Mine's a Pint Issue 45
Mine's a Pint Issue 45 - The Magazine for the Reading and Mid-Berkshire Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale.
Mine's a Pint Issue 45 - The Magazine for the Reading and Mid-Berkshire Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale.
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IN THIS ISSUE...<br />
& MORE...<br />
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Branch Diary<br />
All meetings and social events are relaxed and friendly,<br />
and start at 20.00 unless specified. Non-members are<br />
welcome to all events except branch meetings. Please<br />
check the website before setting out in case of any<br />
last-minute changes.<br />
March<br />
WED 7: Branch meeting. Queens Head (garden<br />
room), 54 Christchurch Road, Reading, RG2 7AZ.<br />
SUN 25: Ale Trail walk (6 miles). Meet 11.00 at<br />
Henley Station Car Park. From Henley Station to<br />
Flower Pot via Little Angel (no drink stop), cross<br />
country to Remenham Wood and Aston Village<br />
(Flower Pot), arrival 12:30 (2.5 miles). Stop for a drink<br />
then at 13:15 walk back to Henley via Thames Path,<br />
arrival 15:00 (3.5 miles). Once back in Henley there<br />
are plenty of options for more pubs and food. Train<br />
times: Tilehurst 10:10, Reading 10:18, Twyford 10:<strong>45</strong><br />
arrival Henley 11:00. Return Henley 18:00, Twyford<br />
18:38 arrival Reading 18:<strong>45</strong>.<br />
April<br />
WED 4: Last Orders: Ale Trail ends. All entries must<br />
be received by 23.59 on this day.<br />
THU 5: First Thursday of the Month Social. Fox &<br />
Hounds, 116 City Road, Tilehurst, RG31 5SB.<br />
WED 11: Branch Meeting. Hop Leaf (back room),<br />
163-165 Southampton Street, Reading, RG1 2QZ.<br />
May<br />
THU 3 – SUN 6: Reading Beer and Cider Festival. See<br />
readingbeerfestival.org.uk for more details.<br />
SUN 13: Pub walk from Pangbourne.<br />
This is a guide only and Reading & Mid Berkshire<br />
CAMRA cannot be held responsible for any loss due to<br />
the alteration or cancellation of any of these events.<br />
See www.readingcamra.org.uk for more details of<br />
events.<br />
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong><br />
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Contact Us<br />
Useful contact details for this<br />
magazine, CAMRA and other<br />
important things…<br />
Mine’s a <strong>Pint</strong> Circulation: 3,000.<br />
Outlets: Over 70 across the region.<br />
Editor: Phil Gill<br />
editor@readingcamra.org.uk<br />
0771 <strong>45</strong>5 0293<br />
81 Addison Road, Reading, RG1 8EG<br />
Magazine published on behalf of<br />
Reading and Mid Berkshire CAMRA<br />
by:<br />
Neil Richards MBE at Matelot<br />
Marketing<br />
01536 358670 / 07710 281381<br />
n.richards@btinternet.com<br />
Printed by Portland Printers, Bartley<br />
Drive, Kettering,<br />
Northants, NN16 8UN.<br />
01536 511555<br />
Reading & Mid Berkshire CAMRA<br />
www.readingcamra.org.uk<br />
Social Secretary: Chris Hinton<br />
social@readingcamra.org.uk<br />
Contact for all other branch matters:<br />
Katrina Fletcher<br />
contact@readingcamra.org.uk<br />
0779 401 9437<br />
Local Trading Standards<br />
Reading Borough Council:<br />
www.reading.gov.uk 0118 937 3737<br />
West Berkshire Council:<br />
www.westberks.gov.uk 01635 519930<br />
Royal Borough of Windsor &<br />
Maidenhead:<br />
www.rbwm.gov.uk 01628 683800<br />
Wokingham Borough Council:<br />
www.wokingham.gov.uk 0118 974<br />
6400<br />
The next issue of Mine’s a <strong>Pint</strong> will<br />
be published in early June. Please feel<br />
free to submit any copy or ideas by<br />
7 th May.<br />
The opinions expressed in Mine’s a <strong>Pint</strong><br />
are not necessarily those of the editor or<br />
the Campaign for Real Ale. © Campaign<br />
for Real Ale 2018.
From The Editor<br />
There’s been so much happening lately<br />
but I need to start with a big thank you<br />
to Katrina for being guest editor for the<br />
December issue. It was a period of a lot<br />
of uncertainty for the branch and you<br />
did a superb job!<br />
Late last year we had a crisis where there<br />
weren’t enough CAMRA volunteers<br />
to keep the Reading & Mid Berkshire<br />
branch going. After our AGM we<br />
were lacking a chairman along with<br />
ten other important posts. That’s not<br />
a sustainable position for a CAMRA<br />
branch and, if drastic action hadn’t<br />
been taken, the branch would have been<br />
dissolved and the territory divided up<br />
among other neighbouring branches.<br />
Nobody wanted that, not least because<br />
it would mean an end to much of our<br />
local campaigning activity like the Ale<br />
Trail, LocAle scheme, Pub of the Year<br />
and Beer Festival, not to mention this<br />
magazine.<br />
So what was to be done? Basically send<br />
a plea for help to our branch members<br />
and hope that some would step up<br />
to help. And step up they did. At an<br />
emergency “Save the Branch” meeting in<br />
early December over 35 people attended<br />
and most of our vacant roles were filled.<br />
A few weeks later, and after a bit of<br />
behind the scenes activity, we had a full<br />
organising committee for the first time<br />
in many years.<br />
A massive thank you to everybody<br />
who stepped forward to volunteer.<br />
In particular to Arthur Pounder and<br />
Royce Longton who offered to co-chair<br />
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong><br />
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the branch, and to Martin Hoare who<br />
volunteered as vice-Chairman. This was<br />
a massive step and we looked forward<br />
to a much more positive 2018.<br />
Fast forward to the end of January and<br />
we were shocked to learn that Arthur,<br />
our new co-chairman, had passed<br />
away in a tragic accident. In the short<br />
time that Arfs had been in post he had<br />
shown a keenness to learn about branch<br />
activities and a desire to move things<br />
forward. Those actions will now be<br />
taken forward by Royce, Martin and<br />
the rest of the branch committee. We’ve<br />
also recently welcomed James Moore as<br />
co-chairman.<br />
So there’s been a huge amount going<br />
on at a local level, and that’s before<br />
we’ve even started to think about<br />
CAMRA nationally. It’s a crucial time<br />
for CAMRA, one of the most important<br />
and pivotal points since the campaign<br />
was formed in 1971.<br />
Contents<br />
PUB & BREWERY NEWS 8-17<br />
SMALL BEER 19-22<br />
ALE TRAIL NOW ON 26-27<br />
The proposals from the Revitalisation<br />
Project have recently been published<br />
and will be voted on at the Members’<br />
Weekend in April, which will set the<br />
focus and direction for the campaign<br />
for many years to come. It’s the chance<br />
for all CAMRA members to think about<br />
“What is CAMRA for?” and vote for<br />
the direction they want the campaign to<br />
take. Every member has a vote and you<br />
can read more about the proposals in<br />
this magazine.<br />
Just a few days after the Members’<br />
Weekend is the May Day Bank Holiday<br />
weekend, the traditional time to enjoy<br />
the Reading Beer and Cider Festival. It’s<br />
no secret that the festival lost money last<br />
year and, as a result, CAMRA HQ are<br />
rightly taking a much keener interest in<br />
the finances this time. There are a number<br />
of measures that have been put in place<br />
to de-risk the festival and we hope that<br />
they will be successful. Budget approval<br />
was received from HQ just before we<br />
went to press so make sure you head to<br />
Christchurch Meadows in Caversham<br />
on 3 – 6 May to show your support for<br />
what is one of the premier beer festivals<br />
in the country. It’s run entirely by<br />
volunteers and yet many people say that<br />
it looks more professional than many<br />
commercial events.<br />
Katrina said in the last issue “We don’t<br />
know what the future holds, but it’s in<br />
your hands.” That’s as true now as it has<br />
been at any point in CAMRA’s lifetime.<br />
I think we’ve all earned a beer! Cheers!<br />
Phil Gill - Editor<br />
editor@readingcamra.org.uk<br />
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong><br />
CAMRA Revitalisation<br />
CAMRA’s Revitalisation Project is the<br />
biggest review into the organisation’s<br />
purpose, vision and mission conducted<br />
in its 47 year history. Now it’s time for<br />
members to take the decision on the<br />
changes recommended by CAMRA’s<br />
volunteer leadership.<br />
This review of CAMRA’s function<br />
and purpose has been going on since<br />
2016 and the proposals from the<br />
Revitalisation working group have now<br />
been published. This root and branch<br />
review of the organisation’s purpose and<br />
objectives has now culminated in the<br />
National Executive proposing changes<br />
to CAMRA’s Articles of Association.<br />
They will be voted on at the CAMRA<br />
Members’ Weekend to be held in<br />
Coventry from 20 - 22 April.<br />
Because of the importance of the<br />
proposals – they will set the future<br />
direction of CAMRA for many years to<br />
come – they are being proposed as Special<br />
Resolutions rather than as Conference<br />
Resolutions. The distinctions are subtle<br />
but very important.<br />
In short:<br />
• Special Resolutions are binding on<br />
the National Executive whereas<br />
Conference Resolutions are not.<br />
• Proxy voting is enabled for Special<br />
Resolutions, meaning that every<br />
CAMRA member has an equal<br />
voice in the decision.<br />
• Special Resolutions requite 75%<br />
of those voting to be in favour in<br />
order to be carried – it’s not just a<br />
simple majority like for Conference<br />
Resolutions.<br />
The wording for the Special Resolutions<br />
is being published following the deadline<br />
for submission on February 16. All<br />
Special Resolutions are also published<br />
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in the March issue of What’s Brewing,<br />
CAMRA’s newspaper.<br />
Full details are available at www.<br />
revitalisationdecision.camra.org.uk<br />
and I’d strongly encourage all CAMRA<br />
members to have a thorough read of<br />
the proposals there. A series of regional<br />
briefing meetings have been held –<br />
locally there was one held in Henley in<br />
February – and in summary what’s being<br />
proposed falls under several headings:<br />
BEER<br />
• Real ale remains core to CAMRA’s<br />
campaigning.<br />
• CAMRA’s representation widens to<br />
include all pub goers and drinkers<br />
of quality beer.<br />
• CAMRA’s scope widens to include<br />
quality beer of all types.<br />
• Real cider and perry remains core to<br />
CAMRA’s activities.<br />
• Cider and perry are explicitly<br />
mentioned in CAMRA’s Articles of<br />
Association.<br />
ON-TRADE<br />
• The definition of the on-trade outlets<br />
CAMRA supports is widened.<br />
• CAMRA will campaign for and<br />
promote all on-trade venues where<br />
quality beer, cider and perry is sold,<br />
not just traditional pubs and clubs.<br />
• CAMRA will not extend its current<br />
support of the off-trade.
• Education and knowledge will<br />
be put at the heart of CAMRA’s<br />
membership benefits.<br />
• Positive alcohol and health<br />
campaigning will be added into the<br />
organisation’s objectives.<br />
• Objectives will be added to recruit<br />
discerning beer, cider and perry<br />
drinkers into membership and give<br />
them access to information and<br />
education resources to introduce<br />
them to the best quality beers,<br />
including real ale, cider and perry.<br />
• Increasing the quality of real ale,<br />
cider and perry, not just promoting<br />
their consumption.<br />
• Promote the benefits of moderate<br />
social drinking.<br />
• Build positive alcohol and health<br />
campaigning into objectives.<br />
HOW DO I VOTE?<br />
Voting as part of CAMRA’s AGM can be<br />
carried out remotely – via proxy voting<br />
– which allows members who cannot<br />
attend the meeting to make their views<br />
known. You will be able to register for<br />
a proxy vote at the start of March, with<br />
reminders and a proxy voting form sent<br />
out to all members ahead of the voting<br />
opening. Members who attend the<br />
meeting in Coventry in April will also be<br />
able to vote on the Special Resolutions<br />
and if they have already registered a<br />
proxy vote, will have the opportunity to<br />
change their vote if required.<br />
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong><br />
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We all care for the future of CAMRA<br />
but there’s a wide divergence of opinion<br />
about what direction the campaign<br />
should take in future. Some believe the<br />
battle for real ale has been won and the<br />
focus should move to pub protection.<br />
Others feel that real ale in cask should<br />
remain the absolute focus of the<br />
campaign and should not be diluted.<br />
Others yet think that the campaign<br />
should embrace good quality craft beers<br />
to avoid being seen as irrelevant in the<br />
future.<br />
Consultation with the membership<br />
as part of the process suggests that<br />
some members may choose to leave<br />
the campaign if it changes, but equally<br />
that other members may also choose to<br />
leave the campaign if it doesn’t change.<br />
Whether the proposals are accepted or<br />
rejected it seems certain that there will<br />
be a re-focus of CAMRA’s membership<br />
and activities, with a much greater<br />
clarity over CAMRA’s purpose and<br />
direction of travel.<br />
Whatever you think, it’s really important<br />
that you make your views known and<br />
register to vote.<br />
Phil Gill
Pub & Brewery News<br />
Pub News<br />
CALCOT<br />
Marstons have applied for planning<br />
permission to build a new pubrestaurant<br />
on the junction of the A4<br />
and Dorking Way, directly opposite<br />
the IKEA retail park. The plans for this<br />
food-led pub also include 28 homes, as<br />
the land is listed as a housing site in West<br />
Berkshire Council’s plan. If approved<br />
this development will be a big boost for<br />
the area and provide a much-needed<br />
community focus, after the closure of all<br />
the other pubs in the local area over the<br />
last few years.<br />
a great way to buy and sell all your<br />
motoring spare parts hoarded away in<br />
your shed! Gates will open at 8am to<br />
set up stalls, finishing up at 11:30am.<br />
If the Autojumble is successful it will be<br />
repeated through the summer.<br />
The monthly pub quiz returns to the<br />
ALEHOUSE in Broad Street after a long<br />
hiatus. Starting at 8pm on the second<br />
Monday of each month and benefiting<br />
the pub’s favourite charities. The<br />
winning team set the next quiz.<br />
The FLOWING SPRING is going to host<br />
its first outdoor hippy music festival.<br />
Inspired by the classic Woodstock of<br />
1969, “Springstock” will have live music<br />
all afternoon and evening plus outdoor<br />
food, an outside bar and various stalls<br />
– all hippy style, so they encourage you<br />
to dress up! The festival will be held on<br />
Saturday 2 June with camping available<br />
on the Saturday night. The line-up of<br />
live bands is currently being finalised<br />
and, once that’s done, tickets will be<br />
available from the pub and online.<br />
The pub garden is also hosting several<br />
other events this year. The Classic Car<br />
and Bike Breakfast Club returns for<br />
its third year on the second Sunday of<br />
each month from 8 April, running from<br />
9:30 to 11:30am. And, for all motor<br />
enthusiasts, there’s an Autojumble on<br />
Sunday 15 April. The Autojumble is<br />
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong><br />
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As many of you have noticed, the<br />
Castle Street bar formerly known<br />
as Public Reading (and before that<br />
Rynd, The Litten Tree, Dogma, Evissa,<br />
French’s, Applejacks, Holy Rumes,<br />
Whispers and quite possibly some other<br />
incarnations that we’ve overlooked)<br />
has been acquired by Scottish craft beer
ehemoths BREWDOG, who promptly<br />
draped a mega-banner over the front of<br />
the building advising Reading that there<br />
was “hope for the hopless”. Certain<br />
other local pubs may disagree with<br />
that statement, but there’s no doubt<br />
there’s a sizeable audience locally for<br />
the BrewDog style of offering. Brewdog<br />
Reading will feature 20 taps of their own<br />
and guest beers, with burgers and wings<br />
on the food menu. The photo shows the<br />
bar under refurbishment and it’s due to<br />
open on 16 March.<br />
Fans of live music should make sure<br />
they check out the BUTLER’s listings, as<br />
live music is scheduled every Friday and<br />
Saturday night at this Chatham Street<br />
pub. facebook.com/thebutlerpub<br />
Local drinkers have been enjoying<br />
some great meet the brewer and tap<br />
takeover evenings in recent weeks. On<br />
8 February the CASTLE TAP in Castle<br />
Street played host to the brewers from<br />
the Tap Social Movement in Oxford,<br />
while the following week Bath’s Electric<br />
Bear brewery took over the handpumps<br />
in Greyfriars Road at the GREYFRIAR.<br />
Pete Lea is the new manager of the<br />
PHEASANT at the top of Southampton<br />
Street. He has no real ale but has bottled<br />
ale (Doom Bar, Pride and Bombardier).<br />
The long-term intention is to put on<br />
some real ale. Why not pop in and say<br />
hello? This is an area that has lost many<br />
pubs over the last few years (Cambridge<br />
Arms, Woodley Arms, Wellington Arms,<br />
Red Lion, Red Cow) so this one is quite<br />
the survivor.<br />
Talking of the RED COW, planning<br />
applications have been submitted for<br />
extensions and change of use to allow<br />
for a restaurant on the ground floor and<br />
three flats on the upper floor. It’s been<br />
closed for years and appears to be in a<br />
poor state so this is probably a positive<br />
move.<br />
The BALI LOUNGE in Kings Road<br />
appears to have closed. Formerly the<br />
Warwick, this Greene King pub morphed<br />
over time into a Thai restaurant with<br />
a small bar. Earlier this year a notice<br />
on the door simply read “Closed unto<br />
further notices, Bye Bye Bali Lounge.”<br />
The BULL has been under new<br />
management since early October 2017<br />
– Borislav Minkov manages the pub<br />
as well as the Red Lion at Peppard<br />
Common. On offer are Shepherd Neame<br />
beers (Whitstable Bay and Master Brew)<br />
and there’s also a new menu. This is<br />
now the only pub in the village after the<br />
loss of the Dog & Partridge a few years<br />
back and is the only Sheps pub in our<br />
branch area.<br />
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong><br />
All change at the BELL AND BOTTLE.<br />
It’s a fond farewell from us to Mark and<br />
Chrissie East, who really pushed this pub<br />
forward during their tenure and made it<br />
a finalist in our last two Pub of the Year<br />
competitions. The new landlord is Nigel<br />
Lamb, a local CAMRA member who<br />
has previously run a pub in Bracknell<br />
and is promising to keep building on the<br />
good work at the Bell and Bottle.<br />
THEALE<br />
From our correspondent: “I visited the<br />
FALCON but the new owner still has a<br />
full-time job so I spoke with Alex, the<br />
manager. What a good change to this<br />
pub. It feels much brighter and they are<br />
certainly upping the ante on the beer<br />
side.<br />
They are now Cask Marque accredited.<br />
Sales have improved since they got rid<br />
of the two old stagers one of which<br />
was Courage Best (I think the other<br />
was Doom Bar). When I visited I was<br />
very pleased to see Harveys Best Bitter;<br />
Spitfire and Upham Punter on sale.<br />
Alex said that a fourth handpump is<br />
to be installed allowing them to have 4<br />
rotating beers from the Enterprise list.<br />
A nice idea is that when you buy a pint<br />
you get to see this list and can vote for<br />
which beer you want on next. One cider<br />
in a box will be available when they<br />
can find the shelf space for it (it will be<br />
cooled). They do Pieminister pies and<br />
Chinese dumplings; have a games room<br />
and a real fire. I was impressed.”<br />
The VOLUNTEER is still up for a new<br />
lease-holder but there have been no<br />
takers (apart from an interest shown by<br />
a certain local developer). Fuller’s may<br />
decide to sell if they can’t get a new<br />
landlord and then there’s no guarantee<br />
it would remain as a pub.<br />
Most of the pub news was collated by<br />
Quinten Taylor<br />
BEER<br />
...AT HOME<br />
Drink Rebellion cask ale<br />
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@RebellionBeer<br />
RebellionBeerCo<br />
Rebellion Beer Co. Ltd. Bencombe Farm, Marlow Bottom, SL7 3LT<br />
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong><br />
Here at Mine’s a <strong>Pint</strong> we’d like to offer<br />
our congratulations to Chris Bingham<br />
and Michelle Joyce on their recent<br />
marriage. It was a fantastic day with<br />
plenty of Binghams beer flowing, and<br />
Stout the brewery labradoodle (after<br />
whom Doodle Stout is named) made<br />
for an excellent ring-bearer! Pictured<br />
are Michelle and Chris with Stout on<br />
their big day. We all wish them every<br />
happiness.<br />
On the beer side, the latest 4.5% Hop<br />
Project to hit the shelves and pubs is<br />
Simco Columbus and is made with<br />
citrus and spicy hops from the USA.<br />
Also, V Old Ale is back. This lovely 5%<br />
ABV (hence the “V”) ale is dark, malty<br />
and fruity. To help those of you who<br />
are unfamiliar with Old Ale, here is<br />
CAMRA’s description:<br />
Old Ale recalls the type of beer brewed<br />
before the Industrial Revolution, stored<br />
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong><br />
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for months or even years in unlined<br />
wooden vessels known as tuns. The beer<br />
would pick up some lactic sourness as<br />
a result of wild yeasts, lactobacilli and<br />
tannins in the wood. The result was a<br />
beer dubbed ‘stale’ by drinkers: it was<br />
one of the components of the early,<br />
blended Porters. The style has reemerged<br />
in recent years, due primarily<br />
to the fame of Theakston’s Old Peculier,<br />
Gale’s Prize Old Ale and Thomas<br />
Hardy’s Ale, the last saved from oblivion<br />
by O’Hanlon’s Brewery in Devon. Old<br />
Ales, contrary to expectation, do not<br />
have to be especially strong: they can<br />
be no more than 4% alcohol, though<br />
the Gale’s and O’Hanlon’s versions<br />
are considerably stronger. Neither do<br />
they have to be dark: Old Ale can be<br />
pale and burst with lush sappy malt,<br />
tart fruit and spicy hop notes. Darker<br />
versions will have a more profound malt<br />
character with powerful hints of roasted<br />
grain, dark fruit, polished leather and<br />
fresh tobacco.<br />
The limited edition Scrum Five returned<br />
to mark the 6 Nations rugby. This 4%<br />
ABV beer is an English Style Best Bitter,<br />
brewed using a pack of 5 types of malted<br />
barley and wheat whilst 5 hops bind to<br />
provide the bitterness and aroma.<br />
After 12 months of research, Chiltern<br />
have launched their first ever Low
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong><br />
13<br />
Alcohol Beer. Codenamed<br />
Chiltern 1630, it’s 1.9% alcohol<br />
by volume and only brewed as a<br />
small trial batch. Using a precise<br />
blend of UK grown malt and<br />
hops, the beer combines a low<br />
alcohol content and the usual<br />
award winning flavour and<br />
quality that comes with Chiltern<br />
Brewery beers. It’s also the first<br />
beer in the Chiltern range to use<br />
their new pump clip design that will be<br />
used for limited run, trial brews.<br />
Head Brewer, Tom Jenkinson, described<br />
the ale as having “a lovely mellow, nutty<br />
aroma. The flavours that come through<br />
are those of honey and marmalade – a<br />
rather splendid drop if I may say so!”<br />
The ale has initially been successfully<br />
trialled at a few select pubs and is now in<br />
the process of being made more widely<br />
available.<br />
In January, the brewery were chosen<br />
to represent their home county of<br />
Buckinghamshire as a “Tryanuary<br />
Champion”. Tryanuary is a nationwide<br />
event which was launched four years<br />
ago to support the independent beer<br />
industry during the traditionally<br />
difficult period of January, with its focus<br />
being on trying new beers. On the 25th<br />
of January, Chiltern Brewery joined<br />
forces with West Berkshire Brewery to<br />
showcase the best of local, independent<br />
breweries across Bucks, Berkshire and<br />
Oxfordshire on social media.<br />
Throughout spring, Chiltern have an<br />
exciting range of their award-winning<br />
beers lined up for CAMRA members<br />
to enjoy. Their first beer of the season,<br />
called Pride of Bucks & Berks, is a charity<br />
beer with smooth roasted malt flavours.<br />
Chiltern then plan to release their Nut<br />
Brown Mild (smooth & chocolatey)<br />
and Colombian Coffee Porter (dark<br />
mocha flavours) beers in April, with<br />
the CAMRA favourite Cobblestones<br />
(golden with hints of blackcurrant)<br />
featuring in May. Full details of the<br />
beers, including release dates, can be<br />
found at www.chilternbrewery.co.uk .<br />
You can also keep up to date by liking<br />
them on Facebook, “chilternbrewery”,<br />
or following their Twitter account, @<br />
ChilternBrewery.<br />
Chiltern have asked us to pass on their<br />
express thanks for CAMRA’s support<br />
to date, and look forward to enjoying a<br />
glass of real ale with CAMRA members<br />
throughout 2018. Tom said: “without<br />
the invaluable ongoing support we<br />
experience from both CAMRA and<br />
CAMRA members, particularly their<br />
enthusiastic and knowledgeable<br />
feedback, we would have struggled<br />
to have achieved so much as a small<br />
independent brewery”.<br />
Towards the end of last year this historic<br />
Oxfordshire brewery attained global<br />
status when its Red Rye beer was named<br />
as the World’s Best Speciality Beer at<br />
the World Beer Awards 2017. Across<br />
all rounds of the contest, Red Rye beat<br />
almost 2,000 others ales from across the<br />
world to achieve the title.<br />
A special blend of hops and malts go<br />
into this 4.7% ABV rich, red and fruity<br />
ale. A combination of Maris Otter, Pale<br />
Ale Malt, Crystal Malt, Crystal Rye,<br />
Enzymic Malt and Wheat Malt, working
with the fruitiness from Willamette,<br />
Sovereign, Citra, Amarillo and Chinook<br />
hops. Sweet, dark fruits and a hint of<br />
citrus are on the nose with rich fruit,<br />
dates and raisins balanced with citrus in<br />
the taste. It’s available in cask, keg and<br />
330ml bottles.<br />
James Clarke, Managing Director and<br />
brewer said:<br />
“We work incredibly hard each day to<br />
produce the finest quality beer and to be<br />
recognised on a global scale is a fantastic<br />
achievement for everyone involved. Red<br />
Rye was one of the first brews that we<br />
did in our pilot plant which allows us to<br />
experiment and push the boundaries so<br />
to see it recognised in this way is great.”<br />
Hook Norton has also launched a<br />
partnership with Warwick Racecourse<br />
that will see racegoers able to enjoy a<br />
range of the brewery’s ales during race<br />
meetings. There will also be “Meet<br />
the Brewer” and other events such<br />
as product launches and hospitality<br />
functions at the racecourse, as part of<br />
the agreement. Racing takes place on<br />
weekdays and weekends, and afternoons<br />
and evenings, from September to May.<br />
If you fancy visiting<br />
the brewery itself, you<br />
can now enjoy the new<br />
Malthouse Kitchen<br />
restaurant which is in the<br />
original maltings building.<br />
It’s been restored back to<br />
its original look with red<br />
brick walls, ironwork and wooden floors,<br />
and offers a café style menu featuring<br />
freshly prepared local, traditional food<br />
at breakfast and lunchtime.<br />
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong><br />
14<br />
Many of the dishes include Hook<br />
Norton’s award winning ale – e.g Old<br />
Hooky Steak & Ale Pie, Buttered Toast<br />
and Hooky Gold Marmalade. There’s<br />
a full range of teas and hand ground<br />
coffee along with homemade cakes and<br />
pastries. Plus, of course, a bar serving a<br />
good range of Hook Norton ales from<br />
cask, keg and bottles.<br />
Customers can also visit the free<br />
brewery museum, browse around the<br />
expanded brewery shop or pop round to<br />
the stables and visit the shire horses.<br />
LODDON<br />
NOTUS American Pale Ale has proven<br />
so popular as a seasonal that it will<br />
now be available all year long. Packed<br />
with Citra hops, this 4.7% ABV beer is<br />
tropical and perfectly balanced. It has
already won<br />
a number of<br />
awards and<br />
looks set to<br />
become a firm<br />
favourite with<br />
drinkers.<br />
The brewery are<br />
big supporters of<br />
rugby and this year they celebrated the<br />
Six Nations championship with 6 Pack.<br />
Returning for its second year, this best<br />
bitter is packed with 6 hop varieties and<br />
6 malts. At 4.2% ABV, 6 Pack makes<br />
a great session ale and offers drinkers<br />
a complex, nutty taste with a smooth,<br />
balanced hoppiness.<br />
specials on tap, along with a full range<br />
of bottles that you can drink-in or take<br />
away. In addition there’s a range of<br />
“specially curated” spirits, wines, soft<br />
drinks and snacks. It’s advertised as<br />
family friendly and dog friendly, and open<br />
12-8 on Fridays and 12-7 on Saturdays.<br />
The no. 3 (Reading to Wokingham) and<br />
3b (Reading to Bracknell) buses run past<br />
the site – you’ll need the Hogwood Lane<br />
Industrial Estate stop.<br />
The popular Open Nights at the<br />
brewery are held on the first Tuesday<br />
of every month (public) and on the<br />
second Tuesday for members only. See<br />
rebellionbeer.co.uk/brewery-tours for<br />
more details. Barbecue specials for the<br />
year have been announced with each<br />
month offering a different special in<br />
addition to the regular menu. In March<br />
there’s a lamb Yorkshire pudding wrap<br />
and in April chicken fajitas, while May<br />
sees lamb koftas on offer.<br />
With last year’s expansion under their<br />
belt, the tasting room and bottle shop<br />
are now open at Siren Craft, and<br />
brewery tours are on offer.<br />
The Tap Yard is the brewery bar,<br />
showcasing a selection of core beers and<br />
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong><br />
15<br />
Image from Siren Craft Brew<br />
Brewery tours run on the first Saturday<br />
of each month. In their words: “We’re<br />
delighted to invite you to our brewery<br />
for some scheduled tours and tastings.<br />
We’ll show you around our modest home<br />
in Finchampstead and introduce the<br />
brewing process, some of the equipment<br />
we use and the stories behind some of<br />
our most loved beers. The tour is split<br />
over two sites on the industrial estate,<br />
before finishing up in the Tap Yard – our<br />
brand new tasting room. Here you’ll<br />
sample 4 fresh beers, straight from the<br />
source.” Go to sirencraftbrew.com for<br />
details and to book tickets.<br />
The Tap Yard was host to a Barrel<br />
Aged Beer and Cheese Tasting event<br />
in February, where beers from the<br />
extensive barrel store were paired with a
great selection of cheeses from Reading’s<br />
very own Grumpy Goat. The beers were<br />
planned to include:<br />
Old Fashioned – Bourbon Barrel Aged<br />
Barley Wine<br />
Odyssey 008 – Dark Belgian Inspired<br />
Blend<br />
Summer Encore – Double IPA aged in<br />
Gin Barrels<br />
Barrel Aged Shattered Dream – Imperial<br />
Breakfast Stout aged in Bourbon Barrels.<br />
Old Fashioned is Siren’s take on the the<br />
Bourbon whiskey cocktail originally<br />
mixed in Louisville, Kentucky in 1881.<br />
The 11% ABV beer ages Barley Wine in<br />
bourbon barrels for 12 months. During<br />
the year’s ageing, Old Fashioned picks<br />
up a well-rounded bourbon profile, with<br />
some vanilla and caramel sweetness.<br />
Siren suggest a classic zest to serve, with<br />
Bitters optional! The RRP is £4.80 per<br />
330ml bottle.<br />
From the start of February, Siren Craft<br />
beers have been permanently available<br />
on cask across all Draft House bars<br />
in London. The nearest one to us is at<br />
Paddington Basin (near Edgeware Road<br />
tube stations). There will always be at<br />
least one rotating Siren cask available<br />
at each of the 13 Draft House venues,<br />
together with keg and bottle offerings.<br />
Finally, look out for an anniversary party<br />
on Saturday 17 March. Go to www.<br />
sirencraftbrew.com for more details.<br />
As the closest brewery to Windsor Castle,<br />
it’s natural that Windsor and Eton<br />
should brew a royal beer to celebrate<br />
Harry & Meghan<br />
tying the knot.<br />
Called Harry<br />
& Meghan’s<br />
Windsor Knot,<br />
the new beer is<br />
a special limited<br />
edition of the<br />
best-selling Windsor Knot which was<br />
first brewed for the marriage of Harry’s<br />
brother, William. Just like the original<br />
Windsor Knot, this pale ale will be<br />
the only royal wedding beer brewed in<br />
Windsor.<br />
The new beer was inspired by the couple’s<br />
first public appearance together at the<br />
Invictus Games in Toronto last year.<br />
It uses a special blend of British hops<br />
called Invicta in recognition of Prince<br />
Harry’s role in creating the Invictus<br />
Games, combined with some great<br />
American West Coast hops. As with all<br />
the brewery’s beers it uses barley grown<br />
locally on the Royal Farms in Windsor<br />
and, as a finishing touch, champagne<br />
yeast. Marrying these ingredients creates<br />
a new pale ale that is young, fresh and<br />
full of character.<br />
The beer will be available in both 330ml<br />
bottles at 4.5% ABV and in cask at<br />
4% ABV. The design on the bottle and<br />
pumpclip features a tie made out of the<br />
Union Jack and the Stars & Stripes,<br />
and also has two interlocking male and<br />
female symbols.<br />
Launch date for the new beer is w/c<br />
26 March with the first orders being<br />
shipped from 3 April.<br />
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong><br />
XT / ANIMAL<br />
After 6 years and<br />
brewing over 3 million<br />
pints, XT Brewery have<br />
announced a rebranding<br />
of their cask beer range<br />
from March. Following<br />
a very busy 2017 with<br />
significant investment in<br />
new brewing equipment<br />
and the new brewery tap<br />
room – XT have clearly<br />
shown a commitment<br />
to producing quality<br />
cask beer. The new look<br />
brings the beers bang up<br />
to date and will ensure the brand will<br />
continue to grow and appeal to both<br />
existing and new beer drinkers well into<br />
the future.<br />
For the real beer<br />
connoisseur, in limited<br />
availability is the XT<br />
Oak Aged Imperial<br />
Stout at 8.6% ABV<br />
– available in bottle<br />
conditioned, keg or<br />
cask form – with<br />
characteristics carried<br />
over from the sherry,<br />
brandy, whisky or rum<br />
casks in which they<br />
have been ageing for<br />
over 12 months. The<br />
casks will next be put<br />
to work storing a new<br />
strong Burton IPA, which will be kept<br />
for 12 months and develop some of the<br />
character of a true nineteenth century<br />
beer headed for the tables of the Raj.<br />
The Animal beers have continued to<br />
grow in popularity over the years and<br />
the first ever permanent Animal beer<br />
now joins the stable: Hopcat, a hyper<br />
hoppy pale ale at only 3.9% ABV has<br />
been selling fast. Packed with Citra and<br />
Cascade New World hops to excite your<br />
taste buds but with a low strength, it’s<br />
described as being “gentle on the head.”<br />
More Animals are still to come with<br />
the first being Tarsier. This 4.6% ABV<br />
Pacific Amber is packed with sweet<br />
malts and rye and crammed full of<br />
Rakau, Casade and Chinook, layered<br />
throughout the boil and during dry<br />
hopping. Malty, biscuity, toffee and<br />
raisin flavours are blended with bold<br />
passionfruit, grapefruit and citrus from<br />
the generous amount of hops. A slight<br />
roasty hint with a splash of tropical<br />
notes leaves a pleasant sweet and hoppy<br />
finish.<br />
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong><br />
Small Beer<br />
A round up of news and information<br />
award is a huge testament to the hard<br />
work of our brewing and bottling teams<br />
which are very dedicated to producing<br />
fantastic beers.”<br />
CAMRA’s National Director responsible<br />
for the competition Nick Boley said:<br />
“Congratulations to St Austell for<br />
winning the Champion Bottled Beer<br />
of Britain award, one of the highest<br />
accolades in the beer world.”<br />
Big Job from St Austell Brewery has<br />
been crowned the Champion Bottled<br />
Beer of Britain in CAMRA’s prestigious<br />
annual award which recognises the<br />
best bottle-conditioned real ale in the<br />
country. Runners up included Fullers’<br />
Vintage Ale which took home silver, and<br />
Oakham’s Green Devil IPA which won<br />
Bronze.<br />
Big Job is the big brother of the brewery’s<br />
popular ale Proper Job. At 7.2% ABV<br />
it’s powerfully hoppy with both citra<br />
and centennial hops, and is jammed full<br />
of Cornish barley. With a smooth, citrus<br />
fruit taste and a hoppy, lemon smell, it’s<br />
anything but subtle.<br />
Roger Ryman, Head Brewer at St Austell<br />
said:<br />
“In a market where there are so many<br />
fantastic beers available it is a huge<br />
honour to take home the crown. This<br />
Christine Cryne, master beer trainer and<br />
judge added:<br />
“The standard of competition was<br />
fantastically high. Big Job is a moreish,<br />
golden beer with honey caramelised<br />
citrus notes, refreshingly smooth with a<br />
warming finish with increasing spicy dry<br />
bitter notes and a soft fruity nose. We<br />
were particularly impressed with how<br />
well balanced it was – we were looking<br />
for a beer which showed the brewer’s art<br />
of complexity, and that just gave it the<br />
edge.”<br />
LOCAL?<br />
by Paul Ainsworth<br />
CAMRA is investigating the impact<br />
of changes to our pubs as the big pub<br />
owning companies react to the Pubs<br />
Code, put into force in 2016 after years<br />
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong><br />
of campaigning by licensee groups and<br />
CAMRA.<br />
In the last two years, the number of pubs<br />
run on traditional long-term tenancies<br />
has fallen, as some tenants are replaced<br />
by managers. Licensee campaigners<br />
are concerned that this may encourage<br />
management turnover, all to avoid pubs<br />
being covered by the Code. The impact<br />
on customers is less clear.<br />
Our Pub Campaigns Committee is<br />
looking, confidentially, for information.<br />
It is particularly interested to see if<br />
changes in management to pub company<br />
pubs result in more or less choice for<br />
pub-goers. Has your local pub increased<br />
or reduced its range of real ale and cider<br />
after a change of tenant? Or do you work<br />
in a pubco pub and have seen changes?<br />
The Committee would also like to know<br />
about any changes in prices and in the<br />
quality of the beer being served.<br />
Please send information to the<br />
Committee’s Chair, Paul Ainsworth –<br />
paul.ainsworth@camra.org.uk<br />
The 8th edition of the Good Beer Guide<br />
Belgium is now available to pre-order<br />
through the CAMRA shop at a special<br />
advance price of £11.99.<br />
This book is an indispensible companion<br />
for anyone visiting or living in Belgium.<br />
A complete guide to the world of<br />
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong><br />
20<br />
Belgian beer,<br />
it’s packed with<br />
information<br />
on breweries,<br />
beers and bars<br />
from around<br />
the country. It<br />
also features<br />
comprehensive<br />
advice on<br />
getting there,<br />
what to eat,<br />
where to stay<br />
and how to bring the best of Belgium’s<br />
beer offering back home with you.<br />
The guide contains full-colour provinceby-province<br />
maps and detailed city maps<br />
with bar locations and includes details<br />
of over 800 bars, cafés and beer shops.<br />
Tim Webb and Joe Stange are the coauthors.<br />
Tim has written the seven<br />
previous editions of the Good Beer<br />
Guide Belgium and is one of the world’s<br />
best-known beer writers. His “World<br />
Atlas of Beer” and “Pocket Beer Book”,<br />
co-authored with Stephen Beaumont,<br />
has appeared in more than a dozen<br />
editions worldwide. Joe is a freelance<br />
journalist whose writing has appeared<br />
in the New York Times and All About<br />
Beer magazine, among others. He cowrote<br />
the last edition of the Good<br />
Beer Guide Belgium with Tim Webb. A<br />
former resident of Belgium, he now lives<br />
in Germany.<br />
Publication date is 16 April and preorder<br />
copies will be dispatched hot off<br />
the press. Visit shop.camra.org.uk to<br />
secure your copy today.
2018 MEMBERS’<br />
CAMRA’s annual members’ weekend<br />
assumes even greater importance this<br />
year because it will see key decisions<br />
made about the proposals from the<br />
Revitalisation Project. This will set the<br />
future direction of the campaign and<br />
there are strongly-held views on both<br />
sides.<br />
The event will be held at Warwick<br />
University next April. For those not<br />
familiar with the area, Warwick<br />
University is not in Warwick at all, but<br />
on the south side of Coventry (and not to<br />
be confused with Coventry University).<br />
It is easily reached by a frequent bus<br />
service from Pool Meadow bus station,<br />
or the railway station. The conference<br />
itself will be in Butterworth Hall, a<br />
world-class concert hall. The Members’<br />
Bar will be in the nearby Students Union<br />
building.<br />
An event like this requires quite a few<br />
volunteer staff. The organisers need<br />
people to work in the bar area, as<br />
“Meeters & Greeters” and tellers. If<br />
you’re interested in helping out, please<br />
see the advert in this issue.<br />
And if you can’t attend, make sure<br />
that you register your proxy vote in<br />
advance. There are more details of the<br />
Revitalisation proposals elsewhere in<br />
this magazine and it’s really important<br />
that as many members as possible have<br />
their say.<br />
Please see agm.camra.org.uk.<br />
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong><br />
Beer with food,<br />
or food with beer?<br />
Pubs serving food is, of course, not a<br />
new idea – they have been doing it for<br />
centuries. There were the coaching inns<br />
which provided refreshment for weary<br />
travellers; there were the larger pubs<br />
which had restaurants and then there<br />
were the simple boozers which offered<br />
a sandwich or a pie. However, with the<br />
recent changes in our drinking habits<br />
many more pubs are now concentrating<br />
on food over beer and it is not unusual<br />
to see what was once a little country<br />
pub being transformed into a gastro<br />
experience with high quality menus and<br />
quite often celebrity chefs. There are<br />
several within the Thames Valley and<br />
quite a few with Michelin ratings.<br />
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong><br />
23<br />
The first thing to say about this style of<br />
pub is that it is still open and trading<br />
even though it has changed dramatically<br />
from its original persona. Some of these<br />
establishments have gone over to food<br />
almost in total and it is really quite hard<br />
to get a beer in many of them. Others<br />
have, thankfully, kept a small bar area<br />
for drinkers who can either pop in for<br />
a pint or have a drink before heading to<br />
the restaurant for lunch or dinner.<br />
Other old pubs have been converted to<br />
specialist dining venues such as Thai or<br />
Indian restaurants and those pubs are<br />
now considered as lost although it has<br />
to be said that there are a large number<br />
of pubs which now offer oriental style<br />
food in the bar alongside the real ale.<br />
This is fine as long as the drinker is not<br />
discriminated against and has trouble<br />
finding a table which is not set out for<br />
dining.<br />
Then there are the large pub chains<br />
which these days offer an extensive<br />
menu which tries to cater for all tastes<br />
and are geared up for families (a huge<br />
growth market since the days when kids<br />
were not allowed in pubs). The food is<br />
generally provided by national catering<br />
suppliers and the menus often appear<br />
to mimic each other (curry nights / fish<br />
nights / steak nights etc.).<br />
However, these pubs do have their place<br />
and most of them will offer a cask ale<br />
or two. Many of these new outlets are<br />
being built from scratch and often have
accommodation alongside and they are<br />
springing up all over the land at a steady<br />
rate, while we note the closure of many<br />
traditional pubs often owned by the<br />
same companies.<br />
Food advertising for pubs is often a<br />
source of amusement or sometimes<br />
bewilderment! “Home-cooked food”<br />
– does that simply mean that somebody<br />
has opened the catering pack and<br />
followed the cooking instructions, or<br />
does it actually mean that each dish is<br />
carefully sourced, prepared and freshly<br />
cooked to order? “Pub Grub” used<br />
to be a common term but again what<br />
does it mean? Have you ever driven or<br />
walked past a pub which has an “A”<br />
board outside advertising for a chef?<br />
Well, no point in trying to eat in there if<br />
they haven’t got a cook! Quite often, in<br />
days past, the husband would look after<br />
the bar and cellar while the wife did the<br />
cooking. Today, it would appear that<br />
there are a greater number of male chefs<br />
in the pub kitchen than ever before.<br />
substantial meals or snacks. You can’t<br />
beat a good pub with great beer and a<br />
selection of rolls or sarnies! You often<br />
don’t want a four-course dinner, but a<br />
cheese and onion bap will help soak up<br />
the ale and keep you going for a while!<br />
So, while it is always sad to see so many<br />
pubs closing down we have to give credit<br />
to the ones which have changed their<br />
trading style; kept a bar for drinkers and<br />
provided good quality food and beer for<br />
all to enjoy. They will, of course, not be<br />
to everyone’s taste but many of them<br />
have brought new trade to the pub and<br />
as long as the locals are not pushed out<br />
then this may well be the way forward<br />
for many Great British Pubs.<br />
Dave McKerchar<br />
Looking at the beer side, well it does<br />
seem to be a general rule that if you<br />
have good quality dining, then there’s<br />
a good chance that the beer will be<br />
good as well. In the Reading area there<br />
are fine examples of pubs which may<br />
otherwise have closed, being converted<br />
into restaurants with bars where there<br />
is a very good selection of ales kept in<br />
excellent condition.<br />
As for the old style boozers which often<br />
provided a bar snack or “Pub Grub<br />
/ ”Inn Food” as it was often called –<br />
there are still a good number of these<br />
still going strong and many do offer<br />
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong><br />
Reading Beer & Cider<br />
Festival<br />
Thursday 3 May to Sunday 6 May 2018,<br />
Christchurch Meadows<br />
Here’s what to expect<br />
from this year’s festival.<br />
First of all it’s easy to find, and simple<br />
to get to from the station. The new<br />
pedestrian and cycle bridge over the<br />
Thames makes things simple and,<br />
for those of you using the mapping<br />
directions on a smartphone, the magic<br />
numbers for Christchurch Meadows are<br />
RG4 8DH.<br />
wines. All served from the longest bar<br />
in the county (and possibly the country).<br />
There will be traditional pub games,<br />
tombola, a quiz on Thursday evening,<br />
live music Friday and Saturday, and<br />
children’s entertainments and Morris<br />
Dancers on the Sunday.<br />
The format will be largely unchanged<br />
from last year with a huge range of real<br />
ale, cider and perry, a good selection of<br />
foreign bottled beers, English white and<br />
fizzy wines, mead and British country<br />
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong><br />
25<br />
Food is available at all times. There are<br />
never any guarantees about the weather<br />
of course, but should the delivery of<br />
sunshine go as planned you can enjoy it<br />
in our massive beer garden.<br />
The beer festival is run entirely by unpaid<br />
volunteers. It’s a great deal of fun, and<br />
if you’re a CAMRA member and fancy<br />
popping along to help out (and get free<br />
entry!) volunteering forms are available<br />
on the website: readingbeerfestival.org.<br />
Friday 4 May<br />
11:00 to 23:00<br />
Saturday 5 May (afternoon)<br />
11:00 to 16:30<br />
Saturday 5 May (evening)<br />
18:00 to 23:00<br />
Sunday 6 May<br />
12:00 to 20:00<br />
Tickets will be on sale via our website.<br />
For prices, details of the ticket packages<br />
and any other information please check<br />
the website.<br />
Once again the Saturday will be split<br />
into two sessions and opening times are<br />
planned to be:<br />
Thursday 3 May<br />
16:30 to 23:00<br />
We look forward to having a pint (or<br />
maybe two) with you all. Cheers!<br />
Adapted from an original article by<br />
Dave Scott, Festival Organiser<br />
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong><br />
Arthur Pounder<br />
It is with great sadness that the committee<br />
of Reading and Mid Berkshire CAMRA<br />
announce that Arthur Pounder, our<br />
recently elected co-chairman, suddenly<br />
passed away in January 2018.<br />
Arthur stepped up to the plate to fill a<br />
key committee role at our recent “Save<br />
the Branch” emergency meeting. In<br />
the short time he was co-chairman<br />
he showed energy and leadership.<br />
He started to revitalise the branch<br />
and worked to remove procedural<br />
obstacles to the Reading Beer Festival.<br />
The really high attendance at the last<br />
branch meeting – some 35 people – is<br />
a testament to this.<br />
As well as his branch work Arfs worked<br />
at many beer festivals. With Scott Nichol<br />
he had been joint organiser of the trade<br />
session at Reading for six years. He<br />
was chief steward at Maidenhead and<br />
Ealing. He also worked on many other<br />
festivals including the annual charity<br />
beer festival at Twyford.<br />
We offer our condolences to his family<br />
and friends. We will miss him.<br />
Martin Hoare<br />
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong><br />
Ale Trail, Now On<br />
Every spring sees hundreds of people<br />
getting out and about and enjoying the<br />
pubs on the Reading & Mid Berkshire<br />
Ale Trail. Helpfully starting just after<br />
the end of Dry January – although<br />
unless you really want your local pub<br />
to close down, we suggest you steer<br />
well clear of that and aim for Tryanuary<br />
instead – the trail consists of 24 pubs<br />
and appeals to anybody who enjoys<br />
a drink, anybody who likes exploring<br />
the area and anybody that just likes to<br />
“collect the full set”.<br />
Late last year there was a strong<br />
possibility of our CAMRA branch being<br />
dissolved owing to a lack of volunteers<br />
and, if that had happened, the Ale Trail<br />
would have been the first high profile<br />
casualty. Thankfully several CAMRA<br />
members stepped up to fill vacant roles<br />
and to save the branch, and the Ale Trail<br />
is now very much in full swing.<br />
The idea is simple. Pick up a booklet<br />
for a pound from either the Nags Head<br />
or Retreat in Reading, or the Fox and<br />
Hounds in Caversham. Enjoy a load of<br />
great trips out to the participating pubs<br />
– you have until 4 April to complete it –<br />
and collect a sticker for every pint or half<br />
or real ale or real cider that you have.<br />
Then send in your completed booklet<br />
for the chance to win prizes including<br />
beer vouchers for the Reading Beer and<br />
Cider Festival, exclusive T shirts and<br />
entry to various prize draws.<br />
The 24 pubs are chosen to be a good<br />
mix of urban, suburban and rural<br />
destinations and to provide a good deal<br />
of variety from year to year. It’s not<br />
supposed to be our idea of the 24 best<br />
pubs in the area – that’s what the Good<br />
Beer Guide is for – but instead to give<br />
people the chance to experience a wide<br />
range of pubs that they might not have<br />
had the chance to visit before. You will<br />
always find our current branch Pub of<br />
the Year and Cider Pub of the Year on<br />
the list though. If you’re interested in the<br />
full selection criteria you can read them<br />
at readingcamra.org.uk/aletrail<br />
BELL, Waltham St Lawrence<br />
BELL & BOTTLE, Shinfield<br />
BIRD IN HAND, Henley<br />
BISCUIT TIN, Reading<br />
BLACK BOY, Shinfield<br />
BLACK HORSE, Emmer Green<br />
BULL, Theale<br />
CASTLE TAP, Reading<br />
ELDON ARMS, Reading<br />
FLOWER POT, Aston<br />
FORESTERS ARMS, Reading<br />
FOX & HOUNDS, Caversham<br />
FOX & HOUNDS, Theale<br />
FOX & HOUNDS, Tilehurst<br />
GOOD COMPANIONS, Woodley<br />
GREYFRIAR, Reading<br />
NAGS HEAD, Reading<br />
PACKHORSE, Mapledurham<br />
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong><br />
READING), Reading<br />
PRINCE OF WALES, Caversham<br />
RETREAT, Reading<br />
SHURLOCK INN, Shurlock Row<br />
VICTORIA, Tilehurst<br />
WAGGON & HORSES, Twyford<br />
Yes, there are three Fox and Houndses,<br />
so make sure that you put the right<br />
sticker on the right pub in your booklet!<br />
Have an excellent time on the trail, and<br />
please take the opportunity to send in<br />
your beer scores by visiting whatpub.<br />
com - this helps us gather more data<br />
about pubs and might even mean that<br />
your favourite pub gets into the Good<br />
Beer Guide next time.<br />
Phil Gill<br />
T: 01984 623798 • E: info@exmoorales.co.uk • www.exmoorales.co.uk<br />
Mine’s A <strong>Pint</strong>
Join up, join in,<br />
join the campaign<br />
From<br />
as little as<br />
£25 *<br />
a year. That’s less<br />
than a pint a<br />
month!<br />
Discover<br />
why we joined.<br />
camra.org.uk/<br />
members<br />
Join us, and together we can protect the traditions of great<br />
British pubs and everything that goes with them.<br />
Become part of the CAMRA community today – enjoy<br />
discounted entry to beer festivals and exclusive member<br />
offers. Learn about brewing and beer and join like-minded<br />
people supporting our campaigns to save pubs, clubs,<br />
your pint and more.<br />
Join the campaign today at<br />
www.camra.org.uk/joinup<br />
*Price for paying by Direct Debit and correct at 201. oncessionary rates available.<br />
Please visit camra.org.uk/membership-rates
Join up, join in,<br />
join the campaign<br />
From<br />
as little as<br />
£25 †<br />
a year. That’s less<br />
than a pint a<br />
month!<br />
Partner’s Details (if Joint Membership)<br />
Protect the traditions of great<br />
British pubs and everything that<br />
goes with them by joining today<br />
at www.camra.org.uk/joinup<br />
Or enter your details and complete the Direct Debit form below and you will receive<br />
15 months membership for the price of 12 and save £2 on your membership subscription<br />
Alternatively you can send a cheque payable to CAMRA Ltd with your completed form,<br />
visit www.camra.org.uk/joinus, or call 01727 798440.* All forms should be addressed to<br />
Membership Department, CAMRA, 230 Hatfield Road, St Albans, AL1 4LW.<br />
Your details:<br />
Direct Debit<br />
Single Membership £25<br />
Title ................................ Surname ...............................................................<br />
(UK)<br />
Forename(s) ..................................................................................................<br />
Joint Membership £3<br />
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) .....................................................................<br />
(Partner at the same address)<br />
Address ............................................................................................................<br />
.............................................................................................................................<br />
................................................................ Postcode ......................................<br />
Email address ................................................................................................<br />
Daytime Tel ....................................................................................................<br />
Title ................................ Surname ................................................................<br />
Forename(s) ....................................................................................................<br />
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) ......................................................................<br />
Non DD<br />
£27<br />
£32<br />
For concessionary rates please visit<br />
www.camra.org.uk or call 01727 798440.<br />
I wish to join the Campaign for Real Ale, and<br />
agree to abide by the Memorandum and<br />
Articles of Association which can be found<br />
on our website.<br />
Signed ........................................................................<br />
Date ............................................................................<br />
Applications will be processed within 21 days.<br />
<br />
To the Manager<br />
Address<br />
Instruction to your Bank or<br />
Building Society to pay by Direct Debit<br />
Please fill in the whole form using a ball point pen and send to:<br />
Campaign for Real Ale Ltd. 230 Hatfield Road St. Albans, Herts AL1 4LW<br />
Name and full postal address of your Bank or Building Society<br />
Postcode<br />
Name(s) of Account Holder<br />
Bank or Building Society Account Number<br />
Branch Sort Code<br />
Reference<br />
Bank or Building Society<br />
Service User Number<br />
9 2 6 1 2 9<br />
This is not part of the instruction to your Bank or Building Society<br />
Membership Number<br />
Name<br />
Postcode<br />
Instructions to your Bank or Building Society<br />
Please pay Campaign For Real Ale Limited Direct Debits<br />
from the account detailed on this instruction subject to<br />
the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I<br />
understand that this instruction may remain with Campaign<br />
For Real Ale Limited and, if so, will be passed electronically<br />
to my Bank/Building Society.<br />
Signature(s)<br />
Banks and Building Societies may not accept Direct Debit Instructions for some types of account.<br />
Date<br />
This Guarantee should be detached<br />
and retained by the payer.<br />
The Direct Debit Guarantee<br />
This Guarantee is offered by all banks<br />
and building societies that accept<br />
instructions to pay by Direct Debits<br />
If there are any changes to the amount,<br />
date or frequency of your Direct Debit<br />
The Campaign for Real Ale Ltd will notify<br />
you 10 working days in advance of your<br />
account being debited or as otherwise<br />
agreed. If you request The Campaign<br />
for Real Ale Ltd to collect a payment,<br />
confirmation of the amount and date<br />
will be given to you at the time of<br />
the request<br />
If an error is made in the payment of<br />
your Direct Debit by The Campaign<br />
for Real Ale Ltd or your bank or<br />
building society, you are entitled to<br />
a full and immediate refund of the<br />
amount paid from your bank or<br />
building society<br />
If you receive a refund you are not<br />
entitled to, you must pay it back<br />
when The Campaign Real Ale Ltd<br />
asks you to<br />
You can cancel a Direct Debit at any<br />
time by simply contacting your bank<br />
or building society. Written confirmation<br />
may be required. Please also notify us.<br />
†Price of single membership when paying by Direct Debit. *Calls from landlines charged at local rates, cost may vary from mobile phones.<br />
New Direct Debit members will receive a 12 month supply of vouchers in their first 15 months of membership.