Annual Report of Tuberous Sclerosis Australia 2016/17

Find out about the achievements of this small organisation, our plans for the future and all the people who made it possible.

Find out about the achievements of this small organisation, our plans for the future and all the people who made it possible.


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<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong><br />

Together we can create a better life and more<br />

hopeful future for every individual with TSC<br />


<strong>Tuberous</strong> <strong>Sclerosis</strong> Complex (TSC)<br />

TSC affects more than 2000 individuals in <strong>Australia</strong> and thousands more<br />

carers, families and friends who live with the impact <strong>of</strong> the disease.<br />

TSC tumours can grow in any organ <strong>of</strong> the body, commonly affecting<br />

the brain, skin, heart, lungs and kidneys. TSC can cause epilepsy,<br />

developmental delay and autism. There is no known cure for TSC.<br />

TSC is not just TSC<br />

Epilepsy Autism Kidney<br />

tumours<br />

Lung<br />

disease<br />

... and<br />

more<br />

and then there`s the fear.<br />

We have no crystal ball that can predict how any individual will be<br />

affected by TSC. This fear can be crippling.<br />

Financial<br />

Education<br />

& Work<br />

All dimensions <strong>of</strong> wellbeing<br />

can be affected by TSC<br />

Emotional<br />

Spiritual<br />

Time<br />

Physical<br />

Social<br />

Although the diagnosis <strong>of</strong> TSC is given to<br />

an individual, it ripples through the family,<br />

community and our whole society.<br />


uberous <strong>Sclerosis</strong><br />

ustralia a (TSA)<br />

TSA works to connect, inform and empower people affected by<br />

tuberous sclerosis complex as we work towards a cure for TSC.<br />

What We Do<br />

• Ensure <strong>Australia</strong>ns with TSC<br />

have access to the best possible<br />

healthcare<br />

• Provide up to date and accurate<br />

information to all <strong>Australia</strong>ns<br />

with TSC<br />

• Support individuals and families<br />

<br />

face the challenges <strong>of</strong> TSC alone<br />

• Champion an active research<br />

program in <strong>Australia</strong> that works<br />

towards a cure for TSC<br />

Our Values<br />

• Diversity - we recognise everyone`s unique<br />

experiences and contribution<br />

• Excellence - our services and activities are <strong>of</strong> high<br />

quality<br />

• Equity - we aim to provide services that are accessible<br />

by all people with TSC, wherever they live in <strong>Australia</strong><br />

• Openness - our decision making and<br />

communications are clear and transparent<br />

• Independence - we value our independence and are<br />

accountable to TSA members<br />

• Partnership - collaboration with other organisations<br />

and individuals is critical to achieve our vision<br />

Our Team<br />

• Debbie Crosby President<br />

• Patrick Norris Treasurer<br />

• Alison McIvor Secretary<br />

• Adish Chandra Committee Member<br />

• Michael Jones Committee Member<br />

• Michelle Purkiss Committee Member<br />

• Georgina Schilg Committee Member<br />

• Clare Stuart General Manager<br />

• Kate Garrard Fundraising and<br />

Communications Lead<br />

Our Team <strong>of</strong> Medical Advisors<br />

• Dr Sean Kennedy nephrologist at Sydney Children’s Hospital<br />

• Dr John Lawson paediatric neurologist at Sydney Children’s Hospital<br />

• Dr David Mowat clinical geneticist at Sydney Children’s Hospital<br />


ship<br />

eadership<br />

eport<br />

Debbie Crosby, President<br />

and Clare Stuart, General Manager<br />

It has been another amazing year at <strong>Tuberous</strong><br />

<strong>Sclerosis</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> and all made possible by our<br />

<br />

part <strong>of</strong> running TSA is raising the funds needed to<br />

achieve our goals. We are so grateful for each and<br />

every person who chooses to donate to TSA, host a<br />

fundraising event or support one <strong>of</strong> our TSC Heroes<br />

in events around <strong>Australia</strong>.<br />

This year saw a major milestone in our TSC Heroes<br />

fundraising team. Formed in 2014 by the Place<br />

family, the original TSC Heroes came together<br />

again in November <strong>2016</strong> at the Western Sydney<br />

<br />

a half ironman distance triathlon, joined by many<br />

<strong>of</strong> his family and friends along with TSC dads Elliott<br />

Cunnew and Anthony Crosby. This event raised over<br />

$30,000 and took the total raised by TSC Heroes to<br />

over $100,000.<br />

These funds have allowed TSA to maintain and<br />

improve our information and support services.<br />

These include improving the availability <strong>of</strong> our<br />

TSC Information Service, the only service <strong>of</strong> its<br />

kind in <strong>Australia</strong> allowing people living with TSC<br />

to call for accurate information, connect to health<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essionals who know about TSC and someone to<br />

listen who knows what life with TSC is like.<br />

We’ve also been able to update our information<br />

<br />

continues to be one <strong>of</strong> the hardest aspects <strong>of</strong> TSC<br />

to live with. 90% <strong>of</strong> people with TSC experience<br />

seizures and anti-epilepsy medication alone is <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

not able to provide relief. Ongoing research into<br />

medicinal cannabis, mTOR inhibitor medicines and<br />

improvements in epilepsy surgical techniques have<br />

<br />

with TSC. Our April 20<strong>17</strong> issue <strong>of</strong> Reach Out brought<br />

up to date information on these new treatment<br />

<br />

hundreds <strong>of</strong> TSC families and health pr<strong>of</strong>essionals.<br />

This year we also received funding from Novartis<br />

<br />

go to Dr John Lawson for generously giving his time<br />

to do this session. It provided a great overview <strong>of</strong><br />

medicinal cannabis research and issues and allowed<br />

participants to ask questions directly from an expert<br />

<br />

in this area. The ability to participate in online events<br />

and watch video recordings at a time convenient<br />

to them means more people in more parts <strong>of</strong> our<br />

big country can access accurate and up to date TSC<br />

information.<br />

We took time this year to refocus on how we can<br />

<br />

need <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>ns living with TSC. Our <strong>2016</strong> survey<br />

emphasised that day to day life with TSC is full <strong>of</strong><br />

challenges including accessing TSC expert medical<br />

care as well as mental health, education and disability<br />

support. Despite major advancements in the medical<br />

treatments available for TSC, there is so much more<br />

we can do. We have refreshed our strategic plans to be<br />

more ambitious and this annual report describes our<br />

key priorities. The management committee is excited<br />

about this next phase for TSA and the ways that we<br />

can help to make the lives <strong>of</strong> people with TSC better<br />

<br />

future.<br />

Our organisation has grown and changed since it<br />

was established in 1981. At TSA's core has always<br />

been a dedicated group <strong>of</strong> volunteers. Thank you to<br />

our management committee members, our regional<br />

contacts and our dedicated fundraisers. We are also<br />

so grateful to have the ongoing support <strong>of</strong> our TSC<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals Network who give their time to our<br />

projects including presenting at education events,<br />

<br />

reviewing our publications. This year we welcomed our<br />

<br />

fundraising knowledge and experience to our team.<br />

Having the resources to complete this work is the<br />

largest challenge we have. We are passionate about<br />

increasing the number <strong>of</strong> people and organisations<br />

involved in our cause. If you can help us to talk to a<br />

new group <strong>of</strong> potential supporters, we’d love to work<br />

with you. Thank you again for supporting TSA this<br />

year. We’re proud <strong>of</strong> what we have accomplished and<br />

look forward to the future.<br />


SA'S<br />

chievements<br />

A summary <strong>of</strong> the<br />

achievements <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>Australia</strong>n TSC<br />

community since TSA`s<br />

formation in 1981.<br />

TSA founded<br />

as Australasian<br />

<strong>Tuberous</strong><br />

<strong>Sclerosis</strong><br />

Society<br />

First issue<br />

<strong>of</strong> TSA's<br />

regular<br />

magazine<br />

Reach Out<br />

published<br />

First social<br />

picnics held for<br />

families with<br />

TSC<br />

First family<br />

conference<br />

weekend held<br />

in Sydney with<br />

attendees<br />

from all around<br />

<strong>Australia</strong><br />

National<br />

Roadshow<br />

brings up<br />

to date TSC<br />

information to<br />

three <strong>Australia</strong>n<br />

cities<br />

TSA is a founding<br />

member <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Tuberous</strong><br />

<strong>Sclerosis</strong> Complex<br />

International<br />

TSC clinic<br />

opens at Sydney<br />

Children's<br />

Hospital<br />

bringing<br />

together<br />

specialists<br />

<br />

disciplines<br />

to provide a<br />

whole patient<br />

approach to<br />

medical care<br />

Produced You<br />

Are Not Alone<br />

<br />

the stories <strong>of</strong><br />

four <strong>Australia</strong>n<br />

families living<br />

with TSC<br />

TSA funds<br />

<br />

genetics project<br />

providing<br />

genetic testing<br />

for TSC and<br />

improving our<br />

understanding<br />

<strong>of</strong> the genetic<br />

basis <strong>of</strong> the<br />

disease<br />

2nd <strong>Australia</strong>n<br />

TSC clinic opens<br />

in Brisbane<br />

at The Mater<br />

Children's<br />

Hospital<br />

First TSC two<br />

day combined<br />

meeting with<br />

Sydney<br />

Children's<br />

Hospital<br />

30th<br />

Anniversary<br />

Gala Ball held in<br />

Sydney, raising<br />

over $80,000<br />

<strong>Australia</strong> site<br />

in Exist 1,<br />

international<br />

clinical trial into<br />

new medicines<br />

for TSC<br />

The inaugural<br />

Elizabeth<br />

Pinkerton<br />

Memorial Award<br />

is given to Dr<br />

David Mowat,<br />

to recognise<br />

<br />

to improve<br />

the lives <strong>of</strong><br />

<br />

families in<br />

<strong>Australia</strong><br />

1981<br />

1982 1986 1990 2006 2007 2011<br />

20<strong>17</strong><br />

<strong>2016</strong> 2015<br />

2014<br />

2014<br />

2013<br />

2012<br />

Launch <strong>of</strong><br />

TSA webinars<br />

providing<br />

updates on new<br />

treatments and<br />

discoveries<br />

Four <strong>Australia</strong>n<br />

sites participate<br />

in 1st<br />

international<br />

clinical trial<br />

<strong>of</strong> medicinal<br />

cannabis for<br />

epilepsy in TSC<br />

TSA conducts<br />

second survey<br />

TSC family<br />

survey to gain<br />

further insights<br />

about how<br />

<br />

family and how<br />

TSA can best<br />

support them<br />

TSC Heroes<br />

reach $100,000<br />

in donations for<br />

TSA<br />

Development<br />

<strong>of</strong> TSC<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essionals<br />

network<br />

Published the<br />

100th issue <strong>of</strong><br />

TSA's Reach Out<br />

<br />

issue 1982<br />

Combined<br />

national<br />

medical<br />

and family<br />

conference held<br />

in Sydney<br />

The TSC<br />

Heroes team is<br />

founded, uniting<br />

fundraisers<br />

around <strong>Australia</strong><br />

TSA provides<br />

funding<br />

to Sydney<br />

University for the<br />

<br />

health<br />

economics<br />

study, examining<br />

out <strong>of</strong> pocket<br />

health care costs<br />

<strong>of</strong> families with a<br />

child with TSC<br />

Lady Cilento<br />

Children's<br />

Hospital in<br />

Brisbane joins<br />

major European<br />

clinical trial<br />

preventing<br />

the onset <strong>of</strong><br />

seizures in<br />

infants with TSC<br />

and reducing<br />

the rates <strong>of</strong><br />

developmental<br />

disabilities.<br />

TSA completes<br />

the TSC Family<br />

<br />

<strong>of</strong> its kind in<br />

<strong>Australia</strong> and<br />

New Zealand<br />

First Perth TSC<br />

Educational<br />

Conference<br />

<strong>Australia</strong>n<br />

Pharmaceutical<br />

<br />

(PBS) funds<br />

mTOR inhibitor<br />

medicines, a<br />

lifesaving new<br />

treatment for<br />

brain and kidney<br />

tumours in<br />

TSC. TSA led<br />

the consumer<br />

advocacy project<br />

to help the<br />

decision makers<br />

understand<br />

the impact this<br />

medicine has on<br />

the lives <strong>of</strong> those<br />

<br />

TSC<br />

Melbourne TSC<br />

Information Day<br />

Resource<br />

directory project<br />

is completed,<br />

providing<br />

detailed<br />

information<br />

about TSC<br />

tailored to<br />

<strong>Australia</strong> for the<br />

<br />

TSA provides<br />

over $200,000<br />

in funding for<br />

clinical trial <strong>of</strong><br />

a topical cream<br />

to treat and<br />

prevent TSC<br />

skin tumours<br />

at Sydney<br />

Childrens<br />

Hospital<br />


The impact <strong>of</strong> your<br />

support on our<br />

information service<br />

50<br />

TSC families helped through our TSC Information<br />

Service<br />

15,000<br />

43<br />

Visitors to our website each year,<br />

learning about TSC<br />

397<br />

Daily readers <strong>of</strong> our TSC<br />

Information Pages<br />

Members supported through<br />

our online discussion group<br />

Topics explored in our online discussion group<br />

76<br />

658<br />

Posts in our online discussion group<br />

People viewed our webinar on new<br />

treatments for epilepsy in TSC<br />

125<br />

4,510<br />

Views <strong>of</strong> our TSC education videos<br />

2 7<br />

Issues <strong>of</strong> Reach Out<br />

published, exploring<br />

epilepsy and digital health<br />

Informal gatherings around<br />

<strong>Australia</strong> for people with TSC<br />

and their families<br />


Gorgeous Greta<br />

is 9 years old and has tuberous<br />

sclerosis complex. TSA have provided life changing<br />

information to Greta`s family that has helped Greta<br />

to live her best possible life, despite their journey<br />

<br />

Bridie, Greta’s mum was told that her unborn baby<br />

would be “born with no quality <strong>of</strong> life at all and they<br />

should start to think about palliative care”. The family<br />

were beside themselves with shock and sadness. “This<br />

doctor’s misinformation made that day the worst day <strong>of</strong><br />

my life. It was just horrible.”<br />

TSA’s hope for the future is that no family should be<br />

given this kind <strong>of</strong> incorrect information which causes<br />

so much unnecessary fear and anxiety. Our focus on<br />

providing information and support to families can be<br />

transformative. Without the right information, Bridie<br />

says she may have terminated the pregnancy.<br />

Thankfully Greta’s family was introduced to a wonderful<br />

volunteer from <strong>Tuberous</strong> <strong>Sclerosis</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>, Narelle.<br />

“Getting the right information changed everything”<br />

says mum Bridie. “Narelle’s daughter Lily is very similar<br />

to Greta but a few years older. It’s been invaluable to<br />

talk to Narelle during the bad times and to know that<br />

they have been through similar things. It’s important<br />

to me to know that there is someone there who I can<br />

call. No matter how much your family and friends care<br />

and love you, they don’t know what it is really like. The<br />

connection with another parent who understands has<br />

been amazing, and I will be forever grateful to TSA for<br />

their volunteer program and providing us with the right<br />

information about TSC.”<br />

TSA’s focus on helping link families with TSC to expert<br />

doctors and to other families who have experienced<br />

similar things is invaluable. “Without TSA, we would not<br />

have the support and information we need to get the<br />

best care and treatment for our daughter Greta.”<br />

Today Greta is exceeding all expectations and loves<br />

singing, dancing and horse riding and is learning<br />

more each day.<br />

“Our family has been empowered to best manage<br />

our daughter’s healthcare because <strong>of</strong> TSA’s online<br />

<br />

right places and get involved with emerging clinical<br />

trials. The TSA website has been a wonderful tool for<br />

<br />

online information service we have provided it to our<br />

GPs and other doctors so together we can go through<br />

treating guidelines to make sure Greta is getting the<br />

best treatment she can.”<br />


The impact <strong>of</strong> your<br />

support on improving<br />

health care<br />

Over the past year TSA has continued to work in partnership with government, medical<br />

specialists, researchers, and our international counterparts to improve healthcare for all<br />

individuals living with TSC.<br />

<br />

Advisory Committee (PBAC), who make decisions on listing medicines on the pharmaceutical<br />

<br />

inhibitor medicines since their PBS listing in 2013. <strong>Australia</strong>n government funding <strong>of</strong> this medication<br />

to treat TSC tumours in the brain and kidneys is improving lives.<br />

“The PBAC thanked <strong>Tuberous</strong> <strong>Sclerosis</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> for the balanced and helpful advice provided in their<br />

consumer comment. The PBAC noted that <strong>Tuberous</strong> <strong>Sclerosis</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> spoke <strong>of</strong> the value <strong>of</strong> the PBS<br />

listing <strong>of</strong> Everolimus for people with TSC while also noting limitations in the use <strong>of</strong> this medicine.”<br />

We continue to work with our valued TSC clinics around <strong>Australia</strong>. We partnered with Lady Cilento<br />

Children’s Hospital in Brisbane to hold a specialised clinic for parents <strong>of</strong> younger babies with TSC. This<br />

event provided them with a safe space to share<br />

2<br />

their challenges and fears and form connections<br />

with each other. TSA now hosts an online group<br />

for these parents to foster these connections.<br />

<strong>Australia</strong>n<br />

projects presented<br />

at International TSC<br />

Research Conference<br />

We also celebrated the launch <strong>of</strong> the Adolescent<br />

and Young Adult clinic at the Bright Alliance,<br />

part <strong>of</strong> Sydney Children’s Hospital.<br />

We collaborated with the TSC clinic team and<br />

the hospital pharmacy to have treatment for<br />

the skin signs <strong>of</strong> TSC funded by the Queensland government. Combined with hospital funding in<br />

Melbourne and Perth, many more <strong>Australia</strong>ns can access this cream at minimal cost.<br />

Our TSC Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals Network includes 40 medical<br />

specialists around <strong>Australia</strong> with experience in TSC. This<br />

allows people with TSC to seek out doctors with up to<br />

date knowledge and experience. We will continue to<br />

grow and strengthen this network in the future.<br />

Four <strong>Australia</strong>n TSC researchers attended the 20<strong>17</strong><br />

International TSC and LAM Research meeting in<br />

Washington DC, USA. Their work reported on children<br />

with TSC to better understand brain tumours in TSC<br />

9<br />

<strong>Australia</strong>n sites in<br />

international TSC<br />

research collaborations<br />

and the importance <strong>of</strong> early intervention. <strong>Australia</strong>n research teams continue to collaborate with<br />

international studies into early childhood development, epilepsy treatment options and the best ways<br />

to manage skin tumours in TSC.<br />


When Oscar was seven months old, he started<br />

having seizures. Multiple tumours found in his tiny<br />

heart soon led to a diagnosis <strong>of</strong> TSC. Oscar, now<br />

15, lives with many <strong>of</strong> the signs and symptoms <strong>of</strong><br />

TSC. This includes tumours in his brain, kidneys,<br />

skin, eyes and heart, and has been diagnosed with<br />

autism and intellectual impairment.<br />

Nearly two years ago Oscar’s scans showed multiple<br />

large tumours in his kidneys. His team originally<br />

thought that these may be cancerous.<br />

“Things got out <strong>of</strong> hand by way <strong>of</strong> jumping into a scary<br />

diagnosis too quickly. We have very good doctors here<br />

but, unfortunately, not many have had experience with<br />

<br />

It was only after a second opinion from TSC expert<br />

doctors was sought that the cancer diagnosis was<br />

ruled out and Oscar was able to avoid aggressive<br />

treatment and kidney dialysis. Oscar started treatment<br />

with a mTOR inhibitor medicine, Everolimus.<br />

“The medicine has allowed Oscar to live a life without<br />

the need <strong>of</strong> dialysis and has given him a better lease<br />

on life. He goes to school and does all the normal<br />

things. We know the tumours are stable in both his<br />

kidney and brain, and his kidney function is stable, so<br />

the medicine has bought us time. In addition, we’ve<br />

seen improvements in Oscar’s communication and<br />

thinking as well as his skin tumours.<br />

Our family is very aware <strong>of</strong> how expensive this<br />

medicine is and how fortunate we are to have this<br />

medicine available to us in <strong>Australia</strong>. We are grateful<br />

to the work done by <strong>Tuberous</strong> <strong>Sclerosis</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> to<br />

ensure decision makers understood the importance<br />

<strong>of</strong> funding this medicine on the PBS. Our expectation<br />

is that this medicine will help Oscar to remain stable<br />

until the next treatment is discovered.”<br />

Oscar’s story illustrates the importance <strong>of</strong> health<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essionals having up to date knowledge <strong>of</strong> TSC<br />

and how the outcomes <strong>of</strong> TSC research are changing<br />

lives and improving the health <strong>of</strong> people with TSC.<br />

We`re proud <strong>of</strong> our achievements in having this<br />

medicine funded under <strong>Australia</strong>`s PBS and will<br />

continue to give TSC patients a voice by talking<br />

directly to decision makers in our health system.<br />


he future...<br />

ure...<br />

Advancements in<br />

treatments and early<br />

intervention bring hope<br />

for the future.<br />

TSA will persevere in our goals to improve the future for all <strong>Australia</strong>ns with TSC. We will<br />

improve healthcare, champion research and enhance information available to positively<br />

<br />

Our immediate focus for the future is to:<br />

• Improve the distribution <strong>of</strong> information<br />

> Create a new diagnosis resource: we will<br />

ensure families have accurate answers and<br />

<br />

days following a new diagnosis <strong>of</strong> a loved one<br />

> Develop an education resource for<br />

teachers: we will foster better understanding<br />

and support for children with TSC during their<br />

schooling years by improving information<br />

<br />

> Generate an information pack for GP`s with a<br />

patient with TSC: will give GP’s access to the world<br />

standard healthcare guidelines that they require to ensure<br />

their patient with TSC has the best possible treatment and follow<br />

up care plans<br />

• Improve healthcare for all <strong>Australia</strong>ns with TSC<br />

> Expand access to treatments: Further improve access to<br />

new treatments such as topical mTOR inhibitor treatment for<br />

all <strong>Australia</strong>ns who need it<br />

> Increase our pr<strong>of</strong>essionals network: Expand membership <strong>of</strong><br />

our TSC Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals Network so that all <strong>Australia</strong>ns with TSC can<br />

see doctors with up to date TSC knowledge and experience.<br />

“I found<br />

that school staff just didn`t<br />

understand the complex nature<br />

<strong>of</strong> the condition. They focused on the<br />

fact my son was autistic as they received<br />

so much info on Autism Spectrum Disorders<br />

these days but didn`t understand all the other<br />

things that come with TSC that may affect<br />

his ability to learn such as seizures, sleep<br />

disorders, medication side effects not to<br />

mention anxiety and depression.“<br />

Kaarin from South <strong>Australia</strong><br />

whose son Conner<br />

has TSC.<br />

> Develop new multidisciplinary models <strong>of</strong> care: TSA will continue our work supporting the<br />

development <strong>of</strong> best practice multi-disciplinary models <strong>of</strong> health care for people with TSC<br />


Overcome barriers: Identify barriers to adoption<br />

<strong>of</strong> the TSC Management guidelines in <strong>Australia</strong><br />

and ways these barriers can be overcome<br />

• Champion research here in <strong>Australia</strong><br />

> Collaborate: Work together on<br />

international research ensuring<br />

<strong>Australia</strong>n sites participate in clinical<br />

trials for new treatments<br />

> Strengthen relationships: Develop and<br />

strengthen relationships with <strong>Australia</strong>n<br />

researchers and continue to grow our<br />

<strong>Australia</strong>n community <strong>of</strong> TSC researchers.<br />

> Grow <strong>Australia</strong>'s TSC research: We will<br />

formulate a research plan for TSC in <strong>Australia</strong><br />

and collaborate with researchers and funding<br />

bodies to expand <strong>Australia</strong>'s TSC research.<br />

“Attending TSA`s<br />

Melbourne Information Day<br />

made me feel very fortunate to have<br />

access to the TSC clinic at the Sydney<br />

Children`s Hospital in Randwick. We just<br />

assumed everyone with TSC had access to this<br />

level <strong>of</strong> care. I learnt this isn`t the case for most.<br />

It must be so much harder for families to get the<br />

help they need and see all the doctors without this<br />

clinic. I really want to thank TSA for their hard work<br />

advocating on behalf <strong>of</strong> TSC families to create this<br />

clinic that brings together all the TSC experts in<br />

one place. We get such good medical care for<br />

our child because <strong>of</strong> this TSC clinic.“<br />

Angela, mother <strong>of</strong> a 10 year<br />

old boy with TSC.<br />

“We`ve come such a long<br />

way in understanding TSC.<br />

We`ve changed lives through genetic<br />

diagnosis, more accurate surveillance<br />

and new treatments. But there is still<br />

so much more to understand, especially<br />

anxiety, challenging behaviours and other<br />

neuropsychiatric aspects <strong>of</strong> TSC. We need to<br />

<br />

momentum we already have.“<br />

Patrick, grandfather to Liam<br />

who has TSC.<br />

We will rely on your<br />

continued support and<br />

generosity to ensure a better<br />

and brighter future for all<br />

<br />

“TSC is a complex<br />

disease and it can be<br />

<br />

quickly to a teacher. Teachers need to<br />

understand that while every student with TSC<br />

is different, they are at risk <strong>of</strong> having problems<br />

with executive functioning, sustaining attention<br />

<br />

a diagnosable intellectual disability. Helping teachers<br />

to understand this as early as possible and to become<br />

part <strong>of</strong> the TSC team for that student can make a<br />

real difference. I look forward to working with TSA<br />

on this project.“<br />

Vanessa Sarkozy, Developmental<br />

Paediatrician at Sydney Children’s<br />

Hospital and part <strong>of</strong> the TSC<br />

Clinic team.<br />


hank kyou<br />

Together, we have had a major impact on the TSC Community. Thanks to your generosity TSA<br />

<br />

<strong>of</strong> pride for the work we have done supporting individuals living with TSC now and for the<br />

future. This wouldn`t have been possible without your help.<br />

TSC Heroes<br />

Thank you to all the TSC Heroes who raised funds and<br />

awareness for TSA by joining in these events.<br />

Western Sydney Ironman 70.30 <br />

Heroes, was proud to bring the team back together for a half<br />

ironman: 1.9km swim; 90km bike ride and 20km run. They raised<br />

<br />

Anthony, are fathers <strong>of</strong> children with TSC.<br />

City2Surf <strong>2016</strong> Belinda Allchin, who has two sisters with TSC, ran in<br />

Sydney’s iconic City 2 Surf in August and raised $791.75.<br />

Bridge to Brisbane <strong>2016</strong> TSA supporters, led by Isabella and<br />

Miranda, took on the Bridge to Brisbane Day in August and raised $715.<br />

#imovebeCAUSE Peta and Christy moved every day in May and<br />

raised almost $200.<br />

TSC Champions donate $6,014<br />

Our regular givers, known as TSC Champions, make monthly<br />

contributions to TSA. These are vital donations we can rely upon<br />

each month to carry out our work.<br />

TSC Members contribute $11,436<br />

We are incredibly grateful to our Gold, Silver and Bronze members<br />

who each year give so generously by renewing their membership<br />

and making a valuable contribution in support <strong>of</strong> TSA.<br />

Special Events<br />

Our Suppliers<br />

Pictured above: TSC Heroes in<br />

the 20<strong>17</strong> Bridge to Brisbane<br />

We wish to thank all our<br />

generous partners who<br />

work with us to provide free<br />

<br />

goods and services.<br />

Belinda The Design Web<br />

Anchor Web Hosting<br />

NextPrint in Castle Hill, NSW<br />

Magazines By Design<br />

Orange Clothing<br />

Company<br />

Caz Nowaczyk for your<br />

graphic design help over<br />

the last three years<br />

Lizzies Lunch 20<strong>17</strong> Raised over $16,000. That’s<br />

our biggest and best yet. Enormous thanks to Sue<br />

and Ross Pinkerton for being the driving force in<br />

running this successful fundraiser each year.<br />

Thanks to the generosity <strong>of</strong> Diana Ferrari just<br />

under $1,000 was raised at a fabulous shopping<br />

night fundraiser held at the Diana Ferrari Castle<br />

Hill store.<br />

Bunnings AFL Party The team at the Bunnings<br />

<br />

celebration to raise funds for TSA. We’re grateful<br />

for the $2,269 they raised.<br />

Daphna`s 40 for FOURTY Celebrated Daphna<br />

<br />

$2,000 to TSA’s work.<br />

In memory <strong>of</strong> Sienna Goong Over $1,800 was<br />

donated to TSA to honour Sienna’s life. Sienna<br />

will be forever in our thoughts.<br />


Our Partners<br />

TSA works closely with many organisations to ensure<br />

individuals with TSC in <strong>Australia</strong> have access to<br />

world-class treatment opportunities and information.<br />

We are an active member <strong>of</strong> TSC International and<br />

regularly collaborate with TSC NZ. We advocate for<br />

people with TSC through our work with the Consumers<br />

<br />

We are thankful for our collaborative partnerships with<br />

these organisations.<br />

Regional<br />

Contacts<br />

Our regional contacts work<br />

with local families to share<br />

information and experiences.<br />

They help make sure everyone<br />

with TSC has someone close by<br />

they can turn to.<br />

• Sally Nicholson New South Wales<br />

• Dawn Bowra <strong>Australia</strong>n Capital<br />

Territory<br />

• Nicole Stone Western <strong>Australia</strong><br />

• Fiona Hiatt Queensland<br />

• Christy Herbert Queensland<br />

• Fiona Crocker Queensland<br />

• Narelle Kerr <br />

• Alison McIvor <br />

• Georgina Schilg Tasmania<br />

Volunteers<br />

To all our wonderful volunteers around <strong>Australia</strong>, what<br />

would we do without you! Special mentions to Teresa<br />

Llewellyn-Evans, Editor <strong>of</strong> Reach Out and Filipa Ottley, for<br />

her assistance with risk management.<br />

We couldn`t do what we do<br />

Our TSC Families<br />

without you.<br />

<br />

by TSC who come along to our educational events, picnics and fundraisers and support our work by<br />

sharing your experiences with us. You help inspire and motivate people to support us – thank you so<br />

much! We are also incredibly thankful to all the families who share their stories and photos with us.<br />

Your willingness to share your journey helps others know they are not alone in their experiences.<br />

Our TSC Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals Network<br />

Thank you to all the medical specialists who worked with us to<br />

improve and grow TSA’s information and support services this<br />

year. We couldn’t do it without you!<br />

This year we recognised the dedication <strong>of</strong> Dr Simon Harvey to<br />

his TSC patients and their families by awarding him the 20<strong>17</strong><br />

Elizabeth Pinkerton Memorial Award. Dr Harvey is a paediatric<br />

neurologist and epilepsy specialists at The Royal Children’s<br />

Hospital in Melbourne and has an active research program into<br />

surgical treatment options for children with TSC and epilepsy.<br />

Donations<br />

We would like to thank each and<br />

every donor who has so kindly<br />

supported TSA. Every dollar no<br />

matter how big or small helps.<br />

Pictured above:<br />


ur Donors<br />

TSC Champions<br />

Belinda Allchin,<br />

matched by<br />

Macquarie Bank<br />

Foundation<br />

Aunt Ivy’s Laundry<br />

and Dry Cleaning<br />

Peter Clisdell<br />

<br />

Andrew & Emily<br />

Goldstiver<br />

Hayley and David Hill<br />

<br />

Sue Mason<br />

Sally Nicholson &<br />

Elliott Cunnew<br />

Jennifer O'Donoghue<br />

Catherine Panich<br />

Robert Pinkerton<br />

Melissa Rologas<br />

<br />

<br />

Steve Walker &<br />

<br />

Membership contributions to <strong>Tuberous</strong> <strong>Sclerosis</strong> <strong>Australia</strong><br />

Gold Membership<br />

Leiel Bell<br />

Dawn Bowra<br />

Peter Clisdell<br />

<br />

Debbie Crosby<br />

Joanne Crosby<br />

Rosemary Dow<br />

Clare Dowd<br />

Shirley Faravoni<br />

Lachlan Foster<br />

<br />

Gwynnydd Jones<br />

<br />

Malcolm McLean<br />

<br />

P Mercer<br />

Rebecca Mitchell<br />

David Mowat<br />

Patrick Norris<br />

Julie Osborne<br />

Shirley Peipman<br />

Steve Penniment<br />

Sue Pinkerton<br />

Michelle Purkiss<br />

<br />

Scott & Georgie<br />

Schilg<br />

Marianne Somerville<br />

Loren Wakeley<br />

Robyn Walker<br />

Catherine Wiles<br />

Sue Williamson<br />

Silver Membership<br />

Dean & Elizabeth<br />

Bartels<br />

<br />

Lucy Di Falco<br />

Peter Hennings<br />

Fiona Hiatt<br />

Alison McIvor<br />

David Meredith<br />

Emma Morris<br />

Joelle Neville<br />

Rebecca Salomons<br />

<br />

Bronze Membership<br />

Fiona Crocker<br />

T Curtis<br />

Chris Doyle<br />

Christy Herbert<br />

<br />

Gary Lee<br />

Frank Martin<br />

David Matheson<br />

Lachlan McArthur<br />

Faye McLean<br />

May Mills<br />

Beverley O'Reilly<br />

Peta Peduzie<br />

Noah's Ark Centre <strong>of</strong><br />

Shoalhaven<br />

Graeme Shaughnessy<br />

Claire Young<br />

Donors<br />

$1000 and over<br />

Lloyd English<br />

<br />

Michelle Stark<br />

$500 and over<br />

Frederick Alexander<br />

<br />

Piret Braine<br />

Lisa Chan<br />

<br />

Robert Groneman<br />

<br />

Lisa Liebman<br />

Barbara Marneros<br />

Julie Osborne<br />

$100 and over<br />

Community <strong>of</strong><br />

1 O’Connell Street<br />

Luyun Bai<br />

Heather Bolte<br />

Maryanne Brooks<br />

Stephen Brown<br />

Sandra Capper<br />

Sue Cumming<br />

Janis Daley<br />

Pam George<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

John Lee<br />

Alan Malsher<br />

Sue Mattinson<br />

Alison McIvor<br />

<br />

<br />

Orange Young<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals<br />

Maria Pascalis<br />

Chirag Patel<br />

Lindsay Penson<br />

Sue Pinkerton<br />

Redback Conferencing<br />

Martin Robinson<br />

Gayle Rockstroh<br />

Wendy Rose<br />

Carolyn Sakoulas<br />

<br />

Anastazia Sowter<br />

Samantha Stone<br />

John Wilson<br />

Jay Yardi<br />

In honour <strong>of</strong><br />

Alana Crosby<br />

$500 and over<br />

Aurelien Domont<br />

<br />

Barbara Marneros<br />

Christina Savvides<br />

$100 and over<br />

<br />

Debbie Crosby<br />

Dina Floros<br />

<br />

Maria Pascalis<br />

Sasha Savvides Paps<br />

In memory <strong>of</strong><br />

Sienna Goong<br />

$500 and over<br />

Lachlan Foster<br />

$100 and over<br />

Bayside Respite Care<br />

Association Inc<br />


In honour <strong>of</strong><br />

Oliver Lumby<br />

$100 and over<br />

Mary Dolan<br />

<br />

In support <strong>of</strong><br />

Lizzie’s Lunch<br />

$100 and over<br />

Manjul Agarwal<br />

Paul Cini<br />

<br />

Allan Stuart<br />

Brendan Stuart<br />

Erin Stuart<br />

Judith Trotman<br />

In support <strong>of</strong> the<br />

TSC Heroes at Western<br />

Sydney Ironman<br />

$500 and over<br />

<br />

Tom Brennan<br />

Tom Chidiac<br />

Fleming Dynamics<br />

Shervin Fathiniai<br />

NOS Group<br />

Linda Goldstiver<br />

Felipe Henz<br />

Grant Tokum<br />

$100 and over<br />

Carla Alzamora<br />

A.C. Asphalting<br />

Harald Atkinson<br />

BPsych Clinic<br />

Paul Baker<br />

Jana Bogunovic<br />

Jonathan Bayl<br />

Camila Barp<br />

David Bryson<br />

Nick Bowden<br />

Nada Buckley<br />

Carlingford North<br />

Pharmacy<br />

Adam Carpenter<br />

Alex Catteauu<br />

Anthony Crosby<br />

David Cowan<br />

Tracey Cools<br />

Elliott Cunnew<br />

Jenny Cox<br />

<br />

Michael Chevalier<br />

Davis Ferrari<br />

Constructions<br />

<br />

Brendan Dwan<br />

Shannon Doyle<br />

Ilker Esener<br />

Dina Floros<br />

Paul Falkenstein<br />

Robert Fowler<br />

Andrew Goldstiver<br />

The Gardenmakers<br />

Luiz Goncalves<br />

Prashant Gupta<br />

<br />

Anthony Jamhour<br />

Belinda Hamlin<br />

Jennifer Hughes<br />

Myrna Hitchcock<br />

<br />

Neil Hardy<br />

Liz Hewson<br />

Monica Juhart<br />

Bruno Jenel<br />

Robert Johns<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Enguang Lee<br />

Philip Lee<br />

Mark Lomax<br />

Rob Landsberry<br />

Giuliano Lot<br />

James MacDonald<br />

Jeanette Maynard<br />

Joumana Manjah<br />

Mark Metcalf<br />

Roberta Meenahan<br />

Sue Mason<br />

Pete McLean<br />

Phil Murray-Walker<br />

Timothy Newing<br />

Hit Cafe North<br />

Narrabeen<br />

<br />

<br />

Anderson Niomi<br />

Logan Nerio<br />

Jochen Nass<br />

Mark O'Connor<br />

Bruno Panno<br />

Carolyn & Rod Place<br />

Colin Pinkerton<br />

David Porter<br />

Murilo Pinamoura<br />

Nick Pinkerton<br />

Michael Pinkerton<br />

Sue Pinkerton<br />

Paul Piraner<br />

Leigh Rust<br />

Sherolin Santos<br />

<br />

Elaine Shuter<br />

Emmanouil Spanos<br />

Erin Stuart<br />

Michael Semple<br />

Ara Sahagian<br />

Pete Short<br />

Greg Tiddy<br />

Michael Tong<br />

Denise Thomas<br />

Sally Nicholson<br />

Wendy Ward<br />

Hamish Wakes-Miller<br />

Alison Wakes-Miller<br />

Joanne Wright<br />

Josh Wander<br />

Tracey Walker<br />

Chris Wilson<br />

<br />

Conditioning<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

George Yacoub<br />

In support <strong>of</strong> the<br />

TSC Heroes at Run<br />

for a Reason in Perth<br />

$100 and over<br />

Hilary Francis<br />

Revel Loughlin<br />

In support <strong>of</strong> the<br />

TSC Heroes at<br />

City2Surf in Sydney<br />

$100 and over<br />

Belinda Allchin<br />

Irene Christie<br />

Natalie Coleman<br />

Dance 4 Fun<br />

Daniella Dimaris<br />

Fiona Gleeson<br />

Christina Lekovski<br />

Jo Morrison<br />

Miracles on Russell<br />

Rob Ryan<br />

The Pines Family<br />

Practice<br />

In support <strong>of</strong> the TSC<br />

Heroes at Bridge to<br />

Brisbane<br />

$100 and over<br />

Chris Bowers<br />

Gary Bathgate<br />

Cassie Eivers<br />

<br />

Brian Sainsbury<br />

We`d like to thank everyone who made a contribution to TSA this year. We are grateful for<br />

each and every gift TSA received. We have chosen to list above only donations over $100,<br />

because there were just too many <strong>of</strong> you to include each <strong>of</strong> you by name.<br />


esults<br />

Overview<br />

<br />

healthy reserves.<br />

This year we`ve invested heavily in development. The major increase in expenses in this category<br />

is due to hiring our second staff member. We`re spending time, and therefore money, getting the<br />

foundations right so that we can grow TSA to further our mission in the future. The revenue this<br />

investment will generate will occur in future years. We will continue to look for ways to reduce<br />

costs and keep our costs <strong>of</strong> fundraising as low as possible.<br />

<br />

established an excellent working relationship with us and ensured that we are compliant in payroll,<br />

<br />

provides secure multi user access for employees, bookkeepers, committee members and auditors.<br />

Our investment policy is conservative. We invest solely in term deposits currently across Macquarie<br />

Bank and Bank <strong>of</strong> Queensland. The maturity dates <strong>of</strong> our deposits are staggered through the year<br />

so that we always have funds coming available to meet unforeseen needs.<br />

The accounts for <strong>2016</strong>/<strong>17</strong> were audited by Mark Mortimer (Registered Auditor No. 1942). A copy <strong>of</strong><br />

his report is available at https://tsa.org.au/about-us/annual-reports/<br />

The accounts <strong>of</strong> TSA align to the National Standard Chart <strong>of</strong> Accounts published by the <strong>Australia</strong>n<br />

Charities and Not-for-<br />

Our work with pharmaceutical companies<br />

Since 2011, TSA has collaborated with Novartis<br />

and other pharmaceutical companies in a<br />

number <strong>of</strong> ways. This year we did not receive<br />

any new project funding from the medicines<br />

industry. TSA interacted with the industry in<br />

the following ways:<br />

• We delivered our online education events<br />

project. Novartis provided grant funding for<br />

this project during 2015/16.<br />

• Clare Stuart travelled to the TSC<br />

International (TSCi) meetings and<br />

International TSC Research Conferences<br />

held in Lisbon, Portugal and Washington<br />

DC, USA. TSCi travel funding is provided by<br />

Novartis.<br />

• As a part <strong>of</strong> TSCi activities, TSA received<br />

project funding from <strong>Tuberous</strong> <strong>Sclerosis</strong><br />

Alliance (USA). <strong>Tuberous</strong> <strong>Sclerosis</strong> Alliance<br />

receives funding from Novartis on behalf <strong>of</strong><br />

TSCi.<br />

Our policy on working with pharmaceutical<br />

companies describes how we maintain our<br />

independence and integrity. This policy is<br />

available on our website or can be provided on<br />

request. We encourage you to contact us for<br />

more information.<br />


Financial statements<br />

Balance Sheet as at 30 June 20<strong>17</strong><br />

ASSETS 30 June 20<strong>17</strong> 30 June <strong>2016</strong><br />

Bank<br />

General Cheque Account $27,612.48 $29,104.91<br />

Savings Accounts $28,049.58 $66,986.06<br />

Term Deposits $239,216.60 $182,675.35<br />

Total Bank $294,878.66 $278,766.32<br />

Current Assets<br />

Accounts Receivable $0.00 $15,000.00<br />

Sundry Debtors $3,160.36 $0.00<br />

Total Current Assets $3,160.36 $15,000.00<br />

Total Assets $298,039.02 $293,766.32<br />


Current Liabilities<br />

GST -$<strong>17</strong>5.70 -$21.48<br />

PAYG Withholding Payable $234.00 $0.00<br />

Provision for <strong>Annual</strong> Leave $3,489.02 $0.00<br />

Rounding $0.00 $0.25<br />

Suspense $0.00 -$438.24<br />

Trade Creditors $0.00 $335.23<br />

Unpaid Expense Claims $1,615.63 $126.50<br />

Total Current Liabilities $5,162.95 $2.26<br />

Non-Current Liabilities<br />

Sydney University Out <strong>of</strong> Pocket Expenses Study $0.00 $2,745.00<br />

Total Non-Current Liabilities $0.00 $2,745.00<br />

Total Liabilities $5,162.95 $2,747.26<br />

Net Assets $292,876.07 $291,019.06<br />

EQUITY<br />

Current Year Earnings $1,857.01 $132.49<br />

Retained Surplus $291,019.06 $290,886.57<br />

Total Equity $292,876.07 $291,019.06<br />


Financial statements<br />

: Year Ended June 20<strong>17</strong><br />

30 June 20<strong>17</strong> 30 June <strong>2016</strong><br />

INCOME<br />

Donations Received $72,272.09 $50,034.10<br />

Grants Received $5,376.00 $26,150.00<br />

Sales <strong>of</strong> Goods $329.60 $709.50<br />

Sitting Fees $791.98 $0.00<br />

Event Income $24,269.71 $25,261.00<br />

Membership Contributions $6,222.34 $7,260.38<br />

Other income $11,1<strong>17</strong>.02 $3,967.72<br />

Total Income $120,378.74 $113,382.70<br />

$120,378.74 $113,382.70<br />


Advertising and Promotion $1,430.56 $3,002.38<br />

Information Technology Expenses $2,718.68 $2,464.73<br />

Insurance Expense $2,023.<strong>17</strong> $2,576.16<br />

Postage, Freight and Courier $2,456.40 $843.90<br />

Printing & Stationery $5,260.98 $3,308.92<br />

Publications and Information Resources $3,796.59 $3,713.37<br />

Research Grants Awarded ($2,745.00) $0.00<br />

Telephone, Fax and Internet $1,747.03 $1,025.24<br />

$2,425.16 $1,119.36<br />

Travel & Accommodation $6,953.44 $18,130.87<br />

Accounting and Bank Fees $9,285.92 $4,651.05<br />

Sundry Expenses $3,020.95 $1,374.20<br />

Fundraising and Event Expenses $15,513.93 $30,818.40<br />

Salaries and Wages $64,633.92 $40,221.63<br />

Total Operating Expenses $118,521.73 $113,250.21<br />

$1,857.01 $132.49<br />


Where funds came from<br />

Community<br />

Fundraising<br />

35%<br />

Donations<br />

24%<br />

Grants<br />

4%<br />

Did you know?<br />

During this year, TSA’s education and<br />

support work was supported by a team<br />

<strong>of</strong> volunteers. This includes Debbie<br />

Crosby, who answers many <strong>of</strong> the TSC<br />

Information Service calls as well as our<br />

regional contacts around <strong>Australia</strong>. Their<br />

<br />

statements.<br />

$100,000<br />

$80,000<br />

$60,000<br />

$40,000<br />

$20,000<br />

Investments<br />

9%<br />

$32,000<br />

2012/13<br />

Members<br />

8%<br />

Fundraising Revenue<br />

$49,000<br />

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 <strong>2016</strong>/<strong>17</strong><br />

Revenue from fundraising activities including direct donations, membership contributions, fundraising<br />

events and community fundraising activities<br />

$90,210<br />

How funds were used<br />

Research and<br />

Advocacy<br />

8%<br />

Events<br />

20%<br />

Accountability and<br />

Administration<br />

32% Information<br />

and Support<br />

23%<br />

Development<br />

37%<br />

$77,254<br />

$96,542<br />

Descriptions <strong>of</strong> these<br />

categories<br />

Accountability and administration<br />

The costs <strong>of</strong> running the organisation<br />

<br />

<br />

to the TSA management committee. This<br />

year we have invested additional time in<br />

<br />

TSA’s future growth.<br />

Research and Advocacy<br />

Time spent working with policy<br />

makers in health and disability to<br />

improve the care available to people<br />

with TSC. Expenses associated with<br />

encouraging TSC research in <strong>Australia</strong><br />

and supporting recruitment into various<br />

studies.<br />

Development<br />

The time to support community<br />

fundraisers and organise TSA-run<br />

fundraising events and campaigns.<br />

This includes promotional and thank<br />

you materials and fundraising team<br />

uniforms. This year we have invested in<br />

improvements to how we fundraise and<br />

<br />

in future years.<br />

Education and support<br />

Costs associated with providing<br />

<br />

TSC and to Health Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals. This<br />

includes all costs associated with our<br />

education events, the TSC Information<br />

Service, writing and updating our<br />

TSC information pages, our resource<br />

directory and publishing Reach Out.<br />


There is still so much we need to do to improve the lives<br />

<br />

Cover photo: Eryn, Matilda and Michael<br />

Budgen from Victoria. Matilda lives with TSC.<br />

Pictured above: <br />

Tash run the 20<strong>17</strong> City2Surf<br />

Phone 1300 733 435<br />

Website www.tsa.org.au<br />

Email info@tsa.org.au<br />

Facebook facebook.com/AuTSC<br />

Mail 18 Central Rd, Beverly Hills NSW 2209 <strong>Australia</strong><br />

ABN 20 681 <strong>17</strong>4 734<br />

Deductible Gift Recipient Status: DGR1 and Public Benevolent Institution (PBI)<br />

Registered Charity CC25313<br />

CFN 13968

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