Bay Harbour: October 31, 2018

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WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2018</strong><br />

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Mark<br />

Gardner<br />

Research project<br />

Quake survey to help<br />

evacuation plan<br />

Page 3 Page 4<br />

Demolition under way<br />

Three week time frame to<br />

remove school<br />

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Prier Manson Real Estate Ltd<br />

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Call for more road safety<br />

measures on Richmond Hill<br />

• By Matt Salmons<br />

THIS PHOTO shows why<br />

residents on a hill above Sumner<br />

need a footpath.<br />

New 40km/h speed signs will<br />

be installed on Richmond Hill<br />

Rd this week, but residents say<br />

more still needs to be done to<br />

make the narrow road safer.<br />

Increasing traffic in the area<br />

had increased concern about<br />

driver and pedestrian safety.<br />

Kathy Duncan said residents are<br />

worried about the safety of people<br />

walking or cycling between the<br />

top corner and Cecil Wood Way as<br />

there was no footpath.<br />

“There’s been so many near<br />

misses. Every person who lives<br />

on that road has a story.”<br />

About 18 residents, community<br />

board and residents’ association<br />

members met with city council<br />

traffic and transport staff on<br />

Wednesday to discuss the issue.<br />

Mrs Duncan said a number<br />

of ideas to address concerns<br />

were mooted at the meeting and<br />

council staff said they would<br />

look into them and report back.<br />

“We’ll see what happens, but<br />

we left the meeting feeling quite<br />

positive,” she said.<br />

City council transport planning<br />

and delivery manager<br />

Lynette Ellis said staff were “currently<br />

working through options<br />

to address concerns.”<br />

Linwood-Central-Heathcote<br />

Community Board member<br />


intEgrity<br />

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Darrell Latham said one solution<br />

suggested by residents was a<br />

“rudimentary” gravel pathway<br />

on city council reserve land<br />

alongside Richmond Hill Rd.<br />

“They [city council staff] are<br />

looking for pragmatic solutions<br />

as funding is very limited,” Dr<br />

Latham said.<br />

Four Grenadier Seasons Ferrymead<br />

Realty<br />

Grenadier Real Estate Ltd MREINZ is a Licensed Agent Under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008<br />

Ms Ellis said there was no<br />

“specific funding available” for a<br />

footpath on Richmond Hill Rd<br />

in the <strong>2018</strong>-28 Long Term Plan.<br />

“Staff are assessing whether<br />

there are any funding options<br />

available for a potential solution,”<br />

she said.<br />

Mrs Duncan said residents<br />

TEAM<br />

BUTEL<br />


CUP DAY<br />


Residents<br />

walking along<br />

Richmond<br />

Hill Rd. Kathy<br />

Duncan, in the<br />

black top, says<br />

there should<br />

be a footpath.<br />

were “willing to put in” for the<br />

path through providing labour.<br />

Another solution was to extend<br />

a track between Richmond<br />

Hill and Cliffton Hill to run<br />

down the gully between the two,<br />

finishing at the bottom corner of<br />

Richmond Hill Rd.<br />

Said resident Jenny Cunningham:<br />

“That seems like a pretty<br />

easy fix to me . . . just build the<br />

walking track completely off the<br />

road.”<br />

Ms Cunningham said such<br />

a track would be popular with<br />

other Sumner residents wanting<br />

to access reserves and cycle<br />

tracks in the area.<br />


PAGE 2 Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

from the editor’s desk<br />

EVERY PICTURE tells a story they say,<br />

and on page 1 it is loud and clear.<br />

Residents have been campaigning to<br />

make Richmond Hill Rd safer for sometime.<br />

The speed will be reduced to 40km/h<br />

this week but locals say a tragedy could<br />

happen anytime.<br />

That’s because the road is too narrow and clearly, going by our<br />

photo, vehicles and pedestrians get uncomfortably close.<br />

Says resident Kathy Duncan: “There’s been so many near<br />

misses. Every person who lives on that road has a story.”<br />

Residents and community board members have met with city<br />

council staff and suggested solutions.<br />

Let’s hope the powers that be have a look at our front page.<br />

They’ll then realise how serious the situation is.<br />

– Barry Clarke<br />

news<br />

Book fair preparations<br />

A mountain of donated books is growing at Lyttelton Primary<br />

School.<br />

Page 9<br />

our people<br />

Award-winner<br />

Colourful garments seen on stage and screen are the work<br />

of Tina Hutchison-Thomas.<br />

get in touch<br />

GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />


Star Media, a division of Allied Press Ltd<br />

PO box 1467, Christchurch<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

Ferrymead<br />

War Of The Wolf<br />

The Last Kingdom, Book #11<br />

by Bernard Cornwell<br />

At the fortress of the eagles, three kings will fight …<br />

NEWS<br />

Matt Salmons<br />

Ph: 021 902 729<br />

matt.salmons@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Dalton Dalley<br />

Ph: 364 7452<br />

dalton.dalley@<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

Uhtred of Bebbanburg has won back his ancestral home<br />

but, threatened from all sides by enemies both old and new,<br />

he doesn’t have long to enjoy the victory.<br />

In Mercia, rebellion is in the air as King Edward tries to seize<br />

control. In Wessex, rival parties scramble to settle on the identity<br />

of the next king. And across the country invading Norsemen<br />

continue their relentless incursion, ever hungry for land.<br />

Uhtred – a legendary warrior, admired and sought as an ally, feared as an<br />

adversary – finds himself once again torn between his two heritages: fighting on<br />

what he considers the wrong side, cursed by misfortune and tragedy and facing<br />

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For decades, Uhtred has stood at the intersection between Pagan and Christian,<br />

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world being forged around him. But as the winds of change gather pace, the<br />

pressure on Uhtred as father, as politician and as warrior grows as never before.<br />

The Dog Squad Rory Branagan (Detective)<br />

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Rob Davison<br />

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starmedia.kiwi<br />

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book<br />

release<br />

We have one copy of War of the Wolf to give away, courtesy of Take Note Ferrymead. To be in the draw, email<br />

giveaways@starmedia.kiwi with War of the Wolf in the subject line or write to Take Note Book Giveaway, War<br />

of the Wolf, Star Media, PO Box 1467, Christchurch 8140. To be eligible for the draw, all entries must include<br />

your name, address and contact number. Entries close Tuesday, November 13th. Winner of The Wild Journeys<br />

is Tatyanna Koning of Heathcote Valley.<br />

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Page 12<br />

community events<br />

Classic boat regatta<br />

Take your boat out for an excursion this Saturday and<br />

Sunday. Akaroa Recreation Ground, from 9.30am, sailing<br />

around French <strong>Bay</strong> will take place at noon.<br />

Page 21<br />

The best-read local newspaper, delivered to<br />

10,056 homes, RDs and farms every Wednesday<br />

Brookhaven, Heathcote, Ferrymead, Redcliffs, Mt Pleasant,<br />

Sumner, Lyttelton, Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong>, Governors <strong>Bay</strong>, Akaroa.<br />

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Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

News<br />

Quake survey to help evacuation plan<br />

• By Georgia O’Connor-Harding<br />

Matthew<br />

Hughes<br />

RESIDENTS LIVING in coastal<br />

areas including Redcliffs and<br />

Sumner, who evacuated the<br />

night of the 2016 Kaikoura<br />

earthquake, are being called to<br />

take part in a major research<br />

project.<br />

Canterbury<br />

University<br />

is aiming to<br />

survey<br />

as many<br />

residents as<br />

possible to<br />

collect data<br />

on the tsunami<br />

evacuation<br />

response<br />

which took<br />

place following the magnitude<br />

7.8 earthquake.<br />

It will focus on residents living<br />

in coastal areas such as New<br />

Brighton, Southshore and the<br />

bays of Banks Peninsula.<br />

Dr Matthew Hughes, one of<br />

the academics overseeing the<br />

project, said the survey isn’t<br />

about asking for opinions on the<br />

night, but what residents did in<br />

response to the tsunami hazard.<br />

The survey is part of a wider<br />

research project led by GNS<br />

Science called Quicker and Safer<br />

Tsunami Evacuation through<br />

agent-based modelling.<br />

The larger project is looking at<br />

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tsunami risks and exposure in<br />

Christchurch and Wellington<br />

Mr Hughes said the data collected<br />

from the survey is going<br />

to be interesting in itself.<br />

“But the really crucial part of<br />

this is this is going to start informing<br />

sophisticated computer<br />

modelling of population movements<br />

when they evacuate,” he<br />

said.<br />

The models will simulate people<br />

evacuating after a tsunami<br />

warning.<br />

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Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

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The project involves a<br />

partnership with Civil Defence<br />

emergency management, city<br />

council and Environment<br />

Canterbury.<br />

Information from the research<br />

will be presented in a series of<br />

workshops to affected coastal<br />

communities next year.<br />

Residents will be asked how<br />

they knew there was a potential<br />

tsunami hazard, what they did<br />

when the official warning went<br />

out and how their knowledge<br />

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PROJECT:<br />

Canterbury<br />

University<br />

is surveying<br />

coastal<br />

residents<br />

on how they<br />

responded to<br />

the tsunami<br />

hazard<br />

following<br />

the 2016<br />

Kaikoura<br />

earthquake.<br />

of tsunami hazards influenced<br />

their behaviour.<br />

The survey also asks what<br />

route they took if they chose to<br />

evacuate.<br />

The survey will run<br />

over several months and a<br />

preliminary report will be<br />

completed at the end of the<br />

year.<br />

•To take part in the survey<br />

go to www.canterbury.<br />

qualtrics.com<br />

We will deliver!<br />


Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

In Brief<br />

SOIL<br />

AND<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />



PAGE 3<br />


Closed steps to Te Ana Marina<br />

from Simeon Quay will be open<br />

before Christmas, city council<br />

manager planning and delivery<br />

transport Lynette Ellis said. The<br />

steps were closed earlier this<br />

month due to concerns they<br />

were a risk to public safety after a<br />

recent assessment. A burst water<br />

main had undermined the steps<br />

in July. Mrs Ellis said details of<br />

how the steps would be repaired<br />

were being worked through with<br />

contractors but expected work to<br />

begin in the coming weeks.<br />


The contract to construct the new<br />

footpath running in front of Moa<br />

Bone Cave has been tendered<br />

and work is expected to start in<br />

two weeks. City council manager<br />

planning and delivery transport<br />

Lynette Ellis said staff anticipated<br />

work would take six weeks,<br />

including resurfacing work on<br />

Main Rd.<br />


The second of the three<br />

exhibitions to be held at<br />

Lyttelton’s pop-up gallery opened<br />

on Friday, the exhibition features<br />

the works of 11 new artists.<br />

Co-curator Holly Cunningham<br />

said the exhibition would change<br />

again at the next full moon.<br />

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PAGE 4 Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

News<br />

First sail for<br />

historic tug<br />

hits delay<br />

• By Matt Salmons<br />

OPERATORS OF the historic<br />

tug Lyttelton say their first<br />

passenger cruise will not happen<br />

until January, a month later than<br />

they had hoped.<br />

Tug Lyttelton Preservation<br />

Society head stoker Mike Bruce<br />

said the marine surveyor who<br />

oversaw the tug’s sea trials on<br />

<strong>October</strong> 4 had given the society<br />

a list of items to address before<br />

they could carry passengers.<br />

Though the society had funding<br />

to address most of it, the<br />

timeframe pushed the date back<br />

from December.<br />

“It’s nothing major, It’s just<br />

time and effort,” Mr Bruce said.<br />

The list included the need to<br />

add another emergency exit and<br />

update flotation devices, fire<br />

extinguishers, signage and communication<br />

equipment.<br />

The most difficult item to address<br />

on the list was the requirement<br />

for the lifeboat to be at least<br />

2.8m long and capable of travelling<br />

at 6kn for two hours.<br />

Currently, the society used<br />

a rowboat, Mr Bruce said. He<br />

said the society would request<br />

an exemption for the lifeboat<br />

requirement.”<br />

School demolition under way<br />

• By Matt Salmons<br />

DEMOLITION OF the old<br />

Redcliffs School buildings<br />

on Main Rd is expected to be<br />

finished in three weeks.<br />

Work began on site last week.<br />

Principal Rose McInerney said<br />

Scope Group contractors were<br />

demolishing the hall and removing<br />

asbestos last week.<br />

“The kids are really interested<br />

in it and they’re keeping an eye<br />

on it because they live close by.”<br />

She said pupils would be allowed<br />

on site on November 13 to<br />

see the “biggest, most dramatic<br />

parts” get demolished.<br />

“It’s really cool the kids can be<br />

involved,” she said.<br />

Meanwhile, the Workforce<br />

and Education Select Committee<br />

continues its investigation into<br />

the Friends of Redcliffs Park’s<br />

fight to return the school to the<br />

Main Rd site.<br />

Group member Chris Doudney<br />

said it was “very sad” the<br />

old school buildings were being<br />

demolished.<br />

He said the committee had<br />

received evidence from the<br />

Ministry of Education and the<br />

Friends of Redcliffs Park had sent<br />

a response to that last week.<br />

Once the committee had completed<br />

its investigation, it would<br />

give a recommendation to Parliament.<br />

There was no set timeline<br />

for how long that process could<br />

take.<br />

Once that recommendation<br />

was given, the Government<br />

would have 60 days to respond<br />

as to whether it would take any<br />

action.<br />

“I think it’s very unfortunate<br />

that the Ministry has gone on<br />

with the demolition without<br />

waiting for the select committee’s<br />

recommendation,” Mr Doudney<br />

said.<br />

Mrs McInerney said the demolition<br />

would resonate most with<br />

the school’s final year group,<br />

as they had been new entrants<br />

during the February 22, 2011,<br />

earthquake.<br />

She said the demolition of the<br />

hall was an especially emotional<br />

time because it had been halfowned<br />

by the school community.<br />

The school had tried to have<br />


Contractors<br />

working on<br />

the demolition<br />

of the former<br />

Redcliffs<br />

School hall.<br />

the hall moved to the new school<br />

site in Redcliffs Park, but due to<br />

its proximity to the cliffs, it was<br />

deemed too dangerous.<br />

“But it’s also great because<br />

all of the insurance money has<br />

meant we can have a lovely<br />

new hall [at the new school] . .<br />

. similar in size to the one we<br />

had.”<br />

The new school was expected<br />

to open in early 2020.<br />

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Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


PAGE 5<br />

Woman hit by golf ball;<br />

call for warning signs<br />

• By Julia Evans<br />

THE CITY council is<br />

investigating ways to stop<br />

people being hit by golf<br />

balls on a Ferrymead<br />

walking track.<br />

It comes after a woman<br />

was hit by wayward ball<br />

from the Ferrymead Golf<br />

course and taken to hospital<br />

on <strong>October</strong> 13.<br />

Head of parks Andrew<br />

Rutledge said: “Staff have<br />

spoken to the club regarding<br />

the incident and are<br />

considering options to<br />

reduce the likelihood of a<br />

similar incident occurring<br />

again.”<br />

Heathcote Ward city<br />

councillor Sara Templeton<br />

said it was a “serious” issue.<br />

She was contacted by the<br />

mother of the woman involved<br />

who wants warning<br />

signage installed.<br />

“I have put in a request<br />

through the normal city<br />

council processes, but<br />

also raised it at the board<br />

meeting in case others had<br />

heard about the incident<br />

and to let them know that<br />

I’d started the process,” she<br />

said.<br />

Still Pedalling!<br />

PROXIMITY: City council staff are investigating<br />

ways to prevent walkers being hit by balls near<br />

the Ferrymead Golf course after a woman was hit<br />

recently.<br />

Cr Templeton raised the<br />

issue and called for signs<br />

to be installed at<br />

the last Linwood-<br />

Central-Heathcote<br />

Community Board<br />

meeting.<br />

But said she would<br />

be following up with<br />

city council staff.<br />

“It’s a popular<br />

track which winds<br />

along the lower reaches of<br />

the Opawaho Heathcote<br />

River from near Ferrymead<br />

Park, past Ferrymead Golf<br />

and Calder Green Reserve,”<br />

she said.<br />

She said there were lots of<br />

Sara<br />

Templeton<br />

people walking with dogs<br />

or riding bikes.<br />

Ferrymead Golf<br />

owner Carl Lawson<br />

said it’s the first<br />

time in the 11 years<br />

he’s been there that<br />

someone has been<br />

hit.<br />

However, he said<br />

there are already<br />

signs warning of a<br />

golf course and it wouldn’t<br />

hurt the city council to install<br />

some warning of balls.<br />

“It’s bloody awful that<br />

she got hit, it would be nice<br />

if they put some signs up,”<br />

he said.<br />


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Legal Executive<br />

mjr@younghunter.co.nz<br />

Michael<br />

Toomey<br />

Partner<br />

mft@younghunter.co.nz<br />

Adam<br />

Curtin<br />

Solicitor<br />

akc@younghunter.co.nz<br />

Wither Hills 750ml<br />

(Excludes Pinot Noir)<br />

$<br />

12 99 ea<br />

Speight’s Gold<br />

Medal Ale or<br />

Summit LAGER<br />

12 Pack 330ml<br />

www.foursquare.co.nz<br />

$<br />

18 99 pk<br />

Visit online at<br />

www.crowesport.co.nz<br />

518 Moorhouse Ave (East End)<br />

Phone 379 7615<br />

186 Main Road, Redcliffs<br />

03 384 5350 | www.younghunter.co.nz<br />

facebook.com/FourSquareNZ<br />

Specials available South Island only from Monday 29th <strong>October</strong> until Sunday 4th November <strong>2018</strong><br />

or while stocks last. Wine and beer available at stores with an off licence. Wine and beer purchases<br />

restricted to persons aged 18 years old and over. Promotion runs from Monday 29th <strong>October</strong> until<br />

Sunday 28th November <strong>2018</strong>. South Island wide. T&Cs apply see website for details.

PAGE 6 Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

VILLA #1<br />

1/62 DRYDEN STREET<br />

VILLA #2<br />

2/62 DRYDEN STREET<br />

APARTMENT #2<br />


STUDIO #5<br />


2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom<br />

On Street Parking<br />

2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom<br />

On Street Parking<br />

1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom<br />

Off Street Parking<br />

1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom<br />

On Street Parking<br />

To book a tour, call Sharryn Pidgeon on (03) 668 5121<br />

Thursday 8th November, 11:00am – 12:00pm

Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


PAGE 7<br />

News<br />

Further clarification<br />

sought on pile driving<br />

impact on dolphins<br />

• By Matt Salmons<br />

THE BANKS Peninsula<br />

Community Board is<br />

seeking more information<br />

from the Lyttelton<br />

Port Company after it<br />

responded to questions<br />

about efforts to mitigate<br />

the impact on Hector’s<br />

dolphins from pile driving.<br />

Said community board<br />

member Felix Dawson:<br />

“We’ve simply asked<br />

for the answers to the<br />

questions that we asked,<br />

several we haven’t received<br />

answers to.”<br />

Last week, questions<br />

from were sent to LPC<br />

through Christchurch<br />

City Holdings Ltd, the<br />

owner and operator of the<br />

port, on how the negative<br />

impacts to dolphins<br />

from pile driving<br />

work on the new<br />

cruise berth would<br />

be mitigated.<br />

THey were sent<br />

alongside a city<br />

council request for<br />

an update on the<br />

piling operation and<br />

marine mammal<br />

monitoring to date.<br />

THis week the<br />

community board<br />

requested a number of<br />

questions be re-sent to<br />

LPC, seeking sound<br />

recording and noise level<br />

data, the marine mammal<br />

management plan and<br />

information on marine<br />

observers.<br />

A city council<br />

spokeswoman said any<br />

further questions would<br />

be co-ordinated through<br />

the office of chief executive<br />

Karleen Edwards.<br />

Hector’s and Māui<br />

Dolphin Defenders<br />

committee member<br />

Genevieve Robinson told<br />

the community board on<br />

Monday that “raw data”<br />

was needed.<br />

“I’ve received the<br />

information that LPC<br />

has provided<br />

. . . there’s<br />

some useful<br />

information but<br />

there’s some<br />

key information<br />

missing,” Ms<br />

Robinson said.<br />

In response to<br />

the initial questions,<br />

LPC chief executive<br />

Peter Davie said<br />

LPC was working with some<br />

of the country’s “leading<br />

marine mammal and<br />

acoustics experts” to minimise<br />

the effects of pile driving on<br />

dolphins.<br />

Mitigation steps included<br />

18 months of recorded<br />

data from eight passive<br />

acoustic detectors and four<br />

hydrophones, a monitored<br />

exclusion zone that if a<br />

dolphin enters, work will<br />

cease and “soft starts” to<br />

allow dolphins time to<br />

Genevieve<br />

Robinson ​<br />

evacuate the harbour when<br />

work starts.<br />

Mr Davie said<br />

monitoring of noise<br />

levels and the presence of<br />

dolphins would be ongoing.<br />

LPC’s marine mammal<br />

management plan, to be<br />

provided by a marine<br />

mammal expert from the<br />

Cawthron Institute, would<br />

be publicly available once<br />

completed next month.<br />

Noise level data from landbased<br />

piling would also be<br />

released publicly, once it<br />

had been analysed.<br />

Ms Robinson said the<br />

revised MMMP and sound<br />

recording data was needed<br />

sooner, as piling was due to<br />

start next month.<br />

“THat might provide<br />

us with only a threeday<br />

window to provide<br />

feedback,” she said.<br />

Mr Dawson said he<br />

found LPC’s responses<br />

“inconsistent,” as they<br />

had “made a point” of<br />

saying the MMMP would<br />

be available for feedback,<br />

which would be considered<br />

by the company.<br />

“How are they going to<br />

respond to it, let alone hear<br />

it?”<br />

Timeball to reopen on Friday<br />

• By Matt Salmons<br />

SEVEN YEARS after being<br />

almost completely destroyed,<br />

Lyttelton’s restored Timeball<br />

tower will officially reopen to the<br />

public on Friday.<br />

After sustaining damage in the<br />

February 22, 2011, earthquake,<br />

the semi-deconstructed station<br />

was then damaged beyond repair<br />

during an aftershock later that<br />

year.<br />

Heritage New Zealand director<br />

southern region Sheila Watson<br />

said the restoration of the tower<br />

and flagpole was finished in June,<br />

but the area remained closed as<br />

landscaping was finished.<br />

After an opening ceremony,<br />

people will be able to visit the site<br />

during daylight hours, while at<br />

night the tower will be lit up. Flag<br />

displays will also feature during<br />

the year.<br />

OPENING: Lyttelton’s Timeball will reopen to<br />

the public on Friday after the final touches are<br />

completed on the restoration project.<br />

SPRING<br />

50%<br />

45<br />

OFF<br />

%<br />

Hostas<br />

A great shade loving perennial<br />

with amazing colouration in the<br />

leaves adding vibrancy to a<br />

normally dull part of the garden.<br />

Impatiens White<br />

Large pretty pure-white flowers<br />

cover the whole plant with extra<br />

early flowering. A beautiful and<br />

popular bedding plant.<br />

Head in-store or visit<br />

oderings.co.nz<br />

Open 7 Days, 8am – 5.30pm<br />

OFF<br />

Alternanthera Brazilian Red<br />

Demands attention with its hot-pink foliage.<br />

An excellent feature shrub in frost-free areas.<br />

The brightly coloured hot-pink leaves are contrasted<br />

with small, white, ball-shaped flowers in springtime.<br />

Griselinia Gecko Green<br />

A more compact version of its brother plant<br />

Broadway Mint, this hedge master has a slightly<br />

smaller foliage and is much more compact.<br />

33<br />

OFF<br />

25<br />

OFF<br />

%<br />

%<br />

5<br />

Varieties<br />

$<br />

$5 8.99<br />

. 99<br />

$<br />

EACH<br />

3 . 59<br />

9 PACK<br />

$ 4.79<br />

$<br />

$5 10.99<br />

. 49<br />

EACH<br />

$<br />

$5 10.99<br />

. 99<br />

EACH<br />

40<br />

OFF<br />

%<br />

Barrington<br />

92 Stourbridge St<br />

Linwood<br />

485 Linwood Ave<br />

45<br />

OFF<br />

Swan Plants<br />

Plant now to feed those hungry<br />

Monarch caterpillars later. Swan<br />

plants are perennial so once the<br />

butterflies have finished leave<br />

them in the garden for next year.<br />

IN<br />

FLOWER<br />

Princess<br />

Alstroemerias<br />

Dwarf Alstroemeria or Princess<br />

Lilies are petite plants with lush<br />

foliage and an abundance of<br />

colourful blooms.<br />

Yaldhurst<br />

20 Main West Coast Rd<br />

Philpotts Rd<br />

116 Philpotts Rd<br />

Cashmere<br />

205 Cashmere Rd<br />

Specials valid until 7.11.18 or while stocks last. We cannot sell or redeem Go Gardening gift<br />

vouchers. Other vouchers – Yes.<br />

%<br />

Lavender Sensation Rose<br />

Tolerating frost, humidity and flowering all spring<br />

and summer, this stunning colour will be a<br />

standout in your garden and pots.<br />

26<br />

OFF<br />

$<br />

$<br />

13 18.99<br />

. 49<br />

40 PLANTS<br />

INCL $2 BOX<br />


3<br />

%<br />

Lobelias<br />

Vibrant mixture of bright flowers on compact<br />

plants. Available are cascading and uprights<br />

which are good for pots, baskets or as a garden<br />

border.<br />

$2 . 99<br />

EACH<br />

27<br />

OFF<br />

%<br />

$<br />

$5 10.99<br />

. 99<br />

EACH<br />

11<br />

Varieties<br />

$ 4.79<br />

$<br />

. 54<br />

9 PACK<br />

7 . 99<br />

$ 4.99 $<br />

EACH<br />

8<br />

Varieties<br />

$<br />

$23 29.99<br />

. 99<br />

EACH<br />

$ 10.99<br />

Buxus Sempervirens<br />

Also known as the English Box.<br />

Great for small hedges as they<br />

are very hardy and slow growing.<br />

Can be trained as a standard.<br />

$14 . 99<br />

$ 17.99 EACH<br />

Iberis Pink Ice<br />

Also know as candytuft, this<br />

recently new iberis has gorgeous<br />

cool pink blooms from early<br />

spring through summer.<br />

Attracts butterflies.<br />


PAGE 8 Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


GREAT<br />

Spring<br />

READS<br />

INSTORE!<br />


Made In Scotland<br />

My Grand Adventures in a Wee Country<br />

By Billy Connolly<br />

All roads lead home. ‘After my knighthood was announced a<br />

woman from the BBC came to Glasgow to interview me. We<br />

sat down in a lovely hotel in a nice part of town, and she hit<br />

me with her first question- “This must mean a lot to you, with<br />

you coming from nothing? “I looked at her, and I laughed<br />

“I did? nae come from nothing, “I told her. “I come from<br />

something. “I grew up in the tenements of post-war Glasgow.<br />

I am very proud to be working class, and especially a<br />

working-class Glaswegian who has worked in the shipyards.<br />

I come from the working class. And, most of all, I come<br />

from Scotland. Scotland is a unique and wonderful place. Its<br />

national motto says a lot about it- Nemo me impunelacessit.<br />

A decent translation might be- ‘By all means punch me in the<br />

nose but prepare yourself for a kick in the arse? I did? nae<br />

come from nothing- I come from Scotland. And this book is<br />

about why I will always be happy and proud that I do.?<br />

Whiskey in a Teacup<br />

What Growing Up in the South Taught Me About Life,<br />

Love, and Baking Biscuits By reese Witherspoon<br />

Academy Award-winning actress, producer, and entrepreneur<br />

Reese Witherspoon invites you into her world, where she<br />

infuses the southern style, parties, and traditions she loves<br />

with contemporary flair and charm.<br />

Reese Witherspoon’s grandmother Dorothea always said that<br />

a combination of beauty and strength made southern women<br />

“whiskey in a teacup.” We may be delicate and ornamental<br />

on the outside, she said, but inside we’re strong and fiery.<br />

Reese’s southern heritage informs her whole life, and she<br />

loves sharing the joys of southern living with practically<br />

everyone she meets. Reese loves sharing Dorothea’s most<br />

delicious recipes as well as her favourite southern traditions,<br />

from midnight barn parties to backyard bridal showers,<br />

magical Christmas mornings to rollicking honky-tonks.<br />

It’s easy to bring a little bit of Reese’s world into your home,<br />

no matter where you live. After all, there’s a southern side to<br />

every place in the world, right?<br />

Blowing the Bloody Doors Off<br />

And Other Lessons in Life By Michael Caine<br />

With over 100 movies to his credit over six decades,<br />

Hollywood legend and British national treasure Michael Caine<br />

shares the wisdom, stories, insight and skills that life has<br />

taught him in his remarkable career - and now his 85th year.<br />

One of our best-loved actors Michael Caine has starred in<br />

a huge range of films - including all-time favourites - from<br />

the classic British movies Alfie, Zulu and The Italian Job to<br />

the Hollywood blockbusting Dark Knight trilogy, Dirty Rotten<br />

Scoundrels, Hannah and Her Sisters and Cider House Rules.<br />

Caine has excelled in every kind of role - with a skill that’s<br />

made it look easy.<br />

He knows what success takes - he’s made it to the top of<br />

his profession from the toughest beginning. But as he says<br />

‘Small parts can lead to big things. And if you keep doing<br />

things right, the stars will align when you least expect it.’<br />

Now in his 85th year he wants to share everything he’s<br />

learned. With brilliant new insight into his life and work and<br />

with his wonderful gift for story, this is Caine at his wise and<br />

entertaining best.<br />

No Spin<br />

By Shane Warne<br />

Everyone knows the story, or thinks they do. The leg-spinner<br />

who rewrote the record books. One of Wisden?s five cricketers<br />

of the twentieth century. A sporting idol across the globe. A<br />

magnet for the tabloids. But the millions of words written and<br />

spoken about Shane Warne since his explosive arrival on the<br />

Test cricket scene in 1992 have only scratched the surface.<br />

The real story has remained untold. In No Spin, Shane sets<br />

the record straight. From his extraordinary family history to his<br />

childhood as a budding Aussie Rules footballer in suburban<br />

Melbourne. From the legendary ‘Gatting ball? to his historymaking<br />

700th Test wicket. From the controversy surrounding<br />

the diuretic pill in South Africa to his high-profile relationship<br />

with Hollywood star Elizabeth Hurley. Nothing is off limits,<br />

and Shane tackles it all with his trademark directness and<br />

humour. These days an incisive, charismatic TV commentator<br />

and analyst, the ‘Sultan of Spin? also lets us in on the<br />

mysterious art of leg-spin bowling, revealing the secrets of<br />

some of his deadliest deliveries.<br />

1005 Ferry rd<br />

Ph 384 2063<br />

while stocks last (see instore for terms and conditions)<br />

Barry & kerry

Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


PAGE 9<br />

News<br />

29 th <strong>October</strong> to 4 th November <strong>2018</strong><br />

If your bag<br />

wears out,<br />

we’ll replace<br />

FREE!<br />

$<br />

9 99<br />

kg<br />

Fresh NZ Brinks<br />

Skinless Chicken<br />

Breast Fillets<br />

$<br />

2 99<br />

punnet<br />

Sweet Juicy<br />

Strawberries 250g<br />

LIBRARY: Lyttelton Primary School librarian Rita Norris (left) and Ruth Connor sort<br />

through hundreds of donated books as they get ready for the book fair.<br />

Bigger and better<br />

Lyttelton book fair<br />

• By Matt Salmons<br />

A MOUNTAIN of donated<br />

books is growing at<br />

Lyttelton Primary School<br />

in the lead up to its second<br />

biennial book fair.<br />

Organised by parents<br />

from the school’s family<br />

hub, the November 11<br />

event would see thousands<br />

of donated books go up for<br />

sale out of the Lyttelton<br />

Arts Factory.<br />

Lyttelton Primary School<br />

secretary and librarian Rita<br />

Norris said the first book<br />

fair in 2016 had boosted the<br />

library’s stock and allowed<br />

the school to run literary<br />

events over the last two<br />

years.<br />

“It enabled us to top up<br />

with new books as it had<br />

been a bit depleted [after<br />

the merger].”<br />

The 2016 event saw the<br />

library receive about 300<br />

books from the more than<br />

5000 donated, while book<br />

sales raised $5500.<br />

Mrs Norris said it had<br />

meant the library could get<br />

“back up to where it should<br />

be.”<br />

She said the organisers<br />

were “just amazing” and<br />

the school library would<br />

not be where it was without<br />

them.<br />

Family hub member and<br />

organiser Ruth Connor<br />

said the school’s library<br />

was looking “a lot healthier”<br />

after the last book fair.<br />

“But to be honest, the<br />

whole thing needs<br />

overhauling, especially<br />

non-fiction. A lot of that<br />

is 10-years-old and things<br />

have changed.<br />

“We need to keep the collection<br />

exciting for kids.”<br />

She said people could<br />

still donate books to be sold<br />

and organisers hoped to<br />

“have a similar or greater<br />

amount of books this year<br />

and we’re well on the way.”<br />

“If people have good<br />

quality books, absolutely<br />

we’d love them,” Ms Connor<br />

said.<br />

While they would accept<br />

any donated books, not<br />

everything was going to<br />

sell, she said.<br />

“People are always trying<br />

to get rid of their 1980s<br />

microwave cookbooks.”​<br />

Ms Connor said the<br />

books were priced low,<br />

adults books for $2 and<br />

children’s books $1.<br />

“People were going home<br />

with a box load of all their<br />

summer reading [last<br />

year],” she said.<br />

•Lyttelton Primary<br />

School book fair:<br />

November 10, 9am at<br />

the Lyttelton Arts<br />

Factory. People can<br />

drop donation books off<br />

at the school reception<br />

or email familyhub@<br />

lyttelton.school.nz.<br />

$<br />

5 79<br />

ea<br />

$<br />

3 49<br />

ea<br />

Whittaker’s Artisan<br />

Collection Chocolate<br />

100g<br />

WW Salted Butter<br />

500g<br />

$<br />

3 99<br />

ea<br />

Keri Original Juice/<br />

Drink 3L/Premium<br />

Juice 2.4L<br />

3 for<br />

$<br />

4 00<br />

Schweppes Sparkling<br />

Soft Drink 1.5L<br />

(Excludes Mixers)<br />

Church reopens after restoration<br />

AFTER AN eight-month<br />

restoration, Akaroa’s St Patrick’s<br />

Catholic Church reopened on<br />

Labour Day with Bishop Paul<br />

Martin holding a liturgy of<br />

thanksgiving.<br />

THe $800,000 project included<br />

a full restoration of the church<br />

with major work being done to the<br />

foundations, floor, roof, cladding<br />

on the tower, insulation and<br />

installing wiring throughout the<br />

building. Borer, which had infested<br />

much of the woodwork, was<br />

eradicated.<br />

Also included in the restoration<br />

was the procurement of kauri pews<br />

from the Catholic church in New<br />

Brighton that date back to 1911.<br />

PARISH: Kevin McSweeney, Robyn Burgess,<br />

Bishop Paul Martin SM, Fr Paul Shannahan SM,<br />

Kate Palmer and Bernie Rennell.<br />


$<br />

33 99<br />

pk<br />

Owned &<br />

operated<br />

by locals<br />

Export Gold/Tui<br />

24 x 330ml Bottles<br />

$<br />

13 99<br />

ea<br />

The Ned<br />

(Excludes Pinot Noir)/<br />

Allan Scott<br />

(Excludes Pinot Noir/Sparkling)<br />

750ml<br />

SuperValue Lyttelton, Sumner<br />

For inspiration visit SuperValue.co.nz |<br />

While stocks last at SuperValue Lyttelton and Sumner only.<br />

Please drink<br />

responsibly<br />


PAGE 10 Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

MERINO kNItwEaR, DREss tROusERs & Casual paNts<br />

the MENSWEAR<br />


Machine Washable / Stretch Cloth<br />

Made by blokes your comfort casual oddments to clear. Grey, olive or<br />

bronze. Sizes 84 to 104cm RRP $119.90<br />

OUR PRICE $ 64 OR 2 FOR $ 90<br />

@ SYDENHAM<br />

387 Colombo Street<br />

Parking behind Butlers Auto Mart<br />

In association with<br />

mens stores<br />

in Bishopdale Village<br />

Hours: Mon to Fri 10am to 4pm. Sat 10am to 3pm.<br />

Closed Sun.<br />

Are the stores the same? NO, but they do share heritage.<br />

They have similar and different merchandise.<br />

2<br />

jEaNS SPECIaL<br />

OUR PRICE $ 38<br />


Make up your own assortment from our huge selection of brands,<br />

fabrics, styles to meet your needs, your family and friend’s needs, from<br />

our various options. Cloths can be wool blends, polyester viscose,<br />

all cotton, cotton/spandex stretch. There are garments to meet your<br />

requirement for business, church, garden, golf, weddings or just<br />

comfortable casual wear. These can be assorted sizes, styles to gain the<br />

best price advantage These range from as low as 2 pair for $80 to 4 pair<br />

for $120. They can be bought individually at already marked Sale prices.<br />

Many oddments for only $30<br />

There are size from 77cm to 117cm plus oddments up to 152cm<br />

OPTION 1<br />

2 Pair $ 80 3 Pair $ 90 4 Pair $ 100<br />

OPTION 2<br />


Machine Washable<br />

2 styles, 3 makers and up to 14 colours and with sizes from SM up to<br />

6XL. Plus a few 7XL & 8XL<br />

[not every colour available in every size.] Variety like you have always<br />

wanted. Quality you can enjoy.<br />

We have been able to select Superfine Merino V neck pullovers from two<br />

great suppliers in their proven machine washable garments. We have had<br />

them before, this is now a greater range of shades we can offer.<br />

RRP $149 to $159<br />

¼ Zip style in machine washable Merino by blokes. New delivery, new<br />

shades, plus the shades you enjoyed before. SM to 4XL<br />

RRP $159.90<br />

NOW $ 98 $<br />

108 $<br />

118 $<br />

124<br />


Machine washable V neck<br />

Another proven garment in great shades, Navy, Slate, Denim, Agate,<br />

Charcoal, Burgundy, in sizes SM – 3XL. RRP $189.90<br />

NOW $ 137<br />

(some dis-continued oddments $89<br />

plus Cardigans to go $99 $109)<br />

2 Pair $ 90 3 Pair $ 100 4 Pair $ 120<br />

OPTION 3<br />

Make up your own combo - we will make<br />

you the best price.<br />

News<br />

• By Matt Salmons<br />

PEOPLE living in<br />

Lyttelton have found<br />

humour in the misspelling<br />

of the port’s name on a<br />

Spreydon street sign.<br />

The sign for Lyttelton<br />

St has been incorrectly<br />

spelled ‘Lyttleton’ at the intersection<br />

with Edinburgh<br />

St.<br />

Former Lyttelton<br />

resident Andrew Massie<br />

spotted the mistake on<br />

Thursday and posted a<br />

photo on the Lyttelton –<br />

Ain’t No Place I’d Rather<br />

Be Facebook page, gaining<br />

a number of laughs and<br />

likes.<br />

“You see it quite frequently<br />

online, people<br />

spelling it incorrectly, but I<br />

was really surprised to see<br />

it on a street sign,” he said.<br />

City council road maintenance<br />

manager Mark<br />

Pinner the sign “will be<br />

corrected.”<br />

“If it is the contractors,<br />

even if it is their subcontractors,<br />

error, they will<br />

pick up the cost of replacement.”<br />

Mr Pinner said the<br />

city council paid by the<br />

number of letters on street<br />

signs, so the cost of the<br />

misspelt sign could be<br />

between $100 and $140.<br />

Mistakes on street signs<br />

were “very infrequent”, Mr<br />

Pinner said.<br />

“There are a lot of<br />

stages in the process, so<br />

potentially the error could<br />

be from when it may have<br />

been requested to simply<br />

what the sign manufacturer<br />

puts in, and even allowing<br />

for spell checking,<br />

names are so individual<br />

that this isn’t a complete<br />

fail safe” Mr Pinner said.<br />

People commented on<br />

Mr Massie’s post, saying<br />

the city council could not<br />

follow Google Maps and<br />

MISTAKE: The<br />

city council<br />

says it will<br />

replace this<br />

incorrect<br />

street sign in<br />

Spreydon.<br />

‘Lyttleton St’ blunder<br />

gets a laugh<br />

Hoon Hay resident<br />

Gary Knight writes in<br />

support of Diamond<br />

<strong>Harbour</strong>’s Stoddart<br />

Cottage Trust’s recent<br />

Christchurch Civic<br />

Trust award<br />

I read with admiration<br />

the recognition of<br />

Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong><br />

Margaret Stoddart cottage<br />

trust in relationship of<br />

awareness of heritage<br />

assets.<br />

To have Christchurch<br />

Civic trust category D<br />

award bestowed on it not<br />

only bears testimony to<br />

the stature of this cottage<br />

trust but the presence of a<br />

nomination for this true<br />

asset from a candid visitor<br />

to the cottage is reflective of<br />

the value and popularity of<br />

this heritage landmark.<br />

As the oldest Diamond<br />

<strong>Harbour</strong> dwelling, and<br />

birthplace of revered<br />

Canterbury artist Margaret<br />

would have to change<br />

Lyttelton’s name on maps<br />

to suit.<br />

Mr Massie tagged the<br />

city council in his post, but<br />

said he had not received a<br />

response.<br />

“The way the current<br />

council is performing, I’m<br />

not surprised,” he said.<br />

He said he thought<br />

people may assume the<br />

town was named for<br />

being a “little town”. But<br />

it was actually named<br />

after George Lyttelton, a<br />

member of the Canterbury<br />

Association.<br />

In 2016, the city council<br />

had to pay $200 to replace<br />

a sign incorrectly spelt<br />

‘Moorehouse Ave’, and in<br />

2014, a no-stopping sign<br />

in Cathedral Square added<br />

an extra ‘r’, resulting in<br />

‘Catherdral’.<br />

That sign remained in<br />

place for four weeks before<br />

being replaced.<br />

Stoddart the house, museum<br />

and craft shop within<br />

this iconic structure is a<br />

true hub for many both local<br />

and from surrounding<br />

areas.<br />

To further compliment<br />

the ambience it would be<br />

certainly innovative to<br />

adorn the interior with<br />

original Margaret Stoddart<br />


Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


PAGE 11<br />

WIN<br />

Breakfast with Santa at South City Shopping Centre!<br />

Saturday 8th December, 7:30am<br />

Colour in the picture and drop off to the South City Centre Management Office by Monday 19th November<br />

or scan and email to admin@southcity.co.nz and you could WIN Breakfast with Santa!<br />

Name:<br />

Email:<br />

Phone:<br />

Age:<br />

Address:<br />

There will be free gifts from Santa, Free Facepainting, Breakfast at McDonalds,<br />

and the amazing Melanie Poppins will be here!!

PAGE 12 Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Our People<br />

Tina Hutchison-Thomas<br />

From Star Wars to wearable art<br />

The colourful garments<br />

seen on stage and screen<br />

are the bread and butter<br />

of Mt Pleasant’s Tina<br />

Hutchison-Thomas.<br />

Matt Salmons caught up<br />

with the World of Wearable<br />

Art New Zealand design<br />

award-winner<br />

Where did you grow up?<br />

I was born in Christchurch<br />

and I’m basically a Cantabrian<br />

through and through. I was here<br />

for my whole life until I went to<br />

Sydney. I did the fashion and<br />

design course at CPIT. That was<br />

a two-year course.<br />

What about your family?<br />

I met my husband Tim when<br />

I was 14 and he was 16. He took<br />

me to my first formal. We dated<br />

for a couple of months and then<br />

went our separate ways. We met<br />

again at a friend’s 20th. We’ve<br />

now got three children, Lily, 13,<br />

Harry, 11, and Maddie, 9. They’re<br />

all creative in their own right.<br />

Lily is more an artist, Harry is<br />

more into music and Maddie<br />

is more into performing arts.<br />

They see my long hours, but they<br />

understand and see my passion.<br />

Hopefully, that can evolve into a<br />

passion for their careers.<br />

What was your first job after<br />

study?<br />

My first job was with the<br />

Southern Ballet as the wardrobe<br />

mistress. It hadn’t had a<br />

wardrobe mistress for ages and<br />

the place was a bit of a wreck. I<br />

was just up for any challenge so I<br />

said ‘yes, I can do it’. The first big<br />

end-of-year show I did required<br />

30 tutus and I had no idea how to<br />

make them. I pulled a tutu apart,<br />

worked out how it was made and<br />

then roped in a whole bunch of<br />

ballet mums to get the job done.<br />

That was my first experience of<br />

a 70-hour week and strangely I<br />

wanted to come back. I think it<br />

was enough to get me hooked.<br />

What do you like about<br />

costume designing?<br />

All my costume skills, I’ve<br />

learned on the job. There’s way<br />

more sowing and handwork than<br />

you’d have in fashion. It’s much<br />

more labour intensive which is<br />

what I enjoy the most.<br />

Where to from there?<br />

There wasn’t a great deal of<br />

costume work in Christchurch<br />

so I jumped on a plane at 21 to<br />

go to Sydney. I hated it, it was<br />

awful. I wanted to go straight<br />

into costume, but I didn’t have<br />

enough experience so I ended up<br />

in retail. I came back and worked<br />

with the Court Theatre for three<br />

years. One of my contacts got<br />

work on Star Wars: Revenge of<br />

the Sith. I put my hand up and<br />

we went back to Sydney for four<br />

years in 2003. That was a massive<br />

eye-opener.<br />

Did you work on any<br />

costumes people would know?<br />

I did Jimmy Smits’ costumes,<br />

he was Bail Organa (in Star<br />

Wars: Revenge of the Sith). I<br />

STUDIO: Tina Hutchison-Thomas at home in her studio with the World of Wearable Art award<br />

she won for her Eye See you Fluffy Kōwhai costume design.<br />

also got to work on the actual<br />

Darth Vader costume and a<br />

bit of work on Keisha Castle-<br />

Hughes’ costume. I was basically<br />

in charge of the silk velvet. It’s<br />

really temperamental. If you’re<br />

making costumes, it’s your<br />

least favourite fabric as it has a<br />

mind of it’s own, it’s expensive<br />

and it’s really hard to get. After<br />

that, I free-lanced at Sydney<br />

Theatre Company and Opera<br />

Australia. I also worked for a<br />

company that made costumes for<br />

the touring show of Phantom of<br />

the Opera in which they sent me<br />

to South Africa and China.<br />

When did you come back to<br />

NZ?<br />

I got pregnant when we were<br />

in Sydney and we had our first<br />

child over there. I got pregnant<br />

again quite quickly and we<br />

came back to Christchurch at<br />

the end of 2006. I worked for a<br />

little bit with Southern Opera<br />

while having another child. I<br />

then ended up back at the Court<br />

Theatre. We’ll probably move<br />

back to Sydney when the kids<br />

grow up, who knows.<br />

Was that when you landed the<br />

job working on New Zealand<br />

film The Stolen?<br />

I got to design that, which was<br />

really exciting as that had been<br />

a life goal for me. I brought my<br />

dear friend Joanna Grenke over<br />

to help. She’s the menswear tailor<br />

at Sydney Theatre Company. We<br />

hired a whole bunch of locals<br />

as well. It was a real challenge<br />

but the Court Theatre was a<br />

great resource and we hired<br />

more costumes from Auckland.<br />

Not only did I design all the<br />

costumes, but I ran the costume<br />

department, cut patterns,<br />

stitched costumes, and worked as<br />

a wardrobe standby. No wonder<br />

I needed a break after that film.<br />

There were so many extras, it<br />

really pushes you to your limits.<br />

I did at least one 100-hour week.<br />

But I knew it would be tough and<br />

I’m always up for a challenge.<br />

Why did you leave the Court<br />

Theatre?<br />

I’d got to a point in my career<br />

where I felt that I wanted the<br />

next challenge, so I left and<br />

have been working in freelance<br />

costuming ever since. Then<br />

WOW came up. I said ‘I’ll give<br />

it a go’. I never thought I was<br />

an arty kind of person, I was<br />

always a purist when it came<br />

to costume. My idea ‘geogami’<br />

came up very quickly and just<br />

evolved as I worked on it and<br />

I got into the final, so that<br />

was really exciting. It was a<br />

great experience and it’s very<br />

addictive. As soon as I came<br />

back I was thinking about what<br />

to do this year.<br />

How was it working without<br />

the constraints of a script?<br />

I found that difficult. When<br />

I’m designing for a show, it’s<br />

much more collaborative. But<br />

designing a costume without<br />

constraints, it was a challenge.<br />

And I really struggled writing<br />

about the piece. For me, there<br />

have always been guidelines, so<br />

that was the hardest part. But<br />

it was different, so that’s why I<br />

liked it.<br />

Where did the idea for this<br />

year’s design come from?<br />

For my entry this year,<br />

I wanted to do something<br />

completely different, which is<br />

why everything was soft and<br />

fluffy. I’d done spikes before.<br />

Last year I saw what the judges<br />

were looking for in the winning<br />

designs. I knew they liked<br />

sparkly detail and interesting use<br />

of fabric. I put them all together<br />

and ended up with the crazy<br />

Fluffy Kōwhai inspired by the<br />

poodle moth.<br />

That’s not a common moth,<br />

where did you hear about it?<br />

One of the sections this year<br />

was ‘under the microscope’.<br />

So I was looking at moths and<br />

butterflies and the poodle moth<br />

caught my eye. I thought what<br />

is that? I hadn’t seen a lot of fur<br />

in other shows so I thought I’d<br />

give it a go. It allowed me to do<br />

both fabric dying and sparkly. I<br />

spent ages doing the eyes, way<br />

longer than I anticipated. The<br />

problem was that I had four<br />

other jobs on at the same time<br />

to finish. I missed the shipping<br />

deadline but my dad and my<br />

step-mum offered to take it to<br />

Nelson. I finished it at 5am and<br />

they picked it up at 8am, it was a<br />

bit of a mission. I’ve done some<br />

long hours, but I’d never done an<br />

all-nighter in my 20-something<br />

years in costuming.<br />

Will you enter next year?<br />

I don’t know. I was just saying<br />

to Tim this morning that maybe<br />

that’s another box ticked for me.<br />

It depends on the workload, but<br />

that doesn’t seem to be a problem<br />

for me, I just keep saying yes to<br />

everything, so we’ll see.<br />

CHOSEN: Tina Hutchison-Thomas’s award winning design on<br />

the runway.

Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


Young chefs’ first restaurant service<br />

• By Matt Salmons<br />

vegetables and a French mousse Two of the four young chefs,<br />

dessert.<br />

Otis and Noah, won a school<br />

TONIGHT’S four-course meal “It’s going to be pretty good. cooking competition last year<br />

at Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong>’s Preserved I’d be proud to serve up what using similar techniques to what<br />

Eatery will be prepared by a team they’re serving,” she said.<br />

they would use tonight.<br />

of budding restauranteurs who There will be about 20 diners The Garden to Table<br />

are all still in primary school. tonight, half of what a normal programme encouraged primary<br />

Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> School pupils<br />

Otis, Henry, Ben and Noah Mrs Mahy said she did not which pupils could work on to<br />

full night would be.<br />

schools to maintain a garden<br />

will spend today preparing for want to put “too much pressure” provide food for their classmates<br />

their takeover of the restaurant on the pupils.<br />

each week.<br />

to raise money for the school’s Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> School “We thought it would be fun to<br />

Garden to Table programme. principal Jill Pears said the get some of the kids who really<br />

Preserved co-owner Anna pupils were “really excited” and like to cook to come in and do a<br />

Mahy said she would supervise the school would love to see it four-course tasting menu,” Mrs<br />

in the kitchen while another become a regular event.<br />

Mahy said.<br />

staff member kept an eye on the “There’s plenty of other<br />

She had spent the last few<br />

pupils running the service. students who want to have a go. weeks running sessions to help<br />

“Otherwise, they are in charge Hopefully, we can keep it going. prepare the pupils who were<br />

of the restaurant for the night. “We have done a similar event taking part.<br />

What could go wrong eh?” before, with students creating “The creativity and the desire<br />

The menu had been designed a meal from locally provided to cook was already there when<br />

by both Mrs Mahy and the produce, but we haven’t worked I approached them so it’s just<br />

pupils and included a pea soup, in conjunction with a restaurant building on what their passions PREPPED: Young chefs Otis, Henry, Ben and Noah will take over<br />

handmade ravioli, pickled before.”<br />

already are.”<br />

Anna Mahy’s restaurant Preserved Eatery tonight. ​<br />

The haunting of Governors <strong>Bay</strong> SCHOOLS<br />

MORE THAN 90 children<br />

and their families attended<br />

Governors <strong>Bay</strong> School’s annual<br />

Halloween Hallabaloo on<br />

Sunday.<br />

PTA member Wendy ‘the<br />

good witch’ Foster said the<br />

fundraising event was popular<br />

with the school’s pupils.<br />

“It’s one of our best-attended<br />

events, of course, there’s lots of<br />

peer pressure from the kids to<br />

their parents to get tickets,” she<br />

said.<br />

The evening included a<br />

costume contest, a barbecue,<br />

bouncy castle, a number of party<br />

games and a gummy-snake<br />

eating contest.<br />

“They had to eat them with<br />

their hands behind their back<br />

and they were covered in cream,”<br />

Mrs Foster said.<br />

Another game saw pupils<br />

hunting for buried plastic<br />

skeletons they then had to<br />

reassemble.<br />

The night finished with the<br />

pupils trick-or-treating 10 houses<br />

in Governors <strong>Bay</strong>.

2<br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

keep it local<br />

and support businesses in your community<br />

New beginnings...<br />

Alyssum Health & Beauty operated<br />

in Sumner since 2007 until everything<br />

changed post earthquakes. By 2013,<br />

manager Sonya Barrie needed to pause<br />

and take stock of where she was going. “I<br />

woke up one morning and couldn’t move<br />

– it felt like the fuel line had been cut.<br />

With time to rest and reflect, my lifelong<br />

passion for natural medicine surfaced as a<br />

clear direction for me to follow.”<br />

Now with a Degree in Natural Medicine,<br />

and lovely new premises Sonya is able to<br />

provide naturopathic consultations and<br />

wellness coaching as well as skincare<br />

and beauty services under the banner of<br />

Alyssum Natural Health & Beauty.<br />

Naturopathic consultations: We can<br />

help with a wide range of health problems.<br />

We allocate up to 90 minutes at your<br />

first appointment, listening to your story<br />

and gathering information to create an<br />

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analyzing this information we formulate a<br />

therapeutic strategy using a combination<br />

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and lifestyle recommendations. We work<br />

with you to help you achieve your health<br />

goals.<br />

Rhythmical Massage Therapy is a special<br />

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Steiner’s Anthroposophic approach to<br />

illness and healing. People most commonly<br />

feel a stronger sense of self, and a feeling of<br />

wellbeing and of being more ‘in control’<br />

regardless of what life brings.<br />

Dr Hauschka facials are beautifully<br />

and sensitively crafted. Warm, aromatic,<br />

compresses, luxurious products, and<br />

nurturing touch revitalize and gently<br />

correct imbalances in the skin, resulting<br />

in a radiant complexion and state of<br />

relaxation.<br />

All our beauty treatments are carried<br />

out with dignity and a caring, nurturing<br />

quality and we aim to create a little bit of<br />

bliss and tranquillity for you.<br />

Call Sonya 0211 014 036 @ 232 Fitzgerald Ave<br />

Sonya’s treatment<br />

plan was very effective<br />

and affordable,<br />

with a minimum of<br />

supplements. Her<br />

practical suggestions for<br />

some lifestyle changes<br />

also made a positive<br />

difference to my health.<br />

- Liz<br />

Sonya’s sensitive<br />

touch, skillful massage<br />

and deep knowledge<br />

of naturopathy has<br />

greatly assisted me in<br />

recovering from fatigue<br />

and pains. - SG.<br />


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SPACE<br />


If you’re reading this ad chances are thousands<br />

of other local <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> readers be will also<br />

Are you interested in advertising on our<br />

‘Keep it Local’ page and for less than $100<br />

per month and also includes an advertorial<br />

Contact Malcolm Ph 328-7350<br />

32 London St, Lyttelton<br />

Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 9am-1pm<br />

f o u r s e a s o n s<br />

t r e e c a r e<br />

t h e t r e e p e o p l e<br />

Open Monday - Friday 6am-5pm<br />

& Saturday 7am-3pm<br />

8 Norwich Quay, Lyttelton<br />

Phone: 03 328 9004<br />

Contact Rob Davison 021 225 8584<br />

or Javier Balcazar 021 225 8221<br />

Advertising enquiries Dalton Dalley | Ph: 021 800 809 | dalton.dalley@starmedia.kiwi

Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


PAGE 15<br />

get your<br />

garden sorted<br />

Ferrymead<br />

COluMbuS CaFÉ NOw OPeN<br />

monday to Friday 7am to 4.30pm | saturday to sunday 8am to 4.30pm | Public holidays 8am to 4.30pm<br />

Simply Colour<br />

Potted Colour 10CM<br />

Choose from a selection of seasonal varieties.<br />

148013<br />

Assorted<br />

Vegetable<br />

Seedlings 6PK<br />

Get your edible<br />

garden up and<br />

running with a<br />

wide selection of<br />

vegetables.<br />

Sold separately<br />

at $3.68 pack<br />

188499<br />

Growfresh Graft<br />

Grafted Tomato<br />

Beefsteak 10CM<br />

Extra-large, red beefy fruit.<br />

Vigorous and disease-resistant.<br />

188527<br />

Colourwave<br />

Petunia Night Sky 1.5L<br />

Easy to grow and will work wonders for your garden beds,<br />

containers or hanging baskets.<br />

307141<br />

99 c eaCH<br />

buY 3 FOr<br />

$<br />

10 50<br />

$<br />

6 98<br />

$<br />

10 48<br />

exCluSIve<br />

Number 8<br />

Compost 40L<br />

A mixture of organic<br />

plant based material<br />

that replenishes soil.<br />

246152<br />

Tui<br />

Vegetable Food<br />

1.5KG<br />

Blended to<br />

encourage an<br />

abundant yield of<br />

vegetables.<br />

118455<br />

Yates<br />

Tomato Liquid<br />

Food 500ML<br />

Enriched with<br />

potassium for larger,<br />

more tastier, more<br />

abundant fruit. Makes<br />

up to 150L of plant food.<br />

229463<br />

Tui<br />

Organic General<br />

Fertiliser 5KG<br />

Made from 100%<br />

certified inputs.<br />

Suitable for<br />

vegetables, flowers,<br />

trees and shrubs.<br />

293718<br />

$<br />

3 59 $ 8 51 $ 13 99 $ 19 99<br />

New PrOduCT<br />

Assorted Calibrachoa Chameleon 1.5L<br />

Season-long durability. Works great in hanging baskets,<br />

window boxes or blended with other items in mixed<br />

containers.<br />

323340/41<br />

$<br />

10 48<br />

eaCH<br />

Hydrangea 15CM<br />

Assorted colours available.<br />

Ideal for shady areas of the<br />

garden that need filling.<br />

<strong>31</strong>8948<br />

You’re invited to our<br />

garden<br />

evening<br />

exclusive oFFers on the night<br />

Join us at Mitre10 MeGa Ferrymead<br />

Friday 9th November, 6pm-8pm<br />

Assorted<br />

Peony<br />

Rose<br />

Highly<br />

perfumed<br />

flowers ideal<br />

for summer.<br />

927422<br />

FrOM<br />

$<br />

22 98<br />

New PrOduCT<br />

Keter<br />

Stackable Herb Planter<br />

Up to five units can be stacked, creating a unique look.<br />

W:410, D:380, H:191mm.<br />

322115<br />

FrOM<br />

$<br />

24 98<br />

Ferrymead<br />

1005 Ferry Road, Phone: 366 6306<br />

Opening Hours:<br />

Monday–Friday: 7am–7pm<br />

Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 8am–6pm<br />

Bring along a gold coin donation. All proceeds go to our chosen charity.<br />

Please RSVP instore by Wednesday 7 November <strong>2018</strong><br />

mitre10.co.nz/local/MegaFerrymead/<br />

If you find a lower price on an identical stocked product locally we will beat it by 15%.<br />

If you find the same product cheaper from another Mitre 10 store or Mitre 10 website we’ll match that price.<br />

Excludes trade and special quotes, stock liquidations and commercial quantities.<br />

The in-store price may be lower than that advertised.<br />

Offers available at Ferrymead Mitre 10 Mega only, until 7 th of November, while stocks last.<br />

$<br />

29 99<br />

eaCH<br />


PAGE 16 Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Your Local Views<br />

An oldie but a goodie<br />

Ferrymead Rotary’s<br />

Barbara Crooks talks about<br />

one of the club’s earliest<br />

projects and the relevance<br />

it has today<br />

The old saying that things get<br />

better with age certainly applies<br />

to one of Ferrymead Rotary’s<br />

longest-standing projects.<br />

Research coinciding with the<br />

club’s 25 th anniversary celebrations<br />

in September revealed<br />

that one of its earliest projects<br />

was organising an outing for<br />

<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> senior citizens to<br />

Christchurch’s Botanical Gardens<br />

and the central city.<br />

The trips, which are timed<br />

to take advantage of the spring<br />

flowering, have remained a regular<br />

on Ferrymead Rotary’s calendar.<br />

And this year, in response<br />

to the popularity of the trip, two<br />

groups – 24 senior citizens in<br />

total – were recruited and taken<br />

on different days.<br />

Maree McGovern, from the<br />

Sumner <strong>Bay</strong>s Union Trust,<br />

sourced the participants, and<br />

Rotary organised the transport<br />

and provided the driver and support<br />

crew.<br />

Participants were driven to the<br />

gardens where they tapped into<br />

the one-hour guided tour.<br />

Afterwards, they were shouted<br />

lunch and taken on a tour of the<br />

central city. Songs from a bygone<br />

era resonated as they cruised<br />

around the city’s emerging,<br />

new-look commercial heart; the<br />

Oxford Tce ‘strip’, the justice<br />

precinct, the cinema complex,<br />

residential housing, the proposed<br />

site for the sports centre<br />

and stadium, and other spots of<br />

interest.<br />

Year-on-year feedback has<br />

been the crucial driver for the<br />

continuing success of the trips.<br />

The senior citizen ‘customers’<br />

have been unanimous in attesting<br />

to their enjoyment of the day.<br />

In recent years several have said<br />

this was their first trip to the<br />

central city since the earthquake,<br />

and a number have rated it as<br />

their major outing of the year.<br />

In September around 50 people<br />

gathered at a special cocktail<br />

party at The Tannery to celebrate<br />

Ferrymead Rotary’s quartercentury.<br />

The occasion brought<br />

together current and former<br />

members, friends of the club, and<br />

representatives from the neighbouring<br />

Linwood Woolston,<br />

Lyttelton and Christchurch South<br />

Rotary clubs.<br />

Ferrymead Rotary was formed<br />

in 1993 as a result of a Linwood<br />

Woolston membership drive.<br />

When interest emerged in<br />

forming a new club, Linwood<br />

Woolston changed tack and<br />

sponsored the new Ferrymead<br />

club.<br />

Ferrymead Rotary is<br />

considering options for a<br />

project to mark its 25 years of<br />

involvement and contribution to<br />

its <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> community.​<br />

Sumner claim easy win<br />

• By Matt Salmons<br />

SUMNER HAS reversed the<br />

fortunes of their previous<br />

match to convincingly beat<br />

East Christchurch-Shirley at St<br />

Leonards Park.<br />

Club coach Dan Vann said<br />

Sumner’s bowling contained<br />

Easts to 147 all out, before<br />

reaching 148 with six wickets<br />

remaining.<br />

THis weekend the team will<br />

host old rivals, Merivale.<br />

“We’ve been generally even<br />

with them, but we’ve probably<br />

had the better of them in twothirds<br />

of our games,” Vann said.<br />

Both teams had seen big<br />

changes to their line-up since last<br />

season, he said, so it almost be<br />

like playing a fresh side.<br />

On Saturday, Sumner won<br />

the toss and elected to bowl.<br />

East made a good start with the<br />

opening pair putting on 47 for<br />

the first wicket.<br />

First change bowlers Vann<br />

and debutante Tyler Walker had<br />

immediate success, picking up<br />

two wickets each to bring the<br />

momentum back in Sumner’s<br />

favour at 91 for four.<br />

THe introduction of in-form<br />

spinner Jonny Percasky drove<br />

home that advantage further,<br />

picking up three wickets.<br />

Openers Dean Smith and<br />

Nawid Mohammady finished the<br />

job to have Easts all out for 147<br />

from 39 overs.<br />

In response, Sumner made a<br />

WINNERS: Sumner’s final batting pair Dan Vann and Michael<br />

Newton-Vesty after taking their side through to a win. ​<br />

good start before Easts took four<br />

wickets to have them on 87 for<br />

four as the final batting pair of<br />

Michael Newton-Vesty and Vann<br />

stepped up.<br />

Vann and Newton-Vesty’s<br />

efforts got their side over the line,<br />

hitting 61 runs between them<br />

before the game was called.<br />

“You never know, but we could<br />

have doubled [the runs]. It was<br />

a fairly convincing win,” Vann<br />

said.<br />

He said the win came down<br />

to a good all-around team<br />

performance.<br />

“Everyone chipped in with the<br />

ball and everyone chipped in<br />

SPORTS<br />

with the bat. No one was doing<br />

all the work.”<br />

Sumner’s division three side,<br />

The Mighty, also came away with<br />

a win against the East Shirley<br />

Tridents, finishing 93 all out to<br />

the Tridents 85 all out.<br />

However, feeder team the<br />

Blues, however, could not reach<br />

New Brighton’s 144 runs when<br />

they stepped up to bat. The team<br />

finishing the day on 96 all out.<br />

It’s our<br />

45th<br />

Anniversary<br />

year!<br />

#areyouupforit<br />

45th Anniversary<br />

Retro T-shirt<br />

available when<br />

entries open on<br />

1st December <strong>2018</strong><br />

Sunday 24th March, 2019 www.city2surf.co.nz

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


2WD XLS $27,990 +ORC<br />

• 5 Star Safety<br />

• Smartphone Connectivity<br />

• LED Daytime Running Lights<br />

• 18" Alloy Wheels<br />

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2.4L LS $33,990 +ORC<br />

• 7 Seats<br />

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• 126kW Power<br />

• 18" Alloy Wheels<br />

• Reversing Camera<br />

from $34,990 +ORC<br />

• 1.5L MIVEC Turbo Petrol engine<br />

• Keyless Entry and Push Button Start<br />

• Forward Collision Mitigation<br />

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• Auto Rain-Sensing Wipers & Light-<br />

Sensing Headlamps<br />

GLX-R $29,990 +ORC<br />

Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

• 2.4L Turbo Diesel Engine<br />

• 6 speed manual (auto available)<br />

• Braked Towing Capacity - 3,000kg<br />

• 7” Touchscreen with Bluetooth<br />

• Reversing Camera<br />


386 Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch.<br />

03 379 0588 | christchurchmitsubishi.co.nz<br />

10 year / 160,000km Powertrain Warranty (whichever comes<br />

first) (non transferable). 5 year / 130,000km New Vehicle<br />

Warranty (whichever comes first) (non transferable).<br />

Prices listed are for ASX 2WD XLS, Outlander 2.4L LS and Eclipse Cross XLS 2WD. Eclipse Cross VRX pictured, Red Diamond colour (pictured) is available for an additional $500.<br />

Prices exclude On Road Costs which includes WoF, registration and a full tank of fuel. Visit mmnz.co.nz for full Diamond Advantage terms & conditions.

PAGE 18 Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Spring<br />

menu<br />

out<br />

now!<br />


Monday–Friday: 10am–Late<br />

Saturday–Sunday: 9am–Late<br />


Your go-to place for great<br />

food, drinks & friendly service<br />

Located in the heart of the Woolston Village, the locally<br />

owned and operated Oak ‘n’ Ferry Bar and Grill serves<br />

delicious food and a wide selection of drinks in a warm,<br />

family-friendly environment.<br />

Owners Ian and Kim and the team thoroughly enjoy<br />

providing food and beverages, along with great<br />

hospitality, to their many happy customers.<br />

Their specialty is the Stone Grill, where you cook your<br />

own beef, chicken or lamb on the volcanic rock, which is<br />

heated to 400 degrees. That means your meat is cooked<br />

with no fat and locks in all it natural juices, and it is<br />

served with your selection of seasonal salad, vegetables<br />

or chunky Makikihi fries as a side dish.<br />



Kitchen open til<br />

9pm Tue-Sat and 8pm Sun<br />

41B Nayland St, Sumner<br />

326 6973 | Tuesday — Sunday<br />

a place to zig<br />

when everyone<br />

else is zagging<br />

Awfully good tapas, infamous<br />

bao buns and wicked drinks -<br />

call now to book!<br />

baO buns<br />

Tapas<br />

Burger<br />

and beer<br />

$18 every<br />

Thursday<br />

They also have a selection of other tasty dishes on<br />

the menu, and whatever time you are there, the full<br />

menu is always available – even if it’s 10.30pm.<br />

The Oak ‘n’ Ferry has a strong partnership with<br />

Independent Liquor, which has a selection of<br />

beer, wine and non-alcoholic beverages to<br />

match that tasty Stonegrill.<br />

Live music on Friday and Saturday evenings<br />

adds to the vibe at Oak ‘n’ Ferry. So next<br />

time you are heading out to socialise with<br />

family and friends, head to Oak ‘n’ Ferry, at<br />

608 Ferry Road, in the Woolston Village. They<br />

are open seven days a week.<br />

Check out their Facebook page (ferryoak)<br />

for updates on specials, competition,<br />

entertainment and events.<br />

Your favourite<br />

place to visit!<br />

Get your active<br />

wear on and<br />

stroll on down<br />

to our 4 layer<br />

sponge cake<br />

p.s walking<br />

tracks now open<br />

book now! 020 416 94 333<br />

Marine Drive, Chateris bay<br />

www.ortonbradley.nz/cafe<br />


Mondays Kids eat Free<br />

Tuesday<br />

Fri-Sun<br />

Sunday<br />

2 for 1 Pizzas<br />

$45 Pizza, Fries 2L<br />

Beer or $55 2 Pizzas,<br />

Fries, 2L Beer<br />

During the Live Music<br />

Fries and 2 Cassels<br />

Beers for $22<br />

gREaT COFFEE<br />

Spectacular view over the Estuary<br />

OpEn 7 days<br />

nO mEnu mOnday<br />

Monday<br />

Tuesday<br />

Spend $10 & get a<br />

free pot luck meal<br />

$10 Steak and chips<br />

Wednesday Kids eat free<br />

Thursday Burger and a beer $18<br />

Friday Live music from 5:30<br />

Happy hour 4-6pm<br />

1091 Ferry Road, Ferrymead, Chch<br />

Phone 03 260 1002<br />

www.evilgenius.co.nz<br />

608 Ferry Road, Woolston<br />

Phone 03 384 7816<br />

Open 7 Days, 10am to late<br />

Cassels & Sons Brewery Bar & Restaurant<br />

3 Garlands Rd, Woolston @ The Tannery<br />

Open Daily 8am-Late | Live Music on Weekends

Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


PAGE 19<br />

GEAR UP FOR summer SALE<br />

ON NOW<br />

ENDS 22.11.18<br />


We’ve got outdoor<br />

dining sorted.<br />

Mix and match outdoor dining tables<br />

and chairs to create your summer oasis.<br />

Teak top<br />

Aluminium<br />

frame<br />

Fox Outdoor Dining Table<br />

NOW ONLY $<br />

2299<br />

Resin Outdoor Dining Chairs FROM $ 65<br />

Bailey<br />

Ellis<br />

Maddox<br />

Sienna<br />

Tivoli<br />

Zane<br />

Shop<br />

Online<br />

Nationwide<br />

Delivery<br />

Finance<br />

Options<br />

targetfurniture.co.nz<br />

Cnr Blenheim & Curletts Rds, Christchurch<br />

Ph: 0800 TARGET (0800 827438)<br />

Offers and product prices advertised here expire 22/11/18.<br />

Sale excludes Manchester and Accessories.

PAGE 20 Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi

Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


PAGE 21<br />

Email matt.salmons@starmedia.kiwi by<br />

5pm each Wednesday<br />

HERITAGE WEEK: No Voice,<br />

No Choice<br />

Daily until November 23,<br />

10.30am-4.30pm<br />

Visit the Akaroa Museum to<br />

see an exhibition exploring the<br />

life and experiences of women<br />

living on Banks Peninsula from<br />

the mid-19th century to the<br />

mid-20th century. Free entry.<br />

Akaroa Museum, 71 Rue<br />

Lavaud, Akaroa<br />

Mt Pleasant Bridge Club<br />

Wednesdays 7.20pm and<br />

Fridays 1pm<br />

Head down for one or both<br />

of two sessions at this 42-yearold<br />

bridge club. All visitors are<br />

welcome. Players need to be<br />

seated ten minutes prior to the<br />

start. For more information, call<br />

Kay on 384 9113.<br />

Mt Pleasant Yacht Club Rooms<br />

Storytimes/Wā Kōrero<br />

Wednesday, 10.30-11am,<br />

Tuesday, 11-11.30am<br />

Go along to the library for<br />

Storytimes, a free and interactive<br />

programme including stories,<br />

songs, rhymes and play.<br />

Sumner Library, Wednesday,<br />

and Lyttelton Library, Tuesday<br />

Knit ‘n’ Yarn<br />

Wednesday, 10am-noon,<br />

Friday, 10.30am-noon<br />

Take your knitting, crochet<br />

or other craft project and spend<br />

some time in company with<br />

other crafty knitters. This is a<br />

free activity and no bookings are<br />

required. Beginners welcome.<br />

Lyttelton Library, Wednesday,<br />

and Sumner Library, Friday<br />

Create ‘n’ Connect<br />

Thursday, 9.30am-noon<br />

Take your own creative<br />

project or come and get some<br />

inspiration. Call Beth for more<br />

information on 022 678 1252.<br />

St Andrews Anglican Church,<br />

148 Main Rd, Redcliffs<br />

Herb Hacks at Home<br />

Thursdays until December 13,<br />

6.30-7.30pm<br />

Learn to create your own<br />

gels, ointments and creams<br />

using common herbs from a<br />

professional pharmacist. Take<br />

home seeds to plants and a<br />

product sample to use after each<br />

session. Costs $15 a session or a<br />

discounted rate for a whole term.<br />

Find more information at<br />

www.hvcc.org.nz.<br />

​Heathcote Valley Community<br />

Centre<br />

Heathcote Valley Gala<br />

Friday, 4-8pm<br />

Live music and entertainment,<br />

mystery boxes, silent auctions,<br />

food stalls, crafts, bake sales<br />

and games will feature at this<br />

family day out raising funds for<br />

Heathcote Valley School.<br />

Heathcote Valley School, 61<br />

Bridle Path Road, Heathcote<br />

Babytimes/Wā Pēpi<br />

Friday and Tuesday, 10.30-<br />

11am<br />

Encourage learning through<br />

language. Babytimes is an<br />

interactive programme including<br />

rhymes, songs, stories and play.<br />

Free.<br />

Lyttelton Library, Friday, and<br />

Sumner Library, Tuesday<br />

JP Clinic in Sumner<br />

Saturday, 10am-noon<br />

A justice of the peace will<br />

be available to members of<br />

the community to witness<br />

signatures and documents,<br />

certify document copies, hear<br />

oaths, declarations, affidavits<br />

or affirmations as well as sign<br />

citizenship, sponsorship or rates<br />

rebates applications. There is no<br />

charge for this service.<br />

Matuku Takotako: Sumner<br />

Library<br />

Shabby Chic Market<br />

Sunday, 11am-3pm<br />

More than forty stalls offering<br />

vintage themed feasts and fancies<br />

as well as tea parties and more.<br />

Entry is free, follow the signs off<br />

Ferry Rd and Rutherford St.<br />

The Rochester Villa, 21 Connal<br />

St, Woolston<br />

The annual Akaroa<br />

Classic Boat Regatta<br />

is on this Saturday<br />

and Sunday. The<br />

regatta will have<br />

the craft on display<br />

at the Akaroa<br />

Recreation Ground<br />

from 9.30am and<br />

sailing around<br />

French <strong>Bay</strong> will take<br />

place at midday.​For<br />

more information<br />

go to www.<br />

cantyclassicboats.<br />

co.nz<br />

Kōrero Māori - Give It A Go<br />

Mondays, 7.15-8.15pm, until<br />

December 17<br />

Explore different aspects of te<br />

reo Māori in this short practical<br />

course with Renee Tuhi. Sign up<br />

at any time, sessions $15 each or<br />

a discounted rate for the whole<br />

term. Find more information at<br />

www.hvcc.org.nz.<br />

Heathcote Valley Community<br />

Centre<br />

RSA Coffee Morning<br />

Tuesday, 10am-noon<br />

The Sumner Redcliffs RSA<br />

is holding its monthly coffee<br />

morning. Everyone is welcome to<br />

join and you get a free muffin if<br />

you buy a coffee.<br />

The Village Inn, 41b Nayland St<br />

3 Garlands Road, Woolston<br />

DeluxeCinemas.co.nz<br />

Christchurch's Premium Cinema Experience<br />

Phone Bookings | Free Parking | Cafe/Licensed Bar<br />

Online Bookings | Cinema Club | Hot Nuts/ Cheeses<br />

03 389 5360<br />

Bohemian Rhapsody The Story Behind The Legend<br />

thu, fRi:10:00AM, 3:15PM, 8:30PM sat: 10:00 AM, 3:15 PM, 6:00 PM, 8:30 PM<br />

sun: 10:00AM, 3:15PM, 8:30PM mon, tue: 10:00AM, 3:15PM, 8:30PM<br />

a staR is BoRn Starring Bradley Cooper, Lady Gaga & Marlon Williams<br />

Wed: 10:00AM, 12:35PM, 5:50PM, 8:25PM<br />

thu, fRi: 12:35PM, 5:50PM, 8:20PM<br />

sat: 12:35PM, 5:50PM, 8:35PM<br />

sun: 12:35PM, 3:55PM, 5:50PM mon, tue: 12:35PM, 5:50PM, 8:20PM<br />

King of thieves Based on the incredible true story<br />

Wed: 12:05PM, 7:45PM thu, fRi: 2:10PM, 6:15PM<br />

sat: 2:00PM sun: 11:50AM, 6:30PM mon, tue: 2:10PM, 6:15PM<br />

the seagull Starring Annette Bening and Saoirse Ronan<br />

Wed: 10:00AM, 2:10PM thu, fRi: 10:10AM, 4:15PM<br />

sat: 10:00AM, 4:00PM sun: 10:00AM, 8:30PM mon, tue: 10:10AM, 4:15PM<br />

ladies in BlacK Witty Period Drama<br />

thu, fRi: 12:05PM sat: 11:55AM sun: 1:50PM mon, tue: 12:05PM<br />

BoRn RaceR: scott dixon’s stoRy Kiwi Documentary<br />

Wed: 4:10PM Phone 03 326 5726<br />

Bohemian Rhapsody M Offensive language, sexual references & drug references a staR<br />

is BoRn M Sex scenes, offensive language and drug use King of thieves M Offensive<br />

language the seagull M Adult themes ladies in BlacK PG Coarse language<br />

BoRn RaceR: scott dixon’s stoRy M Offensive language<br />



Fresh fish<br />

straight<br />

from the sea<br />

each day<br />

Cnr Wakefield Ave &<br />

Nayland St, Sumner<br />

Open 6 days<br />

from 11.30am<br />

(closed Tuesdays)<br />

$30<br />

whitebait<br />

per pound *<br />

*<br />

With any fresh fish purchase.<br />

Normally $45, save $15.<br />

Valid until the end of <strong>October</strong>.<br />

Delicious muesli and<br />

porridges, low sugar, no<br />

sugar and gluten free<br />

options. All hand made in the<br />

little kitchen in Soleares Ave.<br />

Bring in your own containers<br />

on Wednesday morning and<br />

get a $1 off you bulk orders.<br />

The great mumma bear<br />

aprons made by “Freeset” are<br />

now back in stock<br />

2/2 Soleares Avenue<br />

Open every Wednesday 10am - 4pm<br />

or any time Doris the bike is outside<br />

Inquires to Rose at 027 329 1818<br />

Order to Tim at tim@mummab..co.nz<br />

style<br />

noun<br />

elegance and sophistication.<br />

synonyms: flair, grace, poise,<br />

polish, suaveness, urbanity,<br />

chic, finesse, taste, class,<br />

comfort, luxury, affluence,<br />

wealth, opulence, lavishness.<br />




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TABS ON<br />

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CLARKE<br />

Chip off the<br />

old block<br />

XVs<br />

1ST XVs<br />


A school boy rugby<br />

investigation<br />

WHO WILL<br />

MAKE THE<br />


PAGE 22 Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


Dress Circle Scarborough<br />

51 Scarborough Lane<br />

Auction: Thursday 22 November 12:00pm (Grenadier House, 98 Moorhouse Ave) - unless sold prior<br />

2 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms | 2 toilets | 1 living room | Listing Number FM5455<br />

Sited on an elevated position, this property<br />

provides a rare opportunity to secure an<br />

incredible piece of real estate in this exclusive<br />

location on the mid slopes of Scarborough<br />

Hill. Enjoying breathtaking views sweeping<br />

across Pegasus <strong>Bay</strong> taking in the magnificent<br />

coastline all the way to the Kaikoura ranges,<br />

the city and to the spectacular Alps beyond.<br />

The living area flows out onto a deck running<br />

along the front of the house where you can<br />

dine al-fresco and entertain in the last of the<br />

setting sun.<br />

Comprising two bedrooms, both with<br />

fabulous views - one of which is selfcontained<br />

with a kitchenette and bathroom,<br />

the other with walk on access to the deck and<br />

a main bathroom.<br />

A heat pump and a Yunca Wiege fireburner<br />

ensure warmth when required along<br />

with a lovely ambience on those cooler<br />

nights. It is zoned appropriately for the<br />

desirable Sumner School with plenty of preschool<br />

options. Don’t delay with your interest<br />

in this one, opportunities for such a purchase<br />

from a deceased estate are rare.<br />

Open Homes – Wednesdays, Saturdays &<br />

Sundays 1:00pm – 1.45pm.<br />

See you at the open homes or for a private<br />

viewing or for more information contact<br />

Lynton Hubber of Harcourts Grenadier<br />

Ferrymead (Licensed Agent REAA 2008)<br />

on 384 7950 or mobile 027 433 4141 or<br />

email Lynton.hubber@harcourts.co.nz<br />

growing with you June <strong>2018</strong> | 100%<br />

Plants For<br />

winter wow<br />

Cool Choices<br />

For Colour<br />

& Contrast<br />

From swamp<br />

to sea views<br />

The journey<br />

begins with sarah<br />

the Gardener<br />

$7.90 incl. GST<br />

Snap it up<br />

Enter our annual<br />

Birdlife Photo<br />

Competition to win<br />

great prizes!<br />

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Why groWing<br />

indoor PLAnTs is<br />

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the latest releases<br />

into the rose world<br />

+ rose care<br />

through winter<br />

The magazine for<br />

gardeners who like to get<br />

their hands dirty<br />


$43. 50*<br />

*6 issues/6 months<br />


0800 77 77 10<br />


Surf club move<br />

New Brighton surf club opts<br />

to rebuild on new site<br />

Li ter library<br />

Problem areas for li ter<br />

revealed<br />

christchurch east<br />

Ca l to make an<br />

a pointment<br />

P: 384 9459<br />

www.national.org.nz<br />

• By Sophie Cornish<br />

WORKSAFE NEW Zealand<br />

has b en a proached in a bid to<br />

Brighton’s Hawke St car park.<br />

Coastal-Burwod Ward city<br />

counci lor David East wants<br />

WorkSafe to pre sure the car<br />

park’s private owners into<br />

a “trip and vehicle” hazard.<br />

WorkSafe chief inspector<br />

a se sment southern Da ren<br />

Safety at Work Act 2015, “as a<br />

undertaking.”<br />

Mr Handforth said WorkSafe<br />

Cr East abou the car park.<br />

“WorkSafe has completed<br />

an a se sment visi to the site<br />

and is engaging with the owner<br />

to advise them that it is their<br />

responsibility to manage their<br />

risks a propriately.”<br />

Different parts of the car park<br />

are owned by various people<br />

and the Coastal-Burw od<br />

Community Board recently agr e to anything. “The board One reply has b en received so the car park of people injuring<br />

themselves which had gone<br />

around health and safety.<br />

unreported.<br />

Cr East said the bi gest i sue a difficulty in co-ordinating the owners would have to agr e “I’ve always though that it<br />

in the past has b en ge ting in<br />

to undertake work.<br />

has b en quite amazing that we<br />

touch with the landlords and<br />

Cr East said there had b en<br />

owners and ge ting them to said the le ter.<br />

a “number of incidences” in or senior citizens perhaps<br />

High-tech Cleaning<br />

friendly cleaning products.<br />

Temperature Contro led Drying<br />

Re-oiling & Rejuvenating<br />

Same Day Pick Up & Drop O f<br />

are required.<br />

Convenient Location<br />

Drop blinds into us by 9am, at<br />

30 Cashel Str et (near the<br />

Fitzgerald end), and co lect<br />

them a th end of the day.<br />

New Blind Sales Priced from $30<br />

per blind<br />

Ph 3 7 0 70,<br />

30 Cashel St,<br />

Christchurch<br />


Mon - Fri<br />

8. 0am to 5. 0pm<br />

Pool plans for Edgeware<br />

Designs for ind or learner’s<br />

p ol revealed<br />

Loca ly Owned<br />

Authorised by Jo Hayes<br />

Unit 6/950 Fe ry Road, Christchurch<br />

tri ping in those potholes and<br />

He is confiden the new<br />

a proach wi l bring results.<br />

“I think the WorkSafe<br />

lever that we are l oking for.”<br />

Land size<br />

Bedr om<br />

Bathr om<br />

Lounge<br />

Dining<br />

Toilet<br />

Shower Study<br />

Garage<br />

Carport<br />

Car pad<br />

Boat pad<br />

P ol<br />

Te nis court<br />

Land size<br />

Bedr om<br />

Bathr om<br />

Lounge<br />

Dining<br />

Toilet<br />

Shower Study<br />

Garage<br />

Carport<br />

Car pad<br />

Boat pad<br />

P ol<br />

Te nis court<br />

Land size<br />

Bedr om<br />

Bathr om<br />

Lounge<br />

Dining<br />

Toilet<br />

Shower Study<br />

Garage<br />

Carport<br />

Car pad<br />

Boat pad<br />

P ol<br />

Te nis court<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14<br />

850m 4 2 1 2.5<br />

850m 4 2 1 2.5<br />

Land size<br />

Bedr om<br />

Bathr om<br />

Lounge<br />

Dining<br />

Toilet<br />

Shower Study<br />

Garage<br />

Carport<br />

Car pad<br />

Boat pad<br />

P ol<br />

Te nis court<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14<br />

850m 4 2 1 2.5<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14<br />

850m 4 2 1 2.5<br />

Cartwright steps downs<br />

Community board chairman<br />

stays true to his word<br />

call 332 4004 TexT 027 537 0567<br />

230 BarringTon sTreeT<br />

www.denturesouth.co.nz<br />

• By Sophie Cornish and Julia Evans<br />

THE PAPANUI-I nes<br />

Community Board has taken the<br />

rare step of starting a petition<br />

to figh the city council over<br />

funding.<br />

Signatures are being co lected<br />

in a bid to get funding for a community<br />

facility in Shirley.<br />

It comes after the city council<br />

removed funding for the centre<br />

pla ned for Shirley Rd, near the<br />

intersection with Hi ls Rd. This<br />

was the site of the former community<br />

centre, which was badly<br />

damaged in the February 2,<br />

20 1, earthquake.<br />

The removal o funding<br />

prompted community board<br />

chairwoman Ali Jones to threaten<br />

to stan down, citing it as her “die<br />

in the ditch” project.<br />

Ms Jone said the board’s role<br />

is to represen the community,<br />

and by gathering signatures from<br />

residents, it was fulfi ling that<br />

role.<br />

“One of the roles of a community<br />

board is to represent and act<br />

• By Sophie Cornish<br />

day before the competition festival as he was a very a complished<br />

musician,” head of music The ban dedicated it se to as advocate for the interests of its<br />

competition in Tauranga.<br />

began.<br />

THE ST Andrew’s Co lege big “Tom was a ba s player from Duncan Ferguson said.<br />

Tom, who died while on his way community and this is what we<br />

band had extra incentive to Cashmere High Sch ol who was “We were delighted to win, but to Cashmere High on March 27. are doing. The LTP and a nual<br />

win a the National Youth Ja z playing with our big band this it was bi tersw et,” he said. His death was po sibly related to plans are a l about lo bying the<br />

Competition – ba s player, Tom year. He had a strong chance of St Andrew’s won the most a medical event.<br />

council.”<br />

Fastier, co lapsed an died the wi ning best ba s player a the outstanding big band title a the •Turn to page 9<br />

•Turn to page 5<br />

• By Georgia O’Co nor-Harding<br />

A CRACKDOWN on mobile<br />

traders acro s the districts could<br />

be l oming.<br />

However, the public has li tle<br />

interest in having input into the<br />

i sue.<br />

Only eight submi sions were<br />

received for a potential bylaw<br />

aimed at regulating commercial<br />

activities in public places.<br />

The district council wi l be<br />

holding a hearing for the Public<br />

Places Bylaw and Policy on Commercial<br />

Activities and Events in<br />

Public Places.<br />

A hearing i scheduled to be<br />

held on Thursday.<br />

The bylaw comes as an increasing<br />

number of mobile traders<br />

are s eking t operate in Selwyn,<br />

especia ly during the summer<br />

months.<br />

In the past year, the district<br />

council has received five inquiries<br />

in a bid to educate pupils on the to the Gr endale Recreation Reserve<br />

Management Commi t e’s But he said the presentation on private or public land.<br />

War 1 and World War 2.<br />

about se ting up a mobile busine s<br />

GR ENDALE SCHOOL pupils sacrifice their ancestors made in<br />

have taken a step back in time, World War 1 and World War 2. upcoming Anzac Day service. didn’t go into t o much detail A report said there are two<br />

s eing first hand what men and Mr A pleton and Mr Donaldson<br />

a rived a the sch ol dre sed served, members of the trust wi l te l” to make them aware of what coff e cart is parked beside the<br />

As a tribute to those who and was more of a “show and str et operators in Darfield, a<br />

horses l oked like during war.<br />

The New Zealand Mounted in World War 1 uniforms while ride horseback to the service. the soldiers l oked like.<br />

railway in Ro leston, and a pi za<br />

Rifles Charitable Trust president their horses Tommy and Kruze Mr A pleton said it was<br />

Children were shown the type cart visits Lincoln w ekly betw en<br />

Mark A pleton and member wore 1 0-year-old sa dles donated<br />

to the trust.<br />

educated on what soldiers wear in the war.<br />

f od truck.<br />

important children were<br />

of kits horses were required to September-May along with a Thai<br />

Mike Donaldson t ok their<br />

horses to the sch ol on Monday, The presentation is a prelude wen through during World •Turn to page 7<br />

•Turn to page 7<br />

• By Georgia O’Co nor-Harding<br />

River working group<br />

Rebuilding a healthy<br />

ecosystem in the Selwyn River<br />

Ja z Competition.<br />

Cyclist’s helipad bid<br />

Serious crash gives new<br />

perspective on ride to hospital<br />

Joy Butel AREINZ - Dip.R.E.<br />

Alistair Hazeldine<br />

20 Tuawera Te race, Clifton Hi l - $980, 0 3 2 2 2<br />

Mobile: 021 353 280 | Phone: 0 384 7950<br />

Email: joy.butel@harcourts.co.nz<br />

Mobile: 027 572 1 5 | Phone: 0 384 7950<br />

Email: alistair.hazeldine@harcourts.co.nz<br />

w.harcourtsfe rymead.co.nz<br />

New pi za joint<br />

Fire and Slice fina ly se to<br />

open in Sumner<br />

June 29 - July 1<br />


vanessa.fleming@starmedia.kiwi<br />

021 914 565<br />

Grenadier Real Estate Ltd MREINZ is a Licensed Agent Under the Real Estate Agents Act 2 08<br />

Restore your oiled CEDAR BLINDS with ou re-oiling service.<br />

Rejuvenate your lacquered CEDAR BLINDS<br />

High-tech Cleaning<br />

We clean and repair a l types of blinds –<br />

Venetians, Cedar, Verticals, Ro ler, Ho lands,<br />

Romans and Pleated – with environmenta ly<br />

friendly cleaning products.<br />

Temperature Contro led Drying<br />

Re-oiling & Rejuvenating<br />

Fabric Blinds - such as Austrian and Roman<br />

Same Day Pick Up & Drop O f<br />

We o fer a same-day, pick up an drop o f<br />

service for mos types of blinds. B okings<br />


are required.<br />

Mon - Fri<br />

Convenient Location<br />

8. 0am to 5. 0pm<br />

Drop blinds into us by 9am, at<br />

30 Cashel Str et (near the<br />

Fitzgerald end), and co lect<br />

them a th end of the day.<br />

New Blind Sales Priced from $30<br />

TEAM<br />

BUTEL<br />

Loca ly Owned<br />

Denton Park a tracts more<br />

submi sions than Cathedral<br />

• By Gordon Findlater<br />

ge ting closer than mos to The former New Zealand<br />

Joseph Parker in the build up title-holder trave led with his<br />

DEAN CALVERT (above) to his world heavyweigh title father George and brother<br />

returned from the United unification fight with Anthony Bryce to London ahead of the<br />

Kingdom last w ek after Joshua in Cardiff.<br />

fight where they spen time •Turn to page 6<br />

per blind<br />

Barks • Peastraw • Composts - we su ply the best available<br />

A gregates - Chip, Round and Basecourse<br />

Pavers & Schist products • Pungas<br />

Decorative Stones & Landscaping Rocks<br />

Trailer Hire first hour fr e with purchase<br />

• Bag & Bulk - pick up or delivered<br />

Ph 3 7 0 70,<br />

30 Cashel St,<br />

Christchurch<br />

David, Carol & Mike<br />

Traffic plan at The Brae<br />

Bid to ease traffic on busy,<br />

na row str et<br />

with Parker in the build up.<br />

Mr Calvert, 47, comes from a<br />

boxing mad family.<br />

Stroke survivor finishes long<br />

journey<br />

Your local<br />

hi l and<br />

seaside<br />

specialist.<br />

AND<br />



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W ekdays 7.30am-5pm. W ekends 8.30am-3pm<br />

www.dyersroadandlandscapes.co.nz<br />


• By Sarla Donovan<br />

THE OWNERS of Sumner’s Cave<br />

Rock Apartments ar expecting the<br />

Earthquake Commi sion to sign-off<br />

on a se tlement agr emen this w ek.<br />

Body corporate chairman Mike<br />

White said the group had gone<br />

into mediation with IAG and EQC<br />

on February 20, and signed off<br />

on a deal with IAG on February<br />

2 – coincidenta ly seven years<br />

to the day after the February 2,<br />

20 1, earthquake. However, they<br />

are waiting for EQC to sign the<br />

agr ement.<br />

“Given that EQC actua ly drafted<br />

the agr ement, there’ l be no<br />

problem with them doing that.”<br />

The apartment suffere damage<br />

in the February and June, 20 1,<br />

earthquakes and were demolished in<br />

late 2012. In 2016, IAG’s offer of the<br />

difference betw en indemnity value,<br />

$10 mi lion, and the sum insured,<br />

$16 mi lion, was rejected by the body<br />

corporate.<br />

The mediation agr ement<br />

prevented Mr White from disclosing<br />

the se tlement amount, but he said it<br />

involved the two parties paying “a bit<br />

more money than they’d wanted to<br />

earlier.”<br />

•Turn to page 6<br />

Loca ly Owned<br />

Pip Su ton BCM (Marketing)<br />

Residential Sales & Development<br />

Specialist - Licens e Salesperson<br />

Next Step Realty Limited<br />

Mobile: 027 24 9524<br />

DI: 03 421 8417<br />

Email: pip.su ton@raywhite.com<br />

Licensed (RE A 2 08)<br />

Drop blinds into us by 9am, at<br />

30 Cashel Str et (near the<br />

Fitzgerald end), and co lect<br />

them a th end of the day.<br />

New Blind Sales Priced from $30<br />

High-tech Cleaning<br />

friendly cleaning products.<br />

Temperature Contro led Drying<br />

Re-oiling & Rejuvenating<br />

Same Day Pick Up & Drop O f<br />

are required.<br />

Convenient Location<br />

Drop blinds into us by 9am, at<br />

30 Cashel Str et (near the<br />

Fitzgerald end), and co lect<br />

them a th end of the day.<br />

New Blind Sales Priced from $30<br />

Loca ly Owned<br />

Ro ler Blinds cleaned<br />

from as li tle as $20<br />

per blind<br />

Ph 3 7 0 70,<br />

30 Cashel St,<br />

Christchurch<br />

Ro ler Blinds cleaned<br />

from as li tle as $20<br />

per blind<br />

Ph 3 7 0 70,<br />

30 Cashel St,<br />

Christchurch<br />

Driver hazard?<br />

Community board member<br />

blasts Yaldhurst Rd island<br />



Mon - Fri<br />

8. 0am to 5. 0pm<br />

8047287 A<br />


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8214716 A<br />

LOOK<br />

Used tyres from<br />

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Discounts on sets of tyres<br />

New tyres from<br />

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x 13<br />

LTD<br />

Fishin’ for w eds<br />


Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


PAGE 23<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

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Reporter – Star Media<br />

Star Media is seeking<br />

a reporter to join<br />

its award winning<br />

newsroom.<br />

The successful candidate will need to<br />

be competitive, have a good knowledge<br />

of Christchurch and the people who<br />

make up our dynamic city.<br />

TUESDAY, APRIL 10, <strong>2018</strong> Loca ly Owned<br />

www.star.kiwi<br />

Page 3 Page 13<br />

It would suit someone looking to launch their career.<br />

Most of all you will need to be prepared to go the extra mile to<br />

get the story that counts, be resilient and have the personality<br />

to work in a fast-paced newsroom - and be a team player.<br />

Video experience would be an advantage.<br />

The successful applicant will need to have a full New Zealand<br />

Driver Licence.<br />

If you think you have what it takes to be a part of this<br />

successful newsroom, email your CV to:<br />

Editor in Chief Barry Clarke at barry@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Star Media is a division of Allied Press.<br />

Phone for further details<br />

Situations Vacant<br />




I require a mature, diligent and<br />

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to assist me in a new, beautiful, large<br />

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You need to have considerable<br />

experience and enthusiasm and want<br />

to have an ongoing role, as part of a<br />

big property team, to help maintain<br />

this lovely home.<br />

Enquiries: please phone<br />

Jenny Oakley 021 369 549<br />

(03) 379 1100<br />

Tuition<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

fina ly repair the potholes in New<br />

repairing the potholes which are<br />

Handforth said it may be able to<br />

take action under the Health and<br />

person conducting a busine s or<br />

is aware of the concerns raised by<br />

jo<br />

hayes<br />

New bid to fix potholes<br />

Action looms<br />

on Hawke St<br />

car park<br />

HAZARD: Coastal-Burw od Ward city counci lor David East wants WorkSafe New Zealand to put pre sure on the Hawke St car<br />

park owners to fix the dangerous potholes. PHOTO: GILBERT WEA LEANS<br />

wrote to them about its concerns a preciates that multi-ownership far from an owner who is wi ling<br />

doing themselve some damage.”<br />

of the parking space may present to discu s the i sue. However, a l<br />

repair/resurfacing but felt obliged<br />

to pa s these concerns onto you,”<br />

haven’t had any serious a cidents involvement may prove to be the<br />

BLINDS .Cleaned, Repaired & Restored .<br />

Restore your oiled CEDAR BLINDS with ou re-oiling service.<br />

Rejuvenate your lacquered CEDAR BLINDS<br />

We clean and repair a l types of blinds –<br />

Venetians, Cedar, Verticals, Ro ler, Ho lands,<br />

Romans and Pleated – with environmenta ly<br />

Fabric Blinds - such as Austrian and Roman<br />

We o fer a same-day, pick up an drop o f<br />

service for mos types of blinds. B okings<br />

Ro ler Blinds cleaned<br />

from as li tle as $20<br />

www.blindcare.co.nz SCAN QR code for Info ><br />


Catherine Bracegirdle<br />


51A Colenso St, Sumner<br />

Ph. 021 044 5102<br />

www.pianoandtheory.co.nz<br />

catherine.bracegirdle@gmail.com<br />

Trades & Services<br />

ROOF<br />


Rope & harness<br />

a speciality,<br />

no scaffolding<br />

required,<br />

30 years of<br />

breathtaking<br />

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Exterior staining,<br />

exterior painting,<br />

moss and mould<br />

treatment and<br />

waterblasting<br />

Phone Kevin<br />

027 561 4629<br />

TUESDAY, APRIL 10, <strong>2018</strong> www.star.kiwi<br />

Page 3 Page 5<br />

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, <strong>2018</strong> Loca ly Owned<br />

www.star.kiwi<br />

Page 3 Pages 10 & 13<br />

HISTORY: Pupils have taken a step back in time learning about what<br />

SW ET SOUNDS: St Andrew’s Co lege year 12 students Lewis Edmond and Je na We ls performing a the 41st National Youth<br />

New Zealand soldiers and horses l oked like in World War 1. Abi P oler,<br />

5, sits on Kruze, alongside Mounted Rifles Charitable Trust president<br />

Mark A pleton. PHOTO: MARTIN HUNTER<br />

Bittersweet win for St Andrew’s big band<br />

Pupils learn about role of war horses<br />

Mobile<br />

Service<br />

Available<br />

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 <strong>2018</strong> www.star.kiwi<br />

Board<br />

launches<br />

petition<br />

to get new<br />

community<br />

facility<br />

BLINDS .Cleaned, Repaired & Restored .<br />

MAgic on clifton<br />

Grenadier Fe rymead<br />

Four Seasons Realty<br />

Page 3 Page 5<br />

Former champ hooks<br />

up with Parker in UK<br />

Mobile<br />

traders<br />

could<br />

face<br />

regulation<br />

New sections<br />

selling now<br />

Ro ler Blinds cleaned<br />

from as li tle as $20<br />

www.blindcare.co.nz SCAN QR code for Info ><br />

There’s no be ter place to se tle out wes than at Falcon’s Landing. Pop in to our sales and<br />

information office, 17 Branthwaite Drive, this Thursday, Friday or Sunday from 1pm to 3pm<br />

to find out more. Contact us on 03 741 1340 or mail enquiries@yoursection.nz anytime.<br />

Mega centre f edback<br />

Page 3 Page 5<br />

Pedaling acro s NZ<br />

Dyers Road Landscape<br />

& Garden Supplies<br />

A WOOLSTON butcher proved<br />

• By Emily O’Co ne l<br />

It was the firs time Mr Garth met in Auckland every two Mr Garth hopes t own a<br />

had competed in the cha lenge months for lengthy • wBy ekend Emily O’Co ne butcher l shop of his own someday<br />

but says for now he wi l fo-<br />

and he was “really proud” of practices.<br />

to be a cut above the rest in an how the team performed.<br />

Mr Garth, who<br />

THE<br />

has b<br />

HALSWE<br />

en a<br />

L-Hornbycus<br />

on ge ting mor experience<br />

international competition. “We produced some top quality<br />

products and came away competition brought back his “In two years’ time, we’ l be<br />

butcher for 14 years,<br />

Ri carton<br />

said the<br />

Community<br />

and on<br />

Board<br />

the 2020 cha lenge.<br />

New World Fe ry Rd butcher<br />

Jeremy Garth and his team, the with a g od result so we’re very pa sion for the job.<br />

going back to try and win the<br />

Pure South Sharp Blacks, re-<br />

ha py,” he said.<br />

“Doing a l thi<br />

Templeton.<br />

stuff and title,” he said.<br />

The preparation for this year’s<br />

Mayor Lia ne Dalziel<br />

U per<br />

told<br />

Ri<br />

the<br />

carton butcher Co-<br />

World Butchers’ Cha lenge was ideas, it just brings that flair<br />

Ireland.<br />

intense as the team members back for you,” he<br />

from<br />

said.<br />

the city council<br />

South<br />

to make<br />

Sharp<br />

a<br />

Blacks team.<br />

qua ry.<br />

Board chairman Mike Mora<br />

gan’s plan.<br />

“You can just about guarant e<br />

it . because we [the commu-<br />

should be so close to residential<br />

• By Emily O’Co ne l<br />

every two months for lengthy Australian team.<br />

includes W olston butcher w ekend practices. Mr Winder “Those guys over there<br />

AN U PER Ri carton butcher Jeremy Garth, finished second said coming second against 1 [Australia] are on top of their<br />

has proven himself to be a cut in the competition.<br />

game, they do a g od job,” he<br />

above his Au sie rivals at an He said the cha lenge started result.<br />

said.<br />

international competition. as a “transtasman test match” “To get second behind Ireland “And it just showcases that<br />

Elite Meats owner Corey seven years ago.<br />

was a huge achievement and to New Zealand has got some<br />

Winder was named in the a l The preparation for this be ahead of Australia is an of the best butchers in the<br />

year’s World Butchers’ Challenge<br />

was intense as the team said.<br />

Mr Winder has b en a butcher<br />

even bi ger thing for us,” he world,” he said.<br />

Cha lenge in Northern Ireland.<br />

Mr Winder and his team, the members met in Auckland But Mr Winder admires the since the age of 19.<br />

•Turn to page 5<br />

cently came second a the World<br />

Butchers’ Cha lenge in Northern<br />

We wi l deliver!<br />

SOIL<br />

183 Dyers Rd, Bromley • OPEN 7 DAYS<br />

Alison Carter<br />

TUESDAY, APRIL 10, <strong>2018</strong> www.star.kiwi<br />

Cave Rock<br />

Apartments’<br />

owners<br />

expect EQC<br />

sign-off<br />

this week<br />

Page 7 Page 10<br />

TUESDAY, APRIL 10, <strong>2018</strong> www.star.kiwi<br />

From New World Ferry Rd<br />

to second in the<br />

world<br />

Children’s event at risk if The<br />

Groynes’ lakes not cleaned up<br />

GLOBAL STAGE: W olston butcher Jeremy Garth back home after his team came second in the World Butchers’ Cha lenge.<br />

BLINDS .Cleaned, Repaired & Restored .<br />

AWARD-WI NING: Corey Winder is back home after his team came second in the World Butchers’ Cha lenge .<br />

Restore your oiled CEDAR BLINDS with ou re-oiling service.<br />

Rejuvenate your lacquered CEDAR BLINDS<br />

We clean and repair a l types of blinds –<br />

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Romans and Pleated – with environmenta ly<br />

Fabric Blinds - such as Austrian and Roman<br />

We o fer a same-day, pick up an drop o f<br />

service for mos types of blinds. B okings<br />

Elite butcher cut above the world<br />

Pure South Sharp Blacks, which<br />

other countries was a “fantastic”<br />

star team a the World Butchers’<br />

Your best choice<br />

in the West<br />

www.blindcare.co.nz SCAN QR code for Info ><br />

BLINDS .Cleaned, Repaired & Restored .<br />

Restore your oiled CEDAR BLINDS with ou re-oiling service.<br />

Rejuvenate your lacquered CEDAR BLINDS<br />

High-tech Cleaning<br />

We clean and repair a l types of blinds –<br />

Venetians, Cedar, Verticals, Ro ler, Ho lands,<br />

Romans and Pleated – with environmenta ly<br />

friendly cleaning products.<br />

Temperature Contro led Drying<br />

Re-oiling & Rejuvenating<br />

Fabric Blinds - such as Austrian and Roman<br />

Same Day Pick Up & Drop O f<br />

We o fer a same-day, pick up an drop o f<br />

service for mos types of blinds. B okings<br />

are required.<br />

Convenient Location<br />

www.blindcare.co.nz SCAN QR code for Info ><br />

Mobile<br />

Service<br />

Available<br />

A NEW 60km/h sp ed limit and<br />

double ye low lines wi l be in<br />

place on Dyers Pa s Rd by early<br />

May.<br />

The sp ed limit change was<br />

a proved by the city counci last<br />

w ek.<br />

A decision to paint double yellow<br />

lines on the stretch betw en<br />

Summit Rd and the Sign of the<br />

Takahe was earlier made by the<br />

Spreydon-Cashmere Community<br />

Board.<br />

Bu the Banks Peninsula Community<br />

Boar decided against<br />

ye low lines on the Summit Rd-<br />

Governors <strong>Bay</strong> section due to the<br />

road’s na rowne s and general<br />

condition.<br />

The changes are designed to try<br />

and reduce the crash rate.<br />

Insta lation of the double<br />

ye low lines, the new sp ed limit<br />

signs and raised centre line pavement<br />

markers wi l begin in mid<br />

April.<br />

The work i scheduled to take<br />

place betw en April 15-18, 2-26,<br />

has b en given the gr en ligh to<br />

29 and May 2.<br />

o pose the pla ned qua ry near<br />

While the work is done, Dyers<br />

Pa s Rd wi l be closed to traffic<br />

m eting new people, s eing new<br />

from the Sign of the Takahe to<br />

board on Thursday<br />

rey<br />

it had<br />

Winder<br />

the okay<br />

was part of the Pure Governors <strong>Bay</strong> betw en 7pm and<br />

6.30am.<br />

submi sion if Fulton Hogan a plies<br />

for a resource consen to create a<br />

told Western News the submi sion<br />

would likely o pose Fulton Honity<br />

board] don’t believe qua ries<br />

areas,” he said.<br />

Mr Mora said he wasn’t sure if<br />

the city council would endorse the<br />

board’ submi sion.<br />

“I’d like to think so because the<br />

city council has had their eyes<br />

open as we l ove recent years over<br />

the crysta line silica risk,” he said.<br />

Mr Mora said the community<br />

board wi l be “representing and<br />

advocating” for the Templeton<br />

community.<br />

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board get<br />

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to oppose<br />

Templeton<br />

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60km/h<br />

Dyers Pass<br />

speed<br />

limit from<br />

early next<br />

month<br />

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for display cabin locations<br />

Trades & Services<br />

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Book now and<br />

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AvAilAble for:<br />

Hot water cylinder<br />

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Need your home or<br />

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PAGE 24 Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


MM Linen Simone Duvet Set, Queen<br />

$249.90 (Available Timaru).<br />

Wallace Cotton Cactus <strong>Bay</strong> Duvet Set,<br />

Queen $199.90 (Available Timaru).<br />

Sheridan Artistry Candlenut <strong>Bay</strong>,<br />

Queen $369.95<br />

Baksana Twiggy Berry Duvet Set,<br />

Queen $325<br />


a.<br />

Madras Cushions,<br />

50cms $56<br />

Madras<br />

Cushions<br />

Buy two &<br />

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Citta<br />

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View the full range in store from<br />

5th of November (Available in Timaru).<br />

Madras Cushions 50cm $56<br />

Shop our<br />

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Hamper<br />

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a. The Oxford Edition $135 | b. The Champagne Chocolate Edition $90 | c. The Victoria Edition $85<br />

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MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9.00 - 5.30pm SATURDAY 9.00am - 5.00pm SUNDAY & PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 10.00am - 5.00pm

Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


PAGE 25<br />

FREE<br />

ENTRY<br />


BRAND<br />

NEW SPAS<br />

from under<br />

$<br />

6,000<br />

OVER<br />

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1-4 NOVEMBER<br />

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CRAZY<br />

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BE IN TO WIN A<br />

$<br />

20,000<br />


Thanks to Hot Spring Spas<br />

Sponsored By<br />


from under<br />

$<br />

24,000<br />

Onsite finance available to approved purchasers,<br />

fees, terms and conditions apply.

PAGE 26 Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />



1-4 NOVEMBER<br />

9AM - 7PM DAILY<br />




Sponsored By<br />

Onsite finance available to approved purchasers,<br />

fees, terms and conditions apply.<br />


Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


PAGE 27<br />



PAGE 28 Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

FREE<br />

ENTRY<br />


BRAND<br />

NEW SPAS<br />

from under<br />

$<br />

6,000<br />

OVER<br />

$<br />

1,000,000<br />




1-4 NOVEMBER<br />

9AM - 7PM DAILY<br />

CRAZY<br />

EXPO<br />

PRICES<br />

BE IN TO WIN A<br />

$<br />

20,000<br />


Thanks to Hot Spring Spas<br />




Sponsored By<br />


from under<br />

$<br />

24,000<br />

Onsite finance available to approved purchasers,<br />

fees, terms and conditions apply.

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