

We sometimes bow our heads<br />

and always address each other<br />

formally.<br />

They remind me of a land<br />

that shows on my face.<br />

When I open my mouth<br />

words betray me<br />

as gyop-oh.<br />

I wonder what I have lost.

Life In Jeru salem<br />

Rachael Smith<br />

A rock hit the bus<br />

we look out<br />

and see nothing<br />

familiar<br />

then return to<br />

dally<br />

life.<br />

K<br />

Lost and Found<br />

Sari Uretsky<br />

In Jerusalem I lost<br />

my smile<br />

my friends<br />

my family<br />

my life<br />

my love<br />

my strength<br />

myBelf<br />

In Jerusalem I found<br />

my smile<br />

new friends<br />

a family<br />

a different life<br />

my love<br />

a new strength<br />


Nation<br />

Soldiers<br />

Rachael Smith<br />

They carry their guns everywhere.<br />

Those boys, those children.<br />

Younger than me yet able to kill.<br />

Many are smaller than me,<br />

sometimes even seeming smaller<br />

than their guns. And they walk<br />

around like any teenager laughing<br />

and drinking and picking up girls<br />

with only their M16's bumping<br />

against their rear to remind them<br />

they’re Israeli.

The Nation<br />


The Nation<br />

Changing<br />

Rachael Smith<br />

I found a love for Israel<br />

but lost the illusion of the life.<br />

I found an abstract ideaof<br />

red-dashed borders,<br />

of precedents,<br />

rights, ideascloser<br />

to me, than any abstraction<br />

before.<br />

But I found this Zionist idea,<br />

anywhere, found here־to be<br />

carried back<br />

not to stay.<br />

Here I found<br />

honking and rallies<br />

wild bus routes<br />

undecipherable phone bills.<br />

I found confusion,<br />

that increases the more I learn,<br />

the more I know.<br />

I found a city, a country<br />

and in that I lost the idea.<br />

The idea of the country<br />

which I’ll only get back,<br />

when I leave.<br />

H a tik v a h<br />

Sari Uretsky<br />

Once swamps and deserts<br />

useless and barren.<br />

I now drink the milk<br />

I taste the honey.<br />

But I see the broken backs<br />

that made her give birth.<br />

Those who gave their lives<br />

to make the deserts green<br />

and the swamps fertile.<br />

The children who fought and<br />

became soldiers in the night.<br />

The children who fight<br />

and are soldiers in the night.<br />

Any and every Jew, wished to come<br />

welcome in the land of hope.<br />

To share in the simcha of<br />

the Brit of Israel.

The Nation

Tourists<br />

Yehuda Amichai<br />

Visits of condolence is all we get<br />

from them.<br />

They squat at the Holocaust<br />

Memorial,<br />

They put on grave faces at the<br />

Wailing WaU<br />

And they laugh behind heavy<br />

curtains<br />

In their hotels.<br />

They have their pictures taken<br />

Together with our famous dead<br />

At Rachel's Tomb and Herzl's Tomb<br />

And on the top of Ammunition Ml.<br />

They weep over our sweet boyB<br />

And lust over our tough girls<br />

And hang up their underwear<br />

To dry quickly<br />

In cool, blue bathrooms.<br />

Once I sat on the steps by a gate<br />

at David's Tower, I placed my two<br />

heavy baskets at my side. A group<br />

of tourists was standing around<br />

their guide and I became their<br />

target marker. *You see that man<br />

with the baskets? Just right of his<br />

head there'8 an arch from the<br />

Roman period. Just right of his<br />

head.* *But he's moving, he’8<br />

moving!' I said to myself:<br />

redemption will come only if their<br />

guide tells them, *You see that arch<br />

from the Roman period? It’s not<br />

Important: but next to it, left and<br />

down a bit, there sits a man who's<br />

bought fruit and vegetables for his<br />

family."<br />

Translated by Glenda Abramson &<br />

Tudor Parfltt

Summer Fun<br />

The Truth About Givat Scum<br />

Rebecca Weidner<br />

13<br />

For most of us who lived through<br />

it, the month and a half spent at<br />

Givat Ram is now just a faint<br />

memory. After long contemplation,<br />

I’ve decided that this temporary<br />

senility is due to a cranial defense<br />

mechanism to protect us from<br />

memories better left forgotten.<br />

Mention the words 'Givat Ram "to<br />

any person who spent some time<br />

living there, and the automatic response<br />

is a hysterical scream.<br />

What could elicit such a reaction?<br />

What made Givalt Ram 80 abhorrent?<br />

Decide for yourself. The following<br />

is an unbiased, factual account<br />

of life at The Elef Dorms:<br />

After making our way to the<br />

front of the dorm assignment line,<br />

our names were written in pencil,<br />

in an apparently random slot, and<br />

we were handed a key. On this key<br />

were written three numbers, such<br />

as 2-9-9, almost like a prison cell.<br />

The first number referred to the<br />

level of your building, the second to<br />

the specific building, and the third<br />

to your room number in that building.<br />

What a fascinating system.<br />

The rooms consisted of two beds, a<br />

very own family of ants. The bottom<br />

of our doors were slotted for<br />

acoustical reasons; these open<br />

ings allowed all of the noise from<br />

the hallway to slip into our room<br />

and be amplified for all to enjoy.<br />

At the end of each cell block were<br />

the bathrooms. The showers were<br />

shared among the members of the<br />

building as well as strange men<br />

who would "accidentally' wander<br />

into the stall, and a little brown<br />

dog who enjoyed drinking the soapy<br />

water out of the drain.<br />

Directly across from the showers<br />

was a room with a sink, a stove,<br />

and big silver refrigerators. Some<br />

call this a kitchen. We called it<br />

something unprintable in the yearbook.<br />

But it was hard to tell exactly<br />

what it was because it was usually<br />

overrun by cats. This really<br />

was not that unusual considering<br />

cats ran Givat Slum . After a few<br />

minutes of negotiating (i.e. stamping<br />

your feet, screaming, throwing<br />

things) the rabid beasts would normally<br />

allow you a little time to<br />

cook dinner. However, they were<br />

never very far away, usually sit<br />

their next attackFor those students<br />

fortunate enough to receive refrigerators,<br />

there was the pleasant surprise<br />

when they opened the door<br />

and found that none of their food<br />

was stolen. Actually, this was only<br />

pleasant for some, for having mango<br />

juice stolen was a better option<br />

than finding ants using the juice as<br />

a swimming pool (the refrigerators<br />

weren’t quite cold enough to diecourage<br />

the ants.)<br />

And then there was Summer<br />

Ulpan - talk about repressed memories.<br />

The best thing that can be<br />

said about those nine long weeks is<br />

that they are OVERI<br />

I cannot end this brief documentary<br />

of Givat Nam life without, at<br />

least, adding some of the perks of<br />

living there. First, it made us espedaily<br />

enjoy the weekend trips that<br />

conveniently allowed us to escape<br />

the hell of Shikunei Ha'Kelev<br />

(translation: Dorms of the Dog).<br />

Second, it Instilled in us a greater<br />

appreciation for our later dorms at<br />

Resnick and Idelson. Finally, and<br />

most important, friendships were<br />

created that will last a lifetime.

Summer Fun<br />

i f<br />

T h e 28H<br />

Nicole Perlman<br />

Beep-Beepl Beep-Beep! Beep-Beepl<br />

My alarm brings in another day of<br />

Ulpan.<br />

Oh Nol No campus shuttles?<br />

A city bus? -Oh, the 28H .<br />

Beep-Beepl Beep-Beepl Beep-Beepl<br />

Oh my - 1 must have missed my<br />

alarm!<br />

I can’t be late - where's the 28H?<br />

O.K., savlanut - here it comes<br />

Oh No -H afsakah Already? C’mon<br />

let's got<br />

Waitl Rega! Come backl I need<br />

to get to Ulpan!<br />

Beep-Beepl Beep-Beepl Beep-Beepl<br />

Should I go to Ulpan even though I<br />

have a headache?<br />

I guess 80 - 1 can only miss three<br />

days.<br />

I forgot to do my homework last<br />

night - Oh well!<br />

I can do it on the 28H!<br />

Beep-Beepl Beep-Beepl Beep-Beepl<br />

Wow am I early today. I've got a<br />

seatl<br />

I guess I’ll get breakfast at school -<br />

maybe finish my homework<br />

Oh my! Is this guy really going to<br />

stand with his arm above my nose<br />

the entire way?<br />

I feel dizzy on the 28H!<br />

Beep-Beepl Beep-Beepl Beep-Beepl<br />

Wait, why are you pushing me<br />

over?<br />

I know all of you guys.<br />

Oh, you are assimilating.<br />

You’ve got to be aggressive on the<br />

28H!<br />

TAXI! 11

Summer Fun

Summer Fun !9<br />

ירו של״ט<br />

A<br />


S flags

Local News<br />

21<br />

A m erican G h e tto<br />

Rachael Smith<br />

Circles of barbed wire line the fence<br />

cars parked along it<br />

passes needed to enter<br />

two guards stand by the gate.<br />

Inside Americans live with<br />

Americans<br />

in small rooms with a phone,<br />

a sink, a fridge.<br />

Cooking pancakes and stir fry<br />

on the edge of the Middle East.<br />

Billy Joel, Spin Doctors, Phish, Abba<br />

shout from the windows<br />

giving tempo to the jackhammers<br />

below.<br />

The English chatter, the Hebrew<br />

babble<br />

never meet.<br />

And the cats run wild. Through<br />

the American Ghetto where<br />

Americans meet Americans<br />

drink with them<br />

study Hebrew with them<br />

in the heart of Jerusalem.

Resnik Laundry<br />

Sari Uretsky<br />

We were exhausted and famished,<br />

When we got home from the hike.<br />

Our muscles were stiff and sore,<br />

Our butts bruised from the bike.<br />

I noticed It Immediately,<br />

My room reeked from the smell.<br />

It was unbearable, the stench,<br />

Of my clothes dragged through<br />

hell.<br />

I had no time to restl<br />

So I threw it all In a bag.<br />

As I plugged my nose,<br />

And tried hard not to gag.<br />

As I gave my wash in,<br />

I let a big sigh out.<br />

Leaving building three,<br />

My mind full of doubt.<br />

I spent my time worried,<br />

My thoughts far away.<br />

Until my laundry was ready,<br />

At the end of the day.<br />

There were spots on my shirts,<br />

That weren’t there before.<br />

But not one sock was missing,<br />

And I smiled once more.

Local News<br />

23<br />

Zack Bodner<br />

Guatemala Ain't So Bad<br />

To many, we're just "those second<br />

semester students that have to<br />

take the bus every day." In fact,<br />

we are the proud few who commute<br />

from Kiryat HaYovel forty-five minutes<br />

- just to sit through another<br />

day of Hebrew. We’re a tight-nit<br />

group that can be seen barbecuing<br />

late at night in the dorm rooms,<br />

drinking and eating together over<br />

large communal Shabbat dinners,<br />

and keeping In touch via "telephone<br />

lines" between buildings, which are<br />

actually strings with bells on the<br />

end.<br />

Hebrew U plopped us in a location<br />

that most people think "stinks" due<br />

to the distance from Scopus. But,<br />

in fact, we have our own little<br />

square, complete with restaurants,<br />

falafel stands, a laundromat, a<br />

Supersol, a barber, a coffee shop, a<br />

liquor store, a convenience market,<br />

and a grassy park right in the<br />

middle. We are only a five minute<br />

bus ride away from the Canion (rumored<br />

to be the largest shopping<br />

mall in the Middle East), and five<br />

minutes from Teddy Kollek Stadium<br />

- where B etar Yerushalayim<br />

plays every other Saturday. We<br />

are also a two hundred yard walk<br />

away from the monster slide park,<br />

complete with basketball courts, a<br />

miniature golf course, and the Jerusalem<br />

Zoo. In fact, those first<br />

semester students and the few<br />

weasels who migrated from Guatemala<br />

to Resnlk, all agree that if<br />

Mt. Scopus could be moved to<br />

Kiryat HaYovel, It would be in the<br />

perfect location. But, as all of us<br />

know, never-never-land Isn’t just a<br />

step through the looking glass, so<br />

you calculate for yourself what<br />

time we wake up for 8:15 Hebrew<br />

on Thursdays.<br />

It’s under these circumstances<br />

and with uncanny chemistry that<br />

permitted the second semester kids<br />

to jell so closely and become such<br />

good friends. Some people laugh<br />

mockingly at the large groups from<br />

the Yovel when they’re seen trying<br />

to pull five or six tables together at<br />

Glasnost on Tuesday nights. Outsiders<br />

point at us, proclaiming<br />

,Freshman Syndrome" all over<br />

again. Even those of us who came<br />

only In January expected the biggroup-thing<br />

to dissolve within several<br />

weeks; but we were pleasantly<br />

surprised to see that the weekends<br />

to Dahab had nearly half of Bus<br />

#444 filled with Hebrew U<br />

students.<br />

Our nights, like our weekends,<br />

involve a little extra patience and<br />

planning to coordinate the large<br />

numbers of participants, but it’s<br />

always easier to find a group of<br />

people to share a cab back to the<br />

city of Jubilee. And once we’re<br />

home, it's not uncommon for a halfdozen<br />

people or more to crawl Into<br />

a single bedroom and lounge lazily<br />

around a tobacco filled houka till<br />

the early hours of the morning.<br />

It's easy to wake up in our neighbors’<br />

room to the jingle of a homemade<br />

telephone line in order to<br />

make It to class in time the next<br />

day.<br />

None of the Guatemala students<br />

resent living there - anymore.<br />

We’ve come together and bonded<br />

over our apparent unfortunate<br />

situation. And like the rest of the<br />

OYP students at Hebrew University,<br />

we’ll miss each other when we<br />

leave in June. But well keep In<br />

touch next year through that modern<br />

technological miracle that no<br />

one is a stranger to: e-mail.

Zane Waldman<br />

A Sim ple Tribute To<br />

Frank S in a tra ’s Cafeteria<br />

As we reflect on our experiences<br />

in Israel for many of us here on<br />

the One Tear Program, several of<br />

these reflections will involve food.<br />

Special d in n e rs, fav o rite<br />

restaurants, new tastes of the<br />

Middle Bast and the search for<br />

familiar tastes of home. With this<br />

thought In mind, the yearbook<br />

would be incomplete without a nod<br />

of recognition to the food and the<br />

place that was the staff of support<br />

for many of us this year.<br />

I speak of course about the Frank<br />

Sinatra Cafeteria. Please<br />

understand, I do not intend to<br />

criticize or offer commentary. I<br />

write only to say a heartfelt thanks<br />

to the wonderful people that staff<br />

the Frank Sinatra Cafeteria. Sure,<br />

Frank himself isn’t actually there.<br />

But one taste of the succulent<br />

s c h n itz e l will make any<br />

complaints disappear. Whatever<br />

troubles one may have, a happy<br />

greeting of *Schnitzel! M a'od?'<br />

will make the world seem like a<br />

beautiful place again.<br />

As the various constellations<br />

color our view of the sky, 80 does<br />

our time at Frank’s affect our time<br />

in Israel. One is warned before<br />

departing for Israel of the<br />

inevitable schnitzel overload one<br />

will experience. But I shall take a<br />

stand here and say to the future<br />

generations of students: There is no<br />

such thing as too much schnitzel<br />

at Frank Sinatra’s. Having taken<br />

refuge in Frank’s cafeteria at least<br />

once a day since we first visited<br />

the Mount Scopus campus, I know<br />

that I owe many things to Frank<br />

and the people that make it<br />

possible.<br />

I know that no matter what<br />

occurs in the country, in the world,<br />

that there will always be a warm,<br />

healthy, tasty meal waiting for me.<br />

Where else in Israel could you find<br />

such an oasis from one's troubles,<br />

with golden schnitzel and stellar<br />

vegetables. Upon reflection, I am<br />

proud to say that I am what I eat,<br />

and Frank Sinatra's schnitzel<br />

m eal m ay co n trib u te to<br />

approximately 15% of my flesh. I<br />

have no regrets, only that I must<br />

now depart.<br />

I experience now the strange<br />

sensation of both longing to return<br />

home, and yet dreading leaving the<br />

new home I have discovered. Here,<br />

In one of the most spiritual cities<br />

of the world, many people discover<br />

new levels of spirituality. They<br />

experience revelations or personal<br />

re disco very. For me, my Mount<br />

Moriah was at Frank Sinatra’s and<br />

I know that I am not alone. Bach<br />

day I am forced to relive the<br />

greatest paradox of faith: to have<br />

before me the perfect meal, only to<br />

destroy it by my 01m hand. Martin<br />

Buber stated In I and fliou:<br />

,Without IT man cannot live. But<br />

he who lives with IT alone is not a<br />

man.’(p.34) Frank Sinatra's<br />

support and wonderful food have<br />

both inspired and enabled us to<br />

enter into relation with the eternal<br />

Thou. For that, I am eternally<br />

grateful.<br />

As In Herman Hesse’s Journey to<br />

the Bast. I foolishly thought that,<br />

*It was my destiny to join In a<br />

great ezperlence.'(p.l) As my<br />

Journey comes to its end, I realize<br />

that Frank granted to me my<br />

perceived destiny and gave me, in<br />

the simplest and most fulfilling<br />

terms, the Impetus to continue the<br />

most Important of searches.<br />

Frank Sinatra’s schnitzel and<br />

spirit will haunt me upon my<br />

homeward Journey and for a long<br />

time afterwards. Like Satan cast<br />

from the realm of the Lord, I<br />

regretfully take my leave of the<br />

Frank Sinatra cafeteria.<br />

On behalf of all the students on<br />

the One Tear Program, I say,<br />

Thank Tou' and T o d a h rabah,’<br />

with all seriousness and well<br />

wishes. May you continue to be<br />

there for all students, from all<br />

places and roots, for a long time to<br />


Local News<br />

25<br />

E-Mail<br />

Greg Diamond<br />

You wake up in the morning, it<br />

consumes your thoughts. As you<br />

move throughout the day, you plan<br />

for it in your daily calendar. It<br />

becomes an obsession in your life.<br />

You are addicted to E-MAIL.<br />

By far, E-mail is the most sought<br />

after, time consuming activity for<br />

students in the <strong>Rothberg</strong> School.<br />

When I first bought my account, I<br />

felt that I blew $100 to be able to<br />

keep in contact with a single friend.<br />

Fortunately, I was wrong. I think<br />

that I write to at least fifteen<br />

people back at home. It is great to<br />

use it, but I think everyone would<br />

agree that it's a pain in the butt.<br />

There are lines; the computers in<br />

Goldsmith never work; we are all<br />

under constant threat-from Israeli<br />

computer science students-when<br />

we use it during the day; and<br />

sometimes the entire system<br />

breaks down.<br />

But it doesn’t matter, because<br />

there is always the thought in the<br />

back of our minds telling us that<br />

there are messages waiting for us<br />

from home. Not only that,<br />

strangers from all parts of the<br />

world can forward you funny tidbits<br />

of information: from sorority<br />

jokes to travel tips; from shallow<br />

thoughts to *Deep Thoughts1 by<br />

Jack Handy. Although it hardly<br />

ever works, the ,talk* function can<br />

split the screen in two and you can<br />

talk to a friend, simultaneously,<br />

halfway around the world. Of<br />

course, it is usually 3:30 a.m. when<br />

you finally make contact with your<br />

loved ones, 80 they are not in the<br />

most responsive of moods.<br />

I love every minute of my<br />

experience here in Israel, but when<br />

I look back on my time here, I Trill<br />

remember where my addiction to e-<br />

mail began. Won't you?

Local News<br />

The One Tear Program:<br />

Mata** Tennis A Christian’s Perspective<br />

I'm socially handicapped, and it<br />

has nothing to do with the slight<br />

kink in my nose. Tou see, I never<br />

went to Camp Ramah. I therefore<br />

did not have the prior knowledge of<br />

twenty percent of the people on the<br />

One Year Program. And when<br />

homesickness would come tapping<br />

on my window shade, I had no aunt<br />

in Haifa to provide me with a<br />

home-cooked meal. In addition, I<br />

never learned Hebrew in Synagogue<br />

as a kid, 80 it was in a blue and<br />

white Israeli airline jet, somewhere<br />

over the Mediterranean, that I was<br />

told Hebrew is read from right to<br />

left. Even if I did have an aunt in<br />

Haifa, I would have been too busy<br />

wrestling with my Aleph class to go<br />

and see her. By now you’ve<br />

guessed that I count myself among<br />

the Goyim.<br />

Having never been to Israel, I was<br />

caught off guard by the whole notion<br />

of Shabbat. I had heard that<br />

Jerusalem "shuts down" on Saturdays,<br />

but holy moly! And this<br />

wasn’t the only Biblically-inspired<br />

policy of this town that I wasn't<br />

ready for. The idea of not eating<br />

my milk and meat together has<br />

been difficult for me to stomach<br />

and I can guarantee that corn pizza<br />

will never find its way onto my<br />

pepperoni-pleasured palate.<br />

Fortunately, my fellow OYPers<br />

were sympathetic to my situation.<br />

Most of them being American Jews,<br />

they themselves knew what it was<br />

like to be in the minority. They<br />

were happy to humor me when<br />

they were invited to my Shabbat<br />

dinner at Givat Ram. And when I<br />

blew out the candles by accident,<br />

they were as forgiving as disconeerted<br />

Jews can be. My adaptation<br />

process wasn’t too brutal.<br />

But generally,people seemed con -<br />

vinced that my being In a m inority<br />

religious group, coupled with the<br />

absence of Christmas, would cause<br />

me to get the ‘minority perspective".<br />

Of course, Christmas was a<br />

time when I missed my family and<br />

friends more than usual, but at no<br />

time this year did I ever feel alienated<br />

because I was Christian and<br />

everyone else was Jewish. I surely<br />

would have been to a greater extent<br />

had I been Immersed in Israeli<br />

society. However, being im m ersed<br />

In OYP society, I feel that in most<br />

wayB, I simply left one secular<br />

group of people and joined another<br />

when I came to Hebrew University.<br />

But on the other hand, I have a<br />

deep respect for scripture and the<br />

Tattach is an essential element of<br />

my spirituality. This being the<br />

case with a precious few of my<br />

acquaintances back home, I felt a<br />

special connection with a few peopie<br />

on our program. At home, I<br />

have very little common ground<br />

with the ‘Christian majority," and<br />

it has been a mutual belief and respect<br />

for scripture that has made<br />

me feel close to some Jews here. It<br />

is a closeness that I'd rarely felt in<br />

the United States.<br />

My experience as a Christian in<br />

the Jewish homeland was different<br />

from what people seem to think it<br />

would have been. Truthfully, the<br />

fact that this was 'my turn to be<br />

the minority," did not open my eyes<br />

to anything new concerning Jewish<br />

life in North America, that I couldn’t<br />

have learned by simply talking<br />

to them. Thanks to the tolerance<br />

and acceptance of the students on<br />

our program, I've had an incredible<br />

experience. I made wonderful<br />

friends and developed a special<br />

attachment to the land of Israel.<br />


Local News<br />

29<br />

Sagl Feldman<br />

The F inancial Blues<br />

The last time I sat down to write<br />

a piece to be published, I expressed<br />

my heart-felt admiration for Frank<br />

Sinatra’s. Since then, however, I<br />

have been struck by a phenomenon<br />

which took control of the majority<br />

of the student body - low cash flow.<br />

The good old days when I was able<br />

to afford feasting at Frank<br />

Sinatra's or any other wellestablished<br />

restaurant where the<br />

chairs are not nailed to the floor<br />

are over.<br />

When I Initially arrived at the<br />

G ivat Scum campus, life seemed<br />

easy and unruffled due to cash<br />

which was still at the students’<br />

dispense. I can still remember<br />

talking to friends and telling them<br />

that I was on my way to the bank<br />

to withdraw money. How I miss<br />

those days when the phrase<br />

"withdraw money from the bank"<br />

seemed feasible. People went out to<br />

numerous clubs every night,<br />

travelled around Israel, and many<br />

even travelled abroad. To many of<br />

us, these activities are now a<br />

luxury Instead of a way of life.<br />

It all started very Innocently with<br />

the *borrowing' of salt and pepper<br />

shakers from various restaurants.<br />

Yes, I’m talking about what the<br />

students refer to as *living the<br />

economical life of a student<br />

abroad,’ when In actuality it is<br />

called ,being cheap, stingy,<br />

pathetic, and in some cases even<br />

unlawful." Although these actions<br />

seem pointless to those who are<br />

financially secure, and can afford<br />

to buy the normal ,over 18" bus<br />

pass Instead of shaving on an<br />

hourly basis In order to pass as<br />

youth ־ to many of us this way of<br />

living is not an option. I, for one,<br />

have adapted to this new<br />

challenging situation, and have<br />

developed some means to survive<br />

and have fun at the same time.<br />

Now that the year Is almost over,<br />

I can look back at people's<br />

desperate attempts to save moneyand<br />

laugh. For example, unlike at<br />

the beginning of the year, students<br />

no longer leave the dorms to drink<br />

In pubs, and discos. Instead, Club<br />

111/2 is flooded with students who<br />

drink cheap, watered-down beer<br />

while watching old episodes of the<br />

Simpsons, Seinfeld, or the ,all new*<br />

1990 MTV countdown which<br />

Includes songs In Chinese (luckily<br />

the words to the songs appear on<br />

the bottom of the screen so that<br />

everyone can sing along - however,<br />

they too are in Chinese).<br />

Furthermore, the bus stop at the<br />

top of Hen Yehuda street 18 filled<br />

with students by the time midnight<br />

comes around so they will not have<br />

to spend an extra 2 NIS and take a<br />

cab Instead of the last bus.<br />

Although this way of living sounds<br />

pitiful, it can be fun If it Is looked<br />

upon in a positive manner. The<br />

educational and inexpensive<br />

M.A.S.A. seminars which were<br />

offered periodically throughout the<br />

year represented an opportunity for<br />

the students to get away for the<br />

weekend, stay in a comfortable<br />

hotel, eat constantly, "borrow"<br />

useful items, and perhaps even<br />

learn something between eating,<br />

watching T.V., and swimming<br />

outside.<br />

For those students who remained<br />

ethical, and had not yet been<br />

morally corrupted by their financial<br />

strains, Pizza Hut offered an ,all<br />

you can eat" deal on SundayB and<br />

Mondays. On these nights herds of<br />

students trekked to the Canion and<br />

stuffed themselves to the point<br />

w here b re a th in g becam e<br />

challenging. This ritual became<br />

more than just another dinner In<br />

the eyes of some students, but a<br />

challenge too. Bets for who could<br />

eat the greatest number of pizza<br />

slices became common in the<br />

struggle to find the true Pizza<br />

King. Upon the completion of the<br />

feast, the students swiftly headed<br />

to the nearest bathroom in order to<br />

stock up on soft, free toilet paper<br />

which is a necessity after a night<br />

at Pizza Hut. For what goes in,<br />

must eventually come out.<br />

Shuk M achane Yehuda was<br />

yet another place where students<br />

could find cheap food, good laughs,<br />

and most Importantly - good<br />

falafel. It was the Shuk that<br />

students visited to avoid the<br />

overpriced supermarkets, and learn<br />

the art of advertisement - sweaty<br />

men screaming at the top of their<br />

lungs for people to come to their<br />

stands. The real problem for me<br />

began when I attempted to store<br />

and eventually cook the food which<br />

I bought. Not to say that there<br />

was insufficient space to store my<br />

food in the 60cm by 50cm fridge<br />

which was shared by four people,<br />

or that the stove was not great<br />

just because Its gas flow was<br />

inconsistent, thereby burning my<br />

arm-hair to a crisp every time I lit<br />

it. It must be said that, in general,<br />

the students from abroad did not<br />

master the art of cooking. Due to<br />

the lack of cooking talent, most<br />

students on the O.Y.P. survived on<br />

pasta. Even though I had enjoyed<br />

eating spaghetti for the first<br />

several months, I have now<br />

developed an allergy to the food.<br />

The first time that I became<br />

aware of the sad reality that I was<br />

unable to feast at Frank Sinatra’s,<br />

I decided I would change my<br />

lifestyle. I still miss Frank's, and<br />

often write sad poetry about the<br />

crispy shnitzel- ,roses are red,<br />

violets are blue, I miss the<br />

shnitzel, what else can I do.1<br />

However, I am learning to cope<br />

with my new situation. So, if you<br />

find yourself stealing towels from<br />

the Hyatt, having wet dreams over<br />

food, or not being able to look at<br />

anything attractive without<br />

thinking of how it would look on<br />

your desk, do not fear. Many of us<br />

are experiencing the same<br />

emotions, and are singing the<br />

financial blues.<br />

,Money, mo' money ־ I ain’t with<br />

being broke. Got to get my hands<br />

on some.1<br />

-I Ain't With Being Broke,<br />


Local News

Local News 31

Local News<br />

Zen and the Art of Illegal Communication<br />

Or: How to Keep in Touch W ith Your Loved Ones<br />

33<br />

Robert Eden Astroff<br />

Judah Jonathan Gould<br />

"These are the days of miracle and<br />

wonder. This 18 the long distance<br />

call."<br />

-Boy In the Bubble<br />

Paul Simon, GRACELAND<br />

Being away from home for eleven<br />

months posed a significant dilem ma<br />

for the Overseas Student who<br />

desperately wanted to keep in<br />

touch with friends and family back<br />

home. Yet, such urges often<br />

resulted In Ingenious and often<br />

criminal means of circumventing<br />

this hardship. To quote Bob Dylan,<br />

from the classic track *Tweeter and<br />

the Monkey Man," (Travelling<br />

W ilbury's, Volume One): "In<br />

Jersey [Israel] everything is legal<br />

as long as you don’t get caught."<br />

An anonymous One Year Program<br />

student - let’s call him Wayne<br />

Zwaldman - took this challenge to<br />

heart. The following is his<br />

pathetic, but successful, attempt to<br />

beat the Israeli system. When the<br />

black clouds of the strike ominously<br />

approached our lofty institution for<br />

higher learning - The <strong>Rothberg</strong><br />

School for Overseas Students - most<br />

pupils were concerned with the<br />

transferability of credits and their<br />

admissions to graduate schools. To<br />

Wayne, however, this was the<br />

furthest thing from his mind. He<br />

was obsessed with far more<br />

pressing issues, such as<br />

accessibility to electronic mail, In<br />

order to keep tabs on his lonely<br />

and virile girlfriend back home in<br />

North York.<br />

One fateful night, Wayne decided<br />

that it was time for action. But<br />

since his girlfriend was ten<br />

thousand miles away, his "action"<br />

had to be re-directed - to gaining<br />

access to the closed-by-strike e-mail<br />

communications center. By any<br />

means necessary. In light of the<br />

current political situation, the<br />

security on the campus was<br />

Increased threefold: now there were<br />

THREE dour Russian night<br />

watchmen who were prepared for<br />

any breach in security.<br />

These highly trained, and levelheaded<br />

- yet, overwhelmingly<br />

underpaid - guards, however,<br />

proved no obstacle to Wayne and<br />

his deviant behavior.<br />

An anonymous, but well-placed<br />

source, tells us that Mr. Zwaldman<br />

was seen scaling a 15-foot<br />

Jerusalem Stone wall on the main<br />

campus. Moving like a ninja on<br />

amphetamines, he was also dressed<br />

in basic black. Wayne, who had<br />

previously seen far too many<br />

Steven Segal movies (not to<br />

mention "Jaws" flicks), was off Into<br />

the night, e-maillng to his heart's<br />

content. Although he Is currently<br />

out of the country, Wayne has been<br />

charged in absentia by the Israeli<br />

Defence Forces for breaking and<br />

entering into a government facility.<br />

If extradited back to Israel, Wayne<br />

faces ten years of hard labor in the<br />

"textile" factory at Dimona.<br />

Yet this was not an isolated<br />

criminal act; felonies occurred over<br />

the phone lines, as well. Another<br />

unnamed Overseas Student - we’ll<br />

go by Karen Sephardl - came up<br />

with a "brilliant and foolproof idea.<br />

She found the only two phones in<br />

Israel that accepted payment by<br />

credit card, out by the Soweto<br />

Reggae Pub in Tel Aviv. Karen, In<br />

dire need to contact numerous<br />

"loved ones" back at home,<br />

concocted a deceitful scheme; why<br />

pay for a long distance telephone<br />

call when you can cheat Bezeq (the<br />

Israeli phone monopoly). A very<br />

reliable source close to the<br />

defendant heard her comment:<br />

"Hey! Instead of using a credit<br />

card, why don't 1 use my father's<br />

bank card in Worth America. It’s<br />

Impossible to trace electronically!"<br />

Unfortunately, after several<br />

months of ignorance and bliss,<br />

Karen received a filming call from<br />

her father (who DIRECTLY dialed<br />

from his residence) assuming his<br />

bank card had been stolen off her.<br />

Our attornies have obtained secret<br />

bank drafts which angrily state<br />

that Mr. Sephardi is in debt by<br />

eight hundred dollars. His<br />

offspring, besides being grounded<br />

for life, owes Daddy-0 eight o-notes.<br />

To pay for her foolishness, upon her<br />

return from Israel Karen will have<br />

to sweep the floors at her local<br />

bank all summer.<br />

There are many other heinous<br />

transgressions among overseas<br />

students. Tet they are not the only<br />

criminally-minded. Another sinner<br />

is the ex-convict who worked in the<br />

old fax office - a distant relative to<br />

the Frank Sinatra cashier, to be<br />

sure. As an Overseas Student<br />

entered, seeking to retrieve his/her<br />

month-old fax, the worker's<br />

pleasant demeanor suddenly<br />

changed to the vindictive<br />

personality of an ISSTA travel<br />

agent. The ,fax woman,' as she<br />

was snldely called, took obscene<br />

pleasure in closing the fax office 15<br />

minutes prior to its actual closing<br />

time, as well as charging nineteen<br />

American dollars for each faxed<br />

page (plus the cover page).<br />

Moreover, she permitted any<br />

student to peruse through all the<br />

private and personal faxes of other<br />

forlorn recipients.<br />

These situations were just a<br />

microcosm of the iniquities that<br />

persisted among the student body<br />

of the Overseas Program. Yet, it<br />

must be mentioned that the evils of<br />

Wayne, Karen and the "fax woman"<br />

pale in comparison to the scam<br />

perpetrated by the administration<br />

Itself. In December, the <strong>Rothberg</strong><br />

School organized a "visitation tour"<br />

for the parents of Overseas<br />

Students. The price was<br />

outrageously exorbitant, forcing<br />

many parents to take out a second<br />

mortgage on their house, or<br />

withdraw their children from<br />

university and sell them to slavery.<br />

How much longer will these profane<br />

crimes occur? This is a question<br />

that a child might ask, but not a<br />

childish question.<br />

[This has been a Crime Stoppers<br />


Holidays<br />

Thanksgiving in<br />

Jerusalem<br />

Rachael Smith<br />

The classes continue<br />

The buses run<br />

The shops are open<br />

No one knows It’s a holiday.<br />


ו<br />

ם<br />

רז<br />

ע<br />

y<br />

מ<br />

א<br />

ו<br />



Stacie Sulak<br />

Vacations<br />

World News<br />

39<br />

I<br />

Ulpan’s over and we have three<br />

weeks off. What should we do?<br />

Turkey, Greece. . . . Where should<br />

we go for winter break? Kenya,<br />

Eastern Europe, home. . . .<br />

Pesach? Egypt, Jordan. . . .<br />

Shavuot? Summer? The time is<br />

ripe, the destinations accessible -<br />

Let's Go!<br />

The plane leaves at six a.m. and<br />

we have to get to the airport by<br />

three a.m.!l Where’s my ticket? I<br />

have sixty francs to get rid of; I'll<br />

have twenty Snickers bars and two<br />

magazines please. Two words: Duty<br />

Free. Three days on this ferry: no<br />

showers, no food, and I can't see<br />

travelling with these people for the<br />

next three weeks. No, you look to<br />

the right before crossing the street<br />

(as the giant Mack truck screeches<br />

to a haltlll) Four thousand drachmas<br />

divided by...what's the exchange<br />

rate? Man, it’s only $300<br />

to fly to Europe, an opportunity I<br />

simply can’t pass up. Okay, should<br />

I eat at McDonald's and skimp on<br />

real food, or forget the hostel and<br />

bag it in the park?<br />

Extended breaks in the academic<br />

year made it possible to plan a<br />

year-long itinerary to travel the<br />

world. After eight strenuous weeks<br />

of intensive Ulpan, many students<br />

journeyed to Greece and Turkey to<br />

prolong their summer tans. The<br />

picturesque Greek villages and<br />

beaches, the Acropolis, Dolmabahce<br />

Palace in Istanbul and the threeday<br />

ferry ride were some of the<br />

most memorable experiences.<br />

Travel through Europe attracted<br />

students during each vacation period.<br />

By winter break and Pesach<br />

vacations, parents yearned to see<br />

their little sweethearts. If a family<br />

trip to Israel wasn’t feasible, many<br />

students were forced to make the<br />

dreaded trip home. Others were<br />

fortunate enough to escape their<br />

parents and see such exotic places<br />

as Europe and Africa. Kenya was<br />

a popular choice for warm weather<br />

and thrills. Students remarked<br />

that the culture and people were<br />

incredible to observe, along with<br />

the animals spotted on some daylong<br />

safaris.<br />

Finally, a weekend excursion to<br />

Jordan, Egypt, and the Sinai<br />

offered convenience and a peek of<br />

the Middle East outside of Israel.<br />

Worries about safety deterred<br />

many, but the more daring enjoyed<br />

experiences that Trill give them<br />

great memories and photo albums.<br />

Next stop on the world tour:<br />


Malina Saval<br />

My parents and I fought about<br />

packing for a week. On the floor of<br />

my room lay three huge black bodysize<br />

bags. Beside them lay heaping<br />

piles of socks and underwear, t-<br />

shirts and shorts, jeans and sweat<br />

ers, skirts and dresses. Broken up<br />

pairs of sneakers, sandles and hiking<br />

boots were scattered around. A<br />

box of newly bought books from<br />

Barnes and Noble, a tennis racket,<br />

an old-fashioned flannel sleeping<br />

bag Impractical for backpack travailing<br />

, a crate spilling over with<br />

toiletries - all waiting to be somehow<br />

stuffed into the El-Al two freeof-charge<br />

suitcases, each having a<br />

weight of no more than seventy<br />

pounds.<br />

Originally, I made due with this<br />

weight restriction. I’d packed all of<br />

my clothes, shoes, and miscellaneous<br />

items into two regular armysize<br />

duffle bags. But then I realized<br />

that I had forgotten to pack<br />

pajamas to sleep in, a bathrobe,<br />

music tapes and a Walkman, a<br />

winter coat, a spring Jacket, prescription<br />

drugs, contact lens solutlon,<br />

beach towels, batteries, and a<br />

flashlight - important items! My<br />

mother thought that I was being rldiculous.<br />

If I took half as many<br />

clothes, I’d have twice as much<br />

room in my luggage to pack everything<br />

else. But I was going away<br />

for a year and at that time It<br />

seemed like I had to take absolutely<br />

everything in my house with me.<br />

*You don't need four tubes of toothpaste,<br />

my mom said. *You can buy<br />

it there, can’t you?* But for some<br />

strange reason, it didn’t occur to<br />

me that people in Israel brush their<br />

teeth, and if they did, it certainly<br />

wasn't with mint-flavored tartercontrol<br />

Crest. One night, a few<br />

days before I left, my dad snuck<br />

into my room as I lay sleeping,<br />

unpacked my luggage, taking out<br />

half of my clothes, and repacked it.<br />

You could see the effort he’d taken<br />

to conceal his deed - he'd put the<br />

extra clothes into my brother’s<br />

room upstairs, not back into my<br />

dresser drawers where he knew I’d<br />

find them. He did not know that I<br />

often raid little Danny's wardrobe<br />

in search of sweatshirts and sweatpants.<br />

That next morning, I diecovered<br />

my father’s devious act. I<br />

repacked my clothes, taking no<br />

pains to leave a single sock out. At<br />

this time my parents conceded that<br />

they would have to pay the surplus<br />

baggage fee.<br />

But then, I would still have to<br />

change planes once I'd arrived in<br />

New York from Boston. How was I<br />

to lug all of my bags from the TWA<br />

domestic terminal to the El-Al Terminal,<br />

located light years from<br />

each other in the JFK International<br />

Airport? The day of my departure,<br />

my mother ended up hopping on<br />

the flight with me to New York. In<br />

the end, it cost my parents an<br />

extra $329 just to get me on the<br />

plane.<br />

And now it’s time to start packing<br />

again and this time I have even<br />

more stuff. From my Greece and<br />

Turkey souvenirs to the four pairs<br />

of shoes I've bought - Naot Clogs,<br />

Nimrod sandles, black leather boots,<br />

suede loafers, and enough Jerusalem<br />

candles to set the plane on Are<br />

- 1 figure that I should be able to<br />

pack everything into four bags, not<br />

exceeding the El-Al trans-atlantic<br />

weight limit by more than five hundred<br />

pounds.<br />

But wait, this isn’t merely a superficial<br />

account of clothes and<br />

airplane transport. Having spent<br />

the past ten and a half months in<br />

Israel, I have - much to my own<br />

surprise - developed a strong sense<br />

of someday wanting to live here.<br />

Not to give this article a Zionist<br />

slant; still, I must say this: I love<br />

this country and I am heart-broken<br />

to have to leave it. Thus, before I<br />

leave Eretz Ylsrael, Boston bound<br />

on an El-Al 747,1 plan on leaving a<br />

part of me behind in the land of<br />

milk and honey: namely, books and<br />

jeans, t-shirts and sweaters, and an<br />

old pairs of shoes, which I will<br />

proudly donate to charity organizatlons<br />

throughout Jerusalem. And<br />

the next time I come to Israel, even<br />

if it's for life, I plan on packing a<br />

lot lighter.

World News<br />


42<br />

World News<br />

G reece and Turkey<br />

/<br />

Rachael Smith<br />

We did Greece and Turkey<br />

we took that Tiyul,<br />

Tel Aviv in Istanbul<br />

and our school in Greece.<br />

The Goldsmith ferry<br />

Took us all to Rhodes<br />

or Turkey,<br />

no matter.<br />

For we all met up<br />

half way from here<br />

and miles to there.<br />

We stayed in $2 hostels<br />

or camped out with Israelis<br />

eating too much spaghetti<br />

fearing apple tea.<br />

We’d meet up with each other<br />

over Turkish Delight<br />

and ask where you've beenwhere<br />

we should go.<br />

Our list of Islands<br />

getting shorter and shorter<br />

as the ferry schedule<br />

proved as reliable as Egged<br />

and our travelers checks too<br />

rapidly got consumed.<br />

The emergency credit card<br />

proved useful<br />

with those sweaters in Mykenos<br />

while our pocket change<br />

did wonders<br />

for 2 for 1 in 108,<br />

(not that any of us really<br />

remember).<br />

We met at the McDonald's in<br />

Istanbul<br />

the Pizza Hut in Bursa, the<br />

Wendy's in Athensand<br />

complained that we'd<br />

never get such good food<br />

back in Israel.

World News<br />

43<br />

Tiyulim<br />

Rachael Smith<br />

We took that Tiyul<br />

not together<br />

but close,<br />

for we bought the same shirts<br />

and took the same pictures<br />

of the black beach of Santorini<br />

or the white cliffs of Pamukkale.<br />

We picked off the olives<br />

of the same Greek salads<br />

that Let's Go recommended<br />

in the island we can't pronounce.<br />

And we all did the mopeds<br />

can show our scars<br />

when we list the islands<br />

and show the photos<br />

laugh and joke<br />

about the Greece and Turkey trip.

World News<br />

45<br />

Dahab<br />

Rachael Smith<br />

Dahab was a giant Dead show.<br />

Music piped In every minute of the<br />

day from the cushions by the water<br />

to the carpet shops a few blocks<br />

away. We laid back in the warming<br />

81m on those cushions smoking<br />

apple flavored tobacco from those<br />

gigantic water pipes until the sun<br />

went down. It was a giant<br />

"everything for a dollar" shop where<br />

everything goes and everything’s<br />

consumed. Inertia could have kept<br />

us there forever were it not for the<br />

urgency of a 10 o’clock bus. We<br />

left with a few brightly-colored<br />

rugs, a passport stamp, and a few<br />

less brain cells to show for our<br />

first trip to Africa.<br />

Relaxation<br />

Sari Uretsky<br />

On the wall<br />

the geese are grazing<br />

David stares at<br />

smoke streams<br />

Naomi calls<br />

without a voice<br />

Rachael giggles<br />

in the corner<br />

and I can’t move.<br />

David throws me another<br />

Naomi Is worried about<br />

a filter<br />

Rachael needs an<br />

esh and a thing-a-ma-bobber<br />

and I can’t move.

World News<br />


עירית ירושלים<br />

אגף הנוער וחברה<br />

היחידה להעשרה והשכלה<br />

ויצ״ו<br />

הסתדרות נשים<br />

המחלקה לנוער<br />

ציונית<br />

האוניברסיטה העברית<br />

המחלקה למעורבות חברתית<br />

אולפן אנגלית בית שמש<br />

-<br />

עירית ירושלים<br />

ארגון<br />

מתנדבים<br />

בירושלים<br />

יד לקשישמתנדבי יעקב מימון<br />

אגודה להפעלת מתנדבים<br />

בית הספר פיסגת זאב<br />

פיסגת זאב,‏ ירושלים<br />

th a n h y o u jp r th e h e lp , a n d c o o p e r a tio n w e<br />

r e c e iv e d ! p o m th e S tu d e n t V o lu n te e r P r o y r a m .<br />

* 1 h e tim e y o u s h a r e d w ith u i w i l t h e r e m e m b e r e d<br />

to r e v e r . V J e a p p r e c ia te y o u r e n th u iia im ,<br />

d e d ic a tio n a n d p e r A e r u e r a n c e .<br />

l/U e h o p e t h a t y o u<br />

e n jo y e d th e tim e w ith u i,r a n d i t h e lp e d y o u to<br />

t e t t e r a c x d im a te in to O iO a e ti S o c ie ty .

Time & Leisure ^ 49<br />

One Year Program<br />

Makes A Difference<br />

Galeet Dardashtl<br />

Karen Hayeems<br />

Before coming to Israel for the<br />

year, we made a pact with<br />

ourselves to try and experience as<br />

much as possible during our stay.<br />

We were given an opportunity to do<br />

just that by volunteering.<br />

Numerous organizations, each with<br />

their own projects were brought to<br />

our disposal. Two separate accounts<br />

of each of our personal experiences<br />

follow.<br />

When my partner and I began<br />

volunteering with our Ethiopian<br />

family, we were a little nervous.<br />

The family was very shy in the<br />

beginning, and we didn’t know<br />

exactly how to interact with them.<br />

They were always extremely<br />

hospitable and we had a lot of fun<br />

with the children at each visit, but<br />

in the first few months, we<br />

sometimes felt frustrated with our<br />

Inability to communicate with one<br />

another. As time went by, our<br />

differences seemed less and less<br />

important as the family began to<br />

trust us and open up to us. I've<br />

learned a great deal about my<br />

Ethiopian family after the time<br />

we’ve spent together.<br />

I think that the volunteers serve<br />

as an encouragement and support<br />

for the Ethiopian immigrants who<br />

still have not been completely<br />

assimilated into Israeli life and<br />

don’t know what to expect. It has<br />

been an experience from which we<br />

have all benefitted and eqjoyed as<br />

we became very comfortable with<br />

one another<br />

would go and speak with her or<br />

take her to do some food shopping,<br />

but most of my time with her was<br />

spent listening. I learned of her<br />

difficult past and of the obstacles<br />

she overcame. She also made me<br />

realize how important it would be<br />

to fulfill the mitzvah of Bikur<br />

Holim and to take care of my<br />

parents in their old age. One<br />

should never forget the sacrifices<br />

they have made in raising their<br />

children and we should look<br />

forward to being able to return<br />

their kindness and care when the<br />

need should arise.<br />

Those few hours spent with her<br />

on a weekly basis throughout the<br />

year gave me the chance to "break"<br />

from my daily routine of studies<br />

and having fun with friends. I met<br />

a truly kind person and gained a<br />

better understanding of Israeli life.<br />

Yad Sarah is an organization<br />

which supplies medical equipment<br />

to those in need, as well as<br />

providing services in the<br />

community such as home visits<br />

with the elderly.<br />

Through this organization I was<br />

set up with an elderly woman who<br />

unfortunately was unable to leave<br />

her home alone. Other than my<br />

weekly visits, she rarely heard<br />

knocks on her door, or the ring of<br />

the telephone from her children. I

5 0 I I lliite 8 1 Leisure .. .<br />

Food,Family,<br />

Friends, and Fun<br />

A Weekly Update On The<br />

Coming Of The Moshiach<br />

Sharon Zolondek<br />

Curiosity, the lure of free food,<br />

I'chiams, and sincere interest in<br />

learning about the traditions of<br />

Shabbat found many OYP students<br />

sitting around dinner tables with<br />

Jerusalem families.<br />

These dinners provided students<br />

with experiences unique to Israel,<br />

for secular students were exposed<br />

to different forms of Judaism in a<br />

special Shabbat setting. Many saw<br />

it as a chance to broaden their<br />

horizons and be introduced to<br />

others’ ways of observing Shabbat.<br />

These dinners meant something<br />

different to each of them. Some felt<br />

that these dinners helped rekindled<br />

their Judaism. Others believed<br />

that going to Friday night Shabbat<br />

dinners in Jerusalem gave them a<br />

new-found Jewish identity - and the<br />

food was just like mom’sl Others<br />

felt that it was nice to share a<br />

home cooked meal with a family<br />

rather than spend Friday night<br />

sitting home alone in their room<br />

eating pita and humus.<br />

Whatever the reasons might be for<br />

attending Shabbat dinners, students<br />

acquired a rich knowledge of<br />

the traditions of the orthodox community.<br />

I'chiam !<br />

Religious Activities<br />

Anonymous Contributor<br />

During the course of the !rear, the<br />

Office of Student Activities coordinated<br />

a wide variety of religious<br />

programs designed to meet the<br />

needs of all overseas students. The<br />

activities were run in coqjunctlon<br />

with the Hecht Synagogue, Beit<br />

Hillel, and other bodies associated<br />

with the university.<br />

Throughout the !rear, on- and offcampus<br />

Shabbat programs were<br />

sponsored by the Reform, Conservative,<br />

and Orthodox movements.<br />

Each of these movements held<br />

weekly informal advising sessions,<br />

lending a sympathetic ear to students<br />

who wished to discuss any<br />

topic related to Judaism. The Student<br />

Christian Forum conducted<br />

lectures and offered informal counselling<br />

sessions, trips and holiday<br />

meals for Christian students. The<br />

Hecht Synagogue, the focal point for<br />

religious activities on campus, organlzed<br />

the voluntary and informal<br />

Beit M idrash Study Program.<br />

Students studied with a tutor or in<br />

a small group, as they acquired,<br />

questioned, and developed their<br />

personal Jewish beliefs. The S.A.A.<br />

(Student A liy ah Absorption) Program<br />

matched overseas students<br />

with Israeli student counterparts<br />

for studying in tutorials; they also<br />

joined together in social activities<br />

such as trips and holiday<br />

celebrations.<br />

Many students spent Inspiring<br />

Shabbatot and holidays with famllies<br />

in and around Jerusalem.<br />

Dally prayer services, special lectures,<br />

panel discussions, visits to a<br />

m ikveh and a Torah scribe,<br />

tiyulim , a model seder, were some<br />

of the many programs which rounded<br />

out the full schedule of religious<br />

activities organized for the<br />

students in the One Year Program.

Time & Leisure' :<br />

In term arriage: A S tu d e n t7s R e sp o n se<br />

Zack Bodner, a second semester<br />

student from Yale, was the first<br />

prize winner of the Norman Primer<br />

Memorial Essay Contest.<br />

The competition was organized by<br />

D o r Le D o r in conjunction with<br />

the Office of Student Activities,<br />

<strong>Rothberg</strong> School for Overseas<br />

Students and the One Year<br />

Program <strong>Yearbook</strong> Editorial Staff.<br />

The contest participants were<br />

asked to address the topic: *Why<br />

Not Intermarry?" Specifically they<br />

were requested to respond to an<br />

editorial in a Jewish student<br />

newspaper where fellow Jewish<br />

student, *Stacey L.,' had written<br />

that she saw no problem with<br />

marriages between Jews and non-<br />

Jews. *The intermarriage problem<br />

shouldn't be an issue,' she claimed.<br />

*We should be able to marry a<br />

person of any race, creed or<br />

religion without being scrutinized.'<br />

The essay contest generated a lot<br />

of discussion on the Issues of<br />

Jewish Identity and continuity. We<br />

are grateful to Zack and the other<br />

twenty-three participants for<br />

sharing their thoughts on this<br />

crucial subject.<br />

Charles Lebow<br />

Dor Le Dor<br />

Here is Zack's winning essay...<br />

The Chinese Panda Bear.<br />

Beautiful. Graceful. Powerful.<br />

Nearly extinct...They’re just one<br />

species within a huge family of<br />

bears. Bears are all bears, 80 why<br />

do we spend so much time, energy,<br />

and money trying to save the<br />

endangered panda? Because the<br />

panda is special. The panda is<br />

real.<br />

The question of intermarriage is<br />

one that’s plagued me since<br />

puberty. I've gone through many<br />

difficult identity searches trying to<br />

find peace with myself, simply on<br />

the basis of this question. I<br />

couldn’t handle my own hypocrisyon<br />

the one hand, preaching<br />

vehemently in favor of change,<br />

progression, and the need to live in<br />

harmony with people of other<br />

religions and races. I’m not an<br />

advocate of the "separate but<br />

equal* principle that is too<br />

dominant in our society today; but<br />

at the same time I knew I would<br />

never allow myself to marry a non-<br />

Jewish woman. Am I racist? Am<br />

I prejudiced? I couldn't be- my premature<br />

marital decisions weren’t<br />

based on hate; they weren’t even<br />

based on love. So was I accepting<br />

m a rria g e sim ply out of<br />

convenience? Never! So what was<br />

I doing then? Limiting who I could<br />

and couldn't fall in love with? No<br />

way- I've dated and loved non-Jews<br />

just as well as Jews. I think I just<br />

finally realized, "Hey, I'm not going<br />

to get married until I know it’s<br />

perfect*, and there’s a feeling inside<br />

me when every single thing is just<br />

right. And without that one bond,<br />

which is more ambiguous than the<br />

words *I do,' but more solid than<br />

the proof on your finger, the<br />

marriage for me wouldn’t be<br />

perfect.<br />

Personally, I would tell you to<br />

follow your heart- wherever it leads<br />

you. But if you are asking me how<br />

I feel, I would tell you the following:<br />

For me, there's a bond between<br />

Jews that I cannot describe in<br />

words. It’s that feeling of freedom<br />

I had when I used to go to Jewish<br />

summer camp as a kid. It's that<br />

Invisible weight that seems to be<br />

lifted when I discover a new friend<br />

is Jewish. It’s that closeness that<br />

reverberates within a group of<br />

Jews just casually hanging out,<br />

that cannot be duplicated when I<br />

return to my secular world. It’s<br />

that comforting knowledge that I<br />

wouldn’t have to explain this<br />

confession to my Jewish friends the<br />

same as I would to my non-Jewish<br />

friends. It’s that feeling of<br />

complete comfort, understanding,<br />

and happiness that words cannot<br />

begin to describe. It’s the voicing<br />

of familiar doubts and questions<br />

surrounding your identity.<br />

Questions about raising children,<br />

preserving bonds of Judaism, and<br />

basic cultural diversity. These are<br />

Ideological conflicts you have to<br />

settle for yourself, but I know that<br />

I would not be the person I am<br />

today if I had been raised with the<br />

choice of my religion. Judaism, for<br />

me, is beyond choosing a holiday<br />

for which I can receive gifts. It Is<br />

more than an educated arrival at a<br />

religion with which my beliefs most<br />

closely coincide. It’s more than a<br />

working knowledge of the stories,<br />

legends, prayers, and history of one<br />

religion versus another. It’s an<br />

identity with Its heritage, its<br />

people, and Its aura that cannot be<br />

gained from reading books. To be<br />

raised Jewish, especially In<br />

America, is not the same as being<br />

raised as a five year old child that<br />

has to make a decision between a<br />

Christmas tree and a Chanukah<br />

Menorah- when the rest of his<br />

friends all have Christmas trees,<br />

which do you think he’ll choose?<br />

Besides, the ,Cultural Diversity*<br />

that you long for and strive to<br />

protect is just a result of the<br />

many, many different cultures that<br />

do exist, all coming together to<br />

teach one another about their<br />

beauty. By raising a child without<br />

a culture, you threaten that basic<br />

principle. We Trill no longer have<br />

*Cultural Diversity* if you take<br />

away the separate cultures and<br />

mush them all together. Diversity<br />

Is beauty. Sameness is bland. And<br />

while the differences might make<br />

you rough around the edges, if you<br />

take them away, your *brave new<br />

world* will be boring and<br />

monotonous.<br />

This isn’t a plea for you to keep<br />

the Jewish faith alive. It will live<br />

on- this isn't a testimony as to<br />

what Intermarriage will bring, and<br />

it Isn't an attempt to judge you by<br />

your decision. It's merely a<br />

compilation of the answers that<br />

I’ve come to, and a declaration that<br />

I finally feel good with my personal<br />

paradox. These beliefs are part of<br />

my religion, they do enhance me as<br />

a person, but they also help to<br />

identify me among a family and a<br />

heritage that's as old as time.

52 . n me & Ileisure 1<br />

The H appiness BIues<br />

O ne O Y P er' s View on IsraeI<br />

Mieah Libln and D. Brownian<br />

Let me tell you about my problem<br />

I can't sing the blues cause I<br />

don’t got 'em<br />

I started to write<br />

Had nothing to say<br />

Because everything<br />

Seems to go my way<br />

I always win, man I never lose<br />

And that’s why I've got the<br />

Happiness Blues.<br />

I woke up one day and nothing<br />

was right<br />

The toothpaste tube was empty<br />

and I was losing a fight<br />

Couldn’t take it any longer<br />

I started to scream<br />

But I just woke up laughing<br />

It was all a bad dream<br />

I always win, man I never lose<br />

And that’s why I've got the<br />

Happiness Blues<br />

If you don't like smiles then stay<br />

away<br />

Because I'm gonna brighten up<br />

your whole day<br />

I never lose<br />

I always win<br />

And I am going to<br />

Rub it in<br />

I always win, man I never lose<br />

And that’s why I’ve got the<br />

Happiness Blues<br />

They say ,Why are you 80 lucky.<br />

what do I lack?'<br />

G-d owes me a favor and Insists<br />

on paying me back<br />

To cite an example this is my<br />

worst day<br />

People knelt as I was walking and<br />

they started to pray<br />

They got right down and they<br />

kissed my shoes<br />

And that's why I've got the<br />

Happiness Blues<br />

I'm a happiness junky, a good<br />

times freak<br />

I don’t need sustenance, I don't<br />

have to eat<br />

I don't need food<br />

Bread or butter or beans<br />

My staple is euphoria<br />

Tou know what I mean<br />

I always win, man I never lose<br />

And that’s why I've got the<br />

Happiness Blues<br />

That’s why I’ve got the Happiness<br />

Blues<br />

Oh Yeah!<br />

If you’ve got troubles bring ’em<br />

near<br />

If you've got problems I'd like to<br />

hear<br />

If you've got sorrow bring it on<br />

Because I wanted to write a sad<br />

sad song<br />

I started to write but I had to<br />

stop<br />

I guess I got a blues mental block<br />

I fell in love with a beautiful girl<br />

She was the prettiest thing in the<br />

whole wide world<br />

I asked her out, she said no<br />

She said, ,There’s just one place<br />

that I have to go*<br />

She said, ,I never go anywhere<br />

without my twin"<br />

What did I tell you, I always win

Time & Leisure<br />


54<br />

tim e & Leisure<br />

/<br />

M arch of the Living<br />

Jennie Levy<br />

When I decided to go on the<br />

March of the Living, I thought that<br />

it was to educate myself about the<br />

Holocaust: to understand the what,<br />

the how, and the why. Last year<br />

at school, a friend told me that he<br />

thinks that the Jews use the Holocaust<br />

as a crutch. I didn’t know<br />

how to respeond. What he said<br />

upset me and I told him 80, but I<br />

couldn’t explain why in an lntelligent<br />

way. So a year later I end up<br />

in Poland learning a tremendous<br />

amount of information yet I developed<br />

more questions than answers!<br />

The experience of The March<br />

seems to mean something different<br />

to everyone. Personally, a lot of<br />

what I learned in Poland was about<br />

myself - who I am as a person, my<br />

goals, and what my Judaism means<br />

to me. My feelings about what happened<br />

In Poland changed at times<br />

from indifference to anger and from<br />

sick and disgusted to sad. I wasn’t<br />

always depressed, but there were a<br />

few times that it hit me hard. For<br />

example, the hair In Auschwitz and<br />

the shoes in Majdanek. Since we’ve<br />

been back in Israel, I feel like I<br />

have a lot to share. There are also<br />

feelings which I don’t know how to<br />

explain. How do you express what<br />

it was like to stand In a place<br />

where 800,000 h um an beings were<br />

taken Just to be murdered? I think<br />

that going to Poland meant more to<br />

me than I can even realize at the<br />

moment. In September, I will see<br />

my friend whose words in a small<br />

way prompted me to make this<br />

journey. I'm still not sure exactly<br />

how I would respond to his statement,<br />

but I know that I no longer<br />

lack information and now have my<br />

own personal experience to draw<br />


Time & ]Leisure<br />

55<br />

A Long Walk<br />

Deborah Zuckerman<br />

We put on our ten layers<br />

Blue jackets on top<br />

White stars on the backs blaring<br />

We are young Jews, look and stop.<br />

We stood ten across<br />

Arms locked together<br />

Behind the blowing Israeli flags<br />

We were elated, fight as a feather.<br />

Then the announcement came<br />

We stood silent, straight, and tall<br />

Yacov played his violin<br />

All barriers began to fall.<br />

We started toward the gate<br />

To leave the colleglate-looking first<br />

Hell<br />

"Freedom Through Work" behind us<br />

We marched out of that cell.<br />

Some bowed their heads in mourning<br />

But all walked full of pride<br />

Poles looked from their windows<br />

These six thousand Jews were not<br />

going to hide.<br />

Our closed mouths at this moment<br />

Yet opened eyes to the horrors that<br />

were<br />

Let the world know we are here<br />

We looked like one gigantic blue blur.<br />

The deafening sound from our<br />

footsteps<br />

Screamed this atrocity will not<br />

reoccur<br />

As we climbed the hill over the<br />

hundreds of tracks<br />

Realization set in, and we began to<br />

shudder.<br />

We got closer to the second Hell<br />

That infinite number of tracks<br />

converged to a single deadly one<br />

Our steps became more erratic<br />

As we marched along side it, now<br />

almost to the beat of a drum.<br />

The famous brick watchtower<br />

Loomed overhead<br />

We went through the second gate<br />

And mourned for the six million<br />

dead.<br />

That single track<br />

Stretching on forever<br />

Eventually it came to an end<br />

At the destroyed crematoria, where<br />

we gathered together.<br />

The flag bearers stood<br />

On the former death machines with<br />

pride<br />

The blue stars waving in the wind<br />

Hitler, Hhnmler, and Eichman rolled<br />

over in their graves and cried.<br />

The sound of train whistles in the<br />

distance<br />

The barking dogs from next door<br />

All created the eerie atmosphere<br />

We could not at all ignore.<br />

At the service's close<br />

Yiskor, A n i MaA m in, and<br />

H atikvah were sung<br />

Not one of the six thousand could<br />

move<br />

A stillness in the air, just kept us<br />

there and hung.<br />

We planted our grave markers<br />

Each where he felt right<br />

To commemorate our family and<br />

friends lost<br />

They were everywhere, not an empty<br />

sight.<br />

Then we walked out<br />

A few at a time<br />

Some on that track<br />

But in no certain line.<br />

The testimony we saw<br />

Of the horrors that were<br />

Will remain in our hearts and minds<br />

To teach our children what did<br />


nine׳ & Leisure 56<br />

S i#

lim e & Leisure<br />

m 57

Time & Leisure<br />


H<br />

I<br />

K<br />

I<br />

N<br />

G<br />

C<br />

L<br />


62<br />

Time & Leisure<br />

OTP K icks Tuches...<br />

Dan Feldman<br />

Who said Jews can’t play ball?<br />

Many students participated in<br />

various baseball, basketball,<br />

football, and soccer events. Some<br />

volunteers also coached kids from<br />

ages six to fifteen in Little League<br />

Baseball for a season that lasted<br />

over three months.<br />

In December, the OSA Sports<br />

Committee sponsored the three-onthree<br />

New Year's Basketball<br />

Tournament. In the Spring, over<br />

seventy students participated in<br />

the Diaspora Basketball League<br />

that was held bi-weekly and ended<br />

with a fantastic tournament in<br />

June. Likewise, the Spring Soccer<br />

League matched up players from<br />

England, Australia, The United<br />

States, Argentina, Canada, Chile,<br />

Brazil, Uruguay, and Holland. It<br />

consisted of ten male and four<br />

female teams. The soccer league<br />

also concluded in June with an<br />

exciting and emotional tournament.<br />

Nearly two hundred students<br />

were involved in the fun and<br />

competition of OYP sports. *No<br />

time for losers, we are the<br />

champions of the Holy City.'

lim e & Leisure<br />


Madrichim<br />

65<br />

Dear Students,<br />

During the last month, I've been<br />

thinking, *what am I going to write<br />

in the yearbook?" What do I want<br />

you to remember before leaving<br />

Israel? Before my eyes, I see all of<br />

the wonderful experiences we had<br />

together. I think about the great<br />

impression you have made here<br />

with whole-hearted participation<br />

and cooperation in all of the OSA<br />

activities. Also, I think about the<br />

next step.<br />

I must admit that I have very<br />

high expectations for you. You are<br />

going back to your homes, to your<br />

campuses, to your communities,<br />

and I assume that you will have a<br />

lot of things to do: not only finishing<br />

your academic studies but also<br />

making your own Individual plans<br />

for the future. However, sooner or<br />

later, the memories will surface<br />

and you will start missing Israel.<br />

It could happen the very first day<br />

that you arrive at your home or<br />

after weeks, months, or even years<br />

later. Then, all of the experiences<br />

you had in Israel, your studies,<br />

your stay In Jerusalem, your<br />

tiyulim , and your adventures will<br />

stand at your side when you wish<br />

to support Israel. Not only by<br />

showing your sympathy to Israel<br />

and its society, but also by encouraging<br />

other students to come to<br />

Israel as you did, to study with us,<br />

and to have the same special "one<br />

year’ experience. For us, you are<br />

ambassadors (shelihim).<br />

I personally would be very happy<br />

to see you have visits in Israel<br />

when you finish your obligations<br />

back home. You are welcome as<br />

visitors and also as Olim<br />

Chadashim.<br />

Lehitraot, kan be'eretz Yisrael.<br />

Hofy Itshak Hafuta<br />

Director of OSA<br />

Dear Students,<br />

The year is almost over. Looking<br />

back, I remember those summer<br />

days when you all arrived in Israel<br />

(and those winter days for some of<br />

you). Since then we have been<br />

trying to make this year your best<br />

year ever. Through varied<br />

activities, I hope this period of time<br />

in Israel leves you with wonderful<br />

memories and many happy<br />

thoughts. You were fortunate in<br />

that your visit to Israel occurred<br />

at a most special time; during this<br />

very historical peace process. You<br />

had the opportunity to experience<br />

the delicate yet unique life that<br />

takes place in Israel.<br />

As coordinator, together with the<br />

dedicated and dependable<br />

Madrichim, I tried to show you the<br />

wonders of this country In the<br />

short time we had together: the<br />

beautiful landscapes, the Israeli<br />

way of life, and life as a student.<br />

I hope that when you leave Israel,<br />

you will take with you the many<br />

wonderful memories of all that you<br />

have experienced during this past<br />

year. And now, when it is time to<br />

say goodbye and go our separate<br />

ways, all that is left to say is that<br />

I wish you all the best of luck and<br />

look forward to seeing you in Israel<br />

once again.<br />

Shlomit<br />

Dear Friends,<br />

I made Naomi promise that If I<br />

wrote something all of you guys<br />

would only read It during my Office<br />

Hours, Sun-Thurs, 1:00-3:00 p.m.!ll<br />

The year has flown by and I can’t<br />

believe I am faced with making the<br />

same decision all over again...to<br />

stay another year (lifetime) or go<br />

back to the States. This was a<br />

very exciting year to be in Israel<br />

with the peace process underway<br />

and all of the political activity.<br />

These next few years are going to<br />

be historical. I am so happy that I<br />

was here for the beginning (and<br />

hopefully the middle and end tool).<br />

The experience of working at OSA<br />

was "priceless." Looking back on all<br />

of the hassles, problems, and<br />

shticks, I truly enjoyed my time<br />

with all of you. I hope that you got<br />

as much out of the programs as I<br />

didl By the mere fact that you<br />

decided to spend your year In<br />

Israel, rather than in Europe like<br />

the majority of your friends, you<br />

have had a much different and<br />

more meaningful experience. When<br />

I was last in the States, I was<br />

amazed at how many people asked<br />

for my opinion as the "local Middle<br />

East expert" since I had just<br />

returned from a year in Israel. I<br />

hope that you take what you have<br />

learned back with you to teach<br />

your friends and family.<br />

Live the rest of your time in this<br />

country to the fullest. Don't hold<br />

back (as if you have been)! It has<br />

been truly wonderful spending time<br />

on seminars and traveling with you<br />

this year. To those Hiking Club<br />

members that are still awaiting the<br />

arrival of the m oshiach,<br />

eventually it will come and we will<br />

be reunited in Eilat on Har<br />

Shlomo (the ascent Trill be much<br />

easier the second time around)! 11<br />

Take caret<br />

Love,<br />

Deb<br />

Deborah Zuckerman<br />

1 Westcliff Drive<br />

Dix Hills, NY 11746<br />


66<br />

Madrichim<br />

/<br />

To My Students!<br />

I decided to use a different<br />

medium, since my videos never<br />

worked!<br />

When you first arrived, you were<br />

so confused and lonely. I<br />

understand how you felt because I<br />

was once In your shoes spending a<br />

year In the States.<br />

Watching you grow and change<br />

over this year confirmed my<br />

expectations of being your<br />

Madricha. The One Year Program<br />

gave you a little taste of Israel, and<br />

I hope that you will spend more<br />

significant time here!<br />

Good luck next year and whenever<br />

you’re in Israel again- you’d better<br />

call mel<br />

Sharon<br />

To the Student Committee!<br />

Through all of the hassles and<br />

problems of this year, I really<br />

enjoyed working with all of you.<br />

Your enthusiasm and dedication<br />

really made the Student Committee<br />

something special; the parties, the<br />

newspaper, the sports events and<br />

this yearbook are all products of<br />

your success.<br />

Good luck next year and I hope to<br />

see you all in Israel againl<br />

Sharon Steinbaum<br />

Shlomit 31<br />

Shlomi, 22832<br />

Tel: 04- 809138<br />

Dear Friends,<br />

Any attempt to express my<br />

feelings or to summarize this past<br />

year In a few sentences will not be<br />

good enough, 80 I’m not even going<br />

to try. For those of you who think<br />

about staying here - you are headed<br />

for some difficult times and you are<br />

going to need all of the help that<br />

you can get. And for those of you<br />

who are going back to the States<br />

and might come here one day for a<br />

visit with U.J.A. or Hadassa and<br />

want to keep an authentic<br />

primitive Israeli native as a friend,<br />

here is my address:<br />

Ronen Leibovich<br />

Hadror St. 23<br />

Ashquelon ?8380<br />

Israel<br />

Tel: 07-733784<br />

For the Student Committee Gang<br />

(Dan K, Dan F., Judah G., Naomi<br />

Z., Arjan J., Micah L ),<br />

It was a pleasure working with<br />

you. I think that you did some<br />

great things during this year and I<br />

know that you have worked hard<br />

(at least some of you - for some of<br />

the time). I'm sure that your<br />

voters appreciate it. I hope that<br />

America, Canada, and India (as<br />

well as Israel) will benefit from<br />

your professional and fruitful<br />

experience as high officials.<br />

Love you all,<br />

Ronen<br />

Once upon a time, In a far away<br />

country, there lived a Rabbi. A<br />

very clever Rabbi. You might say<br />

that every Rabbi is clever, but this<br />

Rabbi possessed a unique power,<br />

special to him that no one else had,<br />

no one else had ever heard of - he<br />

was able to see objects through<br />

matter.<br />

Most people made good use of the<br />

Rabbi’s special talent. Some didn’t.<br />

One of those was a man who<br />

decided to outsmart the Rabbi. He<br />

decided to approach the Rabbi with<br />

a butterfly held In his hands.<br />

When the Rabbi would say that it’s<br />

a butterfly he would smile but<br />

continue to ask. Tell me Rabbi, 18<br />

it dead or alive?'. If the answer<br />

would be *dead', the man would<br />

then let the butterfly go. If the<br />

answer would be *alive', he would<br />

squash the butterfly.<br />

As the man expected, the Rabbi<br />

answered his question without<br />

hesitation - you are holding a<br />

butterfly. Tell me Rabbi, is It dead<br />

or alive?' The Rabbi put his hands<br />

on the man’s fist and looked deep<br />

into his eyes. Well my son, the<br />

answer to that Is In your hands...<br />

You are now standing at the end<br />

of a period of time spent In Israel,<br />

the land of the Jewish people.<br />

During this time you had the<br />

opportunity to see it's people and<br />

sites, hear the variety of opinions<br />

expressed In and about it and feel<br />

it's very existence. I hope that you<br />

will be able to take all of this with<br />

you and make good use of all you<br />

have experienced because like the<br />

Rabbi said, it's in your hands.<br />

Lehitraot,<br />


Madrichim<br />

67<br />

(Curtain Rises)<br />

(The Madrich's Speech Is to be read<br />

In front of hundreds of confused<br />

and helpless students)<br />

Shalom Students,<br />

I love you very much (Kisses to<br />

the audience)<br />

I will miss you all a lot (Crying)<br />

May the rest of your years be as<br />

easy as the past one<br />

You don't have to make Allyah all<br />

at once<br />

This was the greatest year of my<br />

life...<br />

(Curtain Goes Dow n)<br />

Fortunately this is all true! I wish<br />

you the best of luck. I really en-<br />

Joyed my year with all of you. The<br />

trips and seminars were a lot of<br />

fun. I tried to assist you with a<br />

range of experiences through lectures,<br />

trips, parties, and openhouses.<br />

I know that you will remember<br />

this year forever and I hope that<br />

you take what you have learned<br />

back to your home countries, wherever<br />

they might be, so that your<br />

friends can gain from your experlences.<br />

Your experience was special<br />

because of the many changes that<br />

occurred In the Middle East during<br />

your stay. I hope that the Peace<br />

Process will be as successful as we<br />

all wish it to be. I also hope that<br />

the next time you come to Israel,<br />

your parents will be slightly less<br />

worried and that you will be able to<br />

visit all of our neighboring<br />

countries without the need to get a<br />

new and *clean* passport.<br />

Keep In touch,<br />

Amos<br />

*The Always funny madrlch*<br />

(Yashar Yashar first edition)<br />

Amos Avivi<br />

52 Shalva St.<br />

Herzelia 46705<br />

Israel<br />

Tel: 09-570167<br />

It began at the end of July. It<br />

was a hot and humid day. We<br />

waited for you at the airport with<br />

colorful 'Welcome Hebrew U’ signs.<br />

I was perspiring; partly from the<br />

heat but mostly from excitement.<br />

Suddenly we spotted you, exhausted<br />

from your flight, and escorted you<br />

to Givat Ram. Truthfully, I wasn’t<br />

sure how you would react to<br />

M eonot H aE lef but you were<br />

quite heroic. It took a day for the<br />

shock to wear off, and soon you<br />

were more fam iliar with<br />

Ben/M achane Yehuda than I<br />

was. During the week you studied<br />

your "A lef-Bet' and on the weekends<br />

you travelled all over the<br />

country. Even the Israeli summer<br />

heat didn’t stop you. And now this<br />

year is already behind you. A year<br />

of school, tiyulim, parties, and lots<br />

of fun. I hope that you learned<br />

about Israel and mostly about yourselves<br />

this past year. As for me, I<br />

am happy that I was given the<br />

chance to get to know you well; I’ve<br />

learned a lot and epjoyed myself<br />

doing it. Hope to some day see you<br />

again.<br />

Orit<br />

Dear Graduate Students,<br />

It's hard to believe, but this year<br />

has come to an end. It seems as If<br />

just yesterday you had all arrived,<br />

and now It’s already time to say<br />

goodbye. I know that most of you<br />

feel that there was not enough time<br />

as you would have liked to see,<br />

hear, and feel everything this country<br />

has to offer. But nonetheless,<br />

you have accomplished much. I<br />

know we tried to show you most of<br />

the natural attractions and I hope<br />

that in our more informal meetings<br />

and discussions, I managed to<br />

share other aspects of Israel with<br />

you. I also hope that from all you<br />

have learned, you can come to appredate<br />

all of the accomplishments<br />

that Israel has achieved In the last<br />

forty-six years along with Its problems<br />

as well; bureaucracy, hot ternperament,<br />

etc...<br />

As you prepare to leave, I wish<br />

you all shalom for Its three most<br />

perfect meanings: go with peace, be<br />

with peace, and come back with<br />

peace.<br />

Thank you all for an outstanding<br />

experience!<br />

Oren Shenkar<br />

11 Hapalmach St.<br />

Ramat Hasharon 47203<br />

Tel: 03-5406932

m e t ; m g<br />

ת Dear All,<br />

Well, it’s been a *year"- I can’t<br />

really think of the right adjective<br />

to put there. Something between<br />

*stimulating* and *fascinating* with<br />

a bit of *really, totally, like,<br />

enjoyable*. I found myself seeing<br />

the things that are close to me,<br />

and important to me through your<br />

eyes. Sometimes seeing things this<br />

way wasn't easy because:<br />

(a) It can get very thought<br />

provoking, and<br />

(b) I usually forget to carry my<br />

glasses around anyway.<br />

But what can you do? I thought<br />

about carrying them on a string<br />

around my neck, but I’d probably<br />

forget the string as well.<br />

Despite all of this, it's been a<br />

year I’ll never forget. Falling in<br />

love with hundreds of people at the<br />

same time is something you tend to<br />

remember.<br />

Love,<br />

Dov<br />

Dov Ben-Shlmon:<br />

Box 431<br />

Students’ Organization<br />

P.O. Box 24003<br />

Jerusalem 91240<br />

Remember those first questions?<br />

*Are we going to live in this place?*<br />

*Where do we catch a bus to Ben<br />

Yehuda Street?' *18 there a good<br />

pub where we can meet Israelis?'...<br />

I think that by now you have<br />

learned all of the answers to those<br />

questions and more, and that I can<br />

learn from you about good pubs<br />

and Israelis.<br />

I had a wonderful time with youfrom<br />

the day you arrived until the<br />

end of your stay here. I had the<br />

privilege of watching you ask,<br />

learn, and change (boy did you<br />

change 80 much here) and being a<br />

part of this positive change in your<br />

life. I won't forget this year- I'm<br />

sure that you won’t either.<br />

And although you didn't leave yet<br />

(when I'm writing this), I already<br />

miss youl<br />

Keep in Touch!<br />

Ylkrat<br />

Ylkrat Sidi<br />

31 Shazar St.<br />

Haifa 34861<br />

Dear Dear youlll<br />

Well, I don’t know where to<br />

start...With the first time I came to<br />

visit you in your Givat Ram rooms<br />

with an embarrassed smile? Or<br />

with the *soul* conversations I had<br />

with some of you late into the<br />

night? With the private jokes?<br />

With the *Open Houses' we had?<br />

With memories of OSA activities?<br />

Or maybe with your midnight calls<br />

or visits?<br />

This year has gone by 80 fast.<br />

Your confused and shocked faces<br />

from the summer have changed,<br />

and now I sometimes feel that you<br />

know Israel better than I do.<br />

Anyway, I know that for some of<br />

you, this was a very special year.<br />

Maybe The year of your life -<br />

interesting, exciting, and sometimes<br />

hard, very hard. For some of you,<br />

this year Inspired a new way of<br />

thinking and behaving, and new<br />

options appeared. I can only say<br />

that I tried to be there for each of<br />

you whenever you needed me and<br />

whenever I could help. I hope I<br />

really did.<br />

And to *The Volunteersl*<br />

As the volunteer coordinator I<br />

want to express my appreciation of<br />

your willingness to help and your<br />

consistency. I hope that it<br />

contributed to your integration in<br />

Israel and that you reached your<br />

goals in the experience.<br />

Thanks, Thanks, Thanksl<br />

A dozen times more thanks from<br />

the organizations and people you<br />

were working with. Included in the<br />

yearbook are some of their thank<br />

you letters.<br />

I wish you more beautiful years<br />

and if you feel like being in touch,<br />

you are welcome to visit Moshe and<br />

I when you come back.<br />

Maggie Melamed-Aharoni<br />

Ha'arazlm 14<br />

Jerusalem<br />

02-522006 (Moshe’s parents)

Madrichim<br />

69<br />

Hi Guys-<br />

I remember you coming to Israel<br />

80 fragile and concerned without<br />

any knowledge of how this year was<br />

going to be. But after a month you<br />

became independent and experts<br />

about Israel.<br />

I saw people starting to feel the<br />

real atmosphere here, even<br />

bargaining on prices at M achane<br />

Yehuda. I tried to answer most<br />

of your questions when I could and<br />

when I thought that I should. It<br />

was funny when you would laugh<br />

at the people from the second<br />

semester that had the same<br />

problems you had.<br />

I can assume that after this year,<br />

most of you will represent Israel in<br />

a positive way like ambassadors in<br />

your countries, and pass your<br />

experience on to many people. Tou<br />

need to know that this is a tough<br />

job.<br />

I’m really glad that you could<br />

experience the life here during<br />

peace talk s between the<br />

Palestinians and us, and feel a part<br />

of history. I’ll miss you all and I<br />

hope to see you here soon.<br />

For my cool H.C. friends-<br />

I can remember your faces on<br />

your first trip: frozen, pale, some<br />

people were asking each other Is It<br />

safe? If only my mother could see<br />

me now." But you survived and<br />

most of you had fun. For me, each<br />

trip was an experience and I<br />

learned a lot. I had a marvelous<br />

time, even when we lost the track.<br />

I hope you enjoyed the landscape<br />

and nature of Israel and you met<br />

new Mends.<br />

See you guys back In Israel or<br />

elsewhere and don’t forget to write:<br />

Moshlk Galanty<br />

Prophesor Nachom 3<br />

Rlshon Le Zion 76217<br />

Israel<br />

Dear Guatemala students,<br />

We are sorry to say that the time<br />

has come to say goodbye. It's hard<br />

for us to find the words to say, so<br />

we'll keep this nice and short.<br />

We hope you all had a good time<br />

these past few months, that you<br />

learned a lot (yeah right...) and<br />

gained new experiences from ALL<br />

the things you did here - classes<br />

(when you went...), trips (when<br />

they weren’t canceled)..., the<br />

beautiful dorms (even though they<br />

were on the other side of the<br />

world...), and all the rest.<br />

We also hope that the distance<br />

and cost won’t keep you away from<br />

Israel for long, and that when you<br />

do make It back, you give us a call<br />

and let us know what's new and<br />

exciting. Good Luck in everything!<br />

Love,<br />

Uri & Rebecca<br />

Uri Goldflam<br />

3 Metzarel TIrah St.<br />

Givat Hamlvtar<br />

Jerusalem 97807<br />

Israel<br />

Rebecca Zitter<br />

67 Mendess St.<br />

Klryat Krlnltzl<br />

Ramat Gan 62663<br />



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^ f _ > v. s<br />

היברו יוניון קולג’-‏ מכון למדעי היהדות<br />

wishes you success in your future studies.<br />

■ ■ ■ p ■ ■ . For information on our graduate programs in: ■ ■<br />

'^ y ^ ru rt0^ N Rabbinic Studies, Cantorial Studies, Jewish Education,<br />

לArcheology,>7‎ Jewish Communal Service, Studies in Biblical גז־דעי<br />

Graduate Studies in Judaica, Hebraica, and the Ancient Near East<br />

Please contact HUC-JIR<br />

|jjj|<br />

13 King David Street<br />

Jerusalem 94101<br />

Israel<br />

(02) 203-333<br />

FAX: (02) 251-478<br />

3101 Clifton Avenue<br />

Cincinnati, Ohio 45220-2488<br />

(513) 221-1875<br />

FAX: (513) 221-2810<br />

One West Fourth Street 3077 University Avenue<br />

New York, NY 10012-1186 Los Angeles, California 90007<br />

(212) 674-5300 (213) 749-3424<br />

FAX: (212) 533-0129 FAX: (213) 747-6128<br />

r~!»*7yj<br />

המרכ‎7‎<br />


ליהדות<br />

מסורתית<br />

בירן<br />

Located in the heart of Jerusalem, the Center serves as a religious, cultural, and<br />

educational focal point for Israelis, as well as visitors from abroad.<br />

We hope you enjoyed and found meaning in the extra curricular activities of our<br />

"Center on Campus" program, and wish you much success with your future plans.<br />

נר הי נשמת אדס<br />

2 Agron Street<br />

POB 7456<br />

Jerusalem 94265<br />

Tel: 02-256-386<br />

Fax: 02-234-127<br />

Returning to North America? Be sure to look up our affiliate United Synagogue<br />

College Outreach Program "Koach" on your campus, or call/write Rich Moline at<br />

our North American office: 180 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1710, Chicago, IL<br />

60601, (Tel: 312-726-1802 or Fax: 312-726-1820).<br />

...and when you return to Israel, whether it be as a visitor, as a student, or for<br />

Aliyah, please look us up and consider us always your home away from home.<br />

Romm. Rabbi Edward S. ‏,להתראות



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