JCHS Academic Planning Guide_2020-2021

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COMPUTER SCIENCE ESSENTIALS (7237) Grades 9-12 Full Year: Credit 1.0

In Computer Science Essentials, students will use visual, block-based programming and seamlessly transition to text-based

programming with languages such as Python to create apps and develop websites, and learn how to make computers work

together to put their design into practice. They’ll apply computational thinking practices, build their vocabulary, and collaborate

just as computing professionals do to create products that address topics and problems important to them. Computer Science

Essentials helps students create a strong foundation to advance to Computer Science Principles, Computer Science A, and


AP COMPUTER SCIENCE PRINCIPLES (7214) Grades 10-12 Full Year: Credit 1.0

CSE is the first course of the rigorous and relevant four-year PLTW Computer Science sequence. It implements the College

Board’s CS Principles framework. Using Python® as a primary tool and incorporating multiple platforms and languages for

computation, this course aims to develop computational thinking, generate excitement about career paths that utilize

computing, and introduce professional tools that foster creativity and collaboration. CSE helps students develop programming

expertise and explore the workings of the Internet. Projects and problems include app development, visualization of data,

cybersecurity, and simulation.

AP COMPUTER SCIENCE A (7213) Grades 10-12 Full Year: Credit 1.0

Prerequisites: Computer Science & Software Engineering (CSE), a score of 4 or higher on the CSE End of Course exam,

a grade of C- or higher in CSE (Should a student not achieve or meet the prerequisites, the student must meet with the

current PLTW teacher and the PLTW Coordinator to seek approval for the next course in the Computer Science sequence.)

CSA, a PLTW course, focuses on integrating technologies across multiple platforms and networks, including the Internet.

Students collaborate to produce programs that integrate mobile devices and leverage those devices for distributed collection and

data processing. Students analyze, adapt, and improve each other's programs while working primarily in Java and other

industry-standard tools. This course prepares students for the AP Computer Science-A course.

CYBER SECURITY (7268) Grades 10-12 Full Year: Credit 1.0

Cyber Security is the capstone in the PLTW Computer Science pathway. This course raises students’ knowledge of and

commitment to ethical computing behavior. It also aims to develop students’ skills as consumers, friends, citizens, and

employees who can effectively contribute to communities with a dependable cyber-infrastructure that moves and processes

information safely.


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