Ovi Magazine Issue #12: Sexuality Published: 01-03-2006

March 2006, an issue about sex and sexuality.

March 2006, an issue about sex and sexuality.


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The way<br />

will find love<br />

By Jan Sand<br />

The two most inflammatory subjects within human societies are sex and religion. Although there are many more<br />

urgent problems confronting humanity, which are far more basic to survival, violations to conformity in sex and<br />

religion arouse the most controversy frequently accompanied by violence.<br />

The recent outcries over Janet<br />

Jackson’s nipple and the cartoons<br />

depicting Muhammad substantiate<br />

that something emotionally explosive<br />

exists in both of them and<br />

apparently an over close public inspection<br />

of both religious icons and<br />

sexual instruments can be dangerous.<br />

And the many restrictions that<br />

religions place on sex indicate that<br />

there is a connection between the<br />

two.<br />

The legend of Adam and Eve and<br />

how their relationship distorted humanity’s<br />

relationship to the Christian<br />

God has laid heavy psychological<br />

burdens on Western society and<br />

many of the commercial, monetary<br />

and personal relationships between<br />

men and women that exist in the<br />

secular world.<br />

It has recently been discovered<br />

that primitive life even down to the<br />

bacterial level indulges in sexual<br />

practices because there seems to<br />

be a strong evolutionary reason for<br />

individuals to share their separate<br />

genetic capabilities. Bacteria are<br />

endowed with the capability to<br />

choose between sexual and asexual<br />

reproduction, something, until recently,<br />

denied humans.<br />

But cloning is still regarded<br />

amongst humans with horror in<br />

spite of the fact that multiple births,<br />

which produce clones, are celebrated<br />

and the only parthenogenetic<br />

birth in Christian tradition is<br />

regarded as exemplary.<br />

The mechanics that each species<br />

utilizes in sexual practices is difficult<br />

or impossible to generalize<br />

across species. The definition that<br />

separates species is based on the<br />

capabilities of two individuals to<br />

utilize their sexuality to produce<br />

young. Therefore people who attempt<br />

their sexual acrobatics across<br />

species are regarded by both society<br />

and nature itself as not particularly<br />

acceptable, whatever the pleasures<br />

that might be generated in the process.<br />

And, of course, what may be<br />

appropriate to one species may be<br />

difficult to accept behaviourally in<br />

another.<br />

It is customary for female praying<br />

mantises to bite off the heads of<br />

their male partners in coition which<br />

facilitates the release of spermatozoa.<br />

I doubt this would work well<br />

amongst humans as, aside being<br />

exceedingly messy in the average<br />

bedroom, most men would find it<br />

rather uncomfortable. The praying<br />

mantis, I would think, might consider<br />

the guillotine as a sexual utility<br />

which throws a new light on the<br />

machine.<br />

The mechanism of sex amongst the<br />

higher species roughly consists of<br />

inserting a specific protuberance on<br />

the male into a particular cavity of<br />

the female so that the haploid cells<br />

may conjoin. In a somewhat different<br />

process, many species of fish<br />

and invertebrates and a wide range<br />

of plants merely release their male<br />

cells more or less to the will of the<br />

environment counting on the huge<br />

quantity released to reach the proper<br />

destination of their proper female<br />

counterparts. Were humans to<br />

adopt this method the atmosphere<br />

would probably be continuously<br />

replete with flying spermatozoa<br />

and it would be extremely difficult<br />

to determine paternity unless DNA<br />

for individuals were somewhere on<br />

register. And women would have<br />

to dress accordingly to prevent accidental<br />

insemination. In all probability,<br />

people who were subject to<br />

allergies would have great difficulties.<br />

Beyond this, a good deal of human<br />

custom in male-female relationships<br />

would have to change radically.<br />

I will not speculate as to what<br />

might generate sexual pleasure<br />

under these conditions nor whether<br />

males or females would be under<br />

the duress to even find each other<br />

attractive.<br />

The multitudes of sexual instruction<br />

manuals that now exist providing<br />

advice as to which and how<br />

many male protuberances may be<br />

inserted and manipulated in the<br />

several female cavities to generate<br />

maximum mutual pleasure indicate<br />

that there is a good deal of variety<br />

in the process. Nevertheless, the<br />

fecundity of the species testifies to<br />

the fact that there are many paths to<br />

successful reproduction. So many,<br />

in fact, that the stability of a sustainable<br />

environment for the planet<br />

is now in severe danger.<br />

The old saying is that love will find<br />

a way but considering how fond of<br />

each other multitudes of couples<br />

become, it seems more likely that<br />

the way will find love.

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