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<strong>September</strong><strong>19</strong>, 20<strong>19</strong> l l Phone:308 7664<br />
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Sciencewinners<br />
Leader recognised<br />
Issues highlighted<br />
Page 4 Page 11 Page <strong>19</strong><br />
Sheepish charms just say cheese<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> couplemake the most of highproducing flock<br />
By Toni Williams<br />
Aboutique sheep milking operation<br />
on the edge of<strong>Ashburton</strong> is making<br />
cheese while the sun shines.<br />
But decisions on its futurewill need<br />
to be made soon.<br />
Hipi Cheese, owned and operated<br />
by Jacy andAllan Ramsay, of <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />
started more than four years ago<br />
as they worked through their sheep<br />
milking processes.<br />
Their first milkingwas in November<br />
2017.<br />
The couple, who both work other<br />
jobs, have amicrofarm block ofjust<br />
under two hectares which stocks 24<br />
mostly East Friesian milking ewes but<br />
in the past few seasons has included<br />
Dairymead genetics with ‘‘a dash of<br />
Awassi’’.<br />
The milk is naturally A2.<br />
It’sanideal stocking numberfor the<br />
size ofthe land, and toensure udder<br />
health remains at optimum levels with<br />
no somatic cell count issues.<br />
Someofthe white ewesare closer to<br />
pets as many of the ewes accept<br />
regular hand feeding, especially if it’s<br />
maize, like lollies to sheep.<br />
They are easily identified through<br />
their markings, orpersonalities, such<br />
as curiousfour year old Mickey, or the<br />
fearless Cassianna, or the cheeky<br />
Black Witch.<br />
‘‘They are not really pets because<br />
they work hard producing good milk<br />
for us,’’ Jacy says.<br />
The couple, along with help from<br />
son Hamish,10, arenearing theend of<br />
their lambing season; it started on<br />
XR150 FARM BIKE<br />
150cc4stroke<br />
Electric start<br />
<strong>September</strong> 8,and traditionally has a<br />
narrow 17 to 20day window.<br />
Eight of the ewes were expecting<br />
triplets, and the rest twins, but there<br />
were asurprise set of quadruplets.<br />
They have shorn most ofthe mob,<br />
with just two younger ewes who have<br />
kept their wool.<br />
Shearing sheep in winter is like<br />
turning on the eating switch, which<br />
helps to develop bigger lambs, Allan<br />
says.<br />
Onceborn the lambs stay withtheir<br />
mothers to get a good start and,<br />
Jacy and alamb and, right, Jacy at the milking unit and aewe and lambs.<br />
depending on their future, may be<br />
kept, sold as pets, or sold to other<br />
breeders.<br />
‘‘After aweek orsowetake them<br />
off mum for afew hours before we<br />
milkthen they go backtogether forthe<br />
rest ofthe day and night,’’ Jacy says.<br />
‘‘While they are off their mums I<br />
bottle feed any that want afeed and<br />
introduce meal.<br />
‘‘It isagentle weaning process that<br />
results in our lambs being pretty<br />
friendly.’’<br />
Allan says sheep can be lambing as<br />
Introducing our new team members<br />
with excellent product knowledge and<br />
willing to go that extra mile for you!<br />
aone year old but they need to be a<br />
liveweight ofaround 50kgs.<br />
Most of the adult ewes weigh<br />
around 70 to 75kgs.<br />
Jacy and Allan have spent the past<br />
few years getting established withtheir<br />
sheep stock and processes.<br />
They run thesheep, milkthem,then<br />
process the milk for cheese themselves.<br />
It’s a path that has come from<br />
knowing people in the industry, and<br />
making the most ofthe opportunity.<br />
Continued Page 2<br />
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Page 2, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
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Over 15,750<br />
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Urgent report proposed<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> council is<br />
preparing an urgent<br />
submission to the Government’s<br />
Essential<br />
Freshwater proposals<br />
and is worried by the<br />
tight deadline for submissions<br />
October 17<br />
(now extended to October<br />
31).<br />
Chief executive<br />
officer Hamish Riach<br />
said responding within<br />
the timeframe was<br />
going to be difficult,<br />
and even extending the<br />
deadline to the end of<br />
October would be of<br />
little value.<br />
Local body elections<br />
are on October 12, further<br />
complicating the<br />
situation.<br />
Mayor Donna Favel,<br />
who was at a Ministry<br />
for the Environment<br />
meeting in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
attended by 350 farmers<br />
many from other areas<br />
said the proposals<br />
announced by Environment<br />
Minister David<br />
Parker and Agriculture<br />
Minister Damien<br />
O’Connor concerned<br />
many.<br />
The Canterbury<br />
Mayoral Forum was<br />
also concerned at the<br />
tight deadline and<br />
Local Government New<br />
Zealand was ‘‘rallying<br />
the troops’’.<br />
She had contacted<br />
Members of Parliament<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> couple milk sheep to make cheese<br />
From Page 1<br />
‘‘There is a real art to<br />
keeping sheep calm and<br />
trained for milking. It’s<br />
not really something that<br />
someone who struggles<br />
with traditional cow dairy<br />
farming would enjoy,’’<br />
Jacy says.<br />
‘‘The cost of feed is not<br />
cheap, we feed about a<br />
cup of maize per sheep<br />
per day which makes<br />
them easier to handle.’’<br />
But she admits working<br />
with the sheep is fun,<br />
even if ‘‘perfecting our<br />
cheese is becoming an<br />
obsession’’.<br />
The milking plant,<br />
which takes six at atime,<br />
has the same basic<br />
features as a<strong>19</strong>60s cow<br />
Hamish Riach Donna Favel Dr Tim Mackle<br />
on the proposals.<br />
The regional council,<br />
Environment Canterbury,<br />
was also preparing<br />
a report which the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> council was<br />
likely to back.<br />
Mrs Favel said the<br />
only report she could<br />
find onhow the Essential<br />
Freshwater reform<br />
might impact the district<br />
was a report prepared<br />
for the Selwyn Te<br />
Waihora zone on the<br />
implications of meeting<br />
the National Policy<br />
Statement for Freshwater<br />
Management.<br />
It said that to meet<br />
those requirements,<br />
operating surplus<br />
returns (for that area)<br />
would be cut 80 per<br />
cent, from $348m to<br />
$45m ayear.<br />
shed with some 20<strong>19</strong><br />
features, such as a vacuum<br />
pump and modern<br />
pulsators, Allan jokes.<br />
Milking takes around<br />
half an hour, averaging<br />
around 30litres of milk,<br />
followed by intense<br />
hygiene cleaning time.<br />
Then the milk is<br />
pasteurised ready for<br />
cheesemaking.<br />
‘‘We think this is the<br />
best way to capture the<br />
freshness from the pasture<br />
the sheep are eating.<br />
‘‘When our sheep have<br />
a change in pasture it’s<br />
reflected in the cheese,<br />
the changes can be from<br />
different herbs in the<br />
pasture or season and<br />
growth stage,’’ she said.<br />
‘‘We process every day<br />
in what we think is the<br />
smallest cheese processing<br />
room in NZ.’’<br />
It then goes into the<br />
‘‘cheese cave’’ for maturation<br />
for four to 24<br />
months getting turned<br />
regularly.<br />
The hard cheese is<br />
then sold at Farmers’<br />
Markets in <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />
Geraldine and Oxford or<br />
through Facebook.<br />
‘‘Our cheese production<br />
islimited tohard<br />
cheese as it is accepted<br />
this is the safest cheese to<br />
produce for sale,’’ Jacy<br />
says.<br />
‘‘Getting everything up<br />
to risk management programme<br />
standard for<br />
The land use change<br />
analysis projected a<br />
substantial change in<br />
land use, with virtually<br />
no intensive land uses<br />
and the catchment<br />
dominated by dryland<br />
beef and sheep grazing<br />
and by forestry and<br />
other extensive land<br />
uses.<br />
Mrs Favel said she<br />
supported <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
council producing its<br />
own submission.<br />
At the council’s final<br />
meeting this term of its<br />
Finance and Business<br />
Support Committee, Cr<br />
Stuart Wilson said it<br />
was idiotic and the Government<br />
was trying to<br />
‘‘ram it through’’.<br />
Mr Riach said the<br />
council did not have the<br />
time orability to question<br />
the science in the<br />
proposals and would<br />
focus on the potential<br />
economic impacts of<br />
the proposal and<br />
‘‘express our concern’’.<br />
Committee chairman<br />
Russell Ellis said the<br />
submission had ‘‘high<br />
level importance’’.<br />
Mr Riach said the<br />
council understood the<br />
importance and<br />
urgency.<br />
Meanwhile, Rangitata<br />
MP Andrew Falloon<br />
said the reform<br />
Ministry for Primary<br />
Industries is a big challenge<br />
and a big investment.<br />
The process is<br />
really robust and when<br />
you go through the process<br />
you start to realise<br />
that it is so important that<br />
we produce safe food.’’<br />
It would cost too much<br />
to consider expanding<br />
their operation to all<br />
cheese types or raw milk.<br />
They have only started<br />
selling this year at the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Farmers Market,<br />
but can sell five times<br />
more in Geraldine, due<br />
to the tourist markets.<br />
‘‘Having a chat with<br />
our customers is apart we<br />
really enjoy. They come<br />
from all walks of life and<br />
could fundamentally<br />
change farming and our<br />
economy, but incredibly,<br />
the Government<br />
was refusing to release<br />
the full economic<br />
modelling of the<br />
impacts ofthe reforms<br />
until after the consultation<br />
process.<br />
The primary sector<br />
accounted for more<br />
than half of exports and<br />
employed thousands of<br />
people in Mid Canterbury.<br />
‘‘Auckland has the<br />
most polluted waterways<br />
in New Zealand,<br />
but is only mentioned<br />
three times in the<br />
103page report; farmers<br />
are mentioned<br />
more than 250 times.<br />
‘‘In recentyears we’ve<br />
seen dairy farmers<br />
achieve 98 per cent of<br />
waterways fenced from<br />
stock, and more than $1b<br />
environmental investment<br />
in things like<br />
riparian planting.’’<br />
Meanwhile, DairyNZ<br />
chief executive Dr Tim<br />
Mackle said farmers<br />
needed time to consider<br />
the Government’s proposal<br />
and to carefully<br />
weigh up the impact it<br />
may have on their farms,<br />
families and communities.<br />
“Spring isabusy time<br />
for farmers with calving,<br />
lambing and mating.<br />
They have alot on their<br />
plate at the moment and<br />
this isadding toit.<br />
“We are seeing public<br />
meetings where the Ministry<br />
for the Environment<br />
has set up 200 chairs and<br />
had more than double<br />
that number show up.’’<br />
can see that our producing<br />
animals have a<br />
good life style,’’ Jacy says.<br />
European travellers<br />
were particularly fond of<br />
the sheep product but<br />
Kiwi’s have been a bit<br />
reserved to try it, but<br />
those who have were<br />
pleasantly surprised.<br />
The Ramsays have<br />
perfected their cheese<br />
product, and are now<br />
hopeful Mid Cantabrians<br />
will jump atthe chance<br />
to lay claim to having<br />
their own ‘‘artisan style<br />
cheese maker’’ in the<br />
district.<br />
‘‘We need to make<br />
work of this, make it<br />
work at this level for our<br />
animals,’’ Allan says.<br />
28-32 MooreSt, <strong>Ashburton</strong> l Phone 03 550 7000<br />
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong>, Page 3<br />
Candidates put their case<br />
Sixteen local body election<br />
candidates put their case<br />
for the community’s vote at<br />
a meeting organised by<br />
Greypower <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Around 70 seniors<br />
turned out for the meeting.<br />
Speakers included mayoral<br />
candidates Donna Favel,<br />
Neil Brown and Leen<br />
Braam. The fourth candidate,<br />
retired <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
businessman Tony Todd,<br />
was overseas.<br />
All nine <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Ward candidates attended,<br />
two of the four Eastern<br />
Ward candidates and two<br />
of the three Western Ward<br />
candidates, as did Environmental<br />
Canterbury (ECan)<br />
candidate Sarah Walters.<br />
Each candidate was<br />
introduced by Greypower<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> vicepresident<br />
Colin Cameron in alphabetical<br />
order and given<br />
three minutes to talk about<br />
why they should be voted<br />
in.<br />
Current <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Ward councillor Thelma<br />
Bell said she was passionate<br />
about advocating for <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
and was a‘‘mother,<br />
wife, community leader’’<br />
and trained school teacher.<br />
She believed in the value<br />
of volunteering and, if elected,<br />
would build on her<br />
experience from the current<br />
term.<br />
Leen Braam, who is<br />
standing for mayor and in<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Ward, said<br />
Colin Cameron introduces candidates<br />
he believed the council had<br />
made progress in areas such<br />
as planning for the rejuvenation<br />
of the CBD, the civic<br />
project and library and with<br />
the Chinese village heritage<br />
project.<br />
He said he had the skills<br />
and vision to serve the<br />
community and would<br />
listen, communicate and<br />
think strategically in<br />
decision making.<br />
Fellow mayoral candidate<br />
Neil Brown said he<br />
had 15 years experience on<br />
council and was an ‘‘<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
man through and<br />
through’’.<br />
He wanted to make the<br />
district a good place for<br />
future generations and to<br />
secure its economic future.<br />
Rates needed to be kept<br />
as low as possible and the<br />
focus should be on essential<br />
services.<br />
Roading was akey issue,<br />
he said.<br />
Carolyn Cameron said<br />
she was concerned with the<br />
CBD.<br />
It was full of weeds,<br />
empty shops and ‘‘needed<br />
fixing’’.<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Ward<br />
candidate said she supported<br />
an information centre,<br />
wanted pot holes prioritised,<br />
wanted a tidy town<br />
and urged the seniors to<br />
vote for change if they<br />
weren’t happy with the<br />
work of the current council.<br />
Rochelle CastleWilson<br />
said she was ‘‘the rookie’’ in<br />
the election and new to the<br />
region.<br />
This was her chance to<br />
give something back to the<br />
community.<br />
She had ‘‘no fancy<br />
slogans’’, but believed in<br />
common sense and fiscal<br />
prudence and would use<br />
her experience and skills to<br />
contribute.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> accountant<br />
John Falloon said he would<br />
use his experience to ensure<br />
council spent wisely if elected<br />
in the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Ward.<br />
He believed in ‘‘getting<br />
the basics right’’.<br />
Current mayor Donna<br />
Favel said she wanted to<br />
continue to advocate for<br />
the district and to make it<br />
an even better place to live<br />
and work.<br />
She saw her role as an<br />
‘‘enabler’’ and was proud of<br />
the achievements ticked off<br />
by council this term.<br />
Fourth generation Mid<br />
Cantabrian Rodger<br />
Letham said there was ‘‘no<br />
magic wand and no easy<br />
answers’’ in local government.<br />
Getting the infrastructure<br />
of the district right<br />
was key, said the Western<br />
Ward candidate.<br />
Former <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
mayor Angus McKay said<br />
he had a‘‘deep love and<br />
passion’’ for the district that<br />
had been reignited recently.<br />
He said there needed to<br />
be tangible change and<br />
council needed to listen to<br />
the community first ‘‘before<br />
debating, discussing and<br />
deciding’’ on issues.<br />
Rates needed to be kept<br />
low, people needed to be<br />
attracted to the district and<br />
there needed to be sensible<br />
budgeting and lower debt.<br />
Liz McMillan, who<br />
standing in the Western<br />
Ward, said she was the<br />
youngest of the current<br />
crop on council and had ‘‘a<br />
lot to offer’’.<br />
She was active in the<br />
community, had taken on<br />
more responsibilities this<br />
term and was ‘‘all about<br />
common sense’’.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Ward candidate<br />
Selwyn Price said he<br />
wanted open and transparent<br />
decision making to continue<br />
around the council<br />
table.<br />
The council ‘‘had tidied<br />
up the messes’’ of previous<br />
councils to some extent and<br />
he had spoken out when he<br />
did not agree with decisions.<br />
His stand on the proposed<br />
relocation of the East<br />
Street fountain and the<br />
right of way access for St<br />
John had resulted in both<br />
decisions being revoked.<br />
Councillor Diane Rawlinson<br />
said she had enjoyed<br />
her three years on council<br />
and wanted to return.<br />
Roads and water were<br />
important to her and she<br />
was referred to by some as<br />
‘‘the pot hole lady’’ because<br />
of her road and pavement<br />
vigilance.<br />
There were exciting<br />
times ahead with the CBD<br />
redevelopment and she saw<br />
her role as a ‘‘connector’<br />
between the community<br />
and council.<br />
Eastern Ward candidate<br />
Philip Rushton said he<br />
wanted to drive costs down<br />
and bring back the saleyards<br />
to the district.<br />
Ash Shah said he was fed<br />
up with rate rises and<br />
wanted to apply his<br />
accountancy skills in the<br />
councillor role.<br />
Eastern Ward candidate<br />
Stuart Wilson said he<br />
believed councillors should<br />
serve everyone in the district,<br />
regardless of their<br />
ward.<br />
He was the ‘‘grandfather’’<br />
of the council, but<br />
had the experience and<br />
knowledge ‘‘to keep up with<br />
things’’.<br />
Roads were not up to<br />
scratch, he said, but progress<br />
had been made.<br />
The final presenter was<br />
ECan candidate Sarah<br />
Walters, who said the<br />
declared climate emergency<br />
and water concerns were<br />
big issues ahead.<br />
She promised to work<br />
hard to help end the divisions<br />
between urban and<br />
rural communities, because<br />
‘‘both sides needed to do<br />
better’’.<br />
Voter packs will begin<br />
arriving in the mail from<br />
<strong>September</strong> 20 and voting<br />
will officially open.<br />
Books<br />
and<br />
stalls<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s Boulevard<br />
Day, and the start<br />
of the weeklong<br />
secondhand book<br />
fundraiser, Bookarama,<br />
are both on<br />
Monday.<br />
On Boulevard Day<br />
shoppers take over the<br />
main street.<br />
Organising team<br />
Sue Cooper and Bob<br />
McDonald have many<br />
returning stallholders<br />
keen totake part each<br />
year, but this year are<br />
excited by the range of<br />
new stallholders.<br />
Mrs Cooper says the<br />
rare British fire engine<br />
would be on show as a<br />
static display this year.<br />
There will also bea<br />
tractor competition,<br />
and members of the<br />
F45 <strong>Ashburton</strong> will<br />
run a training session<br />
on the chessboard.<br />
Bookarama, organised<br />
byRotary Club of<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> members,<br />
offers a variety of<br />
second hand books,<br />
magazines, CDs,<br />
DVDs, jigsaws and<br />
games for sale from<br />
the Sports Hall, on<br />
Tancred Street.<br />
BE 20<strong>19</strong> READY<br />
65’’ oled 4k television 55’’ oled 4k television<br />
only<br />
$5595<br />
$36.96 weekly<br />
8million pixels,abillion colours<br />
True black, shows true colour.<br />
Panasonic OLED TVs have a self-illuminating system<br />
that individually regulates 8 million pixels.<br />
It controls the intensity of the illumination based on<br />
the amount of electrical current flowing.<br />
When there is no current at all, no light is emitted,<br />
enabling stunning expression of deep, rich blacks,<br />
as well as the ultimate contrast ratio.<br />
only<br />
$3988<br />
$26.44 weekly<br />
receive a<br />
BONUS<br />
Spark Sport<br />
Bundle<br />
55’’ PREMIUM 4k hdr<br />
only<br />
$2<strong>19</strong>4<br />
$16.71 weekly<br />
Premium 4K TV with true-to-life HDR.<br />
This 4K LED TV featuring the HCX Pro<br />
Intelligent Processor is on hand to make<br />
sure the picture looks exactly like the<br />
filmmaker intended. True-to-life viewing is<br />
guaranteed by Dolby Vision and HDR10+<br />
while Dolby Atmos® provides a spatial<br />
listening experience that pulls you in to<br />
the on-screen action<br />
70’’ BIG SCREEN DEAL 4K UHD LED Smart TV Dual Tuner<br />
Enjoy crystal-clear picture quality on even<br />
the biggest screens, thanks to Ultra High<br />
Definition technology. Delivers breathtakingly<br />
realistic screen resolution and<br />
superb DTS Virtual: X surround sound-like<br />
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streaming apps,<br />
only<br />
$2495<br />
$16.68 weekly<br />
<br />
<br />
Prompt installation available No obligation in-home consultation Immediate delivery FinanceTerms<br />
<br />
<br />
Scott<br />
Page 4, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
Water proposals get immediate attention of rural sector<br />
You can be certain when<br />
the Government mentions<br />
water, and rules, it<br />
will get the attention of<br />
the rural sector.<br />
The measures proposed<br />
for Essential<br />
Freshwater yes, these<br />
are still proposals drew<br />
an almost instant<br />
response from Federated<br />
Farmers and other rural<br />
bodies.<br />
They said, and we<br />
paraphrase, that the<br />
measures, if implemented,<br />
could impact on<br />
DowntonAbbey<br />
Reviewed by Rowena Hart<br />
bookings ph 307 1230<br /><br />
Get ready for when<br />
The Cup<br />
kicks off<br />
MON 16TH SEP 20<strong>19</strong><br />
TO<br />
SUN 22ND SEP 20<strong>19</strong><br />
$<br />
36 99 $<br />
34 99<br />
Southern Comfort<br />
1L OR El Jimador Reposado<br />
&Blanco 700ml<br />
<strong>Courier</strong> comment<br />
farming (and livelihoods)<br />
in abig way.<br />
They would, without<br />
doubt.<br />
If the new rules mean a<br />
farming business has to<br />
be modified, it will almost<br />
certainly lose income.<br />
That means you lose<br />
income because in New<br />
Zealand, to one degree<br />
or another, we all hold<br />
hands.<br />
Investment decisions,<br />
Dance fundraiser<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Cadet<br />
Unit is holding its annual<br />
dance fundraiser at the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> RSA on October<br />
8.<br />
All proceeds from the<br />
event, which runs from<br />
8pm until midnight,will go<br />
to St John <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
The dance night has a<br />
<strong>19</strong>80s theme and music<br />
providedbylocal DJ Dave<br />
and will feature dance<br />
tunes from the <strong>19</strong>70’s<br />
onwards.<br />
Tickets cost $15, which<br />
covers entry, supper and a<br />
spin on the chocolate wheel.<br />
There are also spot prizes<br />
and prizes for the best<br />
costumes.<br />
Some door sales are available,but<br />
for catering purposes,<br />
pre sales are preferred.<br />
Contact Sam on 027 504<br />
40<strong>19</strong> for more information.<br />
This movie will delight all those folks that<br />
enjoyedthe television series.<br />
Youwill get to meet all the well lovedcast and<br />
again experience the daily life atthe Abbey.<br />
Even the old butler, MrCarson comes out of<br />
retirementtocharmusagain.<br />
The main story isthe excitement around the<br />
announcement that the King and Queen are<br />
coming to stay.<br />
Amongst all this happening, there are stories<br />
of how itall plays out and the effect ithas on<br />
the family,especially Lady Mary.<br />
Ialwaysliked the beautiful Irishman Tom, and<br />
Iloved his partinthis drama.<br />
Iwas sceptical about how this movie would<br />
play out. But within minutes Iwas engrossed<br />
in the story, and the beautiful surroundings.<br />
And ofcourse what everyone wore to meet<br />
the Queen.<br />
People were coming out of the theatresaying<br />
...Isowanttosee it again!<br />
2205324<br />
Malibu or Kahlua<br />
incl.Salted Caramel<br />
Coruba &Cola 5%<br />
330ml Bots 10pk<br />
$<br />
23 99<br />
700ml<br />
OR CHIVAS 12YO<br />
1L<br />
$<br />
59 99<br />
LION RED,<br />
WAIKATO,<br />
330ml Bots 24s<br />
$<br />
34 99<br />
Cruiser 7%<br />
OR Woodstock<br />
$<br />
22 99<br />
330ml Bots 15s<br />
$<br />
25 99<br />
1L<br />
$<br />
30 99<br />
7% 250ml Cans<br />
Woodstock 330ml Bots 12s<br />
say, converting to dairying<br />
or more irrigation,<br />
are made on the basis of<br />
projected income.<br />
Those projections, if<br />
debt were necessary,<br />
would be approved (or<br />
not) by abank.<br />
If afarmer, say, has to<br />
reduce stocking or retire<br />
paddocks, the bottom<br />
line is hit.<br />
That could have dire<br />
consequences individually,<br />
and for the district<br />
and, by extrapolation, the<br />
nation.<br />
Federated Farmers has<br />
called the aims unachievable.<br />
No farmer we have met<br />
wants pollution. No farmer<br />
wants dirty streams.<br />
Farmers have gone to<br />
extraordinary lengths to<br />
do all they can to reduce<br />
any harm their operation<br />
might do to the environment.<br />
Everyone wants the<br />
same outcome clean<br />
water and a healthy<br />
environment.<br />
Hundreds of farmers<br />
went tothe first of many<br />
meetings called by the<br />
Ministry for the Environment.<br />
It wantedfeedback and<br />
it got it.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> is blessed<br />
with people who know<br />
DB Draught, ExportGold,<br />
Tiger Crysta<br />
TuiEipa 330ml Bots 24s<br />
330ml Bots 12s<br />
$<br />
34 99<br />
Jim Beam OR<br />
Canadian Club<br />
4.8% 330ml Cans 10pk<br />
$<br />
20 99<br />
$<br />
22 99<br />
Billy Maverick<br />
7% 250ml Cans 12pk<br />
$<br />
21 99<br />
Asahi Super DryOR<br />
Peroni NastroAzzurro<br />
330ml Bots 12s<br />
$<br />
24 99<br />
Local news at<br />
Graham Norton<br />
Sauv,Rose,Shiraz<br />
farming inside out.<br />
They know about<br />
water and efficiency, too.<br />
Any rule changes have<br />
to be realistic, the carrot<br />
being better than the<br />
stick.<br />
The full measure of<br />
feelings on this issue will<br />
probably not be known<br />
until all the submissions<br />
are in and addressed <br />
and six weeks was a<br />
preposterously short consultationperiod<br />
for avery<br />
tough subject the Government<br />
has now said<br />
submissions will be<br />
accepted up to two weeks<br />
after the original October<br />
17 deadline. That will<br />
help, but not much.<br />
If farmer concerns<br />
have been addressed and<br />
workable proposals put<br />
forward, rural concerns<br />
may ease.<br />
Farmers are scrambling<br />
to try to understand<br />
the implications.<br />
John Keast<br />
Erosion, water, hot fair topics<br />
By Greta Yeoman<br />
Erosion, water quality<br />
and sustainability were<br />
hot topics at this year’s<br />
Sanford Science and<br />
Technology Fair, committee<br />
member Derek Vogel<br />
says.<br />
More than 250 exhibits<br />
by Year 79 pupils were<br />
entered in the Aoraki<br />
science competition,<br />
which was held at Caroline<br />
Bay Hall, Timaru,<br />
last week.<br />
Winners had received<br />
more than $10,000 in<br />
prizes and prize money,<br />
he said.<br />
Mr Vogel said there<br />
had been more erosionrelated<br />
projects this year,<br />
which reflected the<br />
ongoing issues at Patiti<br />
Point and other areas of<br />
South Canterbury.<br />
‘‘A lot of the projects<br />
have been unique to Timaru.’’<br />
‘‘[They are topics] that<br />
have been in the news.’’<br />
Erosion was the topic of<br />
choice for overall third<br />
placegetter Madeline<br />
Page, from <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Borough School.<br />
The 11yearold Year 7<br />
pupil, whose project was<br />
about the best native<br />
plants toslow down erosion,<br />
had entered the<br />
competition for the first<br />
time, placing third and<br />
also getting agold award.<br />
She was also awarded<br />
the Irricon Resource<br />
Solutions Junior Gold<br />
award for the Best<br />
Creativity and Resourcefulness<br />
category, along<br />
with being Highly Commended<br />
in an Environment<br />
Canterbury award<br />
category.<br />
Maddie had chosen to<br />
focusonplants becauseit<br />
was topic she was familiar<br />
with.<br />
‘‘I really like them,’’<br />
she said of native plants.<br />
First place winner<br />
Daniel Poulter, from<br />
Gleniti School, had<br />
focused on bees and ways<br />
to get them to land on<br />
nonpesticidesprayed<br />
plants, while second<br />
place duo Olivia Chapman<br />
and Elle Fraser from<br />
Geraldine High School<br />
looked at the best design<br />
for a batroosting nest<br />
box.<br />
Daniel Poulter’s project<br />
had also won him an<br />
overall Gold award, as<br />
well as the Andrew Falloon<br />
MP Technology Junior<br />
Award, one of two<br />
Barkers awards for the<br />
Best Use of Food Material<br />
and asilver award in<br />
the Irricon Resource<br />
Solutions Junior Best<br />
Creativity and Resourcefulness<br />
category.<br />
The Geraldine High<br />
School duo Olivia Chapman<br />
and Elle Fraser’s bat<br />
box project had also<br />
scored them an overall<br />
gold award, as well as the<br />
Senior Andrew Falloon<br />
MP Technology Award.<br />
Mr Vogel said there<br />
had been more entries<br />
this year than the last,<br />
however, this was likely<br />
because many schools<br />
entered on a twoyearly<br />
basis.<br />
Photos: <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Borough School pupils<br />
Top: Charlotte Lennon<br />
(left) and Rebekah<br />
Clarke (12) looked at<br />
crystals and their electricity<br />
abilities for the<br />
Sanford Science and<br />
Technology Fair and,<br />
above, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Borough’s Madeline Page<br />
(11) looked at erosion for<br />
her entry into the science<br />
fair.<br />
Heineken<br />
330ml Bots 12s<br />
$<br />
29 99<br />
Teachers<br />
1L<br />
TheNed<br />
Sauv,Pgris<br />
$<br />
35 99<br />
$<br />
13 99 $<br />
14 99<br />
MSA<br />
266 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Telephone 308 7149<br /><br />
HOURS<br />
Monday<br />
Tuesday-Saturday<br />
Sunday<br />
10:00am -8:00pm<br />
10:00am -9:30pm<br />
10:00am -6:00pm<br />
from <strong>September</strong> <strong>19</strong><br />
to <strong>September</strong> 26<br />
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong>, Page 5<br />
Was $20,990<br />
$18,990<br />
Was $10,990<br />
$ $9,990<br />
2008 Mazda Axela<br />
1.5L Automatic. CD player, Central locking,<br />
Climate control and Tinted windows.<br />
Was $4,990<br />
$3,990<br />
2003 Volkswagon Passat<br />
2.8L Automatic. Leather seats, Heated front<br />
seats, CDplayer, Cruise control.<br />
Was $11,990<br />
$9,990<br />
2008 Holden Commodore SV6<br />
3.6L V6 Automatic. Cruise control, Towbar,<br />
CD player, Traction control.<br />
$39,990<br />
990<br />
2017 SsangYong g Rexton Sport 4x4<br />
2.2L Diesel Automatic. Smart phone connectivity,<br />
Bluetooth, 7seats, Balance of 5year warranty.<br />
2010 Nissan Navara ST 4x4<br />
2.5L Diesel Automatic. CDPlayer,<br />
Canopy, Central Locking, Cruise Control,<br />
Tow Bar and Deck Liner.<br />
2007 Mazda 6GSX Sedan ................................... $8,990<br />
2010 Holden Colorado LX 4x4 D/C ................... $<strong>19</strong>,990<br />
2013 Holden Colorado Extreme 4x4 D/C ......... $27,990<br />
Was $29,990990<br />
$27,990<br />
2012 Holden Colorado LT4x4<br />
4<br />
2.8L Diesel Manual. Bull bars, CD player,<br />
Central locking, Bluetooth and Towbar. .<br />
Was $34,990<br />
$31,990<br />
2012 Range Rover Sport<br />
3L TDV6 Diesel Automatic. Leather seats,<br />
heated front seats and Bluetooth.<br />
Richard<br />
027 889 3870<br />
Shane<br />
027 669 5656<br />
Was $54,740<br />
$48,990<br />
20<strong>19</strong> Holden Acadia LT AWD<br />
3.6L, 9speed Automatic. Balance of FREE<br />
servicing plan, and factory warranty.<br />
Was $34,990<br />
2014 Holden Colorado LTZ 4x4<br />
$30,990<br />
2.8L Diesel Automatic. Reversing camera,<br />
Bluetooth, Tow bar and Tonneau Cover.<br />
$<br />
49<br />
*<br />
All makes and models<br />
*T&C’s apply.<br />
<strong>19</strong>9<br />
All makes and models<br />
$ *<br />
incl GST<br />
Holden Astra Black Edition<br />
from $27,990 +ORC<br />
Black 17” alloy wheels Black exterior highlights<br />
Black Edition decal &badge Rear privacy glass<br />
T&C’s apply. Offer ends 30 <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
ASHBURTON: Main South Road, Tinwald \ 03307 9028 \ Facebook: Smallbone<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Mon -Fri: 8am -5pm \Sat: 9am -12noon<br />
Page 6, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
Lighting change<br />
‘‘Infrastructure changes’’<br />
that allowed the<br />
installation of Christmas<br />
decorations in East<br />
Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, have<br />
been removed by EA<br />
Networks ‘‘due to<br />
degradation and health<br />
and safety concerns’’.<br />
Areport to the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> council’s<br />
Finance and Business<br />
Support Committee said<br />
that as aresult ‘‘ these<br />
Mike Grant - TRUE2U<br />
To Sell your Property<br />
at its Premium Potential Price<br />
2182128<br />
festive decorations<br />
(festive lighting) will not<br />
be included in this year’s<br />
Christmas season and<br />
festive theming’’.<br />
But council officershad<br />
been working on an<br />
alternative lightingoption<br />
that would mean bigger<br />
trees along East Street,<br />
from Moore to Havelock<br />
Street, lit up with fairy<br />
lights throughout the<br />
holiday season.<br />
So good<br />
everyday!<br />
Open 6am to 3:30pm<br />
22A Robinson Street<br />
Riverside,Industrial Park<br />
Call “Big Mike” forthe Right Advice<br />
021 272 0202<br />
MidCanterburyRealEstate Licensed REAA (2008)<br />
Stanborough<br />
brushed wool<br />
throws,naturally<br />
ideal luxury gifts<br />
4 Craftedfromraregreysheep flock–<br />
grown, shorn, scoured,spun, woven<br />
andfinishedinNew Zealand<br />
4 Traditionallywoven, contemporary<br />
design, softand snuggly<br />
4 The perfect wedding gift<br />
Find us just 1Kmoff Hwy 1atRangitataon<br />
Hwy 79.Open 7days9am to 5pm,<br />
Ph 0508 504 006<br />
2200557<br />
05 Tin 20<strong>19</strong> Snow<br />
Local news at<br />
Topline sports campus<br />
proposed for Lake Hood<br />
A$50m sports campus is<br />
proposed for Lake Hood,<br />
southeast of <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
It was announced to a<br />
business and civic audience<br />
at Lake Hood.<br />
The Southern Parallel<br />
Sports Campus is proposed<br />
by APT Sports<br />
Academy Ltd, supported<br />
by Aonghus NZ Ltd,<br />
Westbury Investment<br />
Group USA, investment<br />
partners, the Allied<br />
Forces Foundation, and<br />
through alliances with<br />
New Zealand and North<br />
American universities.<br />
The mission is to<br />
‘‘change the game’’ by<br />
offering aholistic campus<br />
for people wishing to<br />
develop their true potential<br />
in sport and life,<br />
sports resilience and<br />
endurance training, afull<br />
medical, mental health<br />
and nutrition clinics and<br />
academic programmes.<br />
Catherine Stuart, managing<br />
partner of Aonghus,<br />
said Lake Hood was<br />
the key factor in bringing<br />
the concept to the region.<br />
Those to benefit<br />
include high performance<br />
athletes, disabled athletes,<br />
‘‘wounded warriors’’,<br />
returned servicemen<br />
and women, and<br />
youth sports.<br />
APT Sports Academy<br />
would deliver targeted<br />
training and education<br />
programmes catering<br />
specifically to their<br />
‘‘physical, mental, selfesteem<br />
and education<br />
needs, and offering each<br />
a more focused path in<br />
life’’.<br />
The campus would also<br />
involve the Allied Forces<br />
Foundation, a joint<br />
BritishAmerican foundation<br />
which supported<br />
wounded soldiers and<br />
their families in conflicts<br />
following 9/11.<br />
The proposed campus<br />
would include an indoor<br />
3G pitch apitch on a<br />
firm base with longpile<br />
artificial grass filled with<br />
sand and rubber crumb <br />
an outdoor G3 pitch, a<br />
running track, tennis, netball<br />
and basketball<br />
courts, a highperformance<br />
gym, swim<br />
resistance training, swim<br />
therapy, medical and<br />
therapy suites, anutrition<br />
centre, offices and boat<br />
shed.<br />
There would also be 20<br />
residentialstyle accommodation<br />
units and a<br />
lodge.<br />
The lodge would be<br />
created by lifting the roof<br />
of the existing Lake<br />
House (a popup restaurant<br />
will be created in<br />
the interim) and adding<br />
wings.<br />
When the work was<br />
finished, the restaurant<br />
would operate as normal.<br />
An agreement has<br />
been signed to buy the<br />
extra land needed for the<br />
complex, and New Zealand<br />
and international<br />
investors were sought.<br />
It was hoped the<br />
majority would be from<br />
New Zealand.<br />
The campus planned to<br />
hold two international<br />
meetings a year and<br />
would seek the Invictus<br />
Games, an international<br />
adaptive multisport<br />
event, created by Prince<br />
Harry, Duke of Sussex, in<br />
which wounded, injured<br />
or sick armed services<br />
personnel and their<br />
Care urged in<br />
lighting fires<br />
Fire officials are urging<br />
caution with too many fires<br />
escaping.<br />
Don Geddes, deputy<br />
principal rural fire officer<br />
for Mid and South Canterbury,<br />
said firefighters had<br />
dealt with five escaped fires<br />
in the past week and more<br />
care was needed.<br />
‘‘Most if not all were<br />
avoidable,’’ he said.<br />
The fires posed adanger<br />
and inconvenienced volunteer<br />
firefighters.<br />
Mr Geddes said it was<br />
still open season and<br />
people assumed it was safe<br />
because of the time of year,<br />
but not enough care was<br />
being taken.<br />
He said it was vital to<br />
check the weather forecast <br />
including the longterm forecast.<br />
It was also important to<br />
supervise fires, make sure<br />
wind would not take flames<br />
towards ahedge or trees, and<br />
have ameans of suppression<br />
on hand.<br />
It was also important to<br />
make sure fires were out.<br />
Embers should be raked<br />
and doused.<br />
Embers left smouldering<br />
could easily reignite many<br />
days after afire if awind got<br />
up.<br />
Mr Geddes said people<br />
were underestimating the<br />
fire risk at this time of year.<br />
associated veterans take<br />
part in nine sports.<br />
There would also be<br />
tournaments for ablebodied<br />
athletes.<br />
The lodge would have<br />
20 accommodation<br />
suites, akitchen and restaurant,<br />
a bar lounge,<br />
guest lounge, a soundproofed<br />
event centre and<br />
offices.<br />
The sports complex<br />
would be built on vacant<br />
land away from the lodge.<br />
It was hoped to finalise<br />
investment by December<br />
this year and complete<br />
plans and consenting by<br />
January 2020 and construction<br />
to start in<br />
March 2020.<br />
It was proposed to<br />
open the complex in the<br />
first quarter of 2021.<br />
Geraint Howells, who<br />
has moved to <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
from Leeston, said he set<br />
up APT Sports Academy<br />
Ltd with ex Super Rugby<br />
player Ged Robinson,<br />
who looked for guidance<br />
after top rugby.<br />
They came up with an<br />
holistic approach to<br />
training.<br />
The academy would<br />
include online tuition.<br />
Apercentage of profits<br />
would go to help disabled<br />
children.<br />
The campus will have<br />
up to 200 attendees and<br />
up to 70 staff.<br />
The rowing lake would<br />
be a key part of the<br />
campus.<br />
Mr Howells trained in<br />
the UK as a landscape<br />
architect and designer.<br />
Catherine Stuart said<br />
the campus was a great<br />
opportunity for the district<br />
and she wanted the<br />
community to be<br />
involved.<br />
There were very few<br />
campuses like the one<br />
proposed in the world.<br />
Promoters looked<br />
closely at Christchurch<br />
for the campus but<br />
wanted a ‘‘destination’’<br />
and <strong>Ashburton</strong> was a<br />
great region, and Lake<br />
Hood was the icing on the<br />
cake.<br />
Photos: An artist’s<br />
impression of the<br />
development.<br />
Hello, from <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>, greeting from <strong>Ashburton</strong>. The business of council was put aside<br />
for afew moments when Cr Russell Ellis introduced Charlie Dennis from<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> in Devon. He is acouncillor there.<br />
Mr Dennis said when the <strong>Ashburton</strong> council in Devon found out he was<br />
coming to <strong>Ashburton</strong>, Canterbury to see his daughter, an au pair here, they<br />
gave him abook and few other items to bring by way of greeting. They were<br />
passed to mayor Donna Favel. Photo: Charlie Dennis of <strong>Ashburton</strong>, Devon<br />
and Donna Favel of <strong>Ashburton</strong>, Canterbury.
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong>, Page 7<br />
$<br />
1599<br />
Mondo<br />
3PieceLoungeSetting<br />
R<br />
Eucalyptus (FSC 100%) with powder-coated aluminium<br />
frameloungerswitholefinseatcushions.<br />
R<br />
1150 x625mmeucalyptus(FSC 100%)coffeetable.<br />
Drinks trolley and props not included.<br />
!89625<br />
Looking to transform your<br />
outdoors?<br />
It’s so easy with the stunning<br />
range of designs and styles<br />
available in-store.<br />
$<br />
<strong>19</strong>99<br />
Siena<br />
3PieceBench Setting<br />
2200mm x1000mm reinforced concrete table with powder-coated<br />
aluminiumframe and 2 bench seats. Props not included.<br />
!89247<br />
$<br />
429<br />
Sirocco<br />
9Piece Dining Setting<br />
2200mm x 1000mm dining table. Powder-coated aluminium<br />
frame.Heavydutyresinchairs.50mmumbrellahole.<br />
!89223<br />
$<br />
399<br />
Sirocco<br />
9Piece Cafe Setting<br />
650mmpowder-coated steel frame with aluminium<br />
plated top.Heavydutyresinchairs.<br />
!89622<br />
$<br />
1849<br />
Ashton<br />
4PieceLoungeSetting<br />
R<br />
Greywash eucalyptus (FSC 100%)<br />
loungers with olefin seat cushions.<br />
1150 x625mm grey wash eucalyptus<br />
R<br />
(FSC 100%) coffee table.<br />
!89624<br />
West Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
PHONE 03 308 51<strong>19</strong><br />
Monday-Friday7am till 6pm<br />
Saturday8am -6pm<br />
Sunday&Public Holidays 8am -5pm<br />
Offers expire<strong>September</strong> 26th 20<strong>19</strong>.<br />
Terms &conditions apply.While stocks last.<br />
$<br />
399<br />
$<br />
449<br />
Bistro<br />
3PieceSetting<br />
R<br />
Acacia (FSC 100%) with powder-coated steel frame table and chairs.Foldable.<br />
335904<br />
Rattan<br />
4PieceSetting<br />
Hand-woven bananawicker with powder-coated aluminium frame poufs.<br />
Hand-woven rattan with powder-coated steel framebistrochairs.<br />
Page 8, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
Local news at<br />
Apply forthe<br />
Andrew Falloon MP<br />
STEM Scholarship<br />
Open to anyone studying Science, Technology,<br />
Engineering, or Mathematicsatatertiary<br />
institutionnextyear who attendsorhas been<br />
to high school in theRangitata Electorate.<br />
Send a500 word essayon“HowScience,<br />
Technology,Engineering, orMathematicscan<br />
helpNew Zealandovercome achallenge”with<br />
aone page CV and details of intended course<br />
of study to<br />
For moreinformation email<br /><br />
Applications close11October<br />
Authorised by Andrew Falloon MP,<br />
Parliament Buildings,Wellington.<br />
TurfBar going blue for ‘do’<br />
The Turf Bar at Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
is hosting abig Blue Do<br />
event to raise funds and awareness<br />
of prostate cancer this<br />
Saturday.<br />
On the bill isthe big Rugby<br />
World Cup game between the<br />
All Blacks and South Africa,<br />
live music and raffles and<br />
other draws.<br />
The bar will bedressed to<br />
the nines in blue and those<br />
turning out are invited to join<br />
the blue party.<br />
Turf Bar duty manager Jane<br />
Hamilton said it was the<br />
second consecutive year for<br />
the Blue Do event at the<br />
venue.<br />
Last year $1758 had been<br />
raised for the Prostate Cancer<br />
Foundation.<br />
The focus of the national<br />
campaign was on raising<br />
money and awareness of the<br />
disease that would take the<br />
lives of more than 600 kiwi<br />
men this year.<br />
‘‘We have had acouple of<br />
regulars die from prostate cancer<br />
over the last couple of<br />
years, so it’s been close to<br />
home for us,’’ she said.<br />
Mrs Hamilton said the Blue<br />
Do evening ran from 6pm and<br />
until midnight.<br />
The band Nine Lives would<br />
perform from 7pm until the<br />
start ofthe live rugby (9.45pm<br />
kick off) and then again after<br />
the game was over.<br />
She said fundraising at the<br />
Turf Bar was running throughout<br />
<strong>September</strong> and to date<br />
around $500 had been raised<br />
through raffles and other<br />
initiatives.<br />
The aim was to beat last<br />
year’s total.<br />
Over 45 Mid Canterbury and<br />
Christchurch businesses have<br />
donated a wide variety of<br />
prizes for the prostate cancer<br />
cause. Prizesinclude askydive,<br />
restaurant vouchers, motel<br />
stay and leisure activity.<br />
Photo: Turf Bar duty<br />
manager Jane Hamilton<br />
dressed in blue at last year’s<br />
inaugural Blue Do event.<br />
Heaps of specials<br />
OPEN<br />
7<br />
DAYS<br />
Come in and havealook around!<br />
Grahams Road,<strong>Ashburton</strong> l 03 308 9950<br />
Card<br />
2207216<br />
New Barker’s outlet open<br />
The Vicarage and, to the left, the Barkers Foodstore and Eatery, which<br />
can seat more than 100 guests.<br />
Barker’s Foodstore and<br />
Eatery in Geraldine is<br />
open.<br />
The fruit processing<br />
company opened its new<br />
outlet overlooking the<br />
Waihi Riveron<br />
Tuesday, and there will<br />
be an open day on<br />
Saturday<strong>September</strong> 28<br />
(10am to 3pm) at The<br />
Vicarage, aboutique<br />
bed and breakfast the<br />
companyconverted<br />
fromthe original<br />
Anglican vicarage.<br />
The entry fee on<br />
<strong>September</strong> 28 is $5 with<br />
the money going<br />
towards the<br />
developmentand<br />
promotion of the<br />
proposed Geraldine arts<br />
and plantswalkway<br />
alongthe Waihi River.<br />
The former St Mary’s<br />
Church vicarage is a<br />
categorytwo heritage<br />
building and has been<br />
transformed.<br />
Dementia play<br />
offers insight<br />
Aplay providing an insight<br />
into dementia and its common<br />
form, alzheimer’s disease,<br />
will be performed in<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> on October 9.<br />
The play, called The<br />
Keys Are In The Margarine,<br />
is created from interviews<br />
with people with<br />
direct experience of<br />
dementia and alzheimer’s,<br />
includingcaregivers, family<br />
members, doctors andsupport<br />
workers.<br />
The stories communicate<br />
the effects dementia<br />
has onthe lives ofpeople<br />
living with the disease and<br />
everyone around them.<br />
The Keys Are In The<br />
Margarine interweaves<br />
humour with heartbreak.<br />
The play will beperformed<br />
at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Trust<br />
Event Centreat6pm and is<br />
an open hat event, meaningthereare<br />
no ticket sales<br />
and the audience decided<br />
at the endofthe show what<br />
they’d like togive.<br />
Ceilidh afternoon<br />
The newly renovated pipe<br />
band hall on Creek Road,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> will host a<br />
ceilidh concert on <strong>September</strong><br />
22.<br />
The 2pm concert will<br />
feature an entertainment<br />
programme and afternoon<br />
tea and includes a<br />
mini pipe band, singers,<br />
musicians and dancers.<br />
Entry costs $5 at the door<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Rotary Club<br />
Please<br />
bring your<br />
own<br />
carry bag<br />
<strong>September</strong> 23 to <strong>September</strong> 28 •Sports Hall Tancred Street<br />
Signposted from the centre of <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Day 1<br />
Day 2<br />
Day 3<br />
Day 4<br />
Day 5<br />
Day 6<br />
(Boulevard Day <strong>Ashburton</strong>)<br />
Monday 23rd Sept<br />
Tuesday 24th Sept<br />
Wednesday 25th Sept<br />
Thursday 26th Sept<br />
Friday 27th Sept<br />
Saturday 28th Sept<br />
8.00am - 5.30pm<br />
9.00am - 5.30pm<br />
9.00am - 8.30pm<br />
9.00am - 8.30pm<br />
9.00am - 5.30pm<br />
8.00am - 12.00pm<br />
Thank You <strong>Ashburton</strong> for your generosity<br />
We are still collecting books and articles at: <strong>Ashburton</strong> Sports Hall<br />
Cnr East &Dobson Sts, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone 308 9094<br />
Rotary Club of <strong>Ashburton</strong> Convenor David Mead 308 9991 or 027 471 6661<br />
Bookarama has been running successfully for 40 Years<br />
Hair’s afundraising idea<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> dance teacher<br />
and choreographer Jessie<br />
Thomsonisdonating 40cm<br />
from her long hair for a<br />
wig for cancer patients to<br />
wear during treatment.<br />
She is alsousingthe hair<br />
donation to raise funds for<br />
Mid Canterbury Cancer<br />
Society and urging the<br />
community to get behind<br />
her gesture.<br />
Jessie says donating the<br />
hairissomething that she’s<br />
always wanted todo.<br />
‘‘I’ve seen first hand<br />
how cancer can affect<br />
people and families.<br />
‘‘I lost anuncle to cancer<br />
and some of my<br />
student have lost parents,<br />
or have family members<br />
wearing wigs and going<br />
through cancer treatment.’’<br />
Jessie said she had not<br />
had ahaircut in ayearand<br />
the hair donation would<br />
leave her hair shorter than<br />
it had ever been.<br />
The hair will go to<br />
Freedom wigs which uses<br />
Bite Nite to be bigger,<br />
better and out of cold<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Youth<br />
Council (AYC)’s annual<br />
Bite Nite event is promising<br />
to be bigger and better<br />
than ever, with a new<br />
format and achange to an<br />
indoor venue.<br />
The two previous Bite<br />
Nites were held in Baring<br />
Square East, but this year<br />
the decisionhas been made<br />
to take the event indoors,<br />
to stop the district’s unpredictable<br />
<strong>September</strong><br />
weather interfering with a<br />
great family evening out.<br />
Bite Nite will take place<br />
in the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Trust<br />
Event Centre onWednesday<br />
(<strong>September</strong> 25), from<br />
5pm to 8pm.<br />
Agold coin donation on<br />
entry gets you into the<br />
venue where, in the foyer,<br />
there will be afood court<br />
set up by the team from<br />
Somerset Grocer, and a<br />
Youth Zone.<br />
In the auditorium More<br />
FM radio personality Jackson<br />
Bray will entertain as<br />
MC and headline act Wishlistt<br />
with five support acts;<br />
bands Empoly8, Jacks<br />
Point, Middle Road, spoken<br />
word artist Gia<br />
Romero and Carl’s Dance<br />
Group.<br />
AYC members, working<br />
with other youth in the<br />
hair that is uncoloured,<br />
longer than 35.5 cm and<br />
has not been dropped on<br />
the floor after cutting.<br />
Jessie Thomson’s hair<br />
will becut at DNA Hairdressing<br />
at 12.30pm on<br />
October 5.<br />
Donations tothe Cancer<br />
Society can be<br />
deposited into the following<br />
account 03 0835<br />
0364953 003.<br />
Photo: Jessie Thomson<br />
is donating her hair for<br />
cancer patients wigs.<br />
district to organise and run<br />
the largescale community<br />
gathering, are making sure<br />
it suits the whole family.<br />
Along with the live<br />
entertainment there will be<br />
anumber of giveaways.<br />
Funds raised from gold<br />
coin entry donations will<br />
help to support the event<br />
and go towards Bite Nite<br />
next year, and funds raised<br />
from the gold coin donation<br />
at the Classic<br />
Photobooth will go to Base<br />
Youth Centre. More<br />
announcements will be<br />
made via the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Youth Council Facebook<br />
page.<br />
All go for men’s softball<br />
It’s all gofor anew midweek<br />
men’s softball competitioninMid<br />
Canterbury<br />
next month.<br />
Four teams have signed<br />
up for the fastpitch softball<br />
league which is aimed<br />
at males overthe ageof16.<br />
The league starts on<br />
October 23 and runs for<br />
five weeks.<br />
It will feature round<br />
robin games, playoffs and<br />
afinal.<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Club &<br />
MSA will sponsor the<br />
tournament and fund a<br />
trophy and prize money.<br />
The league isaimed at<br />
retaining interest and giving<br />
game time to young<br />
males who play at Under<br />
18 level and other keen<br />
players.<br />
The confirmed teams<br />
are the Hampstead<br />
Hawks,<br />
Rainer<br />
Renegades, Rusty<br />
Demons and Retread Diamonds.<br />
Kids holiday fun at library<br />
The Term 3holiday<br />
programme at <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Library has athemeof<br />
‘‘Voyages’’.<br />
The programme runs<br />
from 10.30am until<br />
11.30am and will be held<br />
on <strong>September</strong> 30,<br />
October 2, 4, 7, 9and 11.<br />
The first week starts<br />
with making<br />
thaumatropes, atoy<br />
popular in the <strong>19</strong>th<br />
century.<br />
On October 2the focus<br />
will be on celebrating<br />
cultural differences<br />
through games.<br />
Two days later the<br />
programme will look at<br />
some of New Zealand’s<br />
most disastrous voyages<br />
and dioramas will be<br />
made.<br />
The second week starts<br />
with ajourney to the<br />
centre of the earth and<br />
fossil making and is<br />
followed by making Mad<br />
Libs and cable cars.<br />
Brocc coli<br />
Product of NewZealand<br />
GreenKiwifruit Loose<br />
Product of New Zealand<br />
NEW<br />
$ 1 299<br />
ea<br />
$<br />
2 49 kg<br />
$<br />
2 49 $<br />
1 49 ea<br />
Cadbury<br />
ChocolateBlock<br />
150-<strong>19</strong>0g<br />
$<br />
2 99 ea<br />
Dole Bananas Loose<br />
Product of Philippines or Ecuador<br />
Puhoi Valley<br />
Yoghurt 450g<br />
Green Capsicum<br />
Product of New Zealand<br />
$<br /><br />
$<br />
2 49 kg<br />
$ 4<br />
79 ea<br />
ONE IN<br />
EVERY<br />
STORE<br />
SEE<br />
FOR DETAILS<br /><br />
Specials available South Island only from Monday 16th<strong>September</strong> until Sunday22nd<br />
<strong>September</strong>20<strong>19</strong>orwhile stockslast.Wine andbeer available at stores with an off<br />
licence.Wine and beerpurchasesrestrictedtopersonsaged18years old and over.
Page 10, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
Local news at<br />
Family Notices<br />
CHISNALL Joan Mary,<br />
on <strong>September</strong> 12, 20<strong>19</strong><br />
at Coldstream Lifecare,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>, aged 84years.<br />
Dearly lovedwifeofthe late<br />
Boyd Chisnall. Loved sister<br />
of Bill Roche (Rangiora).<br />
Much loved mother and<br />
mother in law ofBruce and<br />
the late Eileen (Dunedin),<br />
and Jane Chisnall and Brett<br />
Sangster (Wellington).<br />
Loved and treasured<br />
grandmother of Alastair<br />
and Rachel (Dunedin), and<br />
Sarah (Dunedin). Loving<br />
great grandmother of<br />
Oliver.<br />
John William<br />
(Jack): On Friday<br />
<strong>September</strong> 13, 20<strong>19</strong> in<br />
his 90th year at Rosebank<br />
Rest Home, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Dearly beloved husband of<br />
Lorraine and much loved<br />
father and father in law of<br />
Jo-Anne (Australia) Michael<br />
(Australia) and Barry and<br />
Jan-Maree. Loved Grandad<br />
“Jacket” ofTiarna, Nathan,<br />
Connor,Nicholas and Chloe.<br />
Many thanks to the care<br />
and kindness of the staff at<br />
Rosebank Rest Home and<br />
the Tinwald Medical Centre<br />
In lieu of flowers, donations<br />
to <strong>Ashburton</strong> St John<br />
Ambulance would be<br />
appreciated and can<br />
be made at the service.<br />
Messages to the Baughan<br />
family, P O Box 472,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. Aservice<br />
for Jack will be held at<br />
our Chapel, Cnr East and<br />
Cox Streets, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
on Friday <strong>September</strong> 20,<br />
commencing at 1.30pm.<br />
Followed by cremation<br />
at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Crematorium.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 3077433<br />
A special thanks<br />
to the staff ofColdstream<br />
Lifecare for their care of<br />
our mother during her<br />
residence there. Messages<br />
to the Chisnall family c./-<br />
118 Trelissick Crescent,<br />
Ngaio, Wellington 6035.<br />
At our mothers request, a<br />
private family cremation<br />
has been held.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 307 7433<br />
HOWARD,Helen Margaret:<br />
(Ellie): Passed away<br />
peacefully on <strong>September</strong><br />
16, 20<strong>19</strong> at Rosebank<br />
Resthome, <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />
surrounded by family. Aged<br />
97 years. Dearly loved wife<br />
of the late Fred. Daughter<br />
of the late Susannah and<br />
William Thomson. Loved<br />
mother and mother in<br />
law of John and Gaylyn<br />
(Lawrence,) Di and Alan<br />
(Timaru), and Tony and<br />
Margaret (Woodlands).<br />
Treasured Nan of Melanie<br />
and Simon, and Symon<br />
and Simone; Julie-Ann and<br />
David, Fiona and Peter,<br />
Anna, and William and<br />
Helen; Craig and Alex, and<br />
Hayden and Anna. Adored<br />
great Nan of all her great<br />
grandchildren. Messages<br />
to the Howard Family, PO<br />
Box 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740.<br />
Donations to <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
St John may beleft atthe<br />
service. Special thanks to<br />
Dr PennyHoldawayand the<br />
amazing staff at Rosebank.<br />
A service to celebrate<br />
Helen’s life will be held at<br />
Our Chapel, Cnr East and<br />
Cox Streets, <strong>Ashburton</strong> on<br />
Tuesday <strong>September</strong> 24,<br />
commencing at 10.30am.<br />
Followed by interment at<br />
the Timaru Cemetery at<br />
2.30pm.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 307 7433<br />
QUIGLEY, Allan James:<br />
On Friday 13, <strong>September</strong><br />
20<strong>19</strong>, at Tuarangi Home,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Adored and<br />
treasured husband of the<br />
late Florence. Very much<br />
loved Step ”Dad” to Faye<br />
and Ross, and Nicki. Loved<br />
brother and brother in law<br />
to Audrey and Rodney,<br />
Evelyn and Clayton, the<br />
late Gordon and Lynne,<br />
Barbara and Neil, Joy and<br />
John and loved uncle<br />
to all his nephews and<br />
nieces. Messages to the<br />
Quigley family. P O Box<br />
472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. We<br />
wish to thank all the staff<br />
at Tuarangi Home for their<br />
love and careofAllan. Allan<br />
is now at peace with his<br />
beloved Florence. Aprivate<br />
cremation has been held.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 307 7433<br />
Supporting the<br />
community<br />
96 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
LREA2008<br />
Phone 307 8317<br />
MCRE<br />
THOMAS:<br />
DOODY Michael Joseph:<br />
Michael’s family would like<br />
to express our heartfelt<br />
thanks to all those who<br />
sentmessages of sympathy,<br />
flowers and baking after<br />
our sad loss of aremarkable<br />
man who touched the<br />
hearts of so manypeople.<br />
Thank youall so much.<br />
Atruly wonderful man who<br />
will forever be in our hearts<br />
and never be forgotten.<br />
Margaret<br />
Ruth, (Ruth): passed away<br />
peacefully at Coldstream<br />
Lifecare, <strong>Ashburton</strong> on<br />
August 29, 20<strong>19</strong>, with her<br />
loving husband Peterbyher<br />
side. Loved Mum ofSharon<br />
and Kevin Hedge and<br />
Andrew and Rosie. Amuch<br />
loved Gran of Matthew<br />
and Julita, Ben and Lisa,<br />
and Anastasia; Samantha,<br />
Jayden, Georgia and great<br />
Gran of Victor. Messages<br />
to the Thomas family, PO<br />
Box 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740.<br />
In lieu of flowers donations<br />
to Alzheimer’s Canterbury<br />
would be appreciated and<br />
may beleft atthe service.<br />
A memorial service to<br />
celebrate Ruth’s life will be<br />
held at our Chapel,Cnr East<br />
and CoxStreets, <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />
on Saturday, <strong>September</strong> 21,<br />
commencing at 11.00 am.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 3077433<br />
BOX, Danny<br />
24.10.73 -24.9.93:<br />
My mind still talks to you<br />
And myheart still looks for<br />
you.<br />
There are no goodbyes for<br />
youand I.<br />
Love youDanny<br />
Mumxxx<br />
SMITH, Mary‘Isobel’<br />
24. 1. <strong>19</strong>39 -20. 9. 2018<br />
“You haveleftusbut<br />
Arestill very close”<br />
Ian, Bruce, Toni, Jonathan,<br />
and Laura<br />
Always remembered<br />
Foreverloved<br />
Community groups<br />
get digital lowdown<br />
Mid Canterbury<br />
TimeBank members and<br />
others from the community<br />
have been learning<br />
how to devise and<br />
make digital stories that<br />
have real impact.<br />
Digital Storytellers, a<br />
purposedriven filmmaking<br />
agency, helped<br />
<strong>19</strong> participants craft<br />
stories with positive narratives<br />
at atwoday workshop<br />
held at Community<br />
House Mid Canterbury.<br />
Half of the story tellers<br />
were from TimeBank<br />
and the rest from community<br />
groups that<br />
included Hospice, Hakatere<br />
Marae, Presbyterian<br />
Support, Hakatere Multi<br />
Cultural Council and He<br />
Waka Tapu.<br />
On day one, participants<br />
brainstormed ideas,<br />
created storyboards and<br />
set about filming stories<br />
using their mobile<br />
phones.<br />
Day two offered advice<br />
and tips on editing stories<br />
and then on how best to<br />
share them with others,<br />
flowers for<br />
all occasions<br />
same day delivery<br />
in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
ph 307 4020<br />
both on online and offline<br />
platforms.<br />
Kate White from Mid<br />
Canterbury TimeBank<br />
said the workshop had<br />
been very well received<br />
and had been an exciting<br />
and informative opportunity<br />
for those involved.<br />
Participants had learnt<br />
how tell their own stories,<br />
whether it was from a<br />
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TimeBank perspective or<br />
about a particular community<br />
group, in an effective<br />
way and through a<br />
digital medium.<br />
Mrs White said much<br />
of the cost of the busy<br />
workshop had been<br />
covered by generous contributions<br />
from Advance<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>, Lion Foundation<br />
and Creative<br />
Communities (administered<br />
by <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />
Council).<br />
Photo: Practising their<br />
digital stories are Hakatere<br />
Multi Cultural<br />
Council coordinator Adi<br />
Avnit (interviewer), and<br />
TimeBankers Rebecca<br />
Perkins (interviewee)<br />
and Mary Schmack (film<br />
maker).<br />
Topp Twins headline act<br />
The Topp Twins will<br />
bring some festive cheer<br />
to <strong>Ashburton</strong> when they<br />
headline the Mitre 10<br />
Mega Christmas in the<br />
Park on December 7.<br />
Organisers of the community<br />
Christmas concert<br />
in the Domain Oval<br />
have been working hard<br />
on planning the variety<br />
concert for anumber of<br />
months.<br />
‘‘We have agreat lineup<br />
of local superstars,’’<br />
said event organiser Lisa<br />
Anderson.<br />
‘‘And this year we are<br />
proud to announce that<br />
the Topp Twins will be<br />
joining us to celebrate<br />
Christmas.’’<br />
The Topp Twins are<br />
considered New Zealand<br />
treasures who have a<br />
broad appeal and have<br />
performed regularly over<br />
the last 25 years.<br />
Jools and Linda Topp<br />
are well known for reinventing<br />
themselves on<br />
stage, changing character,<br />
musical style and<br />
gender with ease.<br />
‘‘At this time, we don’t<br />
know who is going to turn<br />
up.<br />
‘‘Whether it’s going to<br />
be Ken and Ken, Camp<br />
Leader and Camp<br />
Mother or evenPrue and<br />
Dilly,’’ said Mrs Anderson.<br />
Joining the Top Twins<br />
for the night will be Julia<br />
Bell, Nikita Hyde,<br />
Ocean Waitokia, Ange<br />
Kara Ingley, Brian Taylor,<br />
Sarah Heney, Libby<br />
Higson, Brooke Dwyer<br />
and the ABC Community<br />
Choir, as well as local<br />
dancers from Life dance<br />
Academy.<br />
Therewill be aspecial<br />
appearance from Zircus<br />
Circus and regular<br />
special guest Santa.<br />
Amega fireworks show<br />
will round off the evening<br />
at around 9.30pm.<br />
‘‘Christmas in the Park<br />
is one hundred percent a<br />
community event, from<br />
local businesses and<br />
groups who sponsor us, to<br />
volunteers on the night<br />
and companies who give us<br />
their time and services to<br />
help keep this event totally<br />
free for everyone,’’ said<br />
Lisa Anderson, who recreated<br />
the event with the<br />
Christian Ministers’<br />
Association in 2013.<br />
‘‘Over the years, we<br />
have streamlined the event<br />
and gathered people<br />
around us who share a<br />
passion to bring back the<br />
true meaning of Christmas,’’<br />
she said.<br />
Crowds upwards of 8000<br />
have attended previous<br />
events and locals are<br />
encouraged to once again<br />
bring the picnic blanket<br />
and set up early for agood<br />
spot.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Mitre 10<br />
Mega Christmas in the<br />
Park starts at 7pm.<br />
Complete<br />
Local Care<br />
Since <strong>19</strong>82
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong>, Page 11<br />
School fair on Saturday<br />
There is something for everyone<br />
at this Saturday’s Allenton School<br />
fair.<br />
The biennial event has atheme<br />
of Lights, Camera, Action and<br />
will feature a photo booth,<br />
bouncy castle, silent auction, food<br />
options and much more.<br />
An entertainment stage will<br />
feature singers, dancers and a<br />
choir.<br />
Lining up to go in the dunk<br />
tank on the day will be school<br />
principal Bruce Tilby and local<br />
MPs Andrew Falloon and Jo<br />
Luxton.<br />
Other attractions include a<br />
mini digger, motorbike rides and<br />
a science showcase with live<br />
experiments.<br />
Fair cocoordinator Pam Carr<br />
said Skydiving Kiwis would drop<br />
into the school grounds to open<br />
the fair at 11am.<br />
She said there would be 18<br />
class artworks auctioned off at<br />
the end of the event at 2pm and,<br />
in between, there were plenty of<br />
options to keep the whole family<br />
occupied.<br />
Allenton School’s Room 15 class of new entrants have<br />
collaborated to create this colourful artwork for the auction on<br />
Saturday.<br />
There was also face painting<br />
and wacky hair options and<br />
students had also filled treasure<br />
jars for sale with a range of<br />
‘‘goodies’’.<br />
A fairy would be ‘‘floating’’<br />
around waving her magic wand<br />
and the fair was strictly cash only,<br />
said Mrs Carr.<br />
Funds raised from the fair will<br />
be used to support playground<br />
upgrades at the school.<br />
Scenic Salmon Run back<br />
Rakaia Lions and local sports club<br />
volunteers are gearing up for the<br />
fifth annual Jackson Holmes<br />
Salmon Run on October <strong>19</strong>.<br />
Every year something new is<br />
added to the event and this year<br />
there’s anew section of mountain<br />
bike track and the inclusion of a<br />
business challenge.<br />
An extra 4.5km has been added<br />
to the existing 22km mountain bike<br />
course and while the regular track<br />
is fast and flat and provides athletes<br />
with the opportunity to get the<br />
heart rate up, the new portion is<br />
more technical and requires afew<br />
more skills.<br />
The new bike section goes under<br />
the railway and vehicle bridges, out<br />
to the river’s edge and along<br />
fisherman tracks to the Acton<br />
Race. From there it heads through<br />
apine plantation and will feature<br />
obstacles and tree roots in areas<br />
that have never been raced before.<br />
Salmon Run organising<br />
committee member Mandy Hurst<br />
said the extra bike track section<br />
would add more interest to<br />
competitors and the second<br />
addition, the Farmlands Cup<br />
Challenge which emerged after a<br />
few ripples amidst sponsors,<br />
opened up the opportunity for<br />
businesses to get involved.<br />
All businesses were invited to<br />
participate in the challenge, she<br />
said.<br />
As well as the cup, the winner<br />
would have ‘‘the bragging rights’’<br />
for the business who received the<br />
most points over all seven events<br />
for encouraging participation,<br />
health and fitness.<br />
‘‘This is achance to inspire your<br />
work mates, members and<br />
supporters to enter because,<br />
regardless of where they finish,<br />
every entry counts as well as<br />
placings.’’<br />
Everyone taking part in the<br />
Salmon Run was able to win<br />
medals and cash prizes and would<br />
be in the draw to win some amazing<br />
spot prizes given by generous<br />
sponsors and event supporters, said<br />
Mrs Hurst.<br />
As well as mountain biking, the<br />
event features multisport events,<br />
two duathlons, walking and<br />
running options.<br />
Events are aimed at both the<br />
competitive and noncompetitive<br />
athletes, individuals or teams.<br />
All events start and finish in the<br />
Rakaia Domain and most races<br />
follow, cross or use the Rakaia<br />
River.<br />
More information at the website<br /><br />
Young leader award<br />
BLAKE Young Leader recipient Kylana Peauafi-Symonds with mum Kiri and<br />
Westpac <strong>Ashburton</strong> bank manager Janice Street at the award presentation.<br />
Kylana PeauafiSymonds, of <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Borough School, has been recognised<br />
for her leadership qualities with<br />
aBLAKE Young Leader Award.<br />
The award was set up in honour of<br />
the lateSir Peter Blake, who believed<br />
in the incredible potential of young<br />
people to achieve great things.<br />
The BLAKE Young Leader Award<br />
aims to recognise young New Zealanders,<br />
from Years 5to 8, who show<br />
commitment to leading positive<br />
change in their community that leads<br />
to asustainable future for Aotearoa.<br />
Kylana, 13, was nominated by her<br />
Year 8teachers Tania Rive and Fiona<br />
Ross for her determination, integrity,<br />
leadership ability, her commitment to<br />
learning, her sporting prowess and for<br />
being an ‘‘all round good person’’.<br />
Kylana was presented the award by<br />
Westpac <strong>Ashburton</strong> bank manager<br />
2200373<br />
15%<br />
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OFF<br />
THIS<br />
THIS<br />
Janice Street, in front of proud<br />
mother, Kiri, principal Hilary Boyce,<br />
teachers, support staff and her school<br />
peers.<br />
The annual BLAKE Young Leader<br />
Awards acknowledge young New Zealanders<br />
who demonstrate outstanding<br />
leadership qualities within their school<br />
communities.<br />
It celebrates young emergingleaders<br />
and encourages them to continue<br />
doing what they’re doing and making a<br />
positive difference among their communities<br />
and inspiring those around<br />
them.<br />
Kylana received the BLAKE Young<br />
Leader Award medal, as well as a<br />
certificate and prize pack, which<br />
included apair of red socks synonymous<br />
with the history ofthe lateSir<br />
Peter Blake and his America’s Cup<br />
challenges, which rallied the nation.<br />
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The next Council has important decisions tomake oninvestment in<br />
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national level with the Institute of Chartered Accountants and on the Board of<br />
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ÊÆ‘¯¼“À„€ {Ú-p££¯¯ª íëó "pÓ„£¯| NÆ À‘{ʼƯª
Page 12, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
School dance teams ready<br />
Local news at<br />
Exploring mathematics<br />
Lagmhor School pupils, back row, Alice Johnson, Gretchen Ross, Eleanor<br />
Ross, Anna McFarlane, front, Kaira Wright, Lylah Wilson and Mila Ross are<br />
among the performers at the dance event.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s first schools dance championships<br />
is set for <strong>September</strong> 24 and will<br />
feature 20dance teams on stage at the<br />
Event Centre.<br />
Event organisers Madi Wilson and<br />
Anna Raukawa say the event is designed<br />
to give every primary school student a<br />
chance to dance .<br />
St Joseph’s, Laghmor, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Christian, Allenton, Tinwald, Lauriston,<br />
Netherby, Mayfield, <strong>Ashburton</strong> Intermediate<br />
and Wakanui schools were all<br />
involved with the event, which would be<br />
repeated annually.<br />
Schools had organisedtheir own teams<br />
and been practising hard, she said.<br />
Teams organise their own costumes<br />
and accessories, while Life Dance Academy<br />
supplies the routines and music.<br />
Tickets are available from the venue.<br />
Is your Will<br />
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By Mick Jensen<br />
Students at Mount Hutt<br />
College have been exploring<br />
ways to work differently<br />
with mathematics<br />
and tomake learning the<br />
subject more relevant for<br />
the 21st century.<br />
Ideas, experiments and<br />
enthusiasm developed<br />
over the last few months<br />
will be showcased at a<br />
Mathematics Extravaganza<br />
in thecollegehallon<br />
<strong>September</strong> 24.<br />
Year 7 students have<br />
been using theconcepts of<br />
scale, budgeting, pricing<br />
and marketing to bake up<br />
cupcakes. Others have<br />
been learning about ratios<br />
and proportions through<br />
designing and creating<br />
wooden dice.<br />
Year 8 students have<br />
been busy coming upwith<br />
ideas on the next big thing<br />
forMethven and have also<br />
been involved with design,<br />
budgeting and marketing.<br />
The Year 9maths and<br />
DVC classes have been<br />
collaboratingtomakeDay<br />
of the Dead masks that<br />
demonstrate symmetry<br />
and represent art work<br />
from different cultures.<br />
And a Year 10 group<br />
has designed and created<br />
string art using an online<br />
graphing programme.<br />
Mount Hutt College<br />
head of mathematics and<br />
statistics JackieBrown said<br />
it hadbeenanexcitingand<br />
experimental few months<br />
for maths at the school.<br />
She said the announcement<br />
of her Boma Education<br />
Fellowship at the end<br />
of last year had given her<br />
the drive and confidence<br />
to introduce ‘‘innovative<br />
teaching and learning<br />
ideas’’ into the school that<br />
aimed to make apositive<br />
difference.<br />
Mrs Brown said the<br />
fellowship had put her<br />
among an elite group of<br />
Canterbury educators who<br />
were able to thrash out<br />
ideas and celebrate<br />
initiatives that could be<br />
introduced into schools.<br />
‘‘A trip to America earlier<br />
in the year with the<br />
Boma Fellows provided<br />
me with an insight into<br />
what other schools are<br />
doing,the boundaries they<br />
are pushing in education<br />
and the challenges they<br />
have come upagainst.’’<br />
She said her chosen<br />
project was based around<br />
improving the perceptions<br />
that our community has<br />
towards mathematics.<br />
‘‘To do that we need to<br />
challenge what learning in<br />
mathematics looks like.<br />
This is where the project<br />
based learning has come<br />
in.<br />
‘‘We have been trialling<br />
using projectstointroduce<br />
key mathematical ideas to<br />
students, to engage and<br />
motivate them in their<br />
learning and to work on<br />
developing their key competencies.’’<br />
The ability to think<br />
deeply, to manage ourselves,<br />
to relate to others,<br />
to participate and contribute<br />
positivelyand to communicateusing<br />
avarietyof<br />
texts wasfundamental, she<br />
said.<br />
Parents and the community<br />
have the opportunity<br />
tochallenge their perceptions<br />
by coming to see<br />
students’ work at the<br />
Mathematics Extravaganza.<br />
The extravaganza runs<br />
from 5pm until 7pm and<br />
includescupcake sales and<br />
the opportunity to vote on<br />
the best new idea for<br />
Methven.<br />
Photo: Mount HuttCollege<br />
students Melenaite<br />
Tuamoheloa and Hugh<br />
Redfern make prototypes<br />
of ideas developed in<br />
maths classes.<br />
Trust strong, has ambassador<br />
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By Mick Jensen<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> based CanInspire Charitable Trust continues<br />
to go from strength to strength and has now<br />
landed television presenter Haydn Jones as its first<br />
ambassador.<br />
Afamiliar face on programmes such as Fair Go,<br />
and the longrunning Good Sorts slot on Sunday’s TV<br />
One News, Jones was in town on Saturday to get an<br />
update on the work and expansion of the trust over<br />
the last few years.<br />
CanInspire originated from the experiences of<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> resident Sarah Clifford, who underwent<br />
28 days of radiation for melanoma in 2010 and during<br />
that time created and wore adifferent necklace each<br />
day in hospital to distract her from the treatment.<br />
She later established beading workshops through<br />
CanBead to help others in similar situations and to<br />
help give them a sense of achievement and<br />
distraction.<br />
The CanInspire Charitable Trust was set up later<br />
and then CanTackle, which offers fishing distraction<br />
workshops, followed.<br />
The workshops are free and offered to people<br />
experiencing illness, trauma and loss.<br />
Haydn Jones said he had first come across Sarah<br />
Clifford’s inspirational story eight years ago when she<br />
had featured on Good Sorts.<br />
He had been able to stay in her life over the years<br />
and ‘‘just couldn’t say no’’ when asked to be an<br />
ambassador for CanInspire.<br />
Good Sorts had told the story of around 500 people<br />
over its 10 years and he would continue telling the<br />
story of Sarah Clifford and the great work of<br />
CanInspire.<br />
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Sarah Clifford and Haydn Jones with necklaces<br />
made through the CanBead initiative.<br />
Jones will act as a media spokesman and will<br />
promote the positive impacts of both CanBead and<br />
CanTackle.<br />
CanInspire now has five regional offices in New<br />
Zealand and is anotforprofit organisation.<br />
Over the last financial year, the trust has hosted 63<br />
workshops and distributed 421 beading kits. Some<br />
1646 beading kit bags have been distributed since<br />
2011.<br />
More information at the website<br />
House prices<br />
The average value of residential<br />
properties in the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> district in<br />
August was $354,662,<br />
slightly down on the price<br />
three months ago.<br />
Figures from Quotable<br />
Value (QV) show an<br />
increase of 1.4 per cent<br />
over the last 12 months<br />
and 26.7 per cent since<br />
from the property market<br />
peak of late 2007.<br />
QV says average property<br />
prices in Timaru in<br />
August were $369,166, in<br />
Selwyn $555,967 and in<br />
Christchurch $496,306.<br />
Waimate leads the<br />
South Island in quarterly<br />
growth, up 8.8%. The<br />
average value of residential<br />
properties nationwide<br />
in August was $688,760.
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong>, Page 13<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Trust EventCentre,<br />
Wills Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Friday, 4th October7pm<br />
Saturday, 5th October5pm<br />
Sunday, 6th October2pm<br />
2<strong>19</strong>8289<br />
Fantastical musical adventure awaits<br />
Let the talented youth of the Mid<br />
Canterbury Children’s Theatre take<br />
you, and your family, on afantastic<br />
musical adventure in Chitty Chitty<br />
Bang Bang JR, starring an outofthisworld<br />
car which flies through the air<br />
and sails the seas.<br />
Based on the recordbreaking West<br />
End production and the beloved film,<br />
and featuring an unforgettable score<br />
by the Sherman Brotherswho also did<br />
Mary Poppins, Chitty Chitty Bang<br />
Bang JR. is a blockbuster that<br />
audiences find ‘Truly Scrumptious’.<br />
Director Alice Sollis,musical director<br />
Peter Cairns, choreographer Jess<br />
Thomson and the cast of the Mid<br />
Canterbury Children’s Theatre will<br />
take the audience on amystical ride<br />
with eccentric inventor, Caractacus<br />
Potts (played by Michael Munroe)<br />
and his two children Jeremy and<br />
Jemima (played byLiam Walker and<br />
Cara Patterson).<br />
In the show, Potts sets about<br />
restoring an old race car rescued from<br />
the junkyard with the help of the<br />
children but it’s not long until they<br />
soon discover the car is magic with the<br />
ability to float and fly.<br />
It soon comes tothe attention of<br />
the evil Baron Bomburst (Tom Patterson),<br />
of Vulgaria, who desires the<br />
magic car for himself.<br />
The family then join forces with<br />
Truly Scrumptious (Harriet Hill) and<br />
Grandpa Potts (Eddie Galbraith) to<br />
outwit the dastardly Baron and his<br />
wife Baroness (Ellie Lawn) and their<br />
villainous henchman, the Child<br />
Catcher (Freya Jemmett).<br />
The show is an amazing stage<br />
spectacle with bright vibrant action<br />
and unforgettable songs, including<br />
the Academy Award nominated title<br />
song, Chitty ChittyBang Bang, and of<br />
course, Truly Scrumptious.<br />
The cast of talented juniors, aged<br />
betweenseven and 18 years, will make<br />
sure the show is a highflying funfilled<br />
adventure classic guaranteed to<br />
delight and dazzle audiences of all<br />
ages during the school holidays.<br />
The show is on October 4(7pm),<br />
October 5 (5pm) and October 6<br />
(2pm) at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Trust Event<br />
Centre, in<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Tickets, from $22.50, are available<br />
from the venue or
Page 14, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
Local news at<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Trust EventCentre,WillsStreet,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Friday, 4th October7pm :Saturday, 5th October5pm<br />
Sunday, October6th 2pm<br />
Michael Munroe<br />
Caractacus Potts<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Liam Walker<br />
JeremyPotts<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Cara Patterson<br />
Jemima Potts<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Dulcie Ellis<br />
Harriet Hill<br />
Truly Scrumptious<br />
Sponsored by<br />
E. B. CARTER LTD<br />
Eddie Galbraith<br />
Grandpa/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
TomPatterson<br />
Baron<br />
Sponsored by<br />
EllieLawn<br />
Baroness<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Lawn Shearing<br />
Brooke Miller<br />
Boris<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Owen Miller<br />
Decorators<br />
Emma Petrie<br />
Goran<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Dion Bayston<br />
Toymaker/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
FreyaJemmett<br />
Child Catcher/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Four Seasons<br />
Treecare Ltd<br />
MollyMcKenna<br />
Miss Phillips/<br />
Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
GusWatt<br />
Mr Coggins/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Charlie Backhurst<br />
Marta/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Georgia Shanks<br />
Greta/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
make-up artist<br />
Luke Rhodes<br />
Junkman/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Leah Reid<br />
Chef 1/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
KaseyHigsonSoler<br />
Sweetshop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Cinderella’s<br />
RubyPatterson<br />
Violet/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Linda Petrie<br />
Jack Templeton<br />
Sid/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
JazzyChristie<br />
Fair Announcer/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Isla Watt<br />
Soldier 1/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Della<br />
Glassey<br />
PiperO’Malley<br />
Solider 2/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
RubyRobinson<br />
Turkey Farmer/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Amwolf Artz<br />
Sweet shop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
TinekeArtz<br />
Sweet shop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
PoppyBain<br />
Sweet shop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Curtis Bayston<br />
Sweet shop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Sophia Bayston<br />
Sweet shop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Beneaththe Willow<br />
Handmade Candles<br />
Jayme Byron<br />
Sweet shop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
touch<br />
Paulina Cuadrado<br />
Sweet shop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Canterbury Pampas Ltd<br />
Rose Cuadrado<br />
Sweetshop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Trust Event Centre, Wills Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Friday, 5th October 7pm : Saturday, 6th October 5pm<br />
Sunday, October 7th 2pm<br />
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong>, Page 15<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Trust EventCentre,Wills Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Friday, 4th October7pm :: Saturday, 5th October5pm<br />
Sunday, October6th 2pm<br />
Connor Duffel<br />
Sweet shop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Hayden Duffel<br />
Sweet shop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Kaitlyn Harvey<br />
Sweet shop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Catalina Hibell Soler<br />
Sweet shop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Lily Jessep<br />
Sweet shop/<br />
Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
AliceJohnson<br />
Sweet shop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
ZoeJones<br />
Sweet shop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Isabella McCully<br />
Sweep shop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Harper Mead<br />
Sweet shop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Fletcher Nichol<br />
Sweet shop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
ZoePrince<br />
Sweet shop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
BellaRobertson<br />
Sweet shop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Eleanor Ross<br />
Sweet shop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Anya Walker<br />
Sweet shop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
EvaWoolley<br />
Sweet shop/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Faith Davies<br />
Soldier/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Jamie Glanville<br />
Soldier/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Nevaeh Green-Thompson<br />
Soldier/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Evolution Vets<br />
Moana Moore<br />
Soldier/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
AlizahReynish<br />
Soldier/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
McKinleyBrown<br />
Morris dancer/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
HollyBurrowes<br />
Morris dancer/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Bailee Giles<br />
Morris Dancer/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Finleigh Glanville<br />
Morris dancer/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Madeleine Howden<br />
Morris Dancer/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Howden Ag Services<br />
Addison Judd<br />
Morris Dancer/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Portia O’Malley<br />
Morris Dancer/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Mikayla Roulston<br />
Morris Dancer/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Roulston/Macpherson Family<br />
SierraChambers<br />
Samba dancer/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Maria Lawn<br />
Samba Dancer/Ensemble<br />
Sponsored by<br />
PeterCairns<br />
Director<br />
Sponsored by<br />
AliceSollis<br />
Musical Director<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Jessie Thomson<br />
Choreographer<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Page 16, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
Local news at<br />
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong>, Page 17<br />
Responses put to test<br />
Emergencyplanning and<br />
multipleagency<br />
response procedures<br />
were put to the test last<br />
week during an emergency<br />
planning exercise<br />
at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital.<br />
The ‘‘table top’’ exercise,<br />
Urapare, theorised<br />
amock explosion in the<br />
stores area at <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Hospital, which caused a<br />
fire and large quantities<br />
of smoke, which was<br />
later discovered to be<br />
hazardous.<br />
The participants in the<br />
exercise acted as if the<br />
event had really happened,<br />
but did not<br />
deploy reallife<br />
resources and equipment.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital<br />
general manager Berni<br />
Marra was incident controller,<br />
and Fire and<br />
Emergency New Zealand<br />
the lead agency on<br />
the exercise.<br />
In the scenario, FENZ<br />
and the police were<br />
called, the fire was<br />
brought under control<br />
and a cordon put in<br />
place to protect staffand<br />
public from further hazards.<br />
A number of people<br />
were evacuated from the<br />
scene with injuries ranging<br />
from smoke inhalation<br />
and the irritant<br />
effects of smoke, to serious<br />
burns.<br />
‘‘The test scenario<br />
went very well, but the<br />
whole point of testing<br />
our processes and<br />
response is to tease out<br />
deficiencies in the system<br />
and if we think we<br />
got everything right and<br />
have nothing to learn,<br />
then we may have missed<br />
the point somewhere,’’<br />
Ms Mara said.<br />
The scenario posed<br />
some unique challenges<br />
and tested the basic principles<br />
in all emergency<br />
scenarios, including how<br />
and where the emergency<br />
operations centre<br />
would be set up, how the<br />
coordinated incident<br />
management structure<br />
(CIMS) would operate<br />
in practice, and how<br />
effective communications<br />
would be used to<br />
provide information,<br />
minimise harm orloss of<br />
life, damage to property<br />
or the environment, and<br />
the future ability to provide<br />
services.<br />
‘‘A critical area and<br />
something that can<br />
always bedone better is<br />
the sharing of information<br />
and our management<br />
of communications<br />
to staff and the public <br />
we recognise for<br />
example that there are<br />
periods during an event<br />
when there are more<br />
things we don’t know<br />
than things we do, and<br />
that we can’t share fast<br />
enough but we can certainly<br />
share too quickly.<br />
Our challenge is to<br />
resolve those unknowns<br />
as quickly as we can,<br />
without risking saying<br />
something that later<br />
turns out to be inaccurate.’’<br />
Ms Marra said the<br />
greatest value from the<br />
exercise was recognising<br />
and appreciating the<br />
part all agencies had to<br />
play in a multiagency<br />
Race bylaws get the tick<br />
response and that<br />
worked when they were<br />
needed.<br />
‘‘The public should be<br />
reassured that, although<br />
all the agencies involved<br />
have experienced many<br />
reallife scenarios, that<br />
we take nothing for<br />
granted and that we<br />
continue to test our systems<br />
and to learn from<br />
the experience,’’ she<br />
said.<br />
Photo: St John <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
station manager<br />
Heather Keele (sitting<br />
right) was among those<br />
present during the emergency<br />
planning exercise.<br />
(Photo supplied).<br />
Funding through<br />
for domain<br />
gym equipment<br />
Funding, finally, has<br />
been sorted out for adult<br />
exercise equipment in<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> council’s<br />
Finance and Business<br />
Support Committee has<br />
approved $100,000 from<br />
the council’s Purchase<br />
and Improvement<br />
account for the gear.<br />
The allocation was<br />
agreed along time ago<br />
but was inadvertently<br />
missed out of the final<br />
Long Term Plan.<br />
The committee has<br />
now approved the<br />
money.<br />
It did so as it also<br />
approved a range of<br />
carryover funds, including<br />
$673,642 for water<br />
capital works, $144,348<br />
for asset renewals<br />
(drinking water), and<br />
$375,232 for atreatment<br />
upgrade on the Methven/Springfield<br />
scheme.<br />
There were also carryovers<br />
in wastewater, stormwater,<br />
Three Waters,<br />
transportation, democracy,<br />
commercial property,<br />
cemeteries, parks<br />
and open spaces, and hall<br />
boards.<br />
Cr Neil Brown said he<br />
mentioned it every year,<br />
but funds had to be spent.<br />
He knew there were<br />
reasons some of the work<br />
had not been done, but<br />
‘‘get into it and get it<br />
spent; we rate for it and<br />
people expect it to be<br />
spent’’.<br />
Mayor Donna Favel<br />
said the council was consulting<br />
in February onits<br />
draft plan for the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Domain and wondered<br />
if there would be<br />
any conflict with that and<br />
the funds for the exercise<br />
equipment.<br />
Finance manager Paul<br />
Brake said the money<br />
would not be spent until<br />
after consultation.<br />
Roads named<br />
Two roads in the Village<br />
Green subdivision south<br />
of Lake Hood will be<br />
known as Village Green<br />
Drive and Springdale<br />
Avenue.<br />
The subdivision is off<br />
Huntington Avenue, just<br />
to the east of Lake Hood<br />
Aquatic Park zone.<br />
A draft policy of water<br />
races has been approved<br />
by the <strong>Ashburton</strong> council’s<br />
bylaw committee for<br />
sign off by council on<br />
<strong>September</strong> 26, the final<br />
meeting for this term of<br />
council.<br />
Council started the<br />
bylaw work several years<br />
ago and has heard submissions<br />
on it.<br />
The work has involved<br />
reviewing the 2012 bylaw<br />
and an existing policy on<br />
the closure of races.<br />
The aim is to bring the<br />
operational aspects of<br />
the policy into standard<br />
form to explain how the<br />
council manages applications<br />
to close races.<br />
There are several<br />
thousands kilometres of<br />
races in the district.<br />
Many have been<br />
closed. Some farmers<br />
want the races; many do<br />
not.<br />
Land owners pay a<br />
race rate even if they do<br />
not use or need the<br />
water.<br />
Council is also working<br />
with irrigation companies<br />
on supplying<br />
water for stock.<br />
In all, council passed 20<br />
recommendations.<br />
In some instances<br />
where applications have<br />
been made to close races,<br />
some have wanted them<br />
closed and some have<br />
not.<br />
Akey recommendation<br />
is that the bylaw subcommittee<br />
refer all submissions<br />
concerning the<br />
funding of the water race<br />
network to areview of the<br />
council’s Revenue and<br />
Financing Policy.<br />
The network is funded<br />
through a targeted rate,<br />
and it ran at adeficit in<br />
2017/18 and 2018/<strong>19</strong>.<br />
That deficit ‘‘may<br />
affect what the council<br />
considers an affordable<br />
level of service in the<br />
short to medium term’’.<br />
A report to the committee<br />
that several submitters<br />
addressed the<br />
question of how to fund<br />
stock races in future<br />
One of the last submitters<br />
on the draft policy,<br />
Alastair Morrison,<br />
said he did not agree that<br />
the land owner oroccupier<br />
should be responsible<br />
to pay the water<br />
rates when they had been<br />
encouraged to fence races<br />
to keep cattle out of<br />
them, ‘‘also theymaintain<br />
the races and in most<br />
cases they have had to<br />
find another source of<br />
water for their stock,<br />
install anew reticulation<br />
system and, in my case,<br />
shift water races because<br />
others still wanted them<br />
only to find out a year<br />
later that they have<br />
changed their minds and<br />
shut the water race off<br />
completely, leaving me<br />
thousands of dollars out<br />
of pocket’’.<br />
‘‘I thinkthe people that<br />
still want the open race<br />
system should pay extra<br />
for the service, this would<br />
encourage them to look<br />
for other ways to provide<br />
stock water. Asitstands<br />
at the moment, the owner<br />
of asmall lifestyle block<br />
has as muchsay as alarge<br />
land owner whenitcomes<br />
to closing arace.’’<br />
He said he did not<br />
agree with the idea of<br />
leaving races open<br />
because of their ecological<br />
values as they were<br />
not natural water ways<br />
and the quality of water<br />
was questionable.<br />
Mr Morrison said leaving<br />
races open for flood<br />
control did not make any<br />
sense as in heavy rain<br />
debris was washed into<br />
races and blocked<br />
culverts, adding to flooding<br />
problems.<br />
Mr Morrison said there<br />
shouldbeprovision in the<br />
plans for a group of<br />
people who needed stock<br />
water to get together to<br />
have their own community<br />
groundwatersourced<br />
scheme rather than having<br />
stock races going<br />
across the district.<br />
2200570<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
October<br />
16, 17, 18, 21, 22 &23<br />
LPG Refills &Deliveries<br />
• Domestic • Commercial • Industrial<br />
LPG Deliveries from the<br />
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From the<br />
foothills<br />
to the sea.<br />
ARTHUR<br />
CATES<br />
LPG Refills at:<br />
TEL 308 5397<br /><br />
Page 18, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
Surprise life honour for<br />
Winchmore stalwart<br />
The long and outstanding<br />
service given by<br />
Winchmore woman Margaret<br />
Kelk has earned<br />
her a life membership<br />
with the Winchmore<br />
Branch of Rural Women<br />
New Zealand.<br />
Margaret has been<br />
with the Winchmore<br />
branch for the past 30<br />
years, joining the (then)<br />
Winchmore Women’s<br />
Division Federated Farmers<br />
(WDFF), after<br />
relocating to Mid Canterbury.<br />
She has not only been<br />
president (<strong>19</strong>9496) but<br />
has served a collective<br />
period of 20 years plus as<br />
treasurer; from <strong>19</strong>8999<br />
under the name of<br />
WDFF and then with the<br />
name change to Royal<br />
Women New Zealand<br />
(RWNZ) from<br />
<strong>19</strong>9920<strong>19</strong>.<br />
She was awarded the<br />
the surprise honour after<br />
presenting her 20th<br />
annual report to the<br />
branch members last<br />
month.<br />
President Elsa Hydes<br />
made the presentation<br />
acknowledging the ‘‘contribution<br />
of a tremendous<br />
amount to WDFF<br />
and Rural Women over<br />
the years’’, and fellow<br />
member Ngaire Brown<br />
presented her with abouquet<br />
of flowers.<br />
During Margaret’s<br />
presidency the branch<br />
ran school holiday<br />
productions of Cinderella<br />
and Peter Pan, which<br />
allowed children of the<br />
district and neighbouring<br />
areas to take part.<br />
‘‘These were very successful<br />
and rewarding<br />
programmes being well<br />
supported and certainly<br />
profiled and entertained<br />
our district.’’<br />
And for the past two<br />
decades, Margaret has<br />
ensured that the finances<br />
of the branch have been<br />
kept in order and<br />
adjusting to new criteria<br />
and forms from national<br />
office, and allowing some<br />
generous donations to<br />
organisations such as the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Trust Event<br />
Centre and the EA Networks<br />
Centre, as well as<br />
the Winchmore Community<br />
Hall Society Inc<br />
for upgrades they have<br />
undertaken over the<br />
years. The curtains hanging<br />
at the hall were made<br />
by Margaret.<br />
Margaret was amember<br />
of the committee<br />
which, in December<br />
2006, supported afundraising<br />
project for Breast<br />
Cancer Research. A2008<br />
calendar (similar to the<br />
concept in the popular<br />
Calendar Girls Movie)<br />
was initiated with the<br />
calendars being sold for<br />
$15. Margaret was Miss<br />
November.<br />
The proceeds saw<br />
$26,210.36 presented to<br />
Breast Cancer Research,<br />
which was overseen by<br />
Margaret.<br />
‘‘Margaret is adab hand<br />
at providing alarge number<br />
of graces for many<br />
functions, ideas and success<br />
with the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
A&P Show trays, supporting<br />
many an event with the<br />
branch and providing a<br />
district Father Christmas.’’<br />
Photo: The commitment<br />
and dedication of Margaret<br />
Kelk to the Winchmore<br />
branch of Rural<br />
Women New Zealand has<br />
been recognised with alife<br />
membership.<br />
Local news at<br />
Bell makes connections<br />
overseas for <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
By Mick Jensen<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> councillor<br />
Thelma Bell packed alot<br />
into arecent trip toher<br />
homeland ofthe Philippines<br />
and made connections<br />
that she hopes may<br />
help boost future trade<br />
andfill alabourshortage<br />
in Mid Canterbury.<br />
The selffunded trip<br />
took her to two dairy<br />
training schools, two agri<br />
tourism farms, meetings<br />
with the Department of<br />
Agriculture and Chamber<br />
of Commerce in<br />
Davao City, and talks<br />
with staff at the Technical<br />
Education and<br />
Skills Development<br />
Authority (TESDA),<br />
also in Davao City.<br />
She also made courtesy<br />
calls to the mayors<br />
of Tagum City and<br />
Pagadian City, visited a<br />
banana plantation<br />
owned byaFilipino family<br />
living in <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />
met amissionary couple<br />
running a street kids<br />
feeding programme supported<br />
by <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
New Life Church and<br />
made time to catch up<br />
with an executive director<br />
of the GMA Network,<br />
who visited <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
in late 2017 to<br />
make atelevision documentary<br />
about Filipinos<br />
living in New Zealand.<br />
Mrs Bell, the first<br />
Philippinesborn local<br />
government councillor<br />
in New Zealand, said the<br />
trip hadbeenbusy,interesting<br />
and informative.<br />
‘‘For meitwas about<br />
fact finding and making<br />
connections and sharing<br />
information about New<br />
Zealand.<br />
‘‘I’m hoping that some<br />
of my discussions may<br />
help facilitate a trade<br />
expo here in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
oneday thatwill helpput<br />
both New Zealand and<br />
Filipino goods and<br />
services in the spotlight.’’<br />
The likes ofseed companies,<br />
Anzco and Talleys<br />
could all potentially<br />
benefit from it.<br />
Mrs Bell, who has<br />
lived in New Zealand<br />
since <strong>19</strong>87 and in this<br />
district since <strong>19</strong>89, said<br />
she had specifically spoken<br />
to people that were<br />
involved in trade, education<br />
and dairy training<br />
on her trip and those<br />
connections could be<br />
expanded.<br />
‘‘I explained that here<br />
in Mid Canterbury we<br />
have a very low unemployment<br />
rate and that<br />
skilled workers, whether<br />
they work in the dairy<br />
industry, or are mechanics<br />
or lorrydrivers, are<br />
always needed.’’<br />
Photo: Thelma Bell<br />
with TESDA agricultural<br />
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong>, Page <strong>19</strong><br />
Borough pupils highlight issues<br />
Senior pupils at <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Borough School<br />
highlighted global issues<br />
to family, members of<br />
their school community<br />
and the wider public during<br />
their annual Year 8<br />
exhibition evening.<br />
Healthy eating to combat<br />
obesity, mental<br />
health, effects of technology<br />
on the brain, water<br />
pollution, animal care,<br />
society interactions and<br />
gaming addiction all featured.<br />
Selaima Loloma, Liberty<br />
Mendez, Kaiya<br />
Amorante, Doreen<br />
Awaikera and Siasini<br />
Satui brought mental<br />
health to the fore with<br />
their Mental Wellbeing<br />
exhibit.<br />
The girls wanted to<br />
create awareness around<br />
the issue, which is ahot<br />
topic following the high<br />
national suicide rate<br />
recently revealed.<br />
Their research<br />
included mental health<br />
Abracadabra, it’s<br />
anew magician<br />
Young magician Mike<br />
Lindsay is coming to<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
with his touring<br />
show It’s Showtime on<br />
October 12.<br />
Lindsay started working<br />
as afulltime magician at<br />
the age of 18 and enjoyed<br />
his first national tour a<br />
year later, working with a<br />
group of variety artists.<br />
Forthe past three and a<br />
half years, Lindsay, now<br />
24, has refined and polished<br />
his show It’s Showtime’.<br />
Audience participation<br />
is part of the show andthe<br />
magician also has an<br />
assistant and two doves,<br />
Jazz and Belle, that also<br />
feature.<br />
The 90minute <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
show will be performed<br />
in the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
College Auditorium and<br />
starts at 7pm.<br />
Tickets costing $14 for<br />
children and $20for adults<br />
are available from the<br />
website,<br />
or at the door.<br />
Wakanui pupils<br />
for Bay of Islands<br />
Year 7and 8students at<br />
WakanuiSchool are off to a<br />
biennialcamp in the Bay Of<br />
Islands later this year.<br />
To keep costs down,<br />
students have been<br />
involved with anumber of<br />
fundraising activities, which<br />
began earlier in the year.<br />
For two terms they were<br />
involved inproviding lunch<br />
options at the school.<br />
Amovie fundraiser also<br />
helped subsidise expenses<br />
and still to come is aschool<br />
disco and raffle.<br />
Students are also selling<br />
chopping boards made at<br />
Gig for Liam<br />
Musician Liam Kenendy<br />
Clark will perform inhis<br />
home town of <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
on October 5.<br />
The former <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
College student has just<br />
released his new album,<br />
Another Habit, and has<br />
tasted success with his<br />
latest single Bottom of an<br />
Empty Bottle, which made<br />
the top 10 Australian<br />
Country Music charts.<br />
The 22 yearold, who<br />
lives in Queensland, will<br />
be supported bySammie<br />
Mackle and Shelley Wyatt<br />
and will play songs from<br />
his new album, as wellasa<br />
mix of favourite songsthat<br />
the Mid Canterbury Technology<br />
Centre and have a<br />
bingo night hosted by Ethel<br />
and Bethel coming up at<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong> RSA on<br />
October 18.<br />
The Bay of Islands trip<br />
will include avisit to Waitangi,<br />
where they will<br />
explore the treaty grounds<br />
and nearby beaches. They<br />
will also catch the ferry to<br />
Russell to visit the Pompallier<br />
Mission House. Every<br />
other year senior Wakanui<br />
students take on the challenge<br />
of walking the Abel<br />
Tasman.<br />
he grew up listening to and<br />
has been influenced by.<br />
Tickets for his 7.30pm<br />
gig at Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong>are<br />
available from the venue,<br />
or online via his website<br /><br />
issues but also delved<br />
into depression, how<br />
teens develop depression<br />
with pressures such as<br />
peer pressure, alcohol<br />
and drug use, puberty<br />
changes, stress, or<br />
changes in relationships<br />
with family and friends.<br />
It ended by pointing<br />
out that ‘‘mental illness is<br />
not a personal failure’’<br />
and encouraged people<br />
suffering to reach out to<br />
Authorised by TonyTodd,62WinterStreet<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
others for help.<br />
As part of their work<br />
the girls used an art<br />
piece, painted by Liberty,<br />
as a visual aid to<br />
complement their<br />
research work, which<br />
also sat alongside their<br />
hand made brochure<br />
called ‘‘5 ways to mental<br />
health’’, their wristbands<br />
and their own website,<br />
which featured organisations<br />
and services to find<br />
help.<br />
Year 8teacher Tania<br />
Rive was impressed with<br />
the work of all pupils<br />
showcased during the<br />
exhibition evening, and<br />
ran alongside the<br />
school’s open night.<br />
She said the exhibition<br />
formed part of the<br />
school’s International<br />
VOTE<br />
for Mayor<br />
With your vote you can help me bring<br />
change for our district on the issues<br />
that matter to all of us.<br />
Long-term protection of our hard-won community assets<br />
Encourage promotion of local events celebrating<br />
our cultural diversity<br />
Afully-funded and re-launched Information Centre<br />
on East Street<br />
Protection of the CBD from splinter development<br />
threatening our heart<br />
Relocation of the railway yards to the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Business Estate<br />
Promotion of the four lane motorway toChristchurch<br />
<br />
Baccalaureate primary<br />
years programme, where<br />
pupils had to think of a<br />
local or global issue,<br />
research it, find experts<br />
on their subject and talk<br />
to people for information.<br />
It meant they took<br />
risks which put them outside<br />
their comfort zones,<br />
she said.<br />
The collated work was<br />
showcased with written<br />
and oral presentations.<br />
And many built websites<br />
to include their research.<br />
Other forms of display<br />
included video, live pet<br />
dogs, bags of sugar to<br />
show how much was in<br />
selected food and<br />
beverages and volumes<br />
of rubbish from under<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong> River<br />
bridge collected before it<br />
Incentivise Earthquake compliance upgrades for<br />
CBD buildings<br />
Support the continued development of Lake Hood<br />
and associated recreational opportunities<br />
Avote for me<br />
contributed to water pollution.<br />
‘‘The work is very good.<br />
They’ve worked really<br />
hard and are passionate<br />
about what they have chosen,<br />
which has driven<br />
them. It’s great stuff,’’ Mrs<br />
Rive said.<br />
The work reflected the<br />
attributes of pupils skills<br />
and learner profiles and<br />
would be moved into the<br />
performance centre to<br />
remain on display.<br />
Photo: Year 8 pupils<br />
Selaima Loloma, Liberty<br />
Mendez, Kaiya Amorante,<br />
Doreen Awaikera and<br />
Siasini Satui, of <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Borough School,<br />
brought mental health to<br />
the fore in their Mental<br />
Wellbeing exhibit.<br />
is avote for an inclusive, dynamic<br />
for the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />
Page 20, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
Local news at<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />
Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />
News<br />
Issue 31<br />
<strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
Deputy Principal Message<br />
Engaged in Learning forLife<br />
As aschool community, we are all learners. This<br />
includes our students, teachers, support staff,<br />
whānau, local employers and wider community.<br />
Throughout our lives, wecontinue tolearn new<br />
skills and knowledge as well as having new<br />
experiences.<br />
An illustration of how much we learn comes<br />
through athoughtexperiment –imagine youare<br />
eightyears old again. Did youknowasmuch then as youdonow?<br />
The same concept can be applied to other age groups. For parents and<br />
caregivers, when you were sixteen did you know asmuch as you did at<br />
thirty?Hopefully this illustration has the effectofhelping students realise<br />
thatthe advicetheyreceivefromthe adults in their lifeislikely based on<br />
experienceand mistakes made,and is worthgivingserious consideration!<br />
Learning is acomplex business. Itrequires patience, perseverance and,<br />
invariably, frustration. Three specific components of the learning process<br />
that Iwill discuss here are the importance ofreflection, evaluation and<br />
feedback/feedforward. These are particularly relevant tomany ofour<br />
senior students, with in-College exams now behind them and written<br />
reports on the way, before the end-of-year examinations in November.<br />
Thesame conceptsdo, however, apply to all learning.<br />
Reflection and Evaluation<br />
When atask has been completed,itisimportanttotakethe time to step<br />
back and reflect. Consider what went well,areas forfurther improvement,<br />
did Igivethismybest effortand did Iachievemygoal? It maybeatime for<br />
celebration or it maybewhenyou consider achangeofdirection.<br />
Theimportantpartofreflection and evaluation is thatyou take the time to<br />
consider theoutcome of your actions,with aviewtolearning and moving<br />
forwardbetter than before.<br />
Feedback and Feedforward<br />
There are times in the learning process that you are unsure of‘where to’<br />
next. At these times, one of the most powerful learning strategies is to<br />
seek and apply feedback and feedforward.<br />
As the name suggests, feedback is commentary onprevious tasks. Inan<br />
exam context,thisiswhat youhavedone well and whatyou have missed.<br />
While this is useful information, feedback is only as useful as whatyou do<br />
with it.<br />
This is where feedforward comes in. Seeking and applying specific<br />
advice towork that you do in the future isthe key to making progress<br />
and continuing to move forward. My advicetostudentsistobeactivein<br />
seeking feedforward and be suretoapply it in the future.<br />
As aschool,weendeavour to use and model the same learning processes.<br />
One piece ofwork that we are collectively embarking upon is making<br />
our teaching and learning in the school more culturally responsive and<br />
more relational, asaway of improving achievement and well-being for<br />
all of our students.This is focused on teachers and students building and<br />
maintaining strong,learning focused relationships and providing learning<br />
opportunities thatare relevantand relatable to students’lives outside of<br />
the school.<br />
As part ofthis process, wehave recently undertaken an evaluation and<br />
reflection known asRongohia te Hau. This translates tothe metaphor<br />
‘listening to the winds of change’. It is an evaluative tool that gives us<br />
cause topause, reflect, and consider the next steps in our learning<br />
journey. This process includes classroom observations and collecting<br />
the voice ofstudents, teachers and whānau through surveys. Iwould<br />
like to thank everyone who took the time to fill in the survey, in order to<br />
share their perspective onwhere we are atinour journey of continuous<br />
improvement.<br />
Whenyou stop learning,you will stop growing.Becomingmaturenot only<br />
entails your age, but it should also speak highly of how much you have<br />
learned through the years. Seize every chance tolearn. There are alot of<br />
ways to learnand life is but ahuge classroom.<br />
Whaowhia te ketemātauranga. Fill the basket of knowledge.<br />
Jono Hay, DeputyPrincipal<br />
Coming Events<br />
Exclusiveofsportsweekly competition dates.<br />
<strong>September</strong><br />
16-21 EnrolmentWeek,at<strong>Ashburton</strong>College<br />
17 AgricultureAcademy 1AnimalHandling,Chertsey<br />
18 AgricultureAcademy 2AnimalHanding,Chertsey<br />
Year 9 SMASHED presentation, Auditorium, Period 1<br />
<strong>19</strong> Otago UniversityCourse planning,9:00am, Room T1<br />
AgricultureAcademy 3Animal Handling,Chertsey<br />
Music Evening,Auditorium, 7:00pm<br />
20 FLAVA Festival,TheatreRoyal,Timaru<br />
Year 13 PED Golf Assessment, <strong>Ashburton</strong>GolfClub<br />
20-10 Oct AshCollClassics Tour (Italy and Greece)<br />
21-10 Oct AshCollGerman Tour<br />
23 Canterbury Schools’ MatchplayGolf,Christchurch<br />
24 BoardofTrustees Meeting,Menorlue,5:30pm<br />
25 UniversityofCanterburyCourse Planning,12:25pm<br />
25-11 Oct AshCollJapan Tour<br />
26 AgricultureAcademy Year 12 Animal Handling,Chertsey<br />
27 House Waiata Competition, Period 5<br />
27 Final dayofTerm3<br />
28-13 Oct StudentHolidayBreak<br />
Congratulations<br />
WinterTournamentWeekResults<br />
As advised in last week’s newsletter we are now including further<br />
results and information from the New Zealand Secondary Schools’<br />
WinterTournamentweek.<br />
Netball ATeam Qualifiesfor Nationals<br />
The<strong>Ashburton</strong>CollegeANetball team travelled to Nelson to compete in the<br />
South Island SecondarySchools’Netball Tournamentfrom02-05 <strong>September</strong>.<br />
Playing in AGrade,which consisted of thirty twoteams,College enteredthe<br />
event seeded at number 15, based on 2018 results. Their goal was, at the<br />
end of daytwo,toqualify in the topsixteen. As can be seen by their results<br />
they well-exceeded this,byplayingfor each other,keeping their heads and<br />
producing qualitynetball.<br />
Team members were Grace Adams (Co-captain), Samantha Holden<br />
(Co-captain), Taylah Burrowes, Poppy Kilworth, Danielle McArthur,<br />
MiaPearson, Faith Scott,Emma Stagg,Jasmin Strawbridge,Hayley Tallentire<br />
and Billie Surridge. Billie was an addition to the season’s team, brought in<br />
from the Year 10A Team, to add an eleventh player for this competition as<br />
opposed to the customaryten throughout the season.<br />
The Management Team was Kaye Kennedy (Coach), Chelsea Corbett<br />
(AssistantCoach) and Sue Dudley (Manager).<br />
Results<br />
Sue Dudley outlines the week’s play. She said the team had agreat start<br />
to tournament with afantastic win over Marlborough Girls’College (41-29)<br />
in the morning and then aclose win over Nayland College (35-31) in the<br />
afternoon.<br />
Day2sawthe team playing against last year’s runners-up team, Southland<br />
Girls’High School.This proved, asexpected, to be avery tight game with it<br />
all tied up at 21-all at the end of the thirdquarter. Twocrucial turnovers saw<br />
the AshColl team come away with a29-26 win, to toptheirpool.<br />
Moving into cross-over games, first up was Central Southland. Again this<br />
was avery close encounter with scores even attwo minutes remaining.<br />
However, the girlsheldtheir composuretocome away with a33-32 win.<br />
Day 3saw play moved outside, due to the indoor venue being booked for<br />
basketball,and with that, Murphy’s Lawmeantthe rain came also!<br />
Topeightplacing<br />
The team’s first game was against astrong Nelson College for Girls’ side.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College was down by12-18 athalf-time but the girls kept their<br />
composureand belieftowin 33-30, placing them nowinto the top8.<br />
Thefinal cross-over game laterinthe day, in the pouring rain, wasagainst<br />
Rangiora High School, ateam College had not beaten inthe Christchurch<br />
SuperNet competition this season. Asuperb game by the whole team saw<br />
AshColl win this game 37-23.<br />
NationalsQualification<br />
At this stage the team was now into the semi-finals and assured of<br />
qualification forNationals!<br />
Thesemi-finals and finals games were,predictably, tough. First up wasthe<br />
game against averystrong Christchurch Girls’HighSchool team (SuperNet<br />
Competition winners, semi-finalists in the Christchurch Premier Grade<br />
competition, and the eventual South Island Secondary Schools’ winners).<br />
This game wasjust abridge toofar forCollege,going down 21-34.<br />
3v4Play-off<br />
Now playing off for 3rd and 4th placings the team was drawn againstVilla<br />
Maria College. Sue said the girls gave 100% and left everything out on the<br />
court, but it wasn’t quiteenoughasthey lost 30-39.<br />
NamedinAGrade Talented Players Squad<br />
An exciting<br />
conclusion to the<br />
tournamentwas to<br />
have (pictured right,<br />
lefttoright)<br />
MiaPearson,<br />
Samantha Holden,<br />
and Hayley Tallentire<br />
named in the Talented<br />
Players’Squad for<br />
AGrade. Thisisa<br />
huge achievementfor<br />
theseplayers and a<br />
much-deservedresult.<br />
Very Successful Season<br />
20<strong>19</strong> has been avery successful season for this team as they won the Mid<br />
Canterbury Netball Premier 1Grade Competition (last won byCollege in<br />
2010), gained fourth place atSouth Island Secondary Schools and they are<br />
nowofftoNationals inOctober.<br />
WillowDiedricks namedinTalented Umpires’Squad<br />
Achieving similar honours,but in the umpiring arena, wasWillowDiedricks<br />
who wasnamed in the above Umpires’Squad.<br />
Throughout the week Willow umpired both Aand BGrade games and, on<br />
her performances on these games, was appointed toumpire the CGrade<br />
semi-final.<br />
Winter TournamentWeek-Remaining Results<br />
In next week's Newsletter we will include the results<br />
from the Girls' 1st XI Hockey and the<br />
Senior Boys'Basketball<br />
Amazing 2nd XI Boys’Hockey–6th Placing at<br />
Coaches CupTournament<br />
This team wasenteredinto this tournament, held in <strong>Ashburton</strong>from02-06<br />
<strong>September</strong>, toavoid abye in the draw. However, they did more than fill in<br />
the draw, they finished second in their pool and sixth overall from fifteen<br />
teams in the tournament. This wasanoutstanding outcome from the team<br />
and management.<br />
Team members were - Hamish O’Reilly (Captain), Zane Cameron,<br />
Tim Connelly-Whyte, Devon Flannery, Archie Glanville (Goal Keeper),<br />
BenHarris, Riley Harris, LachlanJemmett,Nicholas Kershaw, Braden Luxton,<br />
Millar Newlands, Sam Orr, Will Rollinson, TomRosevear, Nicholas Stringer,<br />
HenryThomas.<br />
Coach of the team was Year 13student and Co-captain of Blue House,<br />
Liam Pram. Manager wasLisaRosevear.<br />
(Pictured left):<br />
Coach Liam Pram<br />
with the team<br />
preparing forthe<br />
next stintonthe<br />
turf.<br />
GameOutcomes<br />
Monday’sgame was against Waitaki Boys’ High School, with Lisa saying<br />
that inthe first quarter College’s defence was lacking, with Waitaki Boys’<br />
scoring first. However, that got the team motivated and on track, gaining<br />
controlfor the majorityofthe game. Theteamwas abit unlucky by gifting<br />
Waitakiagoal but,overall,College had astrong attack whichwas reflectedin<br />
the final 4-3 scoreto<strong>Ashburton</strong>College. In quarters 2-4 College maintained<br />
their one goal lead.<br />
Zane Cameron was awarded the College team’s Player of the Match<br />
for ahard work rate, being in front ofhis opponent and creating several<br />
opportunitieswith the team scoring from one of these.<br />
On Tuesday the team had astrong first and second quarter, with the half<br />
time score3-1 to Roncalli College.<br />
However, the strength and size ofthe opposition was evident throughout<br />
the second half, albeit the College team held their own often and played<br />
well throughout the entiregame. The full-time scorewas 6-1 to Roncalli.<br />
Archie Glanville was our Player of the Match, playing well and making<br />
manysavesthroughout the game.<br />
Wednesday brought awin over St Kevin’s College. In the first quarter<br />
AshColl scored quickly, working as a team, and communicating well.<br />
Unfortunately that left one of the St Kevin’s players unmarked, from which<br />
they scored in the last 10 seconds of the quarter.<br />
During the second quarter College stepped uponattack, created more<br />
opportunities and applied pressure, scoring directly in front ofthe goal.<br />
St Kevin’s defence inthe second half was strong but College held them off<br />
forthe remainingthree quarters,for a2-1 win.<br />
Tim Connelly-Whyte was our Player ofthe Match, having shown great<br />
defence.<br />
Result – this meant the team finishedsecond-placed in Pool B, from the<br />
four teams.<br />
Semi-final play on Thursday<br />
This was played against Papanui High School, who were second-placed<br />
in Pool C.<br />
Lisa said the team startedoffslowly,but were first to score. This wasfollowed<br />
by many opportunities but Papanui’s goalie was outstanding and stopped<br />
manyofour shots. However,the scorestayedat1-0 to Collegeathalftime.<br />
Papanui then scored early in the 3rd quarter and again inthe 4th, but that<br />
wasdisalloweddue to it beingoffthe back of stick.<br />
This brought the game toa1-all draw at full time, and into the nervewracking<br />
penalty shot process which, excitingly and due to exceptional<br />
keeping from Archie Glanville, resulted in a3-1 victory to College.<br />
Player of the Match went to Lachie Jemmett for his determination<br />
throughout the game.<br />
Finals Play on Friday<br />
This wasagainst St Peter’sCollege, playing for5th or 6th placing.<br />
In this game St Peter’s scored twice, and quickly, inthe third and sixth<br />
minutesofthe firstquarter. Although forthe rest of thegame, College had<br />
the majority of possession and plenty of opportunities, they were just not<br />
able to score. Another twogoals by St Peter’sinthe finalquartergave them<br />
a4-0 win.<br />
(Pictured right) in the game against<br />
St Peter’s (clockwise from No 2<br />
College player): TomRosevear,<br />
Will Rollinson, SamOrr and<br />
Braden Luxton.<br />
Riley Harris was our Player of<br />
the Match, for giving his all in<br />
this game and throughout the<br />
tournament, always running hard<br />
and never giving up.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>College’s TournamentMost Valued Playerwas<br />
Goal Keeper ArchieGlanville.
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong>, Page 21<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />
Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />
News<br />
Issue 31<br />
<strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
Congratulations<br />
Boys’1st XI Hockey,9th placed<br />
This team played inthe Johnson Cup tournament held in Invercargill from<br />
02-06 <strong>September</strong>.<br />
Team members were Cole Aitken, Connor Allan, Cole Beeman,<br />
Jed Cameron, Ryan Geeson, Jacob Gray, Ryan Maslin, Jonty Small,<br />
Harry Soal, Dante Vannini, Henry Wallis, William Wallis, Ethan Walsh,<br />
Reece Watson, Todd White, Zac White; with Coach Tom Walkham and<br />
ManagerJason Vannini.<br />
Opening Day onMonday 02<strong>September</strong> held two games. The game<br />
against Nelson College wasdescribedbyJason as quiteopen, with Nelson<br />
having anumber of chances in the first two quarters, including six short<br />
corners which were denied by JacobGray in goal,with good supportfrom<br />
Cole Beeman. Thehalf-time scorewas 0-0.<br />
In the third quarter <strong>Ashburton</strong> got up the field abit more but could not<br />
manage to forceacorner and again had to defend anumber of shots at goal<br />
which they did successfully.The fourth quarterwas more of the same,with<br />
some greatdefence and acouple of breaks from <strong>Ashburton</strong>College but not<br />
quiteable to be finished off. Consequently the final scoreremained at 0-0.<br />
The game against Cashmere High School saw Cashmere come out with<br />
hardflat passes,findingspacetoslotagoal home in the first quarter.<br />
In the second quarter they scored another early on, but College defended<br />
resolutely for the rest of the half, with Jonty Small doing particularly well<br />
at holding them out. The third quarter was quite even with Cole Aitken<br />
nearly scoring off agreat pass from Jed Cameron. However, Cashmere<br />
scored another goal to make it 3-0 at the end of the thirdquarter. Thefourth<br />
quarterwas quiteevenagain, with the only real highlight being agreat save<br />
off apenaltystroke by JacobGray to keep the final scoreat3-0.<br />
Tuesday’sgame wasagainst Mt Roskill Grammar School, who were also<br />
without awin at thatstage.Aclosely-foughtfirst quarter, with neither side<br />
having manychances at goal,finished at 0-0.The second quarterwas similar,<br />
with both sides missing an opportunitytoscore,but Mt Roskill opened the<br />
scoring in the twenty ninth minutewith awell-taken fieldgoal to bring the<br />
scoreto0-1 at halftime.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College came out strongly in the third quarter with HarrySoal<br />
scoring from apenalty corner in the thirty fourth minute. Although a<br />
Mt Roskill player received ayellow card shortly afterward, AshColl was<br />
unable to capitalise on having an extraman.<br />
In the final quarterboth sides had chances,but neither wasable to convert,<br />
so the thirdquarter scoreremained, with thegame finishing as a1-all draw.<br />
On Wednesday the team played Otago Boys’High School. Acouple of<br />
positional changes were made, with Cole Beeman moving to Centre Back<br />
and Zac White up to half tostrengthen more forward play. Improved<br />
marking in the first partofthe quarterkept Otago Boys out,until adeflection<br />
into the goal midway through the quarter. The balance ofthe quarter saw<br />
playsee-sawbackwardsand forwarduntil Otago Boys’scoredwith the last<br />
playofthe quartertomake it 2-0.<br />
This score held throughout quarters two and three despite AshColl<br />
coming out strongly in the third quarter with some good runs forward by<br />
ReeceWatson and Todd White, and some nice touches by Connor Allan<br />
on the left wing. AshColl pushed forward inthe fourth quarter but was<br />
unable to find the back of the net. Some good defence byRyan Geeson<br />
helped keep Otago Boys scoreless and contributed to what was probably<br />
the strongest half of hockey to this point.<br />
Wednesday’s Game 2was against Waimea College, amust-win game if<br />
the team was tofinish inthe middle of the pool. However Waimea started<br />
strongly with agoal in the first quarter offadeflection inthe circle and<br />
finished the quarter 1-0 ahead. After an even second quarter, the third<br />
quarter AshColl attacked again and scored agood goal by Todd White in<br />
the thirty eighth minutetofinish the quarterat1-1.<br />
Both teams pressed forward for the winning goal in the last quarter with<br />
Waimea achieving this with five minutes to go, with 2-1 to Waimea being<br />
the final score.<br />
Thursday’s play brought the start of the lower three teams Round Robin<br />
playwith College drawnagain Invercargill’s James Hargest High School.<br />
College made some changes with Todd White moving into goal and<br />
JacobGray to Centre Back.James Hargest startedstrongly and scored after<br />
twominutes,offapenaltycorner.However,College responded aftereleven<br />
minutes with awell-taken goal by Harry Soal to make the score 1-1. The<br />
second quarter saw Cole Aitken score agoal to have College leading 2-1<br />
at halftime.<br />
College was denied two goals in the third quarter due to the ball just not<br />
travelling outside the circle at aPenalty Corner, and starting play too early<br />
while an opposition playerwas being green carded!<br />
In the fourth quarterJames Hargest scored again and the game finished 2-2<br />
to bring up the team’s thirddrawofthe tournament.<br />
Friday brought awin, against Waimea College. This was are-match,<br />
against Waimea College,tofinalise positions 9-11 at the tournament.<br />
Jason said that College was determined not to lose again, having come so<br />
closelast time. The team startedstrongly with agoal by Ethan Walsh after<br />
onlytwo minutes.College continuedtodominate and Jonty Small made a<br />
good run into the circle and slotted another goal to bring the score to2-0<br />
at end of first quarter.<br />
The second quarter was more even with both sides just missing two good<br />
chances each but no scores eventuated. The 3rd and 4th quarters were<br />
both quiteopen, and some good goalkeepingbyTodd White anddefence<br />
by William Wallis kept Waimea out, and allowed for agood end to the<br />
tournamentwhich finished with a2-0 win to AshColl.<br />
Most Valuable Player forAshColl wasHarrySoal.<br />
Junior Girls’ ABasketball –12th PlaceFinish<br />
This team competed from 30August–04 <strong>September</strong> in the Basketball New<br />
Zealand Secondary Schools’Junior Premiership (Zone 4) in Dunedin, with<br />
fifteen other teams in their grade.<br />
Gameresults were -<br />
Wins against Kaiapoi High School (81-68) and Riccarton High School (58-<br />
48). The team’s losses came at the hands ofMiddleton Grange (46-57),<br />
Otago Girls’High School (56-27), TaieriCollege (111-59) and RangiRuru Girls’<br />
School (60-80).<br />
Manager Kate Williams said the team had three players who weren’t<br />
available for this tournament with Irish David, Jazz Surridge, Denise Jerao<br />
and EJ Pierce all having leftthe team during the season.<br />
However, three players from the BTeam stepped into the breach, fitting into<br />
the team well. The ATeam thanked them forhelping out so positively. These<br />
threeplayers were Chinatsu Hunt, Claudia Thomas and LauraWinchester.<br />
Team members were<br />
(pictured right, back row,<br />
lefttoright):<br />
LauraWinchester,<br />
MaePatterson, EvaKelly,<br />
Claudia Thomas,<br />
Lily Williams,Taryn Douglas<br />
(Coach and former student).<br />
(Front row,lefttoright):<br />
Chinatsu Hunt, Deborah Muchiri, CharlotteWatson, Amelie Robertson,<br />
RileyTindall.KateWilliams and Carmen TindallwereTeam Managers.<br />
Senior Girls’ ABasketball –13th PlaceFinish<br />
This team played inthe AA Secondary Schools’ Premiership Zone 4Girls<br />
TournamentheldinNelson from 04-07 <strong>September</strong>.<br />
Team Manager Michelle Adams said that the girls played hard throughout<br />
thetournament, but starting in atoughpool made ahigher outcome more<br />
challenging. However, some amazing basketball was played with players<br />
putting heartand soul into their games.<br />
Michelle said, for the team, finishing 13th from sixteen teams was alittle<br />
hard totake, but they also realise they are anew and young team and the<br />
experienceofthistournament will stand them in good stead forthe future.<br />
Results<br />
Theteam gained three wins –against Papanui High School(61-59),<br />
St Margaret’s College (61-57) and an increased winningscore over Papanui<br />
High School at finals<br />
time (66-43).<br />
Their losses were<br />
against RangioraHigh<br />
School (71-50), Rangi<br />
Ruru Girls’School (78-<br />
31) and<br />
Avonside Girls’High<br />
School (60-44).<br />
Theteam (pictured<br />
abovebackrow,leftto<br />
right): RandallAnderson,(Coach), SamTuck,Tessa Thompson,<br />
Sophie Adams,Mae Patterson,Cathleen Anderson,Michelle Adams<br />
(Manager). (Front row, lefttoright): Julie Mushonga, Alena Patterson,<br />
NinahTeves,ToriKelland,Ella Pearson.<br />
Junior Boys’Rugby –Under 15 Rural LivestockTournament<br />
Held in Christchurch from 02-04 <strong>September</strong>, this twenty five team event<br />
proved to be atough call for AshColl. However to put outcomes into<br />
perspective, three of the losses were competitive and within striking<br />
distanceofawin.<br />
Coach Vaughan Matheson said thatthe boys startedthe tournamentoffon<br />
the first daywith twoveryclose losses to the High Schools of South Otago<br />
(24-17) and Lincoln (42-34). Vaughan said the team improved alot in the<br />
second game on attack,but defensively leaked toomanypoints.<br />
The second day started with amuch improved performance versus avery<br />
strong DarfieldHigh Schoolteam, eventually losing 28-22. However, injuries<br />
and fatigue led to acomprehensiveloss against Waimea College (42-5).<br />
On the final day the team gained a14-all draw against Roncalli College<br />
before finally earning amuch-deserved win against Rangiora High School<br />
(<strong>19</strong>-14) to finishin13thplace.<br />
Although frustratedwith the three close losses the coaches were happywith<br />
the players’efforts and, with the team being ayoung one, all are looking<br />
forward tonext year’s tournament and benefitting from the experience<br />
gained this year.<br />
Team members were - Josh Dunlea (Captain), Jackson Adcock,<br />
Semisi Balenaisa, Byron Breen, Brodie Burrowes, Pedro Collins,<br />
Blair Donaldson, Joseph Fakataha, Sabastyan Finn, Charlie Galbraith,<br />
Bailey Gleeson, Anthony Gola, Izayih Harris, Fletcher Hobbs, Oliver Hobbs,<br />
Iolama Iolama, Fononga Lisala, Dontae Mamapomisa, Sonny McMillan,<br />
Ivana Milo, Angus Stewart, Pevelise Taeauga,<br />
Tuvale Tuvale,LaurenceVan Zeyl.<br />
Team Management was Vaughan Matheson<br />
and Jacob Sutton as Coaches; and Sarah<br />
Parker (in her last fixture for College before<br />
transferring to Mt Hutt College), as Manager.<br />
(Pictured right): Izayih Harriscatching theball in the lineout.Ready to<br />
receivethe ball is Charlie Galbraith, while Joseph Fakataha re-enters the<br />
field afterthrowing the ball into the lineout.<br />
Girls’ 1st XI Football -GarySowden Football Tournament,<br />
13th Placed<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong> College Girls’ 1st XI set off to Tournament inTimaru with<br />
the main goal to finish higher than the team did last year.They knew this<br />
was going to be achallenge as the team had several new players and the<br />
build-up to Tournamentwasn’tasgood as planned due to some injuries and<br />
personnel changes.<br />
Results -<br />
Day1:Theteam’s first game was against Papanui High School. This game<br />
proved to be abig wake-up call and at half-time the team was down 5-nil.<br />
However, after astrong team talk at half-time, the girls turned it around in<br />
the second half only letting in one moregoal.<br />
The second game on day one was against Kāpiti College, another strong<br />
football school.The girls battled hard inthe first half, going in at half time<br />
nil-all. However, they struggled towards the end of the second half, going<br />
down 3-nil.<br />
Day 2:The team’s final pool game was against Dunstan High School, a<br />
very close game in which they went down 1-nil.<br />
In the team’s favour their pool wasverystrong,asboth Papanui High School<br />
and Kapiti College finished the tournamentin3rd and 4th positions.<br />
FinalsPlay-offs<br />
The team played-off for 13th and 14th against Mountainview High<br />
School, a team which had beaten them twice in the Timaru league, so they<br />
knew they wereupfor atough final.<br />
However, Luke said the girlsplayedwith real grit and determination and at<br />
full-time the game was drawn at 1-1. The game then went into apenalty<br />
shoot-out. The girls kept their cool and won 3-1 on penalties to take the<br />
13th spot.<br />
Appreciation<br />
Thesenior girlsofthe team were real standouts during the week,leading by<br />
example both and off the field forthe younger membersofthe team. After<br />
the final it was abittersweet moment for Year 13 student Amy Pearson<br />
playing in her last game forthe schoolafter fiveyears in the team. Luke said<br />
thatshe isaskilled striker who will be hardtobereplaced.<br />
Theteam (pictured below, back row, lefttoright):<br />
SarahMattson,<br />
LibbyRyan,<br />
GeorgiePoole,<br />
Jane Cribb,<br />
LauraJensen,<br />
Renee Wairepo,<br />
Jessalene Eclipse.<br />
(Front row,<br />
left to right):<br />
GeorgiaHumm,<br />
Gemma Taylor,<br />
SapphireKururangi<br />
(Captain),<br />
Lauren Taylor,<br />
Chloe Johnson, AmyPearson.<br />
Southern Tour Cycling<br />
Held in Blenheim from 30 August-Sunday 02<strong>September</strong> College Manager<br />
Michelle Davidson said asmall team of two students - Oliver Davidson<br />
and Ethan Titheridge –travelled to ‘sunny’ Blenheim for two days of very<br />
competitiveracing. Unfortunately Maddi Lowryhad to missthe event due<br />
to illness.<br />
Oliver,at17years 6months,was racing in the Under 20 boys’section; while<br />
Ethanraced in the Under 17 age group.<br />
Thefirst daywas held at Seddon, with acool starttothe daybut with sun<br />
shining making forverypleasant racing conditions.<br />
Results<br />
Oliver (pictured right) had an<br />
excellent race in the Criterium,<br />
executing avery strong attack in<br />
the last lap to secureanimpressive<br />
2nd place, while Ethan rode hard<br />
all daywith good results.<br />
On day two the sun was shining<br />
again, and the day kicked off<br />
with the Hill Climb; ashort-sharp<br />
challenging Time Trial; followed<br />
by the Road Race later in the<br />
morning.<br />
Oliver had another good race<br />
finishing the Road Race in 4th place, and Ethan finishing acreditable<br />
16th.<br />
Michelle said that both boys had agreat weekend, with Ethan using the<br />
eventtopreparefor his upcoming track season.<br />
Other results were –<br />
Oliver Davidson Individual Time Trial (4.34:650) 9th place<br />
EthanTitheridge Individual Time Trial (4.57:64) 18th place<br />
DayOne GeneralClassification results had Oliver at 5thequal and Ethan13th<br />
Oliver Davidson Day2Hill Climb (3.14:73) 14th place<br />
EthanTitheridge Day2Hill Climb (3:45:70) 22nd place<br />
Oliver finished 6th overall in the General Classification placings in his<br />
grade which was afantastic result, ashewas competing against avery<br />
strong fieldofriders. Theboysraced in theirnew College kitwhich received<br />
lots of compliments.
Page 22, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
Local Elections 20<strong>19</strong><br />
Meet your MayoralCandidates...<br />
Local news at<br />
*All profilesfeatured on these<br />
pages arepaid advertisements<br />
Forafull list of candidatessee<br />
your election papers<br />
Donna Favel<br />
In <strong>19</strong>98, my husband David<br />
and Itook over the Regent<br />
Theatre. My background<br />
in administration, sales<br />
and marketing –and his in<br />
showmanship, was astrong<br />
foundation to succeed. We<br />
have worked tirelessly to<br />
breathe new life into a<br />
revamped business model<br />
(nowRegentCinema)<br />
In 2010, Istood for Council and have since served nine<br />
years,six as Councillorand three as Mayor.<br />
After operating the Cinema for 21 years and<br />
Council nine years, I can assure you there are<br />
many similarities – always keep an eye on the<br />
bottom line, seek out opportunities, work<br />
Neil Brown<br />
I am a born and bred<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> family man,<br />
having attended school<br />
here, been married to Judy<br />
for 27 years and raised<br />
three children here. I’ve<br />
lived and worked on farms<br />
throughout the district all<br />
my working life and have<br />
business interests in our<br />
towns. Asboth arural and<br />
urban resident and ratepayer, Ihave the advantage of<br />
understanding the unique issues facing each community.<br />
Forthe past 15 years Ihaverepresentedresidents as both<br />
arural and town councillor, with seven years as Chair of<br />
the FinanceCommittee and three years as DeputyMayor.<br />
collaboratively, beagile. Customer is king, serve them<br />
well and listen to their needs.<br />
Ihave been asked, what isthe role of Mayor. For meit<br />
has been equalparts –Chairman of the Board, Advocate<br />
forthe Communityand Cheerleader forthis outstanding<br />
districtand the people.<br />
In the absence ofanEconomic Development team, for<br />
much of the term, Ihave assumed parts of that role. It<br />
has provided me agreater exposure tobusiness and<br />
particularly those looking to make <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />
their new home –happytosharethe message, this is the<br />
district ofopportunity.<br />
Arecentsurveystatedthatthe <strong>Ashburton</strong>District, is the<br />
6th best placetodobusiness and 12th best placetolive<br />
inNZ. We areworking to improve those rankings –Opuke<br />
Hot Pools and The Southern Parallel Sports Campus<br />
are two examples of improving “better place tolive”<br />
while providing additional employment opportunities.<br />
In my time as acouncillor, committee chairman and<br />
DeputyMayor,Ihaveoverseen some very large projects,<br />
always ensuring a watchful eye on using ratepayers’<br />
money wisely. Council has some big projects ahead<br />
and we need asteady hand to ensure common sense<br />
prevails over our spending. We can afford toenhance<br />
our communityfacilities in afinancially prudentway and<br />
keep the rates affordable.<br />
Iamcampaigning on the basis of “Uniting Town and<br />
Country”. We are at heart a rural community, with<br />
prospering towns throughout <strong>Ashburton</strong> District that<br />
benefit from thebuoyancyofthe agricultural sector. It is<br />
important that our rural and urban residents appreciate<br />
the fact that weeach have apart toplay inmaking<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Districttruly one of the best places to live.<br />
I want to help bridge the gap in understanding<br />
between urban and rural residents over the care ofthe<br />
environment and the state of the rivers. <strong>Ashburton</strong> can<br />
While announcements of Allenton School, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Intermediate and College refurbishments, new Library<br />
and Civic Centre, upgraded Rakaia Reserve,business case<br />
funding for <strong>Ashburton</strong> Second Bridge, CBD Upgrades<br />
also add to that. My desire for the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />
Council, istoberecognised as an enabler. If we can just<br />
get of their way, the peopleofthis district have the ability<br />
to achieve greatness.<br />
I have worked tirelessly and am proud of many<br />
achievements in my firsttermasMayor,but let me share<br />
just four (1) Ihave led Council to progress several long<br />
term projects (2) We have done so collaboratively and<br />
mainly with little contention (3) Consultation has been<br />
well prepared,and yetwehave still been open to change<br />
(4) <strong>Ashburton</strong> has made National Headlines for the right<br />
reasons.<br />
-Authorised by Donna Favel, 32Wakanui Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2205648<br />
take pride in having some of the most innovative and<br />
environmentally sound farmingpractices in NZ and some<br />
of the best rivers in the country. Iwant tobring country<br />
and townspeopletogethersowecan understandwhat’s<br />
important toeveryone.Weall depend on each other for<br />
economic prosperity, environmental sustainability and<br />
communitywellbeing.<br />
Iamrunning for Mayor so <strong>Ashburton</strong> District will have<br />
the most consistent, stable and positive leader it needs<br />
for its future as Ihave the most council experience ofall<br />
the candidates. Idolisten to the public and take action<br />
when necessary; after hearing the public’s view about<br />
the East Street fountain moving, Isuccessfully had this<br />
decision overturned and the fountain will stay where<br />
it is. With meas your Mayor, you can be confident that<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Districtwillbeingood,steady and safehands.<br />
-Authorised by Neil Brown, Mitcham Rd,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2205580<br />
Leen Braam<br />
It has been a privilege<br />
being acouncillor for the<br />
last term; three years spent<br />
observing,listening,talking<br />
and learning. I now feel<br />
ready to take the next step<br />
and serve this community<br />
as Mayor.<br />
Born in the Netherlands,the<br />
family values of honesty,<br />
loyaltyand respectfor others aremyguiding principles.<br />
Mid Canterbury became home in <strong>19</strong>82, and Lianne and<br />
Ihave enjoyed raising our family here, joining many<br />
community groups. Sports, church, theatre and music<br />
continue to enrich our lives and those of our children and<br />
grandchildren.<br />
The skills and attributes Iuse in my business are also<br />
Tony Todd<br />
We arefortunate to liveina<br />
wonderful part ofthe best<br />
countryinthe world.<br />
Ihave lived here all my life,<br />
working, listening toyour<br />
comments asaretailer (54<br />
years) and friend. Now I<br />
have the opportunity tobe<br />
your voiceand civic leader.<br />
Iwill make sure your voice<br />
is BETTER represented<br />
in Council. Whether it’s our roads, social services and<br />
amenities, orrevitalizing our town centre, Ican make a<br />
POWERFULLYPOSITIVE difference.<br />
My roles in Jaycee (am aSenatorofJaycee International),<br />
Rotary (Past President), <strong>Ashburton</strong> Licensing Trust (30<br />
years,the last 12 years as President), made aLifemember<br />
usefulinmyrole as councillor. Landscapedesigners need<br />
vision, and to be able to think clearly and strategically.<br />
They must listen, mediate and interpret. These skills are<br />
also important toamayor, who takes everyone’s views<br />
into account while retaining along term vision for the<br />
district. My clients have come from all walks of life and<br />
resided throughout the whole district, givingmeagood<br />
understanding of the issues facing rural and urban<br />
communities.<br />
Ienjoy giving back to the community and Lianne and I<br />
have worked on many projects with schools, churches<br />
and other community groups.<br />
Governance roles with <strong>Ashburton</strong> College, Tinwald<br />
School,the Tinwald ReservesBoard, have helpeddevelop<br />
strategic and leadership skills. The Tinwald Domain and<br />
Holiday Park re-development and the building ofthe<br />
new Lodge have been ReservesBoardhighlights.<br />
Much is said about central governmentrestrictions,but to<br />
of NZLTA in 2018 gives methe confidence tolead this<br />
District.<br />
My Policies: The Lake Hood Cycle Track. Let’s create a<br />
landscaped sealed track. Council should invest more<br />
around the lake, tocomplete all projects. The Lake gets<br />
230,000 visitors ayear.It is ajewel in our crown.<br />
The Town Centre Redevelopment and upgrade of our<br />
CBD isunder way. Council must work with landowners/<br />
developers to incentivise redevelopment. Council has a<br />
responsibilitytoensurewehave avibrant CBD<br />
I support a 4 lane Highway from <strong>Ashburton</strong> to<br />
Christchurch. Do it once. Do it right.<br />
Iamkeen to see the proposed traffic lights in Tinwald<br />
brought toapositive conclusion. The process has been<br />
toolong.<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Business Park is asuccessful project. We<br />
need to work with NZ Rail to shiftthe “shunting yards” to<br />
the Park. Ifneeded, create and promote anInland Port<br />
make this districtthe best it can be,wemust concentrate<br />
on the things we can change.<br />
MidCanterburyisahidden gem and by working together<br />
we can make it even better. This vibrantcommunityisfull<br />
of good people working hard tohelp each other. Their<br />
generosityand co-operativespirit needstobesupported<br />
by council.<br />
Iamstanding for mayor because Iamastrong leader<br />
committed to the whole district. Iofferclear,independent<br />
thinking and adetermination to utilise the strengths of<br />
all councillors and communityleaders<br />
As mayor, Iwould strive tostrengthen infrastructure<br />
and encourage economic growth, unite the district by<br />
bridging the rural/urban divide, and focus on community<br />
well-being. Iwould not come with agendas or affiliations,<br />
but would bring common-sense and acommitment to<br />
do my best forthe district.<br />
-Authorised by Leen Braam, Maronan Road,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2203986<br />
thatwilltransformthe process forcompanies wishing to<br />
export. Selwyn Districts I-Zone development made a$40<br />
millionprofit.Wearelosing opportunities.<br />
Council are significant stakeholders in the Eastfield<br />
Development. Can Council be aconduit to make things<br />
happen quicker? Funding is required for aHotel and/<br />
or carparking. Should Council work alongside private<br />
investors in apublic/private venture? Isay yes.<br />
Our district has some valuable assets that weneed to<br />
protect. One asset, EA Networks, worth somewhere<br />
around $300 million dollars, is vulnerable in certain<br />
circumstances, for that value to slip into ownership<br />
outside our district. Iwillinvestigate options tostop this<br />
happening.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>deservesafully funded Information Hub that<br />
benefits locals and visitors alike. Fully trained staff, on<br />
East Street.The Hub,open forbusiness again.<br />
Together we can do this.<br />
~Authorised by Tony Todd 62 Winter Street <strong>Ashburton</strong> 2205645<br />
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong>, Page 23<br />
Local Elections 20<strong>19</strong><br />
*All profilesfeatured on these<br />
pages arepaid advertisements<br />
Meet your DistrictCouncil <strong>Ashburton</strong>WardCandidates<br />
Thelma<br />
Bell<br />
I am Thelma Bell, an<br />
experienced first term<br />
councillor. Currently, Iam<br />
the first and only Filipino<br />
born councillor within the<br />
Local Government NZand<br />
Justice ofthe Peace. Iam<br />
proud that <strong>Ashburton</strong> has<br />
been my home for more<br />
than 30years.Myfaith is an importantpartofwho Iam.<br />
Igraduated inthe Philippines with aBachelor of Science<br />
Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics and in NZ with aGraduate<br />
Diploma in Teaching and Learning. Iamamother, awife,<br />
ateacher and acommunity leader who believes in the<br />
true value of volunteering and immersing myself in local<br />
communityactivities and events.<br />
As a councillor, I am grateful for all the knowledge<br />
and experiences I have gained. The opportunities of<br />
connecting with people and assisting our constituents has<br />
been tremendous.<br />
My campaign is about “Integrating Cultures and<br />
Strengthening Unity”. Ibelieve Ihave represented the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> community well, including the ethnic and<br />
migrant communities of our district.<br />
Recently,Ivisited the Philippines and had the opportunity<br />
to showcase what our district offers. Government<br />
agencies, private businesses and education providers<br />
were interested in our agricultural products and tourist<br />
attractions. I believe that there are potential business<br />
opportunities between <strong>Ashburton</strong>and Philippines.<br />
-Authorised by Thelma Bell,<br />
50 Middle Road,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2205524<br />
Leen<br />
Braam<br />
It has been a privilege<br />
and education to be<br />
a councillor for the<br />
last three years, and<br />
immensely satisfying to<br />
see progress on the CBD<br />
redevelopment, Civic<br />
Centre plans and the<br />
preservation of the Chinese Settlement.<br />
Born in the Netherlands,the family values of honesty,<br />
loyalty and respect for others were instilled in me at<br />
an early age and continue to guide me.<br />
Mid Canterbury became our home in <strong>19</strong>82, and<br />
Lianne and Ihave enjoyed raising afamily here and<br />
being apart ofmany community groups. Sports,<br />
church, theatreand music continue to enrich our lives<br />
and those of our children and grand-children.<br />
Working as a self-employed landscape designer<br />
requires vision, the ability to listen and interpret,<br />
clear thinking and problem solving skills. These<br />
qualities and skills have helped me be an effective,<br />
independentcouncillor<br />
Community Governance roles with <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
College, Tinwald School and the Tinwald Reserves<br />
Board, combined with aterm asCouncillor helped<br />
develop strategic thinking and leadership skills and<br />
increase my communityknowledge.<br />
Your vote for mewill befor commitment, honesty,<br />
inclusiveness, integrity, openness and commonsense.<br />
I bring no agendas or affiliations, just a<br />
determination to do my best forthe district.<br />
-AuthorisedbyLeenBraam,MaronanRoad,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2203987<br />
Carolyn<br />
Cameron<br />
It would be aprivilege<br />
to work for the people<br />
of <strong>Ashburton</strong>. I grew<br />
up in the Eiffelton<br />
farming community<br />
and attended school<br />
in <strong>Ashburton</strong>, followed<br />
by studying pharmacy<br />
at Otago University.<br />
I also have a postgraduate business degree from<br />
Canterbury University. I have strong connections<br />
to the area. My mother lives here, my sister teaches<br />
locally and my brother still farms at Eiffelton —this is<br />
my home town.<br />
Sincebecoming involved in AllentonPharmacynearly<br />
20 years ago, many people have shared their desires<br />
for<strong>Ashburton</strong>toimprove andprosper in the future. I<br />
want to be partofacouncil to make those ambitions<br />
real.<br />
If elected, my priorities will be the core business of<br />
council -providing infrastructure services. Roading,<br />
footpaths and traffic management, andalso ensuring<br />
aqualityrobust watersupply forthe futureare vitally<br />
important. Of course we need to ensure the CBD<br />
space isfitfor purpose. Iwould like to see it more<br />
attractive with free parking. Clearly, atown our size<br />
needs an informationcentre.<br />
First and foremost <strong>Ashburton</strong> isour town. Let’s keep<br />
moving forward and make it an even better place to<br />
live.<br />
-Authorised by CarolynCameron,<br />
67 Harrison Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2205644<br />
Rochelle<br />
Castle-Wilson<br />
I am proud to call<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> home and Iam<br />
embracing the chance to<br />
represent the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
ward by standing in this<br />
election. Iampassionate<br />
about people and<br />
committed to doing what<br />
I can to lift the profile<br />
of the area, so it continues to thrive and deliver on the<br />
opportunities thatthe region and its people offer.<br />
Iamwell-travelled,havebeenself-employedinthefarming,<br />
crayfishing and the tourism sectors and am atrained<br />
nurse.Currently IworkasanOfficeManagerand believeI<br />
would bring araftoftransferable skills to the council table<br />
that include governance experience inprivate enterprise,<br />
recreational groups and the educational sector. Isupport<br />
arespectful, collaborative, common sense approach to<br />
problem solving and promise afresh perspective with<br />
an open-mind and transparency toanything Icommit<br />
to. Ihave astrong sense of integrity with acharismatic<br />
approach to lifeingeneral.<br />
Ican’t promise all the answers but can promise awell<br />
informed and pragmatic approach to dealing with issues<br />
thataffect our community. Avotefor me will be avotefor<br />
fiscal prudence, community engagement, and abig tick<br />
for#commonsenseinanutchelle.<br />
~Authorised by Rochelle Castle-Wilson,<br />
<strong>19</strong> Manchester Street,Tinwald,Asbhurton<br />
2204636<br />
John<br />
Falloon<br />
It’s important the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> District continues<br />
to grow and<br />
prosper. That requires<br />
a Council showing<br />
responsible leadership<br />
and someone around<br />
the Council table to ask<br />
thehardquestions.<br />
For over 40years Ihave run asuccessful accounting<br />
business employing people in our town, helping<br />
local businesses and community groups succeed. I<br />
have extensive governance and financial experience<br />
serving on the board ofIHC, one of New Zealand’s<br />
largest charities, and held national roles with the<br />
InstituteofCharteredAccountants.<br />
As your local Councillor,I’ll focus on: Keeping alid on<br />
rates; everydecision Council makes comes with acost<br />
straight from your pocket. Council has an obligation<br />
to spend your money wisely. Quality infrastructure;<br />
ensuring wise investmentinthe critical infrastructure<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>needs. Responsible governance; focussing<br />
on big issues rather than nonsensical discussions like<br />
shifting the water feature.<br />
I’ll work hard toensure projects like the civic centre<br />
and libraryare delivered on time and on budget rather<br />
than see another Council funded blow-out.Ihavethe<br />
practical experiencetoask the hardquestions around<br />
the Council table.<br />
Avote for John Falloon for the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Ward isa<br />
vote to get the basics right.<br />
-Authorised by J. Falloon,<br />
208 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2205649<br />
Angus<br />
McKay<br />
As part of <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
community, with<br />
higher rates and more<br />
council debts, it is<br />
time to ask what extra<br />
services or value we<br />
have received to date.<br />
Issues on closing I-site,<br />
moving water feature,<br />
complaints about tidiness of the town, path and<br />
road maintenance, plan to move bowling green, and<br />
manydecisions thathavenot been properly thought<br />
through is very costly to community.<br />
There isaneed for tangible change in council where<br />
robust discussions and inputs from public should take<br />
place before debating, discussing and deciding.This<br />
process can happen in aharmonious and positive<br />
way.<br />
We need to build on what past generations have<br />
provided,for asafer and moresustainable future. Iam<br />
standing for council to ensure you enjoy living here<br />
receivingthe value and servicesyou deserve.<br />
Sensible budgeting, minimising debt, creating<br />
opportunities, enliven the Central Business district,<br />
pushing government for better standard ofroading<br />
on national level, extending activities for families are<br />
all on my agenda.<br />
There isanurgent need of astrong team in council<br />
adopting affordable solutions for the best decisionmaking,<br />
ensuring project funding is timely with<br />
minimal rate rises. Leadership, communication,<br />
understanding and experiencewill build our future.<br />
~Authorised by Angus McKay,<br />
18 TaurangiRoad, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2205643<br />
Page 24, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
Local Elections 20<strong>19</strong><br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Ward<br />
Local news at<br />
*All profilesfeatured on these<br />
pages arepaid advertisements<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Western<br />
Selwyn Richard<br />
Price<br />
I am a sitting councilor<br />
seeking re-election. My<br />
reputation is for hard-work<br />
in the community, and<br />
being well-prepared for<br />
meetings.<br />
As Deputy Chair of<br />
the Service Delivery<br />
committee, I believe my<br />
detailed knowledge in this area will be invaluable to<br />
council going forward.<br />
Iamknown as someone “who gets the bigger pictureand<br />
who’s not afraid to stand up and be counted –for all the<br />
right reasons.” For example, Ispoke out over the decision<br />
to not grant access to the St John’s ambulance service,<br />
which wassubsequently revoked.<br />
Istrongly advocate forcouncil to listentothe community.<br />
I meet the community face-to-face and communicate<br />
online, attending four hundred events annually, and<br />
posting daily on my Facebook page.<br />
Voterdecisions in this year’s election arecrucial.<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Ward has seen their rates goupyear-on-year at ahigher<br />
percentage than elsewhere. It is vital voters consider who<br />
will best representtheirviewsaround the council table.<br />
Ihave astrong social conscience and integrity, and vote<br />
according to clear principles and shared values.<br />
Having promoted the Four Wellbeings approach to<br />
decision making, Iamuniquely placed to help guide our<br />
communityinto this new phase of local government.<br />
~Authorised by Selwyn Price, 72 AlbertStreet,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Western<br />
Rodger John<br />
Letham<br />
I have lived in the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Districtall my<br />
life.<br />
Born at Rakaia and<br />
educated at Lauriston<br />
Primaryand Timaru Boys<br />
High Schools where I<br />
boarded at Thomas<br />
House.<br />
After leaving school Ireturned to the family farm at<br />
Lauriston where I farmed in partnership with my<br />
father.<br />
During that time, Iwas involved and took leadership<br />
positions in anumber of community organisations<br />
including School Committees, Young Farmers<br />
Clubs, Federated Farmers, Jaycees, Lions, Mt Hutt<br />
Board ofGovernors and National Sheep Breeding<br />
Organisations. Iam currently President Elect ofthe<br />
RotaryClub of <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
In the <strong>19</strong>80’s climatic and financial conditions forced<br />
achange of direction and regretfully we lost the<br />
farm. Since <strong>19</strong>88 Ihave been in business as aRural<br />
Real Estate Agent within the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District and<br />
further afield and Ifeel the time is nowrighttoreturn<br />
something to this community that has served meso<br />
well.<br />
Ibelieve Ihave anunderstanding of both Rural and<br />
Urban living and business and Iamafirm believer<br />
thatweare all in this same boattogether.<br />
Iammarried to Yvonne and we have three adult sons<br />
and three grandchildren.<br />
-Authorised by Rodger Letham,<br />
7Filey Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2203750<br />
2203724<br />
Diane<br />
Rawlinson<br />
Having now served one term as<br />
an <strong>Ashburton</strong>DistrictCouncillor,<br />
I willingly and enthusiastically<br />
offer myself forre-election.<br />
I wish to continue with my<br />
strong interest in local and wider<br />
Governance. This has been a<br />
progressivetermsince2016, and<br />
we have commenced several important projects which<br />
have been in the pipeline formanyyears.<br />
Ihave been the DeputyChairperson of the Environmental<br />
Services Committee, and Chairperson of two Working<br />
Groups – these being the Urban Roading Working<br />
Group, and the Town Centre Working Group. I have<br />
also participated inmany other committees of council. I<br />
believe that Ihave involved myself not only in council<br />
matters, but reached out into the community which was<br />
one of my goals.<br />
Iamfriendly,honest and open minded,with the abilityto<br />
listen well,look at both sides of an issue,and give positive<br />
direction. Itry to adopt agood common sense view of<br />
all the information that comes before councillors, and be<br />
awareofthe effects on rates when we aresetting budgets<br />
and Long Term plans.<br />
Representing our community isvery important tome,<br />
and we need aCouncil thatcan be transparent, open, and<br />
working forthe good of our community.<br />
~Authorised by Diane Rawlinson, 9MapleLane,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Liz<br />
McMillan<br />
I have put forward my<br />
nomination for Western<br />
Ward Councillor for a<br />
second term.<br />
My key roles this term<br />
have been chair of Road<br />
Safety and chair of the<br />
Safer <strong>Ashburton</strong> Safe<br />
Communities steering<br />
group, who achieved asafe communities’ accreditation<br />
earlier this year.<br />
Ihave also been akeen member of the project control<br />
group for the civic centre and Library building as well<br />
as contributing to general council business and group<br />
discussions<br />
Iamapproachable, and down to earth. Ilike to know the<br />
facts beforeImakedecisions and feel thatcommon sense<br />
is key.<br />
What’s importanttomenextterm? As amum of twoschool<br />
aged children Ibelievethe continued improvementofour<br />
district for this and future generations is key. Ifgiven the<br />
chance Iwill ensure the new build stays on track, roading<br />
and road safety remains high priority, continuing the safe<br />
communities work, and maintaining a good working<br />
connection between Council, Reserve Boards and Hall<br />
committees.<br />
Iamcommitted to our district and wish to see itmoving<br />
forwardinthe best waypossible.<br />
With nine years’experience onthe Methven Community<br />
Board, and threeyears on Council IknowIhavethe energy<br />
and knowledge to continue with asecond term.<br />
-Authorised by EAMcMillan, 29 SpaxtonStreet Methven<br />
2205647<br />
2205958<br />
Evan<br />
Chisnall<br />
Vote Evan Chisnall for<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>DistrictCouncil,Western<br />
Ward.<br />
Proud Farmer, Listening<br />
to Ratepayers, Responsible<br />
Spending,<br />
Strong Governance<br />
I’m a51year old fifthgeneration<br />
farmer from<br />
Hinds, who has been married for 27years with two<br />
adult sons. Educated inthe <strong>Ashburton</strong> area then<br />
Lincoln University. We have been farming for 27<br />
years,13years ago we convertedtodairying.Wehave<br />
grown our operation and now have farms in Hinds,<br />
Ruapuna and Mt Somers. Contract milker’s allow<br />
me to pursue my passion for our community and its<br />
governance.<br />
For the last 3years Ihave been adirector ofMHV<br />
Wateralso ashareholder of BCI Irrigation<br />
I’m able to think outside the square and have firsthand<br />
experience in running my own business,<br />
personally overseeing developments and working<br />
with my team of staff and contractors. I understand<br />
the importance ofhaving adistrict that has strong<br />
economic and long-termplans.<br />
If electedIwould:<br />
Actively listen and advocate formyconstituents.<br />
Be aprudent custodian of Mid Canterbury’s hardearned<br />
rates, making sure weget value for money<br />
and equityofresources.<br />
Usemybusiness and governance experiencetobuild<br />
asustainable future.<br />
Ihumbly ask foryour vote.<br />
-Authorised by Evan Chisnall,Hinds Arundel Rd,Ealing<br />
Eastern Ward<br />
Lynette<br />
Lovett<br />
Your Rural VoiceWorking<br />
for Both Town and<br />
Country.<br />
Hi I am Lynette Lovett<br />
and I am seeking a<br />
second term on Council.<br />
I have the ability,<br />
energy and will work<br />
collaboratively for the<br />
best outcome for the <strong>Ashburton</strong> district togrow and<br />
exceltobeadesirable placetolive, work and play.<br />
Iamproud to be living on our Arable family farm of<br />
four generations in the Eiffelton district, which gives<br />
me agood grounding on the agricultural industryand<br />
rural communities.<br />
As a district we need to renew the connection<br />
between townand country, thatoverrecenttimes has<br />
been eroded.<br />
My interests and volunteering are, County Lions,Civil<br />
Defence, Red Cross, past President of<strong>Ashburton</strong> A&P<br />
Association, Garden Club, Women in Arable, Rural<br />
Women and FederatedFarmers.<br />
In my current tenure within the Council I have<br />
not been afraid to make hard decisions or in<br />
some cases support aretraction after listening to<br />
ratepayers, whom are fearful of continued increases.<br />
I look forward to being part of the future<br />
Council to continue with the governance role<br />
and the ongoing projects and developments.<br />
Ithriveonachallenge and Iamherefor all <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
people.<br />
-Authorised by LynetteLovett,4Rd<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2206649<br />
2206024<br />
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong>, Page 25<br />
Local Elections 20<strong>19</strong><br />
Eastern Ward<br />
*All profilesfeatured on these<br />
pagesare paidadvertisements<br />
Mark<br />
Malcolm<br />
A fifth generation<br />
“<strong>Ashburton</strong>ian” with a<br />
diverse experience in<br />
Employment , Business<br />
and Farming.<br />
Iamof58years of age,<br />
one of the younger<br />
standing councillors and<br />
bring adiverse business skill set to the council table<br />
but Ibelieve that mybeing local and community<br />
minded with an ability to listen are my greatest<br />
assets Ihavetoofferyou.Inthe past Ihaveheld many<br />
leadership roles in the community and am presently<br />
president ofthe Rakaia Lions club which Ienjoy the<br />
fellowship and serviceprojects they do forthe locality.<br />
With the experience ofthe last three years as your<br />
councillor Ihave seen many new projects started<br />
in this district and Iwish to see them to fruition<br />
as your voice oncouncil in the district that makes<br />
us all proud to call ourselves “<strong>Ashburton</strong>ians”.<br />
Philip Arthur<br />
Rushton<br />
My name is Philip Rushton,<br />
having lived in Mid<br />
Canterbury all my life, I<br />
now put my name forward<br />
forthe EasternWard.<br />
My community involvementincludes<br />
Rakaia Lions<br />
Club, Jaycees, Rugby and<br />
Squash clubs and other communityservice.<br />
Our Rushton family have along history ofcommunity<br />
involvement inthe <strong>Ashburton</strong> district and Ipledge to<br />
continue thattradition.<br />
There are a number of issues impacting upon Mid<br />
CanterburyIaminterested in exploring:<br />
While dairyisjust arising from some major economic and<br />
animal health issues the other sectors of our district are<br />
doing very well.<br />
Sheep and beef are onahigh, cropping is getting rising<br />
prices and deer have been through averypositiveperiod.<br />
Commercial developments in the districtare very positive<br />
including our new Industrial park and new buildings in<br />
town.<br />
Employmentisatahigh districtwise except forthe recent<br />
Fairton works announcement meaning we need to see a<br />
growthinalternativeemploymentoptions forthe district.<br />
We need new sale yards for Mid Canterbury. Most other<br />
regions arereestablishing their sale yards.<br />
Affordable off farmwaterstorage as an alternativetoriver<br />
takes which arecoming under increasing pressure.<br />
Stuart<br />
Wilson<br />
Ihave lived my entire life<br />
in the District, and have<br />
served on the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
District Council for three<br />
terms, two as Chairman<br />
of the Service Delivery<br />
Committee; I want to<br />
continue to represent all<br />
people of the District with<br />
the same commitmentIhave shown in the past.<br />
When voting on issues before the Council, I would<br />
continue to speak out and vote for what Ibelieve will be<br />
the best interests of the whole District, alwayswelcoming<br />
comments from members of the community.<br />
Seeking to improvethe conditions of the Districtroadshas<br />
been something Ihave worked constantly for, NZTA has<br />
granted the Council extra subsidy to be spent onroading<br />
maintenance, so we can nowlook forwardtoimprovement<br />
in pothole repairs.<br />
Being the DistrictCouncil representativeonthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Water Zone Committee, Iam mindful of the need for the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> River to have a good environmental flow,<br />
alwaysremembering thatthe wealth of our districtcomes<br />
from the efficientuse of our plentiful waterresources.<br />
I am always mindful of the rate burden discretionary<br />
spending puts on ratepayers, so will do my best to<br />
concentrate Councils priority on providing the core<br />
services.<br />
-Authorised by Mark Malcolm,<br />
<strong>19</strong>6 WardsRoad,Chertsey,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Trust<br />
Kieran<br />
Breakwell<br />
Born, raised and educated<br />
in <strong>Ashburton</strong>, Ihave lived<br />
and worked here my<br />
entire life. My wife Emma<br />
is equally proud to call<br />
herself a local, and with<br />
the recent arrival of our<br />
daughter Iamenthusiastic<br />
about continuing to offer<br />
my skills for the benefit of the community she will grow<br />
up in.<br />
Having served athree-year term on the Trust, Ifeel the<br />
knowledge and experienceIhave gained during this time<br />
will add to the value of my contributions in this coming<br />
term. Iseek support for re-election to continue with the<br />
futuremanagementofthis organisation. If re-electedIwill<br />
work to ensurethe Trust continues on its new investment<br />
trajectory, and Trust assets continue as a long-term<br />
producer of funds forthe community.<br />
Irecently sold my successful business,KBPanel &Paint,to<br />
focus on my other entities in the residential, commercial<br />
and agricultural sectors locally.Mybusiness management,<br />
decision making and leadership ability contribute tothe<br />
balance of skills around the Trust table.<br />
Iamproud of our community and have the energy and<br />
drive required for this important position. It would be a<br />
privilege to be electedwith your vote and support.<br />
-Authorised by Kieran Breakwell,<br />
Torbay AveHuntingdon, Rd 4<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2205968<br />
2206238<br />
-Authorised by Philip Arthur Rushton,<br />
MainwaringsRd, Rakaia<br />
Robert<br />
Anthony<br />
Harnett<br />
RobertHarnett is atrue<br />
local having been raised<br />
in MidCanterbury, is wellknowntothe<br />
community<br />
wherehelives with his<br />
wifeand three children.<br />
He is aRegistered Valuer<br />
and Real Estate/Property manager.<br />
Roles at the DistrictCouncil Property,Wrightson’s and<br />
Farmlands were managing Real Estate and stock and station<br />
aspects.<br />
Thesubdivisions of Coniston, Riverside Industrial and<br />
NurseryDrive and others were concluded.Recently the St<br />
VincentDePaulrebuild,Racecourse developments and<br />
subdivisions in other parts of the south island were/are<br />
managed.<br />
This is the perfect background to the current first term on<br />
the ALT, whereproperty matters on buildings post-earthquake<br />
areunderway.<br />
Previous committee roles in rugbyand racing have been<br />
wrapped up which allows independenceatboardlevel.<br />
It has been aprivilege to be able to deliver faithfully<br />
maintained assets and cash to the communitygroups in<br />
our district.<br />
~Authorised by RobertHarnett,<br />
3Waterton Point, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2206002<br />
2204129<br />
~Authorised by StuartWilson, Tarbottons Road,<br />
Tinwald,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Roger<br />
Paterson<br />
Ioffermyself forafurther<br />
term on the Trust, and<br />
my passion for its ‘ideals’<br />
remain very strong.<br />
Having been aMember<br />
for several years, and<br />
seeing this Community<br />
Asset trade through<br />
some challenging times, and now changing to a<br />
CommunityTrust has been aprivilege.<br />
With your support itwould allow meto see the new<br />
policy and process completed for the long term<br />
advantages of <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Iwas born,educatedand lived all my life in <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />
and have never wished tolive any where else. Ihave<br />
had alife time involvement inBasketball and other<br />
Sports,both as aPlayerand an Administrator,aswell<br />
as several other Communityorganisations.<br />
As Chairman of theLion Foundation which distributes<br />
funds from gaming machines,Isee the assistancethis<br />
givesthe widerCommunityorganisations,assisting in<br />
Education –Sport–Health –Art –CommunityEvents.<br />
IrepresenttheTrust on the EventCentreManagement<br />
Committee, andcurrently aretheir electedChairman.<br />
Iamalso President of the Lions Club of <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Having operated asuccessful business for 31years, I<br />
offer my business skills, governance and leadership,<br />
and being aTeam Member,and using my professional<br />
skills of listening to theneeds of people,Ionceagain<br />
humbly seek your support inthe long term future of<br />
theTrust and contribution to the future projects and<br />
events in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
-Authorised by Roger Paterson,VictoriaStreet,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2205641<br />
2206060<br />
Page 26, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
Local news at<br />
Local Elections 20<strong>19</strong><br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Trust<br />
*All profilesfeatured on these<br />
pages arepaid advertisements<br />
ECAN Candidates<br />
Chantelle<br />
Quinn<br />
I’m an <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
businesswoman running<br />
Twentyfour Catering Co,<br />
a successful wedding,<br />
corporate and special<br />
events catering company<br />
since 2014, employing<br />
a casual workforce of<br />
around 15 local chefs<br />
and wait staff. I was previously owner operator and<br />
head chef of TwelveRestaurant&Bar.<br />
Ireturned home to <strong>Ashburton</strong> 15years ago, after<br />
living and working in New York and London, and am<br />
now married to Irishman Damien Quinn, and have a<br />
daughterBella, who attends <strong>Ashburton</strong>Intermediate<br />
School.<br />
Iamseeking election to the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Licensing<br />
Trust in order to start giving back to the community<br />
that has always given to me. Iwould bring anew<br />
fresh perspective, diversity and agenerational point<br />
of difference tothe table, aswell akeen willingness<br />
to collaboratewithand learnfromthose around me.<br />
I’ve been heavily involved in charity work over the<br />
years and continue to work closely with Ronald<br />
McDonald House South Island.<br />
If elected Iwould draw on all ofmyexperiences to<br />
ensure the best interests of the wider <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
community, and contribute to ensuring the<br />
ongoing sustainability ofthe community for future<br />
generations.<br />
-Authorised by Chantelle Quinn,<br />
274 WinslowWesterfield Road,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
ECAN Candidates<br />
Ian<br />
Mackenzie<br />
Ian graduated BAgSci<br />
and has a diversified,<br />
irrigated, family farming<br />
operation producing<br />
grain, seeds, meat, wool<br />
and milk at Eiffelton.<br />
He has considerable<br />
experience in governance<br />
roles serving on<br />
the boards of various businesses, charitable trusts<br />
and communitygroups.<br />
He served on the regional transport committee<br />
and has a long involvement with water and the<br />
environment. He has had various roles with Federated<br />
Farmers, at regional and national level, and was<br />
involved in developing the concept of “good farm<br />
management”practises.<br />
He served onthe Land and Water Forum, and on the<br />
National Objectives Frameworks Reference Group<br />
which populated the parameters for the National<br />
PolicyStatementfor Freshwater.<br />
He and his wife Diana are advocates for the<br />
environment having protected and developed<br />
wetlands at Akaunui which provide habitat for<br />
Canterbury mudfish and other native fish and bird<br />
species. The challenges of water quality, climate<br />
change, transport infrastructure, urban expansion,<br />
environmental protection and bio-diversityare interwoven,<br />
complicated and serious. Finding solutions<br />
requires intelligent and sensible debate supported<br />
by communityinput.<strong>Ashburton</strong>needs avoiceonthe<br />
regional council and Ian is well qualified to be that<br />
voice.<br />
-Authorised by I. Mackenzie,<br />
902 Longbeach Road,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2205931<br />
2205880<br />
Chris<br />
Robertson<br />
Having served two<br />
terms onthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Licensing Trust, I put<br />
myself forward for reelection.<br />
My thoughts are:<br />
1. Ihavelearned alot over<br />
the last two terms about<br />
the hospitality industry,<br />
its strengths,weaknesses,and threats.<br />
2. Iappreciate the role thatthe Trust plays within Mid<br />
Canterbury, and am committed to moving the Trust<br />
forward, in order thatitcan supportour community.<br />
3. The close ties that the Trust has with the Lion<br />
Foundation is critical to our Community Trust model<br />
moving forward. By having aLocal Grants Committee,<br />
we have avehicle to distributewithin our community<br />
$1.2 to $1.5 million per annum.<br />
4. Ihave astrong desire tosee the process of change<br />
be completed by the Trust’s incorporation into a<br />
Community Trust, and the associated solidifying of<br />
our investment policies and granting policies. That<br />
will create aCommunity Trust that has a100 year<br />
timeline,which can in turnmakesignificantgrantsto<br />
the benefit of our communityonaninter-generational<br />
basis.<br />
Ithank youfor your support.<br />
-Authorised by Chris Robertson, Miller Ave, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
John<br />
Sunckell<br />
It has been aprivilege to<br />
represent Mid Canterbury<br />
- <strong>Ashburton</strong> and Selwyn<br />
Districts. Three years of<br />
learning and experience,<br />
and an Institute of<br />
Directors governance<br />
course, has enabled me to<br />
bring effective, considered<br />
decision making to the ECan table.<br />
Through the Canterbury Water Management Strategy<br />
portfolio, I’ve led the Selwyn River recharge programme,<br />
advocated for the review of <strong>Ashburton</strong> River consents<br />
allowing for adaptation and achieved the statutory<br />
acknowledgement ofthe Hinds Drains working group<br />
recommendations.<br />
Iamstanding for reelection because not only have I<br />
genuinely enjoyed myfirst term, Ifeel Ihave made avery<br />
positive and real contribution. Iunderstand politics and<br />
howtoengageinprocesses to achievethe best outcomes<br />
possible in whatattimes arealmost no win situations.<br />
Ibelieve that the combination of my 3years at Ecan, 32<br />
years on the road as avolunteer ambulanceofficer,and life<br />
time in rural communities has givenmeunique insightinto<br />
environmental management issues and the process and<br />
impact ofthese on both the community and individuals.<br />
Avote for me will ensure aninformed and steady hand<br />
remains at the council table,representing and advocating<br />
forMid Canterbury.<br />
~Authorised by John Sunckell,100 Caldwells Rd,Leeston<br />
2204129<br />
2205892<br />
Allen<br />
Lim<br />
We could not be at a<br />
more crucial time of<br />
need for a practical<br />
approach to issues<br />
that confront usdaily –<br />
degradation of water,<br />
imbalanced biodiversity,<br />
climate change, the<br />
economic needs of<br />
farmers,mahingakai, and more.<br />
These issues desperately need our attention, yet<br />
they cannot be solved overnight, or by simplistically<br />
focusing on only one element of this complex<br />
situation. We urgently need an integrated approach<br />
thattakes us on atransition to anew wayoflivingin,<br />
and sustaining,our environment.<br />
For this reason, Iamstanding as acandidate for<br />
the ECan Mid Canterbury –Ōpākihi region. Iwant<br />
to play apart ofpreserving our environment for<br />
future generations, while ensuring the changes<br />
made still supportthe financial needs of our farming<br />
communities. Ibelieve Ihave the experience and<br />
capabilitytodoso.<br />
Iamanentrepreneur and acommercial horticultural<br />
farmer. Ihold aBachelor of Engineering degree and<br />
am amember of the governmentadvisoryFreshwater<br />
Leaders Group, the Selwyn-Waihora Water Zone<br />
Committee and sit on multiple industry boards<br />
including Vegetables New Zealand Inc, Horticulture<br />
CanterburyGrowers Society, and NZGAP.<br />
Vote fortangible and balanced action on waterissues,<br />
vote forAllen Lim.<br />
~Authorised by Allen Lim,<br />
31 Lincoln Rolleston Road,Rolleston.<br />
Sarah<br />
Walters<br />
Environment Canterbury’s<br />
recent declaration<br />
of aclimate emergency<br />
challenges the way we<br />
live across the region.<br />
Along with proposed<br />
national standards for<br />
freshwater and urban<br />
development and the<br />
upcoming review of the Regional Policy Statement<br />
thereare manyissues to consider.<br />
My nine years’ experience as a Selwyn district<br />
councillor (2007 –2016), includes deputymayor (2010<br />
– 2016), representation on regional committees,<br />
qualifications as an RMA hearing commissioner,<br />
active participation in local government locally and<br />
nationally and abroad range of interests. Although<br />
raised and currently living in arural area, Ihave also<br />
livedinthe cityfor over tenyears so will work hardto<br />
representdifferentneeds.<br />
Other regional council issues to consider include<br />
transportation, particularly the lack of public<br />
transport across our region, air and water quality,<br />
flood prevention and emergency preparedness, as<br />
well as regional leadership and advocacy.<br />
I’m asking for your support and in return will<br />
continually strive for better, including building<br />
knowledge and finding pathways with you. Other<br />
than the volunteer work Iintend to continue, Ihave<br />
no other business or employment interests so will<br />
commit time and energy to the role as well as being<br />
unbiased and uncompromised in my decision making.<br />
-Authorised by SarahWalters,<br />
143 Midhurst Road,RD1 Christchurch 7671<br />
2206249<br />
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong>, Page 27<br />
Local Elections 20<strong>19</strong><br />
CDHB Candidates<br />
Andrew<br />
Dickerson<br />
I have thirty years’<br />
hospital and health<br />
sector experience and<br />
chair the Board’sHospital<br />
AdvisoryCommittee.<br />
It is critical we<br />
complete the rebuild of<br />
Christchurch Hospital<br />
and ensure it is large<br />
enough tomeet Canterbury’s future health needs.<br />
Other priorities include improving mental health<br />
facilities and developing anew cancer centre, offering<br />
awider range of treatmentoptions. Parking problems<br />
at Christchurch Hospital need to be resolved urgently.<br />
But just as importantare the health needs of our rural<br />
communities. The future of<strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital is<br />
now very secure. Iamtotally committed to seeing<br />
it develop further as acentre ofexcellence inrural<br />
health.<br />
We are the Canterbury DHB, not the Christchurch<br />
DHB. I understand the importance ofrural health<br />
services,including rural mental health services. They<br />
will continue to be frontand centre forme.<br />
Ihavenolinkstoany political party -myinterest is in<br />
healthcare, not politics. Iam prepared to commit fully<br />
to this role and have the energy,experienceand work<br />
ethic to representyou.<br />
Iwould value your Number One vote.<br />
Further information:<br />
-Authorised by ADickerson,<br />
34 ArahuraRoad,Canterbury<br />
Do youwantyour advertising<br />
to have<br />
IMPACT?<br />
2204129<br />
2205820<br />
Pool ace passes on tips<br />
Pool table stalwart Bruce<br />
Argyle has spent the past<br />
few weeks teaching the<br />
skills of pool to students<br />
from Mount Hutt<br />
College who have chosen<br />
the sport as awinter<br />
option.<br />
His advice centres on<br />
‘‘stance and cueing’’<br />
which is something he’d<br />
know; Bruce has been<br />
playing billiards, then<br />
pool, since he was 15.<br />
He’s abit older and<br />
wiser now, and enjoys<br />
passing on skills and<br />
sharing alaugh with the<br />
students, who are all<br />
boys, ranging from Year 9<br />
to Year 11.<br />
Other sport options for<br />
the students during the<br />
term have included<br />
skiing, clay bird shooting,<br />
mixed sports of squash,<br />
badminton, tennis,<br />
Tips on<br />
social<br />
media<br />
Understanding the ins<br />
and outs of Facebook<br />
will be taught during two<br />
sessions next week,<br />
organised by Volunteering<br />
Mid and South Canterbury.<br />
RunbyDepartmentof<br />
Internal Affairs’s Julia<br />
Cleland and Millie<br />
McDonald, the workshopsare<br />
for people who<br />
volunteer or are managers<br />
of volunteer roles.<br />
The sessions will<br />
include abasic workshop<br />
to understand how to<br />
post, schedule posts, set<br />
up Facebook and other<br />
social media and will run<br />
from 10am tonoon.<br />
The Advance<br />
Facebooking Workshop<br />
will expand on that<br />
knowledge and runs<br />
from 1pm to 3pm.<br />
They are both on<br />
Wednesday (<strong>September</strong><br />
25) at Community<br />
House, 44 Cass Street,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Register by contacting<br /><br />
or phone (03) 3081237<br />
ext 240, registrations<br />
close Monday, <strong>September</strong><br />
23.<br />
Club news<br />
netball and touch rugby.<br />
But every Wednesday<br />
afternoon during term<br />
three, nine enthusiastic<br />
students meet Bruce at<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Club and<br />
MSA for pool table<br />
tuition.<br />
It’s apopular choice<br />
for them, with many<br />
returning in the third<br />
term each year to<br />
participate, including<br />
Isaac Morrison who is in<br />
his fourth year.<br />
The sport offers social<br />
interaction, coordination<br />
and fine motor skills, all<br />
with acompetitive outlet<br />
and no alcohol involved.<br />
Photo: Pool stalwart<br />
Bruce Argyle (centre)<br />
eyes up ashot under the<br />
watch of students Isaac<br />
Morrison (left) and<br />
Corban Van Leerdam.<br />
Survey paints a<br />
positive picture<br />
The 20<strong>19</strong> YMCA<br />
South &Mid<br />
Canterbury Youth<br />
Survey once again<br />
paints amostly<br />
positive picture and<br />
its results are largely<br />
consistent with<br />
previous surveys.<br />
Some 370 young<br />
people, aged 1224<br />
years, from the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />
Mackenzie, Timaru<br />
and Waimate districts<br />
completed the 20<strong>19</strong><br />
online survey, the<br />
fourth<br />
comprehensive<br />
survey of its kind by<br />
YMCA.<br />
YMCA marketing,<br />
communicationsand<br />
fundraising manager<br />
Michele Keggenhoff<br />
said one notable<br />
difference in the<br />
latest surveyresults<br />
was who young<br />
people say they would<br />
turn to for help and<br />
support during a<br />
difficult time.<br />
Though they still<br />
would predominantly<br />
turn to family/<br />
whanau,that<br />
percentagehas<br />
dropped to 66% from<br />
82% in 2017.<br />
Willingness to seek<br />
support from school<br />
(27%), online<br />
resources (17%) and<br />
telephone helplines<br />
(14%) have all<br />
increased over prior<br />
survey levels.<br />
Mental health,<br />
depression and stress<br />
(64%) was citedas<br />
the biggest health<br />
issue foryoung<br />
people, overtaking<br />
alcohol (56%) for the<br />
first time.<br />
Youngpeople also<br />
indicated deep<br />
concern over the<br />
environment,naming<br />
climate change, water<br />
quality and plastics as<br />
their top<br />
environmental issues,<br />
said Michele<br />
Keggenhoff.<br />
Social media usage<br />
also was highlighted<br />
in the survey results,<br />
with Instagram(68%)<br />
and Messenger (59%)<br />
surpassing Facebook<br />
(57%) as the most used<br />
social media among<br />
young people.<br />
Some 21% of those<br />
taking the survey<br />
reported they spend<br />
more than eight hours<br />
each day using social<br />
media or streaming<br />
content from the<br />
internet.<br />
Well over halfof<br />
survey respondents<br />
(58%) would consider<br />
a‘‘digital detox’’ in<br />
order to reduce stress<br />
and focus on real world<br />
social interaction.<br />
YMCA undertakes<br />
the biennial survey as a<br />
public service and<br />
advocacy project aimed<br />
at taking thepulse of<br />
the district’s youth on a<br />
range of topics.<br />
The 42question<br />
survey focused on<br />
attitudestowards the<br />
four districts,<br />
participation in various<br />
activities, education<br />
and career plans, and<br />
wellbeing.<br />
The survey is fully<br />
independent and<br />
receives no funding.<br />
Contactone of our<br />
friendly advertising<br />
consultants to arrange<br />
displayadvertising<br />
thatcan give your<br />
business aboost!<br />
Jann Thompson<br />
Phone (03) 308 7664<br />
E:<br />
Roselle Fuaso<br />
Phone (03) 308 7664<br />
E:<br />
KarenGane<br />
Phone (03) 308 7664<br />
E:<br />
Mid Canterbury Provincial<br />
Rural Women<br />
During August our<br />
three branches held their<br />
Annual General Meetings,<br />
and Provincial<br />
hosted their 87th Annual<br />
Meeting. Marion Dent,<br />
Pauline Hewson, Trish<br />
Small, Marg Verrall and<br />
Bev Bagrie were all<br />
returned to their nominated<br />
positions.<br />
Guest speaker Toni<br />
Sowman spoke of her<br />
work within restorative<br />
justice. Toni had spent 21<br />
years as aPolice Officer,<br />
and in 2014 moved into<br />
restorative justice. A<br />
most enlightening speaker.<br />
Branchesare preparing<br />
another 12 months packed<br />
full of fun and friendship.<br />
Anama, Lynnford and<br />
Winchmore welcome new<br />
women in our areas to<br />
come along and join us.<br />
Rural Women continue<br />
to make avaluable<br />
contribution inour Rural<br />
Communities. For more<br />
information please don’t<br />
hesitate to call me,<br />
Marion 3085954, your<br />
call is valued.<br />
Branches, Lynnford’s<br />
August meeting was held<br />
at Coldstream resthome,<br />
with resident<br />
member Pat McLaughlin.Wendy<br />
Hewitt spoke<br />
on her Migrant Driving<br />
scheme. Members were<br />
saddened to record the<br />
passing of valued longtime<br />
member Mona<br />
Wright.<br />
Coming up is<br />
Winchmore’s October<br />
school holiday activity<br />
craft making morning for<br />
school age children.<br />
Wednesday October 2<br />
from 10am until 11.30am<br />
in the Winchmore Hall.<br />
This is always great fun.<br />
Contact Elsa 021 265<br />
5050 or Wilhelmina 022<br />
686 1411.<br />
National Office News<br />
Women’s Day magazine<br />
recently interviewed<br />
president Fiona Gower<br />
about the issues some<br />
Rural Women face,<br />
RWNZ are here to provide<br />
social support, and<br />
to help women who are<br />
feeling isolated and<br />
stressed.<br />
RWNZ were afinalist<br />
at the Massey University<br />
Defining Excellence<br />
Awards in the Partnership<br />
Category, due to the<br />
long association between<br />
RWNZ and Massey University<br />
in leptospirosis<br />
research. Funding and<br />
awareness campaigns<br />
were held nationwide.
Page 28, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
Free skin check clinic<br />
at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital<br />
Afreeskin check clinic,<br />
aimed at people over<br />
50 who cannotafford to<br />
visitadoctororspecialist,<br />
is being held in<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> on November<br />
9.<br />
Based at the outpatients<br />
department at<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital,<br />
the clinic runs from<br />
10am until 2pm and is<br />
being offered through<br />
SkinCan NZ, a<br />
volunteerrun, nonprofit<br />
organisation that<br />
aims to increase skin<br />
cancer awareness and<br />
2106171<br />
Stay fit &earn $$$<br />
at the same time<br />
Spend a couple of hours<br />
every Thursday delivering the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong> and Realty in<br />
the Hampstead/Netherby areas.<br />
Enjoy the fresh air, stay fit and<br />
reap the health benefits!<br />
Phone Leonie todayon308 7664<br />
to get startedoremail<br /><br />
2172542<br />
make skin checks more<br />
accessible for people in<br />
Canterbury and further<br />
afield.<br />
Local GPs will give<br />
up their time torun the<br />
clinic and will offer<br />
15minute appointments<br />
to those booked<br />
in.<br />
Around 50 checks<br />
are expected to be<br />
offered at the clinic and<br />
all patients must be<br />
registered with an<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
GP.<br />
Bookings will go live<br />
on October 7and can<br />
be made on the skincan<br /> website, following<br />
a short patient survey.<br />
SkinCan NZ was<br />
started by Christchurch<br />
real estate agent Leeann<br />
Marriott, whose brother’s<br />
deadly skin cancer<br />
was discovered late and<br />
took his lifejust26weeks<br />
after he was diagnosed.<br />
Visiting <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
recently to coordinate<br />
the free skin check clinic<br />
here with Mandy Casey<br />
from Mid Canterbury<br />
Cancer Society, Mrs<br />
Marriott said SkinCan<br />
NZ was now in its third<br />
year and was set upto<br />
promote skin cancer<br />
awareness and tomake<br />
skinchecks moreaccessible<br />
for more people.<br />
‘‘In our first year we<br />
had 165 skin checks and<br />
in our second year 265.<br />
‘‘Now in our third<br />
year, we are expanding<br />
from Christchurch and<br />
into <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />
Lower Hutt.’’<br />
Mrs Marriott says<br />
New Zealand has one of<br />
the highest rates of<br />
melanoma inthe world.<br />
The public health system<br />
did not fund skincancer<br />
screenings and<br />
not everyone could<br />
afford to see adermatologist,<br />
oreven aGP.<br />
The first point of call<br />
for anyone with concerns<br />
about moles or<br />
lesions was their GP,<br />
who would assess moles<br />
and then remove atrisk<br />
moles or refer patients<br />
on.<br />
Mrs Marriott said the<br />
clinic in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
would offer checks only<br />
and no treatment.<br />
Patients would<br />
receive a copy of the<br />
notes from the assessment<br />
and acopy would<br />
be forwarded ontotheir<br />
GP.<br />
Local news at<br />
Nearly time to lodge vote<br />
It’s an unfortunate aspect<br />
of our democracy that<br />
local body elections are<br />
too often regarded as the<br />
“other elections.”<br />
The numbers are stark.<br />
While General Election<br />
turnout hovers around<br />
the 80 per cent mark, in<br />
local elections it’s amiserable<br />
42 per cent. Here<br />
in <strong>Ashburton</strong> the numbers<br />
are bit better at 53<br />
per cent, but that’s still<br />
nearly half of eligible<br />
voters not having their<br />
say.<br />
On one hand I can<br />
understand. A big criticism<br />
of local elections is<br />
that it’s often not easy to<br />
tell what people stand<br />
for. We don’t, for<br />
example, have political<br />
parties contesting local<br />
body elections in most<br />
parts of the country.<br />
I’ve never been afan of<br />
political parties contesting<br />
local elections.<br />
It’s why Iwon’t be supporting<br />
or endorsing any<br />
candidate for election<br />
locally. As your local MP<br />
I’ll work constructively<br />
with the elected Mayor<br />
Untangling our beliefs and idols<br />
Spring is under way. The<br />
air is warm and as Ilook<br />
out my window there are<br />
blossoms on the plum trees<br />
and bees busy working<br />
among them. All this made<br />
it very pleasant as Ipruned<br />
some gooseberries andcurrant<br />
bushes. I know, I<br />
know, they should have<br />
been pruned earlier. However,<br />
they were aneglected<br />
and tangled mess and better<br />
to attend to them late<br />
than not at all. Left alone<br />
they would have only got<br />
worse and crowded each<br />
other out with poor results<br />
come harvest.<br />
It reminded me of the<br />
time Jesus spoke of pruning.<br />
He often used farming<br />
or gardening illustrations.<br />
This is not surprising<br />
because he lived in an<br />
Rangitata MP Andrew Falloon<br />
and Council, whoever<br />
that might be. It won’t<br />
mean that we’ll agree on<br />
everything, but for a<br />
region like ours it’s<br />
important that the local<br />
MP and Council work<br />
together as closely as<br />
possible.<br />
One of the other difficulties<br />
in local elections<br />
is the different voting<br />
systems. While we use<br />
MMP at General Elections,<br />
local body elections<br />
are a mix of the<br />
traditional First Past the<br />
Christian comment<br />
agrarian economy. Mind<br />
you, we are highly dependent<br />
on farming here in<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> District too –<br />
even if it is not always<br />
obvious to us. The illustration<br />
still stands today. Jesus<br />
speaks of his people as<br />
being vines and God as the<br />
pruner.<br />
The reason God prunes<br />
his vines is so that they will<br />
produce much fruit. Pruning<br />
cuts away what is not<br />
wanted. It shapes the vine<br />
and helps produce abetter<br />
harvest. The Gardenerisat<br />
work in His garden to<br />
produce the results He<br />
wants.<br />
As I reflected on this,<br />
the thought occurred to me<br />
Post and Single Transferable<br />
Vote systems.<br />
In <strong>Ashburton</strong> the<br />
Council elections are<br />
pretty straightforward.<br />
For Mayor you have<br />
one vote for your preferred<br />
candidate.<br />
In the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Ward (which now<br />
includes Lake Hood)<br />
there are nine<br />
candidates and you can<br />
tick up to five.<br />
In the Eastern and<br />
Western Wards there<br />
are four candidates and<br />
three candidates respectively,<br />
and you can vote<br />
for up to two of them.<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Licensing Trust runs<br />
under the same rules.<br />
There’s nine candidates,<br />
and you can tick up to six<br />
of them.<br />
Although some<br />
Regional Councils operate<br />
under different electoral<br />
systems, here in<br />
Canterbury we have the<br />
First Past the Post system,<br />
which is the same as<br />
“How often do we get this<br />
back to front?” God’s purpose<br />
is to shape us for His<br />
purposes. We, on the other<br />
hand, are prone to wanting<br />
to shape God to suit our<br />
desires or purposes. We<br />
hear comments such as “I<br />
like to think ofGod as …”<br />
or “But God would/<br />
wouldn’t do this or that”.<br />
This is always the inclination<br />
of the human heart<br />
–tomake agod suitable<br />
for our wants. Once we<br />
have such agod, suitably<br />
adjusted to our longingswe<br />
worship it. Our hearts are<br />
idol factories and surprisingly<br />
efficient in their work.<br />
Highly automated, they<br />
produce our idols with little<br />
for the District Council.<br />
There’s four candidates in<br />
the Mid Canterbury/Opakihi<br />
region (which includes<br />
Selwyn District) and you<br />
can vote for up to two.<br />
District Health Board<br />
elections are quite different,<br />
operating under the<br />
Single Transferable Vote<br />
method. You rank the<br />
person you most want on<br />
the DHB with number 1,<br />
the person you like second<br />
with number 2, and so on.<br />
You don’t have to rank<br />
all of the 23 candidates,<br />
but if you don’t, you are<br />
diminishing the value of<br />
your vote. If it comes down<br />
to a choice between two<br />
candidates for the final<br />
position, your preference<br />
is taken into account in<br />
working out who is elected<br />
between them. If you only<br />
rank the top 3 then you<br />
don’t get asay. The top 7<br />
candidates are elected.<br />
Voting papers will arrive<br />
in the next few days. Please<br />
take the opportunity to<br />
have your say.<br />
Car club hands over proceeds<br />
Proceeds from <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Vintage Car Club’s recent Show<br />
and Shine event and an Easter car<br />
rally have been handed over to<br />
Mid Canterbury Cancer Society.<br />
Some 125 vehicles turned out<br />
on aperfect day on August 25 for<br />
the car display and $1755 was<br />
raised through car entry fees and<br />
gold coin donations from the<br />
public.<br />
The Easter rally, anational<br />
Vintage Car Club event around<br />
the South Island raised afurther<br />
$1500 for the local Cancer<br />
Society branch.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Vintage Car Club<br />
secretary Peter Jacob and<br />
treasurer Karen Bell hand<br />
over acheque of $3255 to Mid<br />
Canterbury Cancer Society<br />
health promoter Mandy Casey<br />
and administrator Sharon<br />
Robinson.<br />
effort. Not for us, idols of<br />
wood or stone. We worship<br />
ourselves, our independence,<br />
our freedom to<br />
choose whatever we consent<br />
to. Then, with religious<br />
fervour, we are outraged<br />
should anyone make<br />
negative comments about<br />
our idols.<br />
My gooseberries were a<br />
tangled mess. Despitetheir<br />
prickly resistance to being<br />
pruned, they are now better<br />
for it. We too, are better<br />
being pruned by God. Consider<br />
this –are you willing<br />
to be shaped by God to<br />
fulfil His purposes, or are<br />
you trying to shape God to<br />
fulfil your purposes?<br />
Rev. David Bayne, Grace<br />
Presbyterian Church, <strong>Ashburton</strong>
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong>, Page 29<br />
2206188<br />
The very desirable Mazda MX5<br />
By Ross Kiddie<br />
Ihad to look along way<br />
back in my diary to work<br />
out when Ilast drove a<br />
manual evaluation car. It<br />
was October last year and<br />
it wasn’t actually acar, it<br />
was aute.<br />
However, I was surprised<br />
and delighted to<br />
pick up the latest specification<br />
Mazda’s MX5<br />
twoseat convertible, it<br />
was a sixspeed manual<br />
and is the subject of this<br />
evaluation. It was also my<br />
favourite of the series,<br />
the RF Limited with its<br />
retractable hardtop.<br />
The MX5 needs no<br />
introduction. It has led<br />
the way in affordable<br />
performance models and<br />
brings asmile to the face<br />
of all who drive it.<br />
There are three<br />
models in the MX5<br />
range, the entrylevel<br />
roadster softtop which<br />
gets a1.5litre engine and<br />
starts at $41,895, and<br />
there are two 2litre<br />
models, one is asofttop<br />
at $49,<strong>19</strong>5, the other is<br />
the RF Limited, and at<br />
$53,745 it would most<br />
certainly be my choice if I<br />
was in the convertible<br />
market.<br />
It’s fair to say, I’m not<br />
a huge convertible fan,<br />
Christchurch’s weather<br />
isn’t perfect for open top<br />
driving, but the folding<br />
hardtop is awork of art,<br />
the car looks stunning,<br />
the convertible process is<br />
quick, the mechanism is<br />
brilliant, and when you<br />
are driving with the roof<br />
closed over you’d think<br />
for all money that it was<br />
permanently sealed.<br />
I’m not exaggerating<br />
when Irefer to the MX5<br />
as being genius. It is<br />
adorably desirable, and is<br />
probably the most<br />
amount of fun you can<br />
get for the money. What<br />
makes it so special is the<br />
engineering layout, it is<br />
rearwheeldrive, and<br />
with its low ride height<br />
and near perfect 50:50<br />
weight split there is a<br />
fully involving driving<br />
feel.<br />
The MX5 is aresult of<br />
continual development,<br />
and in 2litre form it has<br />
just had asafety specification<br />
upgrade, it also<br />
gets more power –upto<br />
135kW from 118kW and<br />
more torque at 205Nm,<br />
up from 200Nm. Perhaps<br />
what makes the engine<br />
even more exciting is that<br />
it is now calibrated to rev<br />
more freely, the point of<br />
maximum revolutions has<br />
been raised to 7000rpm<br />
from 6000rpm, and it will<br />
explore the entire rev<br />
band willingly.<br />
As aconsequence, the<br />
engine is constantly eager<br />
– in all gears – it is<br />
throttle sensitive and an<br />
absolute joy to be behind<br />
the wheel of.<br />
In terms of performance,<br />
the 2litre MX5<br />
will launch to 100km/h<br />
from a standstill in<br />
around 6sec, and will<br />
move through an overtaking<br />
opportunity in<br />
4.5sec (80120km/h).<br />
While these figures<br />
aren’t electrifying, they<br />
are the foundation of an<br />
exciting package, the way<br />
the mechanicals combine<br />
to provide the feelgood<br />
factor makes you think<br />
that speed is greater and,<br />
of course, sitting so low to<br />
the ground the feeling of<br />
speed is constant.<br />
It must be considered<br />
as well that in the manual<br />
gearbox model the feel<br />
through the shift mechanism<br />
is exciting in itself,<br />
the lever has short throws<br />
both up and down and<br />
through the gate, it feels<br />
delightful and is one of<br />
the reasons Ilike manual<br />
gearboxes so much,<br />
the feeling of involvement<br />
is constant. If the<br />
thought of using aclutch<br />
is scary, the pedal on the<br />
MX5 is delicate with<br />
perfect feel, the thought<br />
of stall need not be<br />
considered.<br />
The wee MX5 has<br />
extraordinary handling,<br />
it steers with absolute<br />
precision and is entertaining<br />
through the rear<br />
when power is applied<br />
forcibly. It has been<br />
designed so that oversteer<br />
is easily accessible,<br />
Smallbone in ACL deal<br />
Canterbury automotive<br />
group Smallbone Ltd has<br />
agreed to a conditional<br />
agreement with <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Contracting Ltd (ACL).<br />
Under the proposal,<br />
ACL will acquire the service<br />
and parts divisions of<br />
Smallbone Ltd’s Isuzu<br />
trucks business in both<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> and Timaru,<br />
with Smallbone remaining<br />
the franchise holder for<br />
Isuzu trucks inboth Mid<br />
and South Canterbury.<br />
ACL is whollyowned by<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />
Council.<br />
It is anticipated that the<br />
newly combined business<br />
will initially operate from<br />
ACL’s and Smallbone’s<br />
existing <strong>Ashburton</strong> premises<br />
but will later move to 1<br />
Range St, where new and<br />
existing equipment from<br />
both businesses will be<br />
installed.<br />
It is proposed that all<br />
staff from both businesses<br />
will be combined at the<br />
new Range St facility.<br />
Smallbone’s Timaru parts<br />
and service operation will<br />
continue tooperate from<br />
its existing site.<br />
Once the new Range St<br />
facility is operational,<br />
Smallbone’s truck parts<br />
and servicing division will<br />
be exclusively provided by<br />
ACL in both <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
and Timaru. All Smallbone<br />
service and parts staff will<br />
be employed byACL and<br />
will retain their jobs.<br />
Smallbone’s retail sales<br />
of new and used Isuzu<br />
trucks will continue to<br />
operate from their existing<br />
premises in both <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
and Timaru, however<br />
future plans for consolidating<br />
these services within<br />
the vehicle dealerships is<br />
also being considered.<br />
Craig Carr, chairman of<br />
Smallbone, said the agreement<br />
with ACL was intended<br />
to ensure the company<br />
could continue to provide<br />
“best in class” service and<br />
parts to meet the needs of<br />
its customers now and in<br />
the future.<br />
“Customers benefit<br />
from the strengths and<br />
offerings that each business<br />
brings to the table and<br />
our staff can expand their<br />
development opportunities<br />
by being exposed to new<br />
perspectives and expertise,”<br />
hesays.<br />
“In addition, by collaborating<br />
with a likeminded<br />
partner, we are<br />
able tooffer services and<br />
solutions that help our<br />
customers and other businesses<br />
become more successful.”<br />
Gary Casey, CEO of<br />
ACL, says combining the<br />
two businesses will achieve<br />
better scale and service<br />
improvements.<br />
“We’ll be investing in<br />
the development and training<br />
of existing and new<br />
staff and we are looking<br />
forward to operating from<br />
anew and modern facility,<br />
which will provide abetter<br />
offering to our combined<br />
customers and staff. We<br />
are pleased and excited<br />
about the opportunity to<br />
be partnering with Smallbone,”<br />
he says.<br />
About Smallbone<br />
Smallbone isone of the<br />
oldest vehicle dealerships<br />
in New Zealand and has<br />
just celebrated100 years in<br />
business. In 2012, Smallbone<br />
Bros. Ltd formed a<br />
joint venture with Carrfields.<br />
The organisation isnow<br />
known as Smallbone Ltd<br />
and operates five franchises:<br />
Timaru Holden, Timaru<br />
Honda, Timaru<br />
ISUZU Heavy Truck and<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Holden, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
LDVSsangyong<br />
and <strong>Ashburton</strong> ISUZU<br />
Heavy Truck.<br />
About ACL<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Contracting<br />
Limited (ACL) commenced<br />
operations in<br />
<strong>19</strong>95. The company now<br />
has aworkforce in excess<br />
of 130 staff and has proved<br />
resilient inadynamic and<br />
challenging market<br />
through performance and<br />
quality. ACL is based in<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> and also has a<br />
branch inRolleston.<br />
however, the electronic<br />
traction control system<br />
intervenes, although it is<br />
not overly invasive, the<br />
fun factor is still available.<br />
Of course, TCS can<br />
be switched off, but even<br />
with it activated the MX<br />
5 is still the handling<br />
champion, it is entertaining<br />
and that is what has<br />
always aroused buyers.<br />
It wouldn’t be fair if I<br />
closed this evaluation<br />
without mentioning fuel<br />
use. While the MX5 is<br />
largely seen as a model<br />
which entices throttle<br />
use, it still has respectable<br />
fuel use statistics,<br />
with a combined cycle<br />
claim by Mazda of<br />
6.9litres per 100km<br />
(41mpg).<br />
My time in the test car<br />
returned figures of a<br />
respectable 8l/100km<br />
(35mpg), which was good<br />
considering I constantly<br />
applied heavy throttle<br />
pressure. At 100km/h the<br />
engine is turning over at a<br />
steady 2500rpm, providing<br />
an instantaneous<br />
figure of 5.1l/100km<br />
(55mpg).<br />
As much as Idelighted<br />
in the RF Limited and all<br />
it represents, I’m still<br />
fingers crossed that we<br />
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haven’t seen the end of<br />
the rotary era. An RX8<br />
is very much on my wish<br />
list, and if another generation<br />
RX model should<br />
roll off the production<br />
lines then it’s fair to say<br />
I’m very much interested.<br />
However, in the<br />
interim it is great cars like<br />
the MX5 that will keep<br />
petrol heads like me<br />
entertained with their<br />
wow factor.<br />
Price – Mazda MX5<br />
RF Limited, $53,745<br />
Dimensions –Length,<br />
3915mm; width,<br />
1735mm; height,<br />
1235mm<br />
Configuration –Fourcylinder,<br />
rearwheeldrive,<br />
<strong>19</strong>98cc, 135kW,<br />
205Nm, sixspeed manual.<br />
Performance –<br />
0100km/h, 6sec<br />
Fuel usage –<br />
6.9l/100km<br />
2206188<br />
Page 30, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
Local news at<br />
Rural&Lifestyle<br />
Farmers, civic leaders, speak out<br />
By Toni Williams<br />
There were no shortage<br />
of questions orconcerns<br />
raised from the floor of<br />
the packed meeting in<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> to consider<br />
the Government’s<br />
Essential Freshwater<br />
proposal.<br />
Among them acall for<br />
backing up of the science<br />
behind the decisions in<br />
the Essential Freshwater<br />
proposal, and many<br />
calling on the<br />
Government to increase<br />
the bottom line figure,<br />
considered unrealistic.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> mayor<br />
Donna Favel kicked off<br />
question time with<br />
council’s concern over<br />
the time available before<br />
submissions closed, given<br />
the running of local<br />
government elections.<br />
She said the short<br />
turnaround period would<br />
limit the council’s chance<br />
to advocate for the<br />
district.<br />
Ministry for the<br />
Environment’s (MFE)<br />
Amanda Moran said it<br />
was acommon issue<br />
raised but the<br />
Government were ‘‘keen<br />
to move forward with<br />
this, before and after the<br />
(local body) elections.’’<br />
‘‘It is asubmission on a<br />
discussion process,’’ she<br />
said.<br />
Waimate District<br />
Council’s Tom O’Connor<br />
said farmers were already<br />
dealing with other<br />
technical regulations<br />
such as Environment<br />
Canterbury’s Plan<br />
Change 7and wanted to<br />
know how all the<br />
regulations would mesh<br />
together.<br />
He was assured they<br />
would, with proposals<br />
sent for analysis for the<br />
Minister to consider over<br />
summer and come into<br />
effect mid next year.<br />
Donna Favel Neil Brown Ian Mackenzie Rebecca Whillans<br />
Mel Brooks<br />
‘‘From here regional<br />
councils will need to<br />
decide where they are at<br />
with their own plans,<br />
where there are gaps to<br />
comply with the national<br />
process.<br />
‘‘Then they will have<br />
five years to comply and<br />
fill those gaps.’’<br />
Arable farmer Ian<br />
Mackenzie, of Eiffelton,<br />
❛What you’re actually proposing, it’s not innovation or<br />
tweaking of agriculture, it’s actually closing down any type<br />
of industry in this district.❜<br />
in Mid Canterbury, said<br />
some of the information<br />
was misleading because if<br />
the proposal was taken as<br />
written, the level of one<br />
milligram of nitrogen<br />
would need to be taken<br />
into effect immediately.<br />
‘‘Our issue with that is<br />
one milligram of<br />
dissolving inorganic<br />
nitrogen actually isn’t<br />
something we can aspire<br />
to because it puts us all<br />
out of business. We can<br />
aspire to 6.9, and<br />
certainly for the Hinds<br />
plains it’s adifficult<br />
target, but we know we<br />
can’t ever get to one.’’<br />
‘‘What you’re actually<br />
proposing, it’s not<br />
innovation or tweaking of<br />
agriculture, it’s actually<br />
closing down any type of<br />
industry in this district.’’<br />
Mr Mackenzie wanted<br />
to know how robust the<br />
discussion was on the<br />
science.<br />
Ministry for the<br />
—Ian Mackenzie<br />
Environment’s Martin<br />
Workman said among<br />
those in the group was a<br />
NIWA scientist saying<br />
that one milligram per<br />
litre was ‘‘the bottom line<br />
that we should be moving<br />
towards’’.<br />
It was abottom line for<br />
councils and their<br />
communities to work<br />
towards, and how long<br />
that would take, it was<br />
not expected straight<br />
away, Mr Workman said.<br />
Freshwater leaders<br />
group member Hugh<br />
Logan said the one<br />
milligram target was the<br />
level needed for aquatic<br />
health.<br />
Farmer and mayoral<br />
candidate Neil Brown<br />
questioned the levels of<br />
the Mid Canterbury’s<br />
main rivers, and was<br />
informed the Rakaia,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> and Rangitata<br />
rivers catchments were<br />
all under one milligram<br />
per litre level.<br />
Other countries such<br />
as Australia, America,<br />
United Kingdom, and<br />
Europe, including China,<br />
had astandard that was<br />
similar or where the<br />
figure was in the same<br />
ball park.<br />
Mr Logan said the<br />
details of reaching that<br />
target was up to<br />
government policy.<br />
Others at the meeting<br />
questioned the cost of<br />
fencing, planting and<br />
benefits of carbon credits<br />
but were shot down with<br />
comments that<br />
‘‘compensation talk was<br />
not helpful’’.<br />
However they were<br />
encouraged to include<br />
the ‘‘biodiversity benefits<br />
of planting and ecosystem<br />
services being<br />
done on farm’’ which<br />
were beneficial for wider<br />
New Zealand and needed<br />
to be considered.<br />
And others still raised<br />
the issue that the<br />
Resource Management<br />
Act (RMA) needed<br />
fixing before streamlining<br />
the system, and of the<br />
importance of economic<br />
analysis, especially for<br />
the downturn on small<br />
town like <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Ms Moran said the<br />
work going on right now<br />
was ‘‘too important to<br />
wait for RMA reform,<br />
which was why the talks<br />
were going on now’’.<br />
And economic analysis<br />
was part of the discussion<br />
however there was<br />
costings and benefits data<br />
on stock exclusion and<br />
sediment.<br />
There was more<br />
detailed work needed on<br />
nitrogen values for<br />
economic decisions.<br />
The environmental<br />
outcomes had been<br />
considered first, which<br />
would be followed by<br />
economic costs which<br />
would help with<br />
feasibility and timing<br />
considerations.<br />
The comment drew the<br />
ire of attendees saying<br />
the rural community was<br />
already under pressure<br />
on farm, with the<br />
potential for increased<br />
levels of suicide.<br />
But they were<br />
encouraged to ‘‘put those<br />
considerations into their<br />
submissions’’.<br />
Irrigation companies<br />
staff Mel Brooks (MHV),<br />
and Rebecca Whillans<br />
(ALIL) spoke, as did<br />
Irrigo Centre’s Eva<br />
Harris, who said constant<br />
rule changes were<br />
guaranteed to mean<br />
nothing was done, but<br />
consideration needed to<br />
be given to the social<br />
impacts ablanket<br />
approach would take.<br />
Angela Cushnie<br />
agreed that rural<br />
wellbeing and social<br />
sustainability needed to<br />
be considered to<br />
eliminate stress, anxiety<br />
and uncertainty<br />
especially in an area<br />
already impacted in that<br />
regard.<br />
Everyone agreed, the<br />
most important thing was<br />
not to lose sight of the<br />
people.<br />
Mrs Brooks<br />
questioned whether the<br />
Hinds River was even<br />
included in the process<br />
due to its legal definition<br />
and said the proposal was<br />
‘‘a little bit fluffy from an<br />
urban perspective’’ with<br />
untreated storm water<br />
and questioned what the<br />
national bottom line was<br />
on heavy metal<br />
treatments.<br />
She was assured those<br />
‘‘big issues‘‘ mostly<br />
caused by building<br />
materials and vehicles<br />
were being worked with<br />
by government, councils<br />
and New Zealand<br />
Transport Agency to find<br />
solutions.<br />
Mr Brown and fellow<br />
dairy farmer Willy<br />
Leferink also questioned<br />
the economic<br />
consequences for farmers<br />
and the district with many<br />
farming to afive year<br />
land use consent.<br />
It would be difficult to<br />
plan around strict rules<br />
especially with cautious<br />
financial lenders.<br />
‘‘You can only be<br />
environmentally friendly<br />
if in the black,’’ Mr<br />
Leferink said.<br />
Those leading the<br />
meeting said banks also<br />
had akey role to play on<br />
how they were going to<br />
support people through<br />
the changes.<br />
Federated Farmers<br />
environment spokesman,<br />
Chris Allen, of Five<br />
Forks, in Mid<br />
Canterbury, said it was a<br />
heartfelt issue that<br />
warranted some ‘‘solid<br />
submissions’’ and<br />
questioned how set in<br />
stone was the bottom<br />
line.<br />
Submissions on the<br />
proposal officially close<br />
on October 17, at 5pm,<br />
but due to overwhelming<br />
demand, late submissions<br />
will be accepted up until<br />
October 31.<br />
Tuesday, <strong>September</strong> 24<br />
• Canterbury Park All<br />
Stock excl. Store Cattle<br />
• Temuka<br />
Thursday, <strong>September</strong> 26<br />
• Temuka Store Cattle<br />
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• Temuka<br />
Tuesday, October 1<br />
• Canterbury Park<br />
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Thursday, October 3<br />
• Temuka Store Cattle<br />
Monday, October 7<br />
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2180558<br />
Crowd at the meeting in <strong>Ashburton</strong>
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong>, Page 31<br />
open homes<br />
or viewany of our homes in 3D from the comfortofyourhome!<br /><br />
From 10% Deposit $315pw (Conditions apply)<br />
From 10% Deposit $290pw (Conditions apply)<br />
103 Allens Road (W668)<br />
•Make this your foreverhome!<br />
•Style abounds from the<br />
outside and continues inside.<br />
•Modernliving in asought<br />
afterlocation, close to park,<br />
school and shopping centre.<br />
•Four bedrooms with excellent<br />
storage,WIR and en suitein<br />
the master<br />
•Immaculate kitchen with<br />
butlers pantry<br />
•Own abrand new home at an<br />
affordable price<br />
$PBN BIR $625,000 -$655,000<br />
OpenSat 21 <strong>September</strong>,<br />
11.00 -11.30am<br />
4 2 2<br />
1RapleyStreet (E651)<br />
•Perfect first home or<br />
investment.<br />
•New carpet,compliantlog<br />
fire<br />
•Insulatedtop and bottom.<br />
•Somedouble glazed<br />
aluminium windows.<br />
•Well fenced section and off<br />
street parking beside garage.<br />
•Inspection is amust.<br />
Offers Over $289,000<br />
OpenSat 21 <strong>September</strong>,<br />
11.00 -11.30am<br />
317 Havelock Street (E646)<br />
•Locatedjust ashortstroll<br />
from towncentre.<br />
•Verysunnynorth facing<br />
aspect.<br />
•Oamaru Stone exterior,well<br />
heatedand insulated.<br />
• Spacious garage with auto<br />
door.<br />
•Excellentretirementproperty<br />
with easy caresection.<br />
•Flexible possession date.<br />
Offers Over $269,000<br />
OpenSat 21 <strong>September</strong>,<br />
1.00 -1.30pm<br />
2 1 1<br />
3D Virtual Reality<br />
“it’s the way of the future”<br />
WIN<br />
$2000<br />
by touring our “Exclusive”<br />
3D virtual reality real estate marketing<br />
enter nowat<br /><br />
&click onour ..... logo<br />
Competition ClosesSept 30th<br />
From 10% Deposit $410pw (Conditions apply)<br />
From 10% Deposit $260pw (Conditions apply)<br />
154 Victoria Street (E653)<br />
•Freshly renovated throughout<br />
•Fully insulatedtop and bottom<br />
•Accessiblefromtwo street fronts<br />
• Threebedrooms +room foroffice<br />
Offers Over $299,000<br />
OpenSaturday21Sep,12.00 -12.30pm<br />
Proud supporters of the HeartFoundation of NewZealand! We donate from everypropertysold!<br />
Trevor Hurley Real Estate Ltd LREA 2008 -MREINZ<br />
2HarrisonStreet (W664)<br />
•View thisgreat three<br />
bedroom, 150m² home on an<br />
enclosed 1022m² section in<br />
Allenton.<br />
•Open plan kitchen, dining<br />
and living,two toilets and<br />
very large garaging with high<br />
stud,workshop area and<br />
room forthe jet ski.<br />
•Corner section, oppositethe<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Domain.<br />
•Not to be missed!<br />
$379,000<br />
OpenSat 21 <strong>September</strong>,<br />
10.00 -10.30am<br />
3 1 2<br />
3 1 1 4 2 2<br />
T&C’S APPLY<br />
PRICE<br />
MUST SELL!<br />
Property InvestmentPortfolio<br />
3<br />
1<br />
2<br />
5Primrose Place (W644)<br />
•Situatedinapremium<br />
Westside subdivision and<br />
•Approx four years old.<br />
•Three bedrooms plus<br />
office, twoliving areas,<br />
walk-in wardrobe and two<br />
heatpumps.<br />
•Superb, privateand well<br />
plantedoutdoor living<br />
areas. This appealing home<br />
deservesyour attention.<br />
•Appointments to view<br />
welcome.<br />
Offers Over $599,000<br />
OpenSaturday21Sep,<br />
12.00 -12.30pm<br />
5Farm Road<br />
(W647)<br />
•Asnew 2½ (approx)year old,176m²home<br />
•Welldesigned,open plan kitchen, dining andliving<br />
with excellentindoor/outdoor living<br />
•Heatpump &log burner<br />
3<br />
Offers Over $490,000<br />
2<br />
OpenSaturday21Sep,10.00 -10.30am 2<br />
MUST BE SOLD!!<br />
Selling BelowGV (E640)<br />
•This is abargain building<br />
platformfor theastute buyer.<br />
•This 4021m2propertyhas<br />
twotitles and is nowselling<br />
forbelowthe combined GV of<br />
$500,000.<br />
•Don’t let looks deceiveyou,<br />
the potential hereispriceless!<br />
•Motivated vendors,call me<br />
todayto grab your self adeal!<br />
Asking Price$440,000<br />
StateHighwayOne Location<br />
(T296)<br />
We areproud to offer this prime<br />
MidCanterburyresidential<br />
investmentportfolio.<br />
Securethis excellentresidential<br />
investmentnow with future<br />
consideration to develop with<br />
land and build packages,high<br />
profile business site<br />
.Currently showing agross<br />
returnof$107,000pa<br />
approximately.Full prospectus<br />
available on request. Subjectto<br />
anylocal and national bodyand<br />
consent approval.<br />
PriceByNegotiation<br />
Trevor Hurley<br />
0275 435 799<br />
Tracey Henderson<br />
027 405 8064<br />
Manu Otene<br />
022 308 6885<br />
Stephen Watson<br />
027 433 9695<br />
Julie Srhoy<br />
021 354 885<br />
Deborah Roberts<br />
Page 32, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
Local news at<br />
30 Bird Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:00-10:30am 3 1 1 AHB22537<br />
86B Aitken Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:00-10:30am 3 2 2 AHB22498<br />
246 Dobson Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:45-11:15am 2 1 1 AHB22457<br />
9Queens Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:45-11:15am 4 2 3 AHB22128<br />
13 Parkdale Close, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:45-11:15am 4 2 2 AHB22395<br />
97 Winter Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 3 2 3 AHB22385<br />
36 William Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 3 1 1 AHB22535<br />
170 Seafield Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:30-12:30pm 3 1 2 AHB22447<br />
122 Elizabeth Ave, Rakaia 11:30-12:00pm 3 2 2 AHB22305<br />
18 Oak Grove,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:30-12:30pm 3 1 1 AHB22215<br />
58 Cross Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-12:30pm 3 1 1 AHB22506<br />
50 Eton Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-12:30pm 3 1 1 AHB22508<br />
21 Geoff Geering Dve, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:15-12:45pm 4 2 2 AHB22411<br />
49 Nursery Drive, Tinwald 1:00-1:30pm 3 2 2 AHB22532<br />
60 PeterStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:15-12:45pm 4 2 2 AHB22384<br />
22 Coniston Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Awell planned and constructed two storeyhome in<br />
the prime location of ‘Coniston Water’ on the<br />
premium north west location of <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
An impressive tiled entrance and stairway leads to<br />
the heart of this 380m2 home.Double doors going<br />
through to the large lounge. Complementing this<br />
home on its 1000m2 section is awell laid out, well<br />
maintained and admired garden.<br />
SetDate of Sale<br />
closing 4Oct 20<strong>19</strong>, at 2:00pm<br />
View<br />
by appointment only<br />
4 2 2<br />
RogerBurdett<br />
021 272 0202<br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
50 Eton Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
3 1 2<br />
21 Archibald Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
If you’re afirst home buyerthen here’syour chance to<br />
enterthe market with asolid roughcast clad home with<br />
aluminium windowjoinery, compliant log fire, modern<br />
heat pump and recently re batted in the ceiling to keep<br />
it cosy and warm during these winterdays.<br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
SetDate of Sale<br />
closing 23 Sept 20<strong>19</strong>, at<br />
2:00pm<br />
View<br />
Saturday12:00 -12:30pm<br />
Armand vander Eik<br />
021 597 527<br />
Lease nowavailable forthis well appointed premise,<br />
previously operated as achildcare centrewith consents<br />
in place. This presents arare opportunity to start from<br />
scratch or move an existing childcare/early childhood<br />
learning business tothis property. Great access &parking.<br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
ForSale<br />
POA<br />
View<br />
by appointment<br />
Justin Waddell<br />
027 437 1111<br />
5OrrStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
3 1 2<br />
161-167Tancred Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
-3bedrooms. North facing living area<br />
-Insulated top and bottom. Toshiba heat pump and Gas<br />
Fire.<br />
-Separate laundry,toilet and bathroom<br />
-Good garaging and off street parking<br />
ForSale<br />
$277,000<br />
View<br />
by appointment<br />
Kim Miller<br />
027 236 8627<br />
Three tenancy options on offer in this fully refurbished<br />
Building that is100% of the National Building Standard.<br />
High profile site corner of Cass and Tancred Streets, within<br />
central CBD of <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Take the opportunity nowto<br />
move to newpremises &share the benefits of this location.<br />
ForSale/Lease<br />
Price onapplication<br />
View<br />
by appointment<br />
BruceMcPherson<br />
027 438 4250<br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA2008)<br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
Jill Quaid<br />
Manager<br />
027 437 6755<br />
Mark Totty<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 454 4745<br />
Kim Miller<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 236 8627<br />
ChrissyMilne<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 290 6606<br />
Margaret Feiss<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 751 009<br />
ShirleyFitzgerald<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 220 1528<br />
Denise McPherson<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 242 7677<br />
Cheryl Fowler<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 461 2614<br />
Armand vander Eik<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 597 527<br />
Lynne Bridge<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 410 6216<br />
Mike Grant ncre<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 272 0202<br />
Dulcie Ellis<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 629 3260<br />
BruceMcPherson<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 438 4250<br />
Justin Waddell<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 437 1111<br />
Jarrod Ross<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 259 4644<br />
RogerBurdett<br />
SalesConsultant<br />
021 224 4214<br />
96 TancredStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 307 8317 Main Road,Tinwald 03 307 8317<br /><br />
36 McMillan Street,Methven 03 303 3032
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong>, Page 33<br />
trusted<br />
trades &services<br />
20<strong>19</strong> GUIDE<br />
Lubes WOF<br />
Allmechanical repairs<br />
Victoria Street,<br />
TheTriangle,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone:(03) 308 6772<br />
2200008<br />
AMTax Solutions Ltd.<br />
accounting •for small business<br />
• Annual Accounts<br />
• Tax Returns<br />
• GST Returns<br />
• CertifiedXeroAdvisor<br />
Andrea Matthews<br />
027 415 9880<br />
2141391<br />
179WEST STREET<br />
027310 6521<br /><br /><br />
2115433<br />
21535<strong>19</strong><br />
2115406<br />
Need storage?<br />
we CAN STORE it!<br />
Convenient, affordable<br />
self storage solution<br />
Phone 307 0213<br />
•185 AlfordForest Road •behind<br />
2115432<br />
Help in person by appointment<br />
Thursday9.15am -1.45pm<br />
Ph 0508 CANLAW<br />
(0508 226 529) to makean<br />
appointment.<br />
Helpbyphone Infoline<br />
03 371 38<strong>19</strong> or 0508 226 529<br />
215 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2115411<br />
JukeBox Hire<br />
Weddings,21st,<br />
PrivateFunctions<br />
Sound Systems &Lighting Hire<br />
Phone DJ Dave<br />
03 308 5106<br />
027 251 0015<br /><br />
2186259<br />
You<br />
Forall your flooring needs<br />
•Supplier and installer of<br />
carpet and tiles<br />
•Re-stretch &repair<br />
•Carpet cleaning<br />
2201529<br />
Phone Mike Gill<br />
027 491 4210<br />
GIVE<br />
Jann or Roselle<br />
acall on<br />
3087664<br />
GIVE<br />
Jann or Roselle<br />
acall on<br />
3087664<br />
We service and repair all makes and models<br />
of sewing machines and overlockers<br />
Your local Bernina<br />
service team<br />
John Robbie Rachel<br />
OPEN 7DAYS9.30am -4.30pm<br />
Main South Road, Tinwald <strong>Ashburton</strong> | Phone 307 6277<br /><br />
2115388<br />
Phone Quentin and Phil on<br />
027282 8908 or 027282 89099<br />
Interior and Exterior Painting<br />
Interior Plastering<br />
Wallpapering<br />
2139052<br />
4WDDiesel &ElectricScissorlifts<br />
Rough terrain and electric lifts available<br />
On site collection or deliveryavailable<br />
403 Nowat6Range West Street St,Riverside<br />
PO Box 60, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740<br />
Phone: 03 308 8155<br />
Mobile: 0273 529 909<br /><br />
2115423<br />
*Awnings/Shade sails/Drop blinds *Autoseatcovers &repairs<br />
*Hay&bin covers *PVC covers &repairs<br />
*Ute tonneau covers *Furnitureupholsteryrepairs<br />
*Commercial<br />
PHONE TRAVIS HOWDEN 027 922 4544<br />
2163842<br />
Hardwareand Software Issues<br />
Data Transfers Virus Removal Backup Creation<br />
ContactGlenn 021062 2756<br />
(Computer Tech at ACA for16years)<br />
2186874<br />
GREAT<br />
RATES<br />
PC Repairs, Set-up andTutoring<br />
Icome to youday or evening!<br />
NewPCs<br />
and Laptops<br />
forsale<br />
•PCRepairs/Sales •Networks/Servers<br />
•Firewalls/Security •Spyware Clean-up •Training<br />
20 YearsExperience Microso Cerfied Professional<br />
Robin Johnstone 67 Aitken Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
P: 03 308 1440 C: 027 768 4058<br /><br />
2181086<br />
Gary Flack<br />
Services include but not limited to:<br />
• Water blasting •Mould and moss treatment<br />
• Minor repairs •Spouting cleaning •Airless spraying<br />
~Commercial and Residential ~<br />
Phone 03 307 4200 l 027 936 2452<br />
<strong>19</strong> J.B. Cullen Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong> •Phone 307 8353<br /> •<br />
2206183<br />
2136774<br />
Give Jann or Roselle acall on<br />
308 7664<br />
Page 34, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
Local news at<br />
trusted<br />
trades &services<br />
20<strong>19</strong> GUIDE<br />
Forall your tyre requirements,<br />
see the localexperts<br />
•Wheel alignments<br />
•Wheel balancing<br />
<strong>19</strong>7 Wills Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> l<br />
Phone 03 308 6737 (24 hrs –after hours call out applies)<br />
2115435<br />
Any Car, Any Time, Anywhere<br />
ILSON’S<br />
152 Wills ls St, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
24HOUR<br />
Phone Bob 308 8485<br />
(24 hours)<br />
REPAIR<br />
Bob<br />
2181065<br />
Diamond Painters and<br />
Decorators Ltd<br />
Qualityinterior and exterior<br />
painting and decorating<br />
• Wall papering • Airless spraying<br />
• Water blasting • Residential and small commercial<br />
• Roof painting • Freenoobligation quotes<br />
Gutterguardinstallation and gutter cleaning <br />
Phone Duncan 027 370 2453 l Jeanette 027 318 5055<br />
email:<br />
2136754<br />
“we clean to a<br />
standard,<br />
not aprice”<br />
UNDER NEW<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Same exceptional CleaningServices<br />
level of service<br />
&quality cleaning<br />
• regular full house cleans<br />
• one off spring cleans<br />
• farm houses<br />
• builders cleans<br />
• <br />
100% LOCAL<br />
03 307 2656<br /><br />
2115389<br />
Solar powerwhenyou need it most<br />
We are experts at installing solar<br />
power systems for motorhomes.<br />
AAA<br />
Solar<br />
South Island<br />
4McGregor Lane <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
03 307 4777 -027 4423103<br /><br /><br />
2200513<br />
Pruning ·Trimming ·Weeding<br />
FREE<br />
QUOTES!<br />
Does your garden need monthly<br />
maintenancetokeep it tidy and looking<br />
good through the seasons?<br />
Or perhaps just need aone off tidy or<br />
pruning completed? We can help!<br />
All garden wasteremoved<br />
ContactCAROLYN Phone: 027 2675403 or 3082333<br />
Email:<br />
2<strong>19</strong>4760<br />
2175612<br />
Professionalqualitycleaning<br />
withapersonaltouch<br />
• Commercial cleans<br />
• Farmhouse cleans<br />
• Carpet cleaning<br />
• Builders cleans<br />
• Windows<br />
• Small gardeningand maintenance jobs<br />
• We travel within1hourof<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
• 5% discount if paymentmade on dayofclean<br />
Phone Jan-MareeorRichardParker<br />
308 2405 or 027 341 7038 l<br />
2181565<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>, Rolleston &Christchurch<br />
•Paving •Irrigation •Lawns<br />
•Planting •Fences<br />
•Pergolas•Waterfeatures<br />
•Outdoor fires<br />
•Raised planters<br />
•Decks •Stonework<br />
•Brick &blockwork<br />
•Artificial grass and more...<br />
Email –<br />
Phone 0800 688 365 /021 542 402<br /><br />
2152985<br />
•Possum merino •Everast •New season’scolours<br />
606 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 308 6243<br />
2200526<br /><br />
2115428<br /><br />
2<strong>19</strong>5560<br />
Jann or Roselle acall on<br />
3087664<br />
We offer the following:<br />
• Gutter and DownpipeCleaning • Weed Spraying<br />
• Moss,Mould and Lichen Spraying • Spider Proofing<br />
• Gorse and BroomSpraying • FenceLine Spraying<br />
• Chimney/Flue Cleaning $75 • Heat Pump Service$90<br />
Call Allan on 027 209 5026 an let us know howwecan help<br />
2115385<br />
Jann or Roselle acallon<br />
308 7664<br />
WIN $2000<br />
Enter our 3D Virtual Reality Competition &gointhe draw...simple!<br />
Go to &click on the<br />
logo<br />
T&Csapply Drawn 30/09/<strong>19</strong>
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong>, Page 35<br />
Build customers,sales and<br />
profits,with us ...<br />
Over 16,065 copies delivered everyThursday<br />
SUDOKU<br />
QUICK PUZZLE NO. 8535 MEDIUM No. 5187<br />
ACROSS<br />
1. Semiaquatic mammal<br />
(8)<br />
6. Gem (4)<br />
8. Annoy(4)<br />
9. Relative (8)<br />
10. Kingdom (5)<br />
11. Fold (6)<br />
13. Tool (6)<br />
15. Shock (6)<br />
17. Slowly (6)<br />
<strong>19</strong>. Fat (5)<br />
22. Hatchet (8)<br />
23. Cultivate (4)<br />
24. Jump (4)<br />
25. Outside (8)<br />
DOWN<br />
2. River (France) (5)<br />
3. Lattice (7)<br />
4. Attendant (4)<br />
5. Shortage (8)<br />
6. Crest (5)<br />
7. Flourish (7)<br />
12. Apportion (8)<br />
14. Fish (7)<br />
16. Judge (7)<br />
18. Clutch (5)<br />
20. Broadside (5)<br />
21. Parody (4)<br />
ACROSS<br />
1. It’s the changing of the guard, child (8). 6. It’s worn a<br />
hole through, lady (4). 8. Mull cordial (4). 9. Mad to get<br />
in drink, which does perplex one (8). 10. Come out as a<br />
blob in the photograph (5). 11. Give the man, asailor,<br />
back the cane (6). 13. To many, anopen secret (6). 15.<br />
The wholenet got tangled up,toone’s fury(6). 17. Drunk,<br />
worked in afruit cannery (6). <strong>19</strong>. Decipher acode that’s<br />
very good (5). 22. Ice pours if you melt it, my love (8).<br />
23. Decline to speak the man’s name aloud (4). 24. Ribbons<br />
looped in the front (4). 25. Dog that’salways giving<br />
one surprises? (8).<br />
DOWN<br />
2. Make one ashamed of having had to go at (5). 3. Plucky<br />
about the swamp or yellow (7). 4. Having to get past the<br />
man (4). 5. Recompensed for showing the drawback in<br />
the plant (8). 6. Inform on, creating arift (5). 7. Begin by<br />
taking alook outside (4,3). 12. Working hard at finding a<br />
room ourselves (8). 14. Atrain running through the tunnels<br />
in Canada (7). 16. The one slung out, give you free<br />
(5,2). 18. Arrests for nothing to speak of (5). 20. Switch<br />
round in the boat (5). 21. The operator got America back<br />
again (4).<br />
9 4<br />
8 2 6<br />
6 4 9 1<br />
4 2 5 9<br />
7 6<br />
9 6 3 7<br />
3 1 7 5<br />
4 6 2<br />
3 5<br />
Solution to previous Sudoku<br />
Howto<br />
solve<br />
Sudoku!<br />
Fill the grid<br />
so thatevery<br />
rowand every<br />
3x3 square<br />
containsthe<br />
digitals 1to9<br />
5 8 2 9 4 6 7 1 3<br />
6 4 7 5 3 1 8 2 9<br />
1 3 9 8 7 2 6 4 5<br />
2 9 4 3 8 7 1 5 6<br />
7 1 6 4 2 5 3 9 8<br />
3 5 8 1 6 9 2 7 4<br />
9 6 5 7 1 8 4 3 2<br />
8 7 3 2 5 4 9 6 1<br />
4 2 1 6 9 3 5 8 7<br />
Solution to previous crossword<br />
Across -1,Core. 7, Seventeen. 8, Mail. 9, Mist. 10, Pail.<br />
11,Apes. 14, Contravene. 16, Everywhere. <strong>19</strong>, Sage. 22,<br />
Plum. 24, Road. 25, Sing. 26, Incapable. 27, Here.<br />
Down -1,Comma. 2, Raise. 3, Region. 4, Setter.5,Stop.<br />
6, Beginning. 12, Prevalent. 13, Scar. 15, Vies. 17, Warsaw.18,<br />
Enable. 20, Aside. 21, Eagle. 23, Mean.<br />
Across -1,Sock. 7, Dish-water (anag.). 8, Nick. 9, Liar<br />
(rev.). 10, So-me. 11,A-g(u)e(s)s. 14, Comes round. 16,<br />
Short spell. <strong>19</strong>, Site (sight). 22, Dr-AB. 24, Rail. 25, Here.<br />
26, Ine-last-I-c. 27, Flat.<br />
Down -1,Sonia (anag.). 2, C-ache. 3, Mir-I-am. 4, Shorts.<br />
5, Pass. 6, Per-man-ent. 12, Gathering. 13, S-car. 15, O-<br />
IL-S. 17, Stre-SS. 18, El-ic-it. 20, I-deal. 21, E-vent. 23,<br />
Bolt.<br />
ContactJann Thompson 03 308 7664<br />
2177122<br />
2<strong>19</strong>8288<br />
Saturday, 5th October - 7:30pm<br />
Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Full band show<br />
Tickets available at venue reception or online<br /><br />
2207527<br />
FOR SALE<br />
October 4th 7pm, 5th 5pm and 6th<br />
2pm<br />
With acar that flies through the air<br />
and sails the seas Mid Canterbury<br />
Children’s theatre will take you on<br />
afantastic musical adventure. With<br />
unforgettable songs along with an<br />
amazing set.<br />
2205439<br />
ChittyChittyBang BangJr.<br />
All tickets are $22.50*<br />
NathanWallis –Change Your Brain –<br />
ChangeyourLife<br />
Thu 10th October 7.30pm<br />
The Rotary Club of <strong>Ashburton</strong> brings<br />
you this Opportunity to hear Nathan<br />
Wallis speak. Nathan will guide<br />
you through brain development that<br />
happens across childhood which is a<br />
lot longer than you think.<br />
Tickets $39*<br />
BOOK<br />
NOW<br />
Open Hat<br />
Night<br />
TheBee Gees NightFever<br />
Tue26th November 8pm<br />
Over two hours of live engaging<br />
entertainment Direct from Australia,<br />
Showtime invites you to dance your<br />
way into atime warp of 70’s disco<br />
dancefloor thrillers and timeless<br />
heartfelt rock ballads with the Bee<br />
Gees Night Fever!<br />
For more information<br /><br />
TheKeysAre In TheMargarine<br />
Wed 9th October 6pm<br />
Dementia and Alzheimer’s affects<br />
many New Zealanders and it’s a<br />
condition none of us can ignore.<br />
This play is created from interviews<br />
with people with direct experience of<br />
Dementia and Alzheimers.<br />
Adults $71.55*<br />
Child 12 and under $31.85* /Group 6+ $66.15* each<br />
03 307 2010 211A Wills Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700 *Service fees apply<br />
2172812<br />
Courtesy van<br />
runs every<br />
Thursday, Friday<br />
and Saturday<br />
from 4pm<br />
Saturday,<br />
<strong>September</strong> 21,<br />
8:00pm<br />
Join the RSA, the friendly club<br />
12-14 Cox Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 308 7175<br />
Members, guests and affiliates all welcome<br />
2189811<br />
Have youhad your photo<br />
taken by our reporters?<br />
Order aPhotoToday!<br />
¼Page*<br />
$5<br />
*approx 6x4<br />
A5<br />
$7.50<br />
A4<br />
$15<br />
Ph: 308 7664<br />
<strong>19</strong>9 Burnett St, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
We’llhelpyour business stand out!<br />
Over 15,750 copies everyweek<br />
Call in and see us at <strong>19</strong>9 Burnett St, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, phone Jann, Roselle or<br />
Karen on (03) 308 7664 or email:<br />
2172890<br />
WHAT better place for a<br />
public notice than <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s<br />
The <strong>Courier</strong>! Simply<br />
clip the form for a run-on<br />
advert like this or telephone<br />
us on 308 7664 if you<br />
require adisplay advertisement.<br />
ANIMALS to good homes<br />
every week in The <strong>Courier</strong>.
Page 36, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
acakefor your<br />
special person with<br />
Main South Rd, Tinwald. Phone 308 5774<br />
Birthdays this week<br />
Jess Cunliffe, 20th <strong>September</strong>,aged 25<br />
Brooklyn Poki Poki,20th <strong>September</strong>,aged 7<br />
Aiden Young,20th <strong>September</strong>,aged 6<br />
Kieren Bell,21st <strong>September</strong>,aged 21<br />
Hannah Galbraith, 22nd <strong>September</strong>,aged 4<br />
Abbie Wylie,22nd <strong>September</strong><br />
AmethystMcLintock,23rd<strong>September</strong>,aged 4<br />
Charlie Backhurst,24th <strong>September</strong>,aged 10<br />
Libbyjane Leckie-Weir,24th <strong>September</strong>,aged 6<br />
Te Hoia, 25th <strong>September</strong><br />
Congratulations to last weeks winner!<br />
Jack Cunliffe<br />
If youhave aspecial friend who youwouldlike like to see<br />
win acake,put their name in the BirthdayBooks at Sims<br />
Bakery, Tinwald or <strong>Ashburton</strong>’sThe <strong>Courier</strong>,<strong>19</strong>9 Burnett St.<br />
N.B: Names forbirthdays next week<br />
must be with us by 10.00am TUESDAY<br />
and Collectables Market. St<br />
Patricks School Hall Cameron<br />
Street, Waimate Saturday<br />
21st <strong>September</strong><br />
4.30pm-830pm<br />
TO LET<br />
COTTAGE to rent between<br />
Rangitata and Rakaia<br />
rivers, west of <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Willing to care for animals<br />
on property, dogs and<br />
chooks etc. Ring 021 224<br />
4434 anytime.<br />
THE <strong>Courier</strong> is the best way<br />
to advertise in Mid Canterbury.<br />
Ask anyone who<br />
regularly advertises with us<br />
and they’ll tell you, they get<br />
results.<br />
SELL<br />
9kg cylinders<br />
$27.50<br />
Askabout our<br />
deliveryservice<br />
Anysizecylinder filled<br />
17 Grey St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone 307 2707<br />
2180822<br />
HENSELITE lawn bowls.<br />
Sizes 1HW, 2HW, 3Hw<br />
$100.00 set. Suit learner.<br />
Also two carry bags. Phone<br />
308 4047.<br />
LPG<br />
Small LPG cylinders<br />
Off Street Parking<br />
Available<br />
Arthur Cates Ltd<br />
26 McNally Street<br />
Ph 308 5397<br />
Riverside Industrial Estate<br />
2200215<br />
TALK to us today about ways<br />
you can improve your business.<br />
Professional, reliable<br />
service with a smile. The<br />
<strong>Courier</strong> 308 7664.<br />
WE value the service we<br />
provide - The <strong>Courier</strong> for<br />
advice on how you can<br />
reach potential customers.<br />
Call us today on 308 7664.<br />
RENT ME!<br />
Ideal as an extra<br />
bedroomoroffice.<br />
Fully insulatedand<br />
double glazed forwarmth.<br />
Threeconvenientsizes:<br />
Standard3.6m x2.4m,<br />
Large 4.2m x2.4m<br />
Xtra-large 4.8m x2.4m.<br />
Visit our displaycabin<br />
418WestStreet or call fora<br />
free brochure.<br /><br />
2186028<br />
0800 58 78 22<br />
SECURE waterproof storage<br />
available. Capacity from<br />
8m 3 to 65m 3 . Prices from<br />
$25 per week. Inspection<br />
invited. <strong>Ashburton</strong> Safe<br />
Storage 03 308 3086.<br />
STORAGE available, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Self storage, variety<br />
of sizes. Phone Rainbow<br />
Storage 03 307 0401.<br />
STORAGE: Secure self storage<br />
units available long or<br />
short term at <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Storage Facilities. Contact<br />
us on 0274 36 26 36 or<br /><br />
ARE you looking for a<br />
flatmate, somewhere to<br />
rent or a boarder? What<br />
better place to advertise<br />
than The <strong>Courier</strong>.<br />
Dangerous Goods<br />
EndorsementCourse<br />
NZTAAccredited Provider<br />
Each Monday–½day course<br />
8am start<br />
CommunityHouse,44Cass Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Forfurther information<br />
PhoneChristine027 245 2563<br />
Full-timeLifeguard<br /><br />
SATURDAY 21st <strong>September</strong><br />
8.30am. Middle Road, sign<br />
at gate. Wooden outdoor<br />
furniture, rimu table,<br />
drapes, lights, household<br />
goods, garage bits.<br />
Bargains for everyone.<br />
SELLING house so decluttering.<br />
Large shed must<br />
be emptied. Tools, furniture<br />
etc. Well worth a look.<br />
Saturday 21st, 9.00am<br />
Fairfield Road, Fairton.<br />
In this full-time role you’ll ensure our customers are safe inthe pools and the<br />
aquatic area is maintained to ahighstandard.Withateamofdedicated lifeguards<br />
and poolstaffweofferaprofessionalandfun environment.You must be prepared<br />
to work earlymornings, nights and weekends inaccordance with ourroster.<br />
To findout moreabout thesevacancies andwhat the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />
Council has to offer you -gotoour website.<br />
Applications close on Sunday,22<strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong>.<br />
2172958<br />
Luisetti Seeds is a significant<br />
provider of grain<br />
and seed both nationally and<br />
internationally.<br />
An opportunity has arisen<br />
for a Store Person and a<br />
Machine Operator at our<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> site.<br />
Key responsibilities will<br />
include:<br />
• Assisting with the intake<br />
and dispatch functions<br />
including office and general<br />
yard duties<br />
• Operating amodern seed<br />
cleaning, treating and<br />
mixing plants<br />
• An opportunity to progress<br />
into seed sampling<br />
and testing responsibilities<br />
for the right applicant<br />
You will have aproven history<br />
of: Efficient time management<br />
skills, working solo<br />
and in ateam environment,<br />
being aself-starter, able to<br />
work to a dead line, high<br />
standard of work, attention<br />
to detail, working well under<br />
pressure and an enthusiastic<br />
manner.<br />
A willingness to work<br />
extended hours when<br />
required and afriendly customer<br />
focused personality<br />
would be desirable. Seed<br />
cleaning experience, knowledge<br />
of agriculture and<br />
forklift licence would be an<br />
advantage but is not essential.<br />
On site training will be<br />
provided.<br />
Remuneration to reflect the<br />
applicants experience and<br />
ability.<br />
Applications should<br />
detail recent relevant<br />
experience, qualifications<br />
and references.<br />
Applications will be treated<br />
and viewed in confidence.<br />
Please apply to:<br />
Luisetti Seeds Ltd,<br />
P.O. Box 77, Rangiora 7440.<br />
Attention:<br />
Karen van Staden<br />
Or<br /><br />
reporter<br />
The <strong>Courier</strong>,Timaru<br />
Local news at<br />
Areyou areporter who’spassionateabout news and hungry to<br />
forgeacareer telling your community’s stories?<br />
AlliedPress Communities has an exciting opportunity for an<br />
ambitious andadaptable reporter to join itsteam based in Timaru, the<br />
gatewaytothe Alps.<br />
Allied Press Limitedemploysover 450 people on apermanent basis<br />
across its 15 sites in the South Island. Weoperate across multiple<br />
media platforms (print, on-line, digital) deliveringnews,information<br />
and entertainment through our various regional and city publications,<br />
including The <strong>Courier</strong> (Timaru).<br />
The ideal applicant willbeanideas-filledself-starter with strong<br />
reporting skills. Ideally, you will have experience in newspaper<br />
reporting,aswell as akeeninterest in news and story-telling, both in<br />
printand online.<br />
Youwillbeahard-working team player with astrong work ethic who<br />
is flexible,enthusiastic and abletoworkquicklyand calmly under<br />
pressuretodeliver stories to hourly,dailyand weekly deadlines.<br />
Familiarity withcouncil and courtreportingwould be abonus, as<br />
would shorthand, social-media skillsand having whatittakes to tell a<br />
storywithphotos andvideo.<br />
•Thisrolemay requiresome eveningand weekend work<br />
•You willneed aclean NZ driver’slicence<br />
•Arelevant journalism qualificationorindustryexperienceisa<br />
distinct advantage<br />
Applications arebyway of CV andcovering letter.<br />
Acopy of the job description can be requested from HR at<br /><br />
Informal inquiries about the role arewelcome and should be directed<br />
to<br />
Applications closeat5pm on Wednesday25th <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong>.<br />
All applications willbetreated in the strictest confidence.<br />
Please note: you musthave the right to liveand workin<br />
New Zealandtoapply for this role.<br />
Disclaimer: Allied Press does not accept unsolicited agency<br />
résumés. Allied Press is not responsible for any fees related to<br />
unsolicited résumés.<br />
Payroll /HRSupport Superstar<br />
Start here and grow with us!<br />
Talley’s isasuccessful and well known brand, operating several plants throughout<br />
the South Island, as well ashaving many diversified interests inseafood, frozen<br />
vegetables, meat and dairy products. Wecurrently have avacancy atour Fairton plant,<br />
located 10 minutes drive from<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Reporting to the HR Manager, you will primarily be responsible for the payroll on<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong> site, whilst supporting HR in their functions and avariety of other<br />
administration tasks.<br />
Youwill need to bring to the table:<br />
•Enthusiasm,energy and the eagerness to learn, and most importantly,apositive attitude<br />
•Excel skills and ability to use Microsoft office<br />
•Ability to closely communicate with arange of people and visitors<br />
•Ability to work with minimal supervision<br />
•Appreciation of urgency and accuracy with excellent time management<br />
•The ability to handle stress and willingness to work overtime to get the job done<br />
•Attention to detail and the understanding of confidentiality.<br />
Although experience in payroll and administration is amust, full on-site training will<br />
be provided, with the opportunity to grow within our organisation.<br />
Talley’s operate adrug free environment, so candidates will be required to under-go<br />
pre-employment and random drug screening. Applicants must have aminimum of<br />
NZ residency to apply.<br />
If this sounds like your next adventure, please email your CV and cover letter<br />
to <strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br />’s<br />
classified<br />
Ourclassified advertising Really<br />
works,and it Won’tcost youanarm<br />
andaleg.Use the form in our paper<br />
or call at <strong>19</strong>9 Burnett St, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
24 wordsfor $8. That’s abargain!<br />
2206489<br />
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong>, Page 37<br />
DairyField Rep<br />
It’s Calving time, and the Stocker Solutions Family will be having avery<br />
late delivery this season. With Charmaine joining the motherhood team<br />
next year, we’re on the lookout for anew OnFarm Rep to start and train<br />
with Charmaine before she ventures off onto MaternityLeave.<br />
So if you:<br />
have arealpassion fordairying,cows and understand adairy shed?<br />
love dealing with people?<br />
have heaps of confidenceand energy?<br />
You’ll be aperfect fit if youmeetthese requirements:<br />
• havedairy knowledge<br />
• beself-driven and enthusiastic<br />
• becomputer literate<br />
• beadept at forging long term relationshipswith our customers<br />
Youwill travel throughout our catchment area tovisit customers on aregular<br />
basis to offer services and products from our range.You must have the abilityto<br />
interact on aone-to-one basis with local farmers and assist them with quality<br />
information. Youmustalso be able to consult with clientsonwhatproducts we<br />
have to offer and ensuretheir total satisfaction.<br />
The position is Monday –Friday with full time hours. Company vehicle and<br />
cellphone supplied.<br />
Please send aCVand Coverletter Applications<br />
close Friday 27 <strong>September</strong>4pm<br />
2205518<br />
wanted<br />
to deliver the <strong>Ashburton</strong><strong>Courier</strong> and Realty<br />
every Thursdayafternoon in the<br />
Hampstead/Netherby area.<br />
Mr.Man’s Bakery andCafe islooking foraBaker’s/<br />
Cafe Assistant. This is a full time position and<br />
needing someone who is fully committed. Weare<br />
avery busy bakery, and work starts from 3am on<br />
Mondays to Saturdays.<br />
This job involves,cooking,food preparation, cleaning<br />
and customer service. Therefore, experienceinthese<br />
fields are required.You must be able to work under<br />
pressureinafast paced bakeryenvironment.<br />
We also serve Cambodian food, so knowledge<br />
of Cambodian food preparation and cooking is<br />
necessaryasyou will be required to cook Cambodian<br />
food independently.<br />
Please email your CV to:<br /> orcome drop itoffat<br />
the shop on 183 Burnett Street!<br />
MR MAN’S<br />
Phone Leonie on<br />
308 7664 or email<br /><br />
2207610<br />
2172815<br />
2172548<br />
HIRE<br />
SCISSORLIFTS for hire.<br />
4WD and slab lifts available<br />
for daily or weekly hire.<br />
Pickup or delivery. Phone<br />
North End Engineering 308<br />
8155 for abooking.<br />
SPACE available for next<br />
weeks <strong>Courier</strong> -bequick!<br />
Talk to us about your advertising<br />
requirements. Phone<br />
308 7664 or call into our<br />
office at <strong>19</strong>9 Burnett Street,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
POTATOES; Nadine &Agria<br />
5kg bags $5. This weekend<br />
only, ’special’ 10kg Nadine<br />
& Agria $7.50 per bag.<br />
Nadine seed potatoes<br />
$2.50kg. 81 Elizabeth<br />
Street, phone 027 531<br />
9103 or 03 308 3<strong>19</strong>5.<br />
METAL, heavy etc. Free<br />
light-grade metal in-yard<br />
dumping 9am-5pm weekdays<br />
&9.30-11.30am Saturdays.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Scrap<br />
Metal Recyclers, 117 Alford<br />
Forest Road (behind<br />
Placemakers). Phone 03<br />
308 8033 or 027 249 6625.<br />
BrushHand/Apprentice<br />
We areawellknown business in MidCanterbury<br />
and arelooking forabrush hand/apprenticewho<br />
is honest,reliable, keen to work,ateam player and<br />
holds afull or restricteddrivers licence.<br />
This position maysuit aschool leaverlooking fora<br />
trade or someone looking forachange.<br />
Full training will be provided.<br />
InsuranceWork<br />
Phone Andy<br />
0274 354 646 or 03 302 6992<br />
Specialising in<br />
2207383<br />
of<br />
Cars,Trucks,Buses,Horse Floats &Motorhomes,<br />
Caravans,Trailers,Farm Machinery, Jet Boats,<br />
LightEngineering and Aluminium Welding<br />
17 Range Street (Industrial Estate)<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone 307 0378 l 0274 274 007<br />
Email:<br />
ALTERATIONS, mending<br />
and trouser hemming, curtain<br />
alterations and curtain<br />
making. Call Michelle on<br />
027 352 7248.<br />
BUILDING and property<br />
solutions. For your complete<br />
alteration or renovation.<br />
We project manage<br />
the whole process. Home<br />
and small commercial.<br />
Qualified tradesmen.<br />
Phone Kiwi Building &<br />
Maintenance Ltd. Gary 308<br />
4798, 027 207 1478 or<br />
Cawte 027 418 7955.<br />
CARPET cleaning -Powerful<br />
equipment & fast drying.<br />
Upholstery, mats and rugs.<br />
Experienced owner/operator.<br />
Phone John Cameron<br />
at Supersucker, 027 435<br />
1042 or 308 1677.<br />
CARR’S Chimney Cleaning,<br />
servicing <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />
surrounding districts, $60<br />
per chimney. Phone<br />
Rodney on 03 324 2999<br />
and leave amessage.<br />
CHARLIE’S Blind Cleaning<br />
Service -same day service<br />
and repairs. Charlie can<br />
supply new blinds and<br />
tracks, will hang drapes.<br />
Phone 03 307 <strong>19</strong>36 or 020<br />
4169 0342.<br />
COMPUTER problems? For<br />
prompt reliable computer<br />
servicing and laser engraving<br />
contact Kelvin, KJB<br />
Systems Ltd, 4 Ascot<br />
Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone<br />
308 8989. SuperGold discount<br />
card accepted.<br />
COMPUTER repairs, sales,<br />
training, setup -wireless -<br />
networks, spyware cleanup.<br />
On-site day or evening.<br />
LOW FEES. Call Robin<br />
Johnstone, Networks<br />
Firewalls & PC’s Ltd, 308<br />
1440 or 027 768 4058.<br />
CONCRETE pavers direct to<br />
you - Best prices, many<br />
sizes, textures and colours<br />
- Paveco, 13 Robinson<br />
Street, Industrial Estate.<br />
CONCRETE Services -<br />
Driveways, paths, patios,<br />
mowing edging. Decorative<br />
Concrete specialist 30<br />
years servicing Canterbury.<br />
Free quotes. No job too big<br />
or small. Phone Paul 021<br />
152 <strong>19</strong>66.<br />
DENTURES; Dr Peter<br />
Rumping repairs existing<br />
dentures and also provides<br />
new dentures. Phone 027<br />
220 9997.<br />
2200475<br />
ENGRAVING; 311 Engravers<br />
for fast, friendly and<br />
professional service. Cups,<br />
trophies, jewellery,<br />
plaques, special awards.<br />
Call/text Trudy on 022 600<br />
7144. Check us out on<br />
Facebook.<br />
FLY control and spider<br />
proofing. For all domestic<br />
and industrial pest control<br />
needs phone AJ Kerr at<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Pest Control on<br />
03 308 8147 or 027 432<br />
5447.<br />
FURNITURE removals -For<br />
all your household removal<br />
needs call Nudges Furniture<br />
Removals, phone 027<br />
224 0609.<br />
GARDENING, mowing,<br />
pruning ... For all your<br />
professional gardening<br />
needs call Andrew at<br />
Spruce Gardens 027 765<br />
2899 or 03 307 1693.<br /><br />
GUTTER and downpipe<br />
cleaning and repairs. Chimney<br />
sweeping, fly treatment.<br />
Phone 03 394 6166<br />
or 027 209 5026, ask for<br />
Allan. AA Performance<br />
Services.<br />
HYDRAULICS; Martin<br />
Bennett -Onsite hydraulic<br />
hose repair service 24/7.<br />
Stockists of Aero Quip<br />
hoses &fittings, Commercial<br />
hydraulics, Dynacool,<br />
Spool valves etc., MP Filtri,<br />
Walvoil. Call Justin on 308<br />
9778.<br />
LEGAL work -Phone Peter<br />
Ragg (<strong>Ashburton</strong> Law) for<br />
house sales, purchases<br />
and refinances. Will call at<br />
home evenings for wills,<br />
enduring powers of<br />
attorney. Phone 308 0327.<br />
PAINTER for all your painting<br />
needs. No job too small,<br />
inside or outside. Professional<br />
friendly service.<br />
Phone Pete 03 308 1672 or<br />
027 200 16<strong>19</strong>.<br />
PAINTING wallpapering,<br />
plastering - No job too<br />
small. Interior, exterior.<br />
Professional, prompt, competitive<br />
service. Phone<br />
Tony Sivier at Paint It <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
on 021 878 794 or<br />
307 7289.<br />
PLUMBER: Repair or<br />
replace. Taps, shower<br />
mixers, hot water cylinders,<br />
basins, tubs, toilets, vanity<br />
units, leaking pipes. Call<br />
Pete Young, experienced<br />
plumber 027 280 0889 /<br />
307 7582.<br />
•LawnMowing<br />
•Pruning<br />
•Garden Maintenance<br />
•Gutter Cleaning<br />
•Rubbish Removal<br />
Call us TODAY<br />
foraFREE quote<br />
Ph 08004546 546<br />
(0800 4jimjim)<br />
2200202<br />
Rockcote. Waterproofing.<br />
Texture/Specialist<br />
Coatings.<br />
The Finishing Company<br />
03 307 8870 2131556<br />
PLUMBING, drainlaying,<br />
blocked drains. Phone<br />
Lindsay at Doaky’s Plumbing<br />
on 027 555 5575 or 308<br />
1248 (Master Plumbers &<br />
Drainlayers).<br />
SEWING alterations - anything<br />
considered, reasonable<br />
rates. Smoke and pet<br />
free home. Retired wedding<br />
seamstress. Phone Judith<br />
308 3084, Allenton.<br />
ROOF COATINGS All roof<br />
types, specialising in<br />
Decramastic and Long Run<br />
Iron, Coloursteel etc, sleep<br />
roofs not aproblem. Member<br />
Master Painter &Roofing<br />
Association NZ<br />
Spraymaster 0274337780<br />
SUN Control Window Tinting:<br />
Privacy, UV, glare, heat<br />
control for homes -offices -<br />
and cars. Phone Craig<br />
Rogers 307 6347, member<br />
of Master Tinters NZ.<br />
Forall othermedical assistanceoutside of normal<br />
hours pleasephoneyour generalpracticeteam, 24/7,<br />
to speak withahealth professional whowill giveyou<br />
free healthadvice on whattodoorwheretogoifyou<br />
need urgentcare.<br />
If youdon’t have aregulargeneral practice, call any<br />
GP team 24/7 forfreetelephone health advice.<br />
All non-residents and visa holders please bring your<br />
passporttoyour surgeryappointment.<br />
New Zealanders’tobring some form of ID.<br />
The<strong>Ashburton</strong>DutyPracticefor<br />
Saturday21st <strong>September</strong><br />
is ThreeRivers Health, 7-11 Allens Road.<br />
Consultations will be by appointmentonly.<br />
To make an appointmentplease phone 308 9139.<br />
Sunday22nd <strong>September</strong> is ThreeRivers Health,<br />
7-11 Allens Road.<br />
Consultations will be by appointmentonly.<br />
To make an appointmentplease phone 308 9139.<br />
Methven and Rakaia: Formedical attention on the<br />
weekend and public holidays please telephone<br />
MethvenMedical Centre on 03 302 8105<br />
or Rakaia Medical Centre on 03 303 5002.<br />
Details foraccessing the afterhours services will be on<br />
the answer phone.<br />
Wises Pharmacy, CountdownComplex,<br />
East Street will be open on<br />
Saturdaymorning from 9.00am until 1.00pm<br />
Sundaymorning from 10.00am until1.00pm<br />
and from 5.00pm until 7.00pm evenings.<br />
At Geraldine: TheGeraldine Pharmacywill be open<br />
normal trading hours during the week and on Saturday<br />
morning from 9.30am to 12.30pm.<br />
Closed Public Holidays<br />
Forfree24hour Telephone Health Advice<br />
Phone the healthline on 0800 611 116<br />
Broughttoyouby<br />
TILING - For all your tiling<br />
requirements including kitchen<br />
splash backs, flooring<br />
etc. (full water proofing),<br />
call Kevin on 027 496 8314.<br />
TINT-A-WINDOW, fade, UV<br />
block, glare, heat control,<br />
safety, security, privacy,<br />
frosting films, solar protective<br />
window films. Free<br />
quotes, 20 years local service.<br />
Phone 0800 368 468<br />
now, Bill Breukelaar,<br /><br />
TV Reception Specialists for<br />
all your digital freeview<br />
installations and repairs,<br />
TV wall mounting, Smart<br />
TV set-up, home theatre<br />
installation. Call John at<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> TV &Audio Ltd<br />
03 308 7332 or 027 277<br />
1062.<br />
VHS video tapes. Convert<br />
your VHS to digital media.<br />
Preserve and revive your<br />
precious video memories at<br />
The Photo Shop, The<br />
Arcade. 03 307 7595.<br />
ROOF COATINGS: All roof<br />
types, specializing in<br />
Decramastic and Long Run<br />
Iron, Coloursteel etc, steep<br />
roofs not a problem. —<br />
Spraymaster 027-433-7780.<br />
PANELBEATING and spray<br />
painting of cars, trucks,<br />
buses, horse floats &<br />
motorhomes, caravans,<br />
trailers, farm machinery, jet<br />
boats. Light engineering<br />
and aluminium welding.<br />
Bus &Truck Bodyworks, 17<br />
Range Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Phone 307 0378.<br />
WINDSCREENS -N.Z. Auto<br />
Glass, any car, anytime,<br />
anywhere. 24 hour emergency<br />
service. Phone Wilson’s<br />
Windscreens 03 308<br />
8485 (24 hours), 152 Wills<br />
Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Countdown Complex, EastStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone: 03 308 6733 Fax: 03 308 6755
Page 38, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
(F &OSH)<br />
Heavy Traffic Classes 2, 3, 4&5<br />
For Wheels, Tracks &Rollers,Dangerous Goods,<br />
Vehicle Recovery & Passenger Training<br />
FREEPHONE 0508237 483<br />
or 03 348 8481, 027 510 0684<br /> |<br />
We welcome all parents/caregivers and<br />
prospectivepupils for2020tojoin us on our<br />
Open NightonTuesday 24 <strong>September</strong>,20<strong>19</strong><br />
This is an opportunitytosee whatour school<br />
hastoofferaswell as thechancetomeetthe<br />
Principal,staffand othermembers of<br />
the schoolcommunity.<br />
Pleasemeet inthe School Hall at 7:00pm<br />
to be welcomed.<br />
2205310<br />
2020 Health Studies Bursary<br />
Altrusa International of <strong>Ashburton</strong> Inc.<br />
invites applications for this bursary<br />
valued $1,000.<br />
For full criteria and an<br />
application form please email<br /><br />
Applications close 25-11-<strong>19</strong><br />
Annual General<br />
Meeng<br />
30th <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
7.30pm<br />
Rovers Den,<br />
Mania-O-Roto<br />
Scout Park,<br />
ChalmersAve.<br />
Members aplate.<br />
CARS<br />
CARS<br />
WANTED!<br />
WANTED!<br />
2205911<br />
U3A Hakatere <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />
Tuesday 24th <strong>September</strong><br />
at St David’s Church,<br />
Allens Road. 9.30am coffee,<br />
10.00am speaker;<br />
Urlich Bergler, Research<br />
Fellow Otago Uni and project/manager<br />
CDHB.<br />
"Population aging and the<br />
increased burden of disability<br />
posing challenges to<br />
healthcare systems". $10<br />
visitors.<br />
DEADOR<br />
ALIVE!<br />
getcash now!<br />
getcashnow!<br />
Damaged, Mechanical, Deregistered,<br />
Crashed, NoWOF – NO PROBLEM<br />
Minimum of $100for most cars,<br />
$500 formost vans, utes, trucks,4WDs*<br />
*Conditionsapply.<br />
Call 0800 225508 or text 027540 9813<br />
CLINIC<br />
Enhances your<br />
body’s own natural<br />
self-healing<br />
Pain relief/Speeds recovery<br />
from illness, injury and surgery.<br />
•Noneedles/safe for all ages<br />
•Good-Health Maintenance<br />
•Affordable/flexible hours<br />
•Home visits on request<br />
Janet Hayes<br />
Ph 308 6951<br />
registered practitioner<br />
2207389<br />
2204413<br />
CARAVANS: NZ 2 door<br />
Oxford tandem wheel. 15’<br />
trailer-home 7x4 trailer with<br />
canopy. Ford/Holden mag<br />
wheels/tyres. Caravan<br />
power leads, long. 03 308<br />
5<strong>19</strong>3, 027 204 9709.<br />
2106241<br />
22071<strong>19</strong><br />
Sunday22ndSept,2pm<br />
Pipe Band Hall,Creek Road<br />
Entertainment includes:<br />
•Singing •MiniPipe Band<br />
•Highland Dancing<br />
•Raffle Tickets<br />
Tickets and enquiries<br />
Ken 308 7818 •Susan 0273 167 063<br />
“InThe <strong>Ashburton</strong>Arcade”<br />
Take another 30% OFF SALE PRICES<br />
FOOTWEAR Winter&Summer - (last pairs)<br />
including Bobux, Vans,Skechers,McKinlays,<br />
Dr Martens,Clarks,Holsters &more.<br />
CLOTHING - Dimples,Eve’s Sister and more<br />
(Swanndri’s½PRICE &LESS)<br />
TheArcade,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 307 7340<br />
Good qualitysecondhand furniture,<br />
household,garden and workshop items.<br />
No TVsorcomputers please.<br />
Phone Ron 3085660, Joe3024848,Trevor 3072629<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Pakeke Lions Club Charitable Trust<br />
Serving our Community-Helping LocalCharities<br />
CharityMarketGarage Sale 29 Feb2020.<br />
(formerly SPCA)<br />
Tame,friendly<br />
adult cats<br />
looking for<br />
warm,comfy<br />
loving laps!<br />
Kitten season coming ...<br />
food donations welcome.<br />
Kindly sponsored by<br />
Adrienne Patterson<br />
Ph308 4432<br />
2204625<br />
22058<strong>19</strong><br />
180216<br />
2206181<br />
Your RuralVoiceworking for<br />
both Town and Country<br />
Iamseeking asecond term on<br />
Council.<br />
Ihave the ability, energy and<br />
will work collaboratively for<br />
the best outcome for the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Districttogrowand<br />
exceltobeadesirable placeto<br />
live, work and play.<br />
Iamproud to be living on our arable family farmfor<br />
four generations in the Eiffelton District, whichgives<br />
me agood grounding on the agricultural industry<br />
and rural communities.<br />
My interests and volunteering are, County Lions,<br />
Civil Defence, RedCross,past Presidentof<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
A&P association, Garden Club, Women inArable,<br />
Rural Women and FederatedFarmers.<br />
Ilook forwardtobeing partofthe futureCouncil to<br />
continue with the governancerole and the ongoing<br />
projects and developments.<br />
Ithriveonachallenge and Iamherefor all <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
people.<br />
-Authorised by LynetteLovett, 4Rd <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2<strong>19</strong>6293<br />
ASHBURTON High School<br />
Old Pupils annual lunch in<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> on Friday 11th<br />
October 20<strong>19</strong>. For details<br />
phone Margaret 308 <strong>19</strong>96.<br />
LOOKING to earn extra<br />
money, even while you’re<br />
out walking? Delivery<br />
people required. Phone<br />
The <strong>Courier</strong> 308 7664.<br />
Aotearoa<br />
FREE Courses<br />
Community House<br />
(44 Cass Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>)<br />
Local news at<br />
Literacy<br />
NewCourses —1-2 hours weekly for10weeks<br />
Starng 14-17Oct throughto16–<strong>19</strong> Dec<br />
IntroducontoCompung<br />
Windows 10,File Management,Email,<br />
Internet,WordProcessing<br />
Office Compung<br />
MS Word, Exceland Office365<br />
Smartphone/Tablet<br />
Learn howtouseyoursmartphone and/or tablet<br />
Small<br />
class size<br />
(max 5)<br />
Supported Learning<br />
Literacy and/or numeracy help while youworkontopicsofyour<br />
choice eg CV,RoadCodetheory, Compung<br />
Contact Alisonon027 7212002<br /><br />
Atalk by Nathan Wallis,renowned NZ<br />
neuroscienceeducator,host of<br />
“All in the Mind”documentaryand<br />
‘co-host of TV series “The Secret LifeofGirls”.<br />
This talk will update you(in Nathan’s usual plain, direct‘Southernman style’<br />
kind of way) on neuroplasticity–or the brains abilitytochange itself –<br />
and howtodothis.<br />
If you’re committed to self-developmentand improving your qualityoflife, or<br />
youworkwith trauma or in roles helping other people improvetheir lifequality,<br />
then don’t miss this unique opportunity.<br />
Tickets areavailable at the<br />
Be in quick as tickets will sell fast!<br />
Theevent proudlybroughttoyou by the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Lions Club<br />
Realty<br />
Look out for<br />
your copy<br />
every week!<br />
2205255<br />
2207476<br />
2<strong>19</strong>8051<br />
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong>, Page 39<br />
2174452<br />
WANTED<br />
Your donations so we<br />
cansell good clean<br />
clothing,shoes<br />
and accessories.<br />
Great cause.<br />
187 Burnett Street<br />
Monday-Friday10am -4.30pm<br />
Saturday10am-1pm<br />
HospiceMid Canterbury<br />
Dealing<br />
with alife<br />
limiting<br />
illness?<br />
Allservices<br />
arefree<br />
We can help with:<br />
•Sitting and companionship<br />
•Counselling and bereavement<br />
support<br />
•Biographywriting<br />
•Massage, reikiand reflexology<br />
Phone 307 8387 or 027 227 8387<br />
email<br />
2176849<br />
Sue Cahill<br />
Call in atalk to the people who know...<br />
SUE’S PICK<br />
Blacklows TradeZone <strong>Ashburton</strong> your locally<br />
owned &operated family business for 66 years<br />
Full range of engineering supplies and accessories forall your repairs<br />
&maintenance. Kerrick hot &cold waterblasters &industrial vacuum cleaners.<br />
Esseti welders &accessories. Stockists and distributors of Trailer Equipment.<br />
South Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> PHONE (03) 308-3147<br />
Email FREEPHONE 0800 452 522<br />
“Standing up for YOU!”<br />
Thelma<br />
Bell<br />
Integrating cultures, Strengthening unity<br />
Authorised by:ThelmaBell, 50 Middle Road,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.Telephone021 2593270<br />
CRC<br />
CHOICE<br />
Full range available in-store.<br />
2205603<br />
Thur <strong>19</strong>th &Fri 20th<br />
10.00 DowntonAbbey<br />
10.00 Dan Carter APerfect 10<br />
11.45 Rambo: Last Blood<br />
12.10 Good Boys<br />
1.30 AngryBirds 2<br />
2.00 Angel Has Fallen<br />
3.15 DowntonAbbey<br />
4.15 Abominable<br />
5.30 IT Chapter Two<br />
6.00 DowntonAbbey<br />
8.15 Good Boys<br />
8.30 Rambo: Last Blood<br />
Fri21st&Sun 22nd<br />
10.00 AngryBirds 2<br />
10.00 Abominable<br />
11.50 DowntonAbbey<br />
11.50 Good Boys<br />
1.40 AngryBirds 2<br />
2.15 Dan Carter APerfect 10<br />
3.30 Rambo: Last Blood<br />
3.55 Hobbs &Shaw<br />
5.15 IT Chapter Two<br />
6.15 DowntonAbbey<br />
8.15 Rambo: Last Blood<br />
8.20 Good Boys<br />
Mon23rd, Tues 24th<br />
&Wed 25th<br />
PG<br />
PG<br />
R18<br />
R13<br />
PG<br />
R16<br />
PG<br />
G<br />
R16<br />
PG<br />
R13<br />
R18<br />
PG<br />
G<br />
PG<br />
R13<br />
PG<br />
PG<br />
R18<br />
M<br />
R16<br />
PG<br />
R18<br />
R13<br />
10.00 DowntonAbbey PG<br />
10.00 Dan Carter APerfect 10 PG<br />
11.45 Rambo: Last Blood<br />
12.10 Good Boys<br />
R18<br />
R13<br />
1.30 DowntonAbbey PG<br />
2.00 Angel Has Fallen R16<br />
3.40 AngryBirds 2<br />
PG<br />
4.15 Abominable<br />
G<br />
5.30<br />
6.00<br />
8.15<br />
8.30<br />
IT Chapter Two<br />
DowntonAbbey<br />
Good Boys<br />
Rambo: Last Blood<br />
R16<br />
PG<br />
R13<br />
R18<br />
NO COMPS<br />
Abominable,<br />
AngryBirds 2,<br />
DowntonAbbey,<br />
Good Boys,<br />
Rambo: Last Blood<br />
TwilightSocial<br />
competition<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>TrustTennis Centre<br />
• Teams of three<br />
[maximum of<br />
twomen]<br />
• Enter as ateam or<br />
an individual<br />
• Two grades –<br />
competitive<br />
&social<br />
Forfurther information and registration<br />
form please visit:<br /><br />
or email<br />
2<strong>19</strong>6738<br />
Wednesdays<br />
5.30 to 7:00pm<br />
Starts Wednesday2nd October<br />
Team entry$150<br />
2207483<br />
NEW<br />
MY<br />
Bouque<br />
Ladies and Menswear<br />
NOW OPEN ...<br />
TriangleShoppingCentre,<br />
108 Victoria St, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Allyourfavouriteladies’ brands<br />
Plus<br />
MY<br />
In conjuncon with<br />
Menswear,Bishopdale<br />
CountryLookshirts<br />
Our price $48 -$84<br />
Corduroy pants Our price $99<br />
100% cooncasualtrousers<br />
RRP $145 Our price $30<br />
(while stockslast)<br />
Blokes Pelican cordtrousers<br />
RRP $1<strong>19</strong>.90 $74<br />
Blokes Doeskin casual trousers<br />
RRP $109.99 $68<br />
Merino 1/4 zip jerseys<br />
RRP $159.99 $80<br />
Ansewoolmix zip cardigan<br />
RRP$<strong>19</strong>9.99 $110<br />
Wool black slip on vest<br />
RRP $1<strong>19</strong> $30<br />
Hours: MondaytoFriday–10amto4pm<br />
2207465<br />
Page 40, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>19</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
<br />
<br />
Warranties<br />
Biggest Yard<br />
KEITH’S<br />
PICK OF<br />
THE WEEK<br />
5door<br />
liftback,<br />
silver,<br />
1800cc, auto,<br />
97,000kms,<br />
body kit<br />
AA Appraised<br />
<br />
Best Selection TradeIns<br />
Finance<br />
Local news at<br />
40 QUALITY<br />
Selling nicecarstonicepeople<br />
$9,995<br />
$7,995<br />
2008 HONDACR-V,<br />
4X4 SUV,2400cc, auto,<br />
98,000kms<br />
$12,995<br />
2013 HONDACRV 24G<br />
2400cc, 4WD,cruise<br />
control, 65,000kms,<br />
ABS, alloys<br />
ENQUIRE NOW -about our rangeofrentalvehicles<br />
<br />
Family, Sports, School or Social Trips<br />
We have8,10&12 seater mini vans available.<br />
Cars and3trucks for small or big loads also available.<br />
308 1396<br />
470 West Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
A/H Keith Drummond 0274 367646<br /><br />
2012 VOLKSWAGEN CC<br />
3000cc, 4door auto,<br />
91,000kms,awd,<br />
multiple air bags,<br />
leather<br />
$17,995<br />
$22,995 $12,998<br />
NZ new,2000cc, auto<br />
$15,995<br />
2007 FORD RANGER<br />
5speed,3000cc<br />
manual,diesel,2WD<br />
extracab,2door,<br />
336,000kms<br />
2004 HONDAINSPIRE 30TE<br />
4door,auto,<br />
3000kms,15,000kms<br />
$9,995<br />
&RENTALS<br />
SAVE<br />
$2000<br />
For more<br />
great value<br />
vehicles<br />
visit AtoB<br />
2000cc, auto, 7seaters,ABS,air<br />
conditioning,air bags,103,000kms<br />
$7,995<br />
HATCH<br />
2010 TOYOTA AURIS RS, blue ...................................................................................................SOLD<br />
2007 SUZUKI SWIFT XS, 1500cc, silver,auto, 58,000kms................................................SOLD<br />
2005 TOYOTA VITZ RS, 1500cc, 5speedmanual,alloys,39,000kms........................$9,995<br />
2007 TOYOTA AURIS, 1800cc, red, 2air bags,ABS, 56,000kms............................... $10,995<br />
2010 TOYOTA RACTIS GL, 1500cc, auto, ABS, twin airbags, 44,000kms,<br />
easy access...........................................................................................................................$9,995<br />
2010 MITSUBISHI GALANT SPORT, 1800cc, auto.......................................................... $9,995<br />
2003 FORD FOCUS, 5door,5speed,1600cc.......................................................................SOLD<br />
2006 TOYOTA AURIS, 5door,1800cc, auto, silver........................................................... $9,995<br />
2013 TOYOTA PRIUS HYBRID, 1800cc, loaded with extras.......................................$16,995<br />
SEDANS<br />
2000 TOYOTA PLATZ1500cc, 4door, auto, twin air bags, ABS, cheaprunner.....$3,990<br />
2016 MITSUBISHILANCER, NZ new,2000cc, auto......................................................$15,995<br />
2002 FORD FAIRLANEGHIA, white, auto.......................................................................... $7,990<br />
2012 VWPASSAT CC, auto, 3000cc,loaded....................................................................$17,995<br />
<strong>19</strong>98 HONDA ACCORD, 4door,auto, tidy......................................................................... $2,995<br />
2004 HONDA INSPIRE, 3000ccclimatecontrol,auto.......................................................SOLD<br />
2000 TOYOTACAMRY, high kmsbut tidy, auto............................................................... $3,995<br />
2004 HONDA INSPIRE 30TE, 4door,auto, 3000cc, 15,000kms................................. $9,995<br />
2000 TOYOTA ESTIMA, gold,2400cc, 7seater................................................................. $4,990<br />
2013 TOYOTA PREMACY, 2000cc, auto, 7seater, ABS, air conditioning,air bags,<br />
103,000kms......................................................................................................................... $7,995<br />
UTES/4X4<br />
2013 HONDACRV 24G, 2400cc, 4WD, cruise control, 65,000kms,ABS, alloys.. $22,995<br />
2009 HONDACRV, winered, 4X4 auto, alloys,twin air bags,86,000kms............ $12,995<br />
2015 NISSAN NAVARASTXLTD, 450 manual,1owner,2.5L intercooled turbo,<br />
full leather......................................................................................................................... $31,990<br />
2001 TOYOTAHARRIER, SUV,4X4, petrol.......................................................................... $4,990<br />
2003 NISSANMURANO350X, auto,4X4 ........................................................................$10,995<br />
2002 TOYOTARAV4, 2400cc, SUV, 4X4, silver ....................................................................$7995<br />
<strong>19</strong>99 DAIHATSU TERIOS, 5door, 4X4, 5speed................................................................ $3,995<br />
<strong>19</strong>98 NISSANTERRANO, RDM, diesel,2700cc, auto...................................................... $9,995<br />
<strong>19</strong>96 NISSANTERRANO, RSR, diesel,3200cc,auto........................................................ $9,990<br />
<strong>19</strong>94 FORD COURIER, 2WD,flatdeck................................................................................... $6,990<br />
<strong>19</strong>96 MAZDA BOUNTY, B2600xcab,2600c, petrol,5speed........................................SOLD<br />
2007 FORD RANGER, 5speed, 3000ccmanual,diesel,2WD extracab,2door,<br />
336,000kms........................................................................................................................ $12,998<br />
<strong>19</strong>96 HYUNDAI LANTRA CL, station wagon, 5speed, tidy......................................... $2,495<br />
2003 FORD FUTURA, station wagon, auto........................................................................ $6,990<br />
2005 PEUGEOT407, station wagon, diesel,auto........................................................... $6,495<br />
2002 TOYOTA COROLLAFEILDER, station wagon, petrol.......................................... $4,990<br />