Celebrate 40

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<strong>Celebrate</strong>!<br />

Our students -<br />

their stories<br />

ISSUE <strong>40</strong> | December 2017

The latest...<br />


Another term has flown by,<br />

and we now have a chance<br />

to rest and recharge during<br />

the Christmas holiday. I am<br />

constantly inspired by the<br />

work of our students. This<br />

term we have enjoyed<br />

fabulous performances,<br />

sporting successes, visits<br />

from a wide range of<br />

wonderful guests and<br />

friends of the school, and superb communal events.<br />

We have been reminded, time and again, of the<br />

spiritual, creative and cultural ethos we enjoy at King<br />

Edward VI School.<br />

But it is the day-to-day life of the school that I<br />

particularly wish to celebrate. The determination of<br />

our students to succeed in exams, the way they<br />

collaborate in lessons, the charity work undertaken<br />

by each College, the chess games, the robotics club,<br />

their speaking assessments, their scientific<br />

experiments, the designing, the creating, the<br />

language speaking, and all the thousands of other<br />

aspects of life which make this school such a joyous<br />

place to be.<br />

Jo Churchill, MP:<br />

Or very grateful thanks go to Jo Churchill, MP who<br />

visited in September. She described her life as an MP<br />

and led a question and answer session for our students,<br />

thus fueling their already strong interest in politics.<br />

Sharon Shelley, Head of Citizenship<br />

Super Science Saturday<br />

Success:<br />

Approximately 1500 people, mainly primary school children and<br />

their families, attended our second-ever 'Super Science<br />

Saturday'. Fifteen student leaders aged 11 to 18 joined our<br />

specialist science team to put on a day of exciting, interesting and<br />

inspiring activities for young and budding scientists in and around<br />

Bury St Edmunds. The primary school children threw<br />

themselves, sometimes literally, into the following activities:<br />

· the Tower of Hanoi<br />

· a reaction time 'Sheep Dash'<br />

· an air-powered paper rocket workshop<br />

· speed calculations with 'Didicar' racing<br />

· TREATT activities based on scents and taste<br />

· tarantula and mini-beast discovery provided by Swallow<br />

Aquatics<br />

· paper chromatography butterflies<br />

· a bouncy castle<br />

· a giant catapult (with projectile water balloons)<br />

· polymers/sensory activities using water gel beads, slime<br />

and slush<br />

We organised Super Science Saturday in order to inspire the next<br />

generation of scientists: it was a huge success. We would like to<br />

thank everybody who came along.<br />

I am hugely grateful to our staff and governors for<br />

their unfailing support, enthusiasm and hard work.<br />

And to the parents and carers of our wonderful<br />

students; thank you, too.<br />

Luke Bingham, Deputy Head of Science<br />

I trust you will enjoy the stunning array of<br />

achievements and adventures of our students and<br />

staff in this, the <strong>40</strong>th issue of <strong>Celebrate</strong>!, and I wish<br />

you all a very happy and relaxing holiday.<br />

Lee Walker, Headteacher<br />

Centre of Excellence:<br />

We are delighted to have received our plaque in<br />

honour of the fact that we are now a GL 'Centre of<br />

Assessment Excellence'. Our skills in using<br />

assessment to plan learning experiences have been<br />

formally recognised and we look forward to working<br />

closely with GL Assessment, and other schools, to<br />

improve our practice even further.<br />

Lee Walker, Headteacher<br />

Visit from Julian<br />

Sedgwick:<br />

Acclaimed children's author, Julian Sedgwick, visited us<br />

back in October. He gave a talk, and an interactive<br />

performance involving swords, magic and circus skills,<br />

based on his 'Mysterium' and 'Ghosts of Shanghai'<br />

trilogies.<br />

Bridget McMillan, Librarian<br />

Angie Chandler:<br />

A member of our Catering and Cleaning teams, Angie Chandler,<br />

cycled 60 kilometres, visiting 20 churches in 15 villages. Her ride was<br />

th<br />

part of the 36 'Ride and Stride' event which supports the Suffolk<br />

Historic Churches Trust. The Trust makes grants to all denominations<br />

and goes towards repairs and restoration. Altogether Angie raised<br />

£145. Congratulations Angie!<br />

Pat Day, Catering Manager<br />

DEAR:<br />

This term we introduced 'DEAR', our Drop<br />

Everything And Read campaign. One day<br />

each week, every tutor group have a DEAR<br />

tutor session: 'The more things you read,<br />

the more things you know. The more that<br />

you learn, the more places you'll go'. Dr<br />

Seuss.<br />

Penny Quintero-Hunt, DEAR Coordinator

The latest...<br />

PiXL Award<br />

Winners:<br />

Four Year 12 students and their<br />

families travelled to the annual PiXL<br />

Student Celebration ceremony at<br />

Westminster Central Hall to receive<br />

PiXL awards. Maxine Dyer (Ick), Naomi<br />

Reddin Villaverde (Elv), Declan<br />

Howard (Mel) and Henry King (Ick)<br />

were chosen for their effort, progress<br />

and achievement at GCSE. We<br />

recognise just how hard the students<br />

worked over the course of Year 11, and<br />

we feel exceptionally proud of all four.<br />

They were delighted to have their<br />

awards presented to them by actor<br />

James Cosmo.<br />

Sarah Whyand, Assistant Head<br />

Awards Evening 2017:<br />

Our inaugural Awards Evening, held at St Edmundsbury Cathedral on 9<br />

November, was an unmitigated success. Guest of Honour Jo Churchill,<br />

MP presented 268 awards over the course of the evening for the<br />

earning of merits, endeavour and excellence in curriculum subjects,<br />

commitment in a variety of guises and, finally, the extra-special<br />

Foundation and Headteacher's Awards. Thank you to Ex Silentio and<br />

the Symphony Orchestra for providing the beautiful music.<br />

Sarah Whyand, Assistant Head<br />

Looking in on<br />

Learning:<br />

We stopped by to say 'hello' to some of our Year 8<br />

students taking part in our new cross-curricular<br />

Computing and Engineering project. The students<br />

learnt to solder electrical components, which they<br />

went on to program to make flashing lights. Very<br />

impressive!<br />

Richard Morgan, Head of Computing & ICT<br />

Our thanks to the School Council Leaders, and<br />

their committee members, who took part in the<br />

2017 Freshers' Fair.<br />

Media Committee – Amy Reid (Yr 13, Mel)<br />

Quiz Committee – Joshua Watkins (Yr 12, Wyk)<br />

Green Committee – Gabrielle Short (Yr 13, Elv)<br />

Teaching and Learning Committee – Anna<br />

Tattersall (Yr 13, Ken)<br />

Links Committee – Bea Crossley (Yr 13, Elv)<br />

Sixth Form Committee – Jess Cleverdon (Yr13,<br />

Hen)<br />

Lucy and William, Head Girl and Head Boy<br />

Harvest:<br />

Head Boy William Allsopp (Yr 13, Wyk), and<br />

Head Girl Lucy Howard (Yr 13, Elv), very<br />

much enjoyed attending the Harvest Festival<br />

service at St Edmundsbury Cathedral.<br />

Lee Walker, Headteacher<br />

Sixth Form Dress Up Day:<br />

Our Sixth Form students don't need asking twice when it comes to<br />

dressing up, as our Halloween dress up day proved. Although it would<br />

appear that not everyone got the memo about the theme…<br />

Stuart Small, Head of Sixth Form<br />

'Brake':<br />

We would like to thank 'Brake' who came to perform to<br />

our Year 12 and 13 students. Their performance dealt<br />

with safety issues for new drivers. It was fast-paced,<br />

moving and very thought-provoking.<br />

Sharon Shelley, Head of Citizenship<br />

John Bercow, MP<br />

for Buckingham<br />

and Speaker of the<br />

House of<br />

Commons:<br />

We were absolutely thrilled to have the<br />

opportunity to Skype John Bercow MP on the<br />

morning of 30 October. Our impressive<br />

students asked insightful and probing<br />

questions.<br />

Sharon Shelley, Head of Citizenship

The latest...<br />

Remembrance Day 2017:<br />

They shall grow not old,<br />

as we that are left grow old:<br />

Age shall not weary them,<br />

nor the years condemn.<br />

At the going down of the sun and in<br />

the morning<br />

We will remember them.<br />

L.Binyon, from 'For the Fallen'.<br />

Ogden Trust Winners!<br />

We were delighted both to host, and to participate in, the secondever<br />

Ogden Trust Regional Physics competition. Our team,<br />

comprising Year 11 students William Moody (Ken), James Gilbert<br />

(Ick), Nicole Mulholland (Ick) and Martha Williams (Mel) competed<br />

against County Upper, St Benedict's, Culford and Thurston. They<br />

made it to the 'University Challenge' style final after finishing joint<br />

first with St. Benedict's in the five preliminary carousel rounds. In<br />

the head-to-head final, our four superstars beat St. Benedict's 21<br />

points to 17 to win the event. The winners and runners-up were<br />

presented with trophies, medals and certificates. We congratulate<br />

all the students who represented their respective schools but, this<br />

year, our particular praise goes to our very own team!<br />

Year 11 Leavers' Day 2017<br />

Bridget McMillan, Librarian<br />

Stewart Hall, Head of Physics<br />

Congratulations to<br />

Penny Hunt:<br />

Head of Wyken College, Penny Hunt, recently<br />

gained the National Professional Qualification for<br />

Senior Leadership. Penny attended four courses<br />

based on Senior Leadership, Quality of Teaching<br />

& Learning and Leading Change. She also led the<br />

hugely successful, on-going, whole-school<br />

project based on improving literacy. Penny would<br />

like to thank Deputy Head Beverly Tucker, in<br />

particular, and the staff team as whole for their<br />

support and encouragement. We are delighted<br />

you have achieved your NPQSL Penny - it is very<br />

much deserved.<br />

Lee Walker, Headteacher<br />

Scholastic Book<br />

Fair:<br />

Our Library's Scholastic Book Fair was a<br />

wonderful success! Thank you to our helpers, to<br />

those who purchased items and to those who<br />

came to support.<br />

Debating News:<br />

William Allsopp (Yr 13, Wyk) and Sam<br />

Chapman (Yr 13, Ken) made it to the final of<br />

the Warwick University Schools Debating<br />

competition. All three of our teams made it<br />

through to the second round. Superb work!<br />

William and Sam made it further still, to the<br />

final in fact! Unfortunately, after what I<br />

described as a 'seriously good' final, the boys<br />

were narrowly beaten. Congratulations to<br />

them for their excellent performance and to<br />

all of our teams who took part.<br />

Matthew Elliott, Debating King<br />

68th Wedding<br />

Anniversary:<br />

Friends of the school, Mr and Mrs Hawes,<br />

recently celebrated 68 years of marriage.<br />

They posed for this photo, standing very<br />

close to the spot in St Edmundsbury<br />

Cathedral where they said their vows all<br />

those years ago. We offer you both our<br />

warmest congratulations.<br />

University of<br />

Suffolk:<br />

Some of our Year 11 students visited the<br />

University of Suffolk on 13 November. They<br />

took part in taster sessions in SENDs and<br />

Radiography, and took part in a tour. The<br />

students represented the school superbly.<br />

Maria Pieretti, Information, Advice and<br />

Guidance Co-ordinator<br />

Tracking Transition:<br />

Year 6 teachers from within the Bury Schools Partnership<br />

visited King Edward VI School to learn more about the<br />

transition their students make. We really enjoyed the day in<br />

which we shared techniques and ideas and strengthened our<br />

relationships. Thank you to the staff from All Saints, Guildhall<br />

Feoffment, Hardwick, Ickworth Park, Risby, Sebert Wood and<br />

Sexton's Manor primary schools.<br />

David Gower, Assistant Head<br />

Houses of Parliament trip:<br />

We were delighted to discover that King Edward VI had been<br />

offered the opportunity to attend an educational programme<br />

being trialled by The Houses of Parliament. On our arrival we<br />

experienced a tour of the House of Commons gaining access<br />

to areas like the Select Committee rooms. An interesting room<br />

we were able to see was 'The Peel Room' in which Sir Robert<br />

Peel, Prime Minister in 1834, established the Metropolitan<br />

Police Force. Our time there was brilliant, we looked at all parts<br />

of the palace and found out lots of interesting facts, but it was<br />

seeing the House of Commons and the green benches which<br />

was really exciting. While we were in the House of Commons<br />

we saw a number of MPs, including Jo Churchill (our local MP,)<br />

debate.<br />

I think one of our favourite parts of the day was the debate<br />

which we all participated in, set up in the style of the House of<br />

Lords. Amongst us we decided on a topic- 'Votes for 16 year<br />

olds'. We debated whether the bill should be passed, and other<br />

different issues surrounding the topic. We discovered the<br />

wording of bills is really important, and that the decisions MPs<br />

have to make can be very complicated. It was brilliant to share<br />

our opinions during our debate. We were all very honoured to<br />

have experienced this extraordinary opportunity, and now<br />

understand the significance of parliament and government for<br />

everyone.<br />

Lois Driscoll (Yr 10, Mel)

H<br />

The latest...<br />

The Edge:<br />

Our Year 8 students have been working away at The Edge, an innovative and exciting scheme which develops and<br />

credits the life skills and attributes which employers are telling us they need from their employees. The Edge runs<br />

alongside students' academic successes, and recognises what the students can 'do' as well as what they 'know'.<br />

Congratulations to the following students who have been enormously proactive, and who have completed the<br />

activities as described below:<br />

· Emma Akhaei (Elv) - has built and programmed a robotic arm, performed in A Midsummer Night's<br />

Dream at the Apex and sung in an assembly with Eddie's Voices<br />

· Lux Ashley-Cowan (Hen) - has helped run a Year 7 netball club<br />

Baroness<br />

Scott:<br />

Baroness Scott of Needham<br />

Market, under the House of Lords<br />

'Peers in Schools' outreach<br />

programme, visited King Edward<br />

VI School. What an honour!<br />

Baroness Scott delivered a talk<br />

and Q&A session with senior<br />

students, staff and members of our<br />

Debating club.<br />

FOKES<br />

(Friends of King Edward VI School):<br />

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F.O.K.E.S<br />

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· Arthur Ferrar (Ken) - has written some Maths jokes to be displayed in his Maths classroom<br />

· Holly Godfrey (Mel) - has organised a hockey lesson and led the warm up<br />

Sharon Shelley, Head of<br />

Citizenship<br />

· Ella Gray (Ken) - has produced an information poster about healthy eating and nutrition for children in<br />

primary school<br />

· Yasmin Harrold (Ick) - has helped with the Year 7 netball club each Wednesday, refereed a series of Year 5<br />

football matches at Westley Middle and written a letter to Year 6 pupils at her former primary school telling<br />

them about life at secondary school<br />

· Elise Hollings (Mel) - has created a piece of artwork reflecting one of her hobbies<br />

· Molly Jones (Hen) - made a cake for the Christmas Fair cake sale and has become a College Leader for<br />

Hengrave<br />

· Olivia Leggett (Ken) - has created a mural for display in the school with the theme of resilience and is<br />

regularly attending basketball club<br />

· Ophelia Mantell-Jacob (Ken) - has organised the 'wear a Christmas hat day' for charity and has entered a<br />

national writing competition with a short story<br />

· Becky Pawlowski (Ken) - has taught her older sister her own method for doing the 8 and 9 times tables<br />

· Lily Spooner (Hen) - taught her dad how to do reverse operations and fractions and sang and played the<br />

ukulele in A Midsummer Night's Dream<br />

· Grace Valentine (Elv) - spent a day working with Early Years children at Riverwalk School<br />

· And finally - a special mention to Jessica Marriott (Ken) who has completed seven activities – what an<br />

achievement!<br />

David Gower, Coordinator of The Edge<br />

Pictured:<br />

Lily, Emma and Kamilla<br />

who were the first three<br />

students to complete<br />

an activity.<br />

Westminster<br />

Conference:<br />

Forty-one students recently<br />

a t t e n d e d t h e S i x t h F o r m<br />

Conference at Westminster<br />

Central Hall. It was an excellent<br />

day during which our students<br />

heard speeches from Nick Clegg,<br />

Chuka Umunna and Ken Clark.<br />

Thank you to all the students who<br />

took part. It was a superb<br />

experience.<br />

Sharon Shelley, Head of<br />

Citizenship<br />

West End<br />

vocal coach:<br />

Our Phantom principals were<br />

h o n o u r e d t o w o r k w i t h<br />

professional ex-Phantom cast<br />

member Ceris Deverill. Ceris<br />

helped our students to prepare for<br />

their performances in The<br />

Phantom of the Opera.<br />

Jonathan Lodge, Head of Drama<br />

Friends of King Edward VI School, or FOKES (our wonderful new parentteacher<br />

association), has already made a great impression. FOKES made<br />

its debut at our Autumn Concert by selling programmes and running a<br />

raffle. They were out in force again for 'The Phantom of the Opera', and<br />

once more at our 'Celebration of Christmas' at St Edmundsbury Cathedral.<br />

In the cloisters before the service, they warmed the congregation's<br />

cockles with delicious mulled wine, and kept hunger at bay with mince<br />

pies. A huge thank you to the FOKES team. We are now not sure how we<br />

used to manage without you supporting the students and the school!<br />

Bev Tucker, Deputy Head<br />

Rainbow photographed from A Block

Gardening Club:<br />

We are absolutely delighted this term to have<br />

launched our new Gardening Club. The students<br />

have planted bulbs into pots in the courtyard outside<br />

First Base.<br />

Bernadette Pitt, Head Gardener<br />

The latest...<br />

My Wish:<br />

Melford students were<br />

delighted to hand over a<br />

cheque for £750 to My<br />

Wish Charity at West<br />

Suffolk College. They<br />

raised the money through<br />

completing the Melford<br />

Walk as well as the<br />

Christmas Chocolate<br />

Delivery Service they<br />

organised. Great work!<br />

College news<br />

Rebecca Taylor, Head of<br />

Melford College<br />

Thank you to our in-school origamists, Lucian<br />

Palmer (Yr 8, Elv) and Dylan Botterill (Yr 7, Elv)<br />

for sharing your skills with other students in the<br />

Library.<br />

£1099 Raised:<br />

Many thanks to the following students and their parents for making some wonderful cakes and sweet treats for the<br />

Cathedral's Cake Stall: Mark Austin (Yr 9, Ken), Ruby Decent (Yr 8, Hen), Liam Bailey (Yr 7, Mel), Freya Stevenson (Yr<br />

8, Mel), Evie Rushton (Yr 9, Ick), Joe Warner (Yr 8, Ick), Benjamin Downey (Yr 8, Elv), William Blackwell (Yr 7 Wyk), Eva<br />

Da Re (Yr 8, Ick), Libby Maskell Mills (Yr 9, Elv), Zack Anderson (Yr 7, Elv), Lux Ashley-Cowan (Yr 8, Hen), Evie<br />

Lambert (Yr 7, Mel) and Molly Jones (Yr 8, Hen). Altogether, the students raised £1099. An amazing result! We were<br />

delighted to receive a letter of appreciation from the Acting Dean, the Rt. Rev. Graeme Knowles.<br />

Rebecca Taylor, Coordinator of Cake<br />

Canoe Club<br />

Ickworth fundraisers:<br />

Ickworth student leaders have been busy raising money for<br />

the East Anglian Children's Hospice (EACH). EACH needs<br />

to raise £16,000 a day to meet their objectives in providing<br />

support for families across the region. Joshua Wallace (Yr<br />

12), Soprana Kapela (Yr 8), Alex Bull (Yr 8), Joe Warner (Yr<br />

8), Katie Pettit (Yr 8) and Eliza Haindl (Yr 8) have all been<br />

working hard to raise money. They have sold Christmas<br />

cards and calendars and will provide students, staff and<br />

parents with an opportunity to buy tickets for a raffle which<br />

will be launched in the new year. Added to this they<br />

organised a Christmas cake sale. I would like personally to<br />

thank all six students for their time and efforts in supporting<br />

EACH. As well as being excellent role models, it's also<br />

worth remembering that they are hardworking,<br />

conscientious, thoughtful and diligent members of the<br />

school community.<br />

Andy McLellan, Head of Ickworth College<br />

Wyken College Coffee<br />

Morning:<br />

To coincide with We are MacMillan's national Coffee<br />

Morning, Sixth Form Wyken College Leader, Bianca<br />

Monteiro (Yr 13), organised a cake sale. Many Wyken<br />

students brought in cakes to donate to the sale, and<br />

college leaders and friends ran the stall at break and<br />

lunchtime. The students gave up their own time to raise an<br />

impressive £250. Congratulations to everybody involved.<br />

Penny Quintero-Hunt, Head of Wyken College<br />

Kentwell Tutor<br />

Challenge:<br />

One particularly creepy Kentwell tutor challenge was<br />

to decorate a pumpkin. Tutor groups were judged on<br />

flair, style and originality. It was very difficult to pick a<br />

winner but Head Judge, Tara Pawling, declared the<br />

winner to be 'Donald Trumpkin', created by tutor group<br />

LS. She particularly liked his hair style.<br />

Hannah Scarlett, Head of Kentwell College

Musical Musings<br />

Berlin International<br />

Masterclass:<br />

We would like to offer our Musician in<br />

Residence, Thomas Hawkes, our most sincere<br />

congratulations for gaining a place on the<br />

Berlin International Masterclass series.<br />

From 12-17 February, Thomas will be in Berlin<br />

working with the Berlin Sinfonietta in<br />

Conducting Masterclasses run by worldrenowned<br />

conductor Johannes Wildner.<br />

Thomas will be preparing by working on<br />

Beethoven's first three symphonies and he will<br />

learn about technique and expression, as well<br />

as being given general conducting advice.<br />

You've done brilliantly Thomas; how lucky we<br />

are to have you onboard.<br />

Zoë MacLachlan, Teacher of Music<br />

Autumn Concert:<br />

We are very proud that no fewer than 204 students performed<br />

in our Autumn Concert, and – what is more – the boy/girl split<br />

was very nearly 50/50. The musical ensembles were: Wind<br />

Band, Eddie's Instruments, The Kingettes, Inertia, Woodwind<br />

Chamber Group, Eddie's Voices, Ex Silentio, Symphony<br />

Orchestra, No Girls Allowed, Little Band, Otto Voce, Chamber<br />

Orchestra and Big Band.<br />

Hayley Robinson, Autumn Concert Coordinator<br />

Congratulations to the<br />

following students for<br />

their exam results:<br />

Will Lowden (Yr 10, Ken), Grade 8 Voice - Merit<br />

Poppy Quin (Yr 9, Elv), Grade 6 Piano - Distinction<br />

Anton Avis (Yr 10, Hen), Grade 5 Double Bass - Merit<br />

Aru Sinha (Yr 10, Hen), Grade 5 Flute - Merit<br />

Caitlin Brinkley (Yr 12, Elv), Grade 4 Flute - Merit<br />

Chloe Cavill (Yr 10, Hen), Grade 4 French Horn - Merit<br />

Amelia Revans (Yr 9, Wyk), Grade 4 French Horn - Merit<br />

Aaron McIntyre (Yr 9, Elv), Grade 4 French Horn - Merit<br />

Sanjay Gudi (Yr 9, Mel), Grade 3 Clarinet - Merit<br />

Michael Moore (Yr 8, Ken), Grade 2 Cornet - Merit<br />

Jamie Sparkes (Yr 8, Ick), Grade 2 Baritone Horn - Merit<br />

Caitlin Brame (Yr 9, Ken), Grade 2 Trumpet - Pass<br />

Daisy Hopwood (Yr 7, Elv), Grade 1 'Cello - Distinction<br />

Thomas Hill (Yr 7, Ken), Grade 1 Oboe - Merit<br />

Isabel Howell (Yr 7, Hen), Grade 1 'Cello - Merit<br />

Imogen Stanbury (Yr 7, Wyk), Grade 1 'Cello - Merit<br />

Rex Michael (Yr 8, Mel), Grade 1 Alto Saxophone - Pass<br />

Celebration of Christmas:<br />

Thank you to our wonderful students for providing us with an<br />

evening of such beautiful, festive entertainment. You were<br />

brilliant. We feel very proud.<br />

The Music Team<br />

Samuel Vernon Sings:<br />

In early October, Samuel Vernon (Yr 10, Wyk) travelled to Blythburgh to<br />

sing at the funeral of Lady Victoria Foster of Bath. James Thomas,<br />

Director of Music at St Edmundsbury Cathedral, had been asked to<br />

recommend a soloist and he chose his Head Chorister, Sam.<br />

A week later, Lee Walker received a letter of praise for Samuel. It said<br />

that he had performed for more than 200 mourners, and that he<br />

'performed his duties in an outstanding way. He sang the 'Pie Jesu' from<br />

the Requiem by Fauré and the first verse of the hymn 'O Lord my God'.<br />

His voice never faltered, his diction was clear and precise and his<br />

intonation was perfect. He was an absolute star!... He was an excellent<br />

ambassador for your school. You can be enormously proud of your<br />

young scholar.’<br />

Congratulations, Samuel. We are indeed proud!<br />

Mark Hird, Assistant Head<br />

#ReviewEd 'What a<br />

fantastic evening! Our<br />

ensembles are larger<br />

than ever, the quality of<br />

the music-making is<br />

stunning - right across<br />

the age range, and the<br />

diversity of styles and<br />

genres is incredible. A<br />

huge thank you to<br />

everyone involved.’

# R e v i e w E d<br />

'Absolutely blown<br />

a w a y w i t h l a s t<br />

night's performance<br />

. . . i n c r e d i b l y<br />

t a l e n t e d y o u n g<br />

actors! 10/10 the<br />

v o i c e s w e r e<br />

faultless!’<br />

#ReviewEd 'What<br />

a n a m a z i n g<br />

performance of the<br />

Phantom tonight.<br />

S u c h t a l e n t e d<br />

y o u n g p e o p l e .<br />

T h e y a r e a l l<br />

fantastic but oh my<br />

goodness Ollie!<br />

What can I say?!<br />

The hard work and<br />

hours put in by all<br />

paid off. I would go<br />

every evening if I<br />

could.’<br />

#ReviewEd 'Sensational<br />

performance of Phantom Of<br />

The Opera at King Edward VI<br />

School this evening! A huge<br />

round of applause to all the<br />

students and staff involved but<br />

especially to the three main<br />

principals (The Phantom,<br />

Christine Daae & Raoul de<br />

Chagny)...your performances<br />

were phenomenal!’<br />

#ReviewEd 'Seeing<br />

the show last night<br />

was a reminder that<br />

my daughter is very<br />

lucky to attend such<br />

a superb school.’<br />

#ReviewEd 'You<br />

should all be very<br />

proud of what you<br />

h a v e a c h i e v e d<br />

tonight, the best<br />

school performance<br />

I have seen, totally<br />

blown away.’

Artistic Appearances<br />

Dancing Dispatches<br />

Evie Rushton.<br />

Artist of the Month,<br />

December 2017:<br />

Evie Rushton (Yr 9, Ick) has produced a beautiful<br />

collection of work whilst studying the artist Elisabeth<br />

Rutt. She started with initial sketches of the art,<br />

added in a pattern journey, and moved on to a<br />

detailed and strongly composed design idea. She<br />

finished with a considered and dynamic wall<br />

hanging through which she demonstrated a high<br />

level of skill in her mark-making techniques and print<br />

pattern repeats.<br />

Congratulations Evie!<br />

Kate Brown, Head of Visual Arts<br />

Gold Arts Award:<br />

We are delighted to offer our students the opportunity<br />

to gain the Gold Arts Award. Gold Arts Award is a Level<br />

3 qualification and is split into two units: the Personal<br />

Portfolio Unit and the Arts Project Leadership.<br />

Students have the opportunity to extend and develop<br />

their knowledge of Arts, through taking part in activities<br />

and events, researching the world of the Arts, and<br />

taking responsibility for leading an Arts project. We<br />

offer our congratulations to Year 12 students Ruth<br />

Burgess (Ick), Lottie Ellis (Ick), Gabrielle Murphy<br />

(Wyk), Hannah Game (Ken) and Meredith Halls (Mel).<br />

Kate Brown, Head of Visual Arts<br />

Hofesh Shechter<br />

Dance Partnership:<br />

Dance students travelled to Sadler's Wells to spend a<br />

day with the Hofesh Shechter Dance Company. The<br />

day involved watching the company rehearse,<br />

learning repertoire with the Associate Director, a<br />

backstage tour and Q and A with various members of<br />

the company. Students then watched the<br />

performance in the evening. Now in the fifth year of<br />

this partnership, we are thrilled to have these unique<br />

experiences with the company.<br />

Helen Frost, Head of Dance<br />

Old Burians<br />

Thank you to Fraser and Gemma Watts for inviting<br />

some of our musicians to perform at the Old Burians'<br />

Reunion Dinner - celebrating our roots as 'Scholar<br />

Buriensis' - the school of Bury, since 1550. It was a<br />

pleasure and a privilege.<br />

Year 8 Artsbox:<br />

Year 8 Artsbox students were treated to a talk and<br />

lighting demonstration by Mark Smith. Mark is a<br />

lighting technician at the London Palladium, but<br />

found time to design the lights for our performance of<br />

'The Phantom of the Opera'. The Year 8 students<br />

explored the different types of lighting and discussed<br />

the physics behind how the lighting worked. Mark<br />

also gave an insight into the daily life of a lighting<br />

technician and revealed some of the celebrities he<br />

has worked with. The Year 8 students were<br />

particularly excited on hearing that Nick had worked<br />

with Beyoncé and Justin Bieber!<br />

Helen Frost, Head of Dance<br />

Zoë MacLachlan, Teacher of Music<br />

Year 9 Art students' clay sculptures from<br />

their 3D food project.<br />

Year 8 Art students' colour theory work,<br />

alongside drawn mono-prints based on<br />

architecture.<br />

Joe Le Maire:<br />

Having just returned from a year's intense training in<br />

Thailand, former student Joe Le Maire made the local<br />

news demonstrating his Thai Boxing skill and power.<br />

Well done Joe - and best of luck in the future!

Shanghai - Ten Years on:<br />

International<br />

Our Shanghai Advanced Leadership Exchange has completed another year . . . the tenth year and eleventh<br />

exchange we have produced, and this one proved to be the biggest yet! More than 150 of our students engaged with<br />

the programme outside of the school day throughout the Chinese students' visit to the UK. The activities they took<br />

part in ranged from cultural trips, hosting, and accompanying our guests for evening meals.<br />

The theme of this year's exchange for the 24 students travelling to Shanghai was associated with our students<br />

becoming ambassadors. With a wide-range of tasks, events and problems to solve in an unfamiliar environment on<br />

the other side of the world, they learned a great deal. The exchange programme aims to stretch and challenge the<br />

leadership skills of some of our most-able students, and each experience is always unique.<br />

I asked some of our students for their personal highlights, and this is what they had to say:<br />

Shannon Bailey (Yr 11, Hen) 'Walking around Shanghai at night was stunning… going to the Jazz bar in the Jinmao<br />

Tower… meeting new people.’<br />

Luke Wearn (Yr 13, Ken) 'Forging bonds across the school, working with new people and seeing Shanghai change<br />

and become more diverse.’<br />

Tom Upton (Yr 11, Hen) 'Performing on a massive stage in front of 2000 people and celebrating the school's 20th<br />

Anniversary.’<br />

Jasmin Raja (Yr 11, Elv) 'Making friends despite the language barrier and feeling like royalty everywhere we went.’<br />

Kirsten O'Brien (Yr 11, Wyk) 'Meeting so many people from different backgrounds and cultures and finding out how<br />

little it mattered that we couldn't speak their Language!’<br />

I think, however, the most comprehensive response was the one below, from Year 8<br />

student Eva De Ra (Ick) - our youngest student ever to travel to Shanghai as part of<br />

this programme.<br />

'I was delighted to be a part of it. Learning new leadership skills made me engage<br />

with older students and I learnt from their advice. Experiencing the different cultures<br />

and foods really inspired me and I would like to go to Shanghai again. The food was<br />

crazy but delicious and there was a massive number of cultural traditions I learnt.<br />

Overall, Shanghai was the best school trip ever, both in terms of leadership and fun!’<br />

Part of this year's exchange included being given 'VIP' status at their 20th<br />

Anniversary celebration event, attended by over 2000 people. As mentioned, some<br />

of the group were able to perform as part of the event. Within a very short period of<br />

time our students learnt their pieces and performed with flair and confidence - it was<br />

an event none of us will ever forget.<br />

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff team who accompanied the<br />

students to China this year, including Matthew Elliott's mascot, Gustavo Mustachio.<br />

The next phase of our Advanced Leadership Exchange will be launched early next<br />

term.<br />

Danny Burton, Director of Student Leadership<br />

European Day of<br />

Languages:<br />

We loved celebrating the European Day of Languages. All Year 7<br />

students learnt about Europe in special lessons run by our<br />

Language Leaders. They all received 'Passports to the EU'. At<br />

lunchtime, a celebration was held in the Library. Our students for<br />

whom English is an additional language taught some greetings in<br />

their respective languages. It was a lively, inclusive and friendly<br />

celebration.<br />

EU Council<br />

Debate:<br />

Our fantastic Head Girl and Head Boy,<br />

Lucy Howard (Yr 13, Elv) and William<br />

Allsopp (Yr 13, Wyk), took part in an EU<br />

Mock Council debate. They responded<br />

brilliantly to a mystery motion and were so<br />

successful that they progressed to the<br />

second round which was held at the Law<br />

Society in London. There, they had to<br />

represent Hungary in negotiations over<br />

citizens' rights post-Brexit. Lucy and<br />

William – you represented the school<br />

superbly, once again. Thank you for your<br />

outstanding commitment, and for working<br />

so hard.<br />

Matthew Elliott, Debating King<br />

World Hello Day:<br />

L o w e r S c h o o l s t u d e n t s w e r e<br />

encouraged to say 'hello' in as many<br />

different languages to as many<br />

members of the school community as<br />

possible. This event has been<br />

celebrated since 1973 as a way of<br />

p r o m o t i n g p e a c e t h r o u g h<br />

communication and openness. A<br />

massive thanks to the Language<br />

Leaders who led highly popular activities<br />

in the Library. Congratulations to Kuba<br />

Majos (Yr 7, Mel) and Rebecca Simpkins<br />

(Yr 8, Ken) for saying 'Hello' in the<br />

highest number of different languages.<br />

Rachel Pickering, Head of Modern<br />

Foreign Languages

Extra-Time<br />

Phoebe Price (Yr 11, Wyk):<br />

Over the Summer Holiday, Phoebe attended three county level shows<br />

with her ponies and achieved the following results:<br />

Royal Cheshire Show - 1st HOYS 143cm Show Hunter Pony, Great<br />

Yorkshire Show - 1st HOYS 148cm Show Pony and Champion, and<br />

Royal International Horse Show Hickstead - 1st 148cm Show Pony<br />

Champion, Show Pony Supreme and Reserve Supreme of Show.<br />

Since then, at the RIHS at Hickstead, Phoebe, and her pony Litton<br />

Enterprise, have now been 'Supreme Show Pony' for the last two years.<br />

The Horse of the Year Show is the biggest and most prestigious horse<br />

show in the showing calendar, and every competitor dreams of winning<br />

there.<br />

Phoebe and Litton Enterprise also won the Equissage Part Bred Pony of<br />

the Year Championship, which is an amazing achievement as the pair<br />

won Supreme Pony of the Year in 2016.<br />

Phoebe also had the opportunity to ride in the International Arena in<br />

front of a sell-out crowd.<br />

So overall, Phoebe and Litton Enterprise have had two amazing years<br />

winning many major championships including becoming Champion at<br />

both the Royal International Horse Show and Horse of the Year Show in<br />

2016 & 2017. We offer you our most generous congratulations Phoebe.<br />

May your dedication and talent continue to reward you so magnificently.<br />

Year 9 Girls'<br />

Netball:<br />

The Year 9 Netball team have had<br />

another outstanding season. They are<br />

unbeaten in their Western Area league<br />

and therefore qualify for the Western<br />

Area Semi-Finals which will be played in<br />

the Spring term. They also reached the<br />

County Netball Finals in Ipswich in<br />

November where they played some<br />

outstanding netball and narrowly<br />

missed out on a place in the Semi-<br />

Finals.<br />

Congratulations to Annie Hill (Yr 9,<br />

Mel), Emily White (Yr 9, Ken), Olivia<br />

Hisscott (Yr 9, Ick), Maisy Freeman (Yr<br />

9, Ken), Amy Maskell Mills (Yr 9, Elv),<br />

Rhian O'Brien (Yr 9, Wyk), Harriett<br />

Chapman (Yr 9, Elv), Ciara Leeson (Yr<br />

9, Mel) and Danielle Mulholland (Yr 9,<br />

Ick).<br />

The team's results: v Ixworth: 28-0, v<br />

Mildenhall: 31-3, v Sam Ward: 14-16, v<br />

County A: 11-8 v County B: 14-1, v St<br />

Benedict's: 21-8.<br />

Suffolk County Hockey:<br />

Henry Skillern (Yr 11, Mel) has been selected to<br />

play for the U16/17 Suffolk County Hockey<br />

squad. Congratulations Henry.<br />

British Tumbling<br />

Championships:<br />

Milly Richards (Yr 9, Hen), competed in the<br />

British Tumbling Championships at the Echo<br />

Arena Liverpool. She finished the event<br />

th<br />

ranking 10 in the country. Milly - this is an<br />

incredible achievement. We are so proud of<br />

you! Congratulations!<br />

Junior Squash<br />

Championships:<br />

Emma Bartley (Yr 9, Elv) competed in the<br />

Regional Junior Squash Championships in<br />

Ipswich recently.<br />

There were competitors from Suffolk, Essex,<br />

Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire and<br />

Bedfordshire. Emma won all of her matches<br />

and became Regional U15 girls Champion<br />

2017 which will go with Emma's regional titles<br />

at U11 and U13.<br />

Super-star Skaters:<br />

Charlotte Sutton (Yr 9, Ick), and Molly Jones (Yr 8, Hen),<br />

competed with former student Caitlyn Holgate in the Tiptree<br />

Artistic Roller Skating Competition, representing Ipswich.<br />

Caitlyn and Molly both came third in their free events. These<br />

were wonderful results, particularly given that there were 15<br />

competitors in each of their categories. The girls demonstrate<br />

superb support for each other during both training and<br />

competitions. Well done Charlotte, Molly and Caitlyn - we hear<br />

you skated brilliantly.<br />

This is yet another fantastic achievement. Well<br />

done for all your hard work, Emma.<br />

Badminton:<br />

Martha Lebentz<br />

(Yr 10, Ken):<br />

In September the brilliant Martha Lebentz<br />

took part in the Youth Mountain Bike<br />

Championships. Martha is a member of the<br />

th<br />

Eastern Region team. Her team came 9 out<br />

of 14. We hear that it was on an Olympic<br />

course no less, so very tough indeed.<br />

Congratulations, Martha, you're a star!<br />

No Limits Academy:<br />

Our 'No Limits' Academy caters for some of the<br />

'most able and committed' sporting talent within<br />

our school, and across the Bury Schools<br />

Partnership.<br />

A group of our Year 9 students travelled to UEA,<br />

Norwich, to undertake some training to become<br />

our new 'No Limits' Mentors. The workshops<br />

were led by UEA students and aimed to develop<br />

cognitive, physical and social skills related to<br />

sport.<br />

Our mentors have since been working with a<br />

group of Year 3 and 4 students from within the<br />

Bury Schools Partnership.<br />

Western Area Badminton tournament:<br />

· Year 8 boys' team: Zach Kydd (Mel), Arthur Ferrar<br />

(Ken), Joshua Bullingham (Wyk), and Joe Warner<br />

(Ick) - won all of their games and progressed to the<br />

County Final<br />

· Year 9 boys' team: Jacob Hill (Ken), Ethan Mayhew<br />

(Ken), James Norburn (Elv) and John Whelehan (Ick)<br />

- unfortunately lost their games, but performed well<br />

against some strong teams.<br />

Girls' team: Emma Bartley (Yr 9, Elv), Lily Fisher (Yr 8, Wyk),<br />

Annie Hill (Yr 9, Mel) and Grace Valentine (Yr 8, Elv) - won<br />

both of their games, particularly impressive against tough<br />

opposition from County Upper School. Also progressed to the<br />

next round.<br />

Bowls England Academy:<br />

Another sports star in our midst! Harry Cater (Yr 13, Elv), has<br />

been selected for the Bowls England Academy. Only the top 16<br />

U18 players (8 male and 8 female) were selected. Harry - this is<br />

superb news! Congratulations from all of us.

Extra-Time<br />

Tom Henson:<br />

Tom (Yr 10, Ken) started running in 2014 aged 11. To start<br />

with, it was loops of the village with his Dad. He progressed<br />

to his first 5k parkrunUK at Nowton Park in August 2014.<br />

He joined St Edmunds Pacers in Easter 2015 and has<br />

gradually progressed so that he now trains with the Pacers<br />

three times a week and runs once or twice in addition to this<br />

in his own time.<br />

Tom's first competition was an Eastern Athletics<br />

Championships cross country race in the Winter of 2015,<br />

and he has since taken part in the Suffolk Winter League<br />

cross country events each year, the Southern Counties<br />

cross country competition and the English National Cross<br />

Country Championships.<br />

Tom's highlights include being selected to run for Suffolk<br />

three times in the Inter-counties Championships and<br />

making it to the English National Final of the Schools' cross<br />

country championships in 2017, being one of eight selected<br />

from the four qualifying rounds.<br />

Tom – your sporting resumé is already very impressive.<br />

Your commitment and talent are highly commendable.<br />

Well done indeed.<br />

Boys' Basketball:<br />

School Basketball season is upon us and our<br />

teams have been in action against strong<br />

opposition. Our U14 and U16 teams travelled to<br />

County Upper for their opening games, with both<br />

teams leaving with defeats against some very<br />

talented players. A highlight of both fixtures,<br />

however, was the commitment on display from our<br />

students - reinforcing the values and ethos we<br />

have at King Edward VI School.<br />

Their second league games were against Samuel<br />

Ward. The U14 team secured a 36-16 victory. They<br />

were helped by player/coach, Logan Frost (Yr 9,<br />

Elv), who made some excellent tactical decisions.<br />

The U16 team faced a much stronger opponent,<br />

and found themselves 11 points behind after the<br />

first two-periods. Following an inspiring team-talk<br />

from their coach, Peter Newson, the team<br />

managed to reduce Samuel Ward's lead to just 1<br />

point with only 30 seconds of the game remaining.<br />

Patrick Ambrose (Yr 10, Hen) was then awarded<br />

two free-throws, converting one to tie the game.<br />

Both teams have one league fixture remaining,<br />

with a play-off place still attainable, to reach this<br />

year's County Finals.<br />

Lila Battell:<br />

U14 Girls' Football:<br />

· vs Debenham High School in ESFA<br />

schools' trophy. Won 7-0<br />

· Player of the match: Katie Walker<br />

· Coaches: Olivia Gunn (Yr 12, Ick) and<br />

Ellie Allen (Yr 11, Elv)<br />

· Made it through to the final 32 schools in<br />

England with a 3-0 win against Colne<br />

Community College.<br />

Thank you to Year 12 student Olivia Gunn who<br />

has been helping coach the girls' football team.<br />

th<br />

Tom 4 from left back row<br />

U14 team: Max Baker (Yr 9, Mel), Ellis Dobie (Yr 9,<br />

Ick), Logan Frost (Yr 9, Elv), Jack Furnell (Yr 9,<br />

Elv), Jacob Hill (Yr 9, Ken), Ethan Mayhew (Yr 9,<br />

Ken), Zane Robinson (Yr 9, Elv), Ainaras<br />

Tomkevicius (Yr 9, Ick), Alex Wheeler (Yr 9, Ken),<br />

James Hickey (Yr 9, Elv) and Warren Wagner (Yr<br />

9, Hen).<br />

U16 team: Patrick Ambrose (Yr 10, Hen), Jordan<br />

Barber (Yr 10, Ick), Robin de Freitas (Yr 10, Hen),<br />

Haaris Khan (Yr 11, Ken), Patrick Laycock (Yr 11,<br />

Elv), Isaac Lee (Yr 10, Elv), Liam Marison (Yr 11,<br />

Ick), Jack Parr (Yr 11, Ken) and Joe Turner (Yr 11,<br />

Hen).<br />

Well done, and good luck for your remaining<br />

league games this season.<br />

I love to run, especially cross country, because I love the feel<br />

and energy with the wind and rain in your face. It gives me a<br />

buzz! I first ran a cross country race when I was 9, but I hated<br />

it! It felt like I was being operated on while I was awake! Then I<br />

tried it again and loved it. I joined West Suffolk Athletics Club<br />

when I was 10 to do sprinting, but then when I tried out the<br />

long distance group I thought this is ace!<br />

I am currently Suffolk's U13 1500m champion and I do<br />

competitions every Saturday all around the country. I am<br />

aiming to qualify for English Schools', which is a long way<br />

away, in Leeds.<br />

My goal is to win a scholarship in America and I hope to have a<br />

career in running.<br />

When I run, the competition is very fierce - especially in cross<br />

country. On the start line people aren't afraid to nudge you (or<br />

spike you). We have to use tape to stop our spikes falling off in<br />

the deep mud, which I unfortunately encountered in a Suffolk<br />

race when both my spikes fell off and had to run half my race in<br />

socks!<br />

Sometimes, I have to get up at 5.30am to catch the bus, which<br />

we're on for around 3 hours there and another 3 hours back.<br />

Most races only last about 10mins, but it's always worth it - my<br />

mum doesn't think so though!<br />

Lila Battell (Yr 8, Wyk)<br />

Tennis:<br />

U15 boys won the B league tournament in the<br />

regional championships.<br />

Team: Asa Sumner-Keens (Yr 11, Ken), Louis<br />

Clarke (Y 11, Wyk), Thomas Peacock (Yr 11,<br />

Elv) and Thomas Malpass (Yr 11, Hen).

Extra-Time<br />

Girls' Basketball:<br />

U14 won their Western Area Schools Basketball<br />

League making it to the Semi-Finals.<br />

Girls' Netball:<br />

· Year 7 vs Thurston Community College.<br />

As: won 5-1. Bs won 8-3<br />

· Year 8 teams vs Thurston Community<br />

College. Won 1, lost 1<br />

· U12 vs Sudbury (won 9-0)<br />

· U13 vs Sudbury (won 7-3)<br />

· U14 vs St. Benedict's (won 21-8)<br />

· U15 vs St. Benedict's (won 18-17)<br />

· U16 vs St. Benedict's (won 21-4)<br />

· Year 9 Played 6 games, beating schools<br />

including Finborough, Thurston, Samuel<br />

Ward and St Benedict's. Country Finals:<br />

Played 4 games, won 2. Lost to Culford<br />

by only 1 goal<br />

· Year 10 qualified for County Finals. Made<br />

it to the Semi-Finals, narrowly lost to<br />

Culford<br />

· Year 11 represented West Suffolk at<br />

County Finals. Played 4 games. Drew v<br />

Culford, beat Ipswich. Earned place in<br />

Semi-Finals v Royal Hospital School<br />

Boys' Rugby:<br />

U19:<br />

· U14 & U16 teams: both unbeaten in the<br />

Western Area League and have made it to<br />

the County Finals.<br />

· area competition in Ipswich. Group:<br />

Colchester Academy, Thomas Mills and<br />

Suffolk One. Finished with one win, and three<br />

losses<br />

· team displayed some excellent performances<br />

and represented the school brilliantly<br />

· competed in county tournament. Two closelyfought<br />

games against Finsborough and<br />

Hartismere. Won both matches.<br />

Year 11 West Suffolk Competition:<br />

· very strong Thurston team, losing at half-time<br />

· turned things around in second half, scoring<br />

15 unanswered points<br />

· end result: 33-22 victory.<br />

Tries scored by Adam Walker (Elv) [2], Sam Roper-<br />

Docherty (Ick), Harvey Hempstead (Hen), Toby<br />

Johnson (Mel) and Archie Sleightholme (Wyk).<br />

Cross Country:<br />

Ten students competed in the County Schools'<br />

Championships cross county at Culford School. The<br />

runners did superbly well.<br />

th<br />

· Junior Girls: Lila Battell (Yr 8, Wyk) 5 , Jess<br />

th<br />

Head (Yr 9, Hen) 7 , Annabel Henson (Yr 8,<br />

th<br />

rd<br />

Ken) 60 , Rhian O'Brien (Yr 9, Wyk) 43<br />

th<br />

· Junior Boys: Max Berry (Yr 8, Wyk) 8<br />

th<br />

· Inter Girls: Chloe Cavill (Yr 10, Hen) 8<br />

th<br />

Kirsten O'Brien (Yr 11, Wyk) 20<br />

th<br />

· Inter Boys: Tom Henson (Yr 10, Ken) 7 ,<br />

th<br />

Anton Avis (Yr 10, Hen) 12<br />

th<br />

Senior Girls: Ellie Temple (Yr 13, Elv) 16 .

King Edward VI School<br />

Grove Road<br />

Bury St Edmunds<br />

Suffolk IP33 3BH<br />

Tel: 01284 761393<br />

www.king-ed.suffolk.sch.uk<br />

Facebook:<br />

King Edward VI School - Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk<br />

Twitter: @KingEdVISchool<br />

If you have any news which you would<br />

like to ‘<strong>Celebrate</strong>!’, then please email<br />

the Editor, Zoë MacLachlan<br />

celebrate@king-ed.suffolk.sch.uk<br />

Skyscrapers photograph: Eva Da Re (Yr 8, Ick)

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