JCHS Academic Planning Guide_2020-2021

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from colleges/universities is available on the internet. The Counseling Office does have materials including instate

college information/applications, financial aid brochures, scholarship lists, college entrance examination

information (PSAT, ACT, SAT I, SAT II, AP, and ASVAB) and information in regard to test preparation.


Jefferson City High School provides students with the opportunity to select from 9 Project Lead the Way

Courses in Engineering, Biomedical Science, and Computer Science.

Many benefits come with taking PLTW courses while in high school. PLTW courses provide students with

opportunities for more rigorous coursework and the opportunity to earn college credits prior to high school

graduation. The number of credits earned and for which course depends entirely upon the institution the

student selects to attend. PLTW instructors and the institutions can provide more specific information

regarding college credits. These courses mimic college coursework in requirements, workload, and students in

PLTW classes develop the high-level and critical thinking skills typically required within the first year of

college. Students who take PLTW courses will be prepared for careers and college coursework related to

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Each of the three PLTW strands offer a seniorlevel

Capstone experience. For more information on college credit opportunities through PLTW visit



Special programs are designed for students with a variety of special needs. The Special Education Program

concentrates on supporting students with learning difficulties. Students are required to have an Individual

Educational Plan (I.E.P.) on file. Please refer questions to the Case Manager.


The counseling department at JCHS uses the Missouri Comprehensive Model Counseling Program as a

model for developing services for all students. The following areas are addressed:

1. Personal and Social Development

2. Academic Development

3. Career Development

Each office has a variety of resources to help students plan for the future. Information about admissions

requirements for career and vocational/technical schools and colleges both in and out of state; financial aid and

scholarship opportunities; and ACT and SAT testing is available. The Missouri Connections website,

www.missouriconnections.org, is a useful site for students to research careers and colleges.

SCHEDULE CHANGE PROCEDURE Adopted 2002-03 School Year/Reviewed 2015-16 School Year

A student’s schedule will be changed for the following reasons only:




4. TEACHER RECOMMENDATION that the student is misplaced

Requests for class changes will not be considered for the following reasons: 1) a change of student interest, 2) a

negative effect of course grade on GPA, 3) not needing the course to graduate. All semester one schedule

changes must be made before the semester begins. There will be a 2-week window in December to make

changes for semester two schedules. All changes must be made prior to the beginning of the semester.


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