01122019 - 13 states struggle for 7.5 metric tonnes of rice

Vanguard Newspaper 1st January 2019

Vanguard Newspaper 1st January 2019


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Rejoicing over counterfeits<br />

The kingdom <strong>of</strong> men is<br />

the antithesis <strong>of</strong> the<br />

kingdom <strong>of</strong> God. In<br />

the kingdom <strong>of</strong> men, the successful<br />

man is that man that<br />

has achieved something <strong>for</strong><br />

himself. In the kingdom <strong>of</strong><br />

God, the successful man is<br />

that man <strong>for</strong> whom Christ has<br />

achieved everything.<br />

Success in the world is measured<br />

by wealth, prestige and<br />

status. Success in the kingdom<br />

<strong>of</strong> God is determined by<br />

“the measure <strong>of</strong> the stature <strong>of</strong><br />

the fullness <strong>of</strong> Christ.” (Ephesians<br />

4:<strong>13</strong>). Worldly success<br />

is temporal and ephemeral.<br />

Godly success is eternal and<br />

real.<br />

Those who recognize the<br />

godly despise the worldly.<br />

They realise that the worldly<br />

is counterfeit and quickly reject<br />

it. Thus, Paul says: “What<br />

things were gain to me, these<br />

I have counted loss <strong>for</strong> Christ.<br />

Yet indeed I also count all<br />

things loss <strong>for</strong> the excellence<br />

<strong>of</strong> the knowledge <strong>of</strong> Christ<br />

Jesus my Lord, <strong>for</strong> whom I<br />

have suffered the loss <strong>of</strong> all<br />

things, and count them as rubbish,<br />

that I may gain Christ.”<br />

(Philippians 3:7-8).<br />

Jesus presents this in an<br />

even more challenging manner.<br />

He says: “The kingdom<br />

<strong>of</strong> heaven is like treasure hidden<br />

in a field, which a man<br />

found and hid; and <strong>for</strong> joy<br />

over it he goes and sells all<br />

that he has and buys that field.<br />

Again, the kingdom <strong>of</strong> heaven<br />

is like a merchant seeking<br />

beautiful pearls, who, when<br />

he had found one pearl <strong>of</strong><br />

great p<strong>rice</strong>, went and sold all<br />

that he had and bought it.”<br />

(Matthew <strong>13</strong>:44-46).<br />

The million-dollar question<br />

is whether Christians<br />

have you found this treasure<br />

<strong>of</strong> inestimable value hidden<br />

in the field. If so, what have<br />

we sold, or what are we prepared<br />

to sell, in order to acquire<br />

it?<br />

Counterfeit joy<br />

The 70 disciples <strong>of</strong> Jesus<br />

returned from their evangelical<br />

mission full <strong>of</strong> excitement.<br />

They eagerly reported back<br />

to Jesus that even the demons<br />

were subject to them in his<br />

name. However, Jesus quickly<br />

poured cold water on their<br />

excitement. He said to them:<br />

“Do not rejoice in this, that<br />

the spirits are subject to you,<br />

but rather rejoice because<br />

your names are written in<br />

heaven." (Luke 10:20).<br />

This statement is loaded.<br />

Jesus says, in effect, the only<br />

thing that is worth rejoicing<br />

about in this world is salvation.<br />

That means we have got<br />

it all wrong, even in Christendom.<br />

Like the Chaldeans:<br />

“who rejoice in their ships”<br />

(Isaiah 43:14); we have been<br />

guilty <strong>of</strong> rejoicing in our cars,<br />

and in our houses and children.<br />

We rejoice when we are promoted<br />

at work. We rejoice<br />

when we excel at some human<br />

endeavor or the other.<br />

Sin is the only<br />

legitimate<br />

cause <strong>for</strong><br />

sorrow in the<br />

world.<br />

We rejoice when we win the lottery.<br />

We rejoice; oblivious to the<br />

reality that there is nothing worth<br />

rejoicing about in this world. We<br />

rejoice, ignorant <strong>of</strong> the fact that<br />

the only true joy is the joy <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Lord.<br />

Exceeding joy<br />

When barren Hannah finally<br />

had a child, she did not rejoice in<br />

Samuel; she rejoiced in the Lord.<br />

(1 Samuel 2:1-10). The psalmist<br />

says God himself is our “exceeding<br />

joy.” (Psalm 43:4). The joy <strong>of</strong><br />

the Lord is not limited or temporal.<br />

It is “the joy <strong>of</strong> the whole<br />

earth;” (Psalm 48”2); “a joy <strong>of</strong><br />

many generations.” (Isaiah<br />

60:15).<br />

Paul says: “Rejoice in the Lord<br />

always. Again I will say, rejoice!”<br />

(Philippians 4:4). Significantly,<br />

Paul wrote this to<br />

the Philippians while he<br />

was in prison. He was<br />

incarcerated and yet he<br />

says we should rejoice in<br />

the Lord always. Then<br />

he repeats it again <strong>for</strong><br />

added emphasis.<br />

This is because the<br />

man who rejoices only in<br />

Christ can do so always.<br />

The Lord does not<br />

change. He is not good<br />

today and bad tomorrow.<br />

He is not kind today<br />

and mean tomorrow.<br />

He is the same yesterday,<br />

today and <strong>for</strong>ever<br />

Ḃut if you rejoice in<br />

anything or in anyone<br />

outside <strong>of</strong> the Lord, you<br />

cannot do so always.<br />

The joy <strong>of</strong> the world is<br />

transient; it does not last.<br />

The same thing that<br />

brought you this counterfeit<br />

joy can bring you<br />

grief because it can be<br />

lost, stolen or destroyed.<br />

But the joy <strong>of</strong> the Lord is<br />

the blessing <strong>of</strong> the Lord.<br />

He makes one rich, and<br />

he adds no sorrow with<br />

it. (Proverbs 10:22).<br />

Practical<br />

Christianity<br />

So, what should we<br />

do? Thank God <strong>for</strong><br />

earthly things, but please don't<br />

feed your soul on them. Rejoice<br />

only in the salvation <strong>of</strong><br />

Jesus Christ. Enjoy the things<br />

<strong>of</strong> this world but don't let them<br />

get into your heart. Don't set<br />

your heart on them. Reserve<br />

your heart <strong>for</strong> the Lord.<br />

You cannot be a citizen <strong>of</strong><br />

the kingdom <strong>of</strong> God and continue<br />

to thirst <strong>for</strong> the things <strong>of</strong><br />

the world: “<strong>for</strong> we are the circumcision,<br />

who worship God<br />

in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ<br />

Jesus, and have no confidence<br />

in the flesh.” (Philippians 3:3).<br />

Nothing else but Christ<br />

should matter to the believer.<br />

Only Christ is needful. Nothing<br />

else is <strong>of</strong> any significance<br />

whatsoever, save Christ and<br />

him crucified. That is why<br />

God, in his favour <strong>of</strong> life, has<br />

made Jesus our life; so that we<br />

may have a life that cannot be<br />

lost. Rejoice in the Lord always,<br />

confident that nothing,<br />

absolutely nothing, can separate<br />

you from the love <strong>of</strong> God,<br />

which is in Christ Jesus. (Romans<br />

8:39).<br />

But if Christ is not everything<br />

<strong>for</strong> you, you can be sure what<br />

you consider to be something<br />

will be taken away from you<br />

at one time or the other. Martha,<br />

Martha, you are careful<br />

about too many things. And<br />

all the things that you are careful<br />

about will be taken away<br />

from you. But no one can take<br />

Christ away from you.<br />

Fullness <strong>of</strong> joy<br />

The gospel should give the<br />

believer a totally new perspective<br />

<strong>of</strong> life. While it<br />

might not change his outward<br />

condition, it should<br />

have a salutary effect on his<br />

state <strong>of</strong> mind. It is not so<br />

much about saving a man's<br />

life as it is about saving his<br />

soul. There<strong>for</strong>e, it refreshes<br />

the soul even if it might not<br />

refresh the body. Received<br />

in prison, on death row, in<br />

affliction or even in bereavement,<br />

the gospel provides<br />

great com<strong>for</strong>t.<br />

Thanks to the gospel, sorrow<br />

no longer has a basis in<br />

the believer. Since Jesus has<br />

borne our grief and carried<br />

our sorrows (Isaiah 53:4),<br />

we no longer have any<br />

grounds to be sorrowful. Sin<br />

is the only legitimate cause<br />

<strong>for</strong> sorrow in the world. Being<br />

godless is the only legitimate<br />

cause <strong>for</strong> grief.<br />

The principal problem <strong>of</strong><br />

life is not, as many presume,<br />

lack <strong>of</strong> a job, or <strong>of</strong> money or<br />

<strong>of</strong> means. The principal<br />

problem is sin. Once Jesus<br />

dealt conclusively with the<br />

sin problem, he declared<br />

that: "it is finished." Jesus<br />

came, not to provide jobs or<br />

to put money in people's<br />

pockets, or to find husbands<br />

<strong>for</strong> wives. He came to reconcile<br />

man back to God.<br />

Beyond that, nothing else is<br />

valuable.<br />

There is nothing that God<br />

can do <strong>for</strong> us in this lifetime<br />

that can exceed what he has<br />

already done in Christ. He<br />

cannot give us a more superior<br />

Holy Spirit. He cannot<br />

appoint us to a better<br />

inheritance in heaven. God<br />

gave us the best first by giving<br />

us himself and everything<br />

that pertains to him.<br />

There<strong>for</strong>e, our joy is already<br />

full.<br />

Setting your house in order (2)<br />

ICORINTHIANS 3:16-<br />

17 says: “Know ye not<br />

that ye are the temple <strong>of</strong><br />

God, and that the Spirit <strong>of</strong> God<br />

dwelleth in you? If any man<br />

defile the temple <strong>of</strong> God, him<br />

shall God destroy; <strong>for</strong> the<br />

temple <strong>of</strong> God is holy, which<br />

temple ye are.”<br />

Brethren, our hearts including<br />

our physical church are<br />

the holy places <strong>of</strong> God. The<br />

purity, wholesomeness and<br />

sanctity <strong>of</strong> the temple <strong>of</strong> God<br />

in you should be <strong>of</strong> paramount<br />

importance to you<br />

and if that is not the case in<br />

your life, the Lord is asking<br />

you today to, ‘set your house<br />

in order’ make it the way it<br />

should. You must not take <strong>for</strong><br />

granted the temple <strong>of</strong> God<br />

because God’s presence is in<br />

everywhere His temple is<br />

found. And you are carrying<br />

the temple <strong>of</strong> God, even your<br />

brother, sister, and members<br />

<strong>of</strong> your local church. Today,<br />

God is asking you what attention<br />

you are giving to His<br />

temple so that it will be in the<br />

<strong>for</strong>m it ought to be.<br />

If your house is in order in<br />

relation to your soul then the<br />

temple <strong>of</strong> God in you is in order.<br />

But if not, God is telling<br />

you through this message to<br />

set your house in order. Those<br />

that defile at will the temple<br />

<strong>of</strong> God, either by wilful sin:<br />

<strong>for</strong>nication, adultery, stealing,<br />

abortion, kidnapping,<br />

robbery, are provoking God<br />

to anger them.<br />

Acts 17:28: “For in him we<br />

live, and move, and have our<br />

being; as certain also <strong>of</strong> your<br />

own poets have said, For we<br />

are also his <strong>of</strong>fspring.”<br />

The scripture says, it is in<br />

God that we live and have<br />

our beings. God lives inside<br />

us and we live inside Him.<br />

He is the original Fountain<br />

<strong>of</strong> our life. That we live at all<br />

is His gift and our continued<br />

and prolonged existence is<br />

also His gift. He lives in every<br />

one <strong>of</strong> us, so where we are,<br />

there He is.<br />

Mathew 18:20 says: “For<br />

where two or three come together<br />

in my name, there am<br />

I with them.”<br />

Wherever two or more assembled<br />

<strong>for</strong> His service, <strong>for</strong><br />

the purpose <strong>of</strong> doing anything<br />

connected with the advancement<br />

<strong>of</strong> His kingdom,<br />

in the place <strong>of</strong> prayer, worship<br />

and praises, in obedience<br />

to His command, and with a<br />

desire to promote His glory,<br />

He is present to quicken their<br />

prayers, guide their counsels,<br />

and answer their petitions.<br />

So when we call upon Him<br />

or gather in His name, He is<br />

there with us. There<strong>for</strong>e,<br />

where you gather to pray is<br />

the house <strong>of</strong> God and it is<br />

your duty to keep it in order.<br />

You must ensure the house <strong>of</strong><br />

God is set in order, because<br />

no matter where the house <strong>of</strong><br />

God is located, the presence<br />

<strong>of</strong> God is assured.<br />

John 20:19 says: “Then the<br />

same day at evening, being<br />

the first day <strong>of</strong> the week,<br />

when the doors were<br />

shut where the disciples<br />

were assembled <strong>for</strong> fear<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Jews, came Jesus<br />

and stood in the midst,<br />

and saith unto them,<br />

Peace be unto you.”<br />

At the pick <strong>of</strong> persecution,<br />

after Jesus was<br />

buried, when all hope<br />

was lost in seeing Him<br />

again, the disciples<br />

gathered in a closed<br />

door and Jesus appeared<br />

in their midst.<br />

No obstacle can hinder<br />

the presence <strong>of</strong> God. It<br />

does not matter whether<br />

the doors where the<br />

gathering takes place<br />

are closed or not,<br />

whether it is in the cave<br />

or in prison, as long as<br />

the meeting is a desire<br />

to promote His glory,<br />

His presence is assured.<br />

No door can<br />

shut out Christ's presence<br />

in a house where<br />

His people gathered,<br />

but that house cum<br />

heart must be an abode<br />

set in order. Any house<br />

that is not set in order<br />

cannot host the holy<br />

presence <strong>of</strong> God. It is<br />

there<strong>for</strong>e pertinent that<br />

we must ensure that our<br />

house is set continuously<br />

in order so that the<br />

presence <strong>of</strong> God will<br />

not depart from us. And<br />

as we do this we shall<br />

be blessed in Jesus<br />

name.<br />

Pastor Oloruntimilehin<br />

Joshua Daramola<br />

LOT <strong>of</strong> people have died<br />

A while others have perished<br />

or in bondage just as many are<br />

begging and praying <strong>for</strong> death<br />

to come.<br />

Anyone who takes his/her life<br />

shall be blamed by God. Imagine<br />

Judas Iscariot did not allow<br />

himself to be judged be<strong>for</strong>e he<br />

hanged himself. A wealthy businessman<br />

in India committed<br />

suicide because his business<br />

crashed and he was unable to<br />

<strong>of</strong>fset his debt despite his wife’s<br />

advice to improvise and turn<br />

around the business. This man<br />

had lost all hopes and judged<br />

himself to be a failure.<br />

A person who thinks he or she<br />

will die in sickness has already<br />

submitted himself or herself and<br />

lack the faith that healing can<br />

come.<br />

Brethren what is the problem<br />

confronting you, is it lack <strong>of</strong> job,<br />

Childlessness, sickness, no husband<br />

or wife, are your children<br />

wayward or any problem whatsoever<br />

that will make you decide<br />

to commit suicide? Remember<br />

that all these are temporary set-<br />

Don’t give in to setbacks<br />

backs. Don’t think these setbacks<br />

can never be changed<br />

<strong>for</strong> good.<br />

Have lost your job? Remember<br />

that your life is not lost even<br />

if it lost, it can be restored as<br />

Jairus’ dead daughter (Luke<br />

8:49-55) and Lazarus’ four<br />

days dead body were revived<br />

(John 11:1-16). It is my strong<br />

conviction that if Judas Iscariot<br />

did not hang himself and instead<br />

cried <strong>for</strong> <strong>for</strong>giveness,<br />

Jesus would have appeared to<br />

him and <strong>for</strong>given him because<br />

he is merciful and compassionate.<br />

Peter and Judas committed<br />

similar <strong>of</strong>fence: betrayal.<br />

What is betrayal? Betrayal is<br />

when two or more parties are<br />

in understanding <strong>of</strong> something<br />

and one <strong>of</strong> the parties negates<br />

on it. It was during the Lord’<br />

Supper that Jesus told his disciples<br />

that one <strong>of</strong> them would<br />

betray him. At that point all the<br />

disciples knew who was to betray<br />

Jesus because <strong>of</strong> Judas’ response<br />

to that allegation and<br />

Jesus’ reply in Matthew 26:25<br />

says “...Surely not I, Rabbi, Yes<br />

it is you.”<br />

In another occasion, Jesus<br />

told his disciples that all <strong>of</strong><br />

them will fall on account <strong>of</strong><br />

him (Matthew 26:31-35) Peter<br />

replied that if all fall that he<br />

will never fall. Then Jesus told<br />

Peter that he will deny him<br />

three times be<strong>for</strong>e the cock<br />

crows. There<strong>for</strong>e there was<br />

similarity in what Jesus said<br />

to both Peter and Judas. While<br />

Jesus was being subjected to<br />

BSN holds Bible Quiz <strong>for</strong> the Deaf<br />

By Sam Eyoboka<br />

LL is now set <strong>for</strong> the maiden edition <strong>of</strong><br />

ABible Quiz <strong>for</strong> the Deaf organized by The<br />

Bible Society <strong>of</strong> Nigeria (BSN).<br />

The Bible Quiz, which will be conducted in<br />

Nigerian Sign Language, holds at the Christian<br />

Mission <strong>for</strong> the Deaf, Shomolu, Lagos on<br />

December 5 in fulfillment <strong>of</strong> the Society’s mission<br />

to meet the scriptural needs <strong>of</strong> every Nigerian,<br />

including the Deaf, and to help people interact<br />

with Word <strong>of</strong> God.<br />

Contestants are expected to answer questions<br />

from the 32 out <strong>of</strong> the 110 Chronological Bible<br />

Stories translated <strong>for</strong> the Deaf in Nigerian Sign<br />

punishment and torture in<br />

cold weather, Peter was<br />

warming himself beside a<br />

bonfire. As Jesus was being<br />

taking away Peter was following<br />

them until he was<br />

identified and alleged to be<br />

one <strong>of</strong> Jesus’ disciples.<br />

Eventually he denied<br />

knowing Jesus th<strong>rice</strong> to an<br />

extent that he cursed himself<br />

(Matthew 26:7). After the<br />

third denial, a cock crowed<br />

and immediately he realized<br />

what Jesus told him and he<br />

wept bitterly in the manner<br />

with Judas. He had the opportunity<br />

to repent be<strong>for</strong>e the<br />

third denial but he failed. In<br />

fact Peter was supposed to<br />

commit suicide. However he<br />

felt all hopes were not lost.<br />

Brethren, as there was<br />

similarity in both cases also<br />

there was a difference and<br />

the difference was that Peter<br />

had wisdom and Judas did<br />

not. The wisdom is the fear<br />

<strong>of</strong> God. If a person has fear<br />

<strong>of</strong> God he or she has wisdom.<br />

The day a person falls, the<br />

fear <strong>of</strong> God will lift him or<br />

her up.<br />

Psalm 111:10 says: “The<br />

fear <strong>of</strong> God is the beginning<br />

<strong>of</strong> wisdom…” Imagine it<br />

was the same Peter and other<br />

disciples Jesus appeared<br />

to after resurrection to help<br />

them to catch fish miraculously<br />

and reinstated Peter as<br />

leader <strong>of</strong> his followers. (John<br />

21:1-23).<br />

Language by the Bible Society <strong>of</strong> Nigeria.<br />

The BSN has a Deaf Translation Centre in<br />

Ibadan, Oyo State where the Bible is being translated<br />

into Nigerian Sign Language <strong>for</strong> the Deaf.<br />

The Bible Society <strong>of</strong> Nigeria is a not-<strong>for</strong>-pr<strong>of</strong>it<br />

interdenominational Christian organization<br />

that translates the Bible into local languages,<br />

publishes, distributes and raises funds <strong>for</strong> the<br />

Bible work. It also organizes life-trans<strong>for</strong>ming<br />

programmes that help people engage with Word<br />

<strong>of</strong> God. So far, BSN has complete Bible in 26<br />

Nigerian languages and 110 Chronological Bible<br />

Stories in Nigerian Sign Language <strong>for</strong> the<br />


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