Storyline Fall 2018

Check out the newest edition of First Alliance Church's Storyline Magazine! Produced by a talented team of writers, graphic designers, and photographers. The team works to capture stories of God a work in our ordinary lives - stories of hope, life-change, hardship, and more. This edition features a story on the value of a man, Overcomer (story of cancer survivor) and updates from the summer missions teams. You don't want to miss this issue!

Check out the newest edition of First Alliance Church's Storyline Magazine! Produced by a talented team of writers, graphic designers, and photographers. The team works to capture stories of God a work in our ordinary lives - stories of hope, life-change, hardship, and more. This edition features a story on the value of a man, Overcomer (story of cancer survivor) and updates from the summer missions teams. You don't want to miss this issue!


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Value of<br />



Hey There!<br />

I hope you’ve had a great summer ...<br />

Although it went too fast, I trust you had a chance to recharge<br />

and connect with friends and family. As we head into the fall<br />

it’s also my hope that you will take the opportunity to connect<br />

with the FAC family. It really could change your life! I mean it!<br />

I believe that when the church is at its best, it’s the most<br />

life-giving, difference-making community in the world. It’s<br />

full of people who don’t have their act together but willingly<br />

acknowledge their need to come together to celebrate and<br />

to encourage each other. And this idea of coming together<br />

– of being connected – is huge! In fact it’s one of our core<br />

commitments.<br />

A while back, Edward Hallowell and a team of researchers<br />

from Harvard medical school discovered that the two most<br />

powerful and meaningful experiences in life are achieving<br />

(reaching a goal or accomplishing something) and connecting<br />

(relating to someone in a significant way).<br />

According to Hallowell, our society is becoming more and<br />

more obsessed with achieving while at the same time<br />

becoming increasingly bankrupt when it comes to connecting.<br />

Achieving is not bad, of course, but research shows that it’s<br />

no substitute for connecting. People who excel at achieving<br />

but fail at connecting end up unhappy people. The old saying<br />

is true: “Nobody on their deathbed looks back on life and<br />

wishes they had spent more time at the office.”<br />

By contrast, people who were connected and had meaningful<br />

relationships, even if they weren’t great at achieving goals, still<br />

report life as being fulfilling.<br />

In our new life with God, we all need the encouragement and<br />

accountability of others in order to grow strong and flourish<br />

in this journey.<br />


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