Digestate as Fertilizer

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Significance of digestate in developing countries

etc.) should be informed about the product and its advantages

and uses. Some work also needs to be done

by the operators of the biogas plants, who often fail to

recognise the potential market opportunities when upgrading

the digestate (separating, pelletising, packing,

etc.), which improve its marketing possibilities.

Additional information

Since 2015, the Costa Rican Biogas Association has

been representing the sector and generating valuable

information regarding the technology. Likewise, the

Biogas program of ICE promotes and supports biogas

projects in the industry in order to generate energy for

self-consumption. Together, both entities are working to

develop national biogas technology standards.

Facts & figures:

Number of biogas plants: 450

(mostly small to medium-sized)

Total installed capacity: 3.9MW

Estimated current amount of produced

digestate per year: 766,000m 3

Biogas pilot plant at the pineapple plantation in Valle del Tarso

Further Information: Programa Biogás, Instituto Costarricense de

Electricidad (www.grupoice.com) y Asociación Costarricense de Biogás


mercialise it. Currently, only one biogas plant upgrades

the digestate by separating the solid and liquid fractions,

whereby the solid fraction is used in an organic

pineapple farm. The pilot biogas plant located in Valle

del Tarso (north of the country) uses pineapple stubble

as feedstock in a 10m 3 digester, which generates approximately

250 litres of digestate per day. The digestate

is being used as organic fertilizer in the pineapple

plantation where the digester is located.

Pineapple plantation

Legal framework

There is to date no specific legislation about digestate

use in Costa Rica; however, there is an executive decree

which regulates the discharge and reuse of effluents depending

on their source. In this sense, for example, effluents

from pig farming activities should not be reused

on the land.

ICE and the Costa Rican Biogas Association are currently

working on regulations for allowing the use of all

effluents from biogas plants as fertilizer after a pasteurisation


Digestate production

According to ICE, some 766,000m 3 /a of digestate is

currently being produced and only about 5% is being

used as fertilizer. In order for this to change, potential

consumers (farmers, construction markets, retailers,


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