TELL Magazine: October - November 2019

The magazine of Emanuel Synagogue, Sydney Australia

The magazine of Emanuel Synagogue, Sydney Australia


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DAY 9.<br />

“We are responsible for each other”<br />

is the focus of this day. The viduy<br />

prayer of this season contains a<br />

long list of transgressions that<br />

are written in the plural form –<br />

ashamnu, bagadnu, galzalnu…”we<br />

are guilty, we have betrayed, we<br />

have overeaten…” etc. Why is the<br />

plural used? So as to remind us<br />

that we do not live in a vacuum.<br />

We are part of a society in which<br />

we influence one another. A<br />

deep principle of Judaism is the<br />

recognition that we are responsible<br />

for each other – arevim zeh la zeh.<br />

Today contemplate what this mean<br />

for you - How are you going to<br />

help others this year? How are<br />

others going to help you this year?<br />

DAY 10<br />

The Zohar “Book of Enlightenmet”<br />

states that on Yom Kippur our<br />

consciousness expands to the level<br />

of angels. The practice of turning<br />

our focus from the physical senses<br />

to sensing the spiritual, leads us<br />

to a deeper sense of the ziv hashechinah,<br />

the “radiance of the<br />

Divine Presence”. Rather than<br />

physical food we are nourished<br />

by divine light. It is said that the<br />

angelic cherubim and seraphim sing<br />

with us as we pray. Whether there<br />

are angels or not, can you feel the<br />

lightness of being on this day? Can<br />

you get a sense of your inner light?<br />

And then Yom Kippur is over, what<br />

is the first thing you do? Yes, eat, but<br />

then we pray the evening prayers<br />

in which we ask forgiveness for our<br />

transgressions! But wait a minute,<br />

we just went through a period of a<br />

month; 10 days in which the focus<br />

was on atonement and preparing<br />

ourselves for a year of goodness and<br />

improvement? Yes we did! However<br />

the sages of old knew that within<br />

a short time, we would “miss the<br />

mark” once again, and the process<br />

of teshuvah would begin once again.<br />

Our sages left us a message within the<br />

text of the siddur (prayer book), they<br />

said, yes we know you will try your<br />

best, but you will more than likely<br />

transgress within a short time of Yom<br />

Kippur’s end. We have the psychospiritual<br />

technology to help you on<br />

your path of wellbeing. We have At-<br />

Onement processes each morning<br />

and night, at the end of each week<br />

and at the end of each month,<br />

helping you to be more aware of your<br />

essence and how to connect with<br />

goodness. And hopefully the process<br />

of teshuvah will not be circular, but<br />

an ever-ascending spiral symbolising<br />

the higer level of wellbeing at which<br />

you arrive each year.<br />

Shana Tova, and may<br />

you find a deeper level<br />

of wellness and love<br />

within this ancient,<br />

wise and ever-evolving<br />

tradition.<br />


Yom Kippur Eve - Music, Meditation & Prayer<br />

A unique opportunity to raise your spirits through music, prayer and chant, with musician<br />

Amir Paiss (co-founder of Temple of Song and Sheva Band in Israel), and Rabbi Dr. Orna<br />

Triguboff, Emanuel Lieberfreund and Aviva Pinkus. This reflective circle of prayer and music<br />

promises to be a heart-opening experience to be remembered.<br />

7:45pm-9:45pm, 8 <strong>October</strong> in Neuweg<br />

All welcome. Bookings essential - early bird $35 before 1 <strong>October</strong>,<br />

otherwise $45. Children under 15: $10<br />

Because space is limited, Emanuel members are requested to<br />

reserve a free ticket online here if you would like to participate.<br />

Reserve your seat:<br />

events.humanitix.com.au/yomkippur<br />


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