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DAY AFTER DAY No.20 MARCH 29, 2018 3<br />

Missiles against hatred and lies<br />

By Natalia ISHCHENKO<br />

March 24 marks the 19th<br />

anniversary of start of the<br />

NATO bombing campaign<br />

in the former Yugoslavia.<br />

Ukrainians know very<br />

little about the circumstances of those<br />

events. Information that we do have is<br />

often incomplete, often distorted, and<br />

sometimes absent at all.<br />

One of the little-known episodes is<br />

the bombing of the Radio and Television<br />

of Serbia (RTS) in April 1999.<br />

This attack was not a mistake. The<br />

RTS building in Belgrade was hit by a<br />

missile because the broadcaster was<br />

part of the propaganda machine of the<br />

then Yugoslav authorities, a weapon<br />

in the war waged by the regime of Slobodan<br />

Milosevic.<br />



The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia<br />

(FRY, then including Serbia<br />

and Montenegro) was attacked because<br />

the Yugoslav leadership made<br />

sure that the peace talks on the resolution<br />

of the conflict in Kosovo failed.<br />

The negotiation process, which lasted<br />

from February to March 1999 in Rambouillet<br />

and Paris (France), was suspended<br />

on March 19. The parties could<br />

not reach an agreement, since president<br />

of the FRY Milosevic refused to<br />

sign military annexes to the crisis settlement<br />

treaty. Meanwhile, the number<br />

of Albanian refugees from Kosovo<br />

continued to increase...<br />

Javier Solana, then secretary<br />

general of NATO, made a special<br />

press statement on March 24, 1999,<br />

in connection with the start of the<br />

air operations. In particular, he<br />

said: “In the last months, the international<br />

community has spared no<br />

efforts to achieve a negotiated solution<br />

in Kosovo. But it has not been<br />

possible.<br />

“Clear responsibility for the air<br />

strikes lies with President Milosevic<br />

who has refused to stop his violent action<br />

in Kosovo and has refused to negotiate<br />

in good faith.<br />

“The time has now come for action.<br />

“Let me reiterate: NATO is not<br />

waging war against Yugoslavia.<br />

“We have no quarrel with the people<br />

of Yugoslavia who for too long<br />

have been isolated in Europe because<br />

of the policies of their government.<br />

“Our actions are directed against<br />

the repressive policy of the Yugoslav<br />

leadership.<br />

“We must stop the violence and<br />

bring an end to the humanitarian catastrophe<br />

now taking place in Kosovo.<br />

We have a moral duty to do so.”<br />

● 78 DAYS AND NIGHTS<br />

The Operation Allied Force began<br />

without the formal consent of the UN<br />

Security Council and lasted 78 days.<br />

During that time, the North Atlantic<br />

Alliance carried out air strikes with<br />

cruise missiles and aircraft against<br />

hundreds of targets in Serbia and<br />

How Slobodan Milosevic’s “propaganda machine” was attacked by NATO<br />

Montenegro. They were mostly military,<br />

industrial, and infrastructure<br />

facilities. According to various estimates,<br />

more than two and a half<br />

months of bombing killed 1,200 to<br />

2,500 people. The total property damage<br />

is estimated at tens of billions of<br />

dollars.<br />

The operation ended with the<br />

signing of a military technical agreement<br />

in Kumanovo (Macedonia) on<br />

June 9, 1999. Three days later, the<br />

withdrawal of the FRY forces from<br />

Kosovo began.<br />

The NATO secretary general issued<br />

an order to stop the bombing on<br />

June 10, and the last missile exploded<br />

at 1:30 a.m. that day.<br />

On June 10, 1999, the UN Security<br />

Council adopted Resolution<br />

1244, and 37,800 Kosovo Force<br />

REUTERS photo<br />

“<br />

The isolated ruined buildings in the center of Belgrade, which have been<br />

specially left unaltered since 1999, remind the Serbs and should remind everyone<br />

else what happens when an authoritarian ruler wants to build a “great country”<br />

over the objections of the international community, by brainwashing people with<br />

propaganda and carrying out military aggression against other peoples.<br />

”<br />

tified, since they were part of the<br />

“apparatus of the dictatorship and<br />

power of Milosevic.”<br />

(KFOR) troops from 36 countries<br />

were sent to Kosovo.<br />

The international peacekeeping<br />

mission in Kosovo continues to this<br />

day.<br />



One of the significant episodes of<br />

the Allied Force operation was the<br />

bombing of the RTS. On April 23,<br />

1999, a cruise missile launched by a<br />

NATO aircraft hit the RTS building in<br />

Belgrade. Three TV channels and four<br />

radio stations then broadcast from the<br />

home of the region’s leading broadcaster.<br />

The attack took place at night, at<br />

2:06 a.m., just when Milosevic’s<br />

recorded interview was being broadcast<br />

on the central channel. Two of the<br />

four floors of the RTS building col-<br />

The publication also quoted a<br />

statement by UK International Development<br />

Secretary Clare Short: “This<br />

is a war, this is a serious conflict, untold<br />

horrors are being done. The propaganda<br />

machine is prolonging the war<br />

and it [the RTS building] is a legitimate<br />

target.”<br />

Admiral Ian Garnett, chief of<br />

joint operations at the Ministry of Defense,<br />

noted that Milosevic’s “propaganda<br />

machine consists of transmitters<br />

but also the studios from which<br />

the information is transmitted. That<br />

makes it part of the overall military<br />

structure. Both elements have to be<br />

attacked.”<br />

And NATO spokesman David Wilby,<br />

according to The Guardian, called<br />

lapsed, the main instrument room was<br />

destroyed, 150 to 200 people (who<br />

worked the night shift or were on duty)<br />

were then present in the broadcaster’s<br />

building. As a result of the<br />

bombing, 16 RTS staff were killed, including<br />

directors, editors, programmers,<br />

cameramen, guards, a makeup<br />

artist... More people were injured, and<br />

then rescued out of the rubble of the<br />

destroyed building.<br />

Representatives of NATO and its<br />

member countries asserted that the<br />

RTS was a dual purpose object, which<br />

made an important contribution to the<br />

propaganda war being conducted then<br />

by the Yugoslav authorities.<br />

The Guardian newspaper quoted<br />

Tony Blair in 1999, immediately after<br />

the attack, who insisted that the<br />

bombing of TV stations was fully justhe<br />

Serbian state broadcaster two<br />

weeks before the attack “a legitimate<br />

target,” because it “filled the airwaves<br />

with hate and with lies over the<br />

years.”<br />

● WHO IS TO BLAME?<br />

International journalist unions and<br />

TV broadcaster associations were, as<br />

expected, extremely negative about the<br />

news from Belgrade. Human rights organizations<br />

Amnesty International and<br />

Human Rights Watch (HRW), in turn,<br />

criticized the Alliance for attacking the<br />

Serbian broadcaster due to the deaths of<br />

civilians. However, the HRW cited in its<br />

report on the Kosovo crisis, posted on the<br />

official website of the organization<br />

(https://www.hrw.org/reports/2000/na<br />

to/Natbm200-01.htm#P420_111626)<br />

Paragraph 7 of the 1956 Guidelines of<br />

the International Committee of the Red<br />

Cross, which lists among legitimate<br />

military objectives “installations of<br />

broadcasting and television stations”<br />

(the source referenced by the human<br />

rights activists is ICRC, Commentary on<br />

the Additional Protocols, p. 632, para.<br />

2002, note 3).<br />

In 2001, the European Court of<br />

Human Rights declared inadmissible<br />

for consideration of the merits a complaint<br />

lodged by relatives of several<br />

dead and wounded RTS workers<br />

against NATO members who participated<br />

in the bombing.<br />

Other international tribunals also<br />

found no grounds for opening cases<br />

against the countries participating in<br />

the Allied Force operation. In June<br />

1999, the UN International Court of<br />

Justice refused to comply with the request<br />

of the FRY to institute proceedings<br />

against the allies. In 2000, the<br />

prosecutor of the International Criminal<br />

Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia<br />

informed the UN Security<br />

Council of his decision not to conduct<br />

an investigation into this issue.<br />

Instead, in 2002 (two years after<br />

the overthrow of the Milosevic<br />

regime), the Serbian court sentenced<br />

the former head of state radio television<br />

Serbia Dragoljub Milanovic to<br />

10 years imprisonment because he<br />

did not ensure the safety of his employees.<br />

According to the HRW, Western<br />

media organizations that used the facilities<br />

of the Serbian broadcaster for<br />

the transfer of materials from Yugoslavia<br />

were warned by NATO representatives<br />

that the headquarters of<br />

the RTS would be attacked. As soon as<br />

Western media learned about the Alliance’s<br />

plans, the authorities of Yugoslavia<br />

also received relevant information.<br />

But as the court found, the<br />

head of the RTS deliberately did not<br />

comply with the evacuation order for<br />

TV and radio workers, although he<br />

knew that the RTS building could become<br />

a target for bombing.<br />

Dragoljub Milanovic was released<br />

in August 2012. He takes an active<br />

part in social and political life, speaks<br />

on TV and recalls the old times. He<br />

tried to sue journalists who wrote that<br />

he “sacrificed 16 employees of the<br />

RTS” in 1999. He has been unsuccessful<br />

so far: in the beginning of this<br />

year, the Supreme Court of Cassation<br />

of Serbia decided that such a value<br />

judgment was based on a court decision<br />

and did not detract from the honor<br />

and reputation of the former chief<br />

manager of the main Serbian broadcaster.<br />



As far as the RTS itself is concerned,<br />

it has... repented. On May 23,<br />

2011, the RTS management apologized<br />

to the citizens of the country<br />

and residents of the region for the fact<br />

that in the 1990s, the RTS programs<br />

contained insults, slander, and incitement<br />

to hatred and hostility.<br />

The media company acknowledged<br />

that this was happening to discredit<br />

the political opposition in Serbia and<br />

its leaders, and was also part of propaganda<br />

of the then undemocratic<br />

regime. The RTS executives stated<br />

that programs of the broadcaster<br />

harmed honor and dignity of representatives<br />

of the political opposition,<br />

critically-minded journalists, humanist-oriented<br />

intellectuals, ethnic and<br />

religious minorities in Serbia, as well<br />

as some of the neighboring peoples<br />

and nations in the 1990s.<br />

The new RTS has pledged to be independent<br />

in its work and implement<br />

the principles of rule of law, social justice,<br />

and civic democracy, protect human<br />

rights and minority rights, and<br />

devotedly observe European principles<br />

and values.<br />

In general, today’s Serbia strives<br />

to behave in a European manner. In<br />

particular, it aims to resolve all the<br />

conflicts – including old ones, first of<br />

all, the settlement of the Kosovo situation<br />

– through negotiations and<br />

agreements. The isolated ruined buildings<br />

in the center of Belgrade, which<br />

have been specially left unaltered since<br />

1999, remind the Serbs and should remind<br />

everyone else what happens<br />

when an authoritarian ruler wants to<br />

build a “great country” over the objections<br />

of the international community,<br />

by brainwashing people with propaganda<br />

and carrying out military aggression<br />

against other peoples.

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