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YOUR<br />

31 pages<br />

of tips and<br />

advice<br />

Welcome<br />

GUIDE<br />

Expert advice to help you:<br />

Succeed in your role<br />

Network like a pro<br />

Discover the secrets of success<br />



WELCOME!<br />

You must be buzzing with excitement to start your new role!<br />

Now’s the time to find your feet, and the good news is, we’re here to help.<br />

In this <strong>booklet</strong> you'll find lots of advice and information to help you settle,<br />

including tips and advice from other professionals. So sit back, relax, pour<br />

a cup of tea and have a good read.<br />

Best wishes,<br />

The Benivo team<br />

Don’t forget!<br />

You can find lots more<br />

information on your online<br />

account AND if you have<br />

any questions, you can<br />

chat to a member of the<br />

team live online<br />

Ps. we’d love to hear from you! If you have advice for other people starting new roles<br />

please share it with us. Send your tips to success@benivo.com<br />



Connect and network 6<br />

The secrets of success 10<br />

Insider knowledge 14<br />

Seize the day 18<br />

Make an impact 22<br />

Food on the go 26<br />

Your welcome puzzler 30<br />





Forming long-lasting connections leads to increased<br />

productivity, better job performance, and a fulfilling social life.<br />

To discover how to do it well, read on for expert advice from<br />

professional career advisor and life coach Kelli Elmer<br />

Meeting new people<br />

“Everyday occurrences at work can be a great way to connect with new<br />

people,” explains Kelli. These can happen anywhere and anytime, as<br />

you’re waiting to go into a meeting, at the coffee machine or in the kitchen<br />

preparing lunch - but many of us let them slip by. "The key is to use them;<br />

start with a simple ‘hello’ and see how quickly a conversation can unfold."<br />

Outside of these chance meetings, find out about social activities run by<br />

your company. Don’t be put off by events that you wouldn’t usually be<br />

interested in - use them to get to know your colleagues. If there are no<br />

socials planned, why not organise one yourself?<br />

Maintaining connections<br />

Once you’ve made a connection, maintaining it will take some effort, but<br />

this is ultimately very rewarding. Here, Kelli offers 3 simple tips to get<br />

started:<br />

1. Ask connections thoughtful questions, discover their interests,<br />

their likes and dislikes.<br />


2. After the initial meeting, find out how you can help them with any<br />

skills or experience you may have.<br />

3. If they’re on social media, connect with them.<br />

Network like a pro<br />

Networking is a simple tool that’s vital for gaining and strengthening<br />

connections. “Your company might arrange its own networking events, or<br />

be able to provide information on events taking place in the local area,”<br />

says Kelli. These are a great way to meet new people and grow your own<br />

network of contacts.<br />

“If you’re attending a networking event, research who’s hosting it in<br />

advance,” she says. “Look into their background to get an insight into them<br />

and who might also be attending.” Prep done, it’s also a good idea to<br />

prepare a short introduction that tells people who you are and what you<br />

do. “Have a few thoughtful questions ready to ask people you connect with<br />

too.” After all, failure to prepare is preparing to fail but having questions<br />

ready will ensure that you can establish conversations and keep them<br />

going.<br />


Alice<br />

Hi Kate, would you like to<br />

meet for coffee?<br />

Kate<br />

That would be great!<br />

Alice<br />

How about 3pm - after our meeting?<br />

Kate<br />

Perfect, see you then<br />


Use apps and groups<br />

There is an abundance of apps and online groups you can access to help<br />

you meet new people and form connections. Here are a few of the best:<br />

Personal<br />

Meetup iOS and Google Play<br />

Allows users to find and set up local meetings with people who<br />

have shared interests<br />

Friendable iOS and Google Play<br />

Users can set up one-on-one or group meetups for meals out,<br />

live music, comedy shows and more<br />

Business<br />

Shapr iOS and Android<br />

Allows users to contact potential business connections nearby<br />

Ripple iOS and Android<br />

Allows you to connect with people nearby, and displays<br />

business-relevant information on users’ profiles<br />

Pathable iOS and Android<br />

Allows users to connect before, during and after events. Includes<br />

a directory of attendees, direct messaging, speaker profiles and<br />

scheduling tools<br />




Some of the most successful people in the world repeat the<br />

same habits and tricks like clockwork and here, to get you<br />

ready for your new role, we’ve compiled a list of them. Get set<br />

to excel in your new company with these 5 secrets of success!<br />

1. Do the most important things first<br />

No matter what line of work you’re in, sometimes to-do lists pile up and<br />

it can feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to complete them all.<br />

Organising your to-dos by priority ensures nothing big slips through the<br />

cracks and means you’ll always have time for the most important tasks.<br />

Mind Tools, an organisation that provides career and management advice,<br />

suggests splitting your tasks into categories from A (urgent) to F (nice to<br />

haves), then working through your list alphabetically.<br />

Top tip<br />

While writing lists on paper is the easiest way to do<br />

this, apps like Remember the Milk, Toodledo, and Todoist<br />

can help you arrange and tick off tasks at the touch of a<br />

button, and send you helpful reminders.<br />


2. Rise and shine!<br />

A study by Tom Corley, an accountant and financial planner, shows that<br />

50% of self-made millionaires wake up at least 3 hours before their work<br />

day starts. Most use this time to plan their day, exercise, or spend time on<br />

personal projects.<br />

In addition, famous early risers include Apple CEO Tim Cook (whose day<br />

starts at 3:45am), Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama and Edwin Catmull, the<br />

president of Pixar.<br />

3. Hit the books<br />

Continued study and self improvement is a key part of successful people’s<br />

routines, with Tom’s study showing that 88% of their wealthy respondents<br />

spend 30 minutes a day reading. While non-fiction is popular among the<br />

high-flyers, there’s still a lot to be gained from getting lost in a good novel.<br />

Studies show that regular fiction readers are better problem solvers and<br />

are better at making connections, both invaluable skills for the business<br />

world.<br />


4. Build your social network<br />

You don’t need to launch your own version of Facebook to be successful,<br />

but business is all about people. Having a network of colleagues and<br />

contacts will help you in the future. In-person meetings are crucial for<br />

developing connections, as it humanises both you and the person you’re<br />

working with. So be sure to get out from behind your computer and spend<br />

time face-to-face with your colleagues and contacts.<br />

5. Minimise distractions<br />

We live in a world of hyper-connectivity and, while instant conversation<br />

with colleagues or staying on top of the news on our phones can feel<br />

productive, it often serves as a huge drain on our time. Getting into the<br />


habit of blocking out chunks of your day where you won’t check your<br />

phone, emails, or messages can help you boost productivity and focus.<br />

Larry Rosen, a research psychologist who specialises in how technology<br />

affects our behavior, suggests starting small before you go cold-turkey on<br />

your usual distractions. Give yourself 1 minute to check your email and<br />

notifications, then do 15 minutes of completely distraction-free work. When<br />

this becomes easier, bump it up to 20 minutes, then 25, then 30. After that,<br />

Larry suggests, it should be much easier to go without distraction for long<br />

periods of time.<br />

Get into these habits and see how they help boost your career. Start<br />

with 1, like getting up earlier, and add in the others 1 at a time until you’re<br />

functioning like a well-oiled Bill Gates!<br />




There’s no better person to ask about starting a new job than<br />

someone who’s already done it. Here, gain useful tips and<br />

insights from other professionals.<br />

"A new job can be a little daunting, that’s completely natural - even people<br />

who’ve had lots of different jobs are likely to have a flutter of nerves on<br />

their first day somewhere new, it’s to be expected,” says Julie who moved<br />

from the Philippines to work in London.<br />

“The best advice I can give is to try and remember that you’re not on<br />

your own. Everyone has a first day, even if it’s a first day in a new role at<br />

a company you already work at, the dynamics of a new team can take<br />

time to adjust to and there are new responsibilities to take on - everyone<br />

remembers what it’s like and no one expects you to know it all on day 1.”<br />

You’ll find that most people are happy to share their<br />

tips and advice. If they don’t, all you need to do is ask<br />


Marguerite’s top 5 tips<br />

Here, Marguerite, who moved from France to London for work, shares<br />

her tips for settling into a new job<br />

Find your route<br />

Ahead of your first day, do your route to work so that you know<br />

where you’re going. It sounds silly, but knowing where to go<br />

can really take the edge off first day nerves.<br />

Take day 1 in your stride<br />

You’re bound to be nervous on your first day but try not to put<br />

too much pressure on yourself. There will be lots to take in and<br />

plenty of names to remember so keep in mind that you can’t<br />

learn it all in a day.<br />

Have a ‘can do’ attitude<br />

Of course you’re going to have a lot to learn and it will take a<br />

little while to settle in but going into your new job with a cando<br />

attitude is a great way to show your new boss, and your<br />

team, that you’re ready and willing to get stuck in.<br />

Ask questions<br />

If there’s something you’re not sure of, ask. There’s no such<br />

thing as a silly question - if you don’t know the answer, you just<br />

don’t know it, but someone else will.<br />

Lunch with your new team<br />

If you can, ask to join your team for lunch. They’ll be happy to<br />

show you around and this is a great way to get to know the<br />

people you’ll be working with day-to-day.<br />


Top tips from professionals like you<br />

Starting a new job is different for everyone, depending on their situation.<br />

Here are some tips from people who already made the change.<br />

"Take one day<br />

at a time!"<br />

Margaret, a professional<br />

working in Dublin<br />

"Relax and enjoy -<br />

it’s a new start. It’s<br />

going to be great!"<br />

Emilie, a professional working in<br />

Horsham<br />

"Be very communicative,<br />

try to build a network - it<br />

will be quite helpful for<br />

the future. Not only to<br />

make strong professional<br />

relationships, but also<br />

friendships."<br />

Stelina, a professional working in Amstelveen<br />

"Enjoy it and explore your surroundings. Ask as many questions as<br />

you want. Once you know what is happening around you, you can<br />

better adjust to fulfil your tasks and learn on the job."<br />

Brian, a professional in Paris<br />

"Try to get to know people<br />

and the work environment as<br />

much as possible."<br />

Ruddy, a professional working in Darmstadt<br />

"Work hard and smart!"<br />

George, a professional working in Amsterdam<br />

"Get to know<br />

more about<br />

your team and<br />

make an effort<br />

to interact with<br />

them."<br />

Valerio, a professional working<br />

in London<br />



SEIZE<br />

THE DAY<br />

New office? New role? New responsibilities? With a new start<br />

comes the potential for positive change - a lifestyle revolution.<br />

There’s never been a better time to take advantage of a fresh<br />

start, so get started!<br />

New job or not, most of us work 5 days a week and it’s important to fill our<br />

time in and out of work with as many positive experiences as possible.<br />

Even your journey can be changed in a positive way. For example, if you’re<br />

bored of sitting on public transport, take up reading during your commute<br />

(or download an audiobook), learn a language or listen to a podcast - your<br />

mind will be transported far away.<br />

Want a healthier lifestyle so you simply feel better? Consider cycling. It’s<br />

better for your body and the environment. Maybe try and run to work or<br />

take up an evening class or club after work.<br />

If you’re stuck in a routine rut you<br />

can even take time to explore your<br />

surroundings after work. Take in the<br />

local sights and sounds, uncover<br />

hidden histories, learn about local arts<br />

and delve into regionally-produced<br />

delicacies. There’s bound to be things<br />

you’ve never experienced before, even<br />

if you live where you’ve always lived.<br />

Discover more!<br />

You’ll find lots of<br />

advice and information<br />

on your online<br />

account. Why not<br />

take a look for a little<br />

inspiration?<br />


Top 5 apps for commute-time entertainment<br />

1. Audible - the world’s largest Audiobook portal<br />

2. Netflix - download your shows for downtime<br />

3. Elevate - train your brain while you travel<br />

4. Duolingo - learn a language on the go<br />

5. Goodreads - join the community and read<br />

Audible Netflix Elevate Duolingo Goodreads<br />

Surround yourself with success<br />

Your professional life is important and a new job offers an exciting, fresh<br />

start. Use this opportunity to invite positive influences into your working life,<br />

whether it’s proactive people or challenges. Don’t shy away from forward<br />

thinkers and new opportunities - get networking and make an effort to chat<br />

to new people.<br />

Investigate what classes or workshops you can get involved in and develop<br />

a new skill whilst networking with your peers.<br />


Meet new people<br />

Meeting people outside of work is easier than you might think as long as<br />

you’re willing to step out of your comfort zone. Research activities in your<br />

area that you think might be fun, and find groups to join (think running or<br />

yoga) - this is an easy way to meet people with similar interests.<br />

Alternatively, why not take yourself travelling? There’s no reason to stay in<br />

one place and by taking a trip, even to a neighbouring city, you’re likely to<br />

experience something different and meet more people.<br />


Top tip<br />

Create a list of things you want to achieve both in your<br />

personal and professional life and set clear goals<br />

to help you reach your targets. Go back to the list every<br />

week to update and track your progress. It’s a great way<br />

to maintain your focus!<br />


MAKE AN<br />

IMPACT<br />

We’ve all heard that ‘first impressions count’ but just how<br />

important are they? Here you’ll discover how to make a great<br />

first impression, with advice from professional career advisor<br />

and life coach Kelli Elmer<br />


It’s perfectly natural to feel nervous when starting a new job, but, to get<br />

off to a good, confident start (despite the nerves), there are some simple<br />

things you can do.<br />

For example, you could try anxious reappraisal - instead of thinking ‘I’m<br />

nervous about starting my new job’, frame it as ‘I’m excited about starting<br />

my new job.’ Then, go into your first day with a positive, polite, can-do<br />

attitude. This will reassure your new colleagues that you’re ready to hit the<br />

ground running.<br />

"Show respect and be courteous to everyone, regardless of their role too,"<br />

says Kelli. "This is especially important when your colleagues have given<br />

their time to explain something to you."<br />

In addition, show a genuine interest in people. "Ask them about their<br />

backgrounds and their role in the company. Not only will this make them<br />

more receptive, it will also help you remember who’s who."<br />

Show respect and<br />

be courteous to<br />

everyone, regardless<br />

of their role<br />

Top tip<br />

Feeling confident can also begin with something as<br />

simple as how you dress. So, in your first few weeks,<br />

dress in a way that’s in keeping with the company’s<br />

dress code. If you're unsure of what's acceptable, it’s<br />

better to err on the smarter side.<br />


Get a great start<br />

Be willing to contribute. Throw your ideas out there; even if they’re not<br />

taken further, it will reflect well on you if you’re open to sharing your ideas.<br />

Kelli stresses the importance of having an open mind when beginning your<br />

new job; “early on I would avoid an attitude of thinking you know better<br />

how to do things. Obviously if you are brought in to change things you can<br />

get to that, but when you’re first meeting everyone it’s better to find out<br />

how they work and not show judgement.”<br />

Prove that you’re proactive by asking what it would be best for you to do<br />

once you’ve completed any tasks assigned to you.<br />

It would be almost impossible to remember everything you’re told in the<br />

first days and weeks of your new job, so make a note of everything. You<br />

never know what you might need to refer back to in the future.<br />


Don’t complain or gossip about coworkers, and avoid talking about<br />

politics or religion - 2 potentially divisive topics. Avoid speaking negatively<br />

about your previous places of work, as it could make you seem easily<br />

demotivated.<br />

Top tip<br />

Be warm and open with your new colleagues, discover<br />

what their interests are and share some interesting<br />

information about yourself. This will help strengthen your<br />

friendships and improve your working relationships.<br />

Remember, you were offered your new job for a reason, so stay positive,<br />

work hard, and enjoy it!<br />


FOOD ON<br />

THE GO<br />

A great working day begins with good breakfast and is<br />

broken up by a nutritious lunch. Here we reveal the benefits<br />

of smart nutrition and suggest some simple recipes to<br />

supplement your 9-5<br />

The benefits of breakfast<br />

Eating breakfast should be a no brainer but so many of us skip it entirely.<br />

This is often because we’re rushing before work or simply forget, but the<br />

first meal of the day provides some of the important energy and nutrients<br />

our bodies need for good health. It’s even been associated with beneficial<br />

effects on cognitive performance.<br />

Advice from the British Nutrition Foundation suggests that having<br />

breakfast, particularly one including protein, can help you stave off hunger<br />

and reduce the likelihood of snacking on less healthy foods. In addition,<br />

timing your breakfast is a smart move too. A 2015 obesity study* found that<br />

eating a high-protein breakfast between 6am and 9.45am was linked to a<br />

reduced risk of gaining body fat gain and reduced hunger throughout the<br />

day.<br />

*Leidy HJ1, Hoertel HA1, Douglas SM1, Higgins KA2, Shafer RS1.<br />


Top tip<br />

Swap out your morning coffee for a green tea. It<br />

increases metabolism and aids digestion.<br />

Make your own and save<br />

Making your breakfast (and lunch) at home, rather than buying at work, is<br />

a fast, simple way to save money. For around the same price as 1 bought<br />

lunch, you could buy enough groceries to make lunch for a whole week.<br />

What’s more, it gives you more control over what and how much you eat.<br />

Need a little inspiration? Here you’ll find some quick and easy recipes.<br />

Overnight oats<br />

• 1/2 a cup of oats<br />

• A good squeeze of lemon juice<br />

• 1/2 a cup of low-fat milk<br />

• 1/2 a teaspoon of vanilla extract<br />

• 1 teaspoon of chia seeds<br />

• 1/2 a cup of raspberries<br />

• 2 flat tablespoons of shredded<br />

coconut<br />

• ½ a banana, sliced<br />

Method:<br />

1. Add the oats to your container of choice and pour in the milk,<br />

lemon juice, and vanilla extract<br />

2. Add chia seeds and switch up the layers of raspberries, shredded<br />

coconut, and sliced banana<br />

3. Pop the container in the fridge and it’s ready to go when you leave<br />

for work in the morning<br />


Avo and eggs on toast<br />

Perfect for breakfast or lunch, this quick and easy recipe is packed with<br />

nutrients. Here’s how to prepare it in advance so you can build it up at<br />

work.<br />

• 3 medium eggs (choose<br />

organic if you can)<br />

• 1 ripe avocado<br />

• A squeeze of lime juice<br />

• 2 slices wholemeal bread<br />

• A small handful of pine<br />

nuts<br />

• Cracked black pepper<br />

Method:<br />

1. In a frying pan, gently heat the pine nuts until they’re golden brown.<br />

Once done, pop them in a small container<br />

2. Boil 3 eggs for 4-5 minutes until soft-boiled<br />

3. Finally, in a medium sized container, pack the eggs, avocado,<br />

bread and a ¼ of a lime. Don't forget your pepper grinder! Then<br />

refrigerate until needed<br />

When it’s time to eat at work, peel and quarter the eggs, toast your bread<br />

and slice the avocado. Once the toast is ready pile on the avocado and<br />

egg, scatter with the pine nuts, squeeze over the lime and season with<br />

pepper to finish.<br />


Chicken and veg wrap<br />

Make this chicken dish as an evening meal and use the leftovers in a lunch<br />

wrap - the brown rice will increase your fibre and protein intake, and it’s<br />

really tasty. You can replace the chicken with prawns if you prefer, or tofu<br />

if you’re going meat-free.<br />

• 1 pack of ready-cooked<br />

brown rice<br />

• 1 chicken breast<br />

• 1 small red onion<br />

• 1 red pepper<br />

• A handful of mushrooms<br />

• Pre-mixed seasoning<br />

• Wholemeal tortilla wraps<br />

• 1 chicken breast<br />

Method:<br />

1. Finely chop the onion, and slice the pepper, and mushrooms into<br />

thin pieces<br />

2. Fry the onion until soft then add the chicken<br />

3. Once the chicken is cooked through, add in the vegetables and<br />

sprinkle over your seasoning of choice (perhaps smoky BBQ or<br />

Mexican fajita spice)<br />

Serve with rice as an evening meal or mix the rice, chicken and vegetables<br />

in a container and refrigerate. Take this mixture to work, along with your<br />

wraps - simply load a wrap with the mixture, roll and enjoy!<br />




You’re set to launch head on into your new start and we bet you’ve got<br />

all the knowledge and know-how to breeze through your first day. The<br />

question is, will it be enough to complete our crossword? It’s time to find<br />

out what you know<br />

Answers<br />

Manager, 14. Colleagues, 15. Tenure<br />

Across: 3. Interview, 5. Office, 6. Promotion, 7. Meeting, 8. Fresh start, 10. Networking, 12.<br />

Down: 1. Responsibilities, 2. Career, 4. Nervous, 9. Human Resources, 11. Workload, 13. Commute<br />

Down<br />

1. Things which one is required<br />

to do as part of a job<br />

2. An occupation undertaken<br />

for a significant period of a<br />

person's life<br />

4. How you might feel ahead<br />

of your first day at a new job<br />

9. The people who manage<br />

the process of employing<br />

people, training them etc<br />

11. The amount of work you<br />

have to do<br />

13. Travel to and from work<br />

Across<br />

3. A process you might go<br />

through to get a new job<br />

5. Where you work<br />

6. A professional step up<br />

7. A collaborative conversation<br />

with colleagues<br />

8. A new beginning<br />

10. A way to connect with other<br />

professionals<br />

12. The person you report to<br />

14. The people you work with<br />

15. A period for which a<br />

position is held by an individual<br />



AND WIN<br />

If you have tips and advice for other people who might be about to start a<br />

new job, share them for your chance to win a special prize bundle. Email<br />

your tips, along with your name to success@benivo.com with the subject<br />

line ‘Tip competition’ and you could win:<br />

A pair of cinema<br />

tickets (plus popcorn<br />

and a drink for 2)<br />

A relaxing 30-minute<br />

massage<br />

A Starbucks<br />

gift card<br />

Winners will be picked at random and notified by email.<br />


Don’t forget, we’re here to help!<br />

As well as lots of advice and tips to help you settle in and start your new<br />

job, you can also head to your online account and speak to us using our<br />

online chat feature - we have experts on-hand to help.<br />

Explore<br />

Hi! I’m preparing to start my new<br />

job and I’d love some more<br />

information about joining the team.<br />

Jovana<br />

Dora<br />

Congratulations on your<br />

new role!<br />

Head to your account for<br />

some great insight and<br />

information about what to<br />

expect when you start.<br />

END CHAT<br />

Don’t worry if you see this envelope icon, it just means we’re<br />

currently unavailable to chat but you can send us an email and<br />

we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.<br />


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