LIFE CHANGING PRAYER compiled by Debra Maffett

John 15:7 If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done to you. LIFE CHANGING PRAYER FEATURING: Acts of Praise by Ruth Myers Liquid Tears by Spurgeon My Prayer by Amy Carmichael Prayer of Relinquishment Catheryn Marshall The STOP Prayer by Debra Maffett Secret Prayer! by Hannah More 1745-1835 Links to powerful prayer resources

John 15:7 If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done to you.
Acts of Praise by Ruth Myers
Liquid Tears by Spurgeon
My Prayer by Amy Carmichael
Prayer of Relinquishment Catheryn Marshall
The STOP Prayer by Debra Maffett
Secret Prayer! by Hannah More 1745-1835
Links to powerful prayer resources


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— whatever diverts his attention from the weightier matters of<br />

religion to those which are comparatively unimportant, does this.<br />

Hence it is, that such as have their thoughts more occupied with the<br />

non-essentials of religion than with the power of godliness in the<br />

soul — seldom make much progress in humility or heavenlymindedness,<br />

and are often lamentably deficient in the duties of the<br />

closet.<br />

The temptations of the enemy which have the semblance of religion<br />

are the most artful. What is called a religious controversy — a<br />

dispute about the government and discipline of Christian Churches<br />

— the modes of public worship and administering the ordinances of<br />

baptism and the Lord's supper — or on some abstruse theological<br />

subject — often follows. Perplexed with the discordant opinions of<br />

the controversionists, the pious Christian laudably resolves to<br />

examine and weigh for himself the arguments on both sides; on the<br />

outcome of his inquiry, much depends.<br />

If, happily, he discovers that the disputation does not relate to<br />

matters affecting religion itself, but to non-essentials, concerning<br />

which good men may decidedly differ, without the smallest<br />

diminution of liberality, or Christian forbearance, towards those of<br />

a contrary opinion — then it is well. His perplexity ceases, and his<br />

heart is enlarged in Christian love towards all who love the Lord<br />

Jesus Christ in sincerity; and he finds additional pleasure in his<br />

secret prayers, when, in giving vent to the pious feelings of his soul,<br />

he copiously intercedes for the universal Church of Christ.<br />

But if, unhappily, he conceives the disputable articles to be very<br />

important, and imbibes a controversial spirit, he receives a wound<br />


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